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Eugene V. Debs led which of the following unions?

American Railway Union

What did Progressive Governors Charles B. Aycock of North Carolina, James S. Hogg of Texas, and Robert La Follette of Wisconsin all have in common?

they all expanded the power of state governments in order to regulate large corporations, such as railroads

How would a supporter of Social Darwinism view the problem of poverty?

A Social Darwinist would feel that a poor person is not only naturally inferior to a rich person, but also probably a sinner as well.

Which of the following practices is an example of vertical integration?

A business buys out the chief suppliers of the raw materials used to make its product.

Which statement best describes the term "muckraking" journalism?

A style of journalism popularized by individuals such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell who used journalism to expose the corruption present in business and politics.

Among the many Southern farmers who moved to the cities to find jobs was a large group of

African Americans.

"As we have proved our loyalty to you in the past, in nursing your children, watching by the sick-bed of your mothers and fathers, and often following them with tear-dimmed eyes to their graves, so in the future, in our humble way, we shall stand by you with a devotion that no foreigner can approach, ready to lay down our lives, if need be, in defense of yours, interlacing our industrial, commercial, civil, and religious life with yours in a way that shall make the interests of both races one. In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." -Booker T. Washington, 1895 Which choice best explains the meaning of this statement?

African-American social equality must be compromised for economic integration

Between 1870 and 1920, what changed about the immigrants coming to the United States from Europe?

After 1890, most immigrants from Europe arrived from southern and eastern Europe.

How was President Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Congress able to challenge and regulate American big business?

All of these answers are correct. The Federal Reserve Act created rigid regulations and oversight for American banks. The Federal Trade Commission was created as a means of investigating illegal business and trade practices. The Clayton-Antitrust Act helped bolster the federal government's ability to break up trusts.

What was the paradox in American society that led Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner to refer to late 1800s America as "The Gilded Age"?

American society had a powerfully wealthy exterior that was overshadowing a horrendously poverty-stricken lower class.

Labor and Management Dispute NegotiationMediation? Which best completes the diagram above?


How was Andrew Carnegie's Carnegie Steel Company able to dominate the United States' steel industry?

Carnegie carried out a strategy of vertical integration that gave him control over the companies he needed to produce and distribute his company's steel. Carnegie secured lucrative contracts with the nation's largest railroads. All of these answers are correct. Carnegie took advantage of a new steelmaking process that was both cheaper and more efficient.

Which of the following was a supporter of prohibition?

Carry A. Nation

How did the members of ethnic groups arrange themselves when they moved to an American city?

Ethnic groups tended to cluster together, to preserve their cultures and provide mutual support.

How did American immigration patterns change in the latter half of the 19th century?

European immigrants were coming primarily from the eastern and southern regions of the continent as opposed to the western and northern regions as they had in previous generations.

Which statement is most associated with the Haymarket Affair?

Events linked to striking McCormick Harvester plant employees led to violence

Which of the following statements is true?

Factory workers worked six days a week, for twelve hours a day for low wages.

The violent incident that turned much of the public against the labor movement was known as the

Haymarket Affair

Which of the following describes the main reasons why John D. Rockefeller became wealthy?

He paid low wages to his employees, drove competition by selling oil for less than it was worth, and entered into trust agreements with competing oil companies so that he could maintain high profit margins.

How did Henry Ford revolutionize the auto industry?

He saw workers as potential customers, paid them the unheard of wage of $5 / day, and introduced a more efficient assembly line for mass production

Which of the following statements about Andrew Carnegie is false?

He wrote a popular book called How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Which effect resulted from the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)?

Hundreds of big businesses were broken into smaller one

Which statement is best represented by the term "melting pot?"

Immigrants giving up their ethnic identities to create an American identity

Which of the following organizations advocated the formation of "one big union" to be joined by all workers?

Industrial Workers of the World

Which of the following unions had the most politically radical members, including workers who were adherents of socialism?

Industrial Workers of the World

Why was the Bessemer process an important technological innovation?

It allowed for the easier and more cost effective manufacture of steel.

What impact did the Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) have on unions?

It helped unions because anti-trust laws could no longer be used to defeat or break up labor unions

What was the main reason for the 19th century Social Gospel movement?

It was a movement based on the belief that Christians had a responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate poverty.

The co-founder of Hull House was

Jane Addams

Which of the following best describes the effectiveness of labor unions in the 1880s and 1890s:

Labor unions were able to recruit impressive numbers of members, but had little success in challenging the unsafe and unfair practices of the companies and corporations that employed the members.

What was the social origin of most Progressives?

Middle class

Which of the following could be considered a primary objective of the progressive reformers that began to rise in the early 1900s:

Put regulations in place to help ensure the American government and the American economy could benefit all and not just the wealthy elite.

The Great Strike of 1877 involved workers for some of the nation's


What was the effect of railroads on the growth of the United States?

Railroads provided rapid transportation of people, raw materials, farm produce, and finished products.

How was John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company able to dominate the United States' oil industry?

Rockefeller brought competing oil companies under the control of Standard Oil and was able to use the resulting wealth to control the entire production and distribution process of his products.

How did President Teddy Roosevelt respond to the United Mine Workers' strike in 1902?

Roosevelt forced the mine owners to negotiate with the workers by threatening to send federal troops to work the mines.

Why is Teddy Roosevelt considered by many to be America's first environmentalist President?

Roosevelt instituted conservation efforts to protect American wildlife and natural resources.

What was President Theodore Roosevelt's attitude towards big businesses?

Roosevelt used the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up over two dozen of the nation's largest trusts.

Which philosophy did captains of industry, such as Carnegie and Rockefeller, tend to support?

The "Survival of the fittest" business model

What made the Knights of Labor different from the labor unions that had predated it?

The Knights of Labor actively sought to include marginalized groups like African Americans, immigrants, and women.

Which of the following statements is true?

The National Labor Union barred membership to African Americans, but the Knights of Labor welcomed members of all races

What impact did U.S. governmental policies have on business and industry during the late 1800s?

The U.S. government began to regulate some aspects of industry for the public good.

What overall effect did the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 have on the consolidation of power in the hands of a few people?

The act had little effect, because the courts often struck down the government's cases against trusts.

What did progressives hope would be the result of the Sixteenth Amendment which gave Congress the authority to collect an income tax?

The federal government could use the new source of revenue to lower tariffs making goods cheaper for American consumers.

How did the federal government respond to the growing tide of nativism and racism targeting immigrants in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

The federal government passed laws and created agreements with foreign nations limiting immigration.

How did the development of urban transportation networks, such as trams and inter-urban trains, affect the growth of cities?

They allowed middle and upper class citizens to move to the suburbs.

Why did many U.S. citizens resent immigrants and want to restrict immigration?

They believed immigrants would take their jobs and did not trust their strange customs

How did the use of literacy tests impact the post-Civil War South?

They led to the disenfranchisement of a large number of African Americans

To improve their labor conditions, many industrial workers formed


What was the "grandfather clause" that was added to Southern constitutions?

a law that allowed people to vote, even if they couldn't pass literacy tests and pay poll taxes, as long as their grandfathers had been allowed to vote in the days of slavery

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies horizontal integration?

a railroad buying its main competitor

One thing that most urban dwellers did not have to worry about was

access to transportation.

What resources did the United States have during the industrial boom of the late nineteenth century?

all the ingredients needed to make cheap, high-quality steel

Which of the following statements is true?

between 1882 and 1892, over 1,400 African Americans were killed without a trial in the South

How did industrial leaders accumulate wealth during the late 1800s?

by creating monopolies and establishing trusts

Which of the following was supported by President Theodore Roosevelt?

expanding government powers to halt abuses by big businesses

A corporation that did nothing but buy out the stock of other companies was known as a

holding company

Who were "muckrakers"?

journalists who exposed harsh working conditions and unfair business practices

What were Jim Crow laws?

laws that separated whites and blacks in public and private facilities

How were literacy tests used by Southern states?

literacy tests were used in a discriminatory fashion, to keep African Americans from exercising their constitutionally-guaranteed voting rights

Which of the following would most appeal to a Progressive who was interested in reforming a city's government?

making city government more efficient by turning over to experts trained in public administration

John D. Rockefeller became a magnate of the

oil industry

What was the significance of the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson?

segregation by race was found to be legal

What happened in the Progressive implementation of the "initiative" and the "referendum"?

state laws could be proposed by ordinary citizens rather than the legislature, and such proposals would be voted on by the electorate of the state

Many immigrants flocked to the nation's cities because of

steady jobs.

In 1873, San Francisco unveiled a new mode of transportation known as the


What did the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory on March 25, 1911 most likely signify to a member of the Progressive movement?

the need for basic protections to make workplaces safe

By 1930, over 700,000 people had migrated to the United States from Mexico. What primarily encouraged them to immigrate?

the need for workers in the newly irrigated fields of the southwest US

What was the aim of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

to protect American consumers from anti-competitive business activities carried out by large corporations

Which of the following was one of the main goals of the Progressive movement?

to reform some of the harsh conditions of industrialization

What was the purpose of the Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913?

to work against religious and racial discrimination

The American Federation of Labor was an organization of craft unions. What were craft unions?

unions whose members were skilled workers

What roles did women play in the Progressive movement?

women were leaders and key activists in virtually every aspect of the Progressive movement

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