History SAQ's

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Briefly explain one example of why the US relationship with Mexico became more difficult

A revolution took place in Mexico so America placed an embargo against them and sent ships to block the port. but after sailors were captured and released with no apology, US troops were sent to occupy Veracruz. a war almost started but it was solved by the help of the ABC's powers. then more rebels led by villa were killing Americans in Texas, so troops were sent back in. but we're taking out due to World War I so issues were high with Mexico at this time

Briefly explain one example of an African-American artists achievement from the era that would support this excerpt

Aaron Douglas was famous for being a graphic artist and painter. he depicted the struggles that blacks face. he won many awards like having his work featured in the national urban league's magazine. Him achieving this and being famous leads to more people knowing of the struggles, and even leading to more empathy and understanding.

Briefly explain one change in visual arts or architecture that was influenced by the economic and cultural changes in the late 1800s

As the culture of America shifted to urban areas and a more industrialized life so did the painting paintings of George bellows. he depicted scenes of every day life of poor people in urban places as did many other painters of the time.

Briefly explain one example of how religion and science were source of conflict in American society during the 1920s

At this time many teachers wanted to teach students of evolution, yet religious leaders and parents were against it. One conflict resulted in the Scopes monkey trial which was between a teacher who wanted to teach evolution, the scientific reasoning for humans, and the religious parents who thought it illegal due to their beliefs of creationism.

Briefly explain one important cause not addressed in a and B of the increased significance of popular culture and leisure activities during the period from 1865 to 1900

Because education was developing colleges begin adding social activities like sports to their curriculum. this lead to more sports being played especially by young males and that led to the popular culture called "bachelor subculture" meaning many men enjoyed playing and watching sports.

Briefly explain one cause of the often stalemated and ineffective government on a national level during the period from 1877 to 1900

Because ideas at this time we're so controversial and opposite neither side wanted to pick a side because they didn't want to turn people away from their parties, therefore nothing ever got done. and politicians at this time we're often not passionate because they felt that everything had also had already been solved by the Civil War.

Briefly explain one change in literature or music that was influenced by the economic and cultural changes in the late 1800s

Because of the change in culture to a more urbanized society, and change and economy to industrialization, regionalist writers emerged. one was Bret Harte who wrote of life in rough mining camps in the west

Briefly explain one reason why the progressives thought government needed to play a more active role in solving America's problems

Before with the theory of laissez-faire and capitalism the government was more hands off and didn't regulate as much which is why trust and monopolies got so out of hand because business could do what they wanted. therefore, progressives wanted the government to help more because they could make laws and acts to help regulate trusts and better the lives of Americans.

Briefly explain one significant difference between Carnegie's point of view and Rockefeller's point of view on the role of competition in industrial development

Carnegie believed competition was necessary for progress, while Rockefeller believed that when his company started cooperating and working together then it was better

Briefly explain one specific example from Carnegie's career that supports his point of view on competition

Carnegie used the business strategy vertical integration. so he controlled every level of the industrial process, therefore competing with other companies to keep a hold of every level

Briefly explain one argument that supports the view that the Spanish-American war was caused by imperialist motives

Cuba have been coveted for a long time as a target of imperialism. expansionist saw this as an opportunity to globalize markets. America also had investments in Cuban sugar.

Briefly explain one specific example of the increased opportunities for working woman during the period from 1865 to 1900

Demand for clerical workers increased due to industrialization. So women were able to step up and take those jobs.

Briefly explain one way the red scare was related to World War I

During the war Americans had high anti-German hysteria so when it ended that great fear towards immigrants still remained and then they decided to focus it on communists. Communists had taken over in Russia and now instead of being scared Germans and Americans feared anyone they thought was a communist

Briefly explain one specific example that supports the statement that the farmers are up in arms during the period from 1865 to 1900

Farmers formed the National Alliance, and met in Ocala demanding reforms to help them get out of poverty. they were even close to getting an independent national political party.

Briefly explain ONE specific example of how government promoted the growth of railroads in the United States before 1900

Federal land grants and free land

Briefly explain one significant impact of World War I on one of the following -African Americans -German Americans -Mexican-Americans

German Americans were negatively impacted because of the war. America gained an anti-German sentiment with slogans like "hate the Hun". because of this many German Americans were not hired for jobs or were fired

Briefly explain one reason why anti-trust efforts were generally unsuccessful before 1900

Government didn't have much power to enforce the stopping of trusts, like with the Supreme Court in "United States versus EC knights CO" when they ruled that the Sherman antitrust act that only apply to commerce not to manufacturing. so the Justice Department was unable to secure many convictions against trust titans

Briefly explain one reason why Turner was concerned about the closing of the frontier that is not described by Wrobel in this excerpt

He believed the frontier promoted independence and rugged individualism due to the hard work those who went there had to put in to survive

Briefly explain one development in the period from 1865 to 1900 that supported the point of view of the artist

High tariffs caused other nations to place taxes on US farm products which lost them sales and cause the prices to go down but industry benefited because of the low prices and the high tariff, therefore the Wall Street benefited again.

Ch19 2) Briefly explain one significant difference or contrast between Hofstadter's interpretation and foner's interpretation of the populists

Hofstadter sees the populist movement as wishing things could go back to the way they were before money was power and when farmers were power. Foner sees the populist movement as rethinking the meaning of freedom, that they aren't looking back, they know they must change and adapt to the new society of big business economics.

Briefly explain how one of the reforms identified above either reflected or violated Wilson's policies promised in his new freedom campaign

In Wilson's new freedom campaign he promised to attack tariffs, banking, and trusts. therefore Wilson lowering the tariff rates with the Underwood tariff backed up his promise to cut back tariffs

Briefly explain one significant effect of the overbuilding of the railroads in the 19 century United States

In the early 19 century over building of railroads caused spaces between the tracks so it was less efficient and then they needed trunk lines

Briefly explain one significant regional differences in the south that supports the writers view of "A vast and varied union of unlike sections" during the period from 1865 to 1900

In the south different states, due to regional differences, were able to become leading producers in industry. like Birmingham, Alabama became one of the nations leading steel producers and Richmond, Virginia became the capital of the nation's tobacco industry.

Briefly explain one example of why the US relationship with Japan became more difficult

Japanese nationalists blamed the United States because they believed they deserved more from Russia than what they got in the treaty of Portsmouth.

Briefly explain one specific cause of the anti-immigration sentiment in the period from 1865 to 1900

Labor unions felt that the immigrants, especially the Chinese, were taking their jobs. they also believe their employers would use immigrants to lower wages and break strikes.

Briefly explain one change in national or international markets that affected American farmers during the period from 1865 to 1900

Many farmers began raising single cash crops for markets and needed larger more expensive machinery which affected small farmers negatively because they couldn't afford it and we're driven out of business

Briefly explain one cause for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles in the US Senate in addition to the one given by kissinger

Many saw article X of the treaty of VERSAILLES as a violation of the Monroe doctrine. that was because this article said that US would enter the league of Nations and to be in that group a country must interfere in other countries affairs if independence was being jeopardize. this meant that European nations would intervene in the Western Hemisphere, therefore beyond their boundaries stated in the Monroe doctrine.

Briefly explain one business practice that caused or influence the antitrust movement from 1865 to 1900

One business strategy that caused the antitrust movement was horizontal integration practiced by Rockefeller because he had a monopoly and they didn't like that

Briefly explain one economic development of the 1920s that supports the LEUCHTENBURG argument

One economic development that shows the irresponsibility and immaturity of the time is how credit became popular because now people were just buying even if they didn't have enough money. so there was a creation of fake wealth and over speculation in stock market. this recklessness eventually led to the Great Depression

Briefly explain one development that caused the disillusionment among writers of the 1920s

One example is the new society revolving around materialism and business they saw these things as disappointing because of how values had changed and the world was consumed by consumer society, these writers were known as the "lost generation".

Briefly explain one example what the author meant in the excerpt by "Woodrow Wilson's precepts"

One example of this is the idea that "the world must be made safe for democracy". this is one of Wilson's precepts because it was a general rule that he established, believing it was a just reason that US should go to war. he believed that US had the duty to spread democracy and in order to do that they would have to stop the spread of worst forms of government, through war. this general rule is applied many times throughout use history as well, and a main rationale of US foreign-policy decisions.

Briefly explain one significant factor that influenced voting patterns during the period from 1865 to 1900.

One factor that influenced voting patterns was the coinage of silver. Democrats favored the unlimited coinage of silver while Republicans preferred gold. this was a heated argument and even divided parties because of how controversial it was.

Briefly explain one reason for the influence of Wilson's ideas on US foreign-policy overtime

One reason that Wilson's ideas influenced US foreign-policy overtime is because of how new and peaceful his ideas were. he brought up the idea of league of Nations which then developed into the organization we know today as United Nations.

Ch23 4) Briefly explain one social development in the 1920s that supports the Fitzgerald quote

One social development of this time that shows the recklessness of the culture is the revolt against sexual taboos. now young people were starting to say sex was OK and the older generation saw this as reckless, by not caring if they got pregnant before married.

Briefly explain one way the post war labor problems were related to World War I

One way is the fact that all the sudden millions of people were coming back to America looking for jobs. When men left for the war they left their jobs open therefore letting women and African-Americans take their jobs. but now they came back needing jobs again. so this led to higher unemployment due to the sudden flux of people in America

Briefly explain one specific example that supports the statement that farmers were "losing ground" during the period from 1865 to 1900

Per capita income in the south declined so due to loss of money and the fact that farm prices were lower they did not have enough money to continue so the farmers lost their farms

Briefly explain one significant contribution to this philosophy of pragmatism to the progressive movement

Progressives used pragmatism to challenge notions that were in the way of reform. one example of this is how they rejected the Laissez-faire theory because they believed it to be impractical. they believed in a more hands on approach of government to benefit workers.

Briefly explain one way the race riots of 1917 to 1919 were related to World War I

Race riots were linked to the war because many African-Americans migrated to the cities during the war due to the opening of factory jobs. because there was an increase of blacks in the north whites felt threatened because they thought they were taking their jobs, which of course led to riots of angry white people and then violence.

Briefly explain one significant contribution of either scientific management or regulatory commissions to the progressive movement

Regulatory commissions were in part meant to regulate railroads so when the Elkins act was created the interstate commerce commission had more power to stop railroads from favoring customers.

Briefly explain one specific example from Rockefellers career that supports his point of view on competition

Rockefeller used the business strategy horizontal integration so he brought former competition under his corporate umbrella and they worked together, like with sharing supplies and resources

Briefly explain one example that supports the view that President Roosevelt was a "heavy handed imperialist"

Roosevelt acquired the land to build the Panama Canal by orchestrating a revolt for panamas independence. they won but still had to sign over the land that the US would dictate. many Americans and Latin Americans viewed this as high handed tactics because of Roosevelts aggressive way to acquire the land

Explain why the author believed that Roosevelt's reputation has changed over time

Roosevelt used to be viewed for his aggressive big stick foreign policy and seen as violent but then people saw how skillful he was at politics and there thanks can be seen with the Noble peace prize. today he is largely appreciated for his love of nature

Briefly explain one significant impact of World War I on American woman

Since men left for the war, and left their jobs open, women were able to step in. because of their new participation in the war effort, like making war materials in factories, they got the 19th amendment which was the right to vote.

Briefly explain one argument that supports that the 1920s made a positive contribution to the long-term prosperity of the United States

Since the 1920s greatly promoted economy with mass production, increased use of electricity, and cars, this set up the way the US would continue to thrive. the consumer society that generated from this time keeps people buying and therefore keeps money in circulation

Briefly explain one specific reform movement that developed in the period from 1865 to 1900 to address one or more urban problems

The "city beautiful" movement was one important movement to improve urban life. it called for tree-lined boulevards, public parks, and public cultural attractions.

Briefly explain one important difference in the immigration legislation of the 1920s in comparison to earlier periods

The 1920s saw a rise in nativism, meaning that immigration legislation then too started to strictly limit immigration. An example of this are the quota laws at the time that limited the number of foreigners from a certain nation coming to America.

Briefly explain one example of why the US relationship with Great Britain improved during the period from 1890s to 1914

The British agreed with US demands to fix a dispute over the Venezuela boundary dispute. because they chose US friendship over wanting more land in South America they became much closer friends than before with their rivalry.

Briefly explain one change in federal immigration policy from 1865 to 1900 that either supported or opposed the cartoonists point of view

The Chinese exclusion act of 1882 supports the cartoonists point of view. it's supports it because this act stopped immigrants coming from China into the US.

Briefly explain one example of an antitrust effort from 1865 to 1900

The Sherman antitrust act was made that prohibited contracts in the form of trusts that restraint trade or commerce, but that didn't work out

Briefly explain one factor that kept the south for making more progress during this period

The South had a poorly educated workforce due to the lack of investments and technical and engineering schools like in the north

Briefly explain the point of view of the artist about one of the following - western farmers -New York's Wall Street

The artist believes that the New York Wall Street was taking all the profits from the hard work of the farmers in the west

Briefly explain what the author most likely meant by "the very core of prejudice" faced by African Americans in the 1920s

The author means the underlying meaning of racism, like where it came from. he's trying to show that in this era, by their many achievements, they've been able to understand the true meaning behind racism

Ch20 4) Briefly explain the point of view expressed by the cartoonist

The cartoonist sees Wilson as a sort of teacher to the smaller almost baby like countries. they believe Wilson really doesn't want these countries to fall under the power of another country but shows that all America can do is tell them not to but it's harder to actually stop them. (Especially because Mexico is holding a note behind his back on how to start a revolution).

Ch22 2) Briefly explain one context or purpose of the photograph

The context of the photograph is that since the war ended the soldiers finally got to go home. they were leaving the specific camp called "Dix"

Briefly explain one development during the 1920s that changed attitudes towards prohibition

The formation of organize crime started to get people to change their minds about prohibition. this is because the crime, like bootlegging, revolving around alcohol just kept increasing and becoming more organized, thus worse. this frightened people because they thought prohibition would lower crime but now it seemed to be the opposite

Briefly explain one example of how the government mobilized industry or labor during World War I

The fuel administration was created during World War I mobilization. this administration was made to save coal, and factories of not great use were closed, and daylight savings time was established

Briefly explain one specific problem that was caused by the rapid growth of cities during the period from 1865 to 1900

The growth of cities cause landlords to want to increase their profits, therefore creating tenements which were very overcrowded and dirty which led to the spread of deadly diseases

Briefly explain one specific cause of the expansion of the middle class during the period from 1865 to 1900

The growth of large corporations required thousands of white-collar workers because of the new jobs opening up in their companies. Therefore more middle-class citizens were created because of the better paying jobs.

Briefly explain one way the money issue affected the 1896 election

The money issue was whether or not the coinage of silver should be unlimited, and this affected the election by causing a lot more controversy. because the idea was so harshly debated it cause more parties to form like the national Democratic Party.

Briefly explain one way the poster may represent the morale or make up of troops involved in World War I

The morale of troops in this picture was excitement. they were all smiling and holding up their hats. they are happy that the war is finally over and they can go back to peace and their homes

Briefly explain one important artistic response during the 1920s and 1930s to industrial development or urban experience

The new Art Deco style that emerged to make cities look more aesthetically pleasing. one thing that came out of this was the styling of the Empire State Building.

Ch21 1) briefly explain the point of view of the cartoon on theater Roosevelt approach to trusts

The point of view of the cartoon on Roosevelt's approach to trust is that he only kills/gets rid of bad trusts but he keeps the good trusts as pets/restrains them. the cartoons view on this is good that he's busting bad trusts but in the background it seems like some trusts are missed behaving and he's ignoring them.

Briefly explain one example or development from 1865 to 1900 that could be used to support Hofstadter's interpretation of the populists.

The populist party advocated a graduated income tax meaning the rich would be taxed more than the poor. this can be seen as trying to harm the money power and going back in time to when farmers were more rich

Briefly explain one example or development from 1865 to 1900 that could be used to support Foner's interpretation of the populists

The populist party tried to create an alliance between poor whites and poor blacks to get a larger platform for the fight for more fair economics. but the racism at the time was too high. this can be seen as them trying to rethink the meaning of freedom or stepping forward because they were trying to incorporate blacks, which wasn't seen often in the past.

Briefly explain one proposal of the populist party to perform politics or elections in the United States

The populist party wanted the direct popular election of US senators

Briefly explain one reason that American cities were unprepared or slow to address the problems such as the one identified above

The public partly still held onto the view of laissez-fair, meaning that many still wanted government to be hands off and let the people and the states fix their own problems and let nature take it's toll, but with that not a lot to get done.

Briefly explain one example of how the media of 1920s contributed to the development of a shared national culture

The radio emerged during this time so now people from coast to coast could listen to the same programs. therefore bringing them together about the news and sports some people, like Billy Sunday, even drew large crowds by preaching their ideas.

Briefly explain one economic development in the period from 1865 to 1900 that contributed to the differences reflected in these two excerpts

The reduction in the time that people worked contributed to the different activities these two writers took part in. the first would like to get away from the city and go to athletic clubs while the second like to go to the saloon to have a drink and talk.

Briefly explain one role of US troops such as those shown in the photograph in Europe during World War I

The role of the first US troops in the war was to simply plug weak spots in French and British lines basically just as extra bodies until they would take on a bigger role

Briefly explain one way the southern economy did not change during this era

The south still remained largely agricultural, and the poorest region in the country.

Briefly explain one change in the south between 1877 and 1900 that reflected the policies of the new South agenda

The south was integrated into the national rail network, so now, like the new south wanted, the south could be more part of the new industrial America.

Briefly explain one argument that supports the view that the Spanish-American war was caused by humanitarian concerns

The yellow press wrote exaggerated false accounts about horrific events happening in Spain which got the American public to strongly urged Congress and the president to start war against Spain. they wanted this for humanitarian reasons because people in Cuba were being put into camps and starved. Mckinley eventually folded under the pressure and sent a war message.

Briefly explain one development in education that was influenced by the economic or cultural changes of the period from 1865 to 1900

There was growing support for tax-supported high schools, meaning these high schools were now able to develop into being more comprehensive. they begin to provide vocational and citizenship education

Briefly explain one change in American urban development during the period from 1865 to 1900 that contributed to the differences reflected in these two excerpts

There was improved transportation so it was then easier to get to the city or out of the city. this led to the differences in the excerpts because the first traveled out of the city while the second like to stay in the city.

Briefly explain the point of view of the cartoon on theater Roosevelt's distinction between good and bad trusts

They don't trust his distinction because they depict the good trust and the bad trust as the same animal and they look exactly the same. therefore showing that it will be hard for anyone to choose which trust is bad and which one is good.

Ch 18 1) Briefly explain the cartoonist point of view on immigration

They had a negative point of view because they saw it as wrong that the Chinese weren't allowed to come to America especially since America allowed "communists" and "hoodlums" in

Briefly explain one specific example to support the argument that the growth of railroads proved a turning point in the development of the US economy

They needed steel and coal so they promoted other industries and the transportation of materials and trading throughout the country

Briefly explain one argument why the Spanish-American war could be considered the beginning of a new era in American foreign-policy

This could be seen as a turning point because now European nations recognized the US as a first class power with a strong navy and willingness to take an active role in international affairs.

Briefly explain one argument to support the interpretation that the election of 1896 was a turning point in American politics

This election marked the end of the Republican dominance of presidency, now allowing for new ideas from the Democratic side

Ch23 1)Briefly explain one way the Harlem Renaissance supported the point of view in the excerpt

This excerpt is saying how the Negro is achieving a lot through their artistic achievements. one way this can be seen in the Harlem Renaissance is how in Harlem, African-American musicians actually performed in front of integrated audiences sometimes, showing the start of some social/cultural integration.

Briefly explain one cause of the very high voter turn out during the period from 1865 to 1900

This period was seen as a low point in politics, hence the name gilded age, because parties wouldn't take passionate stands on ideas. But that actually brought out more voters due to the less constricting parties and less controversial ideas.

Briefly explain one example that supports the view that President Roosevelt was "a shrewd and skillful diplomat"

To end a conflict between Russia and Japan Roosevelt arranged a diplomatic conference both countries then signed the treaty of Portsmouth bringing peace. Roosevelt even won a Nobel peace prize.

Briefly explain one reason why sorting out classes at the workplace became more evident during the period from 1865 to 1900

Well industrialization made many people millionaires like Rockefeller and Carnegie with their monopolies (90% of wealth with 10% of the population). it also influenced many more jobs in the middle-class, like white-collar workers and then the poor people worked in the factories

Briefly explain one significant way that the west and north regions complemented one another during the period from 1865 to 1900

Well the west supplied raw materials for the north the north supplied manufactured goods for the west

Briefly explain one event during the Woodrow Wilson administration that supported the point of view expressed by the artist

When Mexico continues to be overrun by new dictators/rebels Wilson would not stop in his fight to keep them from falling away from democracy. He continued to send US troops into Mexico to fix disputes, like with villa and the revolution, even though Mexican leaders largely opposed it.

Briefly explain one development in the period from 1865 to 1900 that challenged the point of view expressed by the artist.

When inflammation occurred, farm prices rose and factory production increased. so that was something that actually benefited both sides

Briefly explain one way that the antitrust policies of Woodrow Wilson differed from those of Theodore Roosevelt

While Roosevelt was more hands on and cornered out specific trusts, Wilson focused on passing legislation like the Clayton Antitrust Act, and getting unions to not be seen as trusts.

Briefly explain one way the Wilson ministration fulfilled the long-standing goals of reforming federal tariffs and taxation policies

Wilson broke tradition of simply sending written messages to Congress and just told them in person that they needed to lower tariff rates. this was succeeded with the Underwood tariff and balanced with a graduated income tax so both sides were satisfied, therefore solving the problem

Briefly explain one way the Wilson administration fullfilled the long-standing goals of reforming the United States banking system

Wilson passed the Federal Reserve act. ever since Americans have been using federal reserve notes (dollar bills). these were more stable than arguing between gold and silver

Briefly explain one difference or similarity between the policies of Wilson and either Theodore Roosevelt or William Howard Taft.

Wilson wanted his foreign-policy to be seen as moral diplomacy but similarities between him and Roosevelt can still be seen. Roosevelt was very aggressive in his policies like with panama same with Wilson and him sending troops into Mexico constantly.

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