History Final Review Cards

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Mercantilist theory postulated that...

economic activity should be regulated by and for the state.

Political power in the Dutch Republic was...

exercised by a democratically elected States-General.

The enlightened policies of Frederic the Great included...

freeing the Prussian serfs.

Francis Bacon formalized the research methods of Tycho Brahe and Galileo into a theory of reasoning known as...


In the eighteenth century, the biggest increase in British foreign trade was with...

the British colonial empire.

Voltaire used satire to criticize what institution?

the Catholic clergy

The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was...

the sovereignty of the people.

In the eight century, the diet of the poorer classes consisted largely of bread and...


David Ricardo's iron law of wages stated that...

workers only get payed enough to keep them from starving.A

What was Jethro Tull's contribution to English agriculture in the eighteenth century?

He advocated animal husbandry and invented a seed drill.

How did Frederick William the Great Elector of Prussia persuade the Junker nobility to accept taxation without consent in order to fund the army?

He confirmed the Junkers' privileges', including their authority over the serfs.

Why was John Wesley's Methodism particularly appealing?

He refuted the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvation could gain it.

Why were cottage workers, accustomed to the putting-out system, reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received good wages?

In a factory, workers had to keep up with the machine and follow its relentless tempo.

What was the key development in the eighteenth century that allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservation nature?

Influx of British investment

Why did Pietism, which began in Germany in the late seventeenth century, appeal to people?

It emphasized a warm and emotion religion.

What was the function of the Crystal Palace?

It was the location of the Great Exhibition in 1851 in London.

Who invented the spinning jenny?

James Hargreaves

What was the major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution?

James Watt's development of the steam engine between the 1760's and the 1780's.

What advisor to Louis XIV advocated mercantilism?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

France's strong economy was created by the mercantilist policies of...

Jean-Baptiste Colbert.

Which of the following is not an inventor of the Industrial Revolution?

John Wesley

Who stated the Methodist movement?

John Wesley

How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history?

Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end.

In the eighteenth century, the West's largest and richest city was...


Who revoked the Edict of Nantes?

Louis XIV

This Act of Parliament said that English goods had to carried on English ships.

Navigation Acts

The Baroque style flourished in the context of the...

Protestant Reformation

The Junkers were...

Prussian nobles who reluctantly worked with Frederick William to consolidate the Prussian state

John Knox spread the Reformation to what country?


How did the government respond to the new science?

They rejected the new science as a threat to their religious foundations.

Who said that the population would always outgrow the food supply?

Thomas Malthus

What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety?

To establish a secret police force in order to institute the Reign of Terror.

Who was William Cockerill?

an English carpenter who built cotton-spinning equipment in Belgium

The Factory Act of 1833 constituted a major victory in the prevention of the exploitation of children in that it...

banned children under nine years of age from employment.

Cardinal Jules Mazarin's struggle to increase royal revenues to meet the cost of war led to the uprisings of 1648-53, known as the...

Levee en Masse

After his victory in 1709 at Poltava, Peter the Great built a new, Western-style city on the Baltic called...

St. Petersburg.

What is the name of the Russian nobility?


Who were the Luddites?

British handicraft workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work.

This is an example of Catholic piety and is the celebration before Lent.


What caused the pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe?

It was a necessary precondition of economic independence.

What two cities did "Rocket" connect in the mid 19th century?

Manchester and Liverpool

Who wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" (1792), the latter a founding text of the feminist movement?

Mary Wollstonecraft

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women.

Why did the Dutch fail to maintain their dominance in Asia?

The Dutch economy was devastated by wars with Great Britain and France and lacked capital for continued colonization.

What law allowed Huguenots to the right to worship in France?

The Edict of Nantes

This faction of the Jacobins was led by Robespierre and Danton.

The Mountain

In chronological order, what were the three successive commercial empires established by Europeans in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries?

The Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Dutch.

What two fundamental principals of the French Revolution were incorporated into the Napoleonic Code?

The rejection of monarchy and the adoption of republicanism.

What did the Mines Act of 1842 prohibit?

Underground work for all women and girls as well as boys under ten

What was the "Time of Troubles" in Russia?

a dispute in the line of succession.

Europeans believed grain and bread should be available at...

a just price--one that was fair to both consumers and producers.

Catherine the Great of Russia came to power in 1762 through...

a military coup.

In the nineteenth century, Friedrich List believed that industrial development should be pursued...

as part of a project of economic nationalism led by the state.

The exchange of goods from the Americans to Europe and the reverse is called...

the Columbian Exchange.

What was the key demand of the Chartist movement?

All men must be given the right to vote.

What was Napoleon's Grand Empire?

An enlarged France, a number of satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

Which law outlawed labor unions and strikes in Britain?

Combination Acts of 1799

What was the greatest achievement of eighteenth-century medical science?

Conquest of smallpox.

Why provided the labor force for Britain's initial colonization of Australia?

Convicted prisioners

What is the name of the outlaw and free armies that roamed the Russian countryside?


Which of the following was a major motivation for European exploration?

Desire for material profit.

Britain's great rival for influence in India in the eighteenth century was...


What is the term given for the mix of Spanish and Indian blood?


Who resisted the Portuguese efforts to gain control over Indian Ocean trade?

Muslim-controlled port cities

What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly.

Who wrote "The Prince" and said it is better to be feared than loved?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Before the Estates General was called, these failed at tax reform.

Peace of Westphalia

What treaty ended the Thirty Years War?

Peace of Westphalia

Name a Baroque painter.

Peter Paul Rubens

This document signed by Charles VI said that the Hapsburg lands would never be divided and could pas to a single heir, even a woman.

Pragmatic Sanction

Soft pastels, ornate interiors, and sentimental portraits are all characteristics of the style known as...

Rococo art.

What war led to the British winning the colonial battle over North America?

Seven Years' War

Which of the following describes the treatment of children in the seventeenth and early eighteenth century?

The disciplining of children was often severe in order to conquer the child's will.

Which of the following describes the enclosure movement of the eighteenth century?

The land was divided into plots bounded by fences to farm more effectively.

From 1701 to 1763, what was at stake in the wars between Great Britain and France?

The position as Europe's leading maritime power, with the ability to claim profits from Europe's overseas expansion.

Madame du Chatelet, Voltaire's longtime companion,...

believed that women's limited contribution to science was the result of unequal education.

Some scholars have argued that the neglectful attitudes toward children in preindustrial Europe were conditioned mostly by...

economic pressure on new migrants to the cities.

In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company...

established outposts in New Your (New Amsterdam) and elsewhere in the Americas.

The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolution third estate included...

everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy.

The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also...

gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with British colonies.

Which of the following is not true of the Anabaptists?

infant baptism

Edward Jenner received financial prizes from the British government for...

introducing inoculation against smallpox to colonial North America.

The men elevated to represent the third estate at the Estates General were primarily...

lawyers and government officials.

Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate was ultimately a...

military dictatorship.

A striking feature of salons was that...

philosophes, nobles, and members of the upper middle class intermingled.

Thomas Malthus argued in his essay "Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798) that...

population tends to increase beyond the means of sustenance.

Copernicus's theory of the universe...

postulated a sun-centered view of the universe.

Typically, French classicism...

presented subject matter associated with the Greco-Roman past.

Eighteenth-century blood sports such as bullbaiting and cockfighting were...

principally sponsored by betting syndicates that viewed them as highly lucrative sources of income.

Which of the following was not part of the Council of Trent?

renewed monasticim

These were the laboring group of the French Revolution that refused to wear the style on pants worn before the revolution.


Until at least 1750, the practice of late marriage did not lead to a large number of illegitimate children because...

sexual activity prior to marriage was extremely rare a harshly punished by the church.

Between 1650 and 1790, a crucial component of the global economy was established when European nations developed...

the Atlantic economy.

Although perhaps best known as the longtime companion of Voltaire, Gabriel-Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise du Châtelet, published...

the first translation of Newton's "Principia" into French.

Holland's leadership in farming methodology can be attributed to...

the necessity to provide for a densely populated country.

IN the 1780's, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on...

the royal court.

Merchant capitalists complained bitterly about...

their inability to supervise and direct the work of rural laborers.

Why did the English government arrive at a crisis situation by 1640?

Charles I imposed unwelcome laws and wanted to go to war with Spain.

What was the core concept of the Enlightenment?

The methods of natural science should be used to examine all aspects of life.

Which of the following would not be an example of a community control?

women holding multiple jobs

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