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According to the video "Slavery and the American Revolution," the American Revolution had no positive impact on the condition of slaves in America, and in fact, most northern states passed laws after the war that prohibited the emancipation (freedom) of slaves.


According to the video New World Encounters, Native Americans in the Southeast and New Mexico were unable to resist Spanish exploration and colonization in any meaningful way and there was little bloodshed between the two groups because of superior Spanish technology.


According to the website "The Salem Witchcraft Trials," the Salem trials ended because King William issued a royal proclamation ending the trials and accusing the judges of prosecuting only those who were practicing Anglicans.


Samuel Adams, colonial patriot and cousin of John Adams, wrote a pamphlet called the Massachusetts Circular that promoted independence and encouraged violence against the British soldiers.


The Boston Massacre was a conflict between a group of Bostonians and British regulars, resulting in the deaths of over 100 Bostonians in June 1775 and leading to the commencement of hostilities between the British and colonists.


The Incas had no written language, but they recorded events and communicated using a system of colored knots and strips called Quechua.


The term probanza de merito refers to Portuguese alliance with Spain that divide up the New World discoveries into two sections, with Portugal claiming control over Central America and Spain claiming control over Brazil.


This future Revolutionary War figure surrendered to the French forces at Fort Necessity in the Ohio Country in 1754.

George Washington

According to the video English Settlement, which of the following is true about John Winthrop?

He is the founder of the Massachusetts Bay colony who delivered a sermon entitled "Model of Christian Charity" where he outline the vision of Massachusetts, including a demand that the colonists become a "tightly knit" community to avoid the pitfalls that had taken place in Virginia

Why is John Dickinson significant?

He was the author of "Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer" who argued that Parliament could not impose either internal taxes, like stamps, on goods or external taxes, like customs duties, on imports.

What was the Massachusetts Circular?

it declared taxation without representation unconstitutional and encouraged the other colonies to again protest the taxes by boycotting British goods.

The Virginia Company of London was a _____________ in which wealthy investors put up the capital and assumed a high degree of risk for a relatively quick profit.

joint stock company

Colonial Committees of Correspondence were established to _______.

keep colonial activists in contact with each other.

For Europeans the New World cash crops that changed their behaviors were _________ and __________.

sugar, tobacco

Economic stability in Virginia only came with

the cultivation of tobacco

The Jamestown Colony survived as England's first permanent colony in the New World because of __________.

the development of tobacco as a cash crop

The Restoration colonies like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Carolina all began as proprietary colonies, meaning King Charles II gave the colonies to trusted people or groups of people.

the development of tobacco as a cash crop

The Stono Rebellion resulted in

the passage of increasingly restrictive laws placing limits on slaves' behavior including preventing them from assembling, growing their own food, learning to write, and traveling freely.

Pontiac's Rebellion involved all of the following EXCEPT

the return of French soldiers to Canada

One striking aspect of the Lowell factories was

their employment of young single women.

Which statement best describes the Quasi-War?

A conflict that took place in the Atlantic mostly between French naval vessels and American merchant ships

Who were the Paxton Boys?

A group of Scots-Irish settlers in Pennsylvania who attacked a peaceful group of Native Americans in 1763

What are the Federalist Papers?

A series of newspaper articles published in support of ratifying the new constitution

What is considered to be the largest indigenous cultural and population center in North America that its height was home to more than ten thousand residents; tens of thousands more lived on farms surrounding the urban center?


One reason for race as a dominant factor in slavery was the ____________.

Catholic Church's denunciation of the enslavement of Christians.

Which Revolutionary War battle in the South was a decisive American victory?


In New Netherland, the _________ controlled all commerce as the colony became an important hub for trade and shipping.

Dutch West India Company

What is true about the Great Awakening?

Evangelists came from the ranks of multiple Protestant denominations including Congregationalists, Anglicans, and Presbyterians Those who supported the Great Awakening rejected formal modes of worship in favor of a vigorous emotional religiosity It caused a split between those who followed the evangelical message (the "New Lights") and those who rejected it (the "Old Lights").

According to the textbook, the French and Indian War is considered to be a consequential war because it created a large debt in Great Britain. This resulted in attempts by Great Britain in the 1760s and 1770s to diminish this debt through imperial reforms causing significant strain within the empire.


Which of the following ideas is NOT considered to be a part of the Enlightenment per the textbook?

Industrialism and the demand that economic activity must focus on factories and technology in order for a nation's economy to thrive

What is NOT TRUE about the Treaty of Paris?

It allowed individual states to persecute Loyalists for their treason and permitted the confiscation of their property

Why is slavery in the Americas considered different than any type of slave/bondage system that had come before this time?

It became a race-based slavery system in the New World unlike any bondage system that had come before American slavery

What is true about the Yamasee War?

It demonstrates the key role native peoples played in shaping the outcome of colonial struggles and the disunity that existed between different native groups It was caused in part by outrageous actions on the part of English traders when they took native women captive as payment for debts It was caused in part by English expansion onto Indian land to support their growing demand for rice and tobacco fields

What is meant by the term "A City upon a Hill"?

It emphasized the religious orientation of Massachusetts Bay by creating a model of reformed Protestantism

How did the cotton gin help farmers?

It enabled them to process cotton much more quickly than before

According to the video Goree, slaves experienced brutal conditions not only at the slave port Goree, but also in their trip across the Atlantic.


What is true about the Navigation Acts?

It was an attempt by England in the second half of the seventeenth century to gain better control of trade with the American colonies They barred colonists from importing goods that had not been made in England, creating a profitable monopoly for English exporters and manufacturers They required that only English ships carry goods between England and the colonies, and that the captain and three-fourths of the crew had to be English They declared that "enumerated articles" that could be transported only to England or to English colonies, including the most lucrative commodities like sugar and tobacco as well as indigo, rice, molasses, and naval stores such as turpentine

Which European's travels first provoked the Western European curiosity for exploration and expansion?

Marco Polo

According to the textbook, which civilization is considered to be "The mother of Mesoamerican cultures" because of their influence on art, architecture, agriculture, and trade?


Africans in the Virginia Colony could work as servants and could acquire land on their own in the early 17th century.


Explorer ______________ established ___________ as a fur-trading post in present-day Canada.

Samuel de Champlain, Quebec

What is true about Dorothea Dix?

She was instrumental in the reform effort to establish state mental asylums

The ___________ was the plan devised by colonists in Massachusetts to resist the Intolerable Acts by arming the local militias and agreeing to refuse to trade or do business with Britons in the Mother Country.

Suffolk Resolves

The excavations of the Hopewell peoples' burial sites in the Midwestern United States and the objects discovered within have indicated which of the following?

The Hopewell had a wide trade network

According to the website "The Salem Witchcraft Trials," who was Tituba and why is she significant?

The Indian slave of the town minister whose confession and accusations encouraged the local ministers to move forward with their witch hunting

Which of the following statements does not represent the Republican philosophy?

The Republicans supported the creation of a national bank

The House of Burgesses in the Virginia Colony was an important development in the British mainland colonies because _______.

it provided an example of an elected assembly as a form of representative government and set the precedent for all other colonies.

Why did the Spanish crown continue to finance the Florida colony even after the explorers failed to find a passage to Asia?

The colony had become an important base for missionaries.

According to the document Historical Interpretation: The American Revolution, what is Gordon Wood's interpretation of the American Revolution?

The political changes brought on by the Revolution radically altered American society by now focusing on liberal ideas and democracy

What was one of the causes the French and Indian War?

The restriction of westward expansion

Why did slavery play a larger role in driving economic expansion in the southern colonies than those further north?

The southern colonies' economies depended more heavily on agriculture.

What is the XYZ Affair?

The suggestion by French diplomats that negotiations for a treaty could only begin if American envoys paid a bribe

What is true about women's contributions to the Revolutionary War per the article "Women's Service with the Revolutionary Army"?

They performed laundry services for the soldiers They worked as cooks and in some cases earned extra income for their services They worked as nurses to take care of the sick and wounded In several cases, women actually fought as soldiers

Which of these was NOT a purpose of the Stamp Act of 1765?

To declare to the colonists that all laws passed by Parliament on their behalf were unconstitutional

Why did the Europeans begin to search in earnest for a faster route to the Orient?

Travel along the Silk Road was expensive and time-consuming and the Moors blocked the route more and more over time.

According to the article "American Indians and the American Revolution," the impact of the Revolution on Native Americans was devastating and resulted in many Indian tribes losing land, even those who had fought on the side of the United States.


According to the segment "A Visual Footnote" in the video English Settlement, the painting of Elizabeth Freake represents the proper role of a middle-class Puritan woman and displays Puritan prosperity through her clothing and furniture.


According to the textbook, Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty used public media to engage in a relentless propaganda campaign against British oppression. This included the use of newspaper articles and pamphlets to suggest that the Boston Massacre was actually a planned murder on the part of the British.


According to the textbook, the British Constitution was significant to the American colonists because it only allowed representatives for whom British subjects voted in office to tax them. American would use this argument to reject the idea of "virtual representation" because the colonists never directly elected members of Parliament.


Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan woman who challenged the authority of male ministers by claiming direct religious revelation and thus negating the traditional role of ministers. As a result, she was charged with false beliefs by Puritan authorities and eventually excommunicated and banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony.


Disease killed more indigenous people than did anything else in the early years of European colonization.


During the Age of Exploration, European nations used conquest, colonization and trade to increase their acquisition of resources in the Americas.


Europeans were introduced to luxury goods, spices, silk, porcelain and sugar from the East during the Crusades in the 11th and 12th centuries.


For more than 200 years, Goree was the west African center of the Atlantic slave trade.


In Florida in the 16th century French Huguenots and Spaniards vied for control of the area. This competition for Florida is an example of the way European conflicts spread the Americas.


Pontiac's Rebellion was a major uprising by several Native Americans tribes in 1763 in response to the invasion of their lands by British colonists, resulting in significant violence and loss of life in the western backcountry of North America


Slavery was extended to the New World because of the labor needs on large plantations that cultivated tobacco, sugar and later cotton and rice.


The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government.


The Chesapeake Bay colonies differed significantly from the New England colonies because Virginia and Maryland (the Chesapeake colonies) were created with a goal to achieve wealth through commerce (primarily growing tobacco), whereas the New England colonies were motivated primarily by religious concerns that included building towns and focusing on the church.


The Coercive Acts (also known as the Intolerable Acts in the colonies) were a series of acts devised to punish the rebellious Bostonians and included the Boston Port Bill, the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act and the Quartering Act that applied to all colonies.


The New England colonies quickly established small family farms and women and children family members carried out most of the work.


Beringia refers to

a land bridge existed between Asia and North America

The Ordinance of 1787 (Northwest Ordinance)

banned slavery in the Northwest territories.

A contract for passage to the New World that poor, young, and often illiterate English citizens signed was called a(n) __________.


The Second Continental Congress

chose George Washington as commander-in-chief

1619 was a banner year in the history of the Virginia Colony because that year the colony _________.

elected the first delegates to the House of Burgesses traded the first goods for Africans produced the first profit for the Virginia Company

Spain established the _________________ system in South America that allowed the nobles who were granted plantations legal rights to free indigenous laborers by the Crown.


The Treaty of Ghent

ended the War of 1812.

King Philip's War of 1675-1676 was fought to ________.

establish English control over the Indians in New England.

The purchase of Louisiana territory presented President Jefferson with a problem because:

he was concerned about the constitutionality of purchasing territory as president

The ___________ was a program implemented in the 17th century to attract settlers to the New World. The Virginia Company implemented a system that provided the people who paid their own passage (and that of family members) to the colonies received 50 acres for each servant or relative they brought with them.

headright system

The most important result of the European encounter with the indigenous people of the Americas was ______.

importation of European diseases.

The policy of boarding a foreign ship and forcing foreign sailors to work for the British navy is called


When the Revolutionary War broke out, the British had the advantage over the colonies in all of the following except

logistical ease

The European explorers and colonists were surprised by the ___________ societies they found when they encountered the indigenous people.


During the period of salutary neglect

meant a lack of strict enforcement of the Navigation Acts

Between 1500 and the late 1700s European nations espoused the _____________ system, an economic philosophy that there was a limited amount of wealth in the world and that gaining power mean mining precious metals from their colonial holdings, believed in controlled trade and that colonies existed to strengthen the mother country.


The indigenous people in the Americas carried out raids called ___________ __________ to take prisoners to replace the dead and to mitigate their grief as the death toll increased.

mourning wars

In the colonial period, New England colonies' town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses represented ___________.

moves toward a more democratic government and representative democracy.

Colonizing the New World was expensive. The Dutch West India Company granted heavily invested Dutch merchants __________, or large tracts of land as well as the governance of the tenants there.


The headright system, which contributed to the establishment of social and economic classes in the colonies, was based upon ___________.

provided men paying the passage of a laborer to the New World with 50 acres of land per laborer

During the Revolutionary War, Loyalists or Tories

represented not one category of Americans but came from many different ranks of the people

The British government, distracted by issues at home in the 17th century, practiced a policy of _________ in which they failed to enforce acts and laws in the colonies.

salutary neglect

Oglethorpe's vision for Georgia included

seeing it as a place for England's "worthy poor" to start anew by giving each male immigrant fifty acres of land, tools, and a year's worth of supplies

Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act

sought to stop all American exports.

The Sugar Act of 1764 was intended to ________.

strengthened the laws regarding the enforcement of smuggling bans.

Out of all the commodities in the Atlantic World, which proved to be the most important per the textbook?


America's victory over the British in the Revolutionary War owed itself in part to George Washington's

willingness to violate conventional military strategies

__________________ were warrants that allowed British customs agents to board and search colonial ships suspected of transporting smuggled goods.

writs of assistance

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