History quiz 2

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With the Redeemers in power in the South:

A and B Louisiana became the only state in the Union where white illiteracy rates actually increased. convict labor, rented out to private business owners, became a profitable venture for railroad, mining, and lumber companies.

How did mass consumption in the Progressive era result in new consumer freedoms?

A and B only

The "living wage" and the "American standard of living" were an outgrowth of what?

A mature consumer economy.

Which of the following was the reason for U.S. control over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?

Control of strategic gateways from which to project American naval and commercial power.

What did the term "white man's burden" mean?

Domination of non-whites by white people was necessary for the progress of civilization.

How did "nickelodeons" reflect a mass consumption society in the Progressive era?

Nickelodeons offered a popular and less-expensive leisure activity for urban residents.

Why were many Americans drawn to the Socialist Party in the election of 1912?

The party's proposal to nationalize railroads, banks, and to provide unemployment relief expressed popular progressive thought.

Which of the following contradictions plagued progressive reformers' ideas on the political process?

They worked both to expand the electorate and shrink its size through other measures.

How were federal troops used in the Pullman Strike of 1894?

To help suppress the strikers on behalf of the owners.

What were the characteristics of the Progressive era's birth-control movement?

Public lectures on sexual freedom and contraception by activists such as Emma Goldman. The distribution of birth-control devices by Margaret Sanger. A and C

Why did workers experience the introduction of scientific management as a loss of freedom?

Skilled workers under scientific management had to obey very detailed instructions.

How did Populists hope to guarantee farmers inexpensive access to markets for their crops?

They called for public ownership of the railroads.

How did black women challenge the racial ideology of the Jim Crow South?

They insisted on the equal respectability of black women by working for "racial uplift."

Why did businesses support the Pure Food and Drug Act?

They understood that greater public confidence in the quality of the products helped their sales.

What about Woodrow Wilson appeared to Theodore Roosevelt's supporters like a relic of the past?

Wilson spoke too much about the mistakes he thought Republicans had made in the past, such as the annexation of the Philippines.

Why was "the city" the focus of progressive politics?

Urban populations experienced the most dramatic growth and the most significant changes.

The ascendancy of the American Federation of Labor during the 1890s reflected:

a shift from broad reform goals to more limited goals.

Electoral reform during the Progressive era:

actually limited many Americans' right to vote.

Republican presidential candidate William McKinley:

argued in favor of the gold standard.

In the 1890s, the National American Woman Suffrage Association:

argued that native-born white women's votes would counteract the "ignorant foreign vote."

"New immigrants":

arrived in large numbers from the Russia and the Austro-Hungarian empires.

The word "Progressivism" came into common use around 1910:

as a way of describing a loosely defined political movement.

The Sixteenth Amendment:

authorized Congress to implement a graduated income tax.

The 1894 Pullman Strike:

crippled national rail service and triggered the arrest of union president Eugene V. Debs.

Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as:


Progressive governor of Wisconsin, Robert La Follette, instituted all of the following reforms EXCEPT:

promising lower taxes and less government interference.

The Farmer's Alliance hoped to improve American farmers' economic stress by:

proposing the creation of government-sponsored crop warehouses.

The Philippine War:

resulted in Filipino independence.


sought to attack the traditional roles of sexual behavior for women.

The "Kansas Exodus" meant all of the following EXCEPT:

the possibility of political equality, access to education, and economic opportunity was worth a long journey west for many African Americans.

The Immigration Restriction League:

wanted to bar immigrants who were illiterate.

American expansionism after the 1890s:

was largely driven by the desire for expanded overseas trade.

The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU):

was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

The battle for free speech among workers in the early twentieth century:

was led by the Industrial Workers of the World.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882:

was the first time race was used to exclude an entire group of people from entering the United States.

By the end of the nineteenth century, African-American men in the South:

were forced out of politics and passed leadership to female African-American activists.

Americans have referred to the 1890s as the women's era because:

women's economic opportunities and roles in public life expanded.

During the Progressive era:

growing numbers of native-born white women worked in offices.

After 1900, the campaign for women's suffrage:

included both middle- and working-class women.

Why did the South fail to attract significant economic development in the wake of Reconstruction?

Investors came to the South for cheap labor and low taxes, so they made few capital investments in the region.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the significance of the 1892 strike in Homestead, Pennsylvania?

It demonstrated the enormous power of large corporations and reflected the belief of many working Americans that they were being denied economic independence and self-governance.

In his Atlanta speech of 1895, Booker T. Washington:

encouraged blacks to adjust to segregation.

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