History Unit 2 Test

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Why did many Mexican Americans in the southwest lose their land in the late 1800s?

They were not able to prove legally in the courts that they owned the land.

"There are three great crops raised in Nebraska. One is the crop of corn, one a crop of freight rates, and one a crop of interest. One is produced by farmers who sweat and toil to farm the land. The other two are produced by men who sit in their offices and behind their bank counters and farm the farmers."—Farmers' Alliance, 1890 What opinion does this quote imply?

Farmers are unfairly exploited by businessmen

What conflict arose between farmers and ranchers settling western lands?

Farmers demanded water rights from ranchers.

How was William Jennings Bryan different from the majority of other presidential candidates of the era?

He toured the nation, doing his own campaigning.

"If you strike off into the broad, free West, and make yourself a farm from Uncle Sam's generous domain, you will crowd nobody, starve nobody, and neither you nor your children need evermore beg. . . ."—Horace Greeley, New York Tribune, February 5, 1867 What group is Horace Greeley forgetting in the quote above?

Native Americans

Why was the popularity of buffalo hunting among white tourists so threatening to Native American civilizations in the West?

Native Americans experienced challenges finding enough resources to meet their basic needs.

How did white settlers' belief in manifest destiny affect Native Americans?

Native Americans lost more territory due to white settler expansion.

"There is not among these three hundred bands of Indians one which has not suffered cruelly at the hands either of the Government or of white settlers. The poorer, the more insignificant, the more helpless the band, the more certain the cruelty and outrage to which they have been subjected. . . It makes little difference where one opens the record of the history of the Indians; every page and every year has its dark stain. . . ."—Helen Hunt Jackson, 1881 In this quote, Helen Hunt Jackson is giving her support to

allowing the Native Americans to continue their way of life

"The man who is employed for wages is as much a businessman as his employer... The farmer who goes forth in the morning and toils all day, begins in the spring and toils all summer, and by the application of brain and muscle to the natural resources of this country creates wealth, is as much a businessman as the man who goes upon the Board of Trade and bets upon the price of grain."—William Jennings Bryan, "Cross of Gold" speech In this excerpt from his speech, Bryan is implying that

every worker contributes to the growth of the economy

open range

method of ranching in which the rancher allowed his or her livestock to roam and graze over a vast area of grassland

"Our country finds itself confronted by conditions for which there is not precedent in the history of the world; our annual agricultural productions amount to billions of dollars in value, which must, within a few weeks or months, be exchanged for billions of dollars' worth of commodities consumed in their production; the existing currency supply is wholly inadequate to make this exchange; the results are falling prices, the formation of combines and rings, the impoverishment of the producing class. We pledge ourselves that if given power we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation, in accordance with the terms of our platform. . . ."—Preamble, Populist Party Platform What solution did the Populists propose to solve the problem of crop prices not meeting their cost of production?

minting silver coinage to increase inflation

Which use of western land negatively affected everyone?

unwise usage of water.

As a whole, the presidents of the Gilded Age could best be described as


"I love to roam over the prairies.. . . . [B]ut when I go down to the river I see camps of soldiers on its banks. These soldiers cut down my timber; they kill my buffalo. . . . We have to protect ourselves. We have to save our country. We have to fight for what is ours."—Chief Satanta In this quote, Chief Satanta is explaining

why the Native Americans resisted the white men

What is the most likely reason Chief Joseph said, "I will fight no more forever"?

He wanted to prevent further death and destruction.

What contribution did Mexicans make to cattle ranching?

Mexican vaqueros were experts in working with cattle.

Which factor contributed to the accumulation of debt among farmers?

The prices of crops declined.

Why would the Sioux have opposed the Bozeman Trail crossing their land?

The region the trail crossed was sacred to the Sioux.

political machine

a political party's organization that wins voter loyalty and guarantees power to a small group of leaders, who often abuse it for their own gain

Which type of people were most likely to support the Populist Party in the 1890s?

small farmers

Which event brought about civil service reform?

the assassination of President Garfield

Homestead Act

160 acres- farm for 5 years, dig a well and build a road

What did the Apache War and the Red River War have in common?

Both wars resulted from Native Americans attacking white settlers.

How did the election of 1896 affect the Populist Party?

Bryan's defeat permanently weakened the Populist Party.

Sand Creek Massacre

In the fall of 1864, a band of Colorado militia under commanding officer John Chivington came upon a camp of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians near Fort Lyons at Sand Creek. The fort's commander had given the Cheyenne leader permission to stay there temporarily. Chivington's troops opened fire, killing between 150 to 200 Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women, and children.

How did the federal government affect the practice of mining in the West?

It provided land and patents for new inventions for large mining companies

"I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead. "It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are—perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children and see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. "Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."—Chief Joseph Which overall theme can best be inferred from this speech?

The Nez Percé were hopelessly outnumbered and worn down

What was the primary effect of Native Americans being confined to reservations?

The conflict between Native Americans and settlers decreased

Which problem did the Populist Party seek to remedy?

an insufficient monetary supply

"When we cease to teach the Indian that he is less than a man; when we recognize fully that he is capable in all respects as we are, and that he only needs the opportunities and privileges which we possess to enable him to assert his humanity and manhood; when we act consistently towards him in accordance with that recognition; when we cease to fetter him to conditions which keep him in bondage, surrounded by retrogressive influences; when we allow him the freedom of association and the developing influences of social contact—then the Indian will quickly demonstrate that he can be truly civilized, and he himself will solve the question of what to do with the Indian."—Captain Richard H. Pratt, 1892 In this statement, Captain Pratt is most likely advocating which of the following for the Native Americans?

assimilation into mainstream culture

The government contributed to the building of the transcontinental railroad by

awarding loans and land grants to private companies to build the railroad

How did Grant contribute to the loss of confidence in American politicians?

by not rooting out corruption in his administration

What caused the building of the Transcontinental Railroad to be delayed?

debates over routes

The Dawes General Allotment Act is an example of the Americanization movement because it

encouraged Indians to own private property.

In their platform, the Populists included provisions for

free silver, a progressive income tax, and an eight-hour day

What powerful position did William Marcy Tweed hold?

governor of New York State

What step did the Populist Party support to reduce the cost of railroad shipping?

having the national government control the railroads

Farmers favored inflation because it would

increase crop prices

Bankers supported deflation because this policy would

increase the value of money

What attracted many Asians to the United States in the late 1800s?

jobs with American railroad companies

The Great Northern Railway was more successful than the Northern Pacific Railroad due to:

low fares

One of the reasons that political machines gained power in the late 1800s was that they

provided jobs and other help for immigrants

One of the main goals of the Grange was to

regulate railroad and grain elevator rates.

The main objective of the nativists was to

restrict immigration

Which of the following best characterizes urban areas by the early 1900s?

slums and tenements

Nativist groups such as the American Protective Association supported

the teaching of only American culture in schools

What was the purpose of the Morrill Act of 1862?

to encourage the development of better farming methods

What was a central cause of the Panic of 1873?

One of the nation's most influential banks failed.

President Grant is remembered as a corrupt president because he

allowed members of his administration to engage in corruption

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