History Final

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The new science of the 17th century and onward differed from classical science in that it favored _________ methods.

a. mathematized

Some 235,000 _________ "coolies" were brought to Peru, Cuba, and Costa Rica, working in silver mines, sugar and cotton plantations, and later on railroads—and only about 10% of them returned home.

a. Chinese

By the early seventeenth century, a powerful elite of Spanish who had ___________, called Creoles, was in place to assist the Spanish administrators.

a. been born in the Americas

The cornerstone of Calvinist theology is the idea _________.

a. that God knows before a person is born if the person is saved and nothing the person does in life changes that.

In the 1540s the Spanish government introduced ___________ called repartimientos, which was a continuation of the mit'a system devised by the Inca for taxation.

a. Rotating labor assignments

What were the goals of the Puritans in Great Britain?

b. Purify the Church of England of Roman Catholic influence

The ______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.

c. Scramble

The working class in the new industrial cities lived in _________.

c. crowded, dirty tenements

__________ re-imposed the hated jizya tax, which Akbar had abolished, on non-Muslims

c. Aurangzeb

The Levellers in England wanted to bring _________ to the common people.

political equality

According to the testimony before the Sadler Commission, why did parents let their children work in the textile mills?

a. Necessity--they needed the children's wages.

What major war between the Catholics and Protestants involved most Western and Central European nations?

a. The Thirty Years War

What factors contributed to the beginning of the Scientific Revolution in the 16th century?

a. The invention of the printing press in 1450 b. European exploration of the world outside Europe. c. Widespread questioning of the Ptolemaic view of the universe (all of them)

The ethnolinguistic version of the Enlightenment inspired by Johann Gottfried Herder was _______.

a. given a major boost during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars

Francis Bacon's contribution to the Scientific Revolution was his _________.

a. promotion of a systematic and repeatable method for understanding nature through observation and experimentation

What religious order, dedicated to missionary activity, was created during the Catholic Counter-Reformation and used to win back parts of Europe from Protestantism?

a. the Jesuits

As part of the African ________, Africans moved to nearly all parts of the Americas primarily as a result of the transatlantic slave trade.

a. Diaspora

Under Akbar's leadership, the Mughal armies were able to conquer the heartland of Northern India, known as _________.

a. Hindustan

At the battle of Adowa (Adwa), the Ethiopian people successfully defeated _________ and retained the nation's sovereignty.

a. Italy

In 1491, the King of Kongo adopted ________ as his official religion.

a. Roman Catholic Christianity

Who was the founder of the native African Zulu Empire?

a. Shaka

_______ was the free black leader of the revolution on Saint-Domingue from 1794 to 1802.

a. Toussaint Louverture

Who was the founder of the Mughal Dynasty of India?

a. Zahir ud-Din Muhammad

Indian _________ calicoes (named for the Indian port of Calicut) proved immensely popular in Europe for underwear and summer clothing.

a. cotton

What did Otto von Bismarck skillfully use to unify Germany?

a. diplomacy b. trade c. war (all of the)

The American Revolution was caused by _______.

a. new taxes imposed by the British government on the North American colonies and new efforts to collect those taxes b. lack of representation in the British Parliament for the North American colonies c. attempts by the British government to forcibly bring the North American colonies into compliance with British policy (all of them)

In the early factory system, children as young as 6 were employed as _________.

a. scavengers in textile mills

At the battle of Panipat in 1526 between the Delhi Sultans and the Mughals, the Mughal army had the advantage of ________.

a. the new military technologies of matchlock muskets and field cannon

At the _________, Catholic Church leaders met to address the problems raised by Martin Luther and the Protestants.

b. Council of Trent

Why was Galileo convicted of the crime of heresy for his astronomical work, but other prominent astronomers in this module were not?

b. Galileo lived the Catholic Church-controlled Italy while the other astronomers lived in Protestant dominated areas.

Who was leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

b. George Washington

Why did Henry VIII of England break away from the Catholic Church?

b. He had political problems with his line of succession.

Leading a motley force of about 600 Spanish men, _________ defeated a much larger Aztec force to conquer the empire.

b. Hernan Cortes

Who modernized Russia by modeling the bureaucracy, army, navy, and court on Western European nations?

b. Peter the Great

Who dominated the Mexican government between 1876 and 1880 and again from 1884 to 1911?

b. Porfirio Diaz

Which of the following areas of Europe did NOT experience major wars between Catholics and Protestants?

b. Spain

As a result of the increased efficiency in farming and production brought by the Industrial Revolution, populations in industrialized nations _________.

b. grew exponentially

Following his invasion of Russia, Napoleon was _________.

b. ousted from power and exiled

The first government of the United States of America was created in the _______.

b. Articles of Confederation

Which of the following was NOT a reason the Renaissance began in Italy?

b. It was the home of the Roman Catholic Church.

The most radical and bloody period of the French Revolution was the ________.

b. Reign of Terror

The only known successful long-term slave revolt in world history took place in _________.

b. Saint-Domingue

Which of the following was NOT a way the Catholic Church punished scientists whose work contradicted Catholic teachings?

b. Sending them to penal colonies in the Americas

What was the original goal of the National Congress when it convened in 1885?

b. Win greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire

The English Civil War (1642-1651) resulted in _______.

b. a short-lived theocracy under Oliver Cromwell

The kings of Kongo demonstrated their absorption of Portuguese culture by

b. sending members of the ruling family to Portugal for their education.

Unlike their European counterparts, England had a political system where power was _______.

b. shared by the monarch and a parliament composed of the aristocracy and urban representatives

The Columbian Exchange characterizes the transfer of plants, animals, and ________ between the Americas and the rest of the world

b. diseases

Which of the following is NOT an example of an absolutist ruler?

c. Charles II

In the 19th century, who controlled the African ivory trade and enslaved millions of his fellow Africans?

c. Tippu Tip

Some slave-ship captains favored the "tight packing" method, deliberately overcrowding their human cargo on a Middle Passage voyage on the assumption that:

c. A few more captives might survive than on a ship that was less crowded.

How did Napoleon Bonaparte initially come to power in France?

c. A military coup d'etat

In order to promote cultural harmony, Akbar married the Rajput princess Manmati, despite her adherence to ________.

c. Hinduism

In contrast to Rousseau's traditional Christian ethics, _________ sought to build morality on transcendent reason and thus came to the conclusion that his morality had to be erected on the basis of the categorical imperative.

c. Immanuel Kant

The Atlantic system or the "_________" trade connected the American colonies with Africa and Europe.

c. Triangular

Landowners of self-sufficient plantations in many parts of Latin America supported governmental ____________, the same kind of authoritarian and paternalistic form of action that they practiced on their estates.

c. caudillismo

Martin Luther advocated all the following EXCEPT________.

c. celibacy for church officials

One of the goals of the Congress of Vienna was to _________.

c. create a balance of power between the European nations to prevent more wars

The "Raj" began when control by the East India Company was replaced by _________.

c. direct British government rule

Which of the following was NOT a part of the early factory system?

c. workers compensation

By the mid-16th century, the conquistadors shifted from looting Native American empires and towns to exploiting native labor in agriculture and _______ .

c. working in silver, gold, and mercury mines

In 1757, the battle of _________ effectively eliminated the French threat in the subcontinent and consolidated Great Britain's supremacy in India.

c. Plassey

Which philosophy espoused the idea that world history was arranged into three successive stages, theological, metaphysical and scientific, the last stage representing the advances and progress ushered in by the sciences?

d. positivism

In Great Britain, the 1833 Factory Act _________.

d. regulated working hours for children

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 _________.

d. set the rules for European occupation of Africa

Portuguese colonial cities and Jesuits repeatedly clashed over the ____________ of the "pioneers" (bandeirantes) into the Brazilian interior.

d. slave raids

The "95 Theses" are arguments refuting the the theology behind _________.

d. the sale of indulgences

Which of the following would NOT have been a middle-class job in the nineteenth century?

d. Brakeman on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway

When Benito Juarez stopped payment on Mexico's foreign debts, the __________ invaded and installed a king.

d. France

To better administer the provinces and collect taxes, the Mughal emperors appointed men of all faiths and ethnicities to be _________ to local governments and state

d. Mansabdars

Who launched the movement for independence in New Spain (modern Mexico)?

d. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Who was the resourceful Queen of Ndongo and Metambe who at times fought against the Portuguese and Dutch and at other times negotiated with them?

d. Njinga

By the end of the 15th century, which of the following was an obvious problem with the Catholic Church in Europe?

d. The harsh taxes, fees and mandatory tithes

The British became determined to conquer and control all of South Africa following the discovery of ________.

d. diamonds and gold

To support the mining centers and administrative cities, the Spanish colonial government ___________ the development of agricultural estates (haciendas).

d. encouraged

The First Indian War of Independence (aka the Great Mutiny) was touched off by the rumor that the British intended to _______.

d. introduce a rifle which required its operator to bite the end from a gunpowder cartridge greased with animal fat

In Latin America, the two most important castes were mestizos, born of Iberian fathers and Native American mothers, and _________, born of Iberian fathers and black mothers.

d. mulattos

Some British agents of the East India Company took Indian wives, dressed as Indian princes, and wielded power as local magnates, or ______.

d. nabobs

Who was the politician who did the most to realize Italy's unification?

d. Count Camillo di Cavour

The Gunpowder empires, named for their reliance on cannons and small arms in their military campaigns, included all of the following EXCEPT the _________.

d. Habsburgs

By means of land-labor grants called __________, Spanish entrepreneurs were entitled to use forced indigenous or imported slave labor to exploit natural resources in the New World.

d. encomiendas

In general, the 19th century Latin American economy revolved around _______.

d. exports

After much contemplation and reading of the Bible, Martin Luther came to the belief that salvation came from _________.

d. faith

For Thomas Muntzer, the German Peasants' War was the chance to bring _________ to the common people.

social equality

The lasting achievement of Emilie de Chatalet. was her ________.

translation of Newton's mathematical principle into French.

Match the scientist with his/her description.

Andreas Versalius- correct anatomic drawings of the human body William Gilbert- posited the earth as a Giant magnet Leonhard Fuchus- father of German botany Conrad Gesner- Fouder of modern zoology

Match the inventor to the invention.

James Watt- practical steam engine Alfred Nobel- dynamite Charles Goodyear- Vulcanized rubber Edmund Cartwright- Power loom Robert Fulton- steamship Jethro Tull- Seed Drill James Hargreaves- Spinning Jenny Richard Arkwright-water frame

Match Scientist with Discovery

Marcello Malpighi - microscope and embryology Edmund Halley- discovery of orbits of comets Antonie von Leeuwenhoek- discovery of bacteria, protozoa, and "animalcules" Robert Boyle- father of chemistry William Harvey- description of heart as a pump

Although there are many reasons for the success of Martin Luther, one of the most important was the support of ________.

The German Nobility

The scientific Revolution began with ___________.

The publication of Copernicus' On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres

To which of the following fields did women make significant contributions during the Scientific Revolution?

a. Astronomy b. Mathematics c. Physics (all of them)

Although the precise number of Africans transported to the Americas in the slave trade is difficult to determine, nearly half of the total were sent to ________.

a. Brazil

_________ seized control of the Congo and established a brutal, exploitative, and inhumane regime that was responsible for an estimated 10 million deaths.

a. King Leopold II of Belgium

According to the primary source excerpt from The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith was in favor of tariffs and import embargoes.


Why had great minds in Europe not focused on studying science before the 16th century?

Up to the 16th century, the Church was the only major source of funding for research so scholars became priests or monks. b. Up to the 16th century, most great minds studied theology in their search for answers. c. Up to the 16th century, the Church punished ideas that contradicted the Bible, so it was safer not to study the natural world. (all of them)

The relatively slow pace of the Portuguese conquest in Brazil, compared to the meteoric success the Spaniards enjoyed over the vast Aztec and Inca empires, can be explained by all of the following EXCEPT:

c. The Spaniards' use of sophisticated firearms and cannons played a decisive role in combat, especially in close encounters, demonstrating the crucial role of gunpowder technology in bringing down the Aztec and Inca empires

In "chattel" slavery, the slave is, in legal terms:

d. An item of moveable personal property.

The __________ is considered to be the first genocide of the twentieth century.

d. German destruction of the Herero

When did slavery end in Brazil?

d. 1888

Match the scientist with his/her discovery.

Rene Descartes - analytic geometry Isaac Newton- calculus Nicolaus Copernicus- heliocentric model of the universe Johannes Kepler- Elliptical orbits of the planets Maria Cunitz- correct star charts and comets Evangelista Torricelli- the barometer

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