History Exam One

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Identify factual statements regarding slavery in Virginia during the Colonial Era. Check ALL that apply.

About 40% of the total population were slaves. Slaves in Virginia worked under the gang system of labor where they were supervised by a white overseer or an "driver" that was often a slave themselves. Virginia had laws that said slave owners could not be arrested for killing a slave. Virginia had laws that required slaves to be beat severely if they hit a white person.

Dutch merchants were the first to bring _____ to the New World.

African slaves

The city of _____ was the largest and most advanced of the Mississippian cities.


The ascension of the anti-Puritan King ________ the First in England led to the start of the exodus of over 20,00 Puritans from England to the Americas known as the _________

Charles Great Migration

The global exchange of plants, animals, people and diseases that began with the arrival of Europeans in the "New World" in 1492 is commonly referred to as the...

Columbian Exchange

Identify the restrictions created by British Parliament in the mid-18th century that levied taxes on things like sugar, paper, glass, paint, and tea throughout the American colonies. Check ALL that apply.

1765 Stamp Act 1764 Sugar Act 1767 Townshend Act

Identify the consequences of the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

English colonists believed that the Revolution established a Protestant empire that fought against what they believed was Catholic tyranny, absolutism, and French control of America. The power of the monarch and Protestantism was affirmed with the creation of the English Bill of Rights. American colonists revolted against imperial governments and pledged their allegiance to William and Mary.

Identify the reasons that Philadelphia became the "print capital" of the colonies during the mid-18th century. Check ALL that apply.

The arrival of the "print master" Benjamin Franklin to Philadelphia in 1723 led to an increase in printed materials. An increase in German migration to American cities like Philadelphia led to a high demand for German-language newspapers and religious texts.

How did the Spanish strategy to control the native populations of the Americas change beginning around 1680?

The strategy evolved from one of military exploitation to mission work.

The English colony of New York was originally a Dutch colony named New Netherlands, but it was taken over by England through force and renamed in honor of James, the Duke of York.


Identify problems that England faced that led to their colonization of the New World.

Falling incomes for farmers Overpopulation High land prices Homelessness

Christopher Columbus and his crew found vast amounts of gold and silver throughout the Caribbean during his voyages to the "New World."


During the 16th century the population of the New England colonies decreased dramatically while the population of the Virginia colonies increased dramatically.


European explorers and merchants introduced the idea of slavery to the peoples of Africa.


Most experts suggests that around 50 percent of the native populations in the Americas perished within the first 150 years after European contact.


Native American culture was 100% paternalistic and dominated by the father.


The Columbian Exchange had a predominantly positive affect on both the Old World and New World.


The original Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson before it was edited by Congress said nothing about the slave trade or the abolishment of slavery.


There is no archeological evidence that suggests that early Americans traded with people in other regions of the continent. True


What affect did the fact that slaves from Africa had some levels of immunities to malaria have on their status in the American colonies?

For planter elites it reinforced the idea that Africans were made to work in hot tropical climates.

The North American sphere of conflict during what Europeans called the Seven Years' War was known as the ______ in the American colonies. The conflict began in 1754 when a group of English militiamen led by a young Virginia planter named ________ killed a French diplomat.

French and Indian War George Washington

The Spanish conquistador, _____, is BEST known for his subjugation of the mighty Aztec Empire that controlled much of Mesoamerica.

Hernån Cortés

What major change took place in the 1660s in regards to the status of African slaves?

In many colonies African slaves and their decedents were considered slaves for life beginning in the 1660s.

Identify TRUE statements regarding the passage of the Townshend Act in 1767. Check ALL that apply.

Increased the presences of the British government in the colonies. Established more vice-admiralty courts to try and convict more numbers of smugglers. Placed a customs duty on commonly imported items such as lead, glass, paint, and tea. Provided more incentives for custom officials to catch smugglers.

American colonists became accustomed to the idea of following the _______ the idea that government gets its power from the people. This concept was pioneered by Enlightenment philosophers like John _________ and Thomas _____ and it is believed that these writers influenced the colonists.

Social Contract Locke Hobbes

By 1766, a group calling themselves the _____________________ were formed in most colonies to help organize and direct resistance.

Sons of Liberty

Two technological advancements in seafaring allowed Portuguese sailors to begin traveling long distances in order to search for Atlantic routes to Asia. First, the ______ allowed sailors to calculate their latitude. Second, the ______ was a stronger ship capable of traveling long distances and carrying lots of cargo.

astrolabe, caravel

The process that historians have traditionally called the _______ evolved in the American colonies as goods that were once considered luxury items became common commodities as the incomes of colonist increased. A colonist's ability to spend money on consumer goods increasingly became a sign of __________

consumer revolution respectability

The domestication of _____ allowed the early civilizations of Central America to develop the first settled populations around 1200 BCE.


The regular availability of _____ allowed American colonists of normal means to buy luxury items that were once only available to elites. This led to an increased number of colonists that were in ________ and led to new feelings of ____

credit debt dependence

Two major European events helped fuel the desire for long-term expansion by Europeans. First was the ______ which linked Europeans to Asian cultures, and eventually the _____ which started when Europeans rediscovered Greek, Roman, and Muslim knowledge.

crusades renaissance

The Catholic priest and author Bartolome de Las Casas can BEST be associated with...

documenting the horrible treatment of Natives throughout the Americas by Spanish settlers.

The time that slaves spent traveling from Africa to the Americas is typically known as the ______ It is estimated that around _______ million African slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.

middle passage twelve

During the 300 years of colonial rule by the Spanish it is estimated that nearly _____ Spaniards migrated to the Americas.

three-quarters of a million

Before the English Civil War, despite being tied to England through trade, religion, and politics, the English colonists in the New World were left alone to determine their own paths.


Even though the authoritarian conception of Puritan life is exaggerated, colonial inhabitants were often banished for going against the "rules."


French explorers were first introduced to the New World in their quest to find a route through or around North America known as the Northwest Passage in order to get to Asia in the most efficient way possible


In 1750 there were more slaves living in the colony of South Carolina than there were free people.


Quakers that ran the colony of Pennsylvania were the first to turn against the institution of slavery.


Since precious metals like gold and silver were scarce in the English colonies most colonists developed a system of commodity money where things like tobacco could be exchanged for a note of credit that could be deposited.


Slaves in South Carolina were typically given a specific task to complete each day and after they were finished they were free to take care of their own responsibilities like growing crops. This led to a great deal of freedom for slaves in the colony.


Sugar and the slave trade were the two industries that dominated colonial Brazil.


The Carolina colonies were BEST known for using slave labor to produce rice and indigo.


The Dutch were considered the most progressive nation in Europe following their independence from the Hapsburgs (the royal family of the Austrian Empire) in 1581. They granted greater freedom of religion and press along with granting women many rights that they never possessed.


In 5-7 sentences write a short-answer description of Bacon's Rebellion. Explain who was involved, what it was, why it happened, when it happened, and where it happened. Lastly, explain the significance of the event in relation to the overall study of American history.

use wikipedia/book

In at least one complete paragraph, 5-7 sentences minimum, write a solid identification of the term below. When possible, include who was involved, what it was, when it happened, why it happened, how it happened, and MOST importantly what the significance of the term is. Why is this event, person, or thing so important to American history?

use wikipedia/book

Spanish settlers in the Americas developed a very distinct social society based on race.


Unlike the colony of Virginia, which was established for economic reasons, the colonies of New England were primarily established for _____ purposes.


The increased demand for _____ among European nobility in the 15th century led to the first large-scale cultivation of a product by slave labor and the need for African slaves as the native populations of islands throughout the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean declined.


The colony of _______ was founded in 1632 by Cecil Calvert, the Lord of _______ Calvert's hope was that the colony would be proof that __________ and Protestants could live together in peace. Despite the fact that radical Quakers and Puritans eventually took over the colony was able to flourish by growing _______

Maryland Baltimore Catholics Tobacco

The first major uprising among English colonists in America against the British government took place in Virginia in 1676 and was led by a Virginia farmer named _____________

Nathaniel Bacon

Identify true statements regarding French colonization in the New World.

Native women often married French fur traders. The French traditionally placed higher value on cooperating with natives instead of asserting dominance over them. The French outpost of Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. French fur traders and missionaries often lived among native tribes. The French preferred setting up trading networks instead of establishing permanent settlements.

In order to maintain control of the colonial frontier King George III issued the Royal _______________ of 1763. It was the first major postwar action targeting North America. It forbade settlement west of the __________ Mountains. Colonists, however, demanded that they have access to the territory that they had fought for alongside the British.

Proclamation Appalachian The original Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson before it was edited by Congress said nothing about the slave trade or the abolishment of slavery.

Identify the consequences of King Philip's War.

Countless towns throughout New England were destroyed by attacking Native warriors. Approximately 4,000 people on both sides were killed during the four-month conflict. The political and demographic landscape of New England was forever changed. Countless numbers of Native Americans were captured and sold into slavery during the war. The Native population in New England went from 25% of the total population at the beginning of the war to around 10% a decade later.

Identify key characteristics of early agriculture within the peoples of the Eastern Woodlands.

Crop rotation methods were often used in areas with poor soil Many people of the Eastern Woodlands burned underbrush to create open areas for hunting and farming Corn, beans, and squash were known as the "Three Sisters" and provided the nutritional needs of the inhabitants, The development of agriculture allowed some people to focus their energy on other activities besides food production.

The 1693 _____ was declared by the King of Spain and promised freedom to all slaves escaping the British colonies in return for their conversion to Catholicism and an oath of loyalty to Spain.

Decree of Sanctuary

England experienced a "Golden Age" during the reign of _____ who ruled England from 1558 until 1603.

Elizabeth I

Slave labor on large estates was managed by Spanish "lords" in a feudal arrangement known as the ______ system.


Identify the European nations that played a major role in the colonization of the New World.

England Spain Netherlands Portugal France

Which of the following would be the MOST significant result of the French and Indian War?

England gained control over the former French territories of Canada and the Ohio River Valley.

The English colony of Jamestown would have probably failed if it had not been for the strict discipline enforced by _____.

John Smith

One of the most important leaders of the Great Awakening was a minister from Northampton, Massachusetts named _______ He believed in the idea of ________ in which God had decided long ago who was saved and who was not. Around 1730 he began preaching out against worldly sins and encouraged his congregation to look inward for signs of "God's saving grace." In his most famous sermon, _________ he asked the congregation to "search their souls." Before long over half of his congregation experienced unexplained convulsions.

Jonathan Edwards predestination Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Identify the consequences of the English Civil War.

King Charles I was executed. England became a republic ruled by Oliver Cromwell.

Which of the following BEST describes the causes of the Glorious Revolution in 1688?

King James II demonstrated pro-Catholic and pro-French feelings and took several actions to restrict the freedoms of Protestants in England and American colonists.

Identify true statements regarding the political climate in the American colonies. Check ALL that apply

Lawyers became very important members of the political scene in the colonies. Local legislatures in the colonies made laws, provided assistance to the poor, controlled education, and imposed taxes. Colonial governments had greater authority over day to day affairs than local governments in England. White male suffrage was widespread in the colonies compared to England.

Instead of Columbus, it was actually a Scandinavian named _____ that first explored the Americans around 1000 A.D.

Leif Erikson

Despite the fact that by 1750 slavery was legal throughout the region the colony of Georgia was originally founded by James __________ as a free colony.

OglethorpeWhich of the following would be the MOST significant result of the French and Indian War?

Identify the problems that came with using paper money in the American colonies. Check ALL that apply.

Paper money that might be worth something in one colony could be considered worthless in another colony. Paper money was easier to counterfeit than coins were. Some British merchants would accept the paper money and some would not. Paper money often lost its value quicker than coins.

The colony of ________ was founded by William ______ who was member of the Society of Friends, also known as, ______ The colony attracted a variety of diverse immigrants because the leaders demanded that everyone be protected under the same rights. Many of the colony's leaders petitioned against the use of________ labor because they believed that it required violence and because the colony's climate was not suitable for the cash crops that required large groups of laborers.

Pennsylvania Penn Quakers slave

The marriage between John Rolfe and _______ in 1614 and the introduction of ______ in 1616 helped save the colony of Jamestown.

Pocahontas tobacco

Following the end of the French and Indian War several native tribes united together under the leadership of the prophet Neolin and an Ottawa warrior named _________ This coalition of native warriors attacked white settlements throughout the Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes region. They laid siege to Fort ____________ in May of 1763 and by 1766 they had killed four hundred soldiers and two thousand settlers. The attacks ended because of a shortage of supplies and _________

Pontiac Detroit disease

How did England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 change the course of world history?

Protestantism was secured It opened the door for English expansion in the Atlantic and the New World

The political structure of the colonies fell under one of three categories: ________ governments had governors appointed by the king and were the most tightly controlled. _________-colonies had more freedoms than any other colony. Lastly, __________ colonies were governed by interest groups that created their own branches of government and elected one of their own as governor.

Provincial Proprietary Charter

During the reign of Elizabeth I Protestantism became the religious norm in England. Many radical Protestants known as _____ felt like the break with Catholicism was not enough and began to look to the New World as an opportunity to spread their beliefs.


Identify the characteristics of the colony of Rhode Island.

Rhode Island was governed under an egalitarian constitution. Rhode Island became a haven for religious groups like Quakers and Jews. Community leaders throughout Rhode Island were quite progressive in regards to outlawing trials for witchcraft, outlawing debtor's prison and chattel slavery. Rhode Island was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams.

The oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the present-day United States ________,Florida was founded by Pedro de Avilés in 1565.

St. Augustine

Identify the actions that Sir Francis Drake can be MOST closely associated with.

State-sponsored piracy against Spain in the New World

On an early Sunday morning in 1739 a group of South Carolina slaves revolted and began marching south towards Spanish-held Florida. The Spanish had offered freedom to escaped slaves. After killing about twenty whites the rebel slaves were defeated by a militia. Despite their defeat their actions proved that slaves were willing to fight back. This BEST describes the events of the...

Stono Rebellion

Identify the consequences, aka significance of, the French and Indian War and Pontiac's Rebellion. Check ALL that apply.

The French and Indian War, along with Pontiac's Rebellion, was tremendously expensive and precipitated imperial reforms on taxation, commerce, and politics leading to increased "taxation without representation" in America. The prohibition of Anglo-American settlement in Native American territory, especially the Ohio River Valley, sparked discontent among colonists. The war proved that coercion was not an effective strategy for imperial control over the colonies or Native Americans. The French and Indian War, and Pontiac's Rebellion that followed, pushed the thirteen American colonies closer together politically and culturally than ever before.

Identify the characteristics of the Articles of Confederation that created a weak and ineffectual central government following the Revolution. Check ALL that apply.

The federal government had no power to regulate interstate trade and commerce. There was no judiciary system established by the federal government. The federal government had no power to regulate trade with other countries. The federal government had no power to tax.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the demographics of the largest cities in the American colonies in 1775?

The largest cities had populations that ranged from 12,000 to 40,000. The largest cities had a highly stratified class system that ranged from the laboring class to merchant elites. Some colonial cities were highly organized with a strategic layout of government, civic, and education buildings.

Identify TRUE statements about the relationship between the thirteen British colonies in America and the British colonies throughout the Caribbean.

The most beneficial trade between the North American and Caribbean colonies was in the slave trade. Colonial elites in North America imported rare wood from the Caribbean to build furniture. The North American colonies sold food and raw materials like timber to the Caribbean colonies. The Caribbean colonies relied on the North American colonies for livestock like cattle and horses.

How did many American colonists initially respond to the increased taxation placed on the colonies by British Parliament?

They organized nonimportation agreements They stressed the need to buy domestic products.

How did the colony of Virginia manage its labor shortage in the beginning?

They paid indentured servants to come to Virginia They created the "headright" policy

What was the MAIN goal of the Declaratory Act?

To give legitimacy to any future law passed by Parliament regarding the colonies.

The 1494 Treaty of _________ divided the New World up between Spain and _________ As a result, the only lands in the New World where the Portuguese had a major influence was in modern-day

Tordesillas Portugal Brazil

Identify key characteristics of Dutch colonization of the New World.

Trade with Native Americans was central to the Dutch economic plan in the New World. Dutch settlers first treated natives as if they had the same natural rights. The Dutch commissioned the explorer Henry Hudson to navigate the Northwest Passage in 1609. The Dutch utilized the patroon system to manage large farms in the New World.

Among the native populations of the Southeast slaves were not considered slaves for life, and in fact were often be integrated into the tribe.


Because the Navigation Acts were so difficult to enforce American merchants smuggled an estimated 700,000 British pounds of illegal goods in and out of their ports every year.


After 1662, all children born to slave mothers and free white fathers in the American colony of Virginia were considered free once they turned eighteen.


During the 17th and 18th centuries American colonists refused to use Native Americans as slaves and instead only used slaves imported from Africa.


The Spanish were the only Europeans to colonize Florida during the 16th century.


The creation of the Dominion of New England in 1686 by King James II helped rebuild the crown's relationship with American colonists following the harsh rule of Charles II.


The idea of race, most often associated with differences in skin color, developed during the Dark Ages hundreds of years before the Age of Exploration and the spread of slavery into the New World.


The idea of racial superiority did not develop in North America until after the American Revolution.


There were no slaves in the New England colonies on the eve of the American Revolution.


Women in the American colonies who married maintained their individual political and economic rights. This was different from in England where women gave up all of their rights to the husband.


In addition to an economic embargo in 1650 British Parliament created the _______ in 1651, which required all merchants from the Americas to ship their goods through England using only English ships.

navigation acts

During the colonial era Virginia plantation owners installed the ______ system to guarantee their estates stayed in the family. They also issued an _______ which prevented the breakup and sale of estates.

primogeniture entail

The religious schism in the Catholic Church in 1517, also known as the _______ resulted in long and bloody wars between France and England and civil wars within the two European powers.


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