History of Rock Quiz 3

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Avant Garde in Sgt. Pepper

Techniques from avant garde composers -Use of everyday sounds (animal sounds in "Good Morning, Good Morning" and audience in "Sgt. Pepper") -Tape loops, running tape backwards -unconventional uses of traditional instruments (loosely guided crescendos in "A Day In A Life")

Hippie Aesthetic

idea that rock musicians have an obligation to come up with something significant, lyrics that are meaningful, and music that was intended to be listened to, not danced to -expected music w/impact both musically and lyrically -perhaps started with Sgt. Pepper

Creedence Clearwater Revival

-"All American" Sound -roots rock -had several hits on the pop charts in 1969 -southern, black effects

"Roadhouse Blues"

-The Doors, Morrison Hotel -Blues, work

Julian Beck's Living Theatre

-Where Jim Morrison picked up his idea for his stage performances -very confrontational with the audience

Jimi Hendrix's image

-his rock n roll image (clothes, actions on stage) in sharp contrast to Beatles clean cut image of RR

"The Sunshine of Your Love"

-Cream, Disraeli Gears -served as an anthem of the Flower Power movement -octave unison and playing of the guitar and bass foreshadows heavy metal -song based on a riff, built on a modified blues progression

Tommy (1969): Subject Matter

-Full fledged psuedo story about a blind and deaf boy who was regarded as the Messiah bc of his pinball skills -songs mention: murder, trauma, bullying, spiritual awakening, disillusionment -Story made into movie and play -Qudraphenia = another psuedo rock opera

"2000 Man"

-Rolling Stones TSMR -feelings of traveling through space -tempo shifts, multi-sectional form, first 2 verses are folk rock like, rock feel in chorus -chorus in 2 sections hardens the rock feel

Psychedelic Movement

-Sought new ways to experience the world -quest for higher consciousness through drug use -Summer of 1967 -LSD: Spread to youth culture after it was found out that Beatles used it -Marijuana: emerged from the hysteria of reefer madness

Eastern Spirituality

-Tibetan Book of the Dead -Beatles travel to India to study with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -Hippies blended drug use with Eastern religions and Yogi -Fascination with yoga (americanized)

FM and AM radio

-as FM radio concentrated more on album oriented rock presentations geared towards college-aged young adults, AM radio emphasized single-oriented pop/hits -This separated college- aged (FM) and High school kids (AM)

Influences in songs of Beatles White Album

"BlackBird", "Julia", "Mother Natures son", "I Will" -songs feature acoustic guitars (byproduct of India retreat) "Don't Pass Me By" -Ringo's country and western "Why Don't We Do It In the Road", "Yer Blues" -Ringo's 12 bar blues (India experience) "Revolution 9" -avant garde

The Grateful Dead

-"All American" Sound -exemplified an iconoclastic individualism (did not compromised, followed own musical instincts) -A true hippie band = lived in commun, drugs, -Produced and distributed their CDs themselves (jab at music industry) -Developed famous fan name = Deadheads (who dedicated their lives to following them around -Live performances were improved so album can't capture that aspect of them

The Doors (1st album)

-"Break On Through" (to the other side) -"Crystal Ship" -End of the Night" = cross over to psychedelic feels -"The End" -Artistic work in the lyrics of Morrison, thought of himself as a poet, spent a lot of time at Julian Beck's living theatre

Jefferson Airplane

-1st San Fran band to have real success on pop chart -Grace Slick (+ Janis) symbolize women movement in rock -overheard projector, light show

Eric Clapton

-1st guitarist for the Yardbirds -He grew up listening to Blues, came to them from the outside = wanted to stay close to blues authenticity and pure blues element so he left the YB and formed Cream with Jack Bruce (bass) and Ginger Baker (drums)

Cream 1966

-1st power trio of rock = possible to just have 3 people bc of advancements in amplifier technology -3 albums together = Fresh Cream, Disraeli Gears, Wheels of Fire (last 2 most psychedelic) -Clapton and Baker reunited in Blind Faith = "Had To Cry Today" (bass and guitar play in unison) -Clapton's riffs would intertwine with Bruce's bass = muddy water texture (who was a major influence)

Magical Mystery Tour

-After Epstein left, Beatles left to manage themselves = decided 3rd project would be a movie but couldn't figure out script so MMT next production -Paul's idea, in Liverpool popular to take a bus tour -collection of absurd vignettes and dreamlike sequences strung together on the thread of a bus trip -Film on bus and come up with scripts with the hired people put on the bus -movie released by BBC in black and white in England so bad reviews, it bombed

The Beatles (The White Album) 1968

-After India they made a demo tape and double album that contrasted their usual techni-color, surreal albums -Album cover was blank with just "The Beatles" as the title, had 4 photos of them and lyrics -interpreted as a POSTMODERN WORK -Bricolage consists of : "Helter Skelter", "Ob-La-Di", "Story of Bungalow Bill", "Good Night" -Yoko Ono an irritation at the studio, but brought Avant Garde with old singing techniques

Synesthesia from Literature/Art

-Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, William S. Burroughs (poetry from cut up newspapers) -Beat poets, existentialist philosophers informed the intelligentsia of the flower power movement -B.F Skinner's Walden 2 (communal utopia) -M.C Escher art works drew the attention of acid heads (for its distortions) -Robert Crumb's cartoons = stuck it to the establishment and sanitized the counter culture (janis and the holding company)

Abbey Road

-All reunited to record Abbey Road -Beatles sign out with a melody culminating in "The End" -John didn't like Paul's medley is they agreed to do one side with single songs and Paul got to do his big medley on the 2nd side -Ringo drum solo and everyone else trades off on guitar licks -Final message: "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

Psychedelic Peak by 1967

-April = "The 14 hour technicolor Dream" (10K attended) -Aug. = Middle Earth Club established -underground bands included =Pink Floyd, Soft Machine, The crazy world of Arthur Brown June = release of Sgt. Pepper = Beatles establish themselves as the musical high priests of counter cultural psychedelic movement -counter culture from 1967 on -In the U.S the "happenings" in the streets

Gypsy Sun and Rainbows

-Band Hendrix formed for Woodstock Aug. 1969 -most famous performance -Hendrix had broken up the Jimi Hendrix Experience and reformulated into this (Band of Gypsy) -His version of the National Anthem = psychedelic transformation of a politically sacred symbol brought additional scorn directed toward's Hendrix (right wing)

"Good Vibrations"

-Beach Boys and Brian Wilson -Combines contrasting verse-chorus with 3 sectional infixes -introduction of sound that imitated the theremin created by Tannerin (scifi movies) 3 stages: 1. Introduces tack piano and Jews harp 2. Organ (church) 3. Pseudo-chorus + 3 part vocal + resumption of chorus + fade out


-Beatles (stopped live performances by now, studio as their workshop, Sgt. Pepper = art rock) -Use of an electric harpsichord = signifies Baroque classical music -Baroque rock = pieces that use instruments from the baroque period of western classical music

"I Am the Walrus"

-Beatles MMT -stands out for both it's lyrics and imaginative musical setting -several clues to the myth of Paul's death in film -Lennon wrote it in response to students studying his lyrics as poetry -Released on B side

"Story of Bungalow Bill" 1968

-Beatles White Album -a Saturday afternoon, kid show like song -inspired by experience in India

"Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da" 1968

-Beatles White Album -a children like song -West Indies calypso like sounding sing a long

"Martha My Dear"

-Beatles White Album -about Paul's sheep dog -sounds like British music hall song -music hall ambience to it, but with strings in accompaniment

"Good Night" 1968

-Beatles White Album -children song -lullaby by John for his son Julian

"Rocky Racoon"

-Beatles White Album -evokes images of the story telling ballads if the american west

"Helter Skelter" 1968

-Beatles White Album -noise rock -violates expectations of Beatles music because of its never ending noise -A response to a Who song that the Who claimed was the loudest nastiest song in RR

"Back In USSR"

-Beatles White Album -references Chuck Berry with its boogie pattern and Beach Boys with its back-up singing harmonies

"Honey Pie"

-Beatles White Album -sounds like 1930s popular song (earlier pop styles)

The Beatles with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

-Beatles go to India in Feb. 1968 -Reaching end with experimentation and drugs, wanted to get purified and out of acid trips -Meditation

New Idioms

-Became meaningful expressions -Right on, far out, freak out, trip, bummer

Techniques of Postmodern Art

-Bricolage: multiple quotations from diverse earlier sources -Simultaneous juxtaposition of discordant styles seeking both/and inclusion, not either/or exclusion in placing various kinds of aesthetics in one mix -Genre mixing is part of juxtaposition

"Proud Mary"

-CCR -combines major and minor pentatonic scale (black and white scales) = nation wide sources

"Fortunate Son"

-CCR -has more updated sound w/power chords and modal harmonies -protest song (a senator son doesn't have to go to Vietnam) -protest again George W Bush during Iraq wat

U.S Blues Revival

-Chicago: Paul Butterfield Blues Band -Los Angeles: The Doors, Canned Heat -San Fran: Janis Joplin, Big Bro and the Holding Company (rough, amateurish sound of san fran bands, loose playing


-Country Joe and The Fish -focus on protesting Vietnam -direct anti-war song -theme song

"Strange Brew"

-Cream, Disraeli Gears -One of their songs that fits commercial modal so as to be played in radio (its not 17 min long) -Refrain-frame form superimposed in the 12 bar blues structure -The Verses occur in 1st 8 bars, last 4 bars are refrain -instrumental guitar riffs answering vocal line -Lyrics = psychedelic aspect


-Cream, Wheels of Fire -a drum solo was recorded, few existed a the time

Synesthesia: Acid Rock

-Different from overall psychedelic music bc it refers specifically to LSD -extended jams, use of high volume to distort the tone, feedback to mask pulsation, reverb to create spacey feeling -music reflected ideology of the flower power w/ overtones of the LSD trip -Communal creative process of folk music (group improve) combined w/rock musician-as-artisit ideology (Like in Beatles, Bob Dylan, Beach Boys work, who created huge output in the 60s)


-Drugs, Eastern philosophy, radical politics, and experimental music drew young people together to form a psychedelic community -Jan.1966 = Spontaneous Underground events at the Marquee club -India bookstore and gallery = where John 1st encountered Leary's The Psychedelic Experience Underground Clubs in "Swinging London" (hippies and crazies) -The UFO club = a changing center for psychedelia during 1967

"Chest Fever"

-Dylan and The Band, Big Pink album -organ introduction

"I Shall Be Released"

-Dylan and The Band, Big Pink album -prisoner will get salvation or spiritual awakening or death -shows rock music branching out = hippie aesthetic

"The Weight"

-Dylan and The Band, Big Pink album -take a load off = colloquialism

The Kingsmen

-From northwest -one hit wonder garage bands -Cover of "Louie, Louie" was the only successful cover -"Louie, Louie" never got to #1 on Billboard top 100 because Billboard doesn't just measure popularity, airplay, and record sales, but takes into account proper decorum as well

"Casey Jones"

-Grateful Dead, Workingman's Dead album 1970 -evoke images of the American scene -A train = driver on cocaine, seems like a warning -colloquial accent = American sound -The country fiddler as pied Piper ("everyone follow")

"Uncle John's Band"

-Grateful Dead, Workingman's Dead album 1970 -evoke images of the American scene -mix of jug band, blue grass, folk, Caribbean calypso, Indian -The country fiddler as pied Piper ("everyone follow") -could be seen as an alter ego of GD like Sgt.Pepper -presents a narrative like Woody Guthrie songs -

Janis Joplin

-Grew up in Tx, attended UT, then moved to San Fran -Helped revive Big Mama Thorton's career -Had personal problem, misogyny, drank herself to death (27 club)

How Jimi Hendrix got discovered

-Hendrix played for Little Richard but LR thought Jimi was too flamboyant -Lina Keith, Rolling Stone's Keith Richardson's girlfriend, discovered him at a club and convinced the bass player of the Animals to take Jimi to England

Trends of extending and furthering one's artistic aspirations

-Hippie aesthetic -The Who and The Doors = rock opera, bringing in poetry and theatrical dramatics to the stage (trend in extremes in late 70s) -Mid 70s = reaction to extreme virtuosity in rock music getting complicated with use of scales, harmonies (punk rock)


-Hurdy Gurdy Man -Hurdy Gurdy = instrument found in Europe, string played with circular bow and keyboard that stops strings = constant droning -Started as a folk rocker, now mix of psychedelic and folk rock -Donovan taught Lennon and McCartney finger picking styles -"Mellow Yellow" , "Sunshine Superman" , "Hurdy Gurdy Man"

The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request 1967

-In response to Sgt. Pepper, but promoted dark side instead of Beatle's love, light, freedom -Production so chaotic that Andrew Luke Olgman resigned as their production manager -musical signs of psychedelic The citadel effect of a hammer striking an anvil -contrasting verse chorus form -chorus has a rhythm of 3 against 2 in the third measure Rolling stones promoted that it should be seen as a psychedelic album (went back to bluesy hard rock after this bc it got bad reviews)

Human Be-in

-Jan 1967 -Precussor to Monterey Pop festival -At golden gate park -women's liberation the theme -alan ginsbirg, timothy leary, Country joe and the fish

The Doors

-Jim Morrison (star), Ray Manzurek (keyboardist), Robby Krieger (guitar), John Densmore (drums) -Krieger studied some flamingo, actually plays it (unlike Beatles Bungalow Bill) -No Bass player = would bring in a studio bass or Mazzarek had a bass keyboard (double key board) and would play it at concerts

"Red House"

-Jimi Hendrix -song that he fell back on in his live shows -blues, using the 12 bar form, all trademarks of electric blues (blues on acid) -Guitar overpowers his voice, taking over the song -conversation between vocalist and guitar

"Purple Haze"

-Jimi Hendrix 3 different introductory elements 1. A Tritone between guitar and bass "interval of the devil" 2.A Series of 8 phrases 3. A grooved guitar figure on 3 chords -several sections that juxtapose tight control in ensemble passages w/virtuosos flights of abandon guitar solos (would become a model for heavy metal guitars) -abrupt sections and changed without modulation -"excuse me while i kiss the sky"

"Voodoo Child" (Slight Return)

-Jimi Hendrix, Electric Lady -displays the 3 main influences in his style = blues, the rock song, jazz -also displays a masterful use of the wah wah pedal -stretched out blues form, Indian classical music influence (the playing over a constant pedal tone) -Used this song to close out his Electric Ladyland tour

Psychedelic Movement: Famous Leaders Challenged The Establishment

-Ken Kassey: novelist (One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest), also the acid tests from 1965 -Timothy Leary: Harvard Professor

"Louie, Louie"

-Kingsmen -Cover of the Wailers original -Added the "Lets give it to them" energy that transformed a chanty into a rock and roll song -conspiracy of dirty lyrics since they are hard to -understand = contributed to songs success -3 chord RR, back to basics, -inspired countless garage bands -FBI investigated, but couldn't condemn them bc they couldn't understand lyrics

Synesthesia: Sight and Sound

-LSD effects: internal and external hallucinations, heightened richness of colors, organically evolving motion patterns, loss of sense of time and proportion, heightened emotions, intense rushes of physical pleasures -"blissing out" = complete dissociation from reality -Music and color association = light shows that enhance rock concerts -Venues: Bill Graham's Fillmore, Avalon Ballroom, Electric Factory

Summer of 1967

-Landmark period of time in RR history -June 1967 = Sgt. Pepper -Summer of Love -Monterey Pop Festival = biggest RR festival at the time

San Fransisco Bands

-Moby Grape -Quick Silver Messenger Service -Jefferson Airplane -Big Brother and the Holding Company -Janis Joplin -Country Joe and the Fish

Let It Be

-Movie won a Grammy for Best Soundtrack -Let It Be movie done before Abbey Road, an LP was gonna be released but shelved bc band was snipping at each other, George Martin quit = chronicles the break up of the band -Let It Be song: was recorded before Abbey Road but came out after; it was mixed by Phil Spector, but he added stuff Paul didn't sign off on so Paul later released it the way he thought it should have been

The Band

-Newport Folk Festival -"Honorary Americans" -Their style is home, rural -displaying a mix of country, blues, soul, and white gospel -Biblical references in their lyrics and the vocal style suggests a religious tone -Rock Rhythm gets slowed down, allowing a 16 beat layer to appear, 14 symbol taps)

Rock As Art

-Process of emulating certain ideals of the art music world as a means of legitimizing music (to be viewed with more respect by upper crust of society) -Roots of RR = anti-establishment, minstrelsy, no to gentile, heirs, upper class -subversive music now in same stream = gotta be great artists -Intersects with the theme of rock as drama -Art Rock sometimes equated w/Progressive Rock BUT: Art Rock = not much improve, concern not w/singles, is the broader umbrella; Progressive Rock = late 60s, element of improve or jazz, sub-genre

Brian Wilson's Response

-Responded to Rubber Soul with Pet Sounds, Beatles responded to PS with Revolver, Brain responded to Revolver with "Good Vibrations" -Brian precise with what he wanted -wanted to match the Beatles with production = consumed more studio time and budget than any other pop song up to that time -Transatlantic dialogue

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967

-Response to Good Vibrations -idea of a song cycle, seamless progression, with songs bleeding into each other (no breaks or cuts), but only happens at the beginning and end -Album cover implodes generation gaps and cultural ideas -Experimenting in studio (no longer touring), EMI let them do whatever they wanted to because they were so famous and rich -Rock Music Technique of using multi-track recording to overdub extra parts

"2,000 Light Years From Home"

-Rolling Stones TSMR -feelings of traveling through space, addresses the mental state of listeners -avant-garde piano plus electronic effects; theremin -free rhythmic (no definite beat = perception of time disturbed by drugs = musical metaphor for floating time) intro and outro, rest of song in rock beat -The electronic effects mask the guitar riff that is basic to the verse -flying saucer sound

"In Another Land"

-Rolling Stones TSMR -harpsichord = references Baroque music of a different time -wind sounds = music concrete -Bill Wyman credited, RS tripped out -straight 4/4 in the verse, no back beat alternates with a rock beat in the chorus, tag of snoring -feelings of traveling through space

The Counterculture and Rock

-San Fran as the Mecca of the flower power movement -acid rock developed in association with San Fran and the hippies (but 13th floor set the stage for acid rock) -raises the question of the relationship of LSD-25 and musical style -Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters (Grateful Dead providing soundtrack for his electric acid tests)

Dylan and The Band

-The Band started as a back-up group called the Hawks for a rockability singer Ronnie Hawkins 50s -Originally no Levi Helm on drums (went on to be actor) -After Blonde on Blonde, Dylan had motorcycle accident that made him out for a year -Band from Canada, but honorary Americans bc developed "American Sound" through Dylan= evoked a back woods country feel (not so much Southern) -1st album = Music From Big Pink (house where they all lived together, it was pink) -Met Dylan through folk blues guitarist John Hammond Jr -Disbanded 1978 = final performance has a rock star list of attendance (Last Waltz film in 1978)

"Light My Fire" 1968

-The Doors -1st hit record, most well known -7 minuted but often middle section cut when payed on radio -single crossed over from FM to Am and charted as a pop single -middle part : extended workout on keyboard and guitar -"girl we couldn't get much higher" and Ed Sullivan (never invited back)

"The End"

-The Doors -longest cut on album (11 minutes) -controversial song (got kicked out of Whiskey AGOGO club and banned) = surreal images that center on an oedipal conflict and murder of a father by his son (end of relationship/break up song into different themes) -Indian influence in the use of extensive drone based sections -Song goes through various stages = psychedelic rock, extended piece, moving through different moods

"Horse Latitude"

-The Doors, Strange Days -psychedelic expression of a poem -all types of sound effects

"Hello, I Love You"

-The Doors, Waiting For the Sun -more commercial song -accused of plagiarizing the riff of All Day and All Night of the Kinks

"Spanish Caravan"

-The Doors, Waiting For the Sun -Krieger flamingo guitar intro

Tommy (1969)

-The Who -performable album -1st rock opera (just had some elements) -very few instruments in addition to rock quartet = no synthesizers, strings or other classical music features with the exception of tympani drums and a french horn -Begins with an overture = abridged summaries of the main musical themes included in the rest of the opera and underture -Tracks range in length from 12 seconds ("Miracle Cure" to over 10 minutes "Underture" -The Who had other extended tracks on earlier albums = Happy Jack (2nd) = "A quick one while He's Away" and "RIL" (both mini operas)

"My Generation"

-The Who -stuttering vocal delivery by Daltry inspired by speech patterns of the Mods, as they were heavily into amphetamines and regarded as inarticulate (Trade jazz bands) -The Who had a Mow-town Phase = then manager Pete, wanted them to cut their hair, wear suits, change name -changed manager, name, and went back to rock (jazz, bluesy)

The Doors: Members

-Used to be film students = gave them a sense of drama -So they produced and directed and shot their own music videos -Theatrical Style = Morrison confronted audience, get audience out of its apathy (once charge with indecent exposure, but no proof) -Morrison's persona = Lizard King (3rd album p Celebration of the Lizard King and its surrealism and lyrics)

Counter Culture U.S side by 1967

-Vietnam war involvement increases, more troops and causalities -more anti-war protests -Civil Rights movement, Desegregation process -tension/division in U.S = increase in drug use among young adults -club openings: Red Dog Saloon = place where psychedelic things began in the country -San Fran becomes the place of hippies and flower children

Jimi Hendrix's Musical styles melded

-aspects of Greenwich Village beat poetry -Dylanesque lyrics (All Along the Watchtower) -free jazz of John Coltrane and Ornette Coleman -electric blues -Beatles style studio effects plus hendrix's own sense of the way out -He redefined the use of feedback= manipulated it, especially during live performances (played guitar with his teeth, behind his head)

Flower Power

-bell bottoms, paisley designs, sandals, beads, colorful clothing, conservative over soap and water (dirty hippies) -acid rock provided soundtrack for the hippie lifestyle -light shows become a fixture of rock concerts

Later albums of The Doors

-continued in the same vein, mixing experimental ventures w/blues and commercial pop songs -Strange Days

Country Joe and the Fish

-folk-rockability group of the 60's -San Fran band -"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixing-To-Die-Rag" -"Not So Sweet Martha Lorraine" -"Section 43"


-from Axis: Bold As Love album -feedback -contributed to conspiracy that Hendrix was from outer-space -Starts with an interview -even in 1st album Hendrix surfing in outer space, playing with feedback, distortion to the limit (Third Stone from the Sun from Are U experienced)

Art Rock

-important center existed in Britain, 1st came out of Britain -obsessed w/concept albums w/major significance (not singles) -Lavished attention on album covers (Sgt. Pepper) -lyrics addressed philosophical issues instead of romance and sex -Lyrics had some unity throughout album -extended the idea that music should provide a trip (drugs or not) -Self-conscious use of classical music: Moody Blues (used whole orchestra), Procol Harum (Baroque music)


-liberation of the blues = Cream, Wheels of Fire -heavily riff-based and 12 bar blues -reworking of a Robert Johnson song (early country blues) -Clapton's guitar solos more controlled: less use of sound effects, little feedback, less pyrotechnics = more organic while Hendrix's more spontaneous and fluid -Clapton's guitar solos = Edgy, wah-wah pedal, more harmonic over tones (lower to higher frequency) -exemplifies the extended improvisations of Clapton -Group Improve with simultaneous soloing

"Free As A Bird"

-new Beatles song released 25 years after their break up and Lennon's death -Lennon's voice from tapes that Yoko Ono gave to them -music video has many references to past Beatle songs -Beatles started to do video production to release songs bc couldn't be on Ed Sullivan show so they would send him a little movie and Ed would introduce that = early MTV, introduction to music videos

The Who

-notion of rock opera, sought to legitimize them -break out appearance at Monterrey Pop -idea of breaking instruments came out of the performance art schools (members from art school, destruction = performance art) -signature to destroy their instruments after shows -The Mods early incarnations

Garage Bands

-popularity of Beatles led to a spike in guitar sales = rise of garage bands -important influence on later punk movement -Hits increase from summer of 1965, many had only one hit

Postmodern Theory

-reject notion that a single theory can explain all of human existence so it is better to substitute a plurality of perspectives and a multiplicity of arguments that don't necessarily reach an agreement -the process of going through ideas -Decenteredness = getting away from the dominate theme = allows other themes to be set loose -the subversion of the orthodox is part of postmodern

MMT album

-released with songs from the film -released in US, album had a little comic book with scenes from the movie and with lyrics (lyrics in album standard after Sgt. Pepper)


-represented the zenith of the flower power movement -occurred more than 2 years after Monterey Pop Festival -1969 or 1965 -started as an event of peace and love but had bad weather -expecting 100K but got over 500K people and another 500K trying to get there (huge migration)

Flower Power Ideology

-spread quickly in youth -communal living, back to nature (environmentalist, vegetarianism), celebration of aboriginal culture (native americans) -use of hallucinogens for mind expansion and spiritual advancement (peyote) -spontaneous improvisational behavior (dancing) over social regimentation (be-ins, happenings) -band improve = metaphor for rejecting structure

The 13th Floor Elevators

-tempo change -extending blues progression to 5 and 4 being repeated instead of coming down to 1 chord -special effects: electric jig -claim to be the 1st psychedelic band in the u.s -set the stage for acid rock

RR becomes mainstream by mid 60s

-the adoption of mainstream culture regarding what is artistic in music by going directly to classical music and trying to do what composers would do (Beethoven) in a miniaturized form -Adoption of classical music elements -enhance status of an artist composer -mainstream entry into popular/rock music

Musical Signs of Psychedelic

-unusual instruments and non-western sounds -tempo/meter shifts -manipulation of form (reflection of lyric, liberated) -spacey feeling created with special effects -unusual imagery in lyrics

Jimi Hendrix

-virtuosity and inventiveness in his free form improvised guitar solos broke boundaries -elevated rock instrumentalist to an equal status with the vocalists (along with Clapton) -trippy kind of music -3 albums of Cream interlinked w/his 3 albums (Are You experienced-power trio, Axis: Bold as Love-Hindu trinity, Electric Lady)

The London Psychedelic Scene

-youth movement, counterculture from mid 1960s on both sides of the atlantic -June 1965 London bookstore owner Barry Miles and Beat poet Allen Ginsburg organize "Poets of the World/Poets of our time" 5,000 stoned and tripping attendees in the Robert Albert Hall -Sep.1965 Micheal Hollingshead opened the world psychedelic center in London -Ginsburg = in crowd of counter culture = gave up worldliness

4 key trends of late 1960s (other than psychedelia)

1.The U.S blues revival: -Canned Heat, Paul Butterfield, Janis Joplin -Janis Joplin helped revive black woman's careers in blues singing 2."American Sound": southern, black effects -CCR, Grateful Dead 3.Southern Rock: trend of regionalism -The Allman Brothers, Leonard Skynard -many bands objected to degrading associations with the south (confederacy), many had progressive political views 4.Country Rock: -Poco, Buffalo Springfield; The Byrds (when Gram Parsons joined they went from folk rock to country rock) -B. Bender device = lowers B string = glissando effect that mimics steel guitar w/slides = gave it a county sound w/country rock

Beatles Satellite Broadcast

After Sgt. Pepper came out Beatles broadcasted around the world -1st time a musical group had a wide spread worldwide broadcast = Beatles 1st global RR band

"Within You, Without You"

Beatles Sgt. Pepper -Harrison -Acoustic string ensemble features Indian sitar, tanpura, along with violins and cellos -melody is modal, using major 3rd and flat 7 = first time used in RR song

"Up Around the Bend"

CCR -dominated by white country elements . -opening riff simply outlines the notes of the chords and the vocal line is confined to the Anglo American major pentatonic scale

Foreign Influences in Sgt. Pepper

Indian influences begun in Rubber Soul continue -"Getting Better" : Indian drone instrument (Tanpura) in middle of the song -"Within You, Without You": Harrison continues Hindu philosophy from TNK in his lyrics

Beatles 3rd phase

Psychedelic Phase -starts with Rubber Soul/Revolver (LSD), but Sgt. Pepper is considered the 1st trye RR and LSD albulm -Paul McCartney attracted to avant garde composers, experimentation with tape loop techniques -Theme of Sgt. Pepper = alternative persona and the reinvention of the Beatles, though the concept started as a autobiographical idea (Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields)

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