history final

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What phrase did President Eisenhower coin to describe the vulnerable neighbors of a country like Vietnam threatened by communist takeover?

"a row of dominoes"

In the 1948 campaign, Harry Truman faced political competition from

-Henry Wallace, who advocated for civil rights, increased government intervention in the economy, and more cooperation with the Soviet Union. -Strom Thurmond, who led southern "Dixiecrats" out of the national Democratic Party because of its support for civil rights. -Thomas Dewey, a Republican who was widely predicted to win. -ALL OF THE ABOVE

The United States government during the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939

-honored those 2,800 American volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade who fought to defend the Republic of Spain by giving them medals. -helped defeat General Franco's revolt by secretly supplying the Spanish Republic with airplanes and ammunition. -demonstrated that the "free" nations of the world were willing to defend a democratically elected Republic from the threat of fascism. -NONE OF THE ABOVE

According to lecture, the Fascist movements in Europe, and especially in Germany under Hitler

-were fought throughout the 1920s and 1930s by the elites and the governments of the United States and Western Europe because these leaders were terrified of the fascists. -combined a fanatical and militarist loyalty to the Nation with a love of Democracy as a defense against Communism. -can be blamed on the Communists in the USSR. -were the ideological descendants of the American and French Revolutions. - NONE OF THE ABOVE

Farmer frustrations that fueled the rise of the People's (Populist) Party included all of the following EXCEPT:

Farmers were upset about inflation - rising prices - and wanted our money to backed by gold and gold alone.

Which of the following did not occur during World War II?

Franklin Roosevelt resigned rather than run for a fourth term in 1944

Among the advantages of the corporate form of business organization were all EXCEPT:

It designated share-owners personally liable by law for corporation debts.

Who won the Presidential election in 1960?

John F. Kennedy

Martin Luther King, Jr., rose to leadership in the civil rights movement during the 1950s. His strategies, different from the recent past, would become the primary techniques of the Civil Rights movement into the 1960s. What is the most accurate summary of this transition?

King proposed non-violent direct action confrontations rather than the NAACP's strategy of legal challenges to segregation in the courts.

Before the 1890s, the "old immigration," coming from ___________, dominated immigration to the U.S. After the 1890s, the "new" immigrants from __________ dominated.

Northern and Western Europe . . . Southern and Eastern Europe

During World War II, there were many changes here in the US. Which of the following was not such a change?

President Roosevelt, as part of the fight against the racist Nazi ideology, desegregated the US armed forces.

According to lecture, what is the meaning of the "redemption" in the South?

Racist white Democrats were able to regain political control in the former Confederate states.

According to the Geneva accords of 1954,

Reunification elections would be held in 1956.

Which of the following statements about American workers in the late 19th century is NOT true?

The AFL and its leader Samuel Gompers advocated revolutionary overthrow of American capitalism rather than merely seeking better wages and working conditions.

what were reforms signed into law during Wilson's administration?

The Federal Trade Commission The Clayton Anti-Trust Act The Federal Reserve Act (all of the above)

In the lecture on the "Cultural Politics of the 1920s," I discussed the changes in American immigration policy. Which of the following statements best describes those changes?

The US passed laws designed to cut off immigration especially from Southern and Eastern Europe, while allowing at least some from Northern and Western Europe.

In the late 19th century, a few firms in many industries - steel, oil, railroads - grew to enormous size and consolidated their control over their respective industries. How did they do this?

The government provided enormous subsidies to many businesses, allowing them to grow by government edict. Bankers combined the assets of bankrupt or economically troubled firms with healthier firms to form a bigger, reorganized, consolidated business. Sometimes large firms used their market power to lower prices, drive their competition out of business, and expand into their former competitors' territory. Large firms formed holding companies which bought up smaller companies and made them parts of much larger firms. (all oof the above)

There was a transition in the civil rights movement during the mid-1960s and into the late 1960s. What most accurately describes this shift?

The struggle for integration in the South marked mainly by non-violent tactics expanded into a fight against discrimination and urban poverty in the North marked by the more militant stance of black self-defense.

In the late 19th century employers always had the advantage over workers in labor disputes. Which of the following were tactics used by employers which gave them this advantage?

The willingness of government authorities to send troops to break strikes. The use of court injunctions against strikes. The ability to hire and fire workers at will. The use of the "yellow dog" contract requiring employees to promise never to join a union. (all of the above are accurate statements.)

How did most expansionists in the United States government reconcile their belief in republicanism (that the only legitimate government is one that has the consent of the governed), with overseas imperialism (the exploiting or taking of territories and ruling them for economic or political gain)?

They argued that the people in these territories were not yet "civilized" enough to handle self-government and that it was the "white man's burden" to protect them until they could.

The constitutional amendment securing the right to vote for women nationwide

Was the result of decades of work of women and their male allies to get it to the national level.

Who won the Presidential election of 1896?

William McKinley

When WWI started in Europe in 1914, what was the response of the Wilson administration?

Wilson declared that the U.S. would remain neutral in the war.

From 1914 through early 1917, Woodrow Wilson's policy toward World War I was a popular stand of neutrality. Which of the following is NOT a reason why this policy was abandoned?

Wilson had to go to war to get re-elected.

Among the grievances of working people and the labor movement in the late 1800s was:

Working hours were typically quite long - 10-12 hours/day, 6 days a week. child labor - most people saw child labor as a serious problem and major workers' organizations sought to ban the practice.a lack of autonomy at work - workers fought to keep control over the shop floor as managers turned to new systems of control. injuries and disease - workers were commonly hurt at work and had few protections against these "injuries of class." (all of the above)

The village of My Lai was the site of

a US massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians.

The "Bonus Expeditionary Force" or the "Bonus Marchers" of 1932 were

a group of veterans who came to Washington to push for early payment for pension bonuses promised them for service in World War I.

Both the National Recovery Administration and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration shared what strategy to stimulate the economy?

a private sector-government partnership to limit production and raise prices.

The case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka concerned the issue of

acial segregation in public schools

The Allied invasion of France (the Second Front) in 1944 was launched

after Soviet troops had already begun to turn the tide of the war in the East.

Disfranchisement (taking away the vote) of African-Americans

also targeted poor whites who might break party ranks and join with blacks to vote for an alternative

Fordism can best be described as

an economic and social regime ideally combining mass production of inexpensive products with relatively high wages to finance consumption of those products.

Among the reforms championed by Progressives was

an end to child labor Women's right to vote regulation of railroads and other large businesses Factory safety laws (all of the above)

According to lecture, the war fought by the US in the Philippines was

an example of how the United States acquired an empire at the cost of some of its professed ideals and many lives.

The Neutrality Legislation of the 1930s was based on the assumption that the United States could keep out of war by:

banning arms sales and loans to countries at war.

The "science" of negative eugenics during the 1920s is best described as

discouraging reproduction among poor and "undesirable" or "unfit" Americans.

Several factors explain the rise of the Cold War. Which is NOT a correct statement of one of these factors?

economic: both the United States and the USSR were economically devastated after World War II.

In the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan

gained strong support in some areas of the North as well as in the South.

According to lecture, Franklin Roosevelt shifted political direction between 1934 and 1937 because

he was forced to change as a result of pressure from a massive strike wave and other movements ranging from Upton Sinclair's EPIC campaign to Huey Long's Share Our Wealth campaign.

The 14 points offered in 1918 by Woodrow Wilson as a statement of war aims

included a demand for the formation of a League of Nations to adjudicate future international disputes.

According to lecture, the New Deal offered a legacy of all of the following EXCEPT:

it brought into power a group of very conservative politicians who looked to shrink the size of the federal government and return power to the states.

The House Un-American Activities Committee

launched a broad attack on suspected Communists in many institutions in American society, including the entertainment industry and academia.

President Roosevelt handled the banking crisis of 1933 by

offering government support and regulation, but preserving private ownership.

The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), led by John L. Lewis challenged the American Federation of Labor (AFL) as America's strongest union federation by

organizing workers by industry and opening the ranks to all, regardless of skill, race or gender, rather than organizing only the skilled workers in particular trades. staging a number of successful "sit-down" strikes led by militant workers. winning union recognition from the two largest (and staunchly anti-union) companies in the United States, General Motors and US Steel. (all of the above)

According to lecture, the stock market crash in 1929 was a reflection of deeper economic problems leading to the Great Depression. Among the most important of these problems was

overproduction and underconsumption

"Sharecropping" means

paying out a portion of the harvest to the landowner as rent.

The role of the state (the government) in late nineteenth century labor conflicts (The Railroad Strike of 1877, Homestead, Pullman, etc.) can be best characterized as


The Social Security Act (1935)

provided for old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and some aid to the disabled and mothers with dependant children.

As war began in Europe and Asia, and war clouds gathered in the US between 1937 and 1941, Roosevelt

pushed Congress to amend the neutrality act to allow arms sales and prepare the United States for eventual entrance into the war.

The first "big business" in America, at least in terms of finance, labor relations, and management, was the

railroad industry

Theodore Roosevelt's approach to handling anti-trust issues was to

regulate the "good trusts" willing to negotiate with the government and prosecute only those he considered "bad trusts."

In lecture I argued that the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

reveal the severe limits of laws and amendments alone to make real the promise of freedom and equality in America.

According to lecture, the Sedition and Espionage Acts of 1917-18 and the Red Scare of 1919 and 1920

sacrificed people's civil liberties (constitutional rights) in the name of protecting U.S. citizens from an exaggerated threat of treason and radicalism.

The National Labor Relations Act or the "Wagner Act" (1935)

set up an electoral process through which workers could vote on whether they wanted to form a union in their workplace and forcing employers to bargain with those so chosen.

Around the turn of the century, a new experiment in providing social services to slum dwellers featured centers where middle-class women (like Jane Addams) lived among the poor, provided services and taught "American ways" to immigrants. These centers were called

settlement houses.

The term Vietnamization referred to the policy of

shifting the burden of actual combat to the South Vietnamese while continuing to bomb Southeast Asia.

According to lecture, an understanding the significance of great fortunes

should take into account that massive fortunes are different than mere income. We shouldn't focus on the luxuries their money buys, but the enormous power conferred on great industrialists by their control over capital.

The Nye Committee hearings in the 1930s popularized the idea that a key factor leading the United States into the First World War had been

the "merchants of death" and the need to protect American bank loans to the Allies which were used to buy arms from US manufacturers.

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution, as passed by

the Congress, authorized President Johnson to take any measure needed to repel attacks on US forces in Vietnam.

Which of the following organizations was attacked by the government during WWI?

the Socialist Party and the IWW

America's basic cold war strategy / strategy emerged when the Truman administration adopted the recommendations of US diplomat and Soviet specialist George Kennan. It is known as

the containment doctrine

A number of journalists - Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, etc. -- in the late 19th century began to direct their attention to the unscrupulous methods and concentrated power of big business owners and their allies in government. Collectively, they were best known as

the muckrakers.

Examples of the mood of resistance among African Americans confronting white supremacists in the post-WWI period can be seen in

the political movement against lynching the rise of Marcus Garvey and the UNIA the development of a black culture in places like Harlem, New York. (all of the above)

The progressives were a loose group of reformers with some basic things in common. Which of the following is NOT one of those things?

they called for a revolutionary communist or anarchist solution to economic problems.

Which of the following best expresses the attitudes of late 19th Century industrialists like Rockefeller and Morgan?

they constantly looked for ways to avoid competition, seeing it as a huge obstacle to steady profits.

The United States dropped nuclear bombs on Japanese cities.


FDR's "New Deal Coalition," that is, the blocks of voters who gave him and the Democratic Party the landslide victory,

united white voters in the South with urban ethnic Northerners, workers, and black voters in the north.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

upheld the concept of "separate but equal."

According to lecture, the Versailles Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles, which marked the official end of WWI

was a failure, revealing that few had learned any lessons of the war, and sowing the seeds for another one.

South Vietnam's US backed leader, Diem

was overthrown by his generals with the knowledge and permission of US officials.

According to lecture, the civil rights legislation supported by the Kennedy administration and passed by the Johnson administration

was passed only because the brutal repression of protests by students and the black community throughout the South forced national politicians to act on the issue.

The efforts of US leaders at the conferences in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam to shape a peace more in accord with US interests

were hurt by the fact that the USSR had turned the tide of the war first and the Red Army occupied most of eastern Europe.

The rise of big cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

Cities grew along the railroad networks which tended to encourage concentrated growth at major intersection points.

Teddy Roosevelt, President from 1901 to 1909, was known for being a reformer. Which of the following statements about his career is/are accurate?

Although he successfully enforced the anti-trust act in the Northern Securities case, TR was not philosophically against all big business. TR was a less aggressive reformer than many other Republicans, especially those from the Midwest and West - people like Robert LaFollette. Many in the business community were nervous that TR pushed reform too far. (all of the above)

According to lecture what is the main reason why Labor Day is in September in the United States?

American leaders considered May Day (the Labor Holiday for many throughout the world) far too radical because it commemorates the Haymarket Riot in 1886 in Chicago during the 8 hour day movement.

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