History Of Computer Generation
Herman Hollerith
Built the Census Tabulating Counting Machine
John Von Neumann,
He came up with the bright idea of using part of the computer's internal memory (called Primary Memory) to "store" the program inside the computer and have the computer go get the instructions from its own memory,
Napier Bone's
Invented Algorithm Table which is use to find the solution of math problem
John Vincent Atanasoff
Invented The ABC was a digital computer,
Oughtred's And Schickard's
Invented slide rule which work on the basis of Algorithms
Blaise Pascal
Made First Mechanical Calculator (Pascaline)
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz's
Made Model of Stepped Reckoner Which can multiply ,divide,subtract and addition.
Joseph-Marie Jacquard
Made Punched card controlled looms His invention also provided a model for the input and output of data in the electro-mechanical and electronic computing industry.
First Mechanical Computer
The Abacus { c.3000 BCE }
Charles Babbage
The Father of Computer because his impressive designs for the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine foreshadowed the invention of the modern electronic digital computer
30 tons, 18,000 vacuum tubes, with the computing power of little more than the modern calculator.....