History 2020 Exam 1 Davis

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Mining Boom Towns

very brief movement- spring up around mines and then when people would move they become ghost towns- no jail, police, or mayor, mostly young men who did not trust each other- justice was usually taken into their own hands- Rocky Mountains and Sierras

National Consumer League

women organization that advocated for better working conditions in department stores- when usually followed boycotts they called for-new economic empowerment for women

Department Stores

Macy's, Jordan Marsh, Marshall Fields, Sears, etc. Could only shop here if you lived in the city where it was. There would be partitions in the store, the store owner had to invite you in there. No one part of the store for some people and another size for others. Same price, no distinction between rich and poor. Shopping is an adventure, poor wanted to go and look and fantasize. Employed women. These are factories, women became the dominate workers. Got jobs tending the tables as well. Economic opportunity for women.


anti-immigrants or anti- foreign attitude


- wants workers to benefit from capitalism; wanted 8 hour work days, equal wages for women, and no children under 12 working and better and safer working conditions

Lincoln and Assassination

- John Wilkes Booth(assassin); at Fords Theater; significance(theory) the entire north thought that booth worked under orders from the Confederates and the north condemned the south; moderates began losing control bc of this and the radicals wanted revenge on the south; leadership of reconstruction shifts from moderates to radicals

John D. Rockefeller

- Standard oil; Ohio; worked as a messenger boy and saved up enough money for his own company; made railroad companies sign a contract to only transport standard oil; this is how they became a monopoly

Haymarket Bombing

- chicago; may 1st 1886; the knights of labor and AFL called for a general strike against any company that did not agree to an 8 hour work day and wanted workers to walk out may 1st; workers shut down the McCormick plant in Chicago and police chard workers and 3 or 4 are killed; may 3rd 1886, they wanted ti protest police brutality and companies; police start attacking crowd and someone throws a handmade bomb into the police crowd; 6 policemen were killed and 64 other people; labor leaders were blamed even though they was no proof; americans turned against labor movement

Dawes Act

- designed to divided reservations into farms and let one family run one farm (starting private property ownership); whatever land is left on the old reservation land the US government sells the and saves the money for Indians; Americans believed that they're helping but indians saw it as a land grab; 60% of Indian lands were sold; banned alcohol on reservations; Indian boys would get Christian Education; evoked the ghost dance movement

Plessy v. Ferguson

- in New Orleans; segregated streetcars; supreme court upheld segregation; only vote for no was John Harland(southerner) whose father had been a slave owner; "Separate, but equal"

Federal Reservation System

- new policy in the 1860s; to move indians to reservations to keep them protected; Indians saw this as imprisonment; they had to farm and could not leave reservations; many indian men did not see farming as noble(it was the woman's job); the men wanted to hunt and provide for the family; Americans put them on the worst land possible and it would not support crops- this cause malnutrition and dependence on welfare; many take up alcoholism

Mexican Immigrants

- southwest; Juan Cortina; Robin Hood for the Mexican community; ; faced persecution and they were only allowed to have labor positions; occupied 2nd class citizenship in the southwest like blacks in the south

Ethnic Communities in Cities

-Germany, Ireland, England; majority were coming from farms and were not used to city life; moved for political and economics reasons; moved to cities for industrial boom; set up large communities with their own people and had their own restaurants and newspapers; Jews faced severe persecution

US steel

-JP Morgan; Andrew Carnegie started this steel production company but his dream was public service and sold his company to morgan

Wounded Knee

-The US army comes to get wovoka. Sitting Bull defends him and is killed- Wovoka and many of his followers ran away and were surrounded at Wounded Knee- the indians were peaceful, but a shot rang out and a firing war began- 200 indians dead many of them were women and children - the last shedding of blood in the indian movement- ended indian dealings for many Americans

Homestead Steel Strike

-Western PA; Carnegie mill manager, Frick, extended work hours; strikers block entrance to factory grounds so Frick hired Pinkerton detectives, the one who broke up the Mollies; they came down the river in boats and attacked from behind, but the workers found out and dumped oil in the river and set it on fire; as detectives tried to get out of the flames the workers shot them and 7 died; 9 workers are killed and they are forced to go back to work

Bryan v. McKinley

-William Jennings Bryan- Democratic candidate- was some sort of populist- wanted silver to be the standard- first person to "run" for office- had a whistle stop campaign; McKinley- did not go out and ask for votes- "stood" for office- ran a front porch campaign- republican candidate; McKinley won by landslide and his election coincided with economic recovery

L Frank Baum

-Writer of Wizard of Oz and Show Window; changed how department stores advertised in windows; he encouraged consumerism; buying for want and not for need; wizard of oz- fairytale that encouraged children to try new things

1877 Railroad Strike

-all of eastern railroads slashed worker's wages by 10% so there was a general strike; entire eastern railroad network shut down; they formed human shields so trains could not move; baltimore- state militia fired into crowds; they lost the strike and realized they needed an agency

1876 Election

-ended reconstruction; Samuel Tilden- Democratic elect and Rutherford B. Hayes- republican elect; Tilden won popular vote, but not electoral, so Hayes won.; contested election: the republicans tampered with the ballots in FL, SC, and LA bc they were still in charge of these 3 states and democrats used violence to discourage votes in south.

Chinese Immigrants

-far west; California; came to find gold; there was a law that Chinese and Mexicans were not allowed in gold mines; were mainly railroad employees; cooly labor- railroad slur towards Chinese who worked in fields; not allowed to own land; after a huge anti-chines riot in Denver where whites burned down their chines town, there was a law passed called the Chinese Exclusion Act- it did not allow Chinese people into the country

Elections 1892

-farmers found their own party and left the democratic party- called the Populist party; reached out to mining communities and found some support; reached out to unions and found no support(unions did not want gov. involved) and reached out to the black voters in the south and thousands of black men voted for the populist party; republicans attack the Populist party by calling them "race mixers" and attacked them for appealing to race; many poor whites did not vote for Populist part because of propaganda they put out about black men lusted after white women; presidential candidate Leonidas Polk dies and it hurts the Populist party. He is replaced with Weaver, which also hurts the party because he is not well liked

The Grange

-farmers wanted government to help them by putting up tariffs on foreign crops and mean; started as a social club for farmers then transformed into a politically active group; had one in every state; first attempt at farms banding together; killed off by short lived rise in crop prices; was largely ineffective.

Knights of Labor

-first nationwide organization founded; workers response to failure of railroad strike; chose their name to show they are not thieves or other things society called them; basically ineffective; main point: 8 hour work days

The Wright Brothers

-first to achieve manned flight; Wilbur and Orville; real career was producing bicycles

Granger Laws

-he got people elected and they created these laws; regulated railway freight rates; railroads sued and state courts overturned every law; grange endorsed democratic candidate

Robert Charles

-he moved to New Orleans from his sharecropping family because he did not want to live in poverty; got in an altercation with an officer in a nice white part of town; they both shot each other and he got away; this caused a man hunt with several black men getting lynched even though they were not him; when they found him, he shot 27 people; they set fire to the barn he was in and he came out and was shot several times to his death

Henry Ford

-he raise money by selling his first machine and building a better one, ( did this several times); started his own company in Detroit; developed assembly line technique; high quality vehicles with low prices; brought automobile to working class; paid better wages, gave vacation, and workers comp.

Samuel Gompers

-leader of AFL; more vigorous leader than Powderly; wanted to win strike not political elections and wanted to take fights directly to bosses

Alex Manly

-lived in Wilmington NC; editor of a black newspaper; published an argument at a women who had wrote in response to a lynching article that in a white newspaper that insulted white people; caused the Wilmington Race riot; the riot burned down the newspaper building and ruined the black community.

Robert Peary

-made America first flag on North Pole; set off with US navy with adopted son (Charles Manly)

Roles of Women in the West

-many western states offered incentives to women to get them to moe their;gave women the right to vote; In the west women had economic/ political/ business opportunities; were able to get a divorce easier- could file for divorce if they lived there for 6 months

Pullman Railcar Strike

-most famous; bloodiest strike, in Chicago; pullman cars are luxury cars; if you work at the pullman factories you live at the factory, pay rent and spend "pullman dollars" at the pullman stores; this is not what made them mad, he fired 1/3 of his employees and 2/3s got their wages cut by 1/3 and no lower in the rent; they block railroads and pullman calls president Cleveland and sends in US troops and there was a week long battle; 34 people were killed, workers and soldiers; strike lost

Radical Republicans

-most important to them was equal rights for slaves- wanted them to be able to vote; wanted full equality; centered in Boston and New England; were the minority

Charlie Holcomb

-poor sharecropper; oldest son went to college and got a degree, but cannot find decent work when he gets out; his son was educated enough to notice the market was shorting his dad on his crops and cheating him; he went to the market to challenge them; The dad was later called to collect his body and he blamed himself for letting hims get an education and encouraging him to dream big

Ida B. Wells

-protested lynching; she wrote an essay protesting it and it went public and around the nation and to Europe; she had to flee from Memphis TN due to death threats;if you protested, you most likely had to leave your hometown, which was normally the south

Johnson's Impeachment

-radical republicans decided Johnson needed to go; they first charged him with corruption but it fell through; they then tried to assault his character- called him a drunk; he violated the Tenure of Office Act which ends up getting him impeached (the radicals set this act up though by passing the law they knew he would break it, it was an unconstitutional law); he still is president but after the impeachment he loses control over reconstruction and congress takes over (radicals)

Congressional Reconstruction

-radicals take control of the government and plans to exact revenge upon confederates; abolished governments set by Johnson and Lincoln; stationed union soldiers in the south- mostly black soldiers; set up new elections- all black males could vote and only white males who could prove they did not support the confederates could vote; ratified the 14th and 15th amendments; nullified the confederates debt; they nullified the war bonds in the south which is the only wealth the south had left; created social programs and internal improvements like orphanages and public works project; downfall came with the klan, corruption of legislature and the return of southern democrats

Little Big Horn

-resistance to the reservation system; Sitting Bull was the Sioux leader; he did not like custard and he studied his tactics and created a trap for him; Crazy Horse and the Apaches warriors were waiting with Sitting Bull and they wiped out Custard's army; Sitting Bull and many others fled to Canada but came back; Sitting Bull joined Buffalo Bill's Wild Wild West; Crazy Horse came back and fought Americans who tried to imprison him and was killed

10% Plan

-says southern states can be remitted into the Union IF 10% of the white men in the state take an oath of allegiance to the US and be remorseful (radicals did not agree with this)


-segregation was enforced by violence; hung and cut apart; a lot of times whites would keep body parts as souvenirs; most likely if a black man is accused of a sexual crime against a white woman

Voting Restriction Laws

-southern states started to pass laws that kept blacks from voting but had to do it in a way that did not contradict the 15th amendment; disfranchise laws- Poll Taxes, literacy and understanding tests, and property qualifications. Grandfather Law- if your grandfather voted in 1860 election you could (all white men could vote then))

Cowboys and Ranchers

-temporary; railroad companies encouraged people to move west and start ranches they promised to transport beef to the markets; many entrepreneurs did that and hired cowboys to heard cattle off to drop offs; Nat Love was a famous black cowboy age of cattle ranching comes to an end in 1880 when family farms move in and a great drought happens

Farmer's Alliance

-the grange was replaced by a much larger organization; proved more effective than the grange because it included women; put trust in the democratic candidates again but they go back on their word and farmers start their own party- the Populist Party.


-was a Sioux seminole leader; he promised if they did the ghost movement dance correctly their ancestors and buffalo would come back and bullets would not pierce their skin

Panic of 1893

-worst economic crisis up until this time; two large corporations went bankrupt and thousands lost their jobs; stock market went into a free fall; banks took people's savings and put it on the stock market and went it failed they lost money; some banks closed and some people lost all of their money; other businesses started to fail.

Ingredients of the Industrial Boom

1. Abundant raw materials 2. Large and growing labor supply- european immigrants were main source of factory workers 3. Surge in technological innovation- inventing or improving products that increased production 4. Ambitious talented entrepreneurs- competitive, ruthless, risk taking, self made american businessmen 5. Helpful federal gov. - fed gov. announces prizes for inventions and for. aids companies by giving them something like land or no corporate tax. they put gov. tariffs on foreign products 6. Growing american market- millions of people were moving into cities

Advantages of the City

1. Department stores- give women opportunity for job and entertainment- stores along side and center is open space- red carpet- turned shopping into a social event- treated people equal- let anyone come in and look 2. Sports and Leisure- baseball, college football, boxing, horse racing, music and theater, gambling 3. Education

Dangers of the City

1. Fires- Chicago and San Fransisco fires 2. Epidemics 3. Pollution 4. Poverty 5. Crime and Violence 6. Corruption

Weakness of Early Unions

1. Low membership 2. Lack of Unity- americans refused to go on strike with foreign workers, males refused to cooperate with females, white workers refused to work with blacks, skilled and unskilled did not work together. 3. perceived as anti-american- most were foreign

Early Factory Working Conditions

1. Wages- had risen but cost of living also was rising- 500 dollars was poverty line and 40% lived below and another 45% lived right along that line. Were not adequate 2. Environment- long hours, accidents, repetitive work, and unhealthy condition (cotton mills had dust constantly in the air) 3. Employment of women and children- females made half of what men made- children made even less- they were smaller and most dexterous though

Ku Klux Klan

1865 the Klan was founded as a social fraternity made up of mostly elite southerners. By 1968 had quickly transformed to a hate organization against blacks whom kept blacks from voting. The elite left when the Klan turned violent.

Trail of Tears

8-10 miles per day in the winter; starts in Georgia and goes to Oklahoma; government paid merchants to bring food and clothing to give the indians, but they were corrupt and took money while providing rotten food; 1/4 of indians died; cherokee

Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie Scottish immigrant. Started as telegrapher. Innovator and tinkerer like duke. He was constantly looking for ways to better efficiency. So his company would survive and slowly one by one he bought his rivals out. He eventually had a steel empire. At the height of his power he sells his company to J. P. Morgan and Carnegie becomes a generous man and gives his fortunate away.

Sitting Bull

Defeated general Custard at battle of Little Big Horn.

Homestead Act (1862)

Divided uptake Great Plains and offered the land to (usually white) families that could pay a $5 fee and live/farm/develop the land within 5 years

Terence Powderly

First leader of knights of labor. First strategy was to change the laws, this was a losing strategy and did not work.

Southern Republicans- 3 types

Founded to end slavery. They done that, now they need to find something else. Since it wanted to rid the US of slaves it was comprised mostly of Northern states. They wanted to plant "seeds" to have south become republican. The new Republican Party in the South made up of 3 groups: order of importance. -Northern Migrants: people from the north, usually army vets, who moved south for farming. They were called carpetbaggers because southerners thought they would take all of the good stuff from the south, pack it up, and move back north. SEED DOES NOT SPROUT. -Native Southern Whites: Convinced native southerners whom never own slaves. Republicans were expanding their beliefs, wanted to epand roads, railroads, education, etc. to help isolation. They were called scalawags for "betraying" their race and home land, but white southerners did not want to be called this so they'd run. SEED DOES NOT SPROUT. -Freedmen: 8 out of every 10 votes come from black voters. Almost completely loyal to republican party. Had little education, and economic power so they had little say. SEED DOES NOT SPROUT. Only one part where Republican survived the south, East TN. 1960s and 70s south became more republican. TN republican in the 1860s. Democrats always used the term "Black Republicans", not "Republicans." White still controlled south even when they claimed blacks were taking over.

14th Amendment

Grants citizenship to ex-slaves and everyone born in the US

Mollie Maguires

In western Pennsylvania, mine workers, mostly Irish who threatened the boss if they did not get higher wages, better hours, etc. they would blow up the mine and other threatening messages. They never blew it up, the boss hired detectives to set the Molly Maguires up as if they did so they were looked down upon by Americans They were "un-American". Ex.Molly Maguires: Irish Hero that led against the English.

Horatio Alger

Minister who started writing children books, often had a you child whom was poor but worked their way up. Main theme of his books, "Rags to Riches." Promoter of the American dream: you can come to America and with hard work you can make something of yourself.

Wilmington Riot

Red shirt berate. Two day riot. 1500 black families left and lived in the swamps. They were scared because Manly challenged the whites. George white rose in congress and said I can no longer living in NC and be a man. Manly and his family survived but the black race in Wilmington was dead.

Compromise of 1876

Settled in 1876 Election. Formed a committee and they chose Hayes, but democrats would not certify the election unless they pulled all union army out of south. Republicans got the white house, and democrats regained control of the south. Pulled all troops out of the south and ended reconstruction.

The Gospel of Wealth

Telling about what wealthy people should do with their money. Encouragement of philanthropy, more noble writing. Man of wealth have a responsibility to provide for family, but then what is left give back to the community.

Moderate Republicans

They wanted civil rights for blacks, but main priority was to rehabilitate the south. They focused on economy and wanted to get cotton moving again. They were merciful towards the south and wanted to "rebuild" them. -Ex. Abraham Lincoln

Freedmen's Bureau

This organization was mostly staffed by former union army vets. Lincoln wanted ti create an equal African American community. They helped freed men(ex-slaves) make transition from slave to U.S. citizens. They negotiated contracts and acted as agents for ex-slaves. They helped build schools, get teachers, built churched and communities, etc.

Salvation Army

US founded this to provide materials and tools to the poor of the cities- did good work but forced ethnic tensions- tried to convert foreign catholics to protestant when helping them

Indian Removal

US military go and speak to Indian tribes and switch lands with them; Indians got land in the west (Great American Desert) and US got their very fertile land; John Ross was elected leader and encouraged them to resist the removal, but was put in jail; Major ridge took over and reluctantly sign the treaty- he was assassinated for that; they still resisted but were rounded up and moved

Andrew Johnson

Vice president that becomes presidents after assassination of Lincoln; democratic; from TN; the embodiment of american dream (hard worker, self-made); sided with the north and condemned the confederate elite; compared himself to moses of the freemen; radicals thought he would work with them.

The Atlanta Compromise

W.E.B. Du Bois lived through this; White mob rampaged through the city for three days. The mob never attacked his house, but after he moved to NY. He wrote a number of important books. He had left the south to accomplish the things he did.

Ghost Dance Movement

Wovoka was a Sioux spiritual leader- he promised that if they did the ghost dance correctly their ancestors and the buffalo would come back and bullets wouldn't hurt them

Washington Duke

from rags to riches. Modest farmer from NC. Non slave owner farmer. He opposed the confederacy. When he was 44 years old he was drafted into the Confederate army. He gets captured, after the war he is shipped back to NC and walks home to find his farm devastated. He had $5 to his name. By good fortune, even though his farm was devastated, his land was good for tobacco that was good for cigarettes. People samples and when home to other states. People were sending letter to Duke asking for his tobacco. Duke and his sons have a mail order business sending tobacco. He later has enough money to send his sons to college and hire black workers. He eventually has enough money to take a risk. He is going to launch an ad nation-wide for his tobacco for $300,000. He creates the first advertising campaigne. "Men smoke this cigarette and you will be manly." After that people from Egypt start sending him letters for his tobacco. The ad pays off, later he's getting 4,000 orders a day. Later he started working with Bondsack and his cigarette rolling machine, and Duke later buys a patent on the machine. He fires his rollers and hires one woman to watch this machine and make sure it is doing what it is supposed to.

Chinese Exclusion Act

in 1882 US had a ban on Chinese immigration into the US for 10 years. US reaction said the problem is that the Chinese was here, but when it came back in 1892, they renewed it. Then made it permanent until 1942. The pearl harbor was what changed the US's mind.

Mary E Lease

leader in the Farmer's alliance; raise less corn and more hell


negotiation between white plantation owner and ex-slave; plantation owners rents part of land to ex-slaves to farm on; when the harvest comes in the ex-slave pays the plantation owner with 1/3 of their harvest; sharecroppers have to pay for everything they need (food, medical care, etc.) bc they are no longer slave; this usually led to them having to give up more of their harvest to pay for it; contracts put a lot of black families in debt but gave them a sense of independence

The Forgotten Man

not the poor man in the streets, the forgotten man is the honest hard working man, that does his job, does not complain, pays his taxes. We forget him because he goes about life following the rules, without asking for anything. They blame being poor on character flaws: homeless people were lazy and did not want to work. Summer is saying do not give your dollar to the government, or to the homeless man who will just go to the saloon, he says remember the hard-working man.

Booker T. Washington

offered the Atlanta compromise in a speech- if white people will stop lynching, blacks will stop protesting for equal rights; he encouraged them to live in segregated communities and learn a trade(not go to college) and work hard to show white people they are wrong about black people; said segregation would end itself.

15th amendment

prohibits denial of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition servitude.

Black Codes

states passed these that regulated behavior of freed slaves; (whites still have control over blacks)

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