History Chapter 11-15

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In 1850, a majority of southern slaveholders owned how many slaves?

1 to 5

Historians estimate that approximately __________slaves per year escaped to the North or Canada.


When did Great Britain abolish slavery in its empire?


In 1860, what percentage of southern white families were in the slaveowning class?


The U.S. slave population by 1860 was approximately:

4 million

On the eve of the Civil War, approximately how much of the world's cotton supply came from the southern United States?


Approximately how many Union and Confederate soldiers died during the Civil War?


The Thirteenth Amendment:

Abolished slavery throughout the United States.

Which of the following is NOT true of Abraham Lincoln's slavery policy during the first two years of the war?

He proposed a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery immediately.

Which of the following is true oaf Jefferson Davis and his governing?

His administration actually suffered from the Confederacy's lack of political parties.

Which statement about Nat Turner's Rebellion is true?

Many southern whites were in a panic after the rebellion.

Which denominations had the largest followings among blacks after the Civil War?

Methodist and Baptist

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the compromise of the 1850?

The Oregon Territory would be created.

Which 1854 document called for the United States to seize Cuba?

The Ostend Manifesto

Monitor and Merrimac were:

ironclad ships

Among the Confederacy's advantages during the Civil War was:

its large size, which made it more difficult for the Union to conquer.

For more former slaves, freedom first and foremost meant:

land ownership.

The Republican free labor ideology:

led to the argument by Abraham Lincoln and William Seward that free labor and slave labor were essentially incompatible.

During the first two years of the war, Union forces were generally:

more successful in the West than in the East.

Urban Slaves:

most often were domestic servants.

Which of the following is NOT true of the South and its economy in the period from 1800 to 1860?

The South produced nearly two-fifths of the nation's manufactured goods, especially cotton textiles.

The "Sea Island Experiment" refers to:

northern reformers' efforts to assist former slaves with the transition to freedom.

Frederick Douglass viewed the abolition of slavery as:

not the end of the nation's work, but the beginning of the new phase of it.

On matters related to citizenship, the U.S. Supreme Court declared in Dred Scott that:

only white persons could be U.S. citizens

On the plantation, the white employee in charge of ensuring a profitable crop for the plantation master was called the:


To qualify as a member of the planter class, a person had to be engaged in southern agriculture and:

own at east went slaves

Free blacks in the South were allowed to:

own property

Gender roles under slavery:

differed from those of white society because men and women alike suffered a sense of powerlessness

In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot proposed to:

prohibit slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

The colonization of freed U.S. slaves of Africa:

prompted the adamant opposition of most free African-Americans.

The colonization of freed U.S. slaves to Africa:

prompted the adamant opposition of most free African-Americans.

The Union's manpower advantage over the Confederacy:

proved essential for the success of Grant's attrition strategy.

In the South, the paternalist ethos:

reflected the hierarchical society in which the planter took responsibility for the lives of those around him.

From 1840 to 1860, the price of a "prime field hand":

rose about 80 percent, which made it harder for southern whites to enter the slaveholding class.

The 1860 Republican platform stated all of the following EXCEPT that:

slavery should be abolished in the nation's capital.

All of the following statements are true of the work done by southern slaves EXCEPT:

slaves worked exclusively as agricultural field hands and house servants.

Free blacks in the United States:

sometimes became wealthy enough to own slaves

The Fifteenth Amendment:

sought to guarantee that one could not be denied suffrage rights based on race.

At the first Battle of Bull Run:

spectators from the city came with picnic baskets to watch.

With regard to civil liberties during the Civil War, President Lincoln:

suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

Which of the following was NOT a reform movement in which women played a prominent role during the early to mid-nineteenth century?

the anti-Mexican-War movement

Which event is credited with helping to ingrain the paternalist ethos more deeply into the lives of southern slaveholders?

the closing of the African slave trade.

Economically, the Civil War led to:

the emergence of a nation-state committed to national economic development.

Which of the following did NOT cause divisions within the Confederacy?

the heavy taxes on planters, who represented paying the majority of the war's cost.

Rehearsals for reconstruction during the Civil War demonstrated that:

the main aspiration of former slaves was the ownership of their own land.

At Antietam:

the nation suffered more casualties than on any other day in its history.

The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had?

the threat of sale

According to the mid-nineteenth-century physicians and racial theorists Josiah Nott and George Gliddon:

there was a hierarchy of races, with blacks forming a separate species between whites and chimpanzees.

Harriet Tubman:

was a fugitive slave who risked her life many times to bring others out of slavery.

Lincoln's vision during the Civil War:

was that the American nation embodied a set of universal ideals rooted in political democracy and human freedom.

Slave Families

were headed by women more frequently than were white families.

The first to apply the abolitionist doctrine of universal freedom and equality to the status of women:

were the Grimke sisters.

General George McClellan did all of the following EXCEPT:

win major victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in Tennessee.

The American Civil War began in April 1861, when:

Confederate forces fired upon and captured Fort Sumter

Which statement about the Confederacy is False?

From the beginning of the war it recruited and deployed thousands of black soldiers.

In July 1863, the Union won two key victories that are often identified as turning points in the war. There victories occurred at:

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Which of the following was NOT true of the South and slavery in nineteenth-century America?

In the South as a whole, slaves made up only 10 percent of the population.

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Civil War?

It greatly expanded the powers of the presidency and reduced the influence of Congress.

Who was responsible for the 1856 Pottawatomie Creek Massacre in Kansas and led the raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859?

John Brown

Who was offered a command in the Union army, but declined because of his devotion to his native state?

Robert E. Lee

Which of the following statement about slavery the law is true?

Slaves accused of serious crimes were entitled to their day in court, although they faced all-white judges and juries.

What economic effect did southern slavery have on the North?

Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the North.

How did emancipation affect the structure of the black family?

The black family became more like the typical white family, with men as the breadwinners and women as the homemakers.

How did the abolitionist movement that arose in the 1830s differ from earlier antislavery efforts?

The later movement drew much more on the religious conviction that slavery was an unparalleled sin and needed to be destroyed immediately.

In his last speech, Lincoln said what regarding postwar policy?

There should be at least limited black suffrage.

Which of the following is NOT true of the New York City riots of 1863?

They convinced Lincoln to delay issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

How did the abolitionists link themselves to the nation's Revolutionary heritage?

They seized on the preamble to the Declaration of Independence as an attack against slavery.

Which of the following statements about religious life among African-Americans in southern cities is true?

Urban free blacks sometimes formed their own churches.

A major part of the Anaconda Plan was:

a naval blockade of the South.

Jumping over a broomstick was a ceremony celebrating:

a slave marriage.

John C. Calhoun & George Fitzhugh:

agreed that slavery was not a necessary evil but something actually positive and good.

Task labor

allowed slaves to take on daily jobs, set their own pace, and work on their own when they were done.

During the Civil War, northern white women:

began obtaining jobs as government clerks.

The relationship between rich southern planters and poor southern farmers:

benefited in part from a sense of unity bred by criticism from outsiders.

William Lloyd Garrison argued in Thoughts on African Colonization that:

blacks were not "strangers" in America to be shipped abroad, but should be recognized as a permanent part of American society.

During the Civil War, the term "contraband camps" referred to:

camps of southern who had escaped from their masters and entered Union lines.

By the late 1830s, the South's proslavery argument:

claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress.

The Seneca Falls Convention's Declaration of Sentiments:

condemned the entire structure of inequality between men and women.

The Seneca Falls Convention Declaration of sentiment:

condemned the entire structure of the inequality between men and women.

The U.S. Sanitary Commission:

coordinated war donations on the northern home front.

In the nineteenth century, which product was the world's major crop produced by slave labor?


Abolitionists challenged stereotypes about African-Americans by:

countering the pseudoscientific claim that they formed a separate species.

Angelina and Sarah Grimke

critiqued the prevailing notion of separate spheres for men and women.

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court:

declared Congress could not ban slavery from territories.

General Sherman marched from Atlanta to sea in order to:

demoralize the South's civilian population.

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address:

described the Civil War as divine punishment.

The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863:

did not apply to the border slave states that had not seceded.

"Silent sabotage" can be defined as when slaves:

did poor work and broke tools

Beginning in 1863, what did Frederick Douglass urge northern blacks to do?

enlist in the union army

Lincoln has hesitant to support abolition early in the war because he:

feared losing the support of the slaveholding border states within the Union.

All of the following are examples of technological changes that helped to make the Civil War a modern EXCEPT for the:

field telephone.

"King Cotton diplomacy" led Great Britain to:

find new supplies of cotton outside the South

Lincoln's issuance of an emancipation proclamation:

followed the narrow Union Victory in the Battle of Antietam.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850:

gave new powers to federal officers to override local law enforcement.

Fugitive Slaves:

generally understood that the North Star led to freedom

Southern farmers in the backcountry:

generally worked the land using family labor.

During the Civil War, black soldiers:

helped inspire Republicans to believe that emancipation also demanded equal rights before the law.

The role of African-Americans in the abolitionist movement:

included helping to finance William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper.

During his debate with Abraham Lincoln in Freeport, Illinois, Stephen Douglas:

insisted that popular sovereignty was compatible with the Dred Scott decision.

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