History :|

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How many casualties were suffered in World War II? From which nation were ½ of these casualties From what we've learned in units 5 and 7, what things can explain the casualty numbers?

7-10m died from famines (soviet union) 40-50m died (soviety union, troops, soldiers, and wounded)

What Pacific territories did Japan attack in December 1941? How did these attacks escalate the war?

Attacked hawaii , philippines, dutch, east india, british malaya, burma, and other pacific islands Rather than trying to make a death that would favor japan, the people in us demanded war Britain and china sided with us

What were the main alliances in the war?

Germany and austro-hungary vs france, russia, portugal, belgium, and serbia (soon italy and british joined)

Trench warfare

gallipoli, the marne, verdun, and the somme Trench railways emerged as a way to get food, water, and ammunition to all the soldiers. Proved necessary because the main railway were too slow and roads were destroyed or in rough conditions

Which side did the Ottoman Empire join in World War I? Why?

ottoman empire secretly allied with germany in world war I because they resented europeans for Turk foreign investments had given europeans undue power in the empire, which meant europeans had imposed trade privileges that were unprofitable for ottomans

Describe the events that ultimately brought World War II to an end.

Suicide of hitler Japan and europe losing

How were the expectations of colonized people dashed in the treaties that ended World War I?

War raised their expectations, so they were self-determined and would get closer to self-rule. Hopes that fighting in the war would raise their respect towards them, thus making the decolonization process.

Describe how the war affected the German home front

German replied on forced labor, but workers were treated poorly so productivity was low

Take notes on the effects of World War II

Led to downfalls of four monarchies, russia, austria-hungary, germany, and the ottoman empire Germany lost all of its overseas colonies to various allocations and the former ottoman province of iraq, palestine, syria, and lebanon came under the control of britain and france. War led to the beginning of the end of colonialism Disruipted european economies and had profound social consequences suc as rise of communism and facism, colonial revolts, and genocide. Massive shift of power from Europe to the US. Germany was furious about terms of peace treaty, and germany was forced to take the full blame for the war despite austria-hungary starting it and forced to agree to make reparations, possibly large payments to its opponents to make up for their loses War fave rise to authoritarian regimes and even greater world war rather than a safe place for democracy

What territories did Mussolini conquer?

Abyssinia Europe Libya

Describe the activities of the S.S. under Heirich Heimler.

7m residents of conquered territories were forced to be in labor camps or jobs that supported the german war effort Nazis sent politica opponents, people with disabilities, and gay people to the camp Largest group was jews that were being targeted Hitler banned jewish people from schools and made them live in ghettos Camps used to kill and 'eliminate' jewish people by gassing them

Describe the concept of corporatism

A theory based on the notion that the sectors of the economy (employers, the trade unions, and state officials) are seen as separate organs of the same body Each sector or oran was supposedly free to organize itself as it wished as long as it supported the whole Imposed its will upn all sectors of society, creating a totalitarian state a state in which government controls all aspects of society

Describe the technology that was crucial to American victory in the Pacific.

Air carriers, ships that allowed planes to take off from and land on the decks at sea, provide air support, for battleships and increased the range and bases for intelligence cather Submarines which sand 55% of the japanese merchant fleet, severely damaged japan's supply line

Describe Germany's strategy of Blitzkrieg.

Also called lightning war Quick to subdue poland by using rapid moving tank divisions which where supported by the air force in its 4 week campaign Germany and soviet divided the country as planned when signing the german soviet nonaggression pact


Another weapon used for the first time during wwi Germans introduced it, but was later used by other forces Heavy weight of flamethrower made the weapon's operators easy targets Flamethrowers were effective for causing lots of havoc on the battlefield

Describe the traits of Fascism

Appealed to extreme nationalism, florified the military and armed struggle, and blames problems on thnic minorities. Fascist regimes suppressed other political parties, protests, and indeed trade uniforms Regimes suppressed other political parties, protests, and independent trade unions. Justified violence to achieve their goals and were strongly anticommunist.


Assassination of archduke in june 1914 caused war which illustrated growth of nationalism. Multinational empires such as ottoman and austro-hungaian empires had contend with different nationalist movements among their subject people Serbs like princip wanted to rid their land og austro-hungarian domination, and Arabs were tired of limitations the ottoman imposed. Both groups sought self-determination which was the idea of people of the same ethnicity, language, culture, and political ideas to be united and have the right to form an independent nation-state. Militant nationalists among serbs and arabs fought for the allies, extending the boundaries of the great war

Describe the firebombings conducted by the Allies in World War II

Bombed hamburg which killed 50k people Dresden bomb killed 25k, 15 square miles of historic city Bombed tokyo Final bombs were hiroshima and nagasaki which sparked fear in everyone Weapon was made by scientists in the us Improved it like made it carry heavier loads in the airplane

Describe the causes of the Great Depression

Caused anxiety to those who struggled Allied nations lost millions of people Spent a lot of money Germany was forced to pay billion of bills which made them print paper Printing paper caused inflation which meant value of german money decreased so there was a general rise in prices Agriculture crashed in the US which caused global economic downturn Germany suffered the most, but africa, asia, and latin america suffered because they depended on imperialism nation which experienced the downturn Japan suffered because of foreign trade which they depended on

WWII Why did Germans turn against the Weimar Republic, Germany's first democracy?

Declared him as too weak as most people were still jobless, which made them look to the right-wing political parties that promised strong actions


Defined as aggressive military preparedness Celebrates war and armed forces Europeans had been competing for dominance, which was a way to prove their power was to invest in the military Great Britain and Germany spent a lot of money into building up their armies by heavily recruited young men to join and build more ships and amassing other military hardware. It was possible to mass produce weapons and supplies because of the industrial revolution

What territories did Germany conquer by 1940?

Denmark Norway Netherlands Belgium France

WWII What event started World War II in Europe?

During the neotation, hitler offered stalin control of eastern poland and baltic states if stalin would stand by during a german invasion of western poland September 1, 1939, germany invaded poland, claiming that poland had attack first Britain and france honored the agreement to protect poland and declared war on germany

Where were most of the battles outside of Europe fought?

East africa hawaii

WWII Describe the formation of the Anschluss

Formed because Hitler forced Austria into submission into joining Germany (or being under their control) with threats due to how much power they had

What are the main consequences of the war that this article mentions

Found it difficult to support their governments and tension resulted in unrest, cynicism, trauma, and the growth of new social movements across national borders

WWII Describe the appeasement policy. Why was this developed?

Gave in to germany's demands in hopes of keeping the peace

What was Hitler's goal in the Battle of Britain? How did he try to accomplish this?

Goal was to obtain britain as they were the last to hold out Bombarded them with their overpowering power (but failed)

Notes: Complete destruction of the enemy

Governed by hague conventions of 1899 and 1907 Set of international agreements which outlined the rulers of war and war crimes. Many rules were violated during wwi One rule said war cannot begin without clear warning German invasion of Belgium violated the rule. Poison gas was used despite being banned by both conventional. Allied propaganda made much use of german war crimes, but ironically used it to advance a total war approach to the war's progress and resolution Flooded lands and anything that was useful to the enemies. Large weapons barraged the enemy, and chemical weapons were used and compromise was rejected. Morals were questioned and people were concerned German government began zeppelin raids on cities in allied nations, so germany declare it would attack allied shippings using submarines and chemical weapons at ypres in belgium Sand the british ship RMS lusitania and debate continues if lusitania was a valid target as it carried civilian passengers and crew from many nations, but it also had large amounts of ammunition for allies. Sinking was a symbol of german brutality and new extremes of war European believed that modern advance in technology would make war more efficient and manageable Military technology had grown much faster than the knowledge and experience of how tech was used. Eg; medicine was used to keep them free from illnesses while using it to take out the others. Heavy artillery + poison gas was hell.

Notes: Mobilization and blurring the wars between civilians and soldiers

Government and industries focused on preparing for the total war Industrialized nations entered the war which shifted most of their production to creating war products Factories produce weapons and supplies at an astounding rate which aided the war effort and made loads of money for business Produced munitions and parts for ships and vehicles Agriculture fed soldiers and people while businesses improved on military technology. These uncluded tanks, two-way radios, mobile x-ray machines, and gas masks. Forced young men into being soldiers, which provided a low-cost supply of young men for front lines All major warring countries used conscription Number of military deployments over 4 years was huge. 65m men were mobilized, 50% were killed/wounded/missing, 8.5m soldiers died and twice the number were hurt. 9.6m were permanently disabled War increased devastation of illness Flue broke out in 1917-1918, which rapidly spread by movements of troops.workers 3-5% of the world population died, and did not discriminate in its damage

WWII Why was the Munich conference held? What agreements were made here? Were these agreements successful in stopping Nazi expansion? Explain.

Held because hitler needed demands to be reached, and british minister argued that a policy would keep the peace Agreement allowed hitler to annex the sudetenland in return for a promise that Germany would take czech land which was a fateful miscalculation. Hitler saw that british were not willing to stand for his illegal land grabs, which made him seize control of all Czechoslovakia with armed invasions No because in the end, they managed to take the land and likely convert the others.

Describe the characteristics of "Total War" according to the author.

Helped them understand roles of soldiers and civilians which would become difficult to separate Used this term because of the size and devastation of the war Involved great loss and mobilization in the US Presented new terms of technology warfare and size of impact Involved 4 things; mobilization, refers to gathering troops, weapons, resources, and other preps as the first. Second was blurring of the roles of soldiers and civilians. The third is the rejection of a compromise peace or any outcome other than the complete destruction of the enemy. Fourth was total control of society

WWII Describe what happened in Kristallnacht

Hitler's campaign was to rid germany of jews with his aggressive land grabs in europe Propaganda and nuremberg law created a hostile, hatred, and distrust like energy in germany Night of broken glass produced anti jewish riots that corrued in response of assassination of german diiplomat by a jew teen. Seen as a burst of outrage on part of germany citizenry, but german leaders had staged it Riots resulted in more than 90 deaths of german jews, destruction in 7k jew shops, and 30k jews were dragged, arrested, and sent to camps Prisoners would leave on orders to leave germany

Describe the spark that ultimately ignited all of the tensions into the start of World War I.

Imperialism Assassination of Archduke


Imperialism was an important way to assert power and generate wealth (own oversea colonies) Europe nearly claimed all of africa

After World War I, ethnic groups that had belonged to Austria-Hungary in Europe were given their own nations. How did the Mandate system, imposed upon former territories of the Ottoman Empire in the MIddle East and in former German colonies in Africa and Asia differ from this? Why do you think this system was implemented and these people were not given their independence as European ethnic groups had?

Implemented so they could rule the colonies and territories of central powers. They were not given independence as European thnic groups had because of nationalism Mandate imposed upon former territories of the ottoman empire in the middle east and former german colonies in africa and asia differed from this because they had forgotten about all the promises they made, whereas the others lived up to the promises they made.

WWII Describe the two broad trends that led nations like Germany and Italy to adopt totalitarian governments?

Italy fascism and militarism spread to Germany where hitler and nazis adopted it

WWII Describe how World War II began in Asia

Japan had been moving aggressively against Korea and China for almost 50 years when Germany invaded poland. Japan invaded manchuria Several months of fighting was successful because it created the state of manchukuo being under control Small incident in this region between japanese and chinese escalated Japan had launched a full-scale invasion of china

Describe how the war affected the Japanese home front.

Japan was optimistic about the war, so they took pride in no using women in war to claim that it was out of consideration for the family Successful in rationing food and saved children when being bombed

WWII Describe the events that led Japan to attack the United States.

Japan's economy replied on oil and scraps from the us, so sanctions felt threatened to strangle in economy and undercut its military expansion Japan began to plan to retaliate against us with military forces in hope that by doing so, the western powers would submit to japan

Describe the activities of the Japanese in occupied territories.

Killed 100k chinese soldiers and civilians Millions died to the result of their policies Kapan forced people they conquered into labor programs like service in military on public work projects or farms to reduce food shortage Forced conquered women to be prostitutes for japanese soldiers More than a million people died in vietnam alone

Describe the American fire-bombing of Tokyo.

Killed 100k people and left millions homeless Us vs tokyo Empire did not want to sufferent Us began to consider the cost of invading japanese homeland which was feared to lead to an enormous allied casualties Despite hesitations of nuclear weapons, truman ordered the us to drop the first atomic bomb on japanese city of hiroshima Nuclear age began Second bomb was in bahasa which killed 140k people and caused japan to surrender


Lanes were made in WWI Dogfight was used to describe a battle between two planes First used to spy and deliver bombs Fighter aircraft were introduced Armed with machine guns, bombs, and cannons

WWII Describe the Nuremberg Laws

Law designed to discriminate and disenfranchise jews Stripped jews of their citizenships and unleashed a series of subsequent decrease to effectively put jews to the margins of german society Forbid marriage between jews and non-jewish people German jews were surprised as to how they were being treated Some eastern european states passed the law such as romania and bulgaria

Describe how the war affected the American homefront.

Mobilized their resources like civilian population to achieve victory Us started with the strongest industrial sector of the countries and added stringent government planning to provide factories what they needed Unlike anywhere in the european, us industry operated without threat of military attack Ramped up ships, tanks, planes, landing craft radar equipment, guns, ammunition More jobs for women

What does the author argue were some global motivations for the war?

More land Various motives of conflict were based on european issues as well as global ambitions

What economic issue did Germany face in the interwar years? Why? How did this affect other nations?

Most of the money went ot roads, railroads, and etc This led to them fighting in wars because unemployment hunger and homelessness increased so they turned to their government for help. It affected other nations by turning them radically to the right.

What does the author assert were some of the European causes of the First World War?

Mostly because of problems within europe like tensions in balkan peninsula as well as ongoing disputes over who controlled provinces of Alsace and Lorraine between france n germany Britain and France both hoped to gain ottoman territory and the mediterranean sea. Ussua hoped to also gain dardanelles strait from ottoman so they could gain access to mediterranean. Japan aspired to control german colonies in pacific ocean Russia left the side of entente powers, troops from britain, france, japan, and the us against russia

Describe how and why Mussolini came to power in Italy

Mussolini and his allies in the fascist party took control of the parliament and he came a dictator, repressing any possible opposition to his rule

Notes: Total control of society

Private companies earned massive profits supporting the war Companies supplied arms, raw materials, and transport. Supply chain had a global impact. Many witnesses described the ruin of landscapes on the western front. Bombs left craters in fields and former forests. Trenches crisscrossed the land. The countryside was filled with toxic poisons. These landscapes recovered after the battles of war. However, industrialization and removing of resources caused even greater damage to the environment far away from the front lines Local economies and ecosystems far from Europe were dramatically reshaped. Timber was cleared in Lebanon, Britain, India, Canada, and the Us, and in German occupied territories. Tin was extracted in Malaysia. The war machine began to reply on petroleum from Mexico and the US Industrial agriculture transformed u.s plains. Transformations to the natural world occurred in places outside the combat zones. Governments became more involved with people's personal lives as they censored the press and distributed propaganda. They passed new nationality laws and social rules that restricted minority communities and tightly regulated how food was produced and distributed. (most important impact of war) Some were willing to give up their rights to set aside their differences at the start of the war which included urban workers, colonial subjects, women suffragists, and even soldiers. Found it difficult to support their governments and tension resulted in unrest, cynicism, trauma, and the growth of new social movements across national borders

tanks/armored cars

Protect soldiers while traveling on dangerous lands Little willie, first tank, could carry three tanks Modern tank was made by the end of the war which had 10 seats and reached four mph Most men could run or walk faster than the tanks, but they were unreliable due to engine failures and frequently missed targets Tanks were also uncomfortable because of the heat, noise, and engine fumes

Describe the results of Stalin's policies

Punished his political opponents with execution or sentencing them to long term gulags or labor camps, where many died Kept tight control of press, so details of his atrocities went largely unreported Increased military power, but was a mix of horror and wonder High unemployment

Describe the programs implemented by American President Franklin Roosevelt to address the Great Depression


How did the ideas of John Maynard Keynes represent a move away from Laissez Faire economics?

Rejected the laissez faire idéal Concluded that intentional government action could improve the economy Said government should use deficit spending (spend more money than what the government takes in) to stimulate economic activity. Cut taxes and increased spending, government would spur economic growth while people returned to work the depression ended.


Revolutions: 1910, Diaz had jailed franciso madero, the opposition candidate for president. This act along with the growing opposition to Diaz's strong-armed policies, accommodated to foreign powers and opposition to land reform ignited the mexican revolution. madero escaped and set up revolutionary offices in El Paso, texas in 1911, madero's troops under the command of Francisco pancho villa had defeated mexican troops which sent diaz into exile. leader, emiliano zapata, began the process of redistributing land to impoverished peasants Causes: 1920, mexico suffered from political instability and devastating violence 1910-1920, conflict resulted in around 2m deaths out of 15m people political violence continued for another decade effects: Mexico adopted a new constitution in 1917, which included goals of land redistribution, universal suffrage, and public education. institution revolution party or PRI was formed in 1929, but seen as corrupt as PRI dominated mexican politics until 2000's Changes: PRI was formed in 1929, but seen as corrupt as PRI dominated mexican politics until 2000's continuities: constitution continues to guide mexico's government


Revolutions: Crimean war (1853-1856) against ottoman empire which was supported by great britain and france Russo-japanese war (1904-1905) battle of power in east asia Causes: being behind in wealth and power russia did not promote growth slow to expand education, build roads, and etc effects: Bloody sunday, Jan 22ng, 1895: thousands of workers marched peacefully to petition the tsar for better working conditions, higher wages, and universal suffrage. their troops shot and killed 1.3k workers. revolution of 1905 400k workers refused to work because of bloody sunday tried to appease them, but ended up killing or injuring them Changes: communist government soivet government abolished private trade, distributed peasant' crops to feed urban workers, and took ownership of country's factories and heavy industries continuities: people still felt like the government was a danger


Revolutions: qing came into power during 1644, but a revolution overthrew them in 1911 revolutionary movement lead by sun Yat-sen Through christianity, Sun believed that China should continue to follow such confucian principles as loyalty, respect for ancestors, and efforts to promote social harmony. He combined them and got three principles. Causes: ethnic tension (Han vs Manchus because Han never fully accepted the qing as legitimate rulers) constant danger of famine because of the rapid growth in 1700-1800's and could not expand farmland or productivity fast enough to supply a stable food source government revenues were low so the government had not updated the tax system to adjust to the changes in the economy. taxes were considered low in china compared to the US and european. this meant they couldn't maintain roads, brides, and irrigation canals China was once wealthy, but became unwealthy due to growing threats in industrialization. Europe was interested in chinese markets because of tea, rhubarb porcelain, and silk. chinese art was popular in europe, but chinese was not interested in europe because they were violent and not civilized effects: Sun democracy - sovereignty for chinese people who were 'able'. in confucian terms, it meant a country governed by active and pragmatic experts in the name of people. he also felt that expelling foreign capitalists from china would enable china to redistribute revenues from land taxes more fairly nationalism - advocated patriotism and loyalty to central authority livelihood - wanted to end extreme unequal distribution of wealth in china and harsh economic exploitation Changes: sun stepped down from being the military leader because he was bad at it n they lost power nationalist party ruled for 2 decades when back in power before losing a civil war continuities: chinese nationalist party soon gained power again honored sun as the founder of chinese republic

What war goals were outlined by Roosevelt and Churchill in the Atlantic Charter?

Set down restoration of self-government to those deprived of it, the abonment of the use of forces, and disarmament of aggressor nations

What was teh result of the Nazi siege of Leningrad?

Successfully took large land and 2 million soviet troops Found themselves at the mercy of harsh russian winter Soviets defended leningrad in siege of leningrad which was 3 years and had many deaths of soviet men, women, and children

Describe the effects of World War I on colonized lands.

The US prospered because of all the war materials and agricultural products it sold to Britain and other allies. European had suffered the most damage in the war because they were economically devastated. South asia and west africa were renewed and had hopes of being independent. African and asian colonial troops had contributed thousands of soldiers to the allied war efforts War showed that colonial peoples that imperial powers such as britain and france were not invincible German propaganda during the war had predicted that colonial soldiers experience in the war would lead to great uprising against colonial rule

Describe the changes made by Stalin to the Soviet Economy

Took control of politburo, communistt party's central organization so he set himself up as a dictator Remained in power for 30 years Abandoned lenin's ne[ and instituted the first 5 year plan called ussr or societ union into industrial power Wanted largely agriculture to catch up to the industrial nations of the west Collectivized agriculture, a process in which farmland was taken from private owens and given to collectives to manga

WWII Describe the German-Soviet Nonagression Pact (AKA the Nazi-Sovet Pact)

Two nations promised to not attack one another (germany with soviets)

Chemical warfare

Used poison gas as a weapon during battle of bolimov in january End of the war, both sides had used it During wwi, 1.3 million had died from the use of chemical weapons During the battle of Ypres, 1915, the Germans used chlorine gas for the first time which caused suffocation after the victim had chest pains and burning in the throat. It was tricky to use as the wind had to move in the right direction Mustard gas Proved to be effective Could be fired into the trenches via shells Harder to trace because it was colorless and took hours before the victim could feel the effects which include internal bleeding, vomiting, and skin blisters Mustard gas was faal, but death took up to 5 weeks Use of chem weapons violated the 1899 hague declaration concerning asphyxiating gases and the 190 hague convention on land warfare, both strictly prohibiting the use of chemical warfare

Machine guns

Used to draw enemy's location , indirect gunfire Needed 4-6 men to operate them Gun also had to be positioned on a flat service Had firepower of hundreds of other guns Large field guns were also used Had longer range, but needed lots of men to operate Us used railroad guns during american civil war. Germany was the first to use them in wwi Guns were mounted to and used from a railway wagon that had been custom designed for the gun


Used to locate the enemy Widely used for the first time during wwi Germany began using them after the war began, first to intercept supplies on their way to british isles German were successful with submarines that the otherside developed and used several weapons in response to them, including blimps, attack submarines, anti-submarine weapons such as missiles or bombs and hydrophones, a microphone used to record and listen for underwater sounds

WWII Describe the beliefs of the National Socialist German Workers Party

Were believed to be in a state emergency due to something staged which was a burning of the reichstag, germany parliament building, and blamed it on radical extremists for the act


[secret] Groups whose members secretly agree to protect and help one another with attacks. When one member was attacked, the others would jump in to help Russia and germany were ready to jump into the conflict of serbia and austria-hungary Countries that were allies with each other were also sworn enemies of the others Britain and france were allies with russia called triple entente, also viewed germany as their rival for different reasons France was bitter about the defeat in franco prussian war, loss to germany of alsace-lorraine, a region that gave iron ore France and britain competed with germany for colonies in africa Triple entente became known as allies as they were joined by italy, japan, china, and US (soon there were 27 in total) Central powers was ottoman empire and bulgaria Italy was neutral during 1915 in the triple alliance which had germany and austria hungary

What were the goals of the Young Turks? Why did their goals offend some?

advocated for a constitution like those of the european states advocatioed turkification, an effort to make all citizens of the multiethnic empire identify with turkish culture which was heavily islamic blamed armenians for the empires economic problems resented many europeans, british and french, for economic policies

In what ways did he achieve his goals? In what ways did he fall short of these goals?

implenmented several reforms like establishing a public education for boys and girls, abolishing polygyny, and expanding suffrage to include woman Fell short because he only ruled for 15 years

WWII Who were the members of the Axis powers? What beliefs did these nations share?

italy and japan Italy had the same ideology of politics and economic interest Japan built on mutual distrust of communism

Why was the Ottoman Empire called "The sick man of Europe" by the start of the 20th century? What were its weaknesses?

they had relatively few exports and a waning agricultural economy. relied mostly on the position of trade centre egypt continued to make profits from cotton

Describe the rise of Attaturk.

turkish national movement organized an army to fight for self-determination wich was led by mustafa kenmal. defeated british and other forced in 1921 republic of turkey was established in 1923 with kenmal as the first president wanted it to be more like westerns democracy and was determined to create a secular nation, not one with strong islamic influences implenmented several reforms like establishing a public education for boys and girls, abolishing polygyny, and expanding suffrage to include woman

What were Attaturks goals?

westerns democracy and was determined to create a secular nation, not one with strong islamic influences

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