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111) ________ is based on the premise that the employee perceives the relationship between his or her outcomes and his or her inputs. A) Need theory B) Equity theory C) Expectancy theory D) Organizational justice theory

B) Equity theory

131) ________ involves the perceived fairness of the distribution of outcomes in organizations, such as pay or promotions. A) Distributive justice B) Procedural justice C) Interpersonal justice D) Informational justice

A) Distributive justice

97) Jamie heard of an opening for a manager position at the retail store she works at and is very interested in it. Potential candidates for this position must be on time every day, be great with the customers, and apply to the position. According to expectancy theory, what question needs to be answered to determine whether or not Jamie will be motivated to go after the manager position? A) Does Jamie think she can be on time, handle the customers well, and properly apply? B) Will Jamie be a successful retail store manager? C) How long has Jamie been working at this organization? D) Does Jamie want this position as much as other employees?

A) Does Jamie think she can be on time, handle the customers well, and properly apply?

108) Which of the following is the LEAST LIKELY question that an employee would ask himself when thinking about what to do and how hard to try to succeed at work? A) How much money will the company gain from this work? B) Will I be able to obtain outcomes I want? C) Do I need to perform at a high level to obtain these outcomes? D) If I try hard, will I be able to perform at a high level?

A) How much money will the company gain from this work?

93) Alderfer and Maslow would disagree over which of the following situations? A) If Kristy isn't able to develop her abilities further at her job, she will increase the amount of effort she puts into relationships with co-workers. B) If Tom is able to live comfortably, he will attempt to fill higher needs such as needs to have good relationships with others. C) Julie, a wealthy widow, goes to work to satisfy her needs to develop her own abilities. D) Ralph is most concerned with satisfying his needs to make friends and have social connections.

A) If Kristy isn't able to develop her abilities further at her job, she will increase the amount of effort she puts into relationships with co-workers.

68) ________ work behavior is performed for its own sake. A) Intrinsically motivated B) Extrinsically motivated C) Functionally motivated D) Psychologically motivated

A) Intrinsically motivated

119) ________ exists when an individual perceives that his or her outcome/input ratio is greater than that of a referent. A) Overpayment inequity B) Underpayment inequity C) Cognitive disequilibrium D) Organizational injustice

A) Overpayment inequity

92) A small organization has only five employees. The employees are very close to one another and the office is like home, very safe and comfortable. However, it is a struggling business, so the employees are not making enough to get by. According to Alderfer, which of the following statements is FALSE? A) The employees need to make more money before they are motivated by anything else. B) The employees may put even more effort into their relationships with one another. C) If the boss proposes an exciting project, the workers may be excited to work on it. D) The employees may be interested in improving their own skills.

A) The employees need to make more money before they are motivated by anything else.

125) Jan is upset that she makes more sales than Brett and yet they make the same amount of money. What is NOT a way for equity to be restored for Jan? A) The manager increases everyone's work load and gives them a 3% raise. B) Jan notices that although she makes more sales, Brett always works longer. C) Jan starts to do less work. D) Brett receives a decrease in pay.

A) The manager increases everyone's work load and gives them a 3% raise.

70) Employees who have intrinsic work values will be motivated by ________. A) challenging assignments B) status in the workplace C) social contacts D) financial rewards

A) challenging assignments

74) Need theory, expectancy theory, equity theory, and organizational justice theory are ________. A) complementary perspectives B) mutually exclusive perspectives C) divergent perspectives D) noncontiguous perspectives

A) complementary perspectives

77) According to need theory, a manager first must ________ in order to determine what will motivate an employee the most. A) determine the needs an employee is trying to satisfy on the job B) determine appropriate rewards for performance C) identify the employee's personality characteristics D) specify nonperformance penalties

A) determine the needs an employee is trying to satisfy on the job

105) A person with high self-efficacy is MOST LIKELY to have high ________. A) expectancy B) instrumentality C) valence D) equity

A) expectancy

91) Mark Ludwig's attempts at becoming a commercial illustrator have led to frustration, despite his desire to improve his creative skills and be productive as an artist. According to Alderfer's ERG theory, once Mark accepts that he will be unable to become an illustrator, he is MOST LIKELY to ________. A) focus more on his workplace relationships B) start taking bookkeeping classes at the local community college C) increase his level of persistence D) begin displaying dysfunctional behaviors

A) focus more on his workplace relationships

87) In ERG theory, ________ involve self-development and meaningful, productive work. A) growth needs B) existence needs C) relatedness needs D) physiological needs

A) growth needs

112) A factory worker really wants to move up in the corporation. He does his work, stays late, and is always looking for extra ways to help. He gets passed up for promotion after promotion. This will MOST LIKELY affect his ________. A) instrumentality B) valence C) expectancy D) equity

A) instrumentality

67) A wealthy heiress decides to take a job as a social worker. She is receiving a lot of news coverage because of her decision, and while she doesn't like the media attention, she is happy that the news reporters are seeing her as the selfless person she wants to be. Her work behavior is BEST described as ________. A) intrinsically motivated B) extrinsically motivated C) functional D) dysfunctional

A) intrinsically motivated

60) Which element of work motivation answers the question "how hard does a person work to perform a chosen behavior"? A) level of effort B) openness C) level of persistence D) direction of behavior

A) level of effort

66) Laura has dreamed of playing in a symphony. She practices her instrument everyday and yet year after year, she cannot successfully play the difficult musical piece necessary to try out. This is an example of ________. A) motivation not equaling performance B) vicarious learning being of upmost importance C) motivation being the main factor in performance D) extrinsic motivation outweighing intrinsic motivation

A) motivation not equaling performance

106) According to expectancy theory, if a consequence has a valence and an employee has high instrumentality but low expectancy what type of motivation will exist? A) no motivation B) low motivation C) moderate motivation D) high motivation

A) no motivation

65) Mike Smith has led the company softball team to three straight league championships with his excellent pitching skills. Surprisingly, Mike dislikes softball, never practices, and is often bored while pitching in games. This incident illustrates that ________. A) performance and motivation are not the same thing B) expectancy can moderate the motivational level expended C) valence must be high for a worker to perform the desired behavior D) what is functional for one worker may be dysfunctional for another

A) performance and motivation are not the same thing

123) Bill Stoner has believed for several years that he works as hard as his coworker, Barry Savage, but never seems to receive the pay increases or recognition that Savage does. Stoner has grown frustrated with trying to "catch up" with Savage and has started feeling more motivated since he realized his superiors pay more attention to him than they do another coworker, Fred Jennings. According to equity theory, Stoner has changed his ________ A) referents B) inputs C) outcome/input ratios D) perception of his referent's inputs

A) referents

71) A manager surveyed his employees to find out what motivates them at work. Over three quarters of the employees responded that they are most concerned with providing for themselves and their families. The rest said they were motivated to fit in with society. To keep his employees motivated, the manager is MOST LIKELY to ________. A) use extrinsic motivation as much as possible B) use a mixture of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators for all employees C) file away the surveys because motivation does not determine performance D) use intrinsic motivation as much as possible

A) use extrinsic motivation as much as possible

81) The law office of Smith and Smith is one of safety and comfort. Co-workers are friends and there are several office parties. But, everything is not perfect. June has a large family and her salary is just not enough to cover everything. Bill makes the same salary but because he is single and doesn't have many expenses his needs are met. Sam, a new employee, appreciates the office parties but still feels out of the loop. According to Maslow, who is most likely to be motivated by interesting projects and opportunities for growth? A) June B) Bill C) Sam D) any of the employees may be equally motivated by interesting projects

B) Bill

69) ________ is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment. A) Self-preservation behavior B) Extrinsically motivated work behavior C) Need motivated work behavior D) Selfless behavior

B) Extrinsically motivated work behavior

127) ________ is concerned with the perceived fairness of the methods used in making decisions about the distribution of outcomes. A) Equity theory B) Organizational justice theory C) Perceptual justice theory D) Expectancy theory

B) Organizational justice theory

64) ________ is an evaluation of the results of a person's behavior. A) Motivation B) Performance C) Level of effort D) Level of persistence

B) Performance

132) ________ is concerned with the perceived fairness of the processes used to make decisions about the distribution of outcomes. A) Distributive justice B) Procedural justice C) Interpersonal justice D) Informational justice

B) Procedural justice

98) ________ refers to the desirability of an outcome to an individual employee. A) Motivation B) Valence C) Anticipation D) Potentiality

B) Valence

86) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, once the shipwrecked Robinson Crusoe had made sure he was safe from attack and had secured food, water, and a place to stay out of the weather, the next need he needed to address was ________. A) physiological B) belonging C) esteem D) self-actualization

B) belonging

79) According to Maslow, ________ involve social interaction, friendship, affection, and love. A) esteem needs B) belongingness needs C) self-actualization needs D) physiological needs

B) belongingness needs

116) When considering equity theory, which of the following is NOT an input? A) education B) compensation C) experience D) effort

B) compensation

62) A social scientist studying motivation would MOST LIKELY explain that arriving at work late or ignoring organizational rules are the results of ________. A) below average motivation B) dysfunctional motivation C) poor motivation D) misdirected motivation

B) dysfunctional motivation

104) Expectancy is a worker's perception about the relationship between ________. A) effort and rewards received B) effort and performance C) workers' needs and available rewards D) performance and needs

B) effort and performance

113) According to ________, what is important to motivation is how an employee perceives his or her outcome/input ratio compared to the outcome/input ratio of another person. A) need theory B) equity theory C) expectancy theory D) organizational justice theory

B) equity theory

117) Which motivation theory addresses the following question: "Are the outcomes perceived as being at an appropriate level in comparison to the inputs?" A) expectancy theory B) equity theory C) need theory D) organizational justice theory

B) equity theory

89) According to ERG theory, ________ include food, water, clothing, shelter, security, and safety. A) growth needs B) existence needs C) relatedness needs D) physiological needs

B) existence needs

130) The question, "Has your supervisor been candid in his/her communications with you?" MOST relates to ________ justice. A) interpersonal B) informational C) distributive D) procedural

B) informational

103) Clara Williams perceives that if she can complete the training of 1,200 employees by the end of this year, she will get the promotion she desires. According to expectancy theory, Clara believes that the ________. A) valence of completing the employee training is 1 B) instrumentality of completing the employee training is +1 C) valence of completing the employee training is -1 D) instrumentality of completing the employee training is 0

B) instrumentality of completing the employee training is +1

95) If an employee does not think she is capable of performing at an adequate level even with maximum effort, her motivation to perform at that level will be ________. A) high B) low C) zero D) average

B) low

115) All of the following can be the referent referred to in equity theory EXCEPT ________. A) another worker perceived as similar to oneself B) oneself at the current point in time C) one's expectations about what the job should require and provide D) a group of workers perceived as similar to oneself

B) oneself at the current point in time

99) If an outcome has a ________, an employee prefers having the outcome to not having it. A) negative valence B) positive valence C) neutral valence D) value-specific valence

B) positive valence

101) Expectancy theory asserts that if an outcome has negative valence, an employee ________. A) prefers having the outcome to not having it B) prefers not having the outcome C) does not believe he or she can achieve the outcome D) fears the outcome

B) prefers not having the outcome

135) Employees at an insurance company were complaining about the form used for evaluating employee effectiveness. Their complaints were related to ________ justice. A) interpersonal B) procedural C) informational D) distributive

B) procedural

82) The union movement in the coal mines of the eastern United States grew partially out of workers' concerns over the dangers of working in the mines and the high number of accidents that occurred. Maslow would have characterized the workers who formed the unions based on these concerns as being motivated by ________. A) self-actualization B) safety needs C) belonging needs D) esteem needs

B) safety needs

129) If you were finding out if there was organizational justice in an office, which of the following questions would be the MOST helpful to ask employees? A) How much do you make? B) How many hours do you work? C) Do you think raises are given out fairly? D) Do you take days off for sickness quite often?

C) Do you think raises are given out fairly?

94) ________ is concerned with how employees make choices among alternative behaviors and levels of effort. A) Equity theory B) ERG theory C) Expectancy theory D) Need theory

C) Expectancy theory

102) ________ is a worker's perception of the extent to which performing certain behaviors or performing at a certain level will lead to the attainment of a particular outcome. A) Valence B) Expectancy C) Instrumentality D) Ratiocination

C) Instrumentality

133) ________ pertains to the perceived fairness of the treatment employees receive from the distributors of outcomes. A) Distributive justice B) Procedural justice C) Interpersonal justice D) Informational justice

C) Interpersonal justice

73) The key challenge facing managers in terms of motivation is how to encourage employees to ________. A) expect more outcomes from the job B) shift from extrinsic to intrinsic work behavior C) contribute inputs to their jobs and to the organization D) shift from intrinsic to extrinsic work behavior

C) contribute inputs to their jobs and to the organization

83) Mick Box was recognized as Salesperson of the Year because of his outstanding sales record. Maslow would assert that Mick's ________ were met by this award. A) ego needs B) psychosocial needs C) esteem needs D) psychological needs

C) esteem needs

107) Buck Lewis believes that if he competes in a local rodeo and can stay on a bucking bronco for eight seconds, he will win a silver buckle that he would really like to have. However, he also believes that his chances of staying on the horse for that amount of time are zero. As a result, expectancy theory would MOST LIKELY predict that Buck will ________. A) be highly motivated to compete in the rodeo B) be likely to win if he does compete C) have zero motivation to compete D) modify his level of instrumentality in order to win

C) have zero motivation to compete

110) According to expectancy theory, valence, instrumentality, and expectancy must be ________ in order for an employee to be motivated to perform desired behaviors and to perform them at a high level. A) zero B) one C) high D) low

C) high

100) Although John Gray is not enthusiastic about the pay for his job at Big Bucks Coffee Mill, he really enjoys the good relationships he has with his coworkers. According to expectancy theory, John's relationship with his coworkers has ________. A) instrumental validity B) unlimited salience C) high positive valence D) positive expectancy

C) high positive valence

128) All of the following represent a form of organizational justice EXCEPT ________. A) informational justice B) procedural justice C) institutional justice D) interpersonal justice

C) institutional justice

75) Which of the following is NOT an outcome in the motivation equation? A) job security B) feeling of accomplishment C) level of customer service D) vacation

C) level of customer service

78) According to the hierarchy of needs, the most basic needs are ________. A) safety and self-actualization B) psychological and psychosocial C) physiological and safety D) analytical and pathological

C) physiological and safety

136) Preliminary research has shown that perceptions of ________ may be especially important when outcomes like pay and benefits are relatively low. A) informational justice B) distributive justice C) procedural justice D) interpersonal justice

C) procedural justice

114) According to Stacy Adams, a ________ is simply another employee or group of employees perceived to be similar to oneself. A) substitute B) peer group C) referent D) doppelganger

C) referent

88) ERG theory proposes that ________ pertain to having good interpersonal relations, sharing thoughts and feelings, and having open, two-way communication. A) growth needs B) existence needs C) relatedness needs D) physiological needs

C) relatedness needs

80) Maslow asserted that ________ pertain to realizing one's full potential as a human being. A) esteem needs B) belongingness needs C) self-actualization needs D) physiological needs

C) self-actualization needs

137) Which of the following is NOT an example of counterproductive work behavior? A) surfing the Internet during business hours B) stealing from the cash register C) threatening to quit if not given a raise D) picking on a new employee

C) threatening to quit if not given a raise

120) Barbara Subaru is a secretary with a prestigious law firm who has observed that other secretaries with the firm receive better pay and have better working conditions than she does, even though she is more productive than they are. Equity theory would label this condition as ________. A) overpayment inequity B) referent inequity C) underpayment inequity D) imbalance inequity

C) underpayment inequity

126) Which of the following questions is NOT addressed by organizational justice theory? A) Are employees treated with dignity and respect? B) Do managers provide adequate explanations of their decisions and the procedures used to arrive at them? C) Are the procedures used to assess inputs and performance and distribute outcomes perceived to be fair? D) Are the work processes as profitable as they could be?

D) Are the work processes as profitable as they could be?

121) Steve Boston is experiencing overpayment inequity. According to equity theory, which of the following would LEAST LIKELY be an explanation for this? A) He is making more than he did a year ago but feels as if he is putting less into his job now than he did a year ago. B) He perceives he receives better treatment from his superiors than do others who are doing the same things he is. C) He believes management discriminates against some of his coworkers by paying them less than he makes because they do not have a college education, even though their performance and behaviors are identical to his. D) He and his coworkers have to work more overtime than he had anticipated they would, but make overtime pay doing so.

D) He and his coworkers have to work more overtime than he had anticipated they would, but make overtime pay doing so.

134) ________ pertains to employees' perceptions of the extent to which managers explain their decisions, and the procedures used to make them, to employees. A) Distributive justice B) Procedural justice C) Interpersonal justice D) Informational justice

D) Informational justice

122) According to equity theory, which of the following actions would an employee NOT take to restore equity? A) change the inputs for his own work B) change the inputs or outcomes of the referent C) change his perceptions of inputs and outcomes D) change the outputs of his own work

D) change the outputs of his own work

61) As sales account manager for J & R, Inc., Chris Nguyen can choose to call on customers, do her sales reports, or goof off on company time. The option she chooses BEST exhibits which element of work motivation? A) level of effort B) dedication to work C) level of persistence D) direction of behavior

D) direction of behavior

85) Regis Marzoni is hunting for a house that will impress his neighbors and colleagues, and thus show them that he has "made it big." Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory would classify his house hunting as being motivated by ________. A) physiological needs B) safety needs C) belonging needs D) esteem needs

D) esteem needs

90) ERG theory asserts that an individual who is frustrated in satisfying a higher-level need will ________. A) stay at the current need level B) increase the level of persistence until he or she satisfies the need C) skip to the next higher level of need D) experience increased motivation to satisfy lower-level needs

D) experience increased motivation to satisfy lower-level needs

76) Which of the following does NOT pertain to performance in the motivation equation? A) quality of work B) quantity of work C) level of customer service D) feeling of accomplishment

D) feeling of accomplishment

63) Workers who repeatedly try to successfully perform a chosen behavior, despite roadblocks and obstacles, are BEST described as displaying ________. A) maximum levels of resistance B) high levels of positive affectivity C) low levels of openness to experience D) high levels of persistence

D) high levels of persistence

109) Bridgette notices that she and Daryll work the same amount with the same effort, but she gets paid less. Trish believes she is working less than Carol but getting paid more. All of this is creating tension in the workplace. The manager of this organization can BEST alleviate this tension by ________. A) raising perceptions of valence B) lowering real animosity C) heightening ethical awareness D) improving perceptions of equity

D) improving perceptions of equity

72) Which of the following is the correct order for the motivation equation? A) inputs, performance, evaluation B) performance, inputs, evaluation C) outputs, inputs, performance D) inputs, performance, outputs

D) inputs, performance, outputs

124) Gerald Simmons, a manager for Computers-R-Us, has been studying the equity theory of motivation. In an effort to be equitable, he plans to give the same percentage pay raise to each of his employees who work 40 hours a week. His plan ________. A) will eliminate previous inequities at the store B) demonstrates an understanding of the unique inputs of each employee C) considers that effort and behavior are likely to vary across workers D) may be a problem for those who feel underpaid

D) may be a problem for those who feel underpaid

59) Which of the following is NOT a part of the definition for work motivation? A) level of effort B) direction of behavior C) level of persistence D) order of functionality

D) order of functionality

118) According to equity theory, the two basic types of inequity are ________. A) referent and individual B) proportional and absolute C) perceptual and psychosomatic D) overpayment and underpayment

D) overpayment and underpayment

96) According to expectancy theory, all of the following are major factors that determine an employee's motivation EXCEPT ________. A) motivation B) valence C) anticipation D) potentiality

D) potentiality

84) U.S. Army recruitment advertisements in the past have encouraged enlistment with the phrase "Be All That You Can Be." Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory would classify recruits who enlist in order to use all of their skills and abilities to the fullest extent as being motivated by ________. A) physiological needs B) safety needs C) belonging needs D) self-actualization needs

D) self-actualization needs

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