History 130 Exam 1

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"Lord Dunmore' Proclamation" was designed to recruit only slaves belonging to rebels. True or false?

What was a way that enslaved persons resisted their conditions?

. Insurrections Breaking tool. being a truant

Chattel Slavery

A system by which slaves were considered portable property and denied all right or legal authority over themselves or their children


17th century English Colonists first arrived in the New World expecting enslaved Africans to help settle the colonies. True or false?

Three-Fifths Compromise

A compromise between the Northern and southern states, reached during the constitutional convention , establishing that three-fifths of each states slave population would be counted in determining federal taxes and representation in the house of representatives

Denmark Vesey

A free black man that exhorted free south Carolina slaves to rebel but was turned in by two slaves so he and many others were later hung


As the supply of white workers shrank in the mid 1900s, North America's British colonies imported even more captive slaves True or false?


Chained groups of enslaved Africans were known as asientos. True or False?


Chapter 3 of Slavery at Sea argues that slave ship captains were sympathetic figures, forced into the slave trade. True or false?

The Growth of the Cotton Kingdom

Cotton production and the opening of lands in the Lower South gave new life to slavery. Cotton becomes increasingly important to US economy—production in the South of cotton to textile mills in North and Europe (primarily England) By 1850, 75 percent of world's cotton supply was produced by slave labor in the South In 1850, cotton was 50 percent of all US exports, with sugar second.


Criminal charges were one way people were taken into slavery. True or false?


During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, some black and white advocates argued for the colonization of black people to Africa true or false?

* processing indigo dye *curing, drying, and processing tabacoo *Harvesting and processing sugar crops

Enslaved labor (forced labor) were associated with what type of work in the New World 17th century?


Forced exercise during the Middle Passage was a tactic used to try to keep enslaved people healthy enough for sale. True or false?


Free blacks in the North had the same liberties as whites. True or false?


In Slavery at Sea, Mustakeem states that bondpeople were often renamed as mere units of sale, in other words, not being called by their names, but by numbers. True or False?

Letter from an enslaver

In a study of slavery, which of the following would be a primary source?

The changing historiography of slavery

In the early part of the twentieth century, the consensus among most historians was that enslaved people were passive and contented under slavery. As the modern Civil Rights Movement developed, it served as a direct challenge to the passive slave thesis. When average African-Americans began challenging Jim Crow, it served notice that African-Americans would challenge white supremacy. African-Americans NOT PASSIVE VICTIMS.


Manumission of all enslaved people by their owners was ordered to be completed by 1810 true or false?

sponsor schools dedicated to young blacks moral and religious education

Members of early white antislavery organizations such as the PAS and NYMS were convinced that the only way to address racial inequality was to

Slavery's effect on gender and family

Permanency of slave marriage depended on opportunity to live and work together Childbearing difficult; inadequate medical care. Certain jobs indentified by sex Slave women integral to plantation economy


Prior to the arrival of Europeans in the 1440s, slave ownership and slave trading were relatively modest sources of wealth in West African societies. True or false?

Cash Crops

Readily salable crops grown for commercial sale and export rather than local use

The internal slave trade/domestic slave trade

Technology supported expansion of slave labor 1794 invention of the cotton gin LA, MS, and AL rapidly grew with increasing demand for cotton and sugarcane Prosperity in new states caused demand for slaves Insatiable demand for cotton resulted in: acquisition of Florida (1845); admission of Missouri as slave state (1821); annexation of Texas (1845); war with Mexico (1846-1848)


The Boston Massacre occurred after the United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris true or false?


The Gag Rule of 1835 prohibiting discussion of antislavery petitions in Congress was the second gag rule placed on the senate within 4 years true or false?

The admission of another slave state to the existing 11 non-slavery and eleven slavery states would create an imbalance and increase the South's power in Congress

The Missouri Compromise was called a crisis because

*alert to the danger of slave rebellions *embroiled in an imperial war with Spain *in the midst of a great recession

The New York trials of alleged arson conspirators in 1741 came at a time when New Yorkers were:


The earliest New World slave crop was:


The greatest cause of death during the Middle Passage was disease.


The journey from Africa to Great Britain was the most dangerous part of the Middle Passage for enslaved Africans.


The labor of enslaved Africans was used to grow tobacco in the Chesapeake region in the 17th Century. True or false?


The production of Indigo and Rice in the New World depended on African expertise True or false?


The underground railroad was a network of black and white anti-slavery activists who sheltered escaped slaves True or false

southern slave owners set 3 out of 5 of their slaves free

Which of the following results of the 3/5 compromise did not occur:

. Grew almost triple the number of enslaved persons from 1820 to 1860 due to natural reproduction

With the closing of the international slave trade in 1808, the number of slaves in the United States

The "Great Awakening" refers to:

the wave of religious revivals that began in New England and spread South through the Revolutionary period, attracting people including white, black and native people.

Overt and covert resistance to slavery

rebellion/revolt, running away

The term "middle passage" refers to:

the journey which took enslaved Africans from the African coast to the Americas

Everyday resistance to slavery

the often covert resistance employed by enslaved people against their slave owners or the slave system examples include feigning illness, truancy (stealing time), breaking tools, feigning ignorance, slowing down, and sabotage (including arson).

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