Holocaust final

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Frances Goodrich

Along with her husband Albert Hackett, screenwriters for The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), film directed by George Stevens

Yaffa Eliach

Artist behind the Tower of Faces in USHMM, over 1,000 pictures of Jewish people from a Lithuanian shtetl Eliach lived in, her grandfather was a photographer and took most of the pictures

Nathan Rapoport

Artist of "Liberation," the memorial in Liberty State Park depicting an American soldier carrying a Holocaust survivor, also artist behind "Monument to the Ghetto Heroes" in Warsaw where the uprisers were sculpted as kinda jacked even though they were definitely starving to death

Errol Morris

Director of Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999), a documentary about Holocaust denier Fred A. Leuchter displaying the ridiculousness of Holocaust denial

Miep Gies

Helped hide the Frank family along with the others in hiding in the Secret Annex, found Anne's diary entries on the floor after they were arrested and kept them until Otto returned


Parody of Joseph Goebbels in Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator, Hynkel's Minister of Propaganda

Albert Hackett

Screenwriter for The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), film directed by George Stevens, along with his wife Frances Goodrich

Patrick Desbois

A priest who spoke on the podcast "Voices of anti-semitism". He travelled across Ukraine in the early 2000s to identify mass graves and witnesses wants the people there to be buried with dignity.

Sigmund Ashrott

A wealthy Jewish businessman who funded the creation of a fountain in Kassel in 1908, which was later destroyed by Nazis, then rebuilt underground in the 1980s by Horst Hoheisel

Itzhak Stern

Accountant and friend of Oskar Schindler, who aided in the efforts to rescue Jews using Schindler's Polish factory, remained friends with him and advocated for his story to be more broadly known

Peter Eisenman

Architect behind "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe," 2,711 slabs of concrete in Berlin resembling a graveyard

Horst Hoheisel

Architect behind the Aschrott Fountain being 'rebuilt,' building it underground in a negative recreation to symbolise the loss of Jewish art and lives

Christian Boltanski

Artist of "Altar to the Chases High School," showing pictures of Jewish students whose faces are illuminated by lights, many of which definitely perished in the coming war

Micha Ullman

Artist of "Bibliotek" memorial in Berlin, underground library with glass over so it can be seen into, but the books can never be read

George Segal

Artist of "Holocaust Memorial," sculpture of a man behind barbed wire and bodies behind him, often vandalized and played around in

Rachel Whiteread

Artist of "Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial" in Vienna, the negative space of a library that cannot be entered and whose books cannot be read to symbolize the loss of Jewish knowledge, history, and life

Benjamin Hirsch

Artist of "Memorial to the Six Million," a memorial in Atlanta, Georgia, which was built early when rumors of Jews being turned to soap were not disproven, part of the memorial alludes to it

Art Spiegelman

Author and artist of Maus, the first hand account of WWII by his father Vladek, and detailing his relationship with postmemory, generational trauma

James E. Young

Author of "Memorials and Museums," detailing the construction of Holocaust memorials and museums around the world and their differences varying by culture

Pam Maclean

Author of "Not the Holocaust Memorial [Or-Sarua Synagogue]" about the destroyed remains of an excavated synagogue in Vienna which hit her much more profoundly than any Holocaust memorials she had seen

Jeffrey Shandler

Author of "While America Watches," chapter specifically about This Is Your Life episode with Hanna Bloch Kohner, whose trauma was broadcast live to America

Edward Linenthal

Author of Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum

Robert C. Reimer

Author of article "Does Laughter Make the Crime Disappear?: An Analysis of Cinematic Images of Hitler and the Nazis, 1940-2007", analyzing comedy and satire about Nazi atrocities

Edward Rothstein

Author of article "Holocaust Museums in Israel Evolve," describing the methods of museums in Israel in comparison to American museums, especially in how American museums tend to "moralize" the Holocaust or make it about general racism/xenophobia/genocide

Nava Silvera

Author of cinematic confrontation with the Holocaust. Talks about how portrayal of the cinema can be problematic because it does not accurately portray its complexity but at the same time can introduce the topic into the audiences consciousness.

Fred A. Leuchter

Author of the Leuchter Report, a pseudoscientific report claiming that the gas chambers of Auschwitz did not exist; often used by Holocaust deniers as "scientific proof" for their false claims

Deborah Lipstadt

Author, sued by Daniel Irving over 'libel' when she cited him as a Holocaust denier; she won the trial once the court deemed the Holocaust explicitly undeniable

David Irving

Avid Holocaust denier, sued Deborah Lipstadt for libel for accusing him of being a Holocaust denier and used false evidence from the Leuchter report during trial, did not succeed

Adolf Hitler

Chancellor of Germany starting January 1933, leader of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party), created first concentration camp for political insurgents in 1933, created tons of antisemitic legislation, wanted a racially pure Aryan Germany, committed suicide on April 30, 1945

Marianne Hirsch

Coined the term "postmemory" meaning the transgenerational transmission of trauma in reference to Holocaust survivors transferring their trauma to their children in certain ways

Charlie Chaplin

Comedian who wrote, directed, produced, and acted in The Great Dictator (1940), strong condemnation of Hitler and fascism, later stated in autobiography that he would not have made the film if he had known the extent of Nazi atrocities

Amon Goeth

Commandant of the Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp for most of WWII, known for being especially cruel and was hanged after the war for his crimes

Alfred Hrdlicka

Created "Memorial Against War and Fascism" in Vienna, depicting Jewish man scrubbing the street but later added weird barbed wire over him because people were sitting on it and having lunch

Hanna Bloch Kohner

Czech born Holocaust survivor who appeared on "This Is Your Life" in 1953, put on the spot and had all of her traumatic experiences broadcast on live television

Daniel Libeskind

Designer of the Jewish Museum in Berlin which opened in 2001

James Ingo Freed

Designer of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, writes at length about every decision about its design in class reading "The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum"

George Stevens

Directed Nazi Concentration Camps, 1945, first liberation footage Americans would see and later used in the Nuremberg Trials, also directed The Diary of Anne Frank, 1959

Steven Spielberg

Director of Schindler's List (1993), a glamorized but not technically fictitious retelling of the story of Oskar Schindler, who rescued over 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factory and spending his riches to bribe Nazi officers

Mel Brooks

Director of The Producers (1967), Jewish filmmaker who often satirizes Nazis and racism in a way that does not necessarily make light of their suffering, but more satirizes the way in which the public consumes WWII media

Robert Jan van Pelt

Expert witness in the trial between David Irving and Deborah Lipstadt in Lipstadt's defense, also appeared in Errol Morris's documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

Henry Ford

Founder of Ford Motor Company, notorious anti-Semite, used slave labor from concentration camps for his company during the Holocaust

Ernst Zunder

Holocaust denier who appeared in Errol Morris's documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., Leuchter appeared at his trial as an "expert witness" to support his denial claims, later imprisoned and died

Rose Van Thyn

Holocaust survivor who lived and educated in Shreveport until her death in 2010; Centenary has an annual Rose and Louis Van Thyn Holocaust Lecture Series named after her and her husband

Heinrich Himmler

Leader of the SS under Hitler, trusted with the planning and implementation of the Final Solution to murder Jews

Michael Berenbaum

Leading role in creating USHMM and determining what should be in its permanent exhibition, Project Director for USHMM 1988-1993

Rudolf Hoess

Longest serving commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, implemented the use of Zyklon B insecticide to kill prisoners

Adolf Eichmann

Manager of the mass deportations of Jews to ghettos and concentration camps, one of the major players in the "Final Solution," found in Argentina and taken for trial, execution by hanging after trial in Jerusalem

Rachel Schreiber

Memorial artist behind "Anne in New York," a series of photos with photoshopped images of Anne Frank over various places in New York, showing the Americanization of her story

Melissa Gould

Memorial artist behind "Floor Plan" and "Souvenir, Vienna," the first being an illuminated floor plan of a destroyed Berlin synagogue, the second being a brush with the words "Souvenir, Wien 1938" to commemorate the Viennese Jews who had to scrub streets

Norbert Radermacher

Memorial artist behind "This Site Alone Cannot Remember," a series of slide projections that passersby would trip and light up a park built on top of what used to be a concentration camp

Oskar Schindler

Nazi party member who saved 1,200 Jews by giving them employment in Polish factories, main character in Steven Scphielbug's Schindler's List, given a grave in Israel

Victor Kugler

One of the people helping to hide the people in the Secret Annex, arrested alongside Johannes Kleiman, survived the war

Johannes Kleiman

One of the people helping to hide the people in the Secret Annex, arrested alongside Victor Kugler, survived the war

Adenoid Hynkel

Parody of Adolf Hitler in Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator, Dictator of Tomainia and overall ridiculous character to satirize and make the Nazi party out to be bumbling idiots

Gusti Huber

Played the role of Edith Frank in the play and movie adaptations of The Diary of Anne Frank, controversial due to her involvement with the Third Reich and was a member of the Aryan Actor's Guild

Albert Dussel

Pseudonym for Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist who was one of the eight people hiding in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam alongside the Frank family

Fritz Pfeffer

Real name of 'Albert Dussel', Jewish dentist who was in hiding in the Secret Annex with the Frank and van Pels families

Karl Silberbauer

SS officers who was the commander of the 1944 Gestapo raid on the Secret Annex and the arrest of the Frank family and others living in the Annex

Walter Rauff

SS officers, implemented mobile gassing vans, letter sent to him explaining changes needed for the vans, displaying the "banality of evil"

Reinhard Heydrich

The "butcher of Prague," Hitler groomed him as his successor, but was assassinated sort of successfully, but many Czech citizens were murdered and towns were destroyed after the attempt

van Pels [Auguste, Hermann, and Peter]

The real names of the 'van Daans', the other family living in the Secret Annex with the Franks; Anne was infatuated with Peter and often complained about his parents, Auguste and Hermann

Esther Shalev-Gerz

Together with husband Jochen Gerz created "Monument Against Fascism," a tall pillar in Harburg which the public were invited to interact with, slowly lowered into the ground until it disappeared completely

Jochen Herz

Together with wife Esther Shalev-Gerz created "Monument Against Fascism," a tall pillar in Harburg which the public were invited to interact with, slowly lowered into the ground until it disappeared completely

Jimmy Carter

US President from 1977-1981, established the President's Commission on the Holocaust headed by Elie Wiesel

Breckinridge Long

US State Department, Visa Division, was told to put off and put off and put off giving any more visas, personally antisemitic and unsympathetic to the refugees

Elie Wiesel

Writer of Night among many other books detailing his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps, received Nobel Peace Prize for human rights activism, head of the US Holocaust Memorial Council creating USHMM

Thomas Keneally

Writer of novel Schindler's Ark, which would be later adapted by Steven Spielberg into Schindler's List (1993)

Meyer Levin

Wrote an article about the Diary of Anne Frank to help it be published faster, sued playwrights of the Broadway play for plagiarism, admitted himself that he became obsessed with the Diary

Michal Berman

Wrote article that talks about how visits to Yad Vashem for Holocaust education is part of IDF training to strengthen their morality as well as bring an awareness of connection to Israeli citizens. Michal Berman Writer of "Fostering a Moral Foundation: Lines of IDF Education," article about how the Israel Defense Force troops visit Yad Vashem to strengthen morale in them to protect Israel

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