HPM 10

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POBR HOM 10.2 - It is shown than an agency has "maliciously violated" the employees rights "with the intent to injure the public safety officer" a civil penalty of up to $______ plus attorney fees can be assessed.


POBR HPM 10.2 If it is shown that an agency has "maliciously violated" the employees POBR rights "with the intent to injure the public safety officer" a civil penalty of up to $ _______ plus attorney fees can be assessed.


HPM 9.2 What is considered a positive blood alcohol amount (BAC)?

.04 / Any amount is prohibited

POBR HPM 10.2 When can a locker or other space of an employee be searched?

1. In his presence 2. Consent 3. Search Warrant 4. Has been notified

HPM 10-12-11 - An upward mobility plan terminated for any reason shall be forwarded through the appropriate division to Equal Employment Opportunity unit within _____ days of termination.


HPM 10.2 - How long should a copy of the investigative file be retained in the areas?

5 years unless employee resigns, 3 years in personnel file.

HPM 9.2 Reasonable suspicion for testing: A good faith belief based on specific and articulable facts that the employee has violated the policy and test could reveal evidence. What else is required before a test is conducted?

A confirming official must also agree there is reasonable suspicion

HPM 10.3 - All requests for uniformed reinstatement (permissive) shall be submitted to the Commissioner within _____ years of separation from the department.

A former uniformed employee must apply for reinstatement to a uniformed position within three years of separation. The reinstatement process does not have to be completed within the three year period.

HPM 9.1 What is an unfair labor practice?

Actions or inactions that violate the Dill's Act.

HPM 9.1 Who is afforded POBR rights?

All employees. Not cadets.

HPM 9.1 Unit 5. Who is considered a represented employee?

An employee who is not designated as a supervisor or manager of a confidential employee (rank and file)

HPM 9.1 What is the purpose of arbitration?

Arbitration is a third party settlement of disputes outside of court. Handled by OER and DPA.

HPM 9.2 What test shall be used if the employee is suspected of just being under the influence of alcohol? What about combo alcohol/drugs?

Breath test. Breath and urine. No VOID allowed.

HPM 9.2 If impairment is still suspected and the breath test is .00, What should be done?

Collection of a urine test if impairment is still suspected.

HPM 10.2 Who can reject an employee during probation?

Commander or designee

HPM 9.1 What is the role of a management team?

Direct the workforce towards accomplishing goals, reflection of management

HPM 9.1 Employees must be made aware of what prior to taking a urine test? .

Exact reasons for action, consequences of a positive test result, and/or what actions the Dept. will take if the employee refuses the test

POBR HPM 10.2 True or False - A peace officer shall be prohibited from serving as a member of the governing board of a school district.


POBR HPM 10.2 - True or false; A peace officer shall be prohibited from serving as a member of the governing board of a school district..


HPM 9.1 True or False: A commander may choose not to meet and confer with a rep over findings in a citizen's complaint, a comment on performance documents, MOD or Form 2?

False. A commander is obligated to meet. However, it is the commander choice whether or not to allow the employee in the meeting.

HPM 9.1 True or False. The manager acting as a confirming official must be physically present during the investigation.

False. May be done by telephone if needed.

HPM 9.2 True or False: When suspecting substance abuse, POBR does not apply?

False. Only questions surrounding the employees need for medical attention should be asked (page 2 of CHP 202), i.e. are you sick or injured?, Did you bump your head?, etc

HPM 9.2 Who is the confirming official and what is their role?

First designated manage in the supervisor's chain of command. Their role is to: 1. Consider Facts / PC 2. Ensure accurate and proper application of rules 3. Provide guidance and direction 4. Authorize the test

HPM 9.1 What is the Dills Act (short version)?

Give employees the right to be represented on issues pertaining to wages, hours, conditions and employment. Right to meet and confer.

POBR HPM 10.2 In what code can you find POBR?

Government Code. Sections 3300-3312

POBR / HPM 10.2 - In what code can you find POBR?

Government code Sections 3300-3312

HPM 9.1 What are the elements in management's response to a formal grievance/complaint?

HPM 9.1 What are the elements in management's response to a formal grievance/complaint?

POBR HPM 10.2 Generally, no officer is required to disclose any financial records. What are the exceptions?

If such information is obtained or required under proper legal procedure or law. Can be done if an employee is applying for a specialized unit where there is a strong possibility of bribes or other improper inducements.

HPM 10.2 - What is a miscellaneous investigation?

Internal investigations which do not result in a recommendation for adverse action or rejection during probation.

HPM 9.1 When can an excluded employee file a grievance?

Involves a dispute over statues, regulations or policy. Example: denial of OT, transfer, request to remove censurable incident report

HPM 10.2 If an interrogation is to take place and the employee refuses to waive his Miranda Rights, can an admin. Interrogation immediately take place?

It should not be conducted until approval is obtained from prosecutor.

HPM 10.2 - If an interrogation is to take place and the employee refuses to waive his Miranda rights, can an admin. interrogation immediately take place?

It should not be conducted until approval is obtained from prosecutor.

HPM 9.1 Before a urine sample is collected. Who must make the decision as the confirming official?

Manager. Must also ensure that policy is properly applied and test properly administered.

HPM 9.1 Can employee representative claim travel time for rep activities, employee organizations business or interrogation representation?


HPM 9.1 May any employee conduct association/union activities during work hours? If not, when?

No. An employee may conduct business during non-work hours. Such as lunch breaks, rest breaks, before and after work.

HPM 9.1 Can a grievance or complaint be accepted on a CHP memo? Yes or No

No. Only on a CHP 94

HPM 9.1 Does the odor of alcohol or marijuana on an employee's breath provide reasonable suspicion?

No. The State agrees that it cannot be used as the sole basis in ordering a drug test.

HPM 10.2 Can an employee be ordered to be interviewed by an outside agency for a civil rights violation (witness or suspect)?

No. The decision to be interviewed is at the sole discretion of the employee. If done during state time a supervisor will be present.

HPM 10.2 - Can an employee be ordered to be interviewed by an outside agency for a civil rights violation ( witness or suspect)?

No. The decision to be interviewed is at the sole discretion of the employee. If done during state time a supervisor will be present.

HPM 10.3 - When interviewing a prospective employe, can the employee question them regarding prior criminal arrests that did not result in a conviction?

No. Unless they are interviewing for the position of a peace officer or any position where they would have access to criminal offender record information . Labor Code 432.7

May any employee conduct association/ union activities during work hours? If not, when?

No; An employee may conduct business during non-work hours. Such as lunch breaks, rest breaks, before and after work.

HPM 9.1 Who act as the departmental rep for issues relating to Management relations?

OER - Office of Employee Relations

HPM 10.12-13 - In the California Highway Patrol, the workforce analysis is completed by _____?

Office of Equal Employment Oppurtunity

HPM 10.3 - Is citizenship a requirement for employment?

Only for uniformed Officers.

POBR HPM 10.2 - At what time shall an interrogation take place?

Preferably on duty or during normal waking hours, unless the seriousness of the investigation requires otherwise.

POBR HPM 10.2 At what time shall an interrogation take place?

Preferably on-duty or during normal waking hours, unless the seriousness of the investigation requires otherwise.

POBR HPM 10.2 The employee under investigation shall be informed of what prior to interrogation?

Rank, name and command of officer in charge of interrogation, the interrogating officer and all other persons present. All questions asked by and through no more than two interrogators at one time.

POBR HOM 10.2 - The employee under investigation shall be informed of what prior to interrogation?

Rank, name, and command of Officer in charge of interrogation, the interrogating officer and all other persons present. All questions asked by and through no more than two interrogators at one time.

HPM 10.3 - When hiring non-uniformed personnel, it is important for the command to:

Refer to the respective bargaining unit contract and General Order (GO) 10.6

HPM 9.1 What is the Excluded employees bill of rights?

Supervisory employees have the right to be represented regarding matters related to employment conditions and supervisor employee relations.

HPM 9.1 Who may grant the approval to remove an employee from a position for which they are getting specialty pay (i.e., motor officer, investigator)?

The appropriate Asst. Commissioner. The commander must provide the documentation for cause and effective date of removal.

HPM 10.3 - Who can approve a CHP 127 (Request for position action)?

The appropriate commissioner. A communications center commander may approve a PSD and a PSO.

HPM 10.3 - Prior to July 1, 1986, the state personnel board (SPB) maintained central control over the administration of civil service examinations. State departments now conduct their own examinations under the decentralized testing program effective July 1, 2012, SPB merged with ______________.

The department of personnel administration creating the California department of Human Resources (CalHR).

HPM 9.2 If alcohol only is suspected, when should an employee return to work?

The following day

HPM 10.3 - Government code section 21193 states, in summary, an employee who applies for reinstatement and is no longer incapacitated for duty in the position held when retired for disability, or in a position in the same classification, shall be reinstated, at the employees option. What is the max age?

The former employee must be at least six months less than the age of compulsory retirement. Must complete reinstatement process.

HPM 10.12-12 - It is a major goal of this department/ CHP to achieve and maintain a work force representative of ___________ and the community it serves.

The relevant work force.

HPM 9.2 Substance abuse testing. The Government Code allows for the testing of on-duty and stand by for duty employees only. True or False


HPM 9.2 Testing generally done at the office. However an employee may be transported to a medical facility or custodial. True or False


True or False: State vehicle shall not be used by Reps during Rep functions. What about copiers, fax, audio visual equipment and other equipment?

True; But provided it doesn't generate additional costs. May need supervisor or commander notification in some instances.

HPM 9.1 How many samples shall be taken from Unit 5 employees?

Two. Made available to employee for alternate testing upon request.

HPM 10.3 - Are uniformed officers required to live within close proximity to their assigned command?

Uniformed employees shall reside in such proximity to their assigned command or headquarters office as will assure their ability to respond to an emergency within a reasonable length of time or to allow equitable assignment of departmental responsibility. Note: You May live out of the state if listed in Annex A of Policy. Otherwise prior Commissioner approval is required.

HPM 9.1 When is the grievance procedure used?

Violation of contract. Example: denial of representation, denial of OT compensation, annual performance evaluation.

HPM 10.2 - After approval, can an employee obtain a copy of the investigative file? If so, what is required?

Yes. A memo shall be attached admonishing the employee of confidentiality.

POBR HPM 10.2 Can a public safety officer be ordered to cooperate with other agencies involved in a criminal investigation?

Yes. Failure to cooperate may lead to a charge of insubordination.

POBR HPM 10.2 - Can a public safety officer be ordered to cooperate with other agencies involved in a criminal investigation?

Yes. Failure to cooperate may lead to a charge of insubordination.

HPM 70.6-28 The deploying officer, when feasible and permitted by the tactical situation, should loudly and clearly verbalize to all persons on scene ______________.


HPM 11.1-26 Investigative reports, intelligence information and operational plans are example of _______ ________ Sensitive" materials.

"Law Enforcement Sensitive"

HPM 81.2-1 Vehicles carried as cargo (e.g., vehicle on a car carrier, vehicle on bed of slide bed tow truck) are considered property; however, the license number, vehicle identification number (VIN), and description shall be documented in the ________ section of the CHP 180.


HPM 10.3 The decision maker must determine if the employee was absent for five consecutive workdays and if the absence was without leave."Leave" does not mean leave time on the books. It means ________________.

"permission" from the employee's supervisor to be absent.

HPM 10.3 What is the mandatory retirement age for uniformed employees?

"shall be retired on the first day of the calendar month succeeding that in which he or she attains age 60."

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Sexual Harassment - What is the definition of quid pro quo?

"submission to or rejection of (unwelcome sexual) conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual,"

HPM 11.1-2 Parking charges should be shown in the "Tolls, Parking" column of the TEC. Charges exceeding $__ for one continuous period of parking must be substantiated with a parking receipt.

$10 -Bridge and road tolls, streetcar, ferry fares, rapid transit system, taxi, prearranged transportation services, shuttle, or bus fares over $10. -Telephone, fax, or other business charges related to state business over $5

HPM 11.1-9 The Department can settle claims for $______or less. A CHP 287 shall be completed.


HPM 11.1-20 What is the max amount allowed by law for DUI cost recovery?


HPM 11.1-2 What is the minimum amount an employee can receive for a travel advance?


HPM 11.1-2 The minimum travel advance request is with the maximum not to exceed .

$25, normally estimated expenses for less than 30 days

HPM 11.1-10 In addition, pursuant to Government Code Section 68097.2, witness fees in the amount of $___, together with the subpoena, shall be tendered for each ___ the uniformed or nonuniformed employee is required to remain in attendance.

$275 Day The $275 fee should not be accepted when the Department is a party (plaintiff or defendant) to the case.

HPM 10.3 A commander may certify a sergeant as on-call when the sergeant is on call at least 10 days. What is the pay?

$50 per month plus OT adjustment

HPM 11.1-23 An X Number requested for commercial meeting/conference room rental have an expenditure cap of $_____ per day and shall be limited to _____________ unless Asst Comm approval is obtained.

$500 (excluding taxes) Top Management, Division Area Commanders' Conferences, and OPI sponsored training.

GO 21.1 Within Area commands, staffing levels are primarily based on needs of the Department. However, in general, the criteria for the rank of the commander should be as follows:

(1) A command with 30 or less officers should be commanded by a lieutenant. (2) A command with more than 30 officers should be commanded by a captain. Note: ACF can make exceptions

GO 10.20 The EIS programs seeks to: (7 things)

(1) Address problematic behavior at the earliest opportunity. (2) Identify and develop risk management strategies. (3) Enhance management's oversight capabilities. (4) Provide timely guidance to employees. (5) Identify and implement appropriate intervention strategies. (6) Provide a mechanism that allows employees to correct training deficiencies. (7) Improve employee safety and professionalism.

GO 10.20 The following events will be used to identify circumstances warranting an intervention advisory and supervisory review:

(1) Citizens' complaints - 3 in 18 months (2) Use of force - 3 in 12 months. (3) MOD's - 2 in 12 months. (4) Censurable CHP 2 - 2 in 12 months. (5) Positive written performance documents - 2 in 12 months.

GO 21.1 The CHP's succession of command is:

(1) Commissioner. (2) Deputy Commissioner. (3) Assistant Commissioner, Field. (4) Assistant Commissioner, Staff. Note: The order of succession for the Assistant Commissioners is based on seniority in grade.

HPM 100.69-9 Under no circumstances will an AMBER Alert be initiated by the Department for an incident that does not meet all of the criteria listed below. (Name 4)

(1) Confirmation that an abduction has occurred (e.g., witness verification, alternative explanations for a child's absence eliminated). (2) The victim is 17 years of age or younger, or an individual with a proven mental or physical disability. (3) The victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death. (4) There is information available that, if disseminated to the public, could assist in the safe recovery of the victim.

HPM 70.6-1 Use of Force - General. It is the policy of the Department that personnel may use only that force which is "objectively reasonable" to:

(1) Defend themselves; (2) Defend others; (3) Effect an arrest or detention; (4) Prevent escape; or, (5) Overcome resistance

HPM 70.1-1 An investigation is a step-by-step inquiry into the circumstances of an incident to establish facts. What are the 5 objectives of an investigation?

(1) Determine if a crime has been committed, and if so, what crime. (2) Identify and secure evidence of a crime. (3) Identify the offender. (4) Locate the offender. (5) Apprehend the offender.

HPM 100.67-8 Officers should take appropriate enforcement action for all violations observed, regardless of claims of diplomatic or consular immunity alleged by violators. However, a person shall not be subjected to in-custody arrest when:

(1) Diplomatic or consular immunity is claimed by the individual or suspected by the officer, and (2) The officer has verified or reasonably suspects that the claim of immunity is valid. Do not arrest unless they have no identification and the detention is to verify their diplomatic status

GO 100.61 The following enforcement actions and activities shall be video and audio recorded in their entirety:

(1) Enforcement contacts/ including peds (2) Pursuits. (3) Emergency responses "Code 3." (4) Vehicle searches (excludes vehicle inventories). (5) Disabled motorists.

HPM 22.1-1 The Command Inspection Program (CIP) has four main goals:

(1) Identifies deficiencies and provides accountability for corrective action. (2) Identifies training needs and serves as a catalyst to initiate training when required. (3) Obtains feedback on improving policies and procedures which will be evaluated for possible modification of current policy and statewide application. (4) Identifies innovative ideas developed by a command.

GO 6.11 The CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) was created in 1979 as a credentialing authority through the joint efforts of the following (4) major law enforcement executive associations:

(1) International Association of Chiefs of Police. (2) National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. (3) National Sheriffs' Association. (4) Police Executive Research Forum.

HPM 100.69-10 Under no circumstances will a Blue Alert be initiated by the Department for an incident that does not meet ALL of the conditions listed below: (Name 4)

(1) LEO has been killed, suffers serious bodily injury, or is ADW, and the suspect has fled the scene. (2) Investigative Agency determined that the suspect poses an imminent threat to the public or LEO (3) Description of SV or Lic Plate is available (4) information may help avert further harm or accelerate apprehension of the suspect.

GO 100.6 RE: Special Relationships - A Peace Officer owes a duty of care to the public when the officer:

(1) Places a person in peril; (2) Affects or increases the risk of harm to a person by specific conduct; or (3) Creates a Special Relationship by making an express or implied promise to undertake specific conduct on behalf of an individual and that individual detrimentally relies on that promise.

HPM 10.3 Penal Code Section 12027.1(B) provides that a retired peace officer's privilege to carry a concealed firearm may be revoked for the following reasons.

(1) Prior to a hearing for violation of any department rule, or state or federal law, that, if violated by an officer on active duty, would result in that officer's arrest, suspension, or removal from duty. (2) After a hearing which shows good cause for the revocation.

HPM 70.6-1 When a supervisor or manager is made aware of a possible excessive force report committed by any peace officer, they shall: Supervisor / Manager Responsibilities:

(1) Proper, thorough, and accurate reporting procedures are followed. (2) An investigation is conducted and documented. (3) These guidelines are followed whether such incidents involve an allied agency, CHP personnel, or both. (4) Investigation of incidents involving allied agencies shall be coordinated at the appropriate Division level

HPM 70.1-9 Property and evidence are disposed of in the same manner. Name 6 ways to dispose them:

(1) Returned to the owner/finder. (2) Sold. (3) Destroyed. (4) Recycled. (5) Discarded. (6) Donations (local charity). (7) Other (pawn and such)

HPM 10.12-6 Name the two state agencies and two federal agencies that can handle discrimination complaints?

(1) The designated state agencies include the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) and the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). (2) The designated federal agencies include the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Labor.

HPM 10.3 An employee may use sick leave while on scheduled vacation if:

(1) The employee becomes injured or ill and is unable to continue vacation. (2) The employee has a medical examination or treatment by a licensed practitioner.

HPM 70.6-1 Whenever, in the officer's opinion, the use of force by any peace officer (CHP or allied agency) is excessive, it is the responsibility of the officer to take immediate action appropriate for the circumstances.

(1) The officer's actions must be reasonable and prudent, based upon the circumstances. (2) The officer's actions should include verbal and/or physical intervention necessary to mitigate the use of excessive force.

GO 100.6 Uniformed personnel establishing Special Relationships as defined in this Order should remain at the scene until one or more of the following occur:

(1) properly relieved by CHP personnel. (2) relinquished the scene management responsibilities to governmental agency having primary responsibility (3) learned of a reasonably apparent emergency requiring their immediate attention elsewhere. (4) They have received direction from a supervisor to assume duties elsewhere. (5) assistance and/or protection is no longer reasonably necessary.

HPM 81.2-2 Section 14602.6(a)(1) California Vehicle Code - Suspended, Revoked, Unlicensed Driver/30-Day Hold - A vehicle is subject to a 30-day impoundment when an officer encounters a driver under the following conditions:

(a) A suspended or revoked license. (b) Their driving privilege is restricted pursuant to Sections 13352 or 23575 CVC and no functioning interlock device. (c) The driver has never been issued a license and will likely continue to drive

HPM 10.3 Name four types of Discretionary Leave, the following are types of leaves of absence:

(a) Regular leave of absence (b) Adoption leave. (c) Temporary leave of absence. (d) Informal leave

HPM 10.4 Corrective action (for sustained and unintentional error) to the employee for a citizen complaint shall be in written form. The commander shall use one of the following based on the severity of the allegation (name 4):

(a) Request for Adverse Action. (b) CHP 2, Incident Report (Censurable). (c) Memorandum of Direction. (d) Memorandum of Findings.

HPM 81.2-2 A vehicle may be impounded for 5 or 15 days when the driver has a blood alcohol content (BAC) of ____ percent or more and has one or more prior driving under the influence (DUI) convictions within 10 years. (14602.8 VC)

.10% Note: or the driver refused to submit to or complete a chemical test.

HPM 11.1-2 Employees will submit no more than travel claim(s) per month


HPM 81.2-6 The term of the evidence tow contract shall be no less than ___ year and not greater than ____ years.

1 3

HPM 70.6-21 AT the officer desecration, what types of persons can be exempted from handcuffing to the rear (name 3)

1 sick, injured or disabled 2 visibly pregnant 3 elderly

HPM 10.5 A commander may request peer support under the following circumstances?

1) Employee involved critical incident. 2) Group debriefing for CI. -Employee may decline -Commander will assist in selection of peer support counselor

HPM 70.6-29 The CEW holster shall only be placed on the duty belt in one of the following locations:

1) On the support side for a support hand draw or primary hand cross draw. 2) On the primary side, in front of the primary duty pistol holster, for a support hand cross draw.

GO 0.2 MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES. The following concepts guide the Department's overall philosophy of enhancing public safety and service through a participative management program. (5)

1) Public Responsibility 2) Leadership and Innovation 3) Organizational Development 4) Personnel Development 5) Command Accountability

GO 0.1 ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES. To accomplish our mission, we are committed to the following organizational values as the foundation of our pledge to public safety and service: (Name 4)

1) Respect for others 2) Ethical practices 3) Equitable treatment for all 4) Fairness (REEF)

HPM 70.6-5 Legal intervention on a pursued vehicle may be undertaken only under the following circumstances (name two):

1) reason to believe the continued movement of the pursued vehicle would place others in imminent danger of great bodily harm or death 2) When the apparent risk of harm, to other than the occupant of the pursued vehicle, is so great as to outweigh the apparent risk of harm involved in making the forcible stop.

HPM 100.68-2 In general, minors are not allowed to be placed in an adult jail or lock up (holding cell). An exception permits the temporary, secure detention of a minor in a police or sheriff's lockup, not a jail What are the exceptions (3)?

1. 14 or older 2. Temp. custody for violating crim law 3. serious security risk of harm to self or others (602 W&I)

HPM 100.68-5 Section 23123 (hand held cell phone use) Unlawful except for emergency purposes, including, but not limited to, an emergency call to:

1. A law enforcement agency; 2. Health care provider; 3. Fire department; or 4. Other emergency services agency or entity. Note: also applies to minors

HPM 100.68-2 If an officer is going to release a driver for violations of Sections 12500 and 14601 through 14601.5 CVC. What should the officer do: (one of three)

1. Admonishing not to drive. 2. Allowing a licensed passenger to drive. 3. Impounding the vehicle

HPM 10.12-8 In accordance with EEOC, retaliation occurs when an employer, employment agency, or labor organization takes an adverse action against a covered individual because they engaged in a protected activity. The three elements are:

1. Adverse Action 2. Covered Individual 3. Protected Activity

HPM 10.4 Keeping in mind POBR, when can an employee be asked to draft a memo during a citizen complaint investigation?

1. After the interview has been completed to clarify specific questions 2. When provided a written interrogatory and afforded representation

HPM 9.1 What elements are required to be included on a formal grievance/complaint?

1. Alleged violation 2. Statement of the problem 3. Proposed remedy

HPM 11.1-20 The Department will seek to recover DUI incident-related costs for alcohol or a combination of alcohol and drugs provided all the following apply:

1. Arrest for 23125/23153 VC or greater 2. Arrested party caused the T/C And one of the following: 1. BAC .08 or higher or commercial .04

HPM 11.1-7 What are the COMMAND ILLNESS AND INJURY CASE MANAGEMENT objectives? (Name four)

1. Benefits. To provide appropriate and timely workers' compensation benefits to employees. 2. Reporting: report injury/illnesses 3. Communication: with employees 4. Return to work: as soon as appropriate

HPM 70.6-20 What are the two types of departmentally approved misdemeanor control holds?

1. Bent wrist 2. Twist lock

HPM 10.3 What are the qualifying events for FMLA?

1. Birth/care of a newborn 2. Care of an adopted/foster child 3. Care of an immediate family member 4. Own serious health needs (spouse, son, daughter, parent, domestic partner)

HPM 10.3 What is the procedure for filling a vacant non-uniform employee position?

1. CHP 127 (Request for position Action) completed and sent through channels to the appropriate AC. 2. CHP 129 (Duty Statement) 3. Org Chart 4. Comm-Net Message

HPM 10.3 - What is the procedure for filing a vacant non-uniform employee position?

1. CHP 127 (Request for position action) completed and sent through channels to appropriate AC. 2. CHP 129 (Duty statement) 3. .ORG chart. 4. Comm-net message.

GO 10.21 Supervisors, managers, or other commander designees shall make a BT entry when any of the following incidents occur:

1. Citizen Complaints 2. Written Performance Documents (positive or Negative) 3. Civil Liability Incidents (threshold incidents and non-threshold) 4. Use of Force

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Hostile Work Environment In order for conduct to be determined to have created an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment based on sexual harassment , the following three criteria must exist:

1. Conduct must be of a sexual nature 2. The behavior must be unwelcome 3. The behavior must be severe or pervasive enough to create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive work environment.

HPM 9.1 What are the four steps in processing a grievance/complain?

1. Copy, first step, forwarded to Division and OER within 5 days. 2. Copy, second step, forward to area and OER within 5 days to investigate allegation. 3. Appeal to third step. OER will forward to area within 3 working days. Response will sent to affect commands within 3 working days. 4. Upon receipt, OER will send Level 4 response to area within 3 working days.

HPM 81.2-6 The commander shall attempt to negotiate an agreement with the DA establishing the towing and storage procedures for vehicular evidence. Issues addressed should include the following:

1. DA pick up fees upon filing (consistent with AG Opinion) 2. Procedures for payment Agreement should be in MOU or Letter of Agreement

HPM 10.12-1 Office of Equal Employment Opportunity reviews, processes, and submits finalized investigations to state and federal compliance agencies such as (name two):

1. Department of Fair Employment And Housing (DFEH) 2. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

HPM 10.3 If a uniform employee resigns, the commander shall advise the employee of what (in writing)?

1. Dept may accept or deny permissive reinstatement within 3 years 2. Permissive reinstatement after 3 years is prohibited by law 3. Permissive reinstate will only receive a favorable consideration if certain guidelines are met.

HPM 10.4 There are generally three basic steps in the investigative process for citizen complaints. What are they?

1. Determine the questions (needed to be answered for investigation) 2. Determine the answers (what do you need answered, this may come in the form of physical evidence) 3. Document the results

HPM 10.12-8 To establish a prima facie case of retaliation, an employee must show: (3 things)

1. Employee engaged in a protected activity; 2. The employer subjected employee to an "adverse action;" and, 3. A causal link exists between the protected activity and the adverse action. EEOC definition of AA is "an action taken to try and keep someone from opposing a discrimination practice, or from participating in an employment discrimination proceeding."

HPM 70.6-25 Potentially lethal strikes with an impact weapon shall be avoided unless the officer can justify the use of deadly force. A potentially lethal strike is a strike to what areas of the body (6)?

1. Head 2. neck 3. Throat 4. spine 5. sternum 6. groin

POBR HOM 10.2 - When can a locker or other space of an employee be searched?

1. In his presence. 2. Consent. 3. Search warrant. 4. Has been notified.

HPM 100.67-4 Interstate Mutual Assistance: It is agreed that a peace officer in any of the four affected states is a peace officer in the other state when either of the two conditions are met:

1. In response to a request for service 2. Immediate law enf./emergency action

HPM 9.1 What are the 5 levels of grievance/complaint process?

1. Informal (discussion employee and supervisor 2. Level 1 - Area Commander 3. Level 2 - Division Commander 4. Level 3 - Office of comm. (final level for represented employees 5. Level 4 - Cal HR (last level for excluded employees)

HPM 10.3 Catastrophic leave requests fall under which two categories?

1. Injury or illness 2. Natural Disaster

HPM 9.1 What are the elements in management's response to a formal grievance/complaint?

1. Introduction 2. Management's Position 3. Decision Important - only respond to alleged violation Do not expand on allegations.

HPM 81.2-2 The following conditions must be met before impounding a vehicle pursuant to Section 14602.6(a)(1) CVC:

1. Issue CHP 215 for 12500(a) or 14601... 2. Should get Supervisor approval unless area protocol allows differently 3. T/C shall not issue 215 but insure one of the above applies Certain suspensions do not apply: such as reckless driving, 100+, prostitution, etc.

HPM 11.1-26 Information identified as classified shall fall into one of five classification levels:

1. Law Enforcement Sensitive 2. Confidential 3. Sensitive 4. Secret 5. Top Secret.

HPM 81.2-1 If a vehicle is impounded / stored and the CHP 180 needs to be amended in regards to the authority, what should the officer do?

1. Line out and write new section 2. draft memo and attach it 3. Notify R/O or L/O 4. Notify Tow Company / also in writing

HPM 10.4 Planning is a key element for a successful investigation. What are initial steps an investigator should do when getting assigned a cit complain investigation?

1. Meet with the commander 2. Begin chronological log required for Cat 1) 3. Establish investigative file 4. Clarify allegations

HPM 81.2-1 If a vehicle which has expired registration is stored for other than 22651(o) VC, the following procedures shall be followed (4):

1. Note the correct registration information, including the expiration date. 2. Issue a CHP 215, for 4000A VC 3. Officers may mark the Release Vehicle To: RO or Agent box 4. Officers should mark the Release Vehicle To: Agency Hold and 22850.3 CVC boxes on the CHP 180 and note in the top margin of the CHP 180 "Registration Violation - To be cleared through CHP only."

HPM 9.1 A recognized organization may use existing bulletin boards to post information on the following subjects:

1. Notice/results of official committee or meeting 2. Notice of elections and their results 3. Notices of recreational or social events 4. Other official business Shall be dated, initialed and copy given to commander. Shall be professional. Management retains final authority for removal.

HPM 100.67-4 Interstate mutual assistance is reciprocal assistance between the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the : (Name 3)

1. Oregon State Police 2. Nevada Highway Patrol 3. Arizona Department of Public Safety.

HPM 11.1-9 Proper Service (Summons and Complaint / Civil Case). Pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedures Section 415, proper service of a summons and complaint may be affected by one of the following methods:

1. Personal Service 2. Substituted Service 3. Service by Mail

HPM 10.12-6 RE: EEO - What are the commander's responsibilities?

1. Post name and phone numbers for EEO counselors. 2. Provide full support to the EEO counselor program and attempt informal resolution if the EEO counselor is unable to resolve the issue(s). 3. Provide location for private meetings 4. attempt to resolve complaints 5. Caution about retaliation

GO 0.1 MISSION. The mission of the California Highway Patrol is to provide the highest level of safety, service, and security to the people of California. This is accomplished through five departmental goals:

1. Prevent Loss of Life, Injuries, and Property Damage 2. Maximize Service to the Public and Assistance to Allied Agencies 3. Manage Traffic and Emergency Incidents 4. Protect Public and State Assets 5. Improve Departmental Efficiency

HPM 70.4 What are some conditions that prevent a subject from being eligible for the "cite and release" program.

1. Prior DUI conviction, 2. Being under the influence of drugs, 3. violent or aggressive behavior, 4. being a danger to himself or others.

HPM 10.12-3 Courts have recognized which two types of sexual harassment under federal and state law?

1. Quid Pro Quo 2. Hostile Work Environment

HPM 10.12—2 Employment discrimination, including harassment, based on the following protected groups is prohibited by law (16):

1. Race 2. Color 3. Religion 4. National Origin 5. Ancestry 6. Age 7. Sex 8. Physical or mental disability 9. Political Affiliation / Opinion 10. Marital Status 11. Sexual Orientation 12. Medical Condition13. Retaliation 14. Gender, Gender ID, and Gender Expression 15. Genetic Information 16. Military or Veteran Status

HPM 70.1-6 The CHP 36 serves six purposes. It serves as:

1. Record 2. Receipt 3. Notice (right to property hearing) 4. Declaration (of ownership) 5. Affidavit (people who turn in found prop) 6. Report

HPM 9.2 Documentation: What are the confirming official's responsibilities?

1. Review report 2. Ensure accurate representation of circumstances and reasonable susp. 3. Sign and provide copy to employee within 48 hours (CHP 202X) 4. If employee refuses to sign, note on document and have a witness initial

HPM 70.6-24 If two prisoners are to be transported in a PV without a cage, where shall the prisoners be seated (two officers)?

1. Right-front and right-rear 2. Right-rear and middle rear with officer in left rear

HPM 10.3 If the employee cannot be contacted. The commander shall_________________?

1. Send a written notice to last know address 2. Overnight mail, not certified 3. Contain an implementation date with reasonable time to allow for an appeal

HPM 70.6-2 Departmental Investigation. The investigation conducted by the Department to factually reconstruct the employee-involved shooting incident. The investigation shall result in the following reports which will be used as the primary documents for administrative review:

1. Shooting Incident Reconstruction Report 2. Policy/Procedure Evaluation Report 3. Memorandum of Findings

HPM 70.6-22 Name two types of searches of persons:

1. Standing search 2. Preliminary frisk

HPM 10.4 What are the 5 possible findings of a Citizen's Complaint?

1. Sustained 2. Unintentional error 3. Undetermined / No finding 4. Departmental 5. Exonerated

HPM 70.6-5 Upon being notified of the pursuit, the supervisor shall immediately notify the communications center they are joining or monitoring the pursuit and accepting supervisory responsibility. The supervisor is accountable for the following:

1. Take an active role 2. 10-22 pursuit if necessary 3. Ensure pursuit is conducted within policy 4. Proceed to termination point to provide guidance and obtain information for pursuit report

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Sexual Harassment - What is the role of the Manager/ Supervisor (Name 4):

1. Take immediate action 2. Timely and appropriate action 3. Atmosphere free of discrimination 4. Maintain business like environment

HPM 70.4-1 For a violation of section 23136 VC (under 21 .01 BAC or higher), what documentation is an officer required to complete?

1. Take possession of CDL 2. complete a DS 367 or DS 367M officers statement 3. CHP 215

HPM 100.68-5 Section 27315 CVC mandates safety belt use by drivers and passengers in motor vehicles but excludes the following:

1. Taxi operators 2. Rural mail carriers 3. Newspaper delivery 4. Certified-physically/medically disabled 5. Auth Emergency vehicle / unless policy states you are required 6. Sleeper berth 7. Collection of solid waste

HPM 10.3 When an employee's sick leave absence is more than two consecutive work days, commanders shall indicate the method of verification in this section. Those methods include:

1. Telephone, Physician statement, home or hospital visit. 2. If doctors visit was not done, a commnader may require a note from another person, ie. Spouse.

HPM 70.1-2 What are the three basic types of evidence?

1. Testimonial 2. Documentary 3. Physical

HPM 10.12-7 What is the format for an EEO Complaint Investigation?

1. Title Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Complaint Summary 4. Investigative Summary 5. Findings

HPM 70.6-5 Other than motorcycles, the spike strip should not be deployed to stop the following vehicles unless the continued movement of the pursued vehicle would result in an unusual hazard to others. (Name 4)

1. Transporting Haz Mat 2. Pass. Bus w/ passengers 3. School bus w/ pupils 4. vehicle poses an unusual hazard to innocent parties.

HPM 10.12-3 Sexual harassment can come in what 5 forms?

1. Written 2. Verbal 3. Physical 4. Visual 5. Other

HPM 10.12-5 What are the 5 types of reasonable accommodation requests?

1. exam process 2. perform essential duties 3. continue to perform duties 4. participate in training 5. equal access and privileges

HPM 100.67-1 What are the four levels of mutual aid?

1. local (cities) 2. operational areas (counties) 3. regional (two or more counties) 4. state

HPM 70.6-21 Flex-cuffs may be used under the following circumstances (4):

1. multiple arrests when handcuffs are not available 2. Securing multiple arrestees together 3. Handcuffs are ineffective 4. In addition to nylon restraints

HPM 100.67-5 What are two means by which a suspect who is physically located in one state may be returned to another state (to face criminal charges)?

1. not in-custody may voluntarily return 2. in-custody suspect may be returned consistent with the asylum state's "Extradition Acts"

HPM 10.12-4 What is the program definition for Persons with Disability?

1. physical or mental impairment which limits one or more of that person's major life activities 2. "Has a record of or history of" such impairment 3. "Is regarded as having" such an impairment (treated by employer as an impairment)

HPM 10.12-4 The Department's Persons with Disabilities Program has two major objectives to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. What are they?

1. reach, attract, and employ qualified persons with disabilities 2. ensure all qualified individuals with physical and/or mental disabilities have access to any programs, services, and/or activities under the jurisdiction of the Department for which they are eligible.

HPM 81.2-2 When an RO or their agent requests, through the hearing process, an early release of a vehicle impounded for 30 days, it shall be released under the following circumstances:

1. vehicle was stolen 2. driven by an unlicensed employee 3. not for a valid suspension reason 4. CDL reinstated, issued, court order 5. R/O did not know driver was Susp If released early provide early release letter

HPM 11.1-20 Staff hours for DUI cost recovery are billed by 10 minute increments or 15 minute increments?


HPM 70.6-29 The CEW shall be downloaded after each use. Regardless, each CEW shall be downloaded each month and an audit shall be conducted at the Area/Division level to reconcile recorded activations with CEW deployment reports. Records shall be retained at each command for the life of the CEW plus ___ years


HPM 70.6-5 All pursuit reports shall be documented using the automated Pursuit Reporting System (PRS). The entry into PRS shall be completed within ___ calendar days of the pursuit.


GO 40.10 Each PRS CHP 187, pursuit report, shall be completed within ___ calendar days following the date of occurrence.

10 Note: Commanders shall conduct quarterly PRS audits for pursuits occurring within their respective Areas to ensure pursuits are completed within the given time frames.

HPM 81.2-4 In order to be granted a post storage hearing, the owner or their agent is required to request a hearing within ___ days of the date of ____.

10 Notice

HPM 70.1-12 A random sample of property sufficient to validate the integrity of the system shall be verified. At least ___ percent of the items, with a minimum of ___ items, from the property system shall be inspected.

10 10 If discrepancies are revealed, an additional ten percent of the items, or at least ten additional items, shall be inspected. If further discrepancies are revealed, the entire property system shall be inspected to ensure compliance with policy and legal statutes.

HPM 11.1-2 An employee must work at least ___hours to be eligible for the first overtime meal, at least ___ hours for the second overtime meal, and at least ___ hours for the third overtime meal.

10 16 22 Based on 8 hour day. Must be 2 hours past regular work hours. 6 hours in between.

HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - The Dept. Occ Safety Committee meeting minutes shall be prepared within ___ days and the DOSC shall meet ___________.

10 Quarterly

HPM 10.3 - Commands shall advertise vacancies for a minimum of _____ days. The advertisement is valid for _____ days.

10 / 120 days

HPM 10.3 The minimum time subject to dock pay is ______

10 minutes

HPM 10.12-6 If the employee is not satisfied with the EEO counselor's inquiry, they have the right to file a complaint with the Division Chief with ____ days of the receipt of the 612B.

10 working days

HPM 10.3 Commands shall advertise vacancies for a minimum of ______ days. The advertisement is valid for ____ days.

10/120 days

HPM 22.1-4 Change funds over $____ and petty cash funds over $____ are stored in a locked, metal cash box to maintain the fund and receipts, and located in a secure place.

100 200

HPM 10.12-6 Informal Process - The complainant has ___ months from the last incident to contact an EEO counselor regarding discrimination-related issues.


HPM 9.2 A sensitive position is any peace officer and any other position that drugs or alcohol could endanger the health and safety of others. How many positions are classified as sensitive? What Are they?

14 All peace officers Auto Mechanics / Techs CVIS 1 and 2 PSD and PSDS Gunsmith, Heavy Truck Driver Lead Auto Mechanic, Lead M/C Mechanic Motor Carrier Specialist 1, 2, 3 M/C mechanic, School Pupil Trans Safetcy Coord.

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Sexual Harassment - California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and California Government Code (GC) Sections 12900 - 12996, apply to employers with ____ or more employees


HPM 10.3 Non-represented employees may get a rest period not to exceed _____ minutes each four hours of their work shift. The total time per day shall not exceed _____ minutes.

15 25

HPM 10.3 An employee on a 12 month probationary period is required to work ____ hours.

1680 hours (equivalent to 42 weeks)

HPM 100.68-4 Section 21212(a) CVC provides no person under 18 years of age shall operate or ride as a passenger upon a bicycle, a non- motorized scooter, or a skateboard, nor shall they wear in-line or roller skates unless the person under ___ years of age is wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle safety helmet.


HPM 100.69-1 602 W&I - refers to people under ___ years of age.

18 Note: All minors under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court

HPM 70.11-11 Owner has 60 days to file an application with Cal DOJ to obtain his clearance letter for a firearm return. If the owner does not contact the CHP after ___ days, the evidence officer should initiate destruction proceedings.


HPM 10.12-6 Complaints filed with California Department of Industrial Relations must be filed with _____ days of the occurrence of the alleged discriminatory or retaliatory act. What are the two exceptions:

180 days Retaliation against victims of domestic violence or sexual assault = 1 year Being paid less than an employee of the opposite sex doing the same work = 2 years

HPM 22.1-1 Command level Chapter Inspections shall consist of the ___ (how many) designated by the appropriate Division commander each calendar year.


HPM 22.1-2 How many employees (at a minimum) must be present when conducting an evidence room inspection?


HPM 22.1-2 There shall be only ____ sets of keys for the evidence/property room and temporary storage lockers.


HPM 81.2-1 A CHP 180 which has been completed for a vehicle impounded as evidence shall be retained for ___ years unless court proceedings require the reports to be retained longer.


HPM 10.12-9 Racial profiling and cultural awareness training must be conducted for law enforcement officer at least every 5 years by law. However, the CHP conducts classroom training every ___ years and online training every ___ years. What rank shall instruct these classes?

2 2 (conducted on odd years) Lieutenant or above

HPM 11.1-22 How many quotes are required for an X-Number when one of the businesses is a small, micro, and/or DVBE?

2 3 if not a small, micro, and/or DVBE. If only one obtained, justification must me on the CHP 78X

HPM 100.69-1 Section 627 WIC provides that an officer taking a minor before a probation officer or to a place of confinement shall take immediate steps to notify a relative. This section also provides that the minor has the right to make ___ telephone calls, one of which may be to their parent or guardian, responsible relative, or their employer; the other may be to an ________.

2 Attorney Note: unless physically impossible must be done NLT one hour after taken into custody

HPM 70.1-12 There shall be a maximum of ___ sets of keys for the temporary storage lockers.

2 - Primary evidence officer and other to the commander. Both the evidence room and temp storage locker keys assigned to the commander shall be kept in a sealed envelope. One extra temp storage locker key can be kept in the evidence room for the alternate to use.

HPM 70.1-10 For Destruction: All shipments will be escorted by ___ employees to ensure accountability.

2 - one must be uniformed Twice per year

HPM 100.69-6 Section 14205 PC requires notification to DOJ, for inclusion in the Violent Crime Information Center and the National Crime Information Center databases, within ___ hours of accepting a report of a missing person under age___ or at risk.

2 hours 21 years old Note: Notice to the Appropriate Law Enforcement Agency. Within 24 hours of taking a preliminary missing persons report

HPM 10.12-3 GC Section 12950.1(a): an employer having 50 or more employees shall provide at least ___ hours of classroom or other effective interactive training and education regarding sexual harassment prevention to all supervisory employees. How Often:

2 hours Every 2 years

HPM 100.67-8 It is the responsibility of the custodial facility to ensure that the arrestee is allowed to communicate with, correspond with, and be visited by a consular official from their country. However, if an individual is detained (for more than ___ hours) in some other facility, it is the officer's responsibility to facilitate communication.

2 hours (Such as a CHP Office)

GO 6.7 An OIC shall only be appointed when ___ or more officers will be on duty under their supervision. Officers who are assigned to perform the duties of an OIC for ___ hours or more during a regular shift shall receive the OIC pay differential as specified in the current Bargaining Unit 5 Labor Agreement.

2 or more officers 6 hours

HPM 11.1-12 Records of arrest for certain laws relating to marijuana offenses (possession of less than 1 oz., present where it's used, and using or being under the influence) are subject to a maximum retention of .

2 years

HPM 11.1-3 If relocation has been approved, what is the max time an employee has to sell their house?

2 years

HPM 10.3 If an employee resigns, he must be paid when (all credits)? 1. Within one week 2. Within 72 hours 3. At time of separation

2. Within 72 hours

GO 100.18 Employees who have been unavailable for a cancellation notification shall contact their office within __ hours of the scheduled court appearance between 0800 and 1700 hours, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.


HPM 10.12-6 EEO investigators shall attend recertification training every ___ months.


HPM 11.1-10 A CHP 90, Report of Court Appearance - Civil Action (Annex 10-E-1), shall be completed in duplicate for each subpoena received. It shall be submitted within __ hours to Accounting Section along with the ___.

24 Travel Expense Claim

HPM 11.1-6 Reimbursable services may be cancelled with ___ hours' notice and must be done during _____ hours.

24 Normal hours 0800-1700 If a reimbursable contract is not cancelled prior to 24 hours, the hiring company/agency must pay $50 per officer assigned.

HPM 10.3 What is the max accumulationforr CTO? Uniformed and Non-uniformed

240 480

GO 6.1 Smoking shall not be permitted within 20 or 25 feet of doorways, ground level air intake structures, and operable windows.

25 feet

HPM 70.6-1 Use of force shall be documented on a CHP


GO 6.11 After initial accreditation, accreditation will be done every ___ years.


HPM 11.1-2 When an employee is granted sick leave while away from headquarters on State business, the employee may claim reimbursement for travel expenses up to day(s).


HPM 11.1-24 Commands shall forward approved invoices to Fiscal Management Section Accounts Payable Unit within ___ business days of receipt.


HPM 11.1-4 Commanders are authorized to sell discarded tires, junk batteries and used rotors. How many bids are required?


HPM 70.1-9 Pending adjudication, evidence shall be held for the time prescribed by law. There are exceptions, but in general felonies are kept for _________ year(s) and misdemeanors/infractions for _______year(s)

3 1 For non-adjudicated cases check with DA

HPM 100.68-2 arrested person has the right to make at least ___ completed telephone calls, as described, immediately upon being booked or detained, and, except where physically impossible, no later than ____ hours after arrest.

3 3 Note: additional two calls for parent making arrangements for kids.

HPM 10.4 Re: Corrective Documentation: Any corrective documentation issued to an employee as the result of a complaint investigation, shall be removed from the employee's field personnel folder after a period of _____ years, commencing from the date of issue.

3 Includes employee response

GO 100.21 You stop one vehicle with four occupants, cite the driver for speeding and search two passengers. How many entries will you have on the CHP A415.

3 - An entry on the CHP A415 must be made for each person contacted

HPM 11.1-10 An officer testifies for three days at a civil deposition. How many CHP 90's shall be completed?

3 - One for each day

HPM 70.6-26 Unless an extreme hazard exists, what is the minimum distance OC spray can be used?

3 feet

HPM 10.3 Payment to discharged employees shall be paid when (all credits)? 1. Within one week 2. Within 72 hours 3. At time of separation

3. At time of separation

HPM 10.12-11 An Upward Mobility Plan terminated for any reason shall be forwarded through the appropriate Division to Equal Employment Opportunity Unit within ___ days of termination


HPM 10.3 Commanders may make an immediate temporary change or suspension of the alternate work week. To make a permanent change they must give ____day notice.


HPM 70.1-11 The DOJ letter telling an owner he is eligible to have the CHP return his firearm is valid for ____ days. After that they need to apply for an extension with DOJ.


HPM 70.6-26 If OC is used, the subjects face should be flushed with water or saline within ____ minutes.

30 Commander's shall ensure each PV is equipped with at least one 500 ml bottle of saline.

HPM 70.6-17 Uniformed employees unable to demonstrate an acceptable level of skill shall be provided refresher training for a period of time not to exceed ____ days after annual certification is due.

30 Employees who fail to meet the required level of certification after a maximum 30 days of refresher training shall be placed on interim reporting.

HPM 10.3 Commanders shall allow employess who work more than 5 hours per day a minimum of _____ minutes for a meal and not more than ______ minutes.

30 60

HPM 81.2-A 14602.6 VC refers to ?

30 day hold for CDL suspension

HPM 81.2-A 14602.7 VC refer to ?​

30 day hold for evading a peace officer

HPM 10.4 Closing correspondence shall be sent within ___ days of the investigation being approved.

30 days

POBR HPM 10.2 How many days does an employee have to file a written response to any adverse comment entered in his personnel file?

30 days

POBR HPM 10.2 - How many days does an employee have to file a written response to any adverse comment entered in his personnel file?

30 days.

HPM 10.12-6 Complaints filed with Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission must be filed with _____ days of the last incident or notification of the discriminatory act. The covered acts include:

300 days race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (includes sexual harassment), disability, equal pay/compensation, genetic information, pregnancy, and/or retaliation

HPM 10.12-6 Complaints filed with California State Department of Fair Employment and Housing must be filed with _____ days of the last incident or notification of the discriminatory act or date of discharge. The covered acts include

365 Days race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age (40+, sex (including pregnancy), disability (mental or physical, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), marital status, sexual orientation, medical condition, denial of FMLA, and/or retaliation.

HPM 10.3 When an employee is called back within ___ hours of the beginning of the employee's next shift, call back credit shall be received only for the hours remaining before the beginning of the employee's next shift.


HPM 10.3 If the employee has not contacted the commander at the end of the first ____hours of a scheduled shift, the commander should attempt to contact the employee.

4 hours

HPM 10.5 An off duty peer support counselor (PSO, PSPSD, PSA) may be compensated up to _____ hours of ______ when responding to a commanders request for sevice.

4 hours CTO

HPM 11.1-19 If a seizure of a vehicle is done pursuant to Asset Forfeiture Laws, the Division AF coordinator shall be notified in ____ hours.


HPM 81.2-1 A Notice of Stored Vehicle (22852 CVC), the CHP 180 half-pages 2 and 3, shall be mailed or personally served to the RO and LO within ___ hours, excluding weekends and holidays.


HPM 81.2-1 A post-storage hearing shall be conducted within ___ hours of the request and may be conducted in ______, _______ or ___________.

48 writing, person, or telephonically

HPM 11.1-7 All motor vehicle accidents shall be reported within ___ hours to the Department of General Services (DGS), Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM), using the _____.

48 hours STD 270, "Report of Vehicle Accident." ASAP if a death, serious injury, illness, or substantial property damage occurs to a non-state party as a result of a vehicle accident.

HPM 70.4 Are press released required for DUI checkpoints? ____ hours notice is required.

48 hours prior. Specific checkpoint location shall not be released sooner than two hours prior to the checkpoint start time.

HPM 10.12-10 Bilingual positions are filled when the number of LEP persons, in any given language, comprises five percent or more of the public contacts experienced by any local office of a state agency.


HPM 10.12-7 Investigation File: Evidence gathered during an investigation shall be retained for a minimum of ____ years or the life of the investigation file, whichever is longer.


HPM 10.3 New ID cards will be issued when the employee promotes and at the time of annual review every ____ years.


HPM 10.4 Re: Complaint Investigation file: Category I, Category II, and Other complaints shall be destroyed after a period of _____ years, commencing from the date the Department originally received the complaint.

5 Includes employee response

HPM 11.1-9 If the immediate superior or designated agent is tendered service of a subpoena less than ____ working days prior to the date of hearing, and he/she is not reasonably certain he/she can complete the service, he/she may refuse acceptance (Penal Code Section 1328(e)).

5 Must notify the server within 48 hours that s/he was unable to serve the subpoena

HPM 10.4 All complainants (Citz. Complaints) shall be acknowledged by correspondence within ____ business days and normally signed by _______.

5 / Commander Not normally required if the complainant contacted the Department in person.

HPM 70.6-28 The optimal deployment range for the less-lethal shotgun ____ to ____ feet.

5 to 60

HPM 10.12-6 Re_ EEO Couselors: If complaint is resolved complete a CHP 612B within ___ days. If it is not resolved, a CHP 612B should be completed within ____ days.

5 working days 20 working days

HPM 70.1-1 Evidence obtained as a result of an administrative investigation shall be retained for a minimum of ____ years or ___________ whichever is longer.

5 years or the life of the investigation

HPM 10.2 How long should a copy of the investigative file be retained in the areas?

5 years unless employee resigns, 3 years in personnel file.

HPM 11.1-2 To be eligible for reimbursement of overtime meal expenses, the overtime must be worked within ___ miles of the employee's headquarters.


HPM 11.1-2 Travel status is at least miles from Headquarters


HPM 100.67-4 Interstate Mutual Assistance shall be limited to within __ miles of the common border.

50 Note: Misdemeanor and felony follow up in a timely manner is allowed (100.67-5)

HPM 10.3 What are the mileage restrictions for state vehicles?

50 mile for non-commanders 70 miles for commanders

HPM 100.69-4 An EPO expires no later than the close of judicial business on the ___ court day or the ____ calendar day following the day of issuance.

5th 7th

HPM 100.68-2 If meeting the appropriate criteria, a minor may be locked in a room or cell in the station may not be detained longer than ___ hours.

6 Longer must be transferred to juvenile facility

HPM 81.2-3 For commands that do not take stolen reports over the Phone: an officer shall respond to the theft scene within ___ hours and make personal contact with the victim to secure a written report.

6 The victim may volunteer to come to the CHP office and file a written report within 6 hours.

HPM 10.4 The commander is responsible for ensuring all investigations are completed in a timely manner. The normal suspense period for complaints received at the command, or forwarded from BIA, is ____days.


HPM 11.1-3 Employees who quality for relocation status may claim relocation per diem allowances for a maximum of ___ days


HPM 10.2 Without an extension, the internal investigation should be completed and forwarded to OIA within ___ days?

60 calendar days

HOM 10.2 - Without an extension, the internal investigation should be completed and forwarded to OIA within _____ days?

60 calendar days.

HPM 10.3 What is the maximum accumulation of vacation/annual leave credits for: Non-uniformed: Officers and Sergeants Lt's and above

640 hours 816 816

HPM 100.67-1 The California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) divides the state into ____ law enforcement mutual aid regions.


HPM 70.6-1 How many different force options does and officer have?


HPM 70.6-29 What is the optimal distance for deployment of the Taser?

7 to 15 feet Note: 25 feet max.

HPM 81.2-2 In order to avoid jeopardizing cases and to ensure the county is advised of vehicular evidence seizures that are pending, commanders shall provide notification to the local district attorney (DA) within ___ hours of the seizure, not including weekends or holidays.


HPM 11.1-22 To avoid conflict of interests, all service contracts shall contain what forms?

78V, Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement - Vendor and/or CHP 78S, Conflict of Interest Statement-Employee.

HPM 100.68-5 Children less than ___ years of age are subject to the requirements of Section 27360 CVC.


HPM 70.6-17 It is the responsibility of every uniformed employee to maintain proficiency in regards to enforcement tactics, physical methods of arrest techniques, and proper use of safety equipment. Uniformed employees shall attend a minimum _____ hour training day on an annual basis.


HPM 70.6-29 All uniformed members shall undergo ____ hours of CEW training by Academy certified instructors and certify prior to carrying the CEW.


HPM 11.1-2 Normally, employees are not to drive a departmental vehicle for more than ___ consecutive hours.

8 can voluntarily be extended to 12 hours. Breaks do not count towards time.

HPM 9.1 How many hours of release time may a rep use to assist an officer who has been involved in an officer involved shooting?

8 hours. If the time is outside the reps regular works hours, the reps regular work shift shall be adjusted to compensate.

HPM 70.4 Including the PAS test, the Department utilizes ______ FST's for determination of sobriety?


HPM 70.1-9 In the event the appropriate prosecutor declines to file a case, the evidence shall be disposed of ___ days after the date of arrest.


HPM 11.1-10 When an employee is subpoenaed to testify by the appellant's attorney as a result of an incident he/she perceived or investigated within the scope of his/her employment (official), the subpoena must be include ___________. It shall be served on the ____________________________.

A $35 witness fee deposit immediate supervisor or designee. If non-official (not resulting from official duties) then served on employee.

HPM 70.1-15 If a court or hearing officer refuses to issue a PPO (Proposed Protective Order) for an MVARS video, what should the office request?


HPM 70.6-16 Officer shall not deploy a roadblock unless they have definite knowledge that the persons being sought are fleeing to avoid prosecution for ____________________.

A forcible atrocious felony

HPM 10.3 All requests for uniformed reinstatement (permissive) shall be submitted to the commissioner within ___ years of separation from the Department.

A former uniformed employee must apply for reinstatement to a uniformed position within three years of separation. The reinstatement process does not have to be completed within the three-year period.

HPM 70.1-11 The LEGR fee is waived for firearms that were reported stolen. What must the command give the owner of the firearm prior to him completing the LEGR application?

A letter from the command describing the request to waive the fees

HPM 10.12-5 Who is entitled to reasonable accommodations?

A qualified individual who meets the definition of a person with a disability

HPM 70.1-15 What form is used to document the issuance and chain of custody for MVARS DVD's?

A sergeant, officer-in- charge (OIC), or coordinator(s) shall complete a CHP 36D documenting all DVDs issued for the Area each day.

HPM 70.6-2 Who shall be the primary investigator for an officer involved shooting?

A uniformed supervisor at least one rank higher than the involved employee(s). Normally assigned by CIIT team leader

HPM 70.1-6 How is an evidence number generated? Lll


HPM 70.1-11 Section 11108.9 PC requires that an attempt be made to restore the serial number of all firearms that have been altered or have obliterated numbers. All restoration of serial numbers shall be performed by the ___________.

Academy Weapons Control Unit

HPM 10.12-7 What is the font used in an EEO investigation report?

Aerial 12

HPM 11.1-2 A properly prepared travel expense claim to substantiate the travel advance must be submitted as soon as possible _________ or at least ___________.​​​​​​

After the trip(s), once a month

HPM 70.1-1 RE: Interview / Interrogations: Case law requires ___ recordings to be preserved for trial.


HPM 10.4 ____ complaints with allegations of criminal misconduct which have been given a finding of _______or _______ _______ shall be referred to the respective prosecuting district attorney's office for review.

All Sustained or Unintentional error

HPM 10.5 The CHP Chaplain is available on request and may provide assistance to whom?

All employees, active and retired, plus family of deceased employees upon request.

HPM 100.67-6 Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction means?

All powers within this category of federal property are vested in the federal government. The state and its political subdivisions are without power to enforce either federal, state, or local laws. May protect the property when requested and serve civil/criminal processes

HPM 10.3 Which employees shall maintain a contact phone number?

All uniformed employees, PSD's and PSDS, nonuniformed section commanders and Division chiefs

HPM 22.1-1 What is the difference between an audit and inspection?

An audit is an in-depth evaluation, which can only be conducted by a trained auditor. However, an inspection is a cursory review of departmental systems to ensure compliance with departmental policy and legal statutes. An inspection can be conducted by any member of the Department in accordance with this manual.

HPM 10.12-3 If an employee initially participates in conduct of a sexual nature, what must they do before filing a hostile work environment complaint?

An employee in this situation bears the burden of showing that further conduct is unwelcome, work related harassment. To do so, the employee must clearly notify the individual that the conduct is no longer welcome.

HPM 10.3 What is the definition of Permanent and Stationary status?

An injury condition is considered to be permanent and stationary when future changes in the condition, either for the better or for the worse, are not expected to occur.

GO 100.61 MVARS: Sworn employees who operate MVARS equipment, and those who immediately supervise or manage such employees, shall review this policy on an ______ basis.


HPM 70.6-27 Initial WMD PPE training shall be incorporated into the Academy cadet curriculum. Area/section commanders shall ensure uniformed personnel receive ______ refresher WMD PPE training


HPM 70.6-5 Completion of the CHP 228, Pursuit Policy Attestation, shall be completed _____ by all uniformed employees per CVC Section 17004.7.


HPM 10.5 Regarding Peer Support. What is considered a critical incident?

Any event, on duty or off duty job related, involving actual or threatened death or serious injury, which has the potential to create a sense of fear, helplessness, horror or general distress.

HPM 70.1-11 Approval for release obtained by DOJ - Prior to the release of any firearm, the evidence officer shall ensure a criminal history check is performed to ensure __________________________.

Anything recent that would prohibit possession of a firearm (i.e., retraining orders)

HPM 11.1-2 Travel expenses incurred by an employee for any type of interviews are or are not reimbursable.


HPM 11.1-12 Booking slips and arrest reports (are) (are Not) criminal offender record information.

Are not

HPM 10.2 State employees are or are not entitled to jury duty pay?

Are not. They will receive their normal pay.

HPM 81.2-7 Who is responsible for performing criminal history checks on all tow operators who work under the TSA (Tow Contracts)? Area, Division, HQ


HPM 70.1-5 Who shall be notified to secure money in excess of $1000 during or outside normal business hours.

Area evidence officer, alternate, or Area commander

HPM 70.1-15 Traffic Citation Case - What should an officer do if the MVARS copy contains third-party information or officer safety information?

Area should respond to the defendant's request and advise that the DVD will be brought to court on the day of the hearing, as a PPO is needed prior to release.

HPM 70.1-15 __________ shall be responsible for creating an Area Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with specific instruction on how MVARS DVDs shall be issued and handled in regard to the Department's policy established within this manual. Divisions or Areas


HPM 100.67-8 A photocopy of each CHP 215, CHP 216, or CHP 202 involving an identified diplomat and/or immunity claimant shall be sent via FAX within 48 hours to _________________________.

Assistant Commissioner, Field (ACF),

HPM 11.1-23 X-Numbers obtained after services are rendered require approval from ___________.

Asst. Commissioner

HPM 22.1-2 When conducting an Evidence Room inspection, how many items shall be inspected?

At least 10 percent of the items, with a minimum of ten items, from the evidence/property system shall be inspected. If discrepancies are revealed, an additional 10 percent of the items, or at least ten additional items, shall be inspected so that a total of 20 percent, or a minimum of 20 items.

HPM 11.1-9 The ____________ office provides legal counsel for eligible departmental employees in civil lawsuits arising out of an act or omission occurring within their course and scope of employment. The Employee must request representation __________________.

Attorney General's In writing

HPM 10.4 Grand Juries: Any request for complaint records or interviews with departmental employees shall be coordinated with _____________.

BIA and the Legal Coordination Unit.

HPM 10.4 The ___________ admonition shall be included in all Memorandums of Findings or Direction. In instances where the corrective documentation is being issued solely as a result of a finding of Unintentional Error, the inclusion of the __________ admonition should be left to the discretion of the commander.


HPM 11.1 What are the meal rates while on travel / per diem?

Breakfast - $7 Lunch - $11 Dinner - $23 Incidentals - $5

HPM 11.1-1 A fiscal plan of operation detailing proposed expenditures for a given period and the proposed means of funding them is a.


HPM 10.5 Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) - How does a commander request CIRT services?

By contacting Health and Safety Section / Personnel and Training Division or the Sacramento Comm. Center

HPM 10.6 What form is to be filled out in order to report unsafe conditions?

CHP 113B

HPM 100.69-5 RE: Child Abuse/Neglect: The commander shall ensure all uniformed personnel have a signed copy of the CHP ____ in their personnel folder.

CHP 192, Receipt of Requirement to Report Child Abuse

HPM 10.12-3 During their annual review or after completing training, managers and supervisors shall have an employee sign what form?

CHP 237A (Sexual Harassment Prevention and Discrimination Policy Admonition)

HPM 10.4 Which form is provided to a citizen who wishes to file a complaint? Uniformed and non-uniformed? How many days do they have to return it?

CHP 240B CHP 240D 10 business days

HPM 11.1-26 When transmitting classified material to another command, the originating command shall assure a ___________ is attached?

CHP 26, Classified Document Notice

HPM 11.1-9 An employee subpoenaed by the defense for the sole purpose of being an expert witness shall complete a ____________.

CHP 318 (secondary employment)

HPM 100.69-3 Pursuant to Section 12028.5 PC, peace officers who are at the scene of a family violence incident involving a threat to human life or a physical assault shall take temporary custody of any firearm or other deadly weapon. What should be issued and how long at a minimum shall

CHP 36 Weapons shall be held not less than 48 hours and unless retained for evidence, must be available for release not more than 48 hours after the seizure, or no later than five business days after a Law Enforcement Gun Release Application is approved by DOJ.

HPM 10.12-11 What form contains the CHP upward mobility plan for employees?


HPM 100.69-1 When a member of this Department handles a hate crime investigation to conclusion, the victim shall be provided with a __________________.

CHP 876, Rights of Hate Crime Victim's brochure.

HPM 10.3 If an employee is suspended for full pay period or longer s/he is considered to be in non-pay status. What must the employee pay into to continue medical benefits?

COBRA Employees who resign may pay into COBRA for 18 months

HPM 10.12-4 What agency definitions does the CHP use when referencing employment issues related to the Persons with Disabilities Program?

California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)

HPM 100.69-10 According to the GC section, when an investigating agency requests a Blue Alert and the conditions for its use are met, "The ______________shall activate the Emergency Alert System and issue a Blue Alert..."

California Highway Patrol Note: EAS is not federally approved for Blue Alerts

HPM 10.3 If an employee is called back more than 3 hours after the end of his shift does he claim call back or straight through?

Call back

HPM 70.7-26 OC shall be issued to all uniformed employees. True or False

Captain and below

HPM 70.6-5 RE: Pursuits - It is the duty of the driver of an AEV to exercise that amount of ____ which, under all the circumstances, would not impose upon others an _______ risk of harm.

Care Unreasonable

HPM 10.4 What are the three categories of Citizen Complaints?

Cat 1 Cat 2 Other

HPM 10.4 Who is the final approval for Cat 1, Cat 2 and Other complaints?

Cat 1: Division Commander or designee Cat 2: Generally Area Commander Other: handled by which category they initially fell into (i.e. Cat 1 or Cat 2).

HPM 70.1-2 A witness hearing a gunshot and sees the subject flee from the location. This is considered what type of evidence?


HPM 11.1-26 Materials which include information that could reasonably be expected to cause damage to personal and/or departmental security if disclosed shall be considered __________ and requires special handling.


HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - An incident deemed preventable can be appealed through who?

Command Occ Safety Committee (COSC) then through the grievance procedure

HPM 10.3 Who is the final approving authority for a Temp. Leave of Absence Request (30 days)?


HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - Who determines prevetability? 1) The Command Occ Safety Committee (COSC) 2) Commander


HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - Who is required to ensure the workplace and equipment is safe and in compliance?


HPM 70.6-2 In the event an animal is shot in accordance with policy, the officer shall submit a memorandum to his/her ______________.


HPM 10.12-5 Who is responsible for processing a CHP 163, Reasonable Accommodation Request, upon receipt? How many days do they have to respond in writing to the employee/applicant?

Commander 10 days

GO 10.20 RE EIS: The employee's supervisor/manager/commander shall be ultimately responsible for deciding what intervention strategy should be implemented.

Commander Note: Should it be determined that an intervention is needed, employees shall participate in the recommended intervention strategies.

HPM 100.69-3 It is the responsibility of the __________ to obtain the current Domestic Violence Card from the local law enforcement agencies within their jurisdiction.

Commander SHALL be carried by officers in the field

HPM 70.1-15 Who are the only people that can possess keys to the MVARS locker?

Commander and coordinator(s)

HPM 10.3 What happens if a vote of no less than 67 percent (rounded to the closest whole number) of the affected and eligible employees in the command elects to change an existing workweek schedule to another.

Commander conducts a meet-and-confer. Sergeant will be included in a separate vote

HPM 10.2 Who is authorized to initiate and adverse action?

Commander or designee

HPM 81.2-7 Dispute Disciplinary Action against TSA Operator: The tow operator may request a hearing by submitting the request, in writing, to the Area commander within seven-calendar days of the notification. Who is the hearing officer?

Commander or designee Can appeal then to Division - Division has final say

HPM 10.2 - Who can reject an employee during probation?

Commander or designer.

HPM 10.2 - Who is authorized to initiate an adverse action?

Commander or designer.

HPM 10.3 The decision to implement an alternate work week is made by ____________

Commander with Division concurrence

GO 6.7 __________ are responsible for OIC selection, training, and assignment procedures to ensure continuation of departmental programs and emergency operations in the absence of a California Highway Patrol (CHP) sergeant.


HPM 10.3 Can an employee work a secondary job while on sick time, injury leave or limited duty status?

Commanders may require written assurance from an appropriate medical authority stating the secondary employment activity will not aggravate the injury nor prolong the employee's recovery.

HPM 100.67-1 Approval of the ____________or his/her designee is required before committing CHP resources in response to a request for mutual aid. _______ __________shall develop and coordinate plans to provide departmental assistance to local authorities within their geographical areas of responsibility.

Commissioner Field commanders

HPM 10.2 If the commander feels a polygraph would be desirable during an investigation. He / she may submit a request. Who can approve the request?

Commissioner No adverse comment can be made anywhere in the file if the employee refuses.

HOM 10.2 - If the commander feels a polygraph would be desirable during an investigation, he/ she may submit a request. Who can approve the request?

Commissioner. No adverse comment can be made anywhere in the file if the employee refuses.

HPM 100.69-4 Once an EPO is issued, the officer shall notify the _______ ________ so it can be entered into DVROS.

Communications Center

HPM 10.5 In the event of a critical incident, the commander will make direct contact through the local ________ __________ where a peer support roster is maintained.

Communications center

HPM 10.4 What is a Cat 1 complaint?

Complaints alleging physical contact, excessive force, and/or criminal, racial, sexual, or immoral conduct. Category I complaints also include those which allege acts of dishonesty and/or falsification of documentation, or allegations of unethical conduct.

HPM 10.4 What is a Cat 2 complaint?

Complaints alleging verbal misconduct, nonverbal misconduct (not involving actual physical contact), and/or complaints regarding matters not related to an employee's conduct.

HPM 10.4 What is an "other" complaint?

Complaints which may contain Category I or II allegations as outlined above, but which also meet the definition of one of the following types of complaints, as defined in this chapter: Departmental complaint, Citation Validity complaint, Rescinded complaint, Frivolous complaint

GO 40.10 RE: Pursuit Reporting - AREA COMMANDERS' RESPONSIBILITY - The commander shall review each report to determine ____________________.

Compliance with Departmental Policy

HPM 11.1-22 Who may cancel an agreement request upon recommendation from the commander?

Contract Services Unit

HPM 81.2-6 Who handles tow complaints when it involves the evidence tow?

Contract Services Unit

HPM 9.1 What takes precedence if there is a conflict, Policy or the Contract?

Contract, unless mutual agreement.

HPM 70.6-5 RE Pursuits: Written guidelines or a statement of understanding between allied agencies and the CHP area are completed for what purpose?

Coordinate plans or the policy considerations - commanders shall, on an annual basis, correspond with the local members of allied law enforcement agencies in order to articulate and update the components of the statement of understanding. Allied agencies not participating shall be made aware of CHP policy

HPM 100.69-3 A CHP 182, Domestic Violence Resource Information form, is similar to the Domestic Violence Card, but is not ______ specific.


GO 0.8 What is CHP PRIDE?

Courage Honesty Professionalism Principles Respect Integrity Dedication Esprit de Corps

HPM 70.6-2 An officer's weapon shall not be taken before a replacement weapon can be provided. Securement shall only involve securing the weapon in the officer's holster. Normally, the ______________________will remove and/or visually inspect an involved officer's weapon.

Critical Incident Investigation Team (CIIT)

HPM 11.1-2 TECs can only be submitted for _______ and __________.

Current and two prior fiscal years.

HPM 10.3 If an attorney requests to contact a former officer for testimony in a civil case. The Department may contact the employee, but information will not be given to the attorney unless _______.

DA for criminal case or AG for civil case involving the Department.

HPM 70.1-5 Authorization shall be obtained from the __________ or __________ prior to transferring or converting money booked as evidence.

DA or City Attorney

HPM 100.69-6 Mandatory Advisement for Missing Persons Cases: CHP must advise the allied agency in which the person resides and last seen. Also, you must offer the family member a voluntary_____ sample.


HPM 70.1-8 Penal Code Section 11108 requires that all serialized evidence and property be entered into the _______________ or _____________ as appropriate.

DOJ Automated Property System (APS) or Automated Firearms System (AFS) AFS includes conductive energy weapons

HPM 11.1-22 For any of the following services, commands are shall conduct ________ and ________. 1 Avionics Maintenance and Repair agreements. 2 Helicopter Maintenance and Repair agreements. 3 Instructor Services (on-site) agreements. 4 Janitorial Services agreements. 5 Consulting Services agreements. 6 Evidence Impound Tow and Storage Service agreements. 7 Public Works agreements.

DOJ and FBI fingerprint checks and a driver license check.

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Sexual Harassment - The victim is not required to confront the harasser, but what must they do?

Demonstrate in some manner the behavior was unwelcome.

HPM 11.1-9 Summons and Complaint. A summons and a complaint are the initial legal documents served on the _____________ or ___________when a when a lawsuit has been filed.

Department and/or departmental employees

GO 10.20 Blue Team - A web-enabled application available on the ________ _________ _________. Blue Team enables data input of early intervention criteria incidents by departmental _________ and _______.

Department's Intranet homepage. supervisors and managers. NOTE: IAPro is a software that captures Blue Team data

HPM 70.1-2 A witness observes the subject shoot the victim. This is considered what type of evidence?


HPM 10.12-5 The Department has a return to work coordinator. Where are they located?

Disability and Retirement Unit and OEEO.

HPM 10.12-9 Hate Crime: Penal Code Section 422.55 defines a hate crime as: "A criminal act committed, in whole or in part, because of one or more of the following actual or perceived characteristics of the victim:

Disability; Gender; Nationality; Race or ethnicity; Religion; Sexual orientation; and/or, Association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics

HPM 100.68.1 Parking in the center median to monitor traffic for any reason, including radar use is discouraged/prohibited.

Discouraged Note: requires Division approval

HPM 100.68-2 Off-duty enforcement actions are _______ and should not be conducted unless the violation is serious in nature or poses a danger to the public.

Discouraged shall, as soon as practical, notify their command

HPM 10.2 An adverse actions is ______(defined)?

Dismissal Demotion Suspension Other disciplinary Action Not a CHP 2, MOD or counseling

HPM 10.2 An adverse action is _______(define) ?

Dismissal, demotion, suspension, other disciplinary action. Not a CHP 2, MOD, or counseling.

HPM 10.12-6 After the EEO investigator completes his investigation, who determines if there was a violation of departmental policy?

Division Chief

GO 100.51 Normally, two officers shall be assigned to a field patrol unit between 2200 and 0600 hours. However, _________ may authorize the assignment of one-officer field patrol units between 2200 and 2400 or 0400 and 0600 hours.

Division Chiefs

HPM 81.2-3 The commander may determine whether stolen vehicle reports can be taken over the phone if the _____________ gives approval.

Division Commander

HPM 70.1-12 _________________________may use temporary storage lockers for maintaining documentary evidence during an investigation.

Division Investigative Services Units (ISU) Must establish SOP

POBR HOM 10.2 - Who has the final approval and authority for all adverse actions is the Commissioner. In most cases he will delegate the final level of review as follows:

Division: Written reprimand to 5 days. ACF: 6-20 days, removal from specialty positions.ACS: 6-20 days for HQ personnel and rejection during probation for cadets. Comm. / Dep. Comm: 20+ days and dismissals, demotions, rejection during probation for non-cadets.

HPM 10.2 Who has final approval and authority for all adverse actions is the Commisioner. In most cases he will delegate the final level of review as follows:

Divisions: Written reprimand to 5 days ACF: 6-20 Days, removal from specialty positions ACS: 6-20 days for HQ personnel and rejection during probation for cadets Comm/Dep. Comm: 20+days and dismissals, demotions, rejection during probation for non-cadets

HPM 70.1-15 MVARS request for Admin Per Se Hearing - What should the area do if the requestor refuses to sign the CHP 36M (MVARS DIGITAL MEDIA ADMIN PER SE DISCLOSURE AND USE AGREEMENT) ?

Do not release the copy of the DVD if the requestor refuses to sign the CHP 36M

HPM 81.2-1 If evidence / contraband is seized while conducting a vehicle inventory, the officer shall:

Document a description of the item seized, as well as its original location in the Remarks section of the CHP 180.

HPM 11.1-22 A CHP 78R, Reimbursable Services Contract Request, shall be used to initiate reimbursable service agreements with another state entity regardless of the estimated _______, or with a local government entity, or private sector with an estimated dollar value in excess of $________.

Dollar value $50,000

HPM 100.69-3 Pursuant to Section 13701 PC, officers shall attempt to identify the _______aggressor in an incident and, where possible, arrest that individual rather than routinely making dual arrests.i

Dominant Note: most significant, not necessarily the first

HPM 70.1-5 Controlled substances (except marijuana) and unknown substances shall be sealed in heat seal polyester bags. Suspected PCP and fentynal shall be _________

Double bagged

HPM 100.68-2 When circumstances require issuance of a CHP 103 (release per 849b PC), it shall be completed in _______(how many copies).


HPM 9.1 Release time: The needs of the command are the primary consideration when approving request for release time. When may release time be granted?

During employees regular work hours. No shift or schedule changes are allowed.

HPM 11.1-1 It is the policy of this Department to present a budget adequate to assure compliance with statutory _____ and __________, and represents the Department's mission and goals.

Duties and Responsibilities

HPM 100.69-10 Although local law enforcement agencies may send EDIS (Emergency Digital Information Service) messages without departmental assistance, any request to this Department for an EDIS shall be coordinated through _______.


HPM 100.69-9 What departmental entity can be the only one to initiate EAS through the National Weather Service? And what entity must approve all Amber Alerts?


HPM 9.1 Who may grant or deny release time?

Employee's supervisor

HPM 10.12-2 Medical Condition refers to only two items, what are they?

Employee/applicant has or had cancer, and genetic characteristics (e.g., sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs Disease, hemophilia).

HPM 9.1 Grievance and appeal procedures (excluded Employees). What are the time limits for an informal discussion (employee/rep)?

Employee/rep shall discuss grievance with immediate supervisor within 10 days. Supervisor shall render a decision either verbally or in writing within 5 days.

HPM 11.1-26 Materials considered sensitive are materials that contain ________ or ____________ personal information.

Employees or Citizens

HPM 10.5 Who is EAP available to?

Employees, spouse, dependent children

HPM 10.12-4 The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) guarantees what?

Equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications.

HPM 70.1-8 All firearms are required to be entered into ATF's ___________________________.

Etrace - Electronic Trace System

HPM 70.4 How often should PAS devices be calibrated?

Every 10 calendar days or 150 tests (whichever comes first)

HPM 70.1-15 Who is responsible for conducting a quarterly inspection of MVARS DVD's?

Evidence Supervisor

HPM 70.1-12 The Commander shall appoint an evidence ____________, ______________ and _______________.

Evidence officer, alternate evidence officer and supervisor.

HPM 10.4 The employee shall be provided the opportunity to review the investigation in its entirety, except for any _______ specifically marked in the "List of ______" as not releasable to the employee reviewing the complaint.

Exhibit Exhibits Includes medical forms, financial records, complainant if listed as confidential

HPM 10.3 True or False: The state does not have to pay for the employees medical and dental insurance during FMLA or CFRA leave.


HPM 100.68-5 True or False - An emergency services professional using a wireless telephone while operating an authorized emergency vehicle, in the course and scope of Employment may still be cited for 23123 VC (cell phone)


HPM 11.1-23 It is proper for an x-number to be used to purchase commodities or instructional services? True or False


HPM 70.1-15 If a MVARS video is corrupted and the coordinator is unable to make a copy of the original for release, the requestor may use a personally owned recording device to copy it? True or False


HPM 70.1-9 Blood and urine samples are required to be retained for a period of one year to allow the defendant an opportunity to have their own test conducted. If there is an early adjudication, the sample may be destroyed immediately. True or False


HPM 11.1-22 True or False A driver license check is required if the contractor and/or specifically assigned personnel are scheduled to be on-site for more than 60 days.

False 30 days

HPM 70.6-2 RE: Deadly Force: Fear alone justifies the discharge of a firearm against a human being. True or False

False Bare fear alone does not justify the discharge of a firearm against a human being.

HPM 10.12-7 EEO Invest: All interviews of employees and non-employees shall be recorded. True or False

False Employees shall. Non-employee shall, but can object.

HPM 10.12-5 True or False A CHP 163 (reasonable Accommodation Request) shall be maintained in the employee's personnel file?

False It is a medical record so it needs to be in the Medical File

HPM 11.1-10 True or False The FBI may obtain CHP reports if they are conducting an investigation involving violations of federal civil rights laws?

False Only through a grand jury subpoena

HPM 70.6-1 Officers must follow the use of force continuum when deciding to escalate the level of force. True or False

False Use of Force Option Wheel Diagram.

HPM 11.1-9 True or False An employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a criminal proceeding (other than those arising from the performance of official duties or those which he/she is a litigant or an expert witness), he/she shall be granted a leave of absence without pay.

False With Pay

HPM 10.12-3 True or False It is the Managers responsibility to Ensure supervisors within their command receive both initial and refresher training on sexual harassment prevention.

False (commander)

HPM 100.67-1 True or False - When a chief of police determines that an emergency situation in his/her jurisdiction may become or is already beyond the control of his/her department's resources, the Chief may request immediate assistance from the CHP.

False - It is his/her responsibility to request mutual aid from the operational area coordinator (county sheriff).

HPM 100.68-2 True or False - A minor must be advised of their Miranda Rights as soon as they are suspected of committing a criminal act?

False - Same as adults. If no interrogations, the officer shall advise the minor of their constitutional rights just prior to the release of the juvenile to a jail facility or a parent to comply with Section 625 WIC.

HPM 70.6-5 A public employee is not liable for civil damages or criminal accountability on account of personal injury to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from the operation of an Authorized Emergency Vehicle (AEV) in the line of duty. True or False

False - criminal responsibility is not covered by these sections and officers may be subject to criminal prosecution for an arbitrary act.

HPM 70.6-2 All off-duty accidental discharges of any firearm are required to be reported. True or False

False - only those that may be carried concealed under the authority of

HPM 10.3 True or False - All benefits assistants shall be assigned to Division commands to assist employees?

False - All commands shall select a benefits assistant

HPM 100.69-5 True or False If the CHP's response is limited to "standing by" until the LCDA arrives and assumes responsibility, the LCDA is required to prepare the DOJ SS 8572 within 36 hours.

False - CHP must still prepare

GO 70.4 True or False - CHP employees shall not participate while on-duty in parades, community or organization celebrations, or advocacy events without prior approval of their direct supervisor.

False - Commander Note: It is the responsibility of the commander to ensure participation is consistent with the organizational values established and supported by the Department.

HPM 11.1-9 A uniformed employee responding to a subpoena for the defense shall notify the district attorney and his/her supervisor of such subpoena. True or False

False - Commander (not supervisor)

HPM 11.1-24 True or False An area supervisor shall approve all invoices prior to submitting them to FMS?

False - Commander shall

HPM 100.68-5 Evidence of financial responsibility must only be in written form. True or False

False - Evidence of FR may be written or provided electronically using a mobile electronic device

HPM 100.69-9 True or False - Generally, the ENTAC commander or designee will be responsible for determining if an incident meets the AMBER Alert criteria.

False - Generally, the investigating agency

HPM 11.1-13 People inspecting records pursuant to a PRA request should be placed in a private room? True or False

False - Inspection of records shall be made only in the presence of departmental personnel to prevent them from being destroyed, mutilated, defaced, or altered.

HPM 10.3 All reports containing medical information for injury claims shall be maintained at the local office. True or False

False - Medical reports, or copies of medical reports, shall not be retained at the local level after all command action has been completed. Will be forwarded to Business Services Section

HPM 100.69-1 Medical Marijuana: True or False: A qualified person may possess 8 ounces of dried marijuana or 6 mature or 12 immature plants.

False - No longer applies People v. Kelly which invalidated Section 11362.77 H&S, which prescribed the specified amounts of medical marijuana a "qualified patient" could possess or cultivate.

GO 6.7 True or False - Normally, an officer should not be assigned as an acting sergeant unless their name is listed on the current sergeant promotional list. They can complete all duties normally assigned to a Sergeant.

False - No performance appraisals, no 415 approvals

HPM 11.1-2 Privately-owned motorcycles or motor-driven cycles are authorized to be reimbursed at half the rate for other privately owned vehicles? True or False

False - Not authorized as a means of transportation

HPM 100.67-5 True or False - A CHP officer investigating a crash in CA can lawfully obtain a forced blood withdrawal from the suspect at an OR hospital.

False - OR does not allow forced blood withdrawal Must know state laws

GO 22.3 True or False - Creation, abolishment, or permanent changes in the authorized personnel of all Resident Posts will be approved by the Area Commander with approval from the Division Chief.

False - Office of the Commissioner

HPM 11.1-23 True or False A X-Number for the rental of a storage facility may be used for periods less than 3 months.

False - One month

HPM 70.1-5 If unloaded a firearm and ammunition can be packaged in the same evidence box. True or False

False - Separate

HPM 100.69-7 True or False Departmental personnel releasing sex offender information to the public are not required to complete a report regarding the incident. The report shall be maintained at the Area office for five years.

False - Shall complete a CHP 216 Note: Officers shall obtain supervisory approval prior to releasing any information to the public. Must state release is to protect the public.

HPM 100.69-5 An officer who handles an incident involving a violation of Sections 261, 261.5, 262, 286, 288(a), or 289 PC, is not required to provide a "Victims of Domestic Violence" card to the parent/guardian of the child victim.

False - Shall immediately Is required even if it does not fit the definition of domestic violence.

HPM 11.1-12 All records shall be destroyed if a civil action has been filed against the arresting officer or Department after 5 years. True or False

False - Shall not be destroyed

HPM 10.12-6 True or False An EEO investigator may be of the same rank as the employee under investigation?

False - The EEO investigator shall be at least one rank higher than any alleged discriminatory employee.

GO 40.10 True or False The first Area to initiate the pursuit will complete the "Create New CHP 187 Page"

False - The first Area to create a pursuit report will complete the Create New CHP 187 page.

HPM 22.1-1 A commander receives an anonymous letter stating an issue with following policy in his command. It would be proper for the commander to conduct an inspection to determine the validity. True or False

False - The inspection process shall not be used in response to anonymous letters, internal issues, or as a "management audit."

HPM 100.67-8 True or False - officers are not required to notify the consulate if a foreign national is killed in a traffic accident.

False - are required. Commander's may enter into an agreement allowing coroner to do it. If CHP requires notification it can be done through Dispatch

HPM 70.6-29 True or False Once removed from the suspect, all probes should be inserted in the cartridge. The cartridge should be dealt with as a biohazard and destroyed.

False - booked into evidence

HPM 70.1-15 Inventories - An annual or a change of command inventory of MVARS DVDs is required? True or False

False - due to the high volume. However, a 100 % inventory shall be completed if a reasonable amount of discrepancies are revealed during the quarterly inspection, or the commander deems it necessary.

HPM 70.6-29 All dart deployments and drive stuns shall be documented on a CEW Field Use Report and entered on the Area CEW Field Use Log. If the officer simply displays the CEW it is not required to be entered. True or False

False - it is required

HPM 100.67-5 Routine stops in other states are not allowed. However, When the violation presents an on-going safety hazard and "immediate law enforcement action" is necessary, officers may make an enforcement stop and issue a citation. True or False

False - may make a stop, but should not cite. Go complaint to be filed.

HPM 100.67-8 True or False - Vehicles which are owned by subjects with full immunity may be searched, stored, or impounded without the owner's permission.

False - may not May be towed a reasonable distance if they are a traffic/safety hazard

HPM 100.68.-3 Deployment of PCFVs (Primary Collision Factor Vehicles - former SMPV's) shall be operated only by officers wearing the traditional tan work uniform. True or False

False - may wear utility uniform if they have Level 1 commercial training

HPM 11.1-10 The CHP may accept notices for Workers' Compensation Appeals Board hearings? True or False

False - must be served on the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

HPM 70.6-24 True or False - In the absence of a Spit Sock, the officer may use a medical bandage that can be tied around the head/face of the suspect?

False - no other device shall be attached or affixed to the head, face, or mouth of a spitting prisoner. CHP 268 shall be completed

GO 10.21 True or False - It is appropriate for a supervisor to make comments on a CHP 100 form and reference the EIS states the employee reached a threshold.

False - no reference should be made to EIS solely due to an employee meeting a threshold

HPM 100.68-2 True or False - Citizen's Arrest: The accepting officer is required to determine if there is PC for the arrest.

False - no requirement

HPM 70.6-25 TRUE OR FALSE - Uniformed employees shall carry the PR-24, Collapsible PR-24 or ASP on all enforcement contacts and court appearances.

False - not required for court

HPM 11.1-2 Mileage reimbursement may be claimed if on travel status, called back to work or working on a scheduled day off on a voluntary overtime detail. True or False

False - not voluntary overtime

HPM 70.1-12 Properties shall not be left in temporary lockers more than 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. True or False

False - one day

HPM 100.69-6 True or False - If a missing adult is located, the reporting party should be contacted immediately with the whereabouts of the missing person.

False - only located and unharmed Note: unless the person physically or mentally incapacitated

HPM 81.2-3 True or False An officer responds to the theft of a boat and trailer. Upon their arrival, it is determined only the boat was taken. He should still take a stolen report.

False - refer to allied agency unless the boat and trailer were stolen together

GO 100.39 True or False - An arrestee is required to give his SS number for CHP 202/216 purposes.

False - release of this information is voluntary

HPM 70.6-22 All persons subject to physical arrest shall be searched. If custody is transferred from one officer to another, the person should be searched again. True or False

False - shall be searched again

HPM 22.1-1 The commander has 90 days to document a corrective action plan and timeline to correct identified deficiencies True or false

False - shall immediately

HPM 100.68-3 At 10 MPH or more below the normal speed of traffic, the officer shall stop and shall issue a CHP 215. True or False

False - should cite

HPM 70.1-5 True or False - To determine the net weight of controlled substance for booking, the officer should remove the original packaging.

False - weight as packaged Net weight and gross weight should be recorded on CHP 36

HPM 11.1-7 True or False A STD 270 shall be taken when the windshield of a patrol vehicle is struck by a rock thrown up from another vehicle. (property damage only)

False Falls under exception (Others good to know listed below) -An action of the elements (e.g., hail, wind damage, sand storm, etc.). -When there is damage to glass from unknown causes. -Collisions with birds that move unexpectedly into the vehicle's path and cannot be avoided, if the injury is confined to the bird. -When there is windshield or other glass damage caused by objects propelled from the roadway surface by movement of another vehicle even though it meets the definition of a "vehicle collision" unless there is injury to a person. -A motorcycle sustains damage resulting from it falling from its kickstand. -When there is damage caused by the push bumper removal of a vehicle or equipment from the roadway and the damage is limited to the contact point on the privately owned vehicle or the California Highway Patrol (CHP) vehicle.

HPM 10.12-6 Employees who allege discrimination as the motive for an adverse action (AA) or rejections during probation (RDP) must file an appeal directly with the Commissioner? True or False

False, SPB

HPM 11.1-20 True or False The time spent by a Sergeant, Lieutenant, or Captain assisting at an accident scene can be included on the CHP 735. This includes their supervision time.

False, supervision time not included Clarification: Time doing 180s, measurements, or other activities are billable, just not supervision time.

HPM 10.3 If a sergeant resigns and receives a permissive reinstatement, s/he will return as a sergeant? True or False

False. All go to rank of officer

HPM 11.1-2 True or False An employee can claim travel status when they are 60 miles from their HQ and 45 miles from their dwelling?

False. Both have to be over 50

HPM 10.3 True or False Only commanders are authorized to receive and distribute pay warrants?

False. Commanders may designate a person to do it for them.

HPM 10.4 If a complainant choses to rescind a complaint, the commander should tell the investigator to discontinue the investigation. True or False

False. Commanders may elect to accept or decline base on the circumstances. If rescinded a closing correspondence is still required.

HPM 10.3 In order to clarify sick time usage, a supervisor may ask an employee to document their medical diagnosis on the STD 634 True or False

False. General nature only.

HPM 9.2 True or False Non-sensitive employees are required to provide a test if suspected of being under the influence?

False. Only voluntary. However, the Commander may take action against the employee

HPM 100.67-6 Propriety Jurisdiction means?

Fed gov. has an interest, but no jurisdiction. The Department is obligated to provide its full range of services, including collision investigation, code enforcement, and mitigation of on-highway hazardous materials incidents. (i.e. INDIAN RESERVATIONS)

GO 100.39 What is the retention schedule for a CHP 202 or CHP 216 charging a felony and misdemeanor?

Felony: 4 years Misdemeanor: 3 years Open Felony: 7 years Incident Reports without prosecution: 3 years

HPM 81.2-6 AG's opinion: The Department is financially responsible for those charges incurred from the initial seizure of the evidence to the time criminal charges are _____ by the district attorney.


GO 100.28 Any individual who is cited and released for a recordable offense in lieu of formal booking must be ________prior to their appearance in court.

Fingerprinted A CHP 194, Fingerprint Notification/Verification, shall be provided to the violator at the time the citation is issued.

HPM 100.67-3 Upon receiving a written request from the governing body of a newly incorporated city, Area commanders are to provide traffic law enforcement services. Normally not to exceed the end of the ______ _______ or __ months.

Fiscal Year 12 Note: Reimbursable contracts after this time.

HPM 11.1-22 On a Saturday, your office has a significant leak in the roof and water will cause significant property damage (Emergency). Who should the commander contact immediately?

For incidents occurring after normal work hours or on weekends, commands shall obtain the required emergency service and contact the BSS Procurement Manager or designee on the next business day. BID PROCESS EXEMPT

HPM 10.4 What happens to the copy of the complaint in the area Complaint File when the employee transfers to another command?

Goes with the employee to the new command

HPM 10.12-11 Laws covering "upward mobility" are covered in which code?


HPM 100.67-2 Uniformed personnel may provide supplemental law enforcement assistance when approved by the _____________ (i.e. Operation Safe Streets).


HPM 10.5 Who is the program coordinator for the ESAP (Employee Substance Abuse Program)?

Health and Safety Section, Personnel and Training Division

HPM 70.4 What suspects are exempt from taking forcible blood withdrawals?

Hemophiliacs, persons with heart conditions and persons taking anticoagulants.

HPM 70.6-8 Weapon position - high risk vs felony stop

High Risk - low ready Felony - Ready Position

HPM 70.6-8 High Risk vs Felony Stop What is the difference?

High Risk: reasonable cause to believe that any attempt to stop the vehicle will create an extraordinary safety risk. Felony: advance knowledge or reasonable cause to believe the vehicle contains a felony suspect

HPM 10.3 Conflict of Interest - Statement of Econimic Interests Form 700 - Who will determine if employees are in a position that is designated in the Department's code.

Human Resources Section (HRS), Selection Standards and Examinations Unit (SSEU)

POBR HPM 10.2 - Generally no officer is required to disclose any financial records. What are the exceptions?

If such information is obtained or required under proper legal procedure or law. Can be done if an employee is applying for a specialized unit where there is a strong possibility of bribes or other improper inducements.

HPM 10.4 Normally an employee does not have the right to representation when being interviewed for a citizen complaint. What is the exception?

If the complaint investigation is of a serious nature, and/or the facts indicate adverse action may reasonably result, the employee shall be afforded the right to representation. Before refusing a request, contact OER.

HPM 10.12-5 When can a request for reasonable accommodations be denied?

If the request would cause an undue hardship on the operation of departmental programs or if it can be shown that the person would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of themselves or others.

HPM 11.1-9 If unable to contact the subpoenaing attorney, and there is not sufficient time for a letter to reach the attorney prior to the appearance, who, if anyone should appear?

Immediate supervisor

GO 10.21 The EI dashboard consists of colored dots which represent the employee's status relating to EI: Red =

Indicates the employee has reached or surpassed an identified threshold. Red is the only indication which requires evaluation by Area management and/or supervision.

HPM 22.1-1 A chapter inspections utilizes the corresponding _______________.

Inspection checklist

HPM 70.6-29 The officer shall avoid _________targeting the head, face, neck, throat, groin, and spine. The preferred target area is to "split the belt line,"


HPM 10.2 What is a Miscellaneous Investigation?

Internal investigations which do not result in a recommendation for adverse action or rejection during probation.

GO 10.20 A notification through Blue Team that an employee has reached a threshold level warranting review by departmental supervisors and managers is called an _________ Advisory.


HPM 70.1-12 How often should a complete 100% inventory of the property/evidence room be completed?

Inventories shall be conducted annually and documented on a memo Also conducted upon change of command or evidence officer.

HPM 10.12-11 Participation in the Upward Mobility Program is/is not a guarantee of promotion.

Is not

HPM 100.68-4 Section 21224 CVC states a person operating a motorized scooter is / is not subject to the provisions of the CVC relating to financial responsibility, registration, and license plate requirements, and for those purposes, a motorized scooter is not a motor vehicle.

Is not

HPM 100.68-4 What is the impound authority when towing a pocket bike / mini bike from a highway?

Isn't one. They do not have a 17 digit VIN, so they are considered property. Officers can seize the bike if driven on the sidewalk or any portion of the roadway

HPM 70.4 If a juvenile agrees to take a blood test and the parent refuses to sign the hospital form, does this constitute a refusal?

It may unless the juvi takes another test.

HPM 11.1-1 Budget year runs from ____ to __________.

July 1 to June 30

HPM 70.6-21 Felony arrest techniques consist of the __________ and _________ positions. How many officers should be present.

Kneeling and prone Two officers

HPM 70.1-15 If an office receives and MVARS request from a defendant in a case where charges have been filed, the defendant should be advised to contact the DA's office for a formal discovery request. What if charges have not been filed yet and case is ongoing?

Known as an "informal discovery," this type of request shall be denied. The Area shall advise the party that a copy of a DVD cannot be released as the investigation is ongoing.

HPM 11.1-13 All requests under the Public Records Act (PRA), other than routine requests (e.g., accident or arrest information, motor carrier records, etc.), shall be immediately sent to the __________.

Legal Coordination Unit

HPM 70.6-5 The use of spike strips is a form of ________ _________.

Legal Intervention It is a general term meaning the termination of a pursuit through the use of physical force or presence.

HPM 10.3 Uniformed Employees who return from a leave of absence are required to attend training an recertification? Who does it and

Less than 1 year: retrained/recertified at command 1 to 2 years: Refresher Training at Academy 2+ years: Reinstatement Training at Academy

HPM 10.3 What is considered short term and long term military leave?

Less than 180 or more than 180 days

HPM 81.2-4 The commander shall appoint a ________ or _____ as the hearing officer.

Lieutenant or Sergeant Must be at least one rank above officer who towed vehicle.

HPM 100.69-5 As far as crimes involving child abuse and neglect, what is the LCDA?

Local County Designated Agency [LCDA]),

HPM 10.3 Medical file must be kept where if they are in the office.

Locked file outside of personnel file.

HPM 10.12-5 Define reasonable accommodations.

Logical adjustment made to a job and/or the work environment which enables a qualified person with a disability to perform the essential duties of their position. This begins with the initial examination.

HPM 81.2-2 In order to impound a vehicle for 22651(p) VC (unlicensed/susp DL), the driver must have one of the following service codes: DMV Service Code A, B, D, H, I, J, or ____.


HPM 100.67-5 Other State Felony Arrests: The Fresh Pursuit Acts specify officers have both the authority to arrest and hold such "person in custody." They should be taken before the _________ in the location where they were arrested.

Magistrate Misd. Arrests released to other state agency. Admin Per Se would not apply if they were arrested by other state.

HPM 10.6 Occupational Safety - Who is responsible for ensuring the employees are trained?


HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - Who are the primary instructors for the Department?

Managers and Supervisors

HPM 100.67-6 Entering into Agreements with Federal Agencies: Concurrent: Shall attempt operating agreement Exclusive, Partial or Proprietary: ___ have an operating agreement


HPM 10.3 Retired peace officers may maintain the DMV confidentiality of their home address. How about employees who separate for other reasons?

May maintain for 3 years. If a criminal complaint was filed against the employee the law allows the department to conduct an inspection of the home address. May maintain until an appeal is done. If convicted it will be eliminated.

HPM 70.1-4 Plastic bags shall not be used for packaging of specimens that contain __________.

Moisture - such as blood, fingerprint evidence, marijuana plants (not dried)

HPM 70.6-13 During peak traffic periods, enforcement actions should be primarily directed against hazardous accident and congestion-causing violations. Special emphasis should be placed on:

Moving violations (a) Slow-moving vehicles impeding traffic. (b) Unsafe lane changes. (c) Speed. (d) Driving under the influence. (e) Following too close.

HPM 10.12-6 Complaints filed with Federal Department of Labor must be filed with _____ days of the last incident or notification of the discriminatory act. The covered acts include

Must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for good cause shown, and 300 days relating to individuals covered under the Rehabilitation and Veterans' Acts. 300 Days disability and veteran status.

HPM 11.1-10 What is a subpoena duces tecum? may compel the production of documents and/or may require the personal appearance of a witness to bring the requested documents.

Must be personal served

HPM 10.3 How many consecutive days on AWOL does it take for an automatic resignation from the Department?

Must return to work within 5 working days

HPM 100-67-8 Are drivers with immunity, who are suspected of DUI, required to take a BAC test?


HPM 100.67-8 Can a citizen from a country listed under "Mandatory Notification" request their embassy not be notified after and arrest?


HPM 11.1-2 Can an employee claim overtime meals while on travel status?


HPM 70.4 Are suspects arrested for DUI on a bicycle (21200.5 VC) required to take a chemical test?


HPM 70.4 I parental permission required for a juvenile to take a breath or urine test?


HPM 81.2-4 Is the towing officer required to be present at the tow hearing?


HPM 10.12-3 Yes or No In order to be in violation of the law, must sexual harassment be pervasive?

No "A single, unusually severe incident of harassment may be sufficient. The more severe the harassment, the less need to show a repetitive series of incidents. This is particularly true when the harassment is physical."

HPM 10.6 Occ Safety / Haz. Mat. - May a commander release exposure records? If not, who can?

No Occupational Safety Unit

HPM 22.1-1 Are command level inspections required to be sent to the OIG? ISSUES WITH THIS ONE REFER TO 1-10 and 1-11

No - Division only within 30 calendar days HPM 22.1 CH 1 Page 11 says "Originals shall be routed to the respective Division within 30 calendar days by the inspected command. It is not necessary to forward documentation of command level inspections to the OIG."

HPM 11.1-13 Can a departmental employee release driver's license or vehicle registration information to the individual for which it belongs?

No - Refer to DMV

HPM 70.6-2 While taking a misdemeanor suspect into custody, an officer suddenly is faced with a situation in which deadly force may be justified. Is the officer required by law to seek safety, if reasonable available, prior to resorting to deadly force? Yes or No

No - There is no duty to abandon attempts to affect custody.

HPM 70.1-15 Are officers allowed to make a copy of a MVARS DVD to utilize to write their reports.

No - Under no circumstances shall an employee make a copy, record a copy, or permanently retain the contents of an MVARS DVD.

HPM 100.67-8 Can an officer stop someone if they are only suspected of being in the country illegally?

No - federal civil violation

HPM 100.67-2 Yes or No - Can an Area Commander approve limited supplemental assistance for a jurisdiction requesting the CHP help with a crime problem.

No - must go through mutual aid request process

HPM 11.1-13 Can a BAC be released for an arrestee in the arrest log? What is the fee per page?

No - name, date of birth, gender, and criminal charges against the arrestee. Only business addresses of peace officers arrested shall be placed on the log. $0.30 or $0.50 for microfilm or computer records

HPM 11.1-13 If charges are not filed, does the defendant have a right to the arrest report?

No - refer to DA

HPM 11.1-1 When can a travel advance be requested?

No earlier than 2 weeks prior to travel No later than 2 business days prior to trip

HPM 11.1-10 Is an employee required to appear as a witness for an SPB hearing 200 miles from home, but still in an adjacent county?

No, 100 miles or same county

HPM 10.12-3 Yes or No RE: Sexual Harassment - Are employees required to tell the offending employee to stop their harassment?

No, but encouraged

HPM 11.1-10 Is an employee required to respond to an out of state subpoena?

No, unless a California court orders it.

HPM 10.3 When interviewing a prospective employee, can the employer question them regarding prior criminal arrests that did not result in a conviction?

No, unless they are interviewing for the position of a peace officer or any position where they would have access to criminal offender record information. Labor Code Section 432.7

HPM 10.3 To be AWOL, is there a requirement for the absence to be voluntary or involuntary?

No. Can be either.

HPM 10.4 Citation validity is normally classified as what category of complaint?

Normally a Category II complaint, a citation validity allegation may be processed as an 'Other' complaint if there are no other allegations by the complainant.

HPM 100.69-1 Officers shall use sound professional judgment to determine the validity of the person's medical claim. Based on the totality of the circumstances present, if the officer reasonably believes the medical claim is valid, the individual is to be released and the marijuana is to be seized and booked into property /not to be seized.

Not to be seized

HPM 10.12-6 Who is the overall administrator of the discrimination complaint process?

OEEO commander

HPM 70.6-1 What is the legal standard used to determine the lawfulness of a use of force is the Fourth Amendment to the United States (U.S.) Constitution. See Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989).

Objectively Reasonable The force must be reasonable under the circumstances known to the officer at the time force was used.

HPM 10.12-13 In the California Highway Patrol, the workforce analysis is completed by __________________.

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity.

GO 10.20 Who is the statewide administrator for EIS?

Office of Risk Management

HPM 100.68-3 The use of unmarked vehicles for the apprehension of violators of Section 23109 CVC (speed contest) must be approved by the ___________.

Office of the Commissioner

HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - Where should commands post the CHP 189 (Hazardous Substance Inventory)?

On the Command Occ Safety bulletin board

HPM 70.1-6 Notice of Right to a Property Hearing- When the property seized is alleged to be stolen or embezzled, the officer will either read aloud or have the arrestee read the advisement regarding the right to a property hearing for stolen or embezzled property. The advisement is located where?

On the reverse side of the receipt copy (yellow) of the CHP 36.

HPM 10.4 What are the maximum amount of findings (i.e. sustained, exonerated,......) you can have per an allegation in a citizen complaint investigation.


HPM 70.1-12 The Area commander or designee shall conduct at least ____ unscheduled (unannounced) inspection of the property room per calendar year.


HPM 10.3 What is the major difference between FMAL and CFRA (Calif Family Rights Act)?

One is federal and the other is state. However CFRA does not allow for leave due to one's own medical problems.

HPM 70.1-12 How are keys to the property/evidence room issued, who has them?

One key with evidence officer and one with commander (sealed)

GO 6.2 A commander may find it justifiable to prolong office hours beyond the period encompassing 0800 to 1700 hours daily, except Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays. During the extended hours, offices shall be staffed at the commander's discretion, except that at least _______ will be used for coverage.

One officer

HPM 70.1-15 MVARS DVDs shall be retained for a minimum of ___ year. Certain recorded incidents, such as a significant event, may require longer retention. If the original MVARS DVD contains both a routine and a significant event, the DVD shall be retained for the duration of the significant event.

One year Five year retention for administrative purposes. Misd./ Felony cases retain until adjudicated and appeals are exhausted.

HPM 10.5 Are critical incident stress debriefings mandatory for employees? If so, within how many hours?

Only for shooting incidents and then completed within 72 hours (generally)

HPM 10.3 Is citizenship a requirement for employment?

Only for uniformed officers.

HPM 11.1-2 When attending In-Service Training at the Academy, and the distance traveled is less than 50 miles from the employee's headquarters, the employee may claim __________ mileage.

Only that mileage exceeding their normal commute from home to their headquarters.

HPM 10.4 Can an investigator record the interview with an employee during a citizen complaint investigation? Can a complainant/witness record and interview with the investigator?

Only with the permission of the employee. Yes, but the investigator shall also record it.

HPM 70.1-9 A citizen finds property valued at $300 and turns it into the CHP. If the rightful owner does not claim the property, the evidence officer will place an advertisement in the newspaper. After an additional 7 days, the finder can receive the property if they _______.

Pay for the price of the newspaper advertisement

HPM 10.3 What is the max term of NDI (Non-industrial Disability Insurance)?

Payments may be authorized for a maximum of 26 weeks for one continuous period of disability, which is equivalent to 182 calendar days.

HPM 100.69-5 Section 305 WIC allows a ________ to take temporary custody of a minor without warrant if the minor requires care, is in immediate danger of harm or injury, or is left unattended and the parent(s) is/are not available or cannot care for the minor.

Peace Officer

HPM 10.3 Which employees are eligible to have their home addresses confidential on their CDL (DMV INV 32)?

Peace officers, public safety dispatchers/dispatch supervisors, and Motor Carrier Specialist Plus spouse and children.

HPM 10.12-9 What is the definition of Racial Profiling?

Penal Code Section 13519.4(e) defines racial profiling as: "the practice of detaining a suspect based on a broad set of criteria which casts suspicion on an entire class of people without any individualized suspicion on the particular person being stopped."

HPM 70.1-15 What type of pen is to be utilized to mark MVARS DVD's?

Permanent fine point

HPM 70.6-1 There are seven different force options available to officer. Which one is not listed below? 1) Control Holds 2) Aerosol Subject Restraint 3) Baton 4) Electronic Control Device 5) Less-Lethal Shotgun 6) Deadly Force 7) ?

Personal Weapons

HPM 10.3 Who shall a commander immediately notify when an employee files for retirement?

Personnel Transaction Unit

HPM 10.12-2 Definition of Harassment: Harassment becomes illegal when:

Pervasive, persistent, unwelcome conduct which is perpetuated by an individual's status in a protected group. The conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to be considered hostile, intimidating, or abusive; as measured by the reasonable person standard

HPM 11.1-13 What are the exemptions to PRA requests?

Prelim / personal notes Records pertaining to pending litigation Personnel and medical records Exams Library and museum materials used solely for reference material Other records exempt by law Invest files Records prepared for Collective bargaining Investigations Juvenile records Intelligence information Materials dealing with officer safety / internal security

HPM 10.4 Closing documentation requiring a Governor or legislative response. Who prepares it?

Prepared by the command with coordination of the Office of Special Reps. If some circumstances it should come from BIA.

HPM 10.4 To obtain a finding for a citizen complain investigation. The investigation must show ? Preponderance of evidence or probable cause to sustain or exonerate

Preponderance of evidence

HPM 70.1-4 After securing the scene. What is the primary concern of the investigator?

Preservation of evidence

HPM 100.68-2 Citizen's Arrest: If the officer issues a CHP 215, what should be documented in the special box?

Private Persons Arrest

GO 6.11 The commander of ________________________ or their designee, serves as the departmental Accreditation Manager.

Professional Standards and Ethics Division (PSED)

HPM 70.1-11 A legal firearm may be released to its lawful owner. What is required:

Proof of ownership, government issued identification card, and a clearance letter from the Department of Justice (DOJ) is required.

HPM 70.1-12 The evidence supervisor shall conduct __________ (Time Frame) inspections of the property system following the procedures outlined in this chapter.


HPM 70.6-5 The contents of this chapter, and the local pursuit training guide, shall be reviewed by all uniformed employees at the rank of sergeant and below on a ______ basis.

Quarterly shall review the contents of this chapter and the local pursuit training guide upon transferring to a new command.

HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - Accountability reporting is required _____ of all commands by submission of the CHP ______.

Quarterly CHP 113

HPM 70.6-1 How often shall the use of force policy be reviewed?

Quarterly - All uniformed employees at the rank of sergeant and below

HPM 70.6-28 How often shall policy be reviewed regarding less lethal shotguns?

Quarterly - all uniformed employees at the rank of Division commander and below

HPM 100.69-1 Medical Marijuana: a law enforcement agency or officer shall not refuse to accept a state medical marijuana identification card issued by CDPH. Unless _____________________.

Reasonable cause to believe that the information contained in the card is false or fraudulent, or the card is being used fraudulently.

HPM 70.6-2 When can an officer fire his weapon at a suspect fleeing in a vehicle? Note: shall be used only when all other reasonable means of apprehension have been exhausted and, if under the circumstances presented to the officer, the use of a firearm is not likely to endanger innocent persons.

Reasonably believes person has committed a felony involving the use or threatened use of deadly force - ADW with a vehicle only ADW when the officer reasonably believes has resulted in serious injury or death.

HPM 70.1-15 MVARS DVD's with significant events shall be placed in what colored sleeve?


HPM 100.69-1 5150 WIC: True or False - Officers are should /required to advise the person that this is not an arrest but a detention and to supply a written record of this advisement to the treatment facility staff. Officer should also complete a form MH-302 documenting the PC for detention.


HPM 10.12-6 What is the role of an EEO investigator?

Responsibility for inquiring into, and reporting findings of fact on, formal complaints. Shall not make a final decision about the merits of the complaint. They only gather evidence and present the facts.

HPM 70.6-24 If two prisoners are to be transported in a PV without a cage, where shall the prisoners be seated (one officer)?

Right-front and right-rear

HPM 100.69-5 RE: Child Abuse/Neglect: The commander shall obtain local resource information (i.e, shelters) and ensure the _____ contains necessary direction about local procedures for handling protective custody of minors and incidents of child abuse or neglect


HPM 10.5 How does an employee document the use of Merit Behavioral Care (MBC) if it occurs during work hours?

STD 634 - sick or vacation time

HPM 10.3 In order for a domestic partner to be covered by insurance benefits, what Department must they register with _________________.

Secretary of State

HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - How often shall the commander conduct inspections of departmental facilities?


HPM 9.1 What employee designation(s) are subject to substance abuse testing when reasonable suspicion has been established?

Sensitive Positions

HPM 70.4 The DUI checkpoint team leader should at a minimum be the rank of a ____________.

Sergeant Commander may allow OIC

HPM 10.6 Occ safety - Who should be assigned to conduct commentary driver training?

Sergeant or non-uniformed supervisor for non-uniformed personnel when the sergeant is not available.

HPM 70.6-29 Who is required to recertify with the CEW annually?

Sergeants and officers Quarterly policy review is required

HPM 9.1 When is the complaint procedure used?

Settles dispute over policy and procedures. Examples: allegation officer must work graveyard shift alone, denial of hardship trans

HPM 100.67-8 If the individual indicates they are a foreign national, or if the officer suspects the individual is a foreign national, the officer should/shall advise the individual they are entitled to have their country's consular representative in the U.S. notified of the arrest or detention and they have the right to communicate with an official from the consulate or embassy of their country.


HPM 100.67-8 In instances involving an arrest or detention of exceeding two hours, the officer should/shall document that consular notification was made?


HPM 100.68-2 Citizen's Arrests: Uniformed employees of this Department shall/shall, subject to the discretionary power vested in them by law, accept custody of persons arrested by private persons.


HPM 100.69-1 The officer shall/should also immediately notify the local rape victim counseling center pursuant to Section 264.2(b)(1) PC if the victim is transported to a hospital for any medical evidentiary or physical examination and the sexual assault involves an alleged violation ... mostly all felony offenses.


HPM 70.1-5 Section 33800 PC states, "When a firearm is taken into custody by a law enforcement officer, the officer should / shall issue the person who possessed the firearm a receipt describe the firearm.


HPM 70.6-5 Area commanders should/shall develop procedures relating to proper deployment locations within their commands and familiarizing Area personnel in the proper use of the spike strip.


HPM 100.67-1 Uniformed personnel may/should/shall respond to "officer needs assistance" requests. The degree of response must be based on the decision of the on-duty supervisor who is authorized to commit the personnel and resources necessary to meet the particular situation.

Shall Also emergency traffic assistance

HPM 70.6-29 During the course of enforcement duties, all certified officers and sergeants should / shall carry the CEW if available.

Shall Except court and funerals

HPM 100.69-6 Generally, reports of missing persons should be referred to the appropriate local law enforcement agency. When conducting a preliminary investigation, Officers may/should/shall utilize a DOJ Missing Person Report (CJIS 8568).

Shall Note: Shall also provide the phone number for DOJ Missing Person Hotline

HPM 70.6-28 Commanders should/shall ensure a minimum of one less-lethal shotgun is deployed to the field during every shift.

Shall Note: carried by officer or sgt.

HPM 100.68-4 As the result of several court decisions and the terms of a partially vacated injunction placed against the Department, it is extremely difficult to cite motorcyclists for wearing helmets not in compliance with FMVSS Standard No. 218. Therefore, Officers should/shall not cite for hard shell beanie-type helmets.

Shall Note: officers shall not attempt to make this determination prior to or during an enforcement stop. Supervisor approval is required to cite.

HPM 100.69-6 Personnel should/shall access the 144 Hospitalized/In-Custody System for possible information on persons reported as missing, overdue, or as a runaway. If results are negative, an "attempt to locate" (ATL) should/shall be promptly broadcast to the appropriate California Highway Patrol (CHP) field personnel.

Shall Shall

GO 10.21 Upon request, employees should/shall be given the opportunity to view their BT EI dashboard with a supervisor. Additionally, supervisors should/shall provide employees with a copy of their EI dashboard printout to review during the employee's annual performance evaluation.

Shall Should

HPM 70.6-24 When nylon leg restraints are applied and the suspect is placed in the PV, the subject shall/should be placed on their side.

Shall - This will help to avoid "positional asphyxia" wherein the subject's breathing is seriously impaired

GO 10.21 RE: Blue Team - Use of force summaries shall / shall not include a supervisory analysis of the incident.

Shall Not

GO 100.42 An armed, off-duty, CHP officer conducting a ride-a-long with an allied agency should/shall/shall not wear a CHP uniform.

Shall Not

HPM 100.68-5 23123.5 VC (Texting): A person shall / shall not be deemed to be writing, reading, or sending a text-based communication if the person reads, selects, or enters a telephone number or name in an electronic wireless communications device for the purpose of making or receiving a hands-free telephone call.

Shall Not

HPM 100.67-8 Whenever an officer arrests or detains an individual for a criminal investigation and the officer reasonably believes the person is a foreign national, the officer should/shall attempt to determine the person's citizenship. This procedure applies to in-custody arrests and to detentions exceeding ___ hours.

Shall Not 2 hours

HPM 100.68-5 Officers may/should/shall not seize a wireless telephone to determine if the driver is using it for emergency purposes as listed in paragraphs 11.b(1)(a) and 11.b(2)(a).

Shall not

HPM 70.6-29 Officers should / shall not use the CEW if they have reason to believe the subject has been exposed to flammable liquids or is located in a flammable or explosive environment.

Shall not

GO 6.7 An OIC manual should/shall be developed, or a section of the Area Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) shall be devoted to the OIC program.


HPM 100.67-5 An officer observes a DUI driver in CA and stops him in AZ. The officer should/shall detain the suspect and request the appropriate law enforcement authorities investigate for a violation of their statutes.


HPM 100.67-5 Whether in pursuit or for collision/investigative follow-up, supervisory approval should/shall be obtained prior to entering the adjoining state.


HPM 100.68-1 A CHP 215 should/shall normally charge a single, major, hazardous violation observed during the continuing movement immediately prior to the enforcement action.


HPM 70.1-4 Staples should / shall not be used to seal evidence in any type of container.


HPM 70.6-2 Supervisor's approval to destroy the animal should or shall be obtained with consideration of the geographical location and the employee's experience.


HPM 70.6-4 A Notice to Appear should/shall normally charge only a single major hazardous violation observed during the continuing movement immediately prior to the enforcement action.


HPM 81.2-2 10751 VC - Whenever a vehicle or part has a vehicle identification number (VIN) obviously mutilated or removed and comes into the possession of an officer, it should be seized. A supervisor or vehicle theft investigator's approval should / shall be obtained prior to seizure.

Should Impound for 22655.5 VC (evidence)

GO 100.42 True or False - To be eligible to participate in a ride-along, the person should/ shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older.

Should Note: The Area commander may allow younger participants who are involved in the Department's Explorer Program, D.A.R.E., Scouts, school research, etc., with signed parental/legal guardian approval on the departmental, CHP 428, Release and Waiver of Liability form.

HPM 100.68-2 Officers should/shall physically arrest all violators meeting the conditions described in Section 40302 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC).

Should - may choose complaint to be filed under certain circumstances (sick, juvi's, etc.) Note: Felonies shall

HPM 70.6-24 For the officer's safety, not more than two prisoners should/shall be transported in a patrol vehicle. Additional assistance should/shall be requested whenever reasonably available.

Should and should

HPM 70.6-29 The CEW should / shall not be used against pregnant woman, elderly, children, persons less than 80 lbs., appear to be frail or in control of a vehicle if there is a potential they may lose control.

Should not

HPM 10.3 How much are employees entitled to for NDI payments?

Sick / vacation leave program: $135 per week Annual leave: 50%. May use leave credits to supplement at 75% or 100%

HPM 10.3 An employee may use sick leave, compensating time off (CTO), vacation/annual leave, or any other available credits hours while pending approval for disability retirement. Once approved, the employee can only use ____________.

Sick or annual leave

HPM 10.3 Commanders shall interview each employee who is separating by resignation from state service or to accept employment in another state agency to determine _____________________.

Specific reasons for separation and recommendation to rehire.

HPM 100.69-9 Any on-duty employee who receives an initial report of an actual or possible child abduction incident from a victim or witness shall immediately report it to their _______.

Supervisor Note: supervisors shall notify the appropriate CHP communications center and request that notification be made to ENTAC. If the abduction occurred in another CHP Area, the on-duty supervisor for the CHP Area in which the abduction occurred shall also be notified.

HPM 10.4 A copy of the corrective action may only be placed in the employees personnel file if there was a finding of ___________ or ______________.

Sustained or unintentional error Employees response, if completed, will also be in the personnel file.

HPM 10.3 IS FMLA paid or unpaid leave?

Technically it is an unpaid leave. However the department will allow employees to use accrued leave credits.

HPM 70.1-15 How long are MVARS videos kept for MAIT investigations and OIS?

Ten years

HPM 10.12-2 Define Age Discrimination and is anyone excluded?

The ADEA applies to persons 40 years of age and over. Public Health or Safety Classifications are excluded

GO 100.28 What box shall be checked on the CHP 215 when a suspect is cited and released for a recordable offense?

The BOOKING REQUIRED box. A JUS 8715 or JUS 8716 must also be initiated upon return to the Area office. The process of fingerprinting and completing the CHP 194 at the Area office, coupled with the initiation of a JUS 8715 or JUS 8716, constitutes booking.

HPM 10.3 What is State Disability Insurance (SDI) (for non-uniform)?

The SDI Program is a wage continuation program that pays part of an eligible employee's wages if the employee is required to be absent from work due to a nonwork-related illness or injury or qualifying family leave.

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Hostile Work Environment - How do you determine whether sexual harassment has risen to a hostile environment?

The Supreme Court: "sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of [the victim's] employment and create an abusive working environment."

HPM 10.5 Who can approve the use of the Departments aircraft for peer support?

The appropriate Asst. Comm.

HPM 10.3 Who can approve a CHP 127 (Request for position Action)?

The appropriate commissioner. A communications center Commander may approve a PSD and a PSO.

HPM 10.4 If a complaint involves officers from more than one command, who should be the primary investigator?

The area with the employee with the most serious allegation or the command with the greatest number of employees involved.

HPM 100.67-6 An officer makes a stop on an Indian Reservation and arrests the driver for DUI. The Driver has a BAC of .10. The officer completes the proper admin per se paperwork and books him into jail. Is the arrest legal? Does admin per se apply?

The arrest is legal. However admin per se is a civil matter and does not apply (zero tolerance the same and no parking laws). The only exception is if the Indian Reservation contracts for local police services.

HPM 70.4 If a suspect is going to be cited and released for a DUI, what should the suspect and responsible person be admonished of?

The arrestee is not to drive a motor vehicle until he/she is no longer under the influence, or they may again be subject to arrest. The arrestee is responsible for his/her own actions, and the arrestee is being released to the responsible party.

HPM 100.69-1 An officer arrests a person for a controlled substance offense and later determines the person is a school teacher. What is required to be done, if anything: This also applies to sex crimes

The commander shall notify the teachers superintendent immediately by telephone. Also applies to non-teacher employees Commands shall also immediately give written notice of the arrest to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and to the Superintendent of Schools in the county where the person is employed.

HPM 10.3 Who shall notify a retired peace officer that his CCW permit has been revoked?

The commander. It is also the commanders responsibility to notify the next level when he becomes aware that a retiree did something that may cause a revocation.

HPM 70.1-12 What is the policy for the extra set of evidence keys issued to the commander?

The evidence officer shall seal the envelope with evidence tape, then date and initial the seal. Use of the spare key shall be restricted to the commander or commander's designee. Any property room entry by use of the spare key shall be documented on the property room entry log.

HPM 100.67-6 Concurrent Jurisdiction means?

The federal government, the state, and local governments each have the right to exercise the same authority over the land, including the right to prosecute for crimes. CHP can still not cite for Federal Civil Laws. Area commands will normally patrol roadways.

HPM 10.3 Government Code Section 21193 states, in summary, an employee who applies for reinstatement and is no longer incapacitated for duty in the position held when retired for disability, or in a position in the same classification, shall be reinstated, at the employee's option. What is the max. age?

The former employee must be at least six months less than the age of compulsory retirement. Must complete reinstatement process.

HPM 10.12-12 It is a major goal of this department/CHP to achieve and maintain a work force representative of ______________________________ and the community it serves.

The relevant work force

HPM 100.67-6 Partial Jurisdiction means?

The state has some powers. However, for day-to-day law enforcement activities, there is no practical difference between exclusive federal jurisdiction and partial federal jurisdiction.

HPM 70.6-29 What should you do when a subject has been exposed to the CEW and is suspected to be under the influence of stimulants.

The subject shall have medical attention as soon as practical.

HPM 10.4 If the complainant is not satisfied with the results of the investigation, who shall conduct a separate complaint review?

The succeeding level of command. A Division level review shall be conducted when a complainant is not satisfied with an investigation conducted by an Area command. If still not satisfies then a BIA review.

HMP 100.67-8 An officer may not arrest a person for being a suspected illegal alien, unless:

They observed the actual illegal border crossing (misdemeanor offense)

HPM 10.3 What is a Coleman Hearing?

This hearing is informal and should be conducted by an impartial and disinterested representative of the Department.

HPM 10.12-3 Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination originally contained in what federal act:

Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964

HPM 10.3 How long does an employee need to be in state service to qualify for FMLA?

To be eligible for FMLA/CFRA benefits, an employee must have at least 12 months (52 weeks) of state service; and worked at least 1,250 hours (actual time worked) during the prior 12 months.

HPM 70.4 When should operational plans for DUI checkpoints be submitted for approval and to whom?

To division one week before scheduled date.

HPM 10.12-6 What is the role of an EEO counselor?

To establish and provide an open channel of communication through which employees may raise questions, discuss concerns, receive answers, and obtain informal resolutions. They are separate from formal complaint process. Tries to resolve issue before it becomes a complaint.

GO 0.4 True or False - All Division, office, section, and Area commanders shall designate a first and second alternate commander from within their immediate staff whenever possible.


GO 10.21 True or False RE: Blue Team - The EI dashboard should only be used as a threshold advisory tool for supervisors and managers.


GO 10.8 T or F - Lieutenant, CHP. Ability to motivate subordinates to carry out the Department's objectives. The competitor's participation in, and contributions to, the success of dept. programs (assoc instructor for dept. training programs, program audits, developmental administrative assignments, committees, and multi-disciplinary TF's). Education beyond an AA or the equivalent number of college units is desirable.


GO 100.39 True or False - An OIC, Acting Sergeant or Sergeant shall review and sign all arrest reports.


GO 100.42 True or False - A ride-along shall not be allowed until approval is obtained from the respective commander or his/her designee.


GO 40.10 True or False Multi-Area/Agency Pursuit Report: When more than one Area or Division is involved in the same pursuit, each involved Area or Division is responsible for completing and reviewing only those portions of the report that apply to their involvement.


GO 6.11 True or False - CALEA Accreditation requires an in-depth review of every aspect of the Department's organization, management, operations, and administration


GO 6.11 True or False - The purpose of CALEA is to improve the delivery of public safety services, primarily by: maintaining a body of standards developed by public safety practitioners, establishing and administering an accreditation process, and recognizing professional excellence.


HPM 10.12-3 True or False Hostile work environment may also occur on the basis of other protected groups (e.g., race, disability, national origin).


HPM 10.12-4 True or False Defined by law, an alcoholic is a person with a disability?


HPM 10.12-4 True or False The broader definition (ADA) of Persons with Disabilities shall be applied.


HPM 10.5 True or False A manager drafts a "management supervisor referral" letter to MBC (Merit Behavioral Care) for an employee, but they cannot force an employee to go.


HPM 10.5 True or False The CIRT (Critical Incident Response Team) shall respond to an on-duty death. Commanders may request CIRT assistance with off duty deaths as well.


HPM 10.6 Occ Safety - Regarding managers and supervisors,safety performance of their respective units shall be an element of their annual performance review True or False


HPM 100.67-1 True or False - Authority for the CHP to provide the various types of assistance and support described in this chapter is contained in the California Penal Code, Governor's Executive Orders, California Emergency Services Act, the Master Mutual Aid Agreement, and the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan.


HPM 100.67-5 True or False The bordering state's Fresh Pursuit Acts statutorily extend peace officer authority to officers from other states when in "fresh pursuit" of a fleeing felon


HPM 100.68-2 True or False - If a violator refuses to sign the CHP 215, the supervisor shall determine the appropriate course of action and respond to the scene as necessary.


HPM 100.68-3 True or False - At 5 MPH or more above the absolute speed limit for the vehicles(s) or roadway, the officer shall stop and should issue a CHP 215.


HPM 100.68-5 True or False - Farm labor vehicle are exempt from seatbelt laws if operated on the ranchers property and not more than one mile of highway between parts of the farm or ranch.


HPM 100.69-1 True or False - Officers shall not conduct a field check for outstanding warrants unless there is reasonable suspicion that a warrant may exist and/or the check can be accomplished without resulting in an unreasonable delay.


HPM 100.69-8 True or False - If the California Highway Patrol is the lead enforcement agency investigating an unintentional or self-inflicted gunshot wound with a victim 18 years of age or younger. They shall complete a California Firearms Injury Report


HPM 100.69-9 True or False - If an abduction does not meet the Amber Alert Criteria, the Department may still assist by activating electronic message boards and placing alerts on Highway Advisory Radio.


HPM 11.1-10 If a process server attempts to serve a subpoena for an employee on suspension, the immediate superior or designated agent shall refuse to accept. True or False


HPM 11.1-10 Notices for State Personnel Board hearings must be served on the Attorney General's Office. They shall not be accepted by the CHP. True or False


HPM 11.1-13 The information Privacy Act (IPA) governs the collection, use, maintenance and dissemination of personal information about individuals by state agencies. True or False


HPM 11.1-20 True or False A conviction is required for DUI cost recovery if the arrestee is a refusal, has a BAC under .08 or chemical test is positive for drugs only


HPM 11.1-22 If certain contractor are on-site more than 30 days commands are required to conduct CDL checks. True or False


HPM 11.1-24 True or False Invoices shall be billed to the "California Highway Patrol" not "CHP."


HPM 11.1-26 Classified material to be transmitted by US mail shall be placed in two envelopes. True or False


HPM 11.1-7 True or False A CHP 208 (Accident Prevention Report) is not required when a STD 270 is completed for liability purposes only.


HPM 11.1-9 A uniformed employee responding to a subpoena for the defense shall not appear in court in uniform. True or False


HPM 22.1-1 The commander shall document a response to all of the inspector's identified deficiencies. This documentation shall not identify any employee(s) responsible for the inspected program by name. True or False


HPM 70-6-29 True or False After the subject has been taken into custody, the first option for probe removal is to transport to a medical facility and allow medical personnel to remove the probes.


HPM 70.1-12 Drugs, currency, and valuables should be separated from other evidence in a secure location within the property room. True or False


HPM 70.1-12 True or False The evidence officer should not be an active field officer or investigator involved in collecting evidence in the field or court officer.


HPM 70.1-15 Vehicles assigned to just one officer, such as resident posts and K9 units, are only required to change out the MVARS DVD's when they are full or have significant events. True or False


HPM 70.1-5 True or False - Employees shall place all evidence and property in the evidence/property designated temporary locker prior to the end of their work shift. Employees shall not store evidence or property in a personnel locker or any other location.


HPM 70.1-9 TRUE or FALSE - All evidence retained from threshold incidents (e.g., on-duty officer death, shooting, on-duty traffic collisions, conductive energy weapon deployments) and incidents which may result in litigation against the Department, shall be held at the Area for at least ten years,


HPM 70.1.-12 True or False When a change of the evidence officer takes place, the locks shall be changed?


HPM 70.6 True or False - Area commanders shall ensure sufficient certified OST trainers, at a ratio of one for every ten officers in attendance at training.


HPM 70.6-1 True or False - Self-defense is based upon the attendant circumstances which are sufficient to excite the fear of a reasonable and prudent person and upon the reasonable appearance of imminent peril of death or serious bodily injury.


HPM 70.6-17 True or False Divisions are responsible for facilitating OST specific to the needs of uniformed members at the rank of lieutenant and above.


HPM 70.6-24 True or False When any civilian passenger or prisoner is left unattended in a departmental vehicle, the ignition keys shall be removed from the vehicle's ignition lock.


HPM 70.6-25 True or False - The carrying of optional impact weapons (collapsible PR24 or ASP) is approved during civil disturbances. However, the PR-24 shall be carried.


HPM 81.2-1 True or False A failure of the RO, LO, or their agent to attend a scheduled hearing satisfies the post-storage hearing requirement pursuant to Section 22852(d) CVC.


HPM 81.2-2 A L/O can obtain an early release of a 30 day impound if they are a bank, credit union, car dealer, acceptance corp or hold the security interest in the vehicle. True or False


HPM 81.2-3 Areas shall mail a written notification of the recovery to the reporting party within 24 hours of the recovery or notification, excluding weekends and holidays. Written notification shall be sent even when a successful telephone notification has been made.


HPM 81.2-7 True or False - Area commanders shall investigate and document all complaints against CHP rotation tow operators made by the public, CHP employees, or allied agencies. The investigating officer shall use the CHP 240 (Complaint Investigation) form to document the incident.


HPM 81.2-A True or False "Days" designates calendar days unless specified in this manual.


HPM 11.1-13 An Employee's name and work location are available with a valid PRA request?

True name, work location, classification, assignment, gross salary rate, dates of employment, time base, rehire information, and training received at state expense.

HPM 70.1-9 True or False - A court order of return is not needed for the release of marijuana stored as property.

True 1. Using sound professional judgment, determine the validity of the document presented by the claimant. 2. If valid, verify ID

HPM 11.1-12 True or False Each Area shall designate a person to release criminal offender record information and that person shall be familiar with proper use and control. The training is to be documented in their personnel file.

True A log shall be maintained of records released for 3 years.

HPM 11.1-13 True or False Upon receipt of a request for records, the Department must, within 10 days, make a determination whether to comply with the request.

True Can be extended if unusual circumstances

HPM 81.2-2 The Department shall not release a vehicle to a "new" RO or LO unless the impoundment period is completed or the vehicle meets the early release requirements. True or False

True Can't sell it

HPM 11.1-6 True or False A commander, if contacted, may provide an estimate for reimbursable services?

True Contact FMS for assistance

HPM 100.69-5 True or False - A DOJ form SS 8572, Suspected Child Abuse Report, is required to be completed for a misd. child endangerment charge that is added to the charges when booking a DUI driver.

True DOJ report shall be submitted to the LCDA within 36 hours of receiving information regarding an incident of suspected child abuse or neglect.

HPM 81.2-4 True or False A person can appeal a storage hearing decision by completing a CHP 287 (-$1000) or Gov. Claim form ($+1000)

True Department personnel shall assist with the process

HPM 100.67-1 True or False - In most cases, national parks are exclusive jurisdiction enclaves. Local or state law enforcement personnel are prohibited from assisting in mutual aid situations because of a complete lack of authority.

True Except for "officer needs assistance" and "emergency traffic assistance"

HPM 70.1-10 True or False - With some exceptions, a court order is required for the destruction of controlled substances.

True Exceptions are usually associated with drug labs

HPM 81.2-6 All vehicles and/or vehicle components seized as evidence shall be referred to the evidence contract tow service. True or False

True If not available, use rotation tow.

HPM 100.69-5 True or False: The right to remain confidential applies to victim of abuse. If the victim and/or parent/guardian wish to remain confidential, the CHP 174 should become the face page of the report. They should also be listed as Jane/John Doe on CHP 202/216 face page.

True If not invoked the CHP 174 will become an attachment

HPM 70.6-5 True or False - Participation in an allied agency's pursuit is appropriate only in response to a specific request for participation.

True In addition to a formal request through the telecommunications system by an allied agency, officers may be summoned by hand/arm gestures

HPM 70.1-8 True or False In almost all circumstances, All firearms associated with a criminal act that come into the custody of the Department shall be entered into the NIBIN/IBIS.

True NIBIN/IBIS hits should be referred to ISU

GO 100.36 True or False - In the case of an accident where a motor vehicle has killed or injured livestock, reasonable efforts shall be made to locate and notify the owner(s) of the animal(s).

True Note: When the owner cannot be located and it becomes necessary to confine the animal or store the carcass, immediate notification shall be made to the Secretary of Food and Agriculture

HPM 100.68-5 True or False - Pursuant to departmental policy, officers shall accept expired insurance cards if the driver indicates the policy is still in effect and the card contains the name of the insurance company and the policy number.

True Note: and accept any FR in written form even if handwritten

HPM 100.68-1 True or False - The Area commander may direct the use of off-street observation for limited periods for the purpose of reducing a specific condition which has not responded to visible enforcement.

True Note: prior approval of the appropriate Division chief

GO 100.6 True or False Personnel shall not place motorists, passengers, or pedestrians in a position of foreseeable danger from either traffic or other potentially hazardous factors after contact has been made.

True Remember: FORSEEABLE DANGER. Key to Special Relationships

HPM 81.2=7 True or False RE: TSA (Tow): Enrollment may be continuous throughout the year, but must occur at least once annually. The enrollment period shall be open for at least 30 days per year.

True Term of agreement is normally one year

HPM 70.6-2 The commander immediately reassign an officer who is responsible for the shooting death of any person from field enforcement to office duty. True or False INCORRECT QUESTION - REVISED: Refer to MM 13-029

True The reassignment should remain effective until the results of a coroner's inquest, district attorney's, and departmental investigations are obtained, or until the Division commander directs otherwise.

HPM 9.1 True or False: State vehicle shall not be used by reps during rep functions? What about copiers, fax, audio visual equipment and other equipment?

True Yes, but provided it doesn't generate additional costs. May need supervisor or commander notification in some instances.

HPM 100.67-8 True or False - Subsequent to a lawful detention or criminal arrest (i.e., unrelated to illegal presence), officers may detain foreign nationals for alleged illegal presence if United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can respond to investigate within the duration of the unrelated criminal/collision investigation.

True (False now. CHP employees shall not have any contact with federal agents regarding immigration status of a subject they have detained or arrested)

HPM 9.1 True or False: During work hours, an employee may utilize a reasonable amount of release time for grievance / complaint representation?

True (not for meet and confer) Excluded employees may represent excluded employees.

HPM 70.1-5 In cases where the Department confiscates live marijuana plants, the plants shall not be removed from the soil or container. True or False

True - Potted plants should be stored in paper bags, cardboard container, or wrapped in paper material.

HPM 100.69-3 True or False - Pursuant to Section 679.026 PC, every law enforcement agency investigating a criminal act at the time of initial contact with a crime victim, or during follow-up investigation, or as soon as deemed appropriate by the investigating officers, shall provide to each victim of a criminal act a Marsy's Rights card.

True - Available on AG website

HPM 70.1-9 Except for firearms, all property taken from a person, other than firearms, shall be held by the Department for a period of 90 days prior to disposal. True or False

True - Firearms 180 days

HPM 70.1-6 The CHP 36B (Evidence Log) should no longer be used. True or False

True - Unless AIS is unavailable

HPM 100.69-4 True or False - The area commanders shall ensure their Area's standard operating procedure (SOP) contains the necessary direction about local procedures for handling court protective orders.

True - basically it should contain information for any county protocols

HPM 100.67-6 True or False - The CHP can enforce fish and game violations on Indian Reservations (Propriety Jurisdiction)?

True - but only against non-native Americans

HPM 70.1-4 True or False - Large quantities of controlled substances (in excess of ten pounds) may be destroyed without a court order.

True - pursuant to Health and Safety Code (H&S) Section 11479.

HPM 70.1-9 True or False - A court order of return is needed for the release of marijuana stored as evidence.

True - verify documents

HPM 9.1 True or False: Supervisory employees are not entitled to bargaining unit rights, exclusive representation, or the right to file an unfair labor practices charge.

True: Limited rights only

HPM 70.1-1 If a crime scene is outdoors or in a large area indoors. The initial area for the crimes scene the scene should initially be identified as ______ the distance from the center of the scene to the farthest known piece of evidence.


HPM 10.3 Election Day - Employees are granted a maximum of ___ hours work time to vote. May take more, but will not be paid for the rest

Two hours

HPM 70.1-5 Except for felony cases or cases involving persons ______ _____ years of age, alcoholic beverages should not be seized and retained.

Under 21

HPM 70.6-5 Departmental pursuit policy states:

Uniformed employees are authorized to conduct pursuits in compliance with applicable laws, sound professional judgment, and the procedures outlined in this chapter (policy)

HPM 10.3 Are uniformed officer required to live within close proximity to their assigned command?

Uniformed employees shall reside in such proximity to their assigned command or headquarters office as will assure their ability to respond to an emergency within a reasonable length of time or to allow equitable assignment of departmental responsibility. Note: May live out of state if listed in annex A of policy. Otherwise prior commissioner approval is required.

HPM 11.1-7 If an officer conducting a pre-shift inspection observes undercarriage damage, the commander shall cause a report to be prepared. The driver should be listed as ___________.


HPM 10.12-2 What is the definition of sexual harassment?

Unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, visual/written conduct of a sexual nature when: 1. Submission is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment 2. Basis for employment decisions, unreasonably affects work performance and/or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

HPM 10.12-3 RE: Sexual Harassment - What is the definition of a hostile work environment?

Unwelcome sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual's job performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, even if it does not lead to tangible or economic consequences.

HPM 70.6-2 Who provides representation under the Departments Legal Representation Program?

Utilized when allied agency refuses to allow a CHP supervisor to attend the interview of the officer involved in the shooting. Attorneys from the Department's Office of General Counsel

HPM 10.6 Command Occ Safety Committee (COSC) - What types of incidents shall the COSC review?

Vehicle accidents, occupational illnesses and hazardous materials exposure to determine errors in skills

HPM 11.1-9 All (Damage) claims in excess of $1000.00 must be filed with ______________________________. Claims must be completed within 6 months of the date of alleged incident.

Victim Compensation and Govt Claims Board.

HPM 100.69-1 What shall an officer investigating a sexual assault provide the victim, even if it was not a domestic violence offense.

Victims of Domestic Violence Card. Contains counseling information and victim's rights. Obtained from allied agency.

HPM 100.69-3 Pursuant to Sections 13959-13969 GC, law enforcement agencies are required to inform individuals who are victims of ______ _______ of the availability of the indemnification program and issues a CHP 170, notice to Victims of Violent Crimes

Violent Crimes

HPM 10.3 The 16.5 hour OT rule applies to what type of OT?


HPM 100.69-7 The Department may provide information to the public about a person required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 290 PC. Under what conditions?

When necessary to ensure public safety based upon information available to the Department concerning that specific person.

HPM 70.1-15 Where should the cabinet storing MVARS DVD's be placed?

When practical, the cabinet should be placed within the evidence room. If stored outside of the evidence room, it should be properly secured to the floor or wall.

HPM 70.6-2 When can an officer discharge his weapon in self- defense?

When the officer has a reasonable belief that the use of deadly force is necessary for self-defense or to defend another person from immediate serious bodily harm.

GO 100.42 When is a commander's approval required for officer who want to do an off-duty ride-a-long with an allied agency?

When they are armed. Note: Not required for unarmed

HPM 11.1-2 For the purposes of travel reimbursements, headquarters is defined as __________.​

Where employee spends most time or location to which he/she returns upon completion of assignment.

HPM 10.3 An employee's rep may review the employee's personnel file under what circumstances?

Written permission dated within the past 30 days

HPM 70.1-10 How do you pay for a drug burn?


HPM 11.1-22 A CHP 78, Agreement Request shall be used to initiate all service contracts which are repetitive, regardless of the estimated dollar value or are one-time services exceeding $4,999.99. What process is used for a One-time, short-term, occasional, or annual (single state fiscal year) services under $5,000 from any source within one state fiscal year?


11.1-23 RE: X-Number: If service can only be provided by an authorized dealer, can you be exempt from the bid process?


HPM 10.4 If s/he chooses, can a commander issue closing documentation to an employee for a finding of undetermined/no finding and include the Bazemore admonition?


HPM 100.67-1 Yes or No - Can an area commander authorize mobilization of their personnel for a situation (Mutual Aid Request) prior to the receipt of approval to commit resources.


HPM 100.69-4 Is proof of service required before an officer can make an arrest for an EPO or restraining order violations?


HPM 100.69-4 May an officer attempt to obtain a CHP 175, Application for Emergency Protective Order, for a case involving elder abuse or child abuse?


HPM 11.1-26 Are materials marked "confidential" exempt from PRA disclosure?


HPM 70.1-15 Can an MVARS video be released for a civil case?


HPM 81.2-1 If the officer does not enter an estimated value of a vehicle in the Valuation By box of the CHP 180 within three days, can the tow operator enter the amount?


HPM 81.2-2 Can a vehicle be impounded for 22651(p) VC if the driver is valid but driving out of class?


HPM 70.6-29 If transportation of the subject would be impractical because of the location of the probes, can the officer remove the probes himself?

Yes Following procedures in policy, but not if located in Groin, Breast area on a female, Head and eyes, Neck, Spinal column or Joints.

HPM 100.69-4 Are out of state protective or restraining order enforceable in California?

Yes Individuals must register the out-of-state order with a court clerk in California. If there is no evidence that the order has been registered, officers should attempt to obtain an EPO.

HPM 70.4-1 Does an officer complete a CHP 215 for a violation of 23136 VC?

Yes Should

HPM 10.12-5 Can a commander request an employee to provide medical proof of the need for a reasonable accommodation?

Yes The employee has 21 calendar days to submit

HPM 81.2-6 May a commander decide to use a public facility to store vehicle impounded for evidence?

Yes should be capable of providing reasonable security from unauthorized access and long-term effects of the weather.

HPM 22.1-1 Can a commander appeal and inspection? If yes, how?

Yes On a CHP 51 within 5 working days

HPM 100.67-8 Are Consular Officers immune to arrest and detention? What about Consular employees?

Yes (except felony arrest warrants), but must be during an official act (on duty alone doesn't count) Generally no immunity

HPM 100.69-1 An officer observes the sale of marijuana and contacts the parties. S/he determines the sale was of medical marijuana. Can the officer still make an arrest?

Yes - Section 11360(a) H&S - Sale (only). Although Proposition 215 made reference to the cultivation of marijuana, there was no defense created for the sale of marijuana. Thus, even if for eventual medical use, there is no Section 11362.5 and/or 11362.7 H&S application to an observed sale of marijuana.

HPM 11.1-19 Can an area commander requests AF funds to pay for a specialized enforcement project?

Yes - The requesting command will prepare a detailed project plan, including a project budget/cost analysis. Submitted through channles.

HPM 100.68-2 Yes or No - May a juvenile be transported to an adult jail for a chemical test?

Yes - as long as certain conditions are met. In general avoid contact with any adults

HPM 100.67-8 Can a Consular Officer, with immunity, be issued a CHP 215 for a traffic violation?

Yes - not considered and arrest or detention Verified diplomatic agents and consular officers, including staff and family members from countries with which the U.S. has special agreements, are not required to sign the CHP 215. Write "refuse" and release

HPM 100.69-3 Is the victim's statement of abuse or threat of abuse is sufficient justification to seek an EPO.

Yes - officer shall assist person with obtaining EPO Officers may issue EPOs and shall carry those orders while on duty.

HPM 11.1-3 Are employees allowed to claim meals and/or lodging expenses while searching for a new residence after relocation expenses have been approved. If so, for how long.

Yes for a total of 14 days

HPM 11.1-2 An employee begins travel at 1630 hours. Can s/he claim a dinner?

Yes, as long as travel begin prior to 1700 hours

HPM 100.67-8 Can an officer detain a driver who is suspected of smuggling illegal aliens into the U.S.?

Yes, it is a federal felony. Call ICE.

HPM 10.4 Can a commander release a complaint investigation file to the Attorney General?

Yes, when they are defending the Department or its employees. Coordinate with Legal Coordination Unit. Anyone else needs a subpoena or court order

HPM 81.2-6 Can the Department seek reimbursement for evidence storages costs from the defendant?

Yes. Section 22655.5(d) VC provides a means for the recovery of the towing and storage costs when the perpetrator is convicted of a crime.

HPM 70.1-15 Can a MVARS copy be released to a defendant in a traffic citation case?

Yes. A copy of a DVD may be released to the defendant if the copy provided does not contain any private third-party information or officer safety issues.

HPM 10.2 After approval, can an employee obtain a copy of the investigative file? If so, what is required?

Yes. A memo shall be attached admonishing the employee of confidentiality

HPM 10.3 Can an employee take a State Civil Service during normal working hours with pay?

Yes. As long as two day notice is given. A reasonable amount of time is given.

HPM 10.3 Are commanders required to post FMLA rights in the office?

Yes. Commanders shall post the U. S. Department of Labor's (DOL's) Wage and Hour Division Publication 1420, Employee Rights and Responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act, revised January 2009, Annex B, in a conspicuous place where it can be seen by employees and applicants for employment.

HPM 10.12-5 Can an employee appeal denial of reasonable accommodations?

Yes. In writing, within 5 working days of either the receipt of the denial or exhaustion of the ten working-day period without a response. These appeals shall be made to the Office of the Commissioner through OEEO.

HPM 11.1-7 Can an employee submit a travel expense to pay for damages to a personally owned vehicle while driving on state business?

Yes. Must first submit to insurance

HPM 70.1-9 Can unclaimed property or evidence from closed and expired cases be used by the Department.

Yes. With approval from the Asst. Comm. For training and educational purposes.

HPM 70.1-10 Prior to destruction of controlled substances, what should be conducted at the burn site?

a random test of the controlled substances

HPM 70.6-1 Uniformed employees must be guided by two key principles in the understanding and application of the use of force policy:

a) Sound professional judgment. b) The use of only that force reasonable for the situation as provided by law and in conformance with departmental policy.

HPM 10.12-11 What are the components of the upward mobility program?

a. Career counseling; b. Academic counseling; c. In-service and out-service training; d. Training and development assignments; e. On-the-job training; and, f. Job restructuring

G0 10.21 The BT and IAPro access levels are as follows: Supervisors will have BT access in order to input and review incident data and view incident threshold status of employees within their purview. Management will have_______________.

access to BT to input and review incident data and view the EI dashboard threshold status of employees within their purview. (poorly written sounds the same - clarify)

HPM 10.3 What type of leave credits can be used for catastrophic leave donations?

annual leave, vacation, compensating time off (CTO), personal leave, and/or holiday credits

HPM 81.2-2 Section 22655.5(a) CVC allows for the removal of a vehicle found upon a highway or public or private property and the officer has probable cause to believe the vehicle was used ___________________.

as the means of committing a public offense, or a search warrant 22655.5(b) should be used if the vehicle itself is evidence or cannot be readily removed.

HPM 100.68-2 Citizen's Arrest: After taking custody, facts of the arrest become known to the officer and the officer is satisfied that there are insufficient grounds for making a criminal complaint against the person arrested, the arrested party should:

be released from custody pursuant to Section 849(b)(1) PC.

HPM 70.1-5 All evidence containing biohazards, such as blood, shall _____________.

biohazard label affixed to it

HPM 100.69-1 Unless the violator can ________________________, Officers shall physically arrest violators, as required by law, in response to a warrant. The warrant may be either an original or an abstract relayed by the issuing agency.

can produce evidence in the form of a receipt showing that the fine for the violation on which the warrant is based has been paid.

HPM 10.3 Discretionary Leave. An unpaid leave may be granted to an employee if approved by the employee's _________

commander or the appropriate Assistant Commissioner, depending on the type of leave. An employee is not entitled to a discretionary leave as a matter of right.

GO 10.20 The Department's EIS (Early Intervention System) is a proactive program designed to identify and positively influence ________ or ___________exhibited by individual employees.

conduct or performance-related matters

HPM 70.1-12 How are evidence rooms required to be secured (i.e., locks)?

dead-bolt lock or A Personal Identification Number or Biometric scanner that records door access history, may be used instead of a dead bolt if used in conjunction with an intrusion alarm.

GO 10.20 The goal of EIS is to address work performance before it results in______, _____, ________, or other negative consequences.

discipline, lawsuits, injuries

HPM 10.3 What is a permanent separation?

dismissal; voluntary resignation; automatic resignation (Absent Without Leave [AWOL]); rejection during probationary period; termination for failure to meet conditions of employment; termination of limited term, temporary authorization (TAU), emergency, Career Executive Assignment, or exempt appointments; service retirement; and death of an employee.

HPM 10.3 What benefits does FMLA provide?

employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave during a 12-month period (per calendar year)for eligible employees for specified family and medical reasons. And continuation of benefits.

HPM 70.1-14 22655.5 VC impound 180's: The chain of custody page shall be placed ______________________and placed within the glove box (or other conspicuous location) of the impounded vehicle.

in a plastic California Highway Patrol evidence bag

HPM 70.1-5 Money in excess of $1,000, seized as evidence or for safe keeping, shall not be stored _________.

in an evidence locker/cabinet (including pass-through cabinets). Such items shall be secured inside the evidence room, a secure safe, an allied agency evidence room, or a safety deposit box (cash only) at a financial institution.

GO 10.21 The EI dashboard consists of colored dots which represent the employee's status relating to EI: Green =

indicates the employee is not nearing a threshold.

GO 10.21 The EI dashboard consists of colored dots which represent the employee's status relating to EI: Yellow =

indicates the employee is one incident away from reaching an identified threshold.

HPM 100.69-3 Domestic Violence is defined as abuse committed against an adult or a minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or a person with whom the suspect has had a child or _______________(what other type of relationship.

is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship

HPM 100.69-10 Blue Alert in intended to solicit help from the public in the safe and swift apprehension of violent suspects that have killed or seriously injured ___________.

law enforcement officers and continue to pose a threat to public safety.

HPM 10.3 What is a temporary separation from the Department?

leaves of absence including informal and temporary leave, military leave, suspension, termination for medical reasons, involuntary leave, layoff, and disability retirement.

HPM 100.69-1 A minor taken into custody for a violation of criminal law, who is under 14 years of age or is not believed to be a security risk, may be kept in temporary custody at a law enforcement facility as long as they are not:

locked in a cell or room (non-secure)

HPM 10.3 Family Sick can be used for:

mother, father, husband, wife, domestic partner,son, daughter, brother, sister, or any person residing in the employee's immediate household. (Max of 48 hours for full time employees per calendar year).

HPM 10.12-11 Upward mobility is defines as________________.

movement from low-paying classifications with minimal career opportunities into higher paying classifications within the Department with broader career opportunities.

HPM 81.2-7 Officers shall honor driver's/owner's requests for a specific tow service or auto association unless it is______________, or a vehicle is stored/impounded pursuant to law.

not practical to do so

HPM 10.3 What shall a uniformed employee do upon learning she is pregnant?

notify her commander and submit a statement from her medical care provider regarding her ability to perform full or limited duties. shall submit a CHP 209, Advisory: Potential Health Hazards Associated with Firearms Training, signed by their medical care provider.

HPM 100.68-1 The Department's enforcement efforts must be consistent with the organizational values. All enforcement action by members must be based _____________________and accomplished in a businesslike, firm, impartial, courteous, and consistent manner.

on sound professional judgment

HPM 100.69-1 Victims of hate crimes (also sex crimes) can remain confidential, so they should also be issued a CHP 174, Right to Privacy Acknowledgement. The offer of confidentiality shall be made _________(when) and a CHP 174 shall be completed with the victim's name and address.

prior to the initiation of a report Note: If confidentiality is invoked, the CHP 174 shall become the face page to the report. "John/Jane Doe" shall be inserted in the place of the victim's name and address excluded

HPM 10.3 When hiring non-uniformed personnel, it is important for the command to :

refer to the respective bargaining unit contract and General Order (GO) 10.6,

GO 0.8 The purpose, mission, and objectives of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) are based upon an overriding pledge to provide the highest degree of: (3)

safety, service, and security.

HPM 100.68-3 Prima Facie Speed Limits: At 10 miles per hour (MPH) or more above the prima facie speed limit, the officer should/shall stop and should/shall issue a CHP 215, Notice to Appear.

shall should

HPM 11.1-26 Classified material to be transmitted within HQ ______________________.

shall be sealed in a plain opaque envelope with the appropriate level of classification clearly marked on the front and back of the envelope

HPM 100.68-2 If an officer decides to make a physical arrest of a driver for a violation of Section 12500 CVC, Unlicensed Driver; or Sections 14601 through 14601.5 CVC. What is he required to do first?

shall only be made with the concurrence of a supervisor or in response to a warrant. Note: Drivers charged only with Section 14603 CVC shall not be taken into custody only to prevent recurrence of the offense.

HPM 70.1-14 Section 22655.5 VC applies to vehicles taken as evidence from a highway, public or private property. Permission from a ___________or __________shall be obtained prior to impounding.

supervisor or officer-in-charge (OIC)

HPM 10.3 Prior to July 1, 1986, the State Personnel Board (SPB) maintained central control over the administration of civil service examinations. State departments now conduct their own examinations under the Decentralized Testing Program. Effective July 1, 2012, SPB merged with _______.

the Department of Personnel Administration, creating the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR).

HPM 70.6-2 A supervisor shall attend all OIS interviews. If a uniformed supervisor is not allowed to attend, the investigator shall inform the employee of _____________________.

the Legal Representation Program.

HPM 10.3 In the event of an employee's death. Their personnel file must immediately be sent to ___________.

the Personnel Files Services (PFS), Human Resources Section (HRS).

HPM 10.3 If an employee assigned to 12 hours shifts takes bereavement leave how is the time calculated?

the charge to bereavement leave shall not exceed 3 - 8-hour days (24 hours) per occurrence.

HPM 81.2-2 In cases where a vehicle is seized as evidence of a crime when no arrest is made, commanders shall ensure the vehicle is inspected and/or processed in a ________.

timely manner

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