HPE Review

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For people who need to gain weight, describe the best strategy for gaining lean muscle mass

The key to gaining muscle mass is a program of rigorous weight training combined with the increase in calories and protein needed to meet the increased energy expenditure and the additional energy required to synthesize muscle proteins

Explain the structure/function rule in regard to the marketing of dietary supplements

The products are not regulated by the FDA, but the claims made on supplement labels are Manufacturers are permitted to claim effects on the "structure or function" of the body, but they are not allowed to make claims concerning the prevention or cure of diseases While manufacturers are required to document evidence for structure/function claims, be aware that the FDA does not examine the legitimacy of this documentation Therefore, manufacturers must include on their labels a disclaimer stating that their product is not a drug and did not receive FDA approval

Outline a simple method for computing your daily caloric expenditure and provide an example

The total amount of energy expended each day is the sum of energy expended at rest and energy expended during physical activity. The three components of total daily expenditure are resting metabolic rate, physical activity/exercise, and the thermic effect of food

Why is it important to take your current fitness level into account when developing your exercise plan?

It is counterproductive to design a training plan that is overly ambitious and impossible to complete. You should create a program that is realistic and achievable

Explain the difference between major (primary) and contributory (secondary) risk factors for developing coronary heart disease and list factors that fall under each category.

Major risk factors are directly related to the development of CHD and stroke. These include tobacco smoking, hypertension, high blood cholesterol levels, physical inactivity, obesity and being overweight, diabetes, heredity, gender, and increasing age. Contributory risk factors are those that increase the risk of CHD, but their direct contribution to the disease process has not been precisely determined. These include stress, diet and nutrition, and alcohol consumption.

Explain the role of behavior modification in weight loss

Most behaviors are learned and therefore can be modified. In regard to weight control, behavior modification is used primarily to reduce or eliminate social or environmental stimuli that promote overeating. The first step in modifying behavior is to identify factors that act as triggers for overeating. After identifying behaviors, you can design a plan for modifying those behaviors

Explain how MyPlate and the RDAs can be used to assit in planning a healthy diet?

MyPlate depicts the proportions of each food group that make up a healthy meal; also includes samples of food plans; gives people the ability to plan, organize, and track daily diet and physical activity

How do essential and nonessential amino acids differ?

Nine amino acids are essential amino acids meaning that the body cannot make them and they must be consumed in the diet Eleven amino acids are nonessential amino acids, meaning that the body can synthesize them in adequate amounts

Explain the function of nutrients in the body

Nutrients are substances in food that provide nourishment; they are needed to support body function and maintain health. They serve three major functions in the body: providing energy, supporting growth and development, and regulating metabolism

What is optimal body weight, and how is it calculated?

Optimal body weight is associated with limited risk for obesity-related diseases. It is calculated by a two-step process. The first step is to calculate your fat-free weight (lean body mass), and the second step uses fat-free weight to calculate your optimal body weight range

Summarize the American Heart Association's recommendations for exercise to reduce your risk of heart disease

Perform at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity 5 days per week or Perform at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity at least 3 days per week PLUS Moderate to high intensity exercise training 2 days/wk HBP-40 min 3-4 days per week

Explain the role that minerals play in body functions

Required by body for normal functioning; some act as cofactors with specialized proteins to regulate a chemical reaction in cells; some are key components in important molecules; conducting nerve impulse; contracting muscles; maintaining water balance

How do saturated and unsaturated fatty acids differ?

Saturated fatty acids are a type of fatty acid that comes primarily from animal sources and is solid at room temperature Unsaturated fatty acids are a type of fatty acid that comes primarily from plant sources and is liquid at room temperature

Name the subcategories of carbohydrates and list the main food sources of dietary carbohydrates

Simple Carbohydrates-glucose, fructose, galactose Complex Carbohydrates-glycogen, starches, fibers Food Sources: vegetables and fruits

How does smoking increase the risk for developing cardiovascular disease?

Smokers risk of developing CHD is twice as high as that of a nonsmoker. Smoking promotes the development of artherosclerosis in blood vessels, which can lead to hypertension and increased risk of stroke 4 ways smoking can affect the risk of CHD 1. The nicotine in the smoke increases both heart rate and blood pressure 2. Smoking increases the stickiness in the platelets in the blood, increasing risk of clotting leading to heart attack 3. Nicotine influences the way the heart functions 4. Smoking increases chance of developing artherosclerosis by elevating amount of cholesterol in the blood and promoting fat deposits in arterial walls

Define stress and stressor, and list at least three common stressors

Stress is a state of physical and mental tension in response to an actual or perceived threat or challenge. Stressor is a factor that produces stress. Three common stressors are death of a loved one, breakup of a committed relationship, school- related pressures

How many calories are contained in 1 gram of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, respectively?

1 gram of carbohydrate=4 calories 1 gram of fat=9 calories 1 gram of protein= 4 calories

Name and describe the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome

1. Alarm Stage- Fight or flight response occurs; stress hormones are released and their effects on the body can cause anxiety, headaches, disrupted patterns of sleeping and eating 2. Resistance Stage- Body's resistance to stress is higher than normal; improved ability to cope with stress 3. Exhaustion Stage- When the stress persists, a depletion of the physical and psychological resources to cope with stress that occurs with chronic exposure

List the four steps to developing a wellness plan

1. Establish your Goals 2. Select Wellness Concepts that are Appropriate for you 3. Plan your behavior changes 4. Monitor your Progress

List four health consequences of chronic stress

1. Heart disease 2. Depression 3. Migraines 4. Anxiety

Name the three major types of fitness goals and provide an example of each type

1. Performance Goals-A specific short-term, intermediate, or long-term target that you set to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, or flexibility Example: Raise your cardiorespiratory fitness rate from poor to average 2. Body Composition- For those who need to lose weight, body mass index waist and hip circumference, skinfold assessment, or other measures, including how well your clothes fit 3. Adherence Goals-Goals to exercise a specific number of days per week

List three factors that affect how an individual responds to stress

1. Personality behavior patterns 2. Past experiences 3. Gender

Describe four common relaxation techniques

1. Progressive Relaxation- uses exercises to reduce muscle tension 2. Breathing Exercises- In quiet room, comfortable position with eyes closed; slowly inhale and exhale; combine stretching and breathing to provide greater relaxation and stress reduction 3. Meditation- the goal is to achieve a complete state of physical and mental relaxation; sitting quietly for 15-20 minutes twice a day; concentrate on single word/image; breathe slowly and regularly 4. Visualization- Uses mental pictures to reduce stress

List at least four steps you can take to manage stress

1. Rest and sleep 2. Exercise 3. Relaxation Techniques 4. Develop spiritual Wellness

Name three types of bariatric surgery and explain how each type assists in weight loss

1. Restrictive-Work by decreasing the amount of food that can be consumed at one time 2. Malabsorptive-Alters digestion by bypassing the small intestine, thus limiting the absorption of calories 3. Combined restrictive/malabsorptive-The combination helps patients lose weight quickly and continue to lose weight for an extended period after surgery

List the four major components of a weight-loss program

1. Set a realistic goal 2. Assess and modify your diet plan 3. Plan your physical activity 4. Focus on behavior modification

List the four steps to developing a personal fitness plan

1. Set your goals 2. Select your exercises for fitness program 3. Plan your weekly fitness routine 4. Monitor your progress

List and describe the four major categories of weight loss diets. Which of these diet plans is recommended by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for weight loss?

1. Very-low carbohydrate: These diets recommend that carbohydrates make up less than 30% of your total calorie consumption, resulting in a high intake of proteins and fats 2. Low-carbohydrate: This class of diets advocates a prescribed ration of calories from macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) 3. Low-fat: limits the number of calories consumed from fats; some of these diets are vegetarian diets, while others simply limit protein intake from red meat 4. Nutritionally balanced diet with restricted calories: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that any diet designed to lose weight should be guided by the MyPlate food guidance system

List three activities that are considered to be beneficial in promoting cardiorespiratory fitness for older individuals

1. Walking 2. Swimming 3. Cycling

Which are true statements about the stress response? a. stored fat is mobilized b. heart rate increases c. pupils contract d. sensitivity to pain increases

A and B

The most common age-related declines occur with all of the following except_______ a. cholesterol levels b. bone density c. muscle mass d. maximal heart rate

A. Cholesterol Levels

According to the video, novice exercisers tend to make three big mistakes when they join a gym or being an exercise program. These mistakes include all of the following EXCEPT a. experimenting with too many types of workouts b. going to the gym or beginning a workout without a plan c. expecting to see immediate results in terms of weight loss d. limiting workouts to only those that involve machines

A. Experimenting with too many types of workouts

Which of the following is NOT a health benefit associated with regular aerobic exercise? a. Improved ability to process sugar in the diet b. Stronger heart muscle and more efficient circulation c. Lower triglycerides in the blood d. Reduced blood pressure

A. Improved ability to process sugar in the diet

Which of the following nutrients is classified as a macronutrient? a. protein b. calcium c. iron d. Vitamin D

A. Protein

Why is fluid replacement of such importance for active people? What are the guidelines for proper fluid replacement?

Active people lose water through their exercise so they become dehydrated Guidelines: 1. If you exercise daily, record your weight loss before and after each each exercise session. The difference in weight before and after exercise will reflect the amount of body water loss due to sweating 2. Consume water before, during, and immediately after exercise 3. Weigh yourself each morning. If you are a pound lower than the previous day, you may be dehydrated and need to increase your fluid intake during the day 4. Watch urine-lemonade color means that you are staying hydrated throughout the day 5. Thirst is not always adequate to prompt you to drink enough to completely replace water lost during exercise 6. Salt food to taste 7. Sports drinks can accelerate the rate of rehydration following exercise and assist in replacing electrolytes

Name the two classes of sports for people with disabilities and explain how they differ

Adapted Sports-played solely by people with a disability; rules adapted to make sport more accessible Inclusive Sports-played by individuals with and without a disability

Outline the key factors that play a role in maintaining a regular program of exercise over the lifespan

Aging and other life changes will require adjustments in fitness programs. Since rates of physical activity decreases with age, find activities that can be maintained as lifetime activities

Compare and contrast the symptoms of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the individual severely limits caloric intake, eventually resulting in a state of starvation Bulimia nervosa is characterized by cycles of binge eating and purging. Repeatedly ingest large quantities of food than force themselves to vomit to prevent weight gain Binge eating disorder is a condition in which an individual consumes mass quantities of food but does not purge after binging. The end result is weight gain and persistent feelings of shame and guilt about the out-of-control eating.

What is cardiovascular disease?

Any disease that affects the heart or blood vessels

Which of the following statements would qualify as a measurable goal? a. "I want legs like Jennifer Aniston's" b. "I'm going to lose 8 pounds by the end of May" c. "I want to look good in a bathing suit" d. "I want to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans again!"

B. "I'm going to lose 8 pounds by the end of May"

According to Dr. Richard Besser, typical cholesterol-lowering medications known as statins lower the risk of developing heart disease by what percentage? a. 20% b. 25% c. 15% d. 50%

B. 25%

Which of the following is not a healthy way to cope with stress? a. Exercise b. Alcohol c. Meditation d. Progressive muscle relaxation

B. Alcohol

All of the following are recommended guidelines for putting your wellness plan into action except a. incorporate variety into your plan b. do it all on your own c. start slowly d. be consistent

B. Do it all on your own

What food source did Dr. Besser recommend consuming 30 grams of daily that provides healthy fats to fill you up, making you eat less at a given meal ? a. healthy oils b. mixed nuts c. fresh fruits and vegetables d. healthy protein

B. Mixed nuts

What is the first step towards making a fitness plan? a. Starting with a weight plan for days of the week b. setting goals c. joining a gym d. throwing all junk food away

B. Setting goals

18. Which of the following is not healthful ways to reduce stress? a. walking in the park during the day between classes b. eating a large bowl of ice cream while thinking about how to solve the problem c. taking a meditation class d. meeting with friends over coffee to have a venting session

B. eating a large bowl of ice cream while thinking about how to solve the problem

Why is consuming both carbohydrates and protein important for people who exercise regularly?

Both carbohydrates and proteins are important for people to consume because it provides the energy needed for the body to endure a workout

What is a stroke?

Brain damage that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced for a prolonged period of time

According to the video, which of the following is an important health benefit associated with regular aerobic exercise? a.Weight loss will occur more rapidly b. Diabetic individuals may be able to reduce their insulin dose c. Decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease d. Increased mental alertness and improved memory

C. Decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Which of the following statements about diabetes is true? a. Individuals with type 2 diabetes are more likely to be active individuals b. Type 2 diabetes occurs most often in late adulthood c. Individuals with type 2 diabetes usually have unfavorable blood cholesterol levels d. Statistics show 10% of people with diabetes will die from CHD

C. Individuals with type 2 diabetes usually have unfavorable blood cholesterol levels

Why is limiting your workout to only exercises you can do on machines NOT a good idea? a. You are guaranteed to get bored b. Machines are too advanced for most novice exercisers c. Machines don't work joints through their full range of motion d. The risk of injury using machines is much higher than the risk related to using free weights

C. Machines don't work joints through their full range of motion

Why do people tend to choose organic foods over non-organic foods? a. The nutritional value is higher b. Superior medicinal purposes c. Pesticide residue d. Caloric values are decreased

C. Pesticide Residue

Loss of muscle mass and function is called a. hypertension b. presbyopia c. sarcopenia d. fibromyalgia

C. Sarcopenia

Which is the best order of steps when designing your fitness plan? a. select exercise, find a training partner, record workouts, monitor gains b. choose a gym, select a trainer, start training, reevaluate as necessary c. set goals, select exercises, plan weekly routine, monitor progress d. plan weekly routine, set goals, select exercises, reward yourself as necessary

C. Set goals, select exercises, plan weekly routine, monitor progress

Which of the following is one of the most common causes of foodborne illness? a. parasites b. food past expiration date c. bacteria d. overcooked or burned food

C. bacteria

What approximate percentages of carbohydrate, fat, and protein are recommended to be consumed in the daily diet? a. 60, 20, 20 b. 58, 22, 20 c. 40, 20, 20 d. 58, 30, 12

D. 58, 30, 12

Common stressors include_______ a. financial responsibilities b. interpersonal relationship problems c. academic pressures d. all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is a physical symptom of stress? a. muscle tension b. headaches c. anxiety d. all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is not a response to exercise? a. Increased breathing rate b. Increased cardiac output c. Increased heart rate d. Decreased stroke volume

D. Decreased stroke volume

What recommendations did Pilar Guzman make to help individuals reduce snacking, which she stated is typically a result of boredom? a. Eat smaller meals more times during the day b. Keep a food journal c. Exercise more d. Do something to distract yourself

D. Do something to distract yourself

The third step in developing a wellness program is a. putting goals in writing b. monitoring your progress c. maintaining your success rate d. planning behavior changes

D. Planning behavior changes

Many people who begin an exercise program get frustrated by how long it takes to see weight loss. What is the primary reason for this? a. They are the kind of people who get bored easily and won't stick with any type of exercise program b. They are compulsive and too focused on the numbers on the scale c. They are not modifying their diet in addition to working out d. They don't understand that it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks to see weight loss due to changes in body composition

D. They don't understand that it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks to see weight loss due to changes in body composition

Which of the following is the best activity for flexibility? a. baseball b. running c. golf d. yoga

D. Yoga

According to the video, why is the lack of a fitness/workout plan a mistake and potentially harmful? a. You learn the basics of strength training b. You feel encouraged and motivated c. You can learn and enjoy a wide range of physical activities d. You can easily become confused and frustrated

D. You can easily become confused and frustrated

What is coronary heart disease?

Disease that results from atherosclerotic plaque blocking one or more coronary arteries

Which of the following would help establish a personal fitness goal? a. setting realistic short-term goals b. establishing a reward system c. putting goals in writing d. setting long-term goals e. all of the above

E. All of the above

Differentiate between eustress and distress

Eustress is stress that results in improved performance and is also called positive stress Distress is negative stress that is harmful to performance

Explain why exercise and effective time management are helpful in reducing stress

Exercise causes the brain to release several natural tranquilizers (endorphins), which can produce a calming effect

Compare exercise metabolic rate with resting metabolic rate

Exercise metabolic rate represents the energy expenditure during any form of physical activity Resting metabolic rate is the amount of energy expended during sedentary activities, including the energy required to maintain necessary body functions plus the energy required to perform activities such as sitting

Which of the following are primary risk factors in coronary heart disease? a. sedentary lifestyle b. tobacco use c. alcohol use d. high cholesterol e. diet f. A, B, D

F. A, B, D

What factors should you consider when developing your exercise plan? a. special health issues b. muscle strains c. current fitness level d. fun and variety of activities e. flexibility training f. all of the above

F. All of the above

What are the components of the FITT principle, and how do these apply to planning your weekly fitness routine?

Frequency-How often you exercise during the week Intensity-How hard to push in each workout-what heart rate zone to work out in, weight max reps Time-how long you do each training session; how many reps you perform Type- which muscle groups does the exercise work through

What is hypertension?

High blood pressure

Why are high-density lipoproteins known as "good" cholesterol? Conversely, why are low density lipoproteins labeled "bad" cholesterol?

High density lipoprotiens are a combination of protein, fat, and cholesterol in the blood, composed of relatively large amounts of protein. Protects against the fatty plaque accumulation in the coronary arteries that leads to heart disease ('good cholesterol') Low density lipoproteins are a combination of protein, fat, and cholesterol in the blood, composed of relatively large amounts of cholesterol. LDLs promote the fatty plaque accumulation in the coronary arteries that leads to heart disease ('bad cholesterol')

How does a high-sodium diet contribute to hypertension?

High levels of sodium expand the blood volume and increase blood pressure

Explain why a gradual approach is the best way to implement an exercise program, especially for those who have not exercised regularly in the past.

If pushed too hard, injuries like muscle strains will occur. After adjusting, gradually increasing the amount of exercise overload will increase fitness levels

Explain the roles of resting metabolic rate and physical activity/exercise metabolic rate in determining total caloric expenditure. Which is more important in total daily caloric expenditure in most people?

The RMR represents 60%-75% of the total daily expenditure. PA/E represents 15% of the total daily expenditure in active people This energy is 6 to 20 times higher than RMR. Daily exercise increases the PA/E and is an important factor in all weight loss plans

What are trans fatty acids?

Trans fatty acids are a type of fatty acid that increases cholesterol in the blood and is a major contributor to heart disease

Define triglycerides and describe their function in the body

Triglycerides are a form of lipid that is broken down in the body and used to produce energy to power muscle contractions during exercise

It is possible that some lean muscle tissue will be lost in the early stages of any diet program True False


Regular vigorous exercise (>50% VO2 max) is more protective against cardiovascular disease than lower-intensity exercise True False


Which vitamin found primarily in animal sources might need to be added as a supplement by those who follow a vegan diet? a. vitamin D b. vitamin B6 c. vitamin B12 d. vitamin C

Vitamin B12

What are the classes of vitamins, and what role do vitamins play in body functions?

Water-Soluble: B vitamins and Vitamin C Fat-Soluble: Vitamins A, D, E, K Vitamins are essential organic (carbon-containing) substances that are required in the diet for normal function, growth, and maintenance of body tissues

Which of the following is NOT a function of cortisol? a. heightened immune system b. increasing production of epinephrine and norepinephrine c. breaking down fat for energy d. aiding in glucose formation

a heightened immune system

To lose one pound of fat tissue requires a negative caloric balance (calorie deficit) of approximately a. 1,000 kilocalories b. 1,500 kilocalories c. 2,500 kilocalories d. 3,500 kilocalories

a. 1,0000 kilocalories

Which of the following blood pressure measurements would be considered hypertension? a. 100/80 b. 110/80 c. 130/80 d. 140/90

a. 100/80

Exercise training to improve muscular strength should be performed a. 2-3 days per week b. 4-5 days per week c. 5-6 days per week d. 6-7 days per week

a. 2-3 days per week

Current research indicates that individuals at very high risk for heart disease can lower the risk by 30% is they consume what type of diet? a. Mediterranean diet b. vegetarian diet c. Atkins diet d. Fast Diet

a. Mediterranean Diet

Today's college students are heavy users of technology, and this seems to be causing higher levels of stress. What recommendation was made in the video to reduce stress and improve sleep? a. Remove your cell phone from your bedroom at night b. Check your phone at least once an hour to stay current with texts, emails, and other communication c. Play a game on your device to help you wind down before bed d. Rely on your social media accounts to feel better connected and more involved with friends and family

a. Remove your cell phone from your bedroom at night

Breathing exercises are a simple means of achieving relaxation a. True b. False

a. True

The fight-or-flight response occurs during which stage of the general adaptation syndrome? a. alarm stage b. resistance stage c. acceptance stage d. exhaustion stage

a. alarm stage

According to the video, the palm of your hand can be used to visualize an appropriate serving size for which two macronutrients? a. carbohydrates and proteins b. dairy and protein c. vegetables and dairy d. fruits and vegetables

a. carbohydrates and proteins

For most adults, rates of physical activity _______ with age. a. decline b. improve c. stay the same

a. decline

Which of the following is not a hormone that is part of the stress response? a. dopamine b. cortisol c. epinephrine d. norepinephrine

a. dopamine

Which of the following effects of stress on the body is considered a negative effect on mental health? a. eating disorders b. heart disease c. lowered disease resistance d. hormonal imbalances

a. eating disorders

Genetics, hormones, environment, and level of physical activity are factors that ________ a. influence weight management b. result in increased muscle stress c. ensure a lower risk of cardiovascular disease d. lead to weight gain

a. influence weight management

Which of the following symptoms may indicate anorexia nervosa? a. intense fear of gaining weight b. normal food behaviors around meals and snacks c. normal menstrual cycles d. non-distorted body image

a. intense fear of gaining weight

According to the video, which diet would be most beneficial for weight loss? a. Low-carb diet b. very low-calorie liquid diet c. diet that includes weight-loss supplements d. low-fat diet

a. low-carb diet

The Relaxation Oasis at Lehigh University offers students the opportunity to spend time petting therapy dogs. What effect has been documented as a result of this activity? a. lowering of stress hormones b. increased respiration rate c. No effect was documented d. increased heart rate

a. lowering of stress hormones

Someone who weighs 200 pounds will expend _______ calories than someone who weighs 150 pounds doing the same exercise. a. more b. fewer c. the same amount

a. more

Millions of people worldwide die or are injured each year due to heart attack or stroke. In America, 2100 people die from cardiovascular disease each day. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Stoppage of blood flow to the heart resulting in death of heart cells is known as _______. a. myocardial infarction b. stroke c. coronary heart disease d. atherosclerosis e. arteriosclerosis

a. myocardial infarction

The _____ is responsible for activating the stress response a. sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system b. parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system c. peripheral nervous system d. central nervous system

a. sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system

One aspect of being an informed health-care consumer is understanding a. the medical use of drugs b. your health insurance c. how foods are metabolized in the body d. how to rid your life of stress

a. the medical use of drugs

Which of the following is a primary contributing factor of CVD? a. tobacco use b. alcohol consumption c. diet and nutrition d. stress

a. tobacco use

A diet for maintaining a healthy, balanced diet should include________ a. whole foods b. alcoholic beverages, like wine, at least once a day c. avoiding monounsaturated fats d. low-nutrient, calorically dense foods

a. whole foods

At a minimum, stretching should be performed at least a. 1 day per week b. 2 days per week c. 3 days per week d. 4 days per week

b. 2 days per week

By decreasing calorie intake by ______ calories per day, and expending 100 calories per day more, in 10 days one may expect to lose 1 pound. a. 100 b. 250 c. 295 d. 10000

b. 250

According to the video, what it the minimum recommended amount of exercise to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20 percent? a. 15 minutes of aerobic exercise every day b. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times per week c. 20 minutes of aerobic exercise 5 times per week d. 60 minutes of aerobic exercise twice a week

b. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times per week

The optimal percentage of body fat for men and women is a. 5%-15% for men and 10%-20% for women b. 8%-19% for men and 21%-32% for women c. 15%-25% for men and 20%-30% for women d. 20%-30% for men and 25%-35% for women

b. 8%-19% for men and 21%-32% for women

Which is not a recommended exercise for pregnant women? a. water aerobics b. abdominal toning class performed on the floor c. walking on a treadmill d. light or moderate intensity resistance training

b. Abdominal toning class performed on the floor

What can be done to produce to completely protect you from pesticide exposure? a. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly b. Remove the skin c. Use a chemical cleaner d. Cook thoroughly

b. Remove the skin

According to Stanford University research, what is the nutritional value of organic foods compared to non-organic labeled foods? a. Organically-grown foods have more nutritional value than non-organic foods b. There is no nutritional difference between organic and non-organic foods c. Organically-grown foods have less nutritional value than non-organic foods d. Organically-grown foods have a greater chance of transmitting food-borne illness than non-organic foods

b. There is no nutritional difference between organic and non-organic foods

The video notes that today's college students are termed "Generation Stress." What factors are described as playing a role in increasing students' stress levels? a. only having access to low-paying, entry-level jobs while in school b. academic demands, student loan debt, and difficult finding a job c. lack of ability to make new friends in an unfamiliar environment d. parents' expectations and living far away from family and friends

b. academic demands, student loan debt, and difficult finding a job

Vitamin C is abundant in all of the following foods except a. spinach b. brown eggs c. red peppers d. oranges

b. brown eggs

Resting metabolic rate _______ with age a. stays the same b. decreases c. increases d. resting metabolic rate depends on activity level, not age

b. decreases

Which of the following is a way to help prevent foodborne illness? a. keep hot foods about 120 degrees Fahrenheit b. discard foods kept at room temperature for more than two hours c. throw away food left out for more than two hours d. keep cold foods below 50 degrees Fahrenheit

b. discard foods kept at room temperature for more than two hours

Snacking or eating when stressed is considered ________. a. eating because of lack of physical cues b. eating because of emotional cues c. eating because of environmental cues d. eating because of physical cues

b. eating because of emotional cues

What types of foods did Pilar Guzman recommend to pair with naturally occurring sugars like fruit to stave off cravings? a. caffeine and carbohydrates b. fats and proteins c. carbohydrates and sunflower seeds d. apples and bananas

b. fats and proteins

Which of the following risk factors for CHD cannot be modified by a change in behavior? a. obesity b. heredity c. hypertension d. stress

b. heredity

Fat metabolism is highest during what intensity level of exercise? a. low b. medium c. high d. very high

b. medium

Which of these factors for heart disease is most controllable? a. gender b. obesity c. race d. family history

b. obesity

The Mediterranean Diet includes 4 tablespoons of what oil per day to lower heart disease risk by 30%? a. peanut oil b. olive oil c. canola oil d. sunflower oil

b. olive oil

One negative factor related to eating in restaurant meals is a. eating out is less expensive than eating at home b. portions are usually large c. vegetarian options are usually available d. lean protein options are usually available

b. portions are usually large

What is the major role of carbohydrates in the diet? a. building tissue b. providing energy c. forming hormones d. forming enzymes

b. providing energy

Which of the following would be considered the most vigorous exercise? a. water aerobics b. shoveling snow c. bicycling (level and <10 mph) d. doubles tennis

b. shoveling snow

The biggest risk factor for CVD is _____. a. high-salt diet b. smoking c. hypertension d. high cholesterol

b. smoking

To avoid muscle injury, strength training should be done no more than a. once a week b. two to three times per week c. three to four times per week d. strength training can be done every day

b. two to three times per week

In addition to providing energy, fat also acts to store a. electrolytes b. vitamins c. minerals d. water

b. vitamins

The initial weight loss on a very low-carbohydrate diet is primarily a. muscle b. water c. fat d. lean tissue

b. water

TO calculate a person's daily caloric expenditure, multiply his or her _______ by the number of calories expended per pound per day a. age b. weight in pounds c. basal metabolic rate d. height in meters

b. weight in pounds

Which of the following activities would likely have the lowest calorie expenditure per minute? a. handball b. yoga c. roller skating d. tai chi

b. yoga

How many grams of added sugar do Americans consume daily on average? a. 20 grams b. 85 grams c. 110 grams d. 130 grams

c. 110 grams

Most health benefits will occur with how many minutes of exercise per week? a. 50-75 b. 80-100 c. 120-150 d. 200-250

c. 120-150

According to the video, what percentage of college students are more stressed than the rest of the population? a. 50% b. 5% c. 25% d. 15%

c. 25%

According to the video, the group following the low-carb diet saw what change compared to the group on the low-fat diet? a. The low-carb group actually gained weight instead of losing weight b. Members of the low-carb group found it more difficult to stick to their diet plan c. The low-carb dieters lost more weight and reduced risk factors for chronic disease d. There was no difference found between the groups

c. The low-carb dieters lost more weight and reduced risk factors for chronic disease

Which of the following is NOT associated with influencing how we perceive situations and cope with stress? a. gender b. past experiences c. age d. personality type

c. age

During which stage of the general adaptation stage would one experience anxiety, headaches, disrupted sleep and eating, and become more susceptible to disease and injury? a. exhaustion stage b. resistance stage c. alarm stage d. irritability stage

c. alarm stage

Proteins are composed of a. fatty acids b. triglycerides c. amino acids d. polysaccharides

c. amino acids

An example of a complete protein is a. brown rice b. kidney beans c. an egg d. black beans

c. an egg

Which food would you select at a salad bar if you wanted to increase your iron intake? a. sliced tomatoes b. black olives c. baby spinach d. chopped eggs

c. baby spinach

The primary role of protein in the diet is to a. provide energy b. provide hydration c. build tissues d. regulate hormones

c. build tissues

The leading cause of death in the United States is a. AIDS b. cancer c. cardiovascular disease d. accidents

c. cardiovascular disease

Which of the following is a non-modifiable factor relating to body fat? a. behavior modification b. diet c. environment d. exercise

c. environment

The first and most important step in establishing a personal fitness plan is a. selecting your activities b. creating a training log c. establishing goals d. planning your weekly fitness routines

c. establishing goals

Positive stress associated with optimal performance is called _____. a. distress b. visualization c. eustress d. productive stress

c. eustress

The stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome that is characterized by depletion of resources that may result in compromised health is the ______ stage. a. alarm b. adaptation c. exhaustion d. resistance

c. exhaustion

Which of the following hormones, when elevated, stimulates appetite? a. insulin b. leptin c. ghrelin d. peptide YY

c. ghrelin

What types of seeds did Pilar Guzman recommend as a crunchy sweet substitute that is high in protein containing essential amino acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids? a. flax seeds b. pumpkin seeds c. hemp seeds d. sunflower seeds

c. hemp seeds

What difference exists between organic and non-organic foods? a. how the food is processed b. how the food is distributed c. how the food is grown d. how the food is packaged

c. how the food is grown

Which two body systems are primarily responsible for the stress response? a. musculoskeletal system and circulatory system b. cardiovascular system and nervous system c. nervous system and endocrine system d. circulatory system and endocrine system

c. nervous system and endocrine system

According to the video, which lunch would be the best fit for a low-carb diet program? a. Tuna salad on a sub roll b. A slice of pepperoni pizza c. Salad with grilled chicken d. Crab cake on rice

c. salad with grilled chicken

Which of the following types of exercise would be most beneficial in increasing energy expenditure? a. Pilates b. yoga c. strength training and cardiorespiratory endurance training d. table tennis

c. strength training and cardiorespiratory endurance training

Most of the fat stored in the body is classified as a. cholesterol b. LDL c. triglycerides d. phospholipids

c. triglycerides

For adults with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, the recommendation is _____ minutes of aerobic exercise at a moderate intensity _______ days per week to lower risk of heart attack and stroke a. 20; 7 b. 25; 3 c. 30; 3 d. 40; 3 to 4

d. 40; 3 to 4

Identify the true statement regarding energy balance a. To maintain a constant body composition, caloric intake should equal caloric expenditure b. Weight gain occurs when caloric intake exceeds caloric expenditure c. Weight loss occurs when caloric expenditure exceeds caloric intake d. All of the above statements are true

d. All of the above statements are true

According to the video, which breakfast would be best when following a low-carb diet? a. whole-wheat toast and scrambled eggs b. Oatmeal with fruit topping c. Yogurt topped with granola d. eggs and bacon

d. Eggs and bacon

People respond and cope with stress in different ways, based on their own behavior patterns, gender, and past experiences. Which example best reflects a person with Type D personality behavior pattern? a. Rory never seems to worry about her final exams. She works as a tutor, and her students report that she is very patient when they don't understand a concept, and willing to work with them until they get it. b. Shen is very confident and motivated to earn good grades in his academic classes. Even though he's had some difficult personal issues with illness in his family, he seems to stay on an even keel throughout the semester and keeps his cool c. Chris is very competitive and driven in his advanced biology laboratory. He gets frustrated and impatient when other students ask questions of the instructor and can't wait to get started. d. Josephine's worry about the final exam is causing her to lose sleep. She tells her mother she's sure she will fail the course. She is unwilling to join a study group because she is positive the other students will make her feel stupid.

d. Josephine's worry about the final exam is causing her to lose sleep. She tells her mother she's sure she will fail the course. She is unwilling to join a study group because she is positive the other students will make her feel stupid.

Which of the following is a good way to avoid backsliding? a. pick back up with longer, harder workouts to make up for what you missed b. remember you are exercising to please others c. recognize that backsliding is not typical d. use a fitness app on your phone or computer

d. Use a fitness app on your phone or computer

Your wellness action plan should a. begin quickly and progress as fast as you can b. not include friends and family c. not incorporate variety in your actions d. adapt to changing schedules

d. adapt to changing schedules

Coronary heart disease is characterized by _________. a. angina pectoris b. damage to the muscle tissue c. atherosclerotic plaque blocking one or more blood vessels that supply the heart d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following may be considered counterproductive behaviors for coping with stress? a. using tobacco b. using drugs and alcohol c. disordered eating d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following would be considered a stressor for the body? a. the flu b. losing a job c. excessive exercise d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following is not a change experienced during the aging process? a. decline in maximal heart rate b. decline in cardiorespiratory fitness c. decrease in muscle mass d. all of the above are changes that occur with aging

d. all of the above are changes that occur with aging

Which of the following is not considered a cardiovascular disease? a. hypertension b. stroke c. arteriosclerosis d. diabetes

d. diabetes

Which of the following is not a major risk factor of CHD? a. smoking b. hypertension c. unfavorable blood cholesterol d. high resting pulse rate

d. high resting pulse rate

A potential negative effect of stress is a. increased plasma volume b. lowered blood pressure c. increased mental alertness d. lowered disease resistance

d. lowered disease resistance

The video states that one of the larger problems contributing to the obesity epidemic is ______ a. Americans are increasing their levels of physical activity b. Americans are eating more nutrient-dense food c. advances have been made in food processing to enable longer storage times d. we tend to eat what we are served

d. we tend to eat what we are served

.Chronic stress has been associated with _______ a. migraines b. depression c. anxiety d. physician visits for stress-related complaints e. all of the above f. none of the above

e. all of the above

To lose weight and keep it off, it is suggested to _________. a. establish realistic weight loss goals b. modify your lifestyle as short-term goals are achieved c. design and start an exercise regimen d. analyze your diet and determine how you can reduce your caloric intake e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which factor can affect one's risk of developing cardiovascular disease? a. gender b. ethnicity c. socioeconomic status d. age e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following is a result of activation of the fight-or-flight response? a. diminished pain perception b. blood is directed away from the digestive tract to the muscles c. increased awareness of surroundings d. quickened impulses e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which approach will help you be successful with your training plan? a. being consistent and methodical b. varying your training c. taking a gradual approach d. exercising with friends e. getting enough rest f. all of the above

f. all of the above

Which of the following is a way to help manage stress? a. exercise b. developing a support network c. developing spiritual wellness d. relaxation techniques e. sleep f. all of the above

f. all of the above

Hormones that play a role in appetite include which of the following? a. glucagon b. ghrelin c. leptin d. estrogen e. both a and d are correct f. both b and c are correct

f. both b and c are correct

Water is important for a. providing energy b. building bones c. forming blood d. building protein

forming blood

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