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Which empire best fits these descriptions? Captured the city of Constantinople in 1453 Benefited from rich trade along the Mediterranean Sea Ruled by Suleiman the Lawgiver


What does this illustration show about a typical manor?

People depended on agricultural production.

Which item best completes this graphic organizer?

Preservation of Greek and Roman Culture

In western Europe, feudalism developed after the

Roman Empire collapsed

Which statement about the Sahara is most closely associated with the West African civilizations of Ghana and Mali?

Salt mined in the Sahara was exchanged for gold.

Why is the year 1492 considered a turning point in history?

The Spanish established an exchange between Europe and the Americas.

How was the Roman Republic different from a direct democracy?

The people ruled through elected representatives.

Why is the empire of the Ottoman Turks considered a "gunpowder empire"?

They used guns to conquer a large area on three continents.

Define the term "polytheistic"?

believing in multiple gods

According to the European policy of mercantilism, colonies should

benefit the mother country.

A main goal of the monarchs of Europe during the Age of Absolutism was to

centralize political power.

How were Martin Luther's Ninety-five Theses and Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy similar?

challenge the authority of the Catholic Church.

Investing for the purpose of profiting is the idea behind

commercial capitalism.

Which situation was an immediate cause for the collapse of the Aztec civilization?

conquest by foreigners

Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke both agreed that a government should be based on the

consent of the governed.

The Mongols made no technological breakthroughs, founded no new religions, wrote few books or dramas, and gave the world no new crops or methods of agriculture. Their own craftsmen could not weave cloth, cast metal, make pottery, or even bake bread. They manufactured neither porcelain nor pottery, painted no pictures, and built no buildings. Yet, as their army conquered culture after culture, they collected and passed all of these skills from one civilization to the next. . . . This passage leads to the conclusion that the Mongols

contributed to cultural diffusion.

Cyrillic alphabet adopted for use in Russia. Russians accepted the teachings of the Orthodox Christian Church. Onion-shaped domes dotted the skylines of Kievan Russia. Which term is most closely associated with these statements?

cultural diffusion

A DEXO REX, A REGE LEX - "the king is from god, and law is from the king." James I This quotation best reflects the concept of

divine right rule

The split arose from a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad after his death in A.D. 632. Some followers believed his successor should be chosen by tribal consensus, and they named one of Muhammad's inner circle as the first caliph, or spiritual leader. But others thought the successor should come directly from the Prophet's family, namely his cousin and son-in- law Ali. . . . The situation described in this passage led to the

division of Sunnis and Shi'a

The introduction of gunpowder helped bring an end to feudalism. The printing press played an important role in causing the Reformation. These statements best reflect the idea that

technological advances can lead to major change.

What ideas were central to the Scientific Revolution?

observation and experimentation

What is considered a primary source?

personal communication

Opinion and bias in written historical sources illustrate the need to be aware of

points of view

The Ten Commandments, the Eightfold Path and the Five Pillars of Faith each serve to

provide followers with a guide for living.

Which geographic feature did the earliest civilizations in Egypt, India and China have in common?

rivers that increased the fertility of the land by flooding

What is one characteristic that Islam, Judaism and Hinduism have in common?

sacred texts

What achievements did the Aztecs adapt from the Maya?

system of two calendars

The Middle Passage is best defined as

the forced journey of enslaved Africans to the Americas.

What was the impact Gutenberg's printing press had on western Europe?

the spread of Martin Luther's ideas.

Why did the Maya create hundreds of glyphs?

to communicate sounds, words, and ideas

The journeys of Vasco da Gama, Bartholomeu Dias and Christopher Columbus became possible in the late 1400s because of the

trade connections established by Ibn Battuta.

The information shown on this map suggests that the Black Death spread to Europe as a result of contact with

traders from Asia

What sources best help scholars learn about the cultures of the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan people?

traditions found among descendants

How did the Commercial Revolution change economic practices in Europe?

A capitalist economy was developed.

Based on the map above, on which continent did humans first appear?


What group was affected most by the Great Dying?

American Indians

During the Tokugawa period in Japan, with whom did they most interact?

China and Korea

What heading best completes the partial outline below? (Cities, government, Job specializations, Writing systems)

Characteristics of Civilizations

It) brought the potato, the pineapple, the turkey, dahlias, sunflowers, magnolias, maize, chillies and chocolate across the Atlantic. On the other hand, tens of millions died in the pandemics of the 16th century, victims of smallpox, measles and the other diseases brought by Europeans (and don't forget that the African slave trade was begun by the Europeans, to replace the work force they had decimated).". . . — Michael Wood, BBC History (adapted) Which historical development is being described in this quotation?

Columbian exchange

Which philosophy is most closely associated with the development of the Chinese civil service system?


The purpose of the Council of Trent was to address the criticisms of the Catholic Church, which was a part of...


Which period is most closely associated with the major ideas of these philosophers?


Based on the information shown on this map, most manufactured goods were produced in


Which time period is most closely associated with these characteristics? Focus on individual achievement Use of classical Greek and roman ideas Artistic works of Leonardo da Vinci

European Renaissance

Westernization was the process by which

European ideas and values spread around the world.

Which geographic feature would have most likely hindered the expansion of the Guptas into what is modern-day China?

Himalaya Mountains

Which concept is best illustrated by the diagram above?

Social hierarchy

Speaker A: The chief problem with the Roman Catholic Church is the practice of selling indulgences. The only way for Christians to receive salvation is through faith alone. Speaker B: If Christians want to be saved, they should perform good deeds and ask for forgiveness of sins. The granting of indulgences allows Christians to be excused for their sins. Speaker C: It is true that the Bible, and not members of the clergy, is the ultimate source of religious truth. However, God has already decided who will be saved and who will not. Speaker D: Since the Pope does not agree with my position, I have decided to separate from the Roman Catholic Church. I am now not only the head of England but also of the Anglican Church. Which speaker most closely reflects the ideas of Martin Luther?

Speaker A

Speaker A: We must fight to keep control of Jerusalem in the hands of those who believe in Allah. Speaker B: Come and battle while there is still time to protect the Holy Land where Christ walked. Speaker C: We must go forth to heal the split between the churches. Speaker D: An investment in ships and knights will yield control of profitable trade routes. Which speaker expresses a Muslim perspective during the Crusades?

Speaker A

Speaker A: We must fight to keep control of Jerusalem in the hands of those who believe in Allah. Speaker B: Come and battle while there is still time to protect the Holy Land where Christ walked. Speaker C: We must go forth to heal the split between the churches. Speaker D: An investment in ships and knights will yield control of profitable trade routes. Which speaker is expressing an economic motive for the Crusades?

Speaker D

Why did Muslim rulers show less tolerance for Hinduism than for Christianity or Judaism?

The Hindus believed in many gods instead of just one God.

How did political changes in England weaken feudalism?

The Magna Carta guaranteed individual rights

The Four Noble Truths: Ordinary life is full of suffering. This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves. The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to see others as extensions of ourselves. The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path. According to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, how can we end our suffering?

end desire for selfish goals

A common feature that led to the collapse of both the Gupta and the western Roman empires was

foreign invasion.

Which factor gave Constantinople the biggest advantage for trade?

good location

One way in which the Silk Road and the West African trade routes are similar is that along both routes

ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other.

What was one reason for the decline of both the Han dynasty and the western Roman Empire?

inability to force back foreign invaders

What were the ideals of Renaissance humanism?

investigating areas of interest and fulfilling one's potential

What was Justinian's Code?

laws that where organized

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