History 102 Final Exam Review

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Repressions against peasant(s) who did want to join collective farms are known as


What was the first country to experience the Industrial revolution? [1]

Great Britain

Who was the author of the Fourteen Points? Answer [1] At what conference were they presented? Answer [2] Year: Answer

1. Woodrow Wilson 2. The Peace Conference in Paris 3. 1919

Give the name of the country ruled by this dynasty: Hohenzollern Family


Give the name of the first man in space [1] and the year [2] of his space travel. Answer 1: Answer 2:

1. Yuri Gagarin 2. 1961

These three people, Jean Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre and George-Jacques Danton, were among the leading participants of a central event in European history Give the beginning and end dates of this historical event. Beginning Year Date. Answer [1] End Year Date.

1. 1793 2. 1794

Give the dates of the Russian Revolutions. 6 points total Years Month and Year Month and Year

1. 1905-1907 2. February 1917 3. October 1917

WWI began in what year? [1] WWI ended for Russia in what year? [2] WWI ended for the rest of the countries in what year after signing a series of peace treaties? [3] Germany signed the Brest-Litovsk treaty with Russia; what was the name of the treaty Germany signed with the rest of the allies

1. 1914 2. 1918 3. 1919 4. The Treaty of Versailles

When did the Bolsheviks take power in Russia? Give the Year [1] and Month [2] 2 points Specified Answer for: 11917Specified Answer for: 2

1. 1917 2. October

Give the names of any two liberal thinkers of the 19th century (either laissez-faire liberalism or liberal democracy, discussed in the lectures) (6 points in total)

1. Adam Smith 2. Thomas Malthus

Select the events that happened before the beginning of WWII. Points will be deducted for wrong answers.

1. Annexation of the Sudentanland 2. Remilitarization of the Rhineland 3. Anschluss 4. Munich Conference 5. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Whose ideas are presented here? (Give the name of the author, century and the country of birth) (6 points total) Life is a struggle for survival, and even small biological variations might help species win out in the natural selection. Author: [1] What century? [2] Country of birth:

1. Charles Darwin 2. 19th Century 3. The United Kingdom

What event ended the communist system in Europe (the last communist state in Europe collapsed)? In what year did this happen? Event [1] Year [2] Specified Answer for 1: Specified Answer for 2:

1. Collapse of the USSR 2. 1991

Read the excerpt from a primary historical document. Identify this text with the year when it was written, author(s), and theory/political doctrine (3 points each position, 12 total) "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes".

1. Communist Manifesto 2. 1848 3. Marx, engels 4. Marxism/Communism

Give the names of the major countries (4) that fought in the same bloc during WWI and WWII:

1. France 2. England 3. Russia 4. United States

Give the names of the countries ruled by the Bourbon dynasty.

1. France 2. Spain

Give at least 4 names (out of 8) of independent/unified states that emerged in the 19th century.

1. Greece 2.Belgium 3. Italy 4. Germany

Select the names (6) of those countries that used to be parts of the Russian Empire but then became independent as a result of the Russian Revolution. (1 point for each correct answer, 1 point off for a wrong answer):

1. Lithuania 2. Latvia 3. Poland 4. Finland 5. USSR 6. Estonia

This country grew from a small principality into a world empire that had lands in Europe and Asia. The Urals, Siberia, Central Asia and even Alaska were parts of this empire. Give the names of its capitals

1. Moscow 2. St. Petersburg

Give the names of two rulers who in the 19th century restored monarchy in France (8 total) Name: 1: [1] Year of restoration for Name 1: [2] Name 2: [3] Year of restoration for Name 2:

1. Napoleon I 2. 1804 3. Louis-Napoleon 4. 1852

Name the person who was the "architect" of the German Unification. [1] When [2] and where [3] was unified Germany proclaimed?

1. Otto Von Bismark 2. January 18th, 1871 3. Versailles in France

Select the countries that were members of the Communist block during the Cold war. Points will be taken off for each wrong answer.

1. Poland 2. Bulgaria 3. Czechoslovakia 4. Rumania

Give the names of the 4 European countries that experienced the Velvet Revolution (peaceful transition from communism to democracy).

1. Poland 2. Hungary 3. East Germany 4. Bulgaria

Select the five names of the European countries that (re)emerged as a result of WWI (and the Russian revolution). Each answer is 2 points each. Wrong answers will be penalized 2 points (-2 points). The total is worth 10 points.

1. Poland 2. Yugoslavia 3. Czechoslovakia 4. Hungary 5. Finland

After the revolution of 1789, France experienced two other revolutions. Give their years (6 points in total) Revolution of [1] Revolution of [2] Which of these revolutions resulted in proclamation of the French republic?

1. Revolution of 1830 2. Revolution of 1848 3. The revolution of 1848

This country was partitioned at the end of the 18th century and disappeared from the map as an independent state. It reappeared on the map at the beginning of the 19th century in a smaller size and under a different name.

1. Russia 2. Prussia 3. Austria

When did WWII start? Month [1] and Year [2] 2 points Specified Answer for Month: Specified Answer for Year:

1. September 2. 1939

When did WWII end? 2 points Month: Year:

1. September 2. 1945

Article I. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement in the areas belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern boundary of Lithuania shall represent the boundary of the spheres of influence of Germany and U.S.S.R. In this connection the interest of Lithuania in the Vilna area is recognized by each party.

1. Soviet-German non-aggression pact 2. 1939 3. Germany 4. Russia

Give the name of one of the first European feminists discussed in the lecture. Identify this name with the central European historical event and century. What is the most famous document this person wrote? Historical event. Answer [1] Name. Answer [2] Document. Answer [3] Century. Answer

1. The French Revolution 2. Olympe de gouges 3. The Declaration of the rights of women 4. 18th century

Give the full and correct name. 4 points total. The two centers of the Dual Power were: [1] [2]

1. The Provisional Government 2. The Petrograd Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies

Give the names and the dates of the two famous coups associated with French history at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.

1. Thermidor 1794 2. Brumaire 1799

What historical event does this group of people represent? Camillo di Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel [1] Give the years of this event. [2]

1. Unification of Italy 2. 1859-1870

Give the name of the first woman in space [1] and the year of her space travel [2] Specified Answer for 1: Specified Answer for 2:

1. Valentina Tereshkova 2. 1963

Name 2 wars that played a crucial role in the unification of Germany and give their years. (8 points in total) War #1 Name [1]War #1 Year [2] War #2 Name [3]War #2 Years

1. War with Austria (prussia defeated austria) 2. 1866 3. War with France (defeating french forces and capturing napoleon) 4. 1871

Check all that apply: The events that belong to the moderate stage of the French revolution.

1. storming of the bastille 2. declaration of the rights of man and citizen 3. civil constitution of the clergy 4. october days 5. flight to varenna

Check all of the the battles that are Napoleon's victories.

1. ulm 2. jena 3. austerlitz 4. auerstadt

How long did it take for the USSR to industrialize?

15 years

An intellectual and cultural movement that challenged the political, economic and social foundations of the medieval order. When did this movement take place in Europe or, in other words, which century is known as the Age of Reason? Which century? Answer

18th century

In what year did industrialization start in the USSR?


The French term "fin-de-siecle" literally means the end of the century. Exactly to which century does it refer

19th century

What event is defined here? The socio-economic reform undertaken by Stalin that replaced individual peasant farming with collective farms.


What type of economy was the foundation of Soviet industrialization?

Command Economy

Identify this group of European rulers with a form of government: Catherine the Great, Frederick the Great, Louis XV, Maria Theresa, Joseph II. Identify the form of government these rulers are associated. Answer [1]

Enlightened Absolutism

The political system known as "Dual Power" emerged in Russia during (Name the Event):

February Revolutions of 1917

The system of the labor camps in the USSR under Stalin is known as


From the mid 15th century and until 1740 only this dynasty had a ruling title of the Holy Roman emperor. Give the name of the dynasty.


This country was partitioned at the end of the 18th century and disappeared from the map as an independent state. It reappeared on the map at the beginning of the 19th century in a smaller size and under a different name. Give the new name of the country at the beginning of the 19th century

The Duchy of Warsaw

An intellectual and cultural movement that challenged the political, economic and social foundations of the medieval order. Give the name of this movement.

The Enlightenment

A series of economic and social changes that represent a shift from an agrarian, handicraft, labor-intensive economy to one dominated by machine manufacture, factories and urbanization is known as an [1].


An intellectual and cultural movement that challenged the political, economic and social foundations of the medieval order. Give 2 names of the prominent thinkers who represent this movement and were discussed in the Unit 1 lectures.

John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Name two major characters in the movie who were related to the political police and were in conflict with each other.


Giuseppe Mazzini is a representative of

Liberal Nationalism

An ideology that developed in the 19th century and represents the world view of the bourgeoisie is known as [1].


A theory that states that the technological and economic factors are the moving forces of history is known as [1].


These three people, Jean Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre and George-Jacques Danton, were among the leading participants of a central event in European history and also belonged to a political group that advocated for a new form of government. Give the name of one more, the most famous historical figure that started his political career as a member of this political group. This person was discussed in the lectures.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The struggle for empire and the domination by one country of the political, economic and cultural life of another country or a region is known as [1].

New Imperialism

Name the Soviet foreign policy doctrine that led to the velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe.

New Thinking

This country was partitioned at the end of the 18th century and disappeared from the map as an independent state. It reappeared on the map at the beginning of the 19th century in a smaller size and under a different name.


These three people, Jean Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre and George-Jacques Danton, were among the leading participants of a central event in European history What is the historical term used to identify these people and other members of this political group?

Radical Jacobins

These three people, Jean Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre and George-Jacques Danton, were among the leading participants of a central event in European history Define the form of government these people advocated


What political group (opposition) did this person, Nikolai Bukharin, represent in the Industrialization debates in the USSR in the 1920s?

Right oppoisition

This country grew from a small principality into a world empire that had lands in Europe and Asia. The Urals, Siberia, Central Asia and even Alaska were parts of this empire. Give the name of the country


Give the name of the event in which these groups of people participated: Reds vs Whites

Russian Civil War

Give the name of the theory that states that the right to govern does not rest on divine right but derives from the consent of the people.

Social Contract Theory

What historical period is defined here: A period of time in the 20th century that is characterized by the ideological, political and military division of the world into two hostile camps - communist and anti-communist.

The Cold War

This country was partitioned at the end of the 18th century and disappeared from the map as an independent state. It reappeared on the map at the beginning of the 19th century in a smaller size and under a different name. After the defeat of Napoleon, the same country became a part of the Russian Empire. Give the name of the congress that approved this change

The Congress of Vienna

These three people, Jean Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre and George-Jacques Danton, were among the leading participants of a central event in European history. Give the name of the big historical event in which all of them were active participants

The French Revolution

Give the correct term: The period of 1934-1938 in the USSR is known as

The Great Terror

This dynasty ruled the Russian Empire since 1613.

The Romanov Dynasty

Give the FULL name of the country: USSR

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

What was the name of the socio-economic policy that the Soviet government implemented during the Civil war (1918-1920)? [

War Communism

This country was partitioned at the end of the 18th century and disappeared from the map as an independent state. It reappeared on the map at the beginning of the 19th century in a smaller size and under a different name.


With the birth of what cultural movement does the fin-de-siecle is associated?


What specific political group does Vladimar Ul'ianov (Lenin) represent?

the Bolsheviks

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