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Harry truman announcing atomic bomb of Hiroshijma 1945 Duck COVER VIEWING: -Put such a serious thing in such child like context which takes away from the actual scariness of it (by using a turtle)--then it went into depth of scary things like being thrown into a tree and destroying buildings and sunburn --the fact that it can come at anytime is also terrifying --crazy to see how much things we are have to learn protocols for protection have changed, i cant imagine having to practice an atomic bomb drill in school LISTENING JFK LUNAR MISSION: LECTURES: -WW2 deadliest and most dangerous was cold war -Both took place in 20th century--many suffer from ailment called chronolgial snobbery--assume things will always get better and we are more advanced than those in the past--history frequently moves in the other direction--tech progress doesn't mean moral progress -WW2--2 key developments--aggressive nationalism field by racist ideologies -In europe Hitler expanded into new territories--in 1936 seized rye land -Second development for most of 1930s nationalism went unchecked--allies tried appeasement which was giving in \r -Read history forward--nice to hitler bc reading history forward -WW2 in 1939 after poland invasion--FDR realized if hitler could bomb london US was in danger Lend lease program --garden hose analogy Roosevelt fell to economic coercion -Pearl harbor: roosevelt froze all japanese assets in US and then cut off all connection -December 7th 1941 japanese attack on pearl harbor--following day US declared war on japan B-y 1944 --mamy people left farms and millions of american women took jobs in defense plants--many women starting working and the war caused americans to be sent back to work -Origins of cold war in world war 2--in 1941 roosevelt launched massive research prgoram called -Manhattan Project--2 billion dollars w americans in secret facilities US did not trust stalin or soviet union but entered an alliance anyways Invasion of normandy june 6 1944-V-day--largest things ever Adolf hitler committed suicide 6mill jewish people died in nazi death cmaps--Holocaust War conintued in pacific betwen japan and US Skulls as mascots --japan refused to surrender August 6 1945 atomic bomb dropped in hiroshima--killed more than 60000 people instantly and then 75000 later but japan refused to surrender---august 9 nagasaki bomb on and japan surrenders but cold war happening Cold war emerged from struggle of what europe would look like after WW2 Stalin set up puppet govs and suppressed democratic parties in poland Stalin said oculd be no lasting peace George kennan 8000 word telegram--efforts to work w soviets were doomed to failure since communist world view different from democratic world view--could not be trusted Cointed term containment--need to contain soviets and keep them from expanding In 1948 stalin alarmed and responde dby blocking all land travel to berlin so truman in difficult position

WEEK 10: Global Color Line--eugenics, loving v birginia, jim crow laws, plessy v. ferfuson, Dubois and BT wshington, Phillipine American War, literacy tests, transcontinental railroad

Lecture 1: -Early 1900s over 60000 people sterilized -In 1924 law authorized this targeting insane epileptic and evil minded promising of eugenics J-oseph Degarnet 1906-43 ran hospital--promise of eugenics scientist can manage reproduction and improve gene pool--racism -Walter Plecker--father slaveholding confederate--offical in VA helped pass law in 1924 the racial integritiy act that made whites only allowed to marry whites Loving v. Virginia--richard married mildred who was black and put them in jail for year -Web dubois said prob of 20th century was problem of color line in the planet--world divided by color whiteness was new religion--said it was socially created -2010--texas experiment--ford explorer for every car wash w loose change inside and found that workers stole ⅓ of time and at some he left beer cans under seat to convince drunk driving--2x as likely to be stolen from when beer under seat--people more likely to injure others when can justify actions Relates to these issues bc behind Jim Crow segregation were racist theories that said non whites inferior J-im Crow Segregation: white southerners separated some life very soon after emancipation like cemeteries and hotels--this separation differed from place to place and was not even -Strange career of Jim Crow--bible--revealed segregation was not inevitable and it was new and contingent if it oculd be created it could be ended -Progressives argued fro segregation saying only reasonable response to racial conflict -Reading history forward--segregation looked idff in 1875 than 95 so it oculd look very different in 1955 Railroad carts: whites accepted integrated spaces if -AA working--most trains had first class cars for women and men who doen't smoke -Second class cars much owrse--AA sometimes fought segregation in hotels and restaurants but preferred to patronize AA owned business -Segregation linked to gender--more men and women mixed more liley place would be segregated--so wave of railroad segregation laws--separate but equal railroad cars -Plessy v. Ferguson--worked w white attorney--plessy refused to leave white railroad car and arrested--ruling legitimated idea of separate but equal--said legislation is powerless and separating AA and whites did not violate 14th amendment--lynchings more brutal in 1880s and 1890s--extra judicial execution -Whites used lynching as means of law enforcement most victims aa--south 85% black L-ynching terrorizeing AA into submission--Booker T. Washington famous in 1895 w atlantic compromise speech: in all things that are social we can be as separate as fingers yet one as a hand in all things essential in mutual progress--said things wouldn't change and advocated non threatening change and industrial education--won many rich white supporters -Spent all summer in NE--built network of power an dinfluence by telling white people what they wanted to hear but worked behind scenes to fight segregated things His story is more complicated than public demonstration -WEB Dubois said compromised too much--argument public--calimed washingtons acceptance of inequality was giving in to racial prejudice and claimed time to assert AA rights and claim the vote--founded the NAACP---favored protest to confront racism -America watching europe to expand powers--americans learned about spanish atrocities against Cuba--amerians blamed spain and declared war in april 1898--spanish american war begun in naval victory in philipines -US had global empire even in pacifiic--presidnet william mckinley wanted to educate philippines who he said were unfit for government--benevolent civilizer--many favored anexxing philippines but most believed their imperialism was different -Phillipine American War--Emilio Aguanaldo--entered war with 125000 americans who seerved--us soldiers lost heart and saw phillipiinos as savages and slaughtered women children and elderly James bryce spread american interpretation of -Reconstruction all over the world--bible for white nation building--traveled in US lots and became close w Theo Roosevelt--leading authority on race In 1902 james bryce claimed that reconstruction revealed risk democracy runs when suffrage granted to large mass of men (AA)--rejoiced when US annexed philippines--proved republican party had finally learned lessons of reconstruction Strategies o facial things were implemented in other countries -Mississippi politicians decided to use literacy tests in order to vote--sign name and read any section of contitituiton or be able to understand something read to you--designed to be misused--any AA could be failed no matter how good--he thought it was brilliant bc discriminated on race without looking like it New religion of whiteness was influenced by fear that unless white people careful privileges would be lost to AA 1930s--migration--chinese european and indian left homes to make new ones in foreign lands--many came to US--more immigrants than in previos 3 centuries -Many went to Ellis Island-- -Railroads actively recruited immigrant labor--chinese to mined goal and then do railroads (transcontinetnal) and many went to San Fran--San fran segregated chinese and said races should be kept separate--some wanted complete ban on chinese immigrants Nativism: attitude that favors residents over immigrants and can target anyone Ways to restrict immigrantion: literacy tests--advocates for restricting immigration pushed for those who could read could enter country--

WEEK 11: Monson Maine

Lecture: -1872--Monson Maine -Early 1800s most mobile period of american history--monson close to center--wanted to fix wabanaki people -1872--Monson existed bc people willing to relocate but now so many residents leaving Monson Some moving to west to rural areas and some leaving rural areas entirely and this carried on Until 1920 most americans lived in rural areas--but also steady movement into city-- Rural population still increasing but overall declining--lots of young ambitious people moving to cities During years before civil war lots of animals and agriculture in american cities (1920 20000 hogs in Manhattan)--in middle 19th century restriction of agriculture Economic hubs--rural people could buy urban goods in the mail--city people popularized negative stereotypes of country people Stereotypes: unrefined, unprofessional--Hay seed: coined in 1851 in Moby Dick--bumpkin, hick, rube Went both ways: country people thought of city people as fat and exploiting country people--nicknames: city slicker, Political conflicts today due to the urban rural divide--rural more republican--everyone feels misunderstood 63% urban americans feel communities looked down upon and 56% rural people feel the same You would think rural people responded very defensively--also symbiotic relationship Many rural people realized cities might help solve their problems--decline in countryside inevitable?-- Read history forward: most developments seem inevitable but put self inshoves of rural people often find a degree of optimism of their ability to use urban resources for their own purposes Learned how to use imported and indigeneous materials: Monson Maine--Monson on appalachian trail at the very beginning or end depending how you look at it monson has faced hard times: furniture mill shut down and backbone of economy, elementary school closed, at one point only had 666 residents How rural places forged locality by engaging wider world 4 ways people of Monson responded to declining town--rejuvenated by tapping urban and global resources Between 1870 and 1900 value of manufactured products quadrupled Rural places industrialize too Economic activity: logging, railroad, slate (important export) slate used for everything 1870 was not discovery of slate but did not have value until realized could be export Slate blackboards in schools, roofing (in late 1800s this was main use--fire resistant and last longer but expensive so rare in US) Usually got slate from Wales--so Monson's slate became very important in U.S. Development of railroad network made shipment possible--new building styles worked better w slate and designers liked the way it looked--Welsch immigration Quarries brought new workers-work dangerous--also produced massive amounts of waste and dumped waste into lake creating peninsula monson slate showed up on roof of harvard and on top of churches Rural industrial landscape from slate--urban people also began to come to monson in summer months For most americans vacation was new experience--often chance to get away from heat--railroads helped people travel further distances like coastal maine For tourism people had to have access to transportation so monson got hooked up to railroads and improved roads--built a monson hotel--most important was place making so marketing your place as good place for others to visit Small town stepping out of modern city life Joined romanticization of rural life Ignored the fact that rural places are complex and part of modern life-- Town started a newspaper--the Weekly Slate--newspaper showed local people departing meaning of local Birds eye view meant place was significant In 1900 ⅓ of foreign americans lived in rural places--millions of immigrants came to countryside---monson had lots of immigrants monson people transformed own town and brought sweidsh language to paper--reshpaed landscape to fit others By 1900 248 foreign born people living in monson monson well aware of changes and weaved immigrants into town monson small enough place where you could no everyone but it has to be created--localoity created by adding outside influences Later in 1900s monson lost lots of young people A few years ago revival of monson--libra foundation is building on history and renovating buildings in monson for art schools and attracting artists Monson 1885 Newspaper Clothing stuff, carpenter adds, steam power printers

WEEK 4: From Colonies to Nation--America Revolution, federalists and loyalists, tensions

Stamp Act Reading -After math of french indian war -briatin wanted control over colonies -imposed taxes on paper things -set inmotion the stamp act crisis -not all colonists had problems with stamp act, so stamp act congress formed to push back parliament Charles Inglis Pamphlet: 1776 -White loyalist colonist who remained loyal to king -Advantages for reconciliation w GB -Needed to stay loyal because of all of the benefits Reconciliation would put period to the present of the war -Peace will be restored -Agriculture, commerce, industry would be big again -Trade will have protection of greatest naval power in world -Emigrants will flow, population will increase -CONSEQUENCES for no reconciliation -Property unhinged and great violence -Have to abandon property in america -All accommodation w GB would be closed -Ruthless war will ravage land -We are basically like Britons -All these evils more tolerable than slavery Nero Brewster Petiition -1779 freedom petition submitted by slaves to NH state legislature -He and other slaves forced into slavery: no freedom, not getting rights they're supposed to get here -Asking for laws to be enacted for their freedom, liberty, justice, religion, humanity, etc. Thomas Paine Calls for American INdependence -1776, diff portrayal of British government -Government a necessary evil -Mankind destroyed by "rich and poor" titles, men into "kings and subjects" -Kings arrived by heathens and it was sign of Devil -Freedom gone from world Boston King Recalls Fighting for British and Freedom 1798 -Born into slavery in SC in 1760 -Escaped british army in SC in 1780 -Served as loyalist in british army--captured and enslaved by americans but escaped british again and sent him to black loyalists in Canada -Became one of first black canadian settleers in sierra leone west africa -Going to Charles-town--got small pox, disease, carried mile from camp and couldn't march, little food or water Sent a man -Set off on foot to deliver message--Nelson's Ferry -Went to war--Chesapeake bay -Wages low so had to lave master for another one-- Escaped and went to NY--1783--restored peace but heard of masters coming to get slaves--british very nice to them--certificate for NY --novia scotia LECTURE 1: American Revolution -Myth: american revolution as moment of consensus among americans -Britian not only powerful empire w interest in northern America in1700s: also Native Americans -In 1754 Ben Franklin wanted to make british empire largest and most powerful in world: believed required defeating france in spain and getting rid of --NA allies: the british empire -He was part of effort to respond to war w france by forming new union between 13 english colonies and Iriquois indians--1754 albany NY and met w representatives of other colonies: argued for new union (JOIN or DIE snake--first political cartoon--message is obvious) Albany Plan of Union -Colonies represented from north to south, if you don't join we will be sliced and defeated -Working against preferences of colonies: colonies rejected Albany Plan -Lack of colonial unity became more obvious in 7 years war between england and france fought in 5 continents In north america it was calle dFrench and Indian War--1754-1763: britain send over thousand of troops and america won and took over canada--vicotry for britain and colonies and beginning of problems -Relationship w britain looked decent w colonists bc they thought of themselves as british living in North America--thought britain would protect them but leave them alone -British emerged from war disgusted w amerians and resented their small forces and unprofessionalism and mad they still traded w french in war -Struck by how non british some colonists seemed: americans might be drifting away -Parliament decided to reign in colonies and assert control: british gov also wanted to tighten authority over colonies bc it was in debt from wars (french and indian doubled its debt) -British thought colonists would help--parliament had Stamp Act Crisis to directly tax american colonists 1765--levied small tax on every public piece of paper in colonies--new tax applied to printers and lawyers but everyone expected--2-6% of what people in england payed on taxes -Now british thought they were reasonable but colonists FURIOUS--disagreements bc of communication break down--americans thought their assemblies had powers over colonial matters and house of commons exercised in GB--british saw pariliament supreme over colonies so taxes -Americans thought tied to britain bc allegiance to king then virtual representation: each member in parliament represented all british subjects Many large towns did not elect members to parliament bc youre supposed to elect every member Absurd to colonists: colonists wanted direct representation especially on taxes -Round one went to colonists and stamp act repealed after 1 year--americans not yet advocating independence or revolutionaries Stamp Act Congress Arguments: not on inevitable path to revolution Sons of liberty: london was their enemy--leaders like samuel adams had to work hard--20% of white colonist were loyal to king in revolution In 1770 british soldiers Boston Massacre: some popular taxes repealed--radicals like Paul Revere tried to keep rebellion alive Tension heated and colonists stock piled weapons in massachussetts--shots fired at Lexington--most colonists hoped to reconcile w Britain Lecture 2: -Frist shots of american revolution shot at lexington in 1775 and americans wanted to resolve problems w Britain -Thomas Paine: Common Sense in Jan 1776: enlightenment terms like reason: declared monarchy to be illegitimate (radical idea but spread quickly)--patiorts tore down stature and melted it for led and made bulluets to use agAINST kings forces when Dec of Independence came out -Before long french would reject monarchy and cut off monarchs head -Odds looked uneven for war--11mill britains and 2.5mill americans--british had powerful navy and americans had none -20% of while americans rejected Dec of Inde and stayed loyal to king like NA and AA: read history forward: could be loyalist bc looked very unlikely that americans would win war -George Washington made army out of men of colonies who were very different: in summer of 1776 british arrived w 30000 troops and 10000 sailors and more: largest sea born attack so far--scared colonists into submission and urged GW to end conflict but he wouldn't -War began so bad for americans that they wanted to replace GW but he held it together and won some small battles--only hope for colonists was making it a larger war and getting french involved -French eager to strike against england--sent BF to ask france to join war--reluctant initially until colonists showed they could win at Battle of Saratoga in 1777--british general john led assault on US from canada and wanted to separate new england--defeated by american army and forced to surrender Benedict arnold was hero in this battle and great american trader -This victory is indicated by 1821 painting in Rotunda of US capital--BF finally seen by king of france who entered in treaty w america--now Britian faced prospect of a world war--connections w world important -Dec. 1779 war was stalemate--so what strategy? British thought could get slaves to revolt against american masters so they said they'd grant freedom and protection to slaves -Slave uprising--this became leading war aim bc white americans so mad and denied independence for slavery -Thousands ran to british and some fought and many fought w british--Boston King fought with them--british strategy was to conquer areas and leave loyalists at these areas but british horrified by people By late 1780 british occupation of south had been 6 months -Brutal civil war between patriots and loyalists--british retreat to sea and in 1781 arrive in port city at chesapkeae bay and last battle of rev fought at yorktown--cannon fire -British surrender in oct. of 1781--oppostition won election and took over govt -Britain recognized US independence in treaty of paris in 1783 Lecture 3: -Victory changes: 2 unexpected consequences 1) aa took advantage of all talk of natural rights and independence to push for own freedom 2) after revolution americans formed strong central government -Story of woman Mum Bett: grew up slavery in Mass--heard lots of natural rights stuff and followed debates over abolishing slavery -In 1781 woman who owned her beat her w hot shovel leaving her w scar and she fled and refused to return--master to court to force her to return so mum bett saw attorney--about "all men are born free and equal" her case taken and said she was entitled to same rights and she was freed -2 years later ruling upheld and ended slavery in that state: this AA woman ahd forced freedom issue on table and white allies acted to end slavery in Mass -Changed her name to Elizageth Freeman -GW resigned from head of continental army and retunred to Mt> Vernon was big event around world--just gave up his power--americans need to invent themselves as people -One possibility was US of colombia or freedonia--forming national identity from scratch State constitutions written during rev guarded against concentrations of power -Const. conv. --philidelphai 1787--wanted strong central government--new understanding of federalism--union between independent states and federation acting on its units--fed gov supreme in some spheres and states supreme in otehr spheres Fed gov acted directly on american people People formed government of and by and for the people James Madison designed and promoted const w John J -- federalist papers support for const.--madison shy and unskilled in public speaking--congress in 1780 In 1790's two politicla parties: federalists (party of const) and democratic republicans (around TJ and James Madison) Major force in national politics was Alex Hamilton--feared most amerians would be more loyal to states than national government and his leading critic was secretary of state TJ Hamilton admired british system and TJ was pro french and wanted US to become nation of demo white farmers and producers and disliked social hierarchy Neither party recognized other party's right to exist Politics were not a game and TJ believes Hamiton will destory promise of revolution Federalists saw TJ as disloyal Tensions were escalating dangerously

WEEK 5: The Early Republic--politics, road construction, middle class family dynamics

Reading 1: Abigail Escapes an Abusive Relationship -1815 had an abusive husband and kids—he abused them sexually and physically and forgave him too much and let abuse go too long -ultimately she separated from him and spoke publicly of his actions—individual agency under hard conditions and using faith to free her from husband -One of daughters told other what she heard in Sabbath--sister fainted -Hurt daughter and thought hed flee -He needs justice--we need to leave but where -Told mr. B news as if someone else--he was terrified--he said it wasn't him but didnt blame her for thinking it -She intended to leave but asked what he should do—he destroyed himself and now—he rejected all of her advice and followed his own counsel but now realizes his own counsel was his downfall -she said turn 100 acre lot and take avails if it wants him to reconcile with jesus christ -said if he never hit family again she could trust him but if he did hurt fam he'd received punishment from god -treat all mankind well Reading 2: A midwifes tale video maine 1785 Kenebec River—decades following american revolution april 24-midwife slept w her til 1 in the morning and then called neighbors for assistance i'll til 3 hour in afternoon son and third child—6 shillings and something to get over river as reward martha ballard is her name—from her diary—wrote for 27 years john brown in jail after raping 11 year old daughter july 4-ideoendence day july 23 1787-girls washed and mrs ellis gave her coffee and she made syrup for woman she sees those sick—savage there—she's a healer one boy had scarlet fever—Isaac Harden—gives root and gargled throat—mr savages daughter puking all night— doctors in martha's town but she was usually called first—doctor nurse pharmacist and midwife and good neighbor bc never alone in time of illness historíen able to map spread of disease in martha's town—reverend sick w rash too mrs howard's son sick too—when there there was a saw mill in flames—it's her husbands mill and her daughter hanna turned 18 years old that day small boy of the howard's dies—mom has other kids who are sick as well—epidemic—this entry seemed more emotional in 1769 one of worst epidemics hit mass and martha from oxford mass—martha lost 3 daughters within a few weeks and she was pregnant that summer and hannah was the child born in summer of epidemic moved from mass to maine during american revolution—diary is when martha is 50 and has 5 children from 7 to 31 living at home parthenia is martha's niece—know what work each family never did but don't know who slept where and don't know if father ruled or if it was playful—harmonious?—martha says little about relationship w husband but can't jumó to conclusion that it was cold and informal—did they get privacy and how did they behave w each other lecture 1: high politics in early american republic and life of ordinary working class woman on main frontier snd then rise of american middle class -babies don't like politician and politician love babies—babies help to establish them as ordinary people—common people have votes -how did TJ campaign for white house in election of 1800-wasn't classy in early years of american republic to go out and ask ordinary people for their vote politics was brutal but not proper for a gentlemen to participate so he had others do it for him publicly andrew jackson helped this transition above—--president in 1828-not like TJ or james madison who's ere elites and ruled by better sort—AJ WAS commoner and he bullet in chest from dual when 30-attempt to assassinate him at 67-failed first time and person pulled second gun and AJ ran toward him but second one miss fired -won in 1828 by appealing to people—at his inauguration there was wide range of people—economic matters—US was expanding and everyone had opinions on role gov should okay -AJ was in center of argument over national bank—he blamed bank for big problem in 1819 and after president he worked to destroy bank saying in threatened equal rights of all americans -angered senator henry clay and others who saw national institutions as necessary for economic growth—his bank veto les to bring of 2 new political parties -wig party henry clay in 1834-southern land ownders and northern merchants—wanted to keep bank—not all rich but saw commerce as oth of wealth democrats—AJ—heirs of TJ—workers and immigrants—organizer was martin van biten who was AJ VP and he became pres in 1836 and tan again in 1840 against Harrison and this was first modern camping wigs tan harrison under tip and canoe and tyler too—shows military service and john tyler was VP wigs called van buren van ruin—said he was out of touch of ordinary people im 1840 wigs adopted democratic stuff and did it better than democrats—american voters still wanna see voters as ordinary people like they tried to do w harrison -jacksonian era—age of common man in politics—more white men received riggg by to vote—number of voters quadrupled in 1824-28-coincided w continued political silence if many americans painting a verdict of the people—demo political process—lively street scene w white men from diff social classes—2 AA men one working and other exhausted or sorrowful—george calen bingim was a wig—kansas act of 1854 opening kansas to slavery—voting could be used expand slavery which bingham opposed -soon civil war—painting reveals fears of future of american democracy -martha ballard—differences and similarities—more silence and darkness in her world than ours—what did she and the fam do for work and how did they relate to each other and neighbors Lecture 2 -home sweet home 1823 song John Howard Paine—helped spread notions of family and domestic and home life -overland transportation: fastest traveling overland was on horse (took TJ 10 days to go from phil my go home) in 1803 only 4 roads crossing appalachian mtd east to west -made it hard to integrate nation economically and politically -overland travel was so slow and expensive so it was hard and worried some settlers would leave union first improvements were roads in 1790s and after was of 1812 gov made Cumberland or national Road—transportation revolution -construction of roads, construction of canals (most famous was eerie canal from lake erie to hudson river—1825 huge success and cost abt 100 dollars to carry a ton of grain or salt overland and 5 years later same load shipped for 9 dollars so HUGE bc now things much more affordable and NYC boomed as a hub), steamboats (1820 they carried people and good in great leaked eastern rivers and some western—cut costs greatl), railroads (most owned by private corporations, cheaper, faster than canals and steamboats, -how changes affected society: canals depopulated some times and others expanded like buffalo and made commercial hubs for people looking for work in 1820 city grew faster than countryside—Rochester in 1820s was fastest growing city—grain growing region—population rose from a few hundred to 20000) -1820s-30s social change in rochester—people work slept and hung out in same areas—in 1820 people moved people away from others and there were divisions of wealth -rich distanced themselves from employees culturally through clothing, church, and homes -middle class emerged: mainly business men initially—education fashion and travel for families—middle class was performance more than identity—could claim status by acting like it -as middle class matured it had distinctive ideas—painting of home—on wall image of someone w raccoon cap -first 4 homes abe lincoln lived in had 1 room and dirt floors—middle class homes had parlors and separate rooms -artist portraying when father is home from work entering doce presided by wife who looks after kids—males in public realm and domestics realm was female -women often not included in politics—home was haven for men from rough world—diff than ballards—middle class has pets for fun but ballards had animals for work—ballards had kids to be workers but in middle class kids did not work and more like pets this family is full of affection—middle class saw marriage about love—breakup letter from woman to guy: she said she can't love him and get lost bc she can't marry him

WEEK 3: Colonial Development

Reading 1: Ben Franklin Autobiography -Philidelphai on 11 Oct -Became expert at selling -Brother in Law Holmes--worked w Keimer Paid him high bc knew he could eventually get rid of him -g Franklim's pay steep, quarrel happened and Franklin left -started sayinwriting it in 1771--continued on and off for about 2 decades--autoibgraphy first published in 1790 which is the year he Ben Franklin died -He was born in 1706--and part of autobiography we read was in 1726 as he returned to colonies from England (like he was writing about 1726 in 1771) -He's telling history that's informed by the way things turned out--he's a big deal by the time he writes his autobiography--more inclined to embellish things as well as be more neutral (religion) Purpose is to explain how he became so successful and share secrets to his descendants and americans for them to become successful -Reading history forward: putting yourself in their shoes without knowing what's ahead How is it reading it backward: franklin is reading his own story backward--since it happened so long ago he was able to plan out what he wanted to say and stuff--also reflecting on everything rather than what he actually felt in those moments--he knows how story ends (w success) so uncertainty is not there Inventor, writer, virtues, relationships, skills all made him successful -How is he similar of different from John Winthrop: winthrop was stuck on his way or the highway but I think Franklin was more open and willing to hear from others--diff views of status he says god creates hierarchies but people must stay in line but be nice to other classes--franklin says it's okay to aspire to a higher class than you're born into He was one of the architects to the american dream Reading 2: Royall Family -Colonial elites use clothing houses portraits furniture and manners to participate in culture of gnetiillity tha tput them on equal footing w elites in england Robert Feke's 1741 painting of royall fam--Isaac Royall Jr. is 22 , inherited fathers estate (mansion in Boston, sugar plantation in Antigua, 18 slaves) Becomes one of wealthiest men in Mass -Elizabeth Mcintosh at 15 marry in 1783 -18 month daughter Elizabeth coral teething stick gold and ivory handle (coral wards evil spirits) Reading 3: Eliza Lucas Letters 1740-41 -Letter to friend in London May 2 1740 -In south carolina--prefers england but its better than west indies -Friend here--Charles Town principle in province and its a nice place People gentle Country is fertile--vension higher flavored -Up to her to choose where to live, but better for her and her mom to live in country while father is gone 17 miles land and 6y water from Charles Town--had 6 fams around them who they live w in harmony -She works for her father bc mom can't because she is in bad state 3 plantations so requires lots of work She likes helping father -Two women, Mrs. Pickney and Mrs. Cleland, who she spends time w and insist she relaxes at their houses when in town more often than Eliza thinks she should Loves charles town but loves working and serving LETTER TO FATHER June 4 1741 He wrote letters of feb 19 and 20 and mar 15 and 21 Hadn't heard for 6 months before He had recovered from dangerous illness Sending provisions Boat daily from Garden Hill cotton , guiney corn, ginger here cuit off by frost Frost also took indigo No more than 100 bushes now Lost this season so need to prepare for the next Mr Hunt Grandma died--he also sent her 50 pound bill Carthagene is taken Mr. Wallis dead, Capt. Norberry killed in diel by Capt. Dobrusee Norberry disregarded by all, has wife and 3 or 4 kids in bad place Mama tenders her affections Reading 4: Olaudah Equiano Describes Middle Passage 1789 -All put under deck so they could not see how ship was managed -Horrible stench while on coast, some stayed on deck for fresh air but now all condensed so horrible Close and hot, so added people to ship and no one had any space -Air became unfit for respiration from smells and caused sickness among slaves and many died (falling avarice of purchasers) -Chains insupportable, children fell into tubs and almost suffocated -Women shrieking and dying groaning -He was almost always on deck and bc so young he was not put in fetters He wanted to die Everything he experienced made everything worse--opinion of cruelty of whites Whites caught fish and didn't share scraps w begging hungry slaves--some tried to sneak fish but then they received brutal floggings One day a few men jumped over board to get out of misery--more would've if crewmen hadn't seen them Those most active then put under decks, wanted boat to go after slaves 2 died and saved one who recieved severe flogging Near suffocation from need of fresh air (often without for days), stench these things carried off many Saw flying fishes and use of quadrant--couldn't figure it out One man made him look through it one day--clouds were land--thought in another would where it'd be magical Island of Barbadoes--whites showed great joy LECTURE 1: Colional development--reading hisotry forward and connections between US and rest of world -William Byrd ii-- founder of Richmond--Westover his estate on James River--built by sone III after 1750 -What is he telling us w his portrait--wig/cuffs--gentlemen who doesn't have to do labor bc others do it for him--house in pop style in england---ship menas man of atlantic world who prospers through int. Trade -Wealthiest men in colonial VA--primary source behind -In 1709 kept a secret diary written in shorthand--discovered in 1939 and decoded in 40's Filled w personal details--wrote about everything politics slaves friend enemies and sex -What do we learn from 3 entries: lived close to enslaved people he owned so knew when one peed and would punsih, concerned for well being of his slaves, well educated, leisure to workout in the morning, active sex life, ate very well -Ate and drank 1709-12: french wine, rhenish wine, lisbon wine, madeira winek, rum, tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate--not indigenous to VA, luxury goods imported from atlantic world -Early 1700s colonies more prosperous and British--not increasing separation from Great Britian--if read history backward youll be surprised bc there was increasing connection between american colonies and British Empire--reading hisotry forward and putting ourselves in shoes and forgetting about Rev coming -He was part of broad transition in early 1700s--mansions now appearing w fine things from world Him and friends sat on chairs not benches, silver not potter, dined not ate, carpets books painting and others -How did we go from 1607 to this: answer is sugar--it was from plantation in Carribean grown by enslaved people -He could afford it bc his wealth came from slave labor--increasing refinement was linked to rise of race based plantation slavery--irony of amerian hisotry -Colonial sugar came in sugar loafs--colonial brazil For most enslaved, journey came long before boarded ship -Most captured in wars or raids in Africa and went to coast where sold by african brokers to euros Many africans died on journey Place in Ghana -Those sold to euros forced to make Middle Passage: voyage across atlantic into new world 12.5mill women children and men taken by force from africa and put on ships 10.7mill walked off in new world 2mill died on ocean Shows horrific conditions Shackles found in 1972 in key west florida: u shaped put around wrist ankles of two slaves and could not remove Below deck people cramme dinot tiny births--each 5-7 square feet of space and 2 ft of head room Sides pressed against one another--couldnt sleep bc illness, pain, hunger, fear Chance of dying was 1 in 7 Olatta Eguiano--those survived almsot always taken to Brazil or Carribean--fewer than 4% came to US, more than 40% when to tB or C--bc Carribean was center of new world commerce -Slavery transfomred colonial economy by looking at Byrds or Royall Fam--also had social and political condwquences -During indentirued servitude--rich and poor--poor whites and AA fought together against wealthy whites in Bacon's rebellion--this alliance frightened wealthy whites in VA--bringing race based slavery and passing laws that gave whites privileges over black people -All white people on same side of line--changed political life of VA--always group of people lower than poor white man -Race based slavery diffused lots of tension between whites and fear of slave rebellion: created conditons for wide spread white male involvement in political ife -Most white southerners iddnt own slaves but democracy for white men enabled by race based slavery--can see it in clothing and manors--they sought to englicize colonial american life (make more english) wanted to look cool Primary colonial impulse wasn't to stand out but to look more obviously british Eliza Lucas tells her friend in London that people live in english taste--commerce and race based slavery caused thsi. LECTURE 2: Connections between British Empire and American Colonies -England and AMerica were not on path to separation -Enlightenment Age of Reason--late 1600s and late 1700s when philosophers and writers began to emphasize the central role of human reason in making sense of world -2 phases: early was reasonable religion and 2nd about radical politics -Thomas J. letter--Bacon, Locke, Newton my trinity--3 greatest men who lived Symbol: looks like trinity--leading figures of British Enlightenemnt -TJ and BF embraced enlightenment: THe American Enlightenemtn -TJ vailed content for organziaed religion--said jesus wasnt divine--trinity was hocus pocus -He produced version of bible by cutting out all references to miracles and supernatural and onl keeping practices where things were ethical--One of his two versions called the Philosphy of Jesus and the other The LIfe andMorals of Jesus in Nathrith -He was careful about public statements of religion: does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no god--religous freedom! -John Winthrop would've not liked this--it will do worse than break leg and destroy community BF born in boston Mass in 1706--boston was fast growing commercial center--Salem witch trials--came from line of religious people--dad wanted him to become minister but he became example of Enlightenment Religion and got rid of most pruitan things -2 things: moderate religion and useful knowledge for public good--pragmatic form of Deism Deism is religion of enlightenemtn and when everything supernatural is out of bible except for creator and after life--belived god set world in motion and then set back to let it run by laws of nature -BF supported traditional religion: thought churhces uselful (pragmatisit)--being good person--honor god by helping people -Other dominant emphasis was on useful knowledge (inventor)--wood burning stove to lightening rod He did not take out patents he shared freely -Nature was filled w laws that god intended people to discover and use for good -Franklin and others read and traveled broadly and brought euro ideas to America -Franklin got inter. Fame from inventions--France he was hero, at heart of american enlightenment was commitment to using human reason nd take action in understanding and improving world People could and should improve their sociietes and themselves--human agency -During first decades of 1700s life changing--ministers elites and engaging w enlightenment -Jonathan Edwards: influenced by enlightenment--comitted to biblical christianity--had leading role in defining the Great Awakening--series of revivals in colonies and then GB starting in 1730s Edwards born in CT in 1703--int. Fame after spiritual awakeing in his church in mass in 1734 and spread through others in 1735 -Preached piwrful sermons, not emotional but stirred deep responses -Crying through the church what shall I do for christ--he had to stop preaching Deeply exciting, god doing new work Edwards wrote reports as faithful narrative of god Boston and England -John Wesley founder of methodism and read report in Eng and was impressed -Colonies used to spread religion in another country When he became celeb the revival began to die out in his town--what got things going again was arrival of evangelist: George Whitefield Priest in church of england--evangelical in theology Evangelicalism: religious movemnet emphasizing need for new birth or personal conversion (confessing sins), sharing faith w others, holy living, authority of bible, importance of emotions and head in religious life George took colonies by storm promoting his work and preaching to huge crowds--OG american celebrity--best known after King Colonists knew about same person and rushed to hear him preach--famous for theatricality, loud voice, charisma--bring people to tears w his pronunciation of Mesopotamia He was emotional--usually cried while preaching--many who attended experienced exhilarating moments of saving grace like newbirht Hannah Heaton--power of god came down, knees smoked together, felt like floor was collapsing and she was sinking down to hell--god had given her new soul and body -First intercolonial culture event--american culture identity--lead in part by english revivalist--and from ordinary people -George whitefield came to town and he couldnt preach in churdh, hed go to field or twon square and go there--preaching out of doors--controversial bc questioned authority of established ministers Used to preach 2000 sermons out of doors -Lead affects of Great Awakening: 1) transatlantic: Edwards (american) became celeb in Britian WHitefield (british) became celeb in Americas 2) Evangelical revialists reached out to some AA and some NA for first time, 1000s chose to convert to christianity--saw sustained AA interest in christianity 3) there were political consequneces--created bonds of unity among people in diff colonies--taught people how to use media--leaders could/shoud be challenged, primed americans to respond to charismatic leaders even if they said radical things Slvery, commerce, enlightemnti, and awakening changed colonial society during 1 half of 1700s, NA colonies becoming more british--raises question? Why did american Rev happen. Middle Passage awful, race based slavery, TJ religious freedom diff from winthrop, bonds amongst colonies forming

WEEK 12: BOOM--KKK, Great Depression, prohibition, great migration, Harlem Renaissance, WW1 and farmer probs, GD

Reading 1: Hiram Evans on the Klan's Fright for Americanism 1926 -The second KKK tose to prominence in the 20's 3 racial instincts: loyalty to the w\hite race and traditions of america and spirit of protestantism--native, white, protestant supremacy Reading 2: State Teacher's Handbook: Each student files from dean of women privileges to have guests, ride horseback, ride in car, leaving harrisonburg Visti private home, late permission, spending night out of room, meals away from college, leaving campus after 6, special requests Women can have contact w young men whose names on list form parents--men must leave by 10pm and 6pm on sundays Can engage on friday and saturday nights and sunday afternoon Can accompany students to church Absolute quiet at 10:30oom Reading 3: oral histories of great depression: Listening: Ben Franklin on banking crisis: Talking to those who were making deposits and drawing checks When put money in bank it invests in the money in many forms of credit--so bank puts money to work to help economy Small party of money kept in currency--total amount of all currency amount of all currency in country is small portion of all deposits in bank Great depression wanted to turn currency into gold so banks couldn't meet demand He issued the proclamation of national bank holiday, 2nd step legislation confirming proclamation and broadening his powers to extend holiday and lift ban of holiday in days to ocme, also gave authority of rehab to banking facilities, third is series of regulations to make banks continue functions w pay roll and food Bank holiday was inconvenience but also supplying currency to meet situation Lecutre 1: KKK second -Rising nativism--any attitude favoring native born over immigrants and favoriing them --1920's--rebirth of KKK in 1915 is example -Birth of a nation--reborn in south but spread through US--preached 100% americans--didn't like jews, catholics, blacks, athiests -Wanted to restore lost purity by end of 1920s had 5mill members, Washington new york, maine, Some versions of kkk didn't disguise themselves and american flag in photos -Also dominated state govs of indiana and oklahoma Between 1915-40 it was national organization Evans: americanism and patriotism white supremacy and more Lecture 2: -18th amendment outlawing alcohol -Ratified in 1919 in effect in 1920--inforced in NY--prohibition unpopular and unsuccessful--rebelleld and smuggled The great gatsby--he is a bootlegger -Many speakeasies and could buy alc amendment repealed in 1933 -1920's jazz age from AA community growing dramatically in northern cities -Movement of AA from south to north great migration During ww1 half million left rural south for factory jobs -The great migration transformed harlem--made harlem heart of NYC black life--harlem resaissance--music visual arts and writing Aa -In north joined about new negro and expressed pride in their race Marcus garvey leading new negro--UNIA--first black mass movement--racism had to be opposed--created AA grocery stores--separtatist and black nationalist--didn't like Dubois -Some young women acting new in 20's--hair and family rules--youth prized in 1920s--dating emerged for popularity and disconnected from spouse--gender and generational conflicts on how women should speak and act All women and teachers had bobs at JMU--pushed against hair but then dean got it so all did Wilson not built til early 1930s Handbook shows how to preserve old ways femininity and family authority--loco parentis for faculty in place of parents Lecture 3: -Economy booming in 1920s--car making big--by 1929 50% of american families owned car Everyone drove same ford model 1925 ford model t ran off every 10 seconds -WW1 set american farmers out for fall --demand for american crops went way up and when WW1 ended their huge surpluses caused prices for cotton and wool to drop and caused dept for farmers -By late 1920s farmers still in trouble Market roared to unrealistic heights System corrected--black thursday--oct 29 1929--lsot 14 bill dollars in value -Great Depression: key causes in agriculture ciris, overproduciton of american industry, and struggling post war euro economies--stock market crashed important -Great depression herbert hoover pres and roosevelt ran against him FDR is known today--wonderful or terrible depending on who you asked Career politician from rich family and cousin teddy roosevelt--losing VP candidate in 1920--polio at 39--never could stand alone again Polio made him more humble--cared about all americans not just wealthy Skilled at connecting w the public--the only thing we have to fear is fear itself Fireside chats -2 new deals--first new deal--economic recovery from national effort--dealt w banking crisis and responde dby shutting down banks FDIC--first new deal created relief programs to put unemployed young men at work New deal most frequenelty criticized today by conservatives but during GD came from left Second new deal focused on economic security--centerpiece was Social Security act

WEEK 1: First Encounters

Reading 1: Journal of Christopher Columbus -Intentions of Columbus to serve European economic interests and he predicted easy success in converting people to christianity -People who could be freed and converted to christianity by love Gave them things of little value to put around necks which made them happy and friends -Exchanged things they had for what columbus had on ship -Columbus thought their race was poor in everything -He thinks theyd be good servants and intelligent and easily christians -Brought cotton thread, parrots darts and others things in exchange for anything READING 2: Thomas Morton Reflects on Indians in New England 1637 -He admired and condemned aspects of NA culture -Describes people and gives english POV -Allow anyone to eat with them, if someone comes in they will leave a bowl of meat for them so if they want it they can heat it--humanity -Women have shoes and stockings and women cover bodies more than men--men have 1 deer skin and women have 2 sewn together at full length -Younger obedient to elder -Powahs--send for when someone is sick say they do it w help from the devil--helped englishmen who had a swelling hand and traded a biscuit w Powah -Have beads instead of money -Think their intelligence if from the devil -All things used in common among natives unlike englishmen -They are not delighted in baubles, but in useful things--happier LECTURE 1: Karl Marx: -Men make own history...quote---we choose and shaped by history society culture economy etc. INDIVIDUAL AGENCY AND LIMITATIONS: -Ability of individual to act -Used to making so many free choices so we take this ability for granted, but ability to act has been severely restricted in history (slaves and women and more) -Account for limitations and ability to act in own right in history--allows us to see everyone as historical actor PRIMARY SOURCE/LETTER: Maria Perkins letter -Plea to enslaved husband Richard and she was trying to hold her world together Charlottesvilles OCt 8 1852 -Master has sold albert to trader and she and her other child are for sale -Wants to hear from husband, tell DOC -Hamilton/master to buy her (does not want a trader to get her) Don't know what will happen to her things if she's sold -She was in a system where she was a commodity and not a human being--letter shows she was a fighting human being and working hard in ruthless system to preserve family -Tools she uses: literacy (illegal to teach enslaved to read/write in VA), relationships (asking to be bought by husbands people. Why would they do a favor: can speculate there is financial motive, but the white men could be kind upstanding and christian), understands slavery system -What does letter reveal about slave trade: happens on court day once a month when farmers come from countryside to gather at county seat, her master has already taken her to one where she wasn't sold but once son was--doesn't want her husband to wait til xmas time when contracts begin and end, sealing deal now will save her from another court date, effort of individal to fight against slave system (1mill men women and children who were brought to slavery) Internal slave trade destroyed 1 in 3 slave marriages, separated ⅕ of children from parents, in 1850s being sold in new areas at price of a new car today so very valuable LECTURE 2: COLOMBUS -1492, sustained contact between europens and americans -Columbus arriving on island of san salvador in 1590--photo is a primary source, but photo is not an eye witness acct from 1492 but it is primary from 1590--it shows clothing differences, technology differences (weapons, ships), europeans saw difference between themselves and the native americans bc thought they were more civilized than NA Ability to act, whos agency is emphasized and whose is ignored -1834: said before euros arrived NorthA was an unproductive waste w feeble barbarians--myth is still alive and well today -In american popular culture (Pocahontas movie) We see evidence of sophisticated Native americans societies acting--transcontinental trade, building cities, forming empires, diplomacy, shaping environment NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION -technology for practical aims of human life -- maze changing it for human purposes -Maya civilization in yucatan peninsula--built large cities -Incas in andes mountains--Machu Picchu -Mississippian culture--first full time farming culture, constructed cities with thousands of residents (Cahokia) and it was larger than largest of great egyptian pyramids, built mounds that got the american landscape to the way it is today Switched landscape for social and economic purposes -New England: doing things to landscape that were not recognizable to europeans, they thought land wasn't being improved by native americans so euros claimed lands were Vacuum Domicilium (empty of habitation), so euros thought they had right to take land and improve it -John Cotton said in a place if they are improving soil then it is theirs But NA did change the landscape, farming firewood and change village sites, controlled burning or forests (travel was easier plant diseases were less common made more land for farming, ash made better soil for growing maze) Used fire to make traveling through forrest easier (Thomas Morton) -Europeans were wrong that Native Americans did not act on the land bc they did! LECTURE 3: ATLANTIC WORLD -Photographs of 3 little boys: 2 future presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump--when we think abt history of individual people, it is important to forget what they will become bc they did not even know what they'd become -We can be biased as we examine the past if we read history backward so we need to read history forward -READING FORWARD is an effort understand past on its own terms (no bias) and to figure out how people understood themselves when winners weren't winners and losers weren't losers (do this with primary sources and historical imagination) helps us look at history in past and PRESENT tense ATLANTIC WORLD: -Encounter between europe, africa, and america Atlanctic was a super highway that began w portugues voyages to africa in 1400s -When got to shore in africa, they found gold and slaves. Started trade w cooperation of africans and rulers -Euros entered these trades bc african rulers saw opportunity to make money and strengthen themselves against african rivals by linking w europeans -Formed alliances w euros and allowed them to join trade -Slavery in slave trade was well established when euros arrived but then they made drastic changes--it was familiar and domestic but plantation slavery that portugues and spanish developed and brought to americas commodified enslaved people -People of americas had developed agriculture and cities, so how did euros seize control over them? ----Euros deadliest weapon was GERMS -Euro germs swept through americans killing 95% of population, and the spread was extremely rapid COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE: -Flow of people animas plants and germs back and forth from atlantic -NA got horses, liquor, guns and germs -Euros and africans got maze potatoes (from andes) tobacco and chocolate -Calories helped population booms in africa and europe -Diseases created severe stresses in fabric of NA societies -Euro presence created new challenges and opportunities--some groups weakened by disease and warfare tried to ally w euros to strengthen themselves and this happened time and time again (short term advantage that resulted in long term consequences) -Massasoit--Wampanoag confederation--plymoth--pilgrims and indian allies who celebrated first thanksgiving together (but why did NA allow euros to settle after fighting it?)\ -Agency--the wampanoag had been filled w disease years earlier so it was falling apart, and their enemies were untouched by disease and threatening them so in a weak position. He was looking for ally so allowed settlers from england to remain if they helped fight against their enemies JAMESTOWN: -1607--locate river (James River) and established Jamestwon -Tidewater VA was filled w 30 tribes led by Powhatan (south of james to potomac) -Powhatan were in complete control, Powhatan was in -Relations quickly went to warfare and english would eventually triumph -Powhatan had better leadership bc powhatan was strong leader and over 60, they greatly outnumbered english for jamestwons 1srt decade, powhatan couldve annihlated them but he decided to allow them to remain and kept them alive by giving them food -Why did he allow these bullies to remain? One reason is that he tolerated it bc he believed it was temp trading post, gender imbalance (2 women), viewed Jamestwon settlement as something he could work to his own advantage -Acted as trade broker (english had manufactured tools), Powhatan was making dangerous gamble, was using englush to his own advantage Colombus, Atlantic World, Jamestown, individual agency and reading history forward

WEEK 8: Reforging the Republic--Black Codes, Andrew Jackson, reconstruction failure, reconciliation of north and south

Reading 1: Mississippi Black Code 1865 -Southern governments enacted legislation establishing antebellum power relationships--SC and MS passed laws called black codes to regulate black behavior and impose social and economic control--granted some rights to AA like property or marriage contracts but denied other rights--required all freedmen to prove employment and if couldnt faced arrest or fine or re-enslavement -Vagrancy Law--all AA over 18 without job or assembling at night and white people assembling w them are deemed vagrants and shall be fined 150 for AA and 200 for white and imprisoned at discretion of court--free AA 10 days and hwite 6 months If freedman does not pay tax then fines If person appeals can do so in court AA can acquire personal property If freedman quits job before time up can be sent pack to legal employer, Penal code: if carrying arms pay 10 and confiscated of weapons If fail or refuse to pay for misdemeanor, hired by any white person who will pay fine I thought from this reading that an african american who failed to pay for a misdemeanor could be hired by any white person who'd pay the fine and how they had to prove employment or faced arrest or fine or re-enlavement Reading 2: Jourdan Anderson Writes His former enslaver--1865 -Black americans hoped end of civil war would create new world but whites wanted to restore antebellum order--fromer enslavers tried to maintain control over laborers--after war Anderson contacted by former enslaver offering job and this was his reply -Old master in tennessee--happy to hear from enslaver and glad he did not die in war Asks what hes offering in pay because he is satisfied w job he has here and the people treat him nicely, wants to know the work too Asking to give him and mandy money they'd make if they didn't come back w jobs they 009ñlç+opuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilready have -Says that its hard to trust they'll be paid by him--trust God has opened his eyes to wrong hes done Wants to know if daughters would have safe place--does not want them to went through what he did as slave--wants to know if schools opened for colored kids--wants his kids to have education Reading 3: Mayor Mitch Landrieu explains removal of 4 confederate statues in New Orleans New orleans is a melting pot--one of nations largest slave markets too-- Difference between remembrance of history and reverence of it--cannot be afraid of truth Great nation faces its flaws and corrects them Why chose to remove 4 monuments: statues not erected to just honor men but cult of lost cause--wanted to rewrite history to hid truth that confederacy on wrong side of humanity Monurments rebranded history of city--these men didn't fight for US they fought against it--monuments ignore death and terror and sent message about who still in charge in city Think about all people who left NO bc of its exclusionary attitudes Take down monuments to show we understand that we need to make right what was wrong To put confederacy on pedestal is bad prescription for future--hisotyr cannot be changed and confederacy lost war--cause of confederacy was wrong Central truth--better together than apart--new orleans gave nation jazz and mardi gras--all they hold dear is by throwing everything in pot and brought by historic diversity--yet still find excuses to not do right thing MLK aslways says wait means never--no more waiting--its about attitude need to become more open and inclusive Lots dont recognize statues but others do--need new message to New Orleanans--and have them help send america a message Would these be monuments we want world to see, are these our history--have chance to create new symbols and do it together as one people We are one nation not too, pledge allegiance to one flag, liberty and justice for all not some Full weight of government coming down and removing statues--time to come together and build city as beautiful manifestation of what is possible Refers to the lost cause and argues that NO needs to own up to this part of its past while owning what it did in civil war Lecture 1: -US not century old when disintegrated in civil war----Presidential Reconstruciton efforts to put country back together after war -Diff plans for how nation should be reforged after war--northerners like Abe lincoln had more lenient intentions for reconstruction than radical republicans They wanted to punish south -Lincoln assassinated in april 1865 and Andrew johnson assumed presidency--southern demo in tennessee born into poverty couldnt write til after married--had 8 slaves but despised souther elites -Johnson southern unionist and freed slaves in middle of civil war -Radical repubs expected him to be harsh w south and his priorities was reunion of white northerners and southerners--leniant policies--pardoned thousands former confederates and created govs where free people not given full rights -He said white men alone must manage south 4mill enslaved people suddenly free but didn't know what freedom would mean--AA sitting outside building where enslaved people bought and sold and now wearing union army uniform -A visit from the old mistress--rules not known one woman refuse to rise in presence of former mistress which she wouldve had to do under slavery -Jordan andersons master wants him to come back but says first tellme about school and pay and safety -Reconstruction for most white southerners just meant reubuiling but more expansive for AA -Free people wantedmobility and to reunie fams separated by second middle passage, equality, jobs, churches -Whites thought different--black codes to regulate race relations--MS limits rights of free people and threatens re-enslavememt and kept them on plantations -Expected AA to remain landless and laboring class--before black codes could be implemented congress v angry w south and Johnson -Republicans opposed Johsnon--freedmans bureau set up schools for former slaves and estaablished labor contracts--johsnons vetoed but congress overridden -14th amendment reversed dred scott decision and grantef ufll citizenship and gave men close to right to vote -Congressional Reconstruction 1867/8--radical and moderate republicans tried to roll back Johnsons reconstruction--first divide confederacy in 5 military districts -Radicals gave vote to AA men and kept it from confederates-makes southern states change before rejoining US Largest group of republican voters was recently free slaves 8/10--politics in reconstruciton era separate from power -AA made military groups to fight against black codes and voting rights -AA successful to degree--in SC where 60% of pop AA they controlled state legislature AA most successful in politics where formed highest % of pop in SC MS and LA but didn't get all -Prevented from redistributing land and one of worst failings of congressional reconstruction--chances of independence much lower w out property so radicals looked for way to strike against johnson--disobeyed law by congress and put johnson on trial and impeached him -Ratificaton of 15th amendment: gave AA men right to vote but major omissions--did not give them right to hold office and ban voting restrictions based on literacy tests and no women right to vote Congressional reconstruction failed quick -Why Congressional Reconstruction failed: Brief period where US looked like it woul become multi racial--then slammed shut in less than decade -White supremacy restablished -2 main reasons: violent resistance by white southerners (KKK) spread across south young confederate veterans--clan targeted AA viewed as uppity who tried to start schools and raise themselves--violent and intimidation--congress responded w legislations that shut down most 2 reasons: northern republicans grew tired of reconstruction and lost interest in improving race relations in south Difficult to sustain support for intense military occupation in south -Norhterners came to see reconstruction govs as corrupt--democrats criticized gov -Whites still control majority of reconstruction goves and SC only place where AA majority of legislature The birth of a nation: first big block buster based on 2 novels by Thomas Dixon Jr. --argumetns for white racial superiority and defense of KKK--wrote to teach north abt offering suffering of white man during reconstruciton period--god used suffering of white sto show world that white man must be supreme First film ever screened at white house w woodrow wilson in white house--men dressed as KKK in NYC to promote film--noble defenders of white woman--so offensive that nation wide campaign to ban it but also widely accepted by northern whites -In 1916 JMU women walked into downtown harrisonburg to watch it together -W death of reconstruciton it got easier for white americans in north and south to reconcile but didn't happen overnight -This reconciliation had a price tag--frederich douglass asked if war among whites broigth peace and liberty among whites what would it bring for AA -What brought whites together: spanish american war 1898 men from norht and south fought side by side creating union--growing business ties--white americans intuitied aht it would be easier tomove foreward by remembering civil war in ways that didn't go aganist either side -Lost cause invented by white southerners and embraced by northerers--lost cause was myth that remembered south as beautiful society w happy slaves and society doomed to lose war by norht (romaticiczed version of past) never had chance to win so weren't in trouble for losing Ignored what they were fighting for and read history backward--confederates convinced they could win--about forgetting and remembering--norhtern whites bought into this By 1913, white veterans emphasized friendship and mutual courage--white reconciliation had a price tag what were costs White reunion forgot racial justice aspects of civil war and new birth of freedom in Gettyburg address New regime of white supremacy--emphasizeing some parts of past and forgetting others--radical reconstruction was effort to transform--btu fialied--problem was that it didn't go far enough or permitted to go far enough

WEEK 2: Colonial Diversity

Reading 1: Records of the Virginia Company Richard Frethonrne letter to father and mother--March 20, April 2 & 3 1623--Manchester Papers Reading 2: John Winthrom Dreams of a City on a Hill, 1630 -City on a hill used to describe expectations that Massachussetts Bay colony would shine as an example to world -Reason Hereoff: 1) hold conformity w the rest of His world--show glory of wisdom and diff creatures, glory of power, glory of greatness, princes have many officers, king have many stewards making him more honored than if he did it himself -2) manifest work of his spirit--upon wicked in restraining them, so rich do not eat poor, so poor dont rise up, -3) every man have need of others--brotherly affection, no man better than another, god reserves all to himself, honor lord w riches, all men rich or poor, all live comfortably, -What rule? More enlargement toward others and less respect to ourselves and our own right. -Cause between God and us--lord gives us all, he will bring us where we desire, if neglect these articles lord will break out in wrath against us Must follow counsel of Micah so we can be knit as one man -Close discourse with exhortation of Moses a servant to the lord, let us choose life by obeying him because he is our life and prosperity LECTURE 1: -Powhatan's gamble, couldve obliterated Jamestown and helped it survive--trade broker--english had manufactured goods that they wanted and he could manage their threat -How did everything unfold--early on looked like his gamble was good bc english weak -2 reasons Jamestwon didnt end up as another failed settlement 1) Powhatan kept it alive and 2) strong new leader emerged to bring order and discipline to the disorganized settlement -John Smith--27--worked as mercenary hired solider in europe, ambitious, charged w leading, -End of 1608 early leaders had died or returned to england so he took control: organized work gangs, improved hygeiine, imposed military disciplne, led diplomacy w powhatan -Looked like they'd all get along--within several years relations went to open warfare w Powhatans wanting to destroy Jamestown--it didn't fail though bc Jamestown was saved by a plant -West Indies Tobacco--already tobacco in england--tobacco everywhere and it shaped virginias development -Tobacco is hastey crop--exhausts soil quickly so necessary to expand onto new land regularly -Best land for tobacco was along rivers or bay and best for transportation bc better by water -More expensive over land--also land near water was best for growing crops -Tobacco did not bring close knit communities--2 problems: 1) conflict with native americans 2) labor shortage -Easy to make fortune growing tobacco but couldn't do it alone bc lots of labor--attempts to enslave native americans but didnt work well bc it was home for NA and easy for them to escape--some attempts to bring slaves and first ones arrived in 1619 but expensive bc high deman for them in sugar plantations so INDENTURED SERVITUDE -If people wanted to come but couldn't pay for ship passage they were indentured for 4-7 years--what was life like? Richard Friethrone--lived in Martins Hunt--how bad conditions were for indentured servants. Indentured by parish in england and did not want to be. Gum disease from vitamin disease difiecinets wrong kinds of food. And dissentary. He was sick and scared and desperate to get out of indenture and return to england. Helps us read history forward. Appears to be living not in first perm settlement in NA but a collapsing society. Masters meant to provide servants w food clothing and shelter but Richard not getting these things. Individual agency as well--prob only 12 years old so trying to save himself he mobilized his limited resources. Drew on relationships w good man jackson--gunsmith in Jamestown and hes taken pity on Richard. Richard also drew on knowledge--says he goes up to Jamestwon to load and unoad ships and while working hes looking so he knows what goods will sell and he uses it to try to save his life to buy out his indenture -Society of chesapeake was ugly: wealthy bought and sold servants and treated them worse than england--many indentured servants died Richard died in 1624 Oppression of poor did not end w indentured: -In 1670 the colonies leader restricted voting to land owners and took it from men who had worked way out of indentured servitedy -1676: anger of servants boiled over in a rebellion; BACON"S REBELLION -Central figure was Nathaniel Bacon--english kicked out of college and sent to VA by father -1679 only 1800 Powhatan Indians and confined to reservations--some tried to ally w english and others waged war with them -Nathaniel Bacon: way to deal w indians was to kill all of them and he said this publicly--most of men around him were recently free indentured servants and wanted NA lands -He raised army of freed white servants and demanded governor william berkeley grant permission to attack native americans -William Berkely had other plans: secure peace w indians so he refused -Bacon ignored and attacked and killed indians--genocidal war to wipe out NA -Governor denounced Bacon and removed from colonies leadership--then truce until another campaign--so gov called troops but Bacon drove gov and his forces out of Jamestown -Now fight against indians and oppression of Gov--burned Jamestown to the ground and then Bacon died of dissentary in the midst of celebration -Then governor regained power--so Bacon's Rebellion show it was central political event of 17 century VA and gives un window into social tensions of that period between class lines and english and NA--and end of campaign he welcomed 250 AA into Bacon Army Divided society but not divided strictly along race Main division was class LECTURE 2: -Race based slavery in colonial virginia -The rise of race based slavery not inevitable: first african people arrived in 1619--they constituted fraction of labor force bc most were indentured servant -Not all africans enslaved some worked way to freedom and owned property -Anthony and Mary Johnson--1621 both african--gained freedom and purchased one slave (black man) -Other free black farmers pruchased white indentured servants--things less defined -In 1651 anthony bourth 250 acres on eastern shore of VA-disaster bc fire came and economic catastrophe--he went to local court and got tax relief--court referred to his as negro without prejudice -There anthony leased 300 acre plantation called Tony's vineyard and he died there -Anothony and Johsnon show that some black people were able to work within system to assert rights to build strong fam networks and make good living Free black people had opportunities They are called atlantic creoles--foudning generation of american slavery--world travelers--european fathers and african mother NA--cultlure was important HYBRID--able to use lang skills and knowledge to work way to freedom and find wealthy white patrons and wokr in churches and court systems -Diff between Johnsons and Perkins--so much changed in wrong direction--mobility, fam relationsiops, access to court, laws or land -Chronoligcla snobbery: our time in better wiser moral humane and just than people who came before us but it is not true -After Bacon rebellion--status of black people deteriorated while white elite became Opportunity and freedom of Johsnon's faded away--see it in Johnson sotry--after he died jury said that bc Anthony was negro and an alien, ownderhip of his land reverted to England and not his family Who brought platnatoin slavery to US--great planters--men who took wealth from land and tobacco and put it into business and offices--gobbled up more property in illegal ways -By 1700 125 great planters and wood cut was made: it shows aristocratic slave holders in middle of day not working and instead eating and drinking w privilege bc enslaved workers doing everything (african descent) Made it more difficult for free indentured servants to secure economic independence Standard of living in england was improving wages rose and jobs improved -Indentured servitude was less attractive to english poor now--supply of IS in chesapeake--so african slavery boomed -Slave cost mroe than servants but enslaved workers brought financial advantages -Advantages: cost less to feed and clothe, planters worked them longer and harder, planters put african women in fields w men, slaveholders could keep slaves and kids for life labor never ended, many africans arrived w agricultural knowledge like how to cultivate tobacco and rice, african slaves had harder time running away and bledning in -Parliament ended royal african company monopoly of slave trade in 1698 making it easier and cheaper to buy slaves as independent traders carried them straigt to ches By 1710 slaves in va tripled--colony remade into slave society -Between 1492 and 1820, almost 4 africans crossed atlantic ocean for every 1 european--changes way we think about history LECTURE 3: Religious and social life of early colonial NE -Jonathan Fairbanks house in Dennam MASS oldest timber frame house in NA -Og house had 4 mian rooms on two floors around massive chimney -What does structure say abt intentions of fam? More substantial than flimsey shacks in colonial VA -Remained in smae fam through 8 generations into early 20th century -Built by people who cam in fam groups and who came to stay -Early town in MASS: values and aspirations: fields designated for common/general use and also private property--anyone can graze cow on cow common--close long narrow lots and people close together bc of something else--centrality of meeting house its a comm w a center--most people lived within half a mile of house and grew crops in nearby fields outside of town -On 1635 mass law required settlers to live within half mile of meeting house--disobeyed but shows us what leaders were thinking -How does it compare to chesapeake? People spread out and isolated in chesapeake w no central community--diff understanding or life organization -Central building in puritan village in meeting house--where church and town meetings held and people spent a lot fo time there -Number of hours at church on avg and it is 15000 hours which is a lot of sermon listening -What is a Puritan? Puritanism got its start as way of being religious and not a set of teachings--one scholar called them the hotter sort of protestant. Religious temperment. -Many in church of england accepted basic doctrines of puritans but puritans were intense in what they believed -Puritans all agree in theory but hold belief differently and there is intensity that characterizes puritans -Why called puritans? Name given by enemies in church of england (godly)--boston puritans couldve afforded to build more impressive things than meeting house there but didn't bc wanted to erase trace of cahtolocism and puritan refers to trying to purify church of england of catholic--thought catholic was false religion and pope was anti christ--wanted to get rid of chatholic material like stain glass windows. Center of ture religious life was work of god -Puritans of mass bay in 1630 were led by john winthrop--attprny for english gov--believed king of england had put best efforts to purify church -Winthrop aslso saw NE as place where godly society could be established--a city upon a hill -Godly society for winthrop? Does not advocate equality, assumes society needs hierarchy of wealth and power. Whats new is his call to love and serve others across hierarchies. Envisioning colony as opposite of colonial VA individualism. Also envions as new israel w all rights and privileges of special covannat god made w israel -Communal covenant w entire group--NE must live together in perfect harmony and if they fail god will punish them all so powerful motivation to mind neighbors business--if you obey you preserve own well being -Mutual monitoring by making landscape of surveillance--monitorying activity and policing conformoty -Prutian goal was to establish godly commonwealth--attend church and pay and ministers could not hold office -Civil authorities uphold christian truth and punsihing thsose who curse gods name or worship other god Not a theocracy, it was intended to conform to biblical laws/values -Solution to division was to expel people like roger williams and anne hutchison who challenged authoury of ministers: they wound up in Rhode ISland where roger william allied w narragansett indians and offered religious freedom to quakers and jews--called rogues island--kif refuse exile, then last resort was execution -One way or another leaders of colony would eliminate all threats to purity 1675 and 76 ⅔ of american indians united behind king phillip to fight against colonists--phillip was son of Massasoit -Within 1 generation the relationship shifted radically and phillip resented english encroachment on lands and in war killed 2500 settlers 5% of pop By time it ended king phillips war saw dessemeation of NA communites -This convivnced puritans that they failed to achieve social and religious harmony Puritans, Jamestown

WEEK 6: Antebellum Era--TJ thoughts on slavery, slavery stronger after revolution,

Reading 1: Solomon Northup describes a slave market--1841 -Free black man in new york who was captured and sold into slavery, resuced and returned to family and then wrote short narrative -Mr. Theophilus Freeman getting property ready for bustling day of work -Went to place and had to wash and shave and dressed in suits and had to be trained--customers would feel their hands and stuff -Rescued from cotton plantation in 1853 in louisiana near red river Paraded danced and violin -Eliza separated from young son named randall -Crazy how people looking into buying them literally felt their whole bodies to see if they were capable of what they wanted them to do and sometimes even undressed them in private *** Reading 2: George Fitzhugh argues that slavery is better than liberty and equality -1854--thought slavery protected the inferior black race and promoted harmony--thought slaves were happy -Paternalist ideology I-n 1850 owned 27 people LECTURE 1: -TJ couldve been great hero of american slavery His views were not simple, longed for freedom of all slaves but also thought it would take generations to do this bc it could might split country -TJ pulled in 2 directions, he had over 600 AA in bondage in his lifetime--of ones he freed most were probably his own kids--everything TJ had was based on slavery like his wealth and hold office and more--worried freed slaves would take revenge on him--slavery is a wolf--dangerous and deadly but couldn't let it go bc it would destroy you -In 1808 closed slave trade in US but didn't end slavery--slave pop wAS Self reproducing so now slave holders needed profitible crops--rice and indigo profitable but only grown in coastal areas---chesapeake had surplus of slaves--american slavery was modern -4 factors making amercan slavery stronger after revolution: cotton gin in 1793--allowed planters to profitably grow short staple cotton that had sticky seeds--eli whitney--transportation revolution: steamboats--got cotton to market quickly and cheaply--cost fell by 3 quarters and upriver dropped by 9/10--textile employed 10,000 people Forcible removal of southern native americans like cherokees--opned up lands to plant cotton--4th was accelerating international demand for cotton -Slaves in south had it bad--worked in gangs from sunrise to sunset under white overseers 1mill people moved in the internal slave trade--huge business opportunity--slaves collected fro shipment from places lik Baltimore -Ways to transport slaves from upper south to lower south--typically chained and forced to march in coffles--suffered greatly w hunger beatings and rape--some shiopped down coast and some down river on steamboats and eventually used railroad Slave traders had little interest in transporting families together LECTURE 2: -Maria perkins, solomon northup--huge demand for slave labor so prices for slaves rose greatly and many people kidnapped and sold for slavery -Northups dad valued education and encouraged him to read--married and had kids and farmed and violin--worked at saratoga springs when to white men said they could get him work but actually just gave him to slave trader--shipped through second middle passage--next 12 years he was enslaved--kidnappers arrested but not convicted and he never recieved compensation -Typical what happened to him -Buyers allowed to poke and prod slaves to see if they're good enough and make them products Limited individual agency -Eliza desperate attempt to not be separated from son--sympathy, promises, bargaining--does not work Enslaved people examined the people examingin them -John Brown--careful to draw out buyers to know what they were wanted for --wanted to avoid some--rather drive carriage than work in cotton field--john brown wrote a man or a woman may be well but value impaired by sour look or vacant stare -Evidence of this--i have just got rid of a man the hardest selling and worst talker -Harriet jacobs, solomon northup, frederich douglas -Proslavery group--introduced slaves to christianity and stuff-paternalism--slaveholders were loving mothers and fathers to their slaves and slaves were childlike and needed support -Fitzhuh--women children and slaves are not capable of taking care of themselves--slave trade transformed geography of american slavery--where there was cotton there were slaves--in 1790 60% of slaves in va and md--by 1869 it was 15%

WEEK 7: The Civil War--

Reading 1: South Carolina Declaration of Succession -1860 Abe Lincoln won with 40% of the vote and not single southern vote of electoral college--Dec 20 SC voted to secede in Declaration of the Immediate Causes -Felt like rights violated by federal government and saw lincoln as someone who was going to abolish slavery outright First Inaugural Address: -Lincoln elected in novemerber 1860 and next month south carolina announced leaving union and forming own nation and removing itself from the united states Emancipation Proclamation: Preliminary form sept 22 1862 In effect in January 1 1863 Willian Henry Singleton--A formerly enslaved man--recalls fighting for the union: 1922 -Born to enslaved mother and her master's brother 4 sold from mother but ran back to her many times War started and escaped to union lines to do services--dismissed so rallied 1000 blakc soldiers and ran army and became sargeant. -Goes to general burnsides headquarters Abe lincoln called him and soldiers a contraband of war -i find it very interesting that singleton looks at his association w Burnside as one of the greatest experiences of his life even tho he was enslaved because he met abe lincoln and although lincoln said no to singleton and his men, he still said there may be a chance and it gave which shows hope LECTURE 1: series of crisis that divided north and south -Interior of US produced so much cotton which was great but also brought suffering in 2nd middle passage and destruction in Civil War -Key causes: westward expansions -Manifest destiny: not shared by all americans to settle west--arose out of political context--coined by john l osulivan--1845 said manifest destiny of us to overspread and expand us in population and god gave it permission -Manifest destiny 3 components: religoios, racial (no mexicans can govern land and americans can), political -Democrats (sullivan) aware of growing population, horrified by NE factory towns which brought class divisions--didn't want this--so opened west to help w overpopulation -If farmers spread wages would rise -James k polk pres in 1845 and pushed for expansion and expanded size of US dramatically through war--mexican american war 1846 for 16 months--us won 10 battles and lost none -Documented by newspapers--richard katon woodville painting--paiting of war news some very excited and others not--AA people to show controversies around war were spread of slavery -Critics of war saw it as land grab of imperialsim and spread of slavery--image shows dissent and diversity Irony: junior officers of war who won eventulaly went against each other in civil war (robert e lee and stonewall jackson) -Keeping slavery out of politics collapsed at end of war -Wilmot Proviso--sought to ban slavery in any territory gained through war--David Wilmot opposed slavery in west but not presence in south--concern for white workers and not for slaves--not abolitionist argument it was Free Soil Sentiment--bleif that slavery terrible for white workers who couldn't compete w enslaved labor -Abe Lincoln opposed it on moral grounds but others deeply racist--could be free soiler and not care about injustices in south but care about it in west -Many white northerners deeply racist--2-3% northerners were abolitionsists: key leaders William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass--slavery violation of human rights and masters should free slaves -William lloyd garrison said constitution was pro slavery doculment--frederick douglass mentored by garrison--douglass split and siad constitution oculd fight slavery -Differences over racial belifs: white abolitionsists preferred light skin -Abolitionsists unpopular in north and south--feared they'd damage northern economy by damaging trade with south--cotton--slavery central to national economy -Fewer differences among southerners over slavery bc ¾ did not own slaves yet almost all supported slavery bc lived in slave society so sometimes they'd rent slaves or just believed way of life rested on slavery Lecture 2: -Zacharay Taylor president in 1848--chosen bc popular after war mexican american --virginia born slave holder--most support in south but ran into trouble -Couldn't balance southern and northern interest: southern rights and Wilmot proviso--southerns wanted right to carry slaves w them anywehre including west -Northerners insisting on rights of white men to settle on free soil in west without competing w slave labor--not battling to end slavery in south--concern was for rights of white men and women -Taylor was nationalist--brought CA and NM into union as free states--south was angry--convention and people thought secession was possible -Henry clay--great comromoisor--compromiser of 1850--in order to avoid collapse of US but wouldn't pass--made mistake of putting parts together in one bill--neither side wanted compromise -Stephen douglass took over--pieces--CA admitted to union as free state--utah and NM got popular soveriehgnty--fugitivae slave act strengthened--slave trade abolished in DC--north and south felt they lost Fugitive slave act unpopular in north--said someone who escaped returned to master--resented this intrusion -1850--Kansas and Nebraska Act--what to do about slavery--different bc slave issue was already decided there--in louisiana territory where slavery banned by missouri compromise--popukar sovereignty added (people rule) -Allowing territories to choose, the bill overtuned the missouri compromise and kansas nebraska act overridden missouri compromise -Northerners feared where southernes would stop: spoke about resisitnig slave power--northern wigs beleived stephen douglas in league w southerners and wanted to spread slavery--brought out Abe Lincoln -1854-1856--demise of wig party, second party system (battle between wigs and democrats) brought sectional differences like national bank -Now host of parties in place of wigs like republican party--only popular in north--opposed slaveries expansion but didn't abolish it in south--attracted Lincoln--election of 1860 and main issue was slavery--rebubliccans only won in north but he won--triggered secession of 7 states--upper south states did not secede immediately--most seceded after civil war Soutehrs fought because, state rights, individual liberties, slavery -Slavery main right southerners fought to defent SC left because slave holding rights not safe in union Northerners wre not fighting against slavery--douglass said north fighting to keep slavery in union--abe lincoln entered war to save union (he was opposed to expanion of slavery but tolerated it in south but said it was injustice but protected by constitution) Lecture 3: civil war forward -Lincoln was great emancipator -Elected in 1860, in december SC seceded -First address in 1861 and 7 states seceded--riughts not safe under republican government -First inaugural address: douglass criticized speech and said abe to cautious toward south -Lincoln did not begin civil war as abolitionsist--belived he had to protect rights of slaveholders under constitution where it already existed even tho he didn't like slavery -Said if southerners stay in union their rights are safe -When civil war began union had 3 advantages: man power (way more people in union), economic, and operating eurocracy -Confederacy believed it had more important advantages: defend home territory, many thought south had better leadership, south mobilized army faster than north, believved had cultural advantage (masculinity) -No one expected war to last 4 years--confederates didn't worry about north advantages bc thought war would be quick -First important engagement was Battle of bull run--union forces rowded by confederate foces and proved they could win war -Most northerners entered war to save union--even after year abe pressured not to make war fight against slavery--McClellan said his army would not fight for him -Union plan was to crush anaconda plan of south Abe didn't think he could win war if he didnt have border slave states -Why did freedom of slaves become war aim for lincoln: course of war itslelf, actions of AA, greatness of Abe lincoln Lecture 4: -Wanted to get rid of confederate strength by freeing slaves -Emancipation proclamation summer of 1862--released it later: lee invaded maryland which led to battle of ateitm which was bloodiest war in american history--battle draw but lee had to retreat so kinda victory for union and abe issued emancipation proclamation -Promised freedom to slaves in states still in rebellion not in loyal border states like maryland--held open offer of continued slavery as long as south rejoined uniotn--pragmatic--designed for rebel states to be persuaded to return to the union -Annie davis wrote letter 15 months after proclamation and her question was am i free? Answer was no -Said emancipation was act of justice in proclamation--it changed war bc union army was army of liberation -Contrabands began to change war--enslaved people who ran from masters and got safety behind union lines--confronted union officers w would they return enslaved people to owners or would they grant them their freedom Many white northerners questioned AA ability to fight and so did abe lincoln Singleton described discrimination he got from union solders in fighting

WEEK 9: Expansion and Reform--gilded age, corporations and railroads, labor unions, farmer probs, Omaha Plan, progressives

Reading 1: The Jungle Jurgis young and strong came to Chicago from Lithuania--Ona's father died leaving his fam troubled and in debt--lost farm and cash--wanted to travel to america for higher wages--Ona did not want to leave sibs so Teta Elzbietas bro Jonas knew of man who made fortune in america so family could move--Jurgis worked for months to save money--ona's cousin joined the famjurgis and extended fam of 12 fell prey to con artists in Lithuania and America and by time in Chicago money almost gone -Jonas sees Jokubas Szedvilas the man who made fortune--owns a delicatessen in Chicago but suffering--directs them to boarding house of impoverished widow--jurgis and ona go through walk w stench of animal flesh and poop and smoke--chiuldren in garbage--much of land around stockyards in dumps where buildings now are--Jurgis promises to get job in Packingtown Jokubas takes fam on tour of Packingtown--amazed by pens w cattle and pigs and sheep==suffering of animals daunts Jurgis optimis--gov inspector who checks pigs for sings of TB often lets several carcasses unchecked--spoiled meat is doctored in secret before scattered among rest of meet in prep for packing Jurgis starts job of sweeping entrails of cattle through trap doors--optimistic bc earns over 12 dollars for 12 hours of labor--jonas has lead on job and Marija gets painting job on labels of cans--jurgis refuses to let Teta Ona or kids work--wants kids in school--Dede no luck w job bc advanced age Fam finds paper advertising sale of 4 room homes for 1500 dollars--buyers 300 down payment and monthly 12 dollars--agent says houses going fast--go to see it and not as big as advertisement--basement attic aren't finished--Jokubas says entire deal prob a swindle Ona and teta meet agent to close deal--jokubas reads contract and notices rental--get lawyer but find out he's agents friend--ona and teta close deal--jurgis mad when hears about it--house rental to make it easier to evict people who fail to pay Fam purchases household things and settle into home--work demanding in slaughterhouse but jurgis likes it--surprised to find that everyone else hates jobs--jurgis think that they are laze and refuses to join union which is lobbying for reduction in work One man promises dede antenna a job exchange for one third wage--jurgis talks to friend and coworker Tamoszius Kuszleika about practice--he sais that corruption exists everywehre in Packingtown--impossible to move ahead w out taking part in web of corruption--despite sacrificing 3rd of wages Antanas takes job--tells fam he helps pack filthy meat for human consumption Granmothr Majauzkin a Lithuanian nighbor explains to family that houses like one they have are swindle--she and son lucky to make payments to own house--she said houses more than 15 years old and built w cheap materials--no one able to buy bc for Packingtown workers missing one months payment is eviction--fam is shocked to learn they have to pay interest on debt bringing actual monthly payment close to 12 dollars Grandmother came to packingtown when work force mostly german--irish took germans place and now slovaks have taken irish place--companies grind down successive generations of imm workers--four fams tried to buy jurgis home live in--earch failed due to dealth of a key wage earner through accident or illness By paying 10 dillars to lady, ona obtains sewing job of covers on hams in cellar-young Stanislovas lies abt age to obtain job working a lard-canning machine. This was eye opening to see the struggle´s they faced while coming here, the whole issue of them buying a house that they thought was a great deal was interesting and the grandmother telling them people are lucky to be able to live there long enough was angering that people tricked them like that. Reading 2: Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth -Change welcomed as beneficial--going back to old civilization would be disastrous -Wealth: becoming the mere agent and trustee for his power, Reading 3: Grover Cleevland Veto of Texas Seed Bill -Feb 16 1887 Drought devastated texas farmers and grover vetoed bill to give them seed to help them Does not thing duty of gov is extended to individual suffering and does not benefit public service Problem for commissioner of agriculture Reading 3: The Omaha Platfrom of the People's Party (1892) Platform indicated corruptions of Gilded Age and promised gov policies to aid the people Time of ruin in the nation--people demoralized--newspapers muzzled--workwomen can't organize for self protection--tramps and millionaires Power to create money made to enrich bondholders Silver has men demonetized to add purchasing power of gold by decreasing property and human labor Platform: 1) union of labor forces are perpetural 2) wealth belongs to those who create it 3) railroads will either own people or people will own them Telephones telegraphs and railroads owned and operated by government Solidarity with the knights of labor Lecture 1: Economic Growth in US -The gilded age--great wealth, poverty, and inequality -US economy grew in two ways: farming/harvesting of natural resources expanded 2) nation increased industrial power -Other places industrialized differently and didn't expand as much -Cheap energy that fueled expansion was coal--coal workers called breaker boys and it was hard work and worked 10 hours day 6 days a week -Without these workers no gilded age--Louis Hein Other side was Cornelius Vanderbilt and vacation home--70 rooms and italian resassiance style and called the Breakers--house constructed w recent modern amenities -Where did wealth come from to build this stuff? Steemboats and railroad lines--made by coal -In 1890 10% of american families owned 70% of nations wealth--gilding is thin gold overlaid on less valuable substance like wood--gives appearance of solid gold -Mark Twain gave us this term poking fun at corruption in America and term now describes era between 1870s and 1890s Lecture 2: -We live in age of corporate capitalism--corporation became essential to american capitalism in gilded age--partnerships also important (2 or more people to run business) corp is artificial person who consume and conduct business and can survive death -Coca cola started in gilded age--corporations could build so much capital--corporations owned by many and run by a view -Railroads helped corporations thrive--competitive and forced key players to cut costs--improved speed and efficiency, telegraph -Railroads were coming at specific times like 8:06--r--Railroads moved to realm of mechanical clock -We live according to mechanical clock--have standardized time zones bc railroads needed them to operate efficiently--before that it was all about the sun -November 18 1883 major railroads replaced local times in US w a few standard time zones and took federal gov 35 years to acknowledge change Lecture 3: -Andrew Carnegie--from Scotland--started as factory worker--became richest man in world by working in railroad intudstyr and using it in steel industry -Vertical integration--controlled all aspects of manufacturing process of steel rather than relying on others--so kept control and made more money and kept costs low--paid employees low wages -John D. ROckefeller--vertical and horizontal in oil business -Used trust system--gain control--reduced competition and didn't go far enough for him--standard oil trust 1882: ran all companies and allied him to merge all competition into same company--pointed to lower prices from increased efficiency but it angered some americans -% of american in agriculture fell while production ramped up--new technologies, corporations and other things Example: chicago meat packers figured out how to refrigerate railroad carts so could ship meat and stuff farther and sold meat below cost of production and got rid of slaughter house business Americans responded in a range of ways Lecture 4: -Responses to economic change -Organized labor: many american workers feared concentration of capital--corporation powerful in gilded age and more machinery reduced need for workers -In modern society agency of individual workers reduced so produced powerful organziations on their own--final decades on 19th century violent w strikes and lockouts and shootings -Most important labor unions were knights of labor and american federation of labor -Knights of labor: Terrance Powderly--successful--goal increased co operation of workers, equal pay for men and women and 8 hour work day--relgion, race, skill, gender not improtnat -American Federation of Labor: Samuel Gompers: orgaized workers w same skill--you are a carpenter first--did not want to alter system and liked capitalism and corporations--organized working class elite--excluded semi and unskilled workers and left behind imm, AA< and women Southern econ was cotton lumber coal mining and railroads-- -Some freeman stayed on land they were enslaved Share cropping for growing cotton: apparent wealthy whites could use share cropping to perpetuate slavery -More farmers fell into debt started planting only cotton bc needed money but then so much cotton in economy made it go lower 75% of AA southerns worked as share croppers by 1880 Lecture 5: -Farmers in US faced difficult conditions in gilded age--during this farmers made more things and paid more taxes than anyone but felt falling behind In 1870s farmers created Farmers ALliance and it expanded--higher prices for ag products, greater acces to money, more reg of railroads, more control of trust -1892 3rd political party: The People's Party--populism present themselves as good and ordinary folk defending farmers against city folk -American dream fading and Andrew Carnegie did not disagree w populists about more inequality but he thought growing inequality was a good thing Grover Cleavland said drought caused great hardship and farmers need help but help should come from private charity--says gov should not support people but people support fovernemtn -Populists helped to produce changes: omaha platform said power of gov shoul dbe expanded to help poverty--all in interest of people and said system rigged Lecture 6: -Similarities between populists and progressives: prob not capitalism but lack of regulation -LEster frank ward said competition wasteful in human society and controlled nature more productive: ran w idea that humanity should control own destiny -Saw things that needed fixing: one important contributions was telling truth about broken things in american society -Muchrakers were writers of progressivism and also called gilding scratchers--believed neither big political parites wouldn't address problems -Did not trust masses to select good leaders--wanted scientific experts and middle class professionals to control society -Jane Adams Hull House--tried to help poor and study and understand them--goal to find causes of urban poverty--settlement house workers mostly women--adams claimed too many young people graduated and didn't help others -Worst injustice many progressive women saw was child labor--more than 2mill kids under 15 worked for wages F-lorence kelly leader in fight against child labor--national child labor commmitte and her committe sent Lousi Hein to take photos of kdis and used them in national campaign Meant to scratch gilding Progressivs addressed major problems--many attempts to control were not always positive--electric chair--jim crow--eugenics movement


Ways that connections with the rest of the world have driven the development of american history***

Week 14: 60s and beyond

Week 14 notes: 60s and beyond Civil rights movement and cold war clashes in cold war and vietnam Supreme court authorized separate but equal in plessy vs. ferguson African americans travel guides for places of work Washington advocated self help and education rather than activism Dubois critical of washington--foudned NAACP Favored litigation and lobbying--courts and congress best places to push for change--Chrles Houston--harvard graduate Charles houston trained powerful african american attorneys like thurgood marshall--NAACP civil rights litigator and first AA supreme court justice Legal realism--view that law was set of formal rules--judicial restraint--activist view In 1940s racism less socially acceptable--this is bc evil of Nazi regime and how racism played bad role in Holocaust--another reason is gorwing activism of african americans--another things was beginning of cold war--Harry Truman produced report that said civil rights abuses related to cold war Racism damages nations global reputation Thurgood Marshall brought cases to court--equalization--sougtt to make southern states enforce equality--argued blak teachers not paid as much even w equal qualifications--Iniversity of OK made students sit separately but this was't equal Thrugood Marshall argued separate unequal--attacked deparate part of separate but equal--Brown vs. Board of Education--NAACP argued public school segreation was violation of equal protection clause of 14th amendment Supreme declared that separate was unequal and unconstitutional--major victory--what produce? Borwon 2--SC told southern states told tehm to desegregate--south needed time to wrok through segregation (deliberate speed0 In 1956 no public schools in south were integrated--VA governor shut down schools to keep segregation alive some kept schools closed for 5 year 1955--NAACP ROsa Parks refused seat on bus to white man--sparked Montgomery bus boycott--MLK led themcity leaders in city gave in--key turning point Example of direct mass action--more people, national media coverage, leadership of MLK chirsitna love nonviolence and devotion to national values, unity in AA community JFK preoccupied and not interested--so MLK realized needed to force president--BIrmingham AlABAMA-project C--sit ins pray ins and marches--children participated and taken to jail--Kennedy gave speck condemning segregation March on washington and I have a dream speech Pres in 1961--cold war president--used CIA to conduct operations, peace corps, accelerated space race for man on moon Major crisis: bay of pigs invasion--declared cuba socialist state (castro), JFK gave go ahead for invasion and it was disaster--killed or captured and US humiliated--taught kennedy to distrust generals Traveleld to Vienna Austria--saw kennedy as light weight---CUban missile crisis--dangerous period of cold war--close to global nuclear war Oct 1962--soviets constructing missile bases JFK agreed never to invade Cuba agian and agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey Exhange of missiles proposed by Chrisoff--fi Kennedy have invaded cuba could've been nuclear war if listened to his generals --kennedy's helped caused crisis adn we know this Kennedys put crishoff in difficult positions and he was tyring toneutralize it Bob Kennedy CIA thing wante dto assasinate someone and kennedy left this out of book Kennedy realized political crisis so couldnt back down bc look weak--crisis resolved when kennedy removed missiles from turkey which we didn't know til 80s everyone thought kennedy forced Chrisoff to bakc off and he didn't tell VP lindon johnson--so everyone took wrong lesson from crisis and don't back down Nov 1963 JFK assassinated--shocking and intensified turmoil in americans--Lindon Johson new pres--knew how to use friendship charm and intimidation to get what he wanted-willing to work hard for Civil rights reform--banned segregation--voting rights act of 1965 Undermined by vietnam--amreicna involvement important to remember cold war Ho chi minh communist Didn't want vietnamse people to elect ho chi minh--johnson first US president ot send ground troops to vietnam--500000 amerians in vietnam--johnson convinced vietnam was unwinnable war but refused to abck down--accpeted domino theory--did not watn nation reputation to suffer Committed to civil war he didn't think they could win Reading history forward not clear who would win war and if world would survuve and hwo would destroy who--we look into future wondering what world will look like --in history now--what role will people play in world--what myths will shape present--whos agency will be limited and why and whos agency will change it--shaping grandchildrens history--reading history forward is leaving eveyrthing on cliffhanger--hsitory not inevitable--made by people

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