History Quiz #1

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Vasco Núñez de Balboa

1513, Spanish explorer, trekked across the Panama and became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean

Ferdinand Magellan

1519-1522, led the first expedition to sail around the world, killed in Philipines but his crew finished the journey, proving that the Earth was round and bigger than Columbus had assumed

repartimiento system

1550, abolished encomienda system and replaced it with this: where residents of Indian villages remained legally free and entitled to wages but were still required to perform a fixed amount of labor each year. They were not slaves, but the labor requirement allowed for abuses by landlords and priests

Antislavery movements

Samuel Sewell uses "The Selling of Joseph" to explain that the bible says slavery is a sin; Quakers believed in equality for everyone and were pacifists; The Great Awakening

effect of Protestant Reformation on Spanish America

Spain redoubled their efforts to convert Indians to Catholicism: national glory and religious mission went hand in hand. Wanted to save Indians from the destruction of Protestantism. Goal was not to remove indians, but transform them into "obedient Christian subjects of the crown"

Columbian Exchange

the transatlantic flow of goods and people across the Atlantic; altered millions of years of evolution. Plants, animals and cultures were thrown together. New products from America: corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, tobacco, cotton; from Europe: wheat, rice, sugar, horses, cattle, pigs and sheep. Europeans also carried disease which wiped out many natives

Irony in statement: "Columbus founded America"

there were already people living in America when he "founded" it (native americans), it completely ignores them

goal of Dutch in settling

they came to North America to trade and not to conquer. having just won independence from the Spanish, many of them identified with the natives who were being oppressed by Spain. however when the dutch wanted to expand, they were brought into bloody conflict with several Native-American tribes, therefore limiting the success of their economic endeavors

enclosure movement

landlords sought profits by raising sheep for the expanding trade in wool and introducing more modern farming practices such as crop rotation, evicted small farmers and fenced in "commons" previously open to all. the thousands of people uprooted from the land flooded into the cities where wages fell dramatically. half the population lived at or below poverty line

labor systems in Virginia (jamestown)

large numbers of workers were needed to harvest the tobacco crop, so they began to send over indentured servants to meet the demand. First african slaves began to arrive in 1619.


large-scale farms in Spanish America where the Spanish landlords forced tens of thousands of Indians to work

influence of printing on European exploration

made it possible for the rapid spread of information in Europe so news of Columbus's achievement spread quickly


men who came to America and tried to get the natives to admit to Spanish rule; often accompanied by religious missionaries; carried flags emblazoned with the sign of the cross

Expeditions by Spanish through North America

mobile communities; spread disease and devastation among Indian communities; but established Spain's claim to American South and Southwest

royal colony

monarch directly rules over the colony


monarch=head of the church. episcopacy: church org that has a hierarchy, catholic sacraments. arminianism: heaven/hell depends on your actions on earth

English motives for colonization

national power and glory, refuge for England's "surplus" population. motives for emigrants: promise of independence that followed from owning land.

Differences between MA and VA colonies

no slave labor in MA, many families in MA, mostly single men in VA. MA: religion and political participation went hand in hand. VA: land ownership was a necessity for political participation

Pope Paul III

outlawed Indian enslavement hoping that they would become devout subjects of Catholic monarchs; should not be treated as "dumb beasts"


person of mixed origin in Spanish America, made up a large part of the urban population; Spanish had ordered wives of colonists to join them in America and demanded that single men marry but because there weren't many Spanish women, many men intermarried with Indians. Spanish allowed this as a way to bring Christianity to the natives


persons of european birth; stood atop the social hierarchy in Spanish America, even though they were a minority

Traditional view of Columbus's voyage

portray Columbus as unique, godly, brilliant, and especially as a HERO for discovering the new world

Dutch rights

prided themselves on liberty: freedom of press and broad religious toleration (not recognized anywhere else). However, in New Netherland, they were not governed democratically. New Amsterdam was a fortified military outpost and the governor ruled the majority of the time. Everyone did have many rights, including slaves and women (retain separate legal identity, go to court, borrow money, and own property), and had a very diverse population


priesthood of all believers-no hierarchy. salvation by faith alone, predestination; antinomianism: god has already decided whether you are going to heaven or hell

Maryland Colony

proprietary colony given to George Calvert; refuge for English Catholics.

Settling in New Netherland

to attract more people; dutch promised colonists religious toleration, cheap livestock, and free land after six years of labor

Goal of French Explorations

to find gold and to locate a Northwest Passage; they were disappointed because North America was not a promising site for settlement or exploitation

Spain and exploration of the New World

took the lead; inspired by a search for wealth, glory, and the desire to spread Catholicism through conquistadores

Walter Raleigh

tried to make a settlement on Roanoke and when he came back after going to England for supplies, he found that the settlers had disappeared. made people realize that establishing a successful colony would require more planning and economic resources

Why did Indian populations suffer decline after contact with the Europeans?

wars, enslavement, DISEASES; could be considered a genocide of Native peoples

Spreading Protestantism

Like the Spanish, the English believed it was their job to "liberate" the natives from the tyranny of the Pope.

Richard Hakluyt

"A Discourse on Western Planning." advisory of Elizabeth, writes a letter to her recommending that England should plant in America for more resources, markets for goods, to interfere with Spanish trade, and to have more ports; English settlements would strike a blow against Spain's empire, and therefore help the divine mission to rescue the New World from popery

Mayflower Compact

1620-a document for the foundation of self government. promised that their settlement would have a government answerable to the will of the governed. however, they kept loyalty to the king so the king wouldn't be against them and they could still be Englishmen while having different practices. gave away some of their rights to allow themselves to be governed. only men signed it.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

1629-Puritans received a charter from Council of New England. governor-John Winthrop. established as a location on earth where the will of God could truly be manifested. came to be governed by a "general court" which was an assembly elected by puritan males in good standing.

The Pequot War

1637-fur trader was killed by pequots, CT and MA soldiers massacred Pequot tribe. treaty that restored peace said that their name would be wiped out from historical record. opened CT River Valley to white settlement and showed Indians the whites unbeatable power

Bacon's Rebellion

1676-western settlers in Virginia rebel against the Virginia government ("elite"). The western settlers wanted to push west but they kept getting raided by Indians. When they pleaded the gov't to help with the natives, reduction of taxes, and end of rule by elitests they refused to keep the peace. in response to this Nathaniel Bacon leads a rebellion against the VA gov't


1st permanent settlement by British in America, 1607, however sponsored by the Virginia Company (private organization) not the crown. As a town they were concerned about security from the Spanish, so they set up on a bay which was good for ports and created a triangle shaped town that gave them easier firing access to enemies. It succeeded because of John Rofle's discovery of tobacco which was the first lucrative cash crop that grew well in America. 1624: James I revokes the charter making Jamestown a royal colony

what does Colombus's journey represent?

Catholicism: one true faith; his goal was to bring enlightenment to an "ungodly, barbaric place." Nationalism: for Spain and the king and queen

Irony in Europeans thinking Natives were barbarians

Cortes for example believed Aztecs to be barbarians because of their engagement of ritual sacrifice, but in Europe thousands of men and women were being burned at the stake for their religious beliefs and criminals were being executed in public spectacles

Bartolomé de Las Casas

Dominican priest, published A Very Brief Account of the Destruction of Indians; denounced spain for causing millions of indian deaths, being unchristian, spain had no reason to deprive indians of their natural rights

Henry Hudson

Englishman employed by Dutch East India Co. became first people to sail up now "Hudson" river. was searching for a northwest passage to Asia, but found a lot of fur-bearing animals and native americans willing to trade furs for european goods. claimed it for the Netherlands

indentured servants

Englishmen who voluntarily surrendered their freedom for a specified time in exchange for passage to America. servants could be bought and sold like slaves, could not marry without permission from their owner, subject to physical punishment, and saw their obligation to labor enforced by the courts. However, they looked forward to the release from bondage.

Samuel de Champlain

French explorer sponsored by a French fur trading company who founded Quebec in 1608

Elizabeth I

House of Tudor, Protestant, did her best to make England a great European power. Granted charters to Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh allowing them establish colonies in NA. but these had little to no support from the crown so they failed.

Conversion of Indians in French America

Indians who converted to Catholicism were promised full citizenship, but it was more common for French colonists to be attracted to the "free lifestyle" of the Indians

Amerigo Vespucci

Italian, explored coast of South America; realized that it was an entirely new continent, not Asia; Name "America" came from "Amerigo." He also realized that the native inhabitants were distinct peoples, not Asians

A Model of Christian Charity

John Winthrop:covenant (agreement) with God. puritans were chosen by God, America is the promise land. jeremiad-if they stray from God's will, they will endure God's wrath. "city on a hill" away from corrupting influences of England; everyone looks to them.

Colonies in the Carolinas

NC similar to VA, SC used slaves from the beginning.

The Pueblo Revolt

New Mexico 1680; deteriorating relationship between Indians and colonial authorities as the colonists and authorities tried to exploit labor from the Indian population and friar's use of violence to get Indians to convert. led by Popé, the pueblo indians rose against the colonists, driving them from the town to restore their traditional ways. Taught Spain a lesson to be more tolerant towards traditional religious beliefs and made fewer demands on Indian labor

Motives and Incentives of the "Age of Discovery"

Ottomans had blocked the trade route to the east through the Mediterranean, scientific revolution and renaissance in Europe: pursuit of knowledge; Three G's: God, Glory, and gold (motivations of Europeans); however God could be considered a cloak that people wore to justify the horrible acts that were occuring; "plus ultra:" further beyond, further yet: even though many nations have an extensive empire, they want to keep expanding throughout the globe, not just Europe. Individual glory (Columbus).

Salutary neglect

PM Robert Walpole told England to turn a blind eye to the smuggling because in order to stop it they would have to send in war ships and england is benefiting from it even with smuggling.

The General Court

Puritan form of government in New World. very hierarchal.

Indian slavery and Christianity

Spanish said that enslavement of Indians was justified because it was a means of liberating them from their savage ways and allowing them to become part of Christian society

How did Spanish America transform the balance of power in the world economy?

The atlantic replaced the overland route to Asia as the major axis of global trade

Effect of Bacon's Rebellion

VA elite restored property qualifications on voting, developed a new political style where they cultivated the support of poorer neighbors, reduced taxes, adopted a more aggressive Indian policy, shifted to slaves to avert rise of rebellious pop of landless indentured servants (slaves could never be free)

John Cabot

a Genoese merchant who was inspired to follow in Columbus's wake traveled to Newfoundland. soon after, scores of fishing boats from France, Spain and England were active in the region

proprietary colony

a colony given to a single individual or group of individuals and not to a stock company


a group of religious dissidents who came to the New World so they would have a location to establish a purer church than the one that existed in England


a group of separatists received a charter from Plymouth company to settle south of Hudson river. they were extreme calvinists that were persecuted under Elizabeth and James. they felt that the Anglican church was corrupt so they fled to Leyden, but felt to foreign there and wanted to establish their own land so came to America. The purpose of their journey was to spread the gospel. before landing on Plymouth they drafted Mayflower compact. was hard first year, but then had some economic success. very patriarchal society.

Treaty of Tordesdiallas

issued by Pope Alexander VI, divided the non-Christian world between Spain and Portugal. Gave Portugal Brazil, and gave rest to Spain

Puritans motives to come to America

a minority of puritans became separatists, abandoning the Church of England to form their own independent churches. most hoped to purify the church from within Many puritans decided to emigrate because Charles I was moving towards restoring Catholicism and dismissing Puritan ministers and writings. They feared popish practices had grown too much. they also felt the church of england was too popish. Came to america in search of liberty


a person born in the colonies of European ancestry


a written declaration of sovereignty and war read by Spanish troops to assert their sovereignty over the Americas; Spanish believed that they were appointed by God to settle the land so they have the authority to take over. If the natives resisted, they were on the side of Satan so the Spanish have the right to do anything they wanted with them

Nicolás de Ovando

after Colombus failed to settle on the island of Hispaniola, de Ovando came and established a permanent base there which was the first center of the Spanish empire

similarities between Spanish, French and Dutch settlements

all brought Christianity, new forms of tech and learning, new legal systems and family relations, new forms of economic enterprise and wealth creation, savage warfare and disease

Roger Williams

believed that the Puritans in Massachusetts were still too close to the ways of the Church of England, and he believed in a total separation of church and state. to puritans, the social fabric was held together by religious truths and so they banished Williams and he went and established the colony of Rhode Island, which eventually received a charter from London.

Martin Frobisher

believes that there is a Northwest Passage to Asia and says that England should try and look for it

Spanish Empire

bigger than the Roman Empire, center in North America was in Mexico city; urban civilization unlike British and French new world empires: "empire of towns"

Gonzalo Pizarro

brother of the conquerer of Peru, organized an unsuccessful rebellion in protest of Pope Paul III declaration

Black Legend

the image of spain as a uniquely brutal and exploitative colonizer

Navigation Acts

certain goods (most valuable colonial products: tobacco and sugar) had to be transported on english ships and sold initially in English ports, although they could be re exported to foreign markets. Also, imported goods into the colonies had to be shipped through England which enabled English merchants and the gov't to add taxes. forbade colonies to trade outside of England

Anne Hutchinson

challenged patriarchy, antinomian (put her judgement before the teachings of the church). She spoke of God speaking directly through her, not ministers or the Bible, which violated the puritan doctrine so she and her followers were banished. The founded Portsmouth.

Pedro Cabral

claimed Brazil for Portugal in 1500

Resistance to Navigation Acts

colonies wanted to trade with other nations because they had lower prices than the british. MA Bay colony said they welcomed foreign traders, The Dominion of New England revoked all of New Englands Charters and placed immense powers in Sir Edmund Andros's hands (the governor). smuggling occurred throughout America

English and the Indians

did not want to conquer the Indians, only wanted to displace them and settle on their land. they exchange goods with the native population and indians often traveled through settlements. There was warfare between them though, leaving a strong feeling of superiority among the colonists and having them want to keep boundaries.


economic system practiced by European powers in the late seventeenth century stating that economic self-sufficiency was crucial; as a result, colonial imports were important for raw materials. maximize exports relative to imports

Why did slavery thrive in America?

economics: system was bringing tremendous profits for farm owners and shippers and factories in northern colonies . herrenvolk democracy (master race democracy): democratic and civil rights for wider segment of white men made possible by the saddling of black men and women; helped lower class midset (we may be poor but at least we aren't slaves)

The Great Migration

emigration of Puritans to Massachusetts. represented less than one-third of English emigration. established the basis for a stable and thriving society.

Land ownership in British America

english settlers believed that owning land was the basis of liberty. Owning land gave men control over their own labor and in most colonies the right to vote. land lured emigrants to the new world.

Dutch Empire

entered golden age of rapidly accumulating wealth and stunning achievements in painting, philosophy and science. invented joint stock co. established far flung empire

Rhode Island colony

established by Roger Williams, became a beacon of religious freedom, more democratic. assembly elected twice a year, governor annually, many town meetings.

NE Economy

exports: fishing and timber; family farms produced food for their own use and a small marketable surplus. not many slaves or indentured servants, relied on labor of their own family members.

Hernán Cortes

first explorer to encounter a major American civilization in Tenochtitlán: capital of the Aztec Empire whose wealth and power relied on the domination of numerous subordinate peoples nearby; conquered the city with only a few hundred men with superior military technologies, enlistment of some of the Aztecs' subject peoples, and especially disease. Domination caused numerous amounts of gold and silver to be sent to Europe from Mexico and Peru

Spanish Florida

first region colonized by Spanish in present day US. Hoped to establish military base to stop pirates; Pedro Menéndez de Avilés massacred French colonists to take it over; set up religious outposts to convert Indians, but many were destroyed in an uprising by Guale Indians who said Spanish were taking over their culture; failed to attract settlement

Why did France, Netherlands, and England lag behind in colonization of the New World?

for those countries, the 16th century contained civil war and challenging authority, were not united like Spain; main reason was because the Protestant Reformation broke peoples apart in those countries, whereas Catholic Spain completely rejected protestant religions so they weren't affected as much

France and the Indians

french prided themselves on treating the Indians nicely; denied that natives were intellectually or culturally inferior to Europeans and insisted on religious toleration; allowed Christian indians to retain a high degree of independence. However still brought disease, swept Indians into european rivalries

emigration in Spanish America

gov't barred non-Spaniards, and non Christian Spaniards from American domains


grants of exclusive rights and privileges

Charter of Liberties and Privileges

in newly gained land of New Netherlands, duke of york called an elected assembly. required that elections be held every three years among male property owners and the freemen of NYC, reaffirmed traditional english rights like trial by jury, security of property. religious toleration for all Protestants.

Why did England wait so long to colonize America?

internal disunity; Henry VIII launched Reformation in England which ripped England apart for many years. long struggle to pacify Ireland that absorbed money and energy that could have been directed to the New World

Pennsylvania Colony

proprietary colony, William Penn envisioned it as a place were people could enjoy spiritual freedom and colonists and indians could coexist in harmony. Quaker principles. West Jersey Concessions (frame of gov't) created an elected assembly with broad suffrage and established religious liberty. "holy experiment:" penn wanted it to be governed by quaker principles: equality of all persons (black, women, Indians) and primacy of individual conscience. moral public behavior enforced by government

Thomas Hooker

religious dissenter, established a settlement in Hartford, CT. Gov't modeled after MA except men didnt have to be church members to vote.

government in Spanish America

replaced conquistadores with lawyers and bureaucrats because they were afraid of the destructiveness that conquistadores caused; gov't reflected the absolutism of newly unified nation at home; authority originated with the king and then went to Council of Indies (main body in Spain for colonial administration), and then viceroys and local officials in America; Catholic Church also exerted its authority in the administration on matters of faith, morals or treatment of the Indians

moral liberty

replaces natural liberty with rules that foster proper behavior

Gov't in Jamestown

revised charter in 1612, gave more authority to the Virginia Company: allowed the colony more self-government. John Smith: "he that will not work, shall not eat." hard autocratic mode of governing. There were stockholders to appoint a resident governor and eventually the governor was replaced by a House of Burgesses: first elected assembly in America, were men of wealth who could advise people and enact local laws.

british constitution

rule of law, right to jury trial, right to live under laws to which representatives had consented, restrictions against royal absolutism. DID NOT allow right of all men to vote

Revisionist Views of Columbus's voyage

say that Columbus is an idiot, that he caused a genocide of native peoples and an ecocide; Villian

Post-Revisionist View of Columbus's voyage

say that he can be both a genius and a fool; did many good things for Europe but also caused terrible things for the natives

encomienda system

the first settlers were granted authority over conquered Indian lands with the right to extract forced labor from the native inhabitants

The Uprising of 1622

when it became clear to the Indians that Jamestown wanted to expand, and not stay a trading post, Powhatan's brother led a surprise attack that wiped out one quarter of Virginia' settler population. The Virginians retaliated and massacred many Indians. destruction was the last in a series of blows suffered by the Virginia Co.

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