HSA 4340 Quiz 1-Quiz 3

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Regardless of employee mix in any given department, there is always opportunity for the manager to cross-train a number of employees. (T/F)


Technological changes are always good for organization because they almost always lead to reductions in the coast of delivering health care. (T/F)


The 1991 amendments to the Civil Rights Act made it more difficult for employees to sue employers for alleged violations and thus reduced potential legal costs for employers(T/F)


The Immigration Reform and Control Act(IRCA) applies to employers of 10 or more persons. (T/F)


The National Labor Relations Board(NLRB) was eliminated by the passage of the National Labor Relations Act(NLRA). (T/F)


The department manager should make every effort to personally check the references of any applicant he or she is interested in hiring. (T/F)


The development and placement of employment advertising may be grouped under the heading of "maintaining employees"


The principal difference between "line" and "staff" is:

Line activities do the work; staff activities support line activities

The National Labor Relations Act had the principal effect of:

Made it illegal for an employer to refuse to negotiate with a union.

An employee assistance program(EAP) is intended to assist employees in addressing particular personnel problems that can affect work performance. (T/F)


As a result of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, workers age 40 and older constitute a protected class for EEOC purposes.(T/F)


As far as a department manager's visibility and availability to employees are concerned, it is the employee's' perception that prevails rather than the manager's actual visibility and availability. (T/F)


Before 1960 the image of the typical personnel department was that of an employment and record-keeping service. (T/F)


Before 1964, businesses were free to treat employees essentially as they chose, with only two exceptions: wage-and-hour laws and labor-relations laws(T/F)


Competition is increasing in health care in part because elements of a shrinking hospital system are struggling to acquire or retain a specific market share. (T/F)


Essentially all of the tasks that may be performed found within a given HR department relate to some aspect of acquiring, maintaining, retaining, or separating employees. (T/F)


Over the past three decades, approximately how much of the information formerly requested on a typical employment application has become inaccessible because of legal constraints.


Outsourcing of some particular task or activity may be undertaken because:

- The specific skills required to perform it are not available in-house. -There can be a cost saving involved in outsourcing it. -The existing staff do not have sufficient time to perform it adequately. -It does not occur often enough to justify permanent staff to do it. *ANY OF THE ABOVE*

An important use of a properly prepared job description is:

-As an aid in screening job candidates and interviewing applicants. -As a guide in preparing recruitment advertising. -As input in establishing a job category and pay grade. *ALL OF THE ABOVE*

Which of the following is a change implemented by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

-Insurance companies were barred from dropping individuals because of illness -Young adults could remain on their parents' plan until age 26 -Coverage was made possible for individuals with "preexisting conditions" *ALL OF THE ABOVE*

The National Labor Relations Act (the Wagner Act):

-Provided legal protection to labor unions and employees who were interested in organizing -Created people-related work for organizations that became subject to union organizing efforts -Set forth rules for the conduct of organizing campaigns *ALL OF THE ABOVE*

The majority of chief executive officers(CEOs) ordinarily expect their human resource departments to:

-Supervise recruitment, administer compensation and benefits, and maintain personnel records -Provide advice and counsel on employee matters -Keep the organization out of employment-related legal trouble *ALL OF THE ABOVE*

External stakeholders include

-patients and their families -regulatory agencies -third party payers *ALL OF THE ABOVE*

When hiring entry level employees, a department manager should be able to select one suitable employee from among this number of candidates.

5 or 6

The phrase "heterogenous work group" refers to:

A group composed of a number of differing backgrounds and different levels of education and skill.

The process of generating a job description begins with:

A position analysis, that is, a thorough study and analysis of the job or position in considerable detail.

This Act requires that within the job description, job duties, and responsibilities be essential functions job job performance.

Americans with Disabilities Act

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate his full name.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if he holds the appropriate licenses or certificates for the position.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if he is able to work overtime or weekend if it is necessary.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if she is at least 18 years of age.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate on the date that he is able to begin work, if hired.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate the branch of armed forces if she served in the U.S. military.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate whether she has ever worked for the organization under a different name.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate whether she is a citizen of the United States.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate which foreign languages the applicant speaks/writes with fluency.


During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate who is not a U.S. citizen if they have the legal right to remain and work in the United States. term-152


Concerning the organization's compensation and benefits programs, the department manager must:

Be sufficiently conversant with compensation and benefits issues to address routine questions.

Statutory benefits are:

Benefits required by state and federal law.

In most cases, a signing bonus and finder's fee bonus:

Cost less than a modest sized ad in a local newspaper.

The human resource model most common in hospitals and other labor-intensive service organizations is the:

Counseling model

Re-engineering has brought about a two-fold increase in the size of the average health care human resource department(T/F)


Labor Management Relations Act of 1947, commonly referred to as the Taft-Hartley Act, amended the National Labor Relations Act and:

Did not apply to not-for-profit general hospitals until it was later amended.

In preparing to interview a job applicant, the department manager should:

Do everything reasonably possible to meet with the applicant at the scheduled time.

Please match the following questions with the most appropriate response. Most of the cost associated with turnover is hidden or indirect.

During times when there is no shortage of job seekers in the market, why might employee turnover not receive the full attention it

When the organization's finances are limited, education and training expenses are often cut from the budget because:

Education is often viewed as resources applied for no noticeable results.

The "employment office" gradually evolved into "Human resources" because:

Elements of work related to employment and employees grew in number and complexity over the years.

A department manager's most active and potentially most helpful involvement in reference requests concerning a former employee should be:

Ensuring that all pertinent official documentation concerning a former employee has been forwarded for inclusion in the personnel file.

The Civil RIghts Act of 1964 had the effect of:

Establishing a completely new direction for government in its concern for the citizens of the United States.

Recruiting becomes more difficulty during periods of high employment. (T/F)


A job description should ideally be developed jointly by the department manager and human resources without the involvement of the persons who may presently be performing the job. (T/F)


A participative management style that involves soliciting employee input is applicable only to a department's more educated and sophisticated staff. (T/F)


All of a health care organization's training and development activities are usually centralized in human resources. (T/F)


All up-to-date job descriptions should be filed only in the departments in which the subject jobs are found. (T/F)


Because so many organizations respond to reference requests minimally or not at all, much effort expended to check references is wasted. (T/F)


Discussion or explanation of employee benefits should be attempted by departmental personnel. (T/F)


Federal and state wage-and-hour laws had little effect on the activities of the personnel department. (T/F)


It is important for the manager or human resources to conduct all of a department's training sessions; it is inappropriate for non-managerial staff to teach other non-managerial staff. (T/F)


It is important that the interviewing manager be the person to extend the formal offer of employment. (T/F)


It is not valid to try judging whether an applicant would "fit in" with the group; rather, the sole basis for selection should be qualifications. (T/F)


It is strongly recommended that all managers describe their management styles in detail to their employees so the employees will know what to expect. (T/F)


It is unnecessary for department managers to be knowledgeable of compensation practices as long as there is a capable HR department in the organization. (T/F)


It is usually preferable to first recruit externally for new talent before opening up an available job to present employees. (T/F)


Job descriptions for exempt positions are usually far easier to write and contain much less information than descriptions for nonexempt positions. (T/F)


Management in the majority of health care organizations must be primarily production-centered. (T/F)


Most department of a modern health care provider organization require strong production-centered management. (T/F)


Nonexempt positions are usually covered by job descriptions, but it is neither necessary nor appropriate to write job descriptions for exempt position. (T/F)


Nurses in early hospitals tended to avoid hiring because of potential legal pitfalls. (T/F)


On issues of employee conduct it is the responsibility of human resources to initiate action and tell department managers what they must do. (T/F)


One important reason for frequently cutting education from the budget is that there are no important requirements for continuing staff education. (T/F)


Planning is usually initiated when a perception exists that limited resources are available to meet all possible needs and that the market will not adequately distribute the available benefits(T/F)


The human resources specialty of labor relations was established for the purpose of dealing with labor unions. (T/F)


The most consistently successful source of qualified job applicants is newspaper advertising. (T/F)


The most effective job descriptions usually turn out to be lengthy documents that cover their positions in every conceivable detail. (T/F)


The sole external agency of concern to the personnel department is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). (T/F)


This Act provides employees with 12 weeks per year of unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption and foster care placement:

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

The outcome of this case states that the employers have the burden of demonstrating that job requirements are job related and that job specifications are used when selecting employees.

Griggs v. Duke Power Company

"Outsourcing" of payroll refers to:

Having payroll services provided by an outside vendor.

The AGe Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of:

Individuals 40 years of age and older

In developing or updating the job description for a existing position, it is extremely important to:

Involve the person or persons presently doing the job.

As compared with recruitment by transfer or promotion from within the organization, recruitment for an especially desirable position from outside of the organization:

Is sometimes the only available means of locating an individual having the appropriate qualifications.

The primary benefit of establishing an employment office was:

It freed managers from the necessity of personally having to find workers

Asking a candidate to supply a photograph with their application.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate how many children she has or plans to have in the future.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if he has children.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if he has ever filed a Workers Compensation claim.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if he has reliable arrangements for child care.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if he rents or owns his own home.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if his spouse would approve of the employment should be hired.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if she is a single parent.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate if she is engaged.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate the name and address of a person to be notified in the event of an accident or emergency.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate the origin's of his family name.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate to submit baptismal records.

Not appropriate

During a recruitment interview, asking a candidate where his family originally came from.

Not appropriate

In interviewing an applicant for an entry-level position, it is important for an interviewer to:

Obtain a sense of the individual's willingness to learn.

The principle role of human resources may best be described as:

Providing service and advice to other organizational elements.

The typical human resources department will almost always be intimately involved in at least the three following employee-related activities.

Recruitment, compensation and benefits, and employee relations.

The most effective reporting relationship for the human resources director is:

Reporting to the chief executive officer (CEO).

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986:

Required employers to verify that job applicants are legally authorized to work in the United States

An effective mentoring relationship between a new employee and an experienced employee:

Requires the manager to remain sufficiently in touch with the process to be able to evaluate both the new employee and the mentor during and after the mentoring period.

When individuals, such as white males, who have historically not been discriminated against experience discrimination, it is called:

Reverse Discrimination

Under the provision of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act(EPPA):

Routine use of polygraph test is permitted in organizations that are concerned with nuclear power.

People-centered management is appropriate, and in fact essential for efficient operation, when:

Tasks are irregular and varied and output scheduling is difficult.

Except for certain exemptions for public safety, this law forbids any requirements that mandate employee retirement:

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act

This law forbids employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Maintaining a genuine open-door policy is easier for a first-line manager than for a higher-level manager because:

The higher-level manager must remain aware of the risk of undermining managers who are lower in the chain of command.

It is suggested that every manager is in fact a manager of human resources because:

The manager's principal task is getting things done through people, so the people are the primary resources that are managed.

The payroll office, once a constant feature of HR departments, was removed from HR primarily because:

The most applicable knowledge and expertise became centered in activities having to do with accounting and finance.

A professional employer organization (PEO) provides the means for some smaller organizations to obtain most of their human resource services externally. (T/F)


A department manager's visibility and availability to employees is important because:

This allows employees to feel that answers or assistance are readily available when needed.

The most effective interview questions are:

Those that require some thought and can be reasonably answered in a few sentences.

A department manager should continually compare observed performance with exceptions in the ongoing assessment of training needs. (T/F)


A health care organization's employee pension fund is ordinarily managed by an outside specialist rather than by the organization's HR department. (T/F)


A manager who privately and confidentially shares opinions about an ex-employee with a peer at another facility is making his or her own organization vulnerable to certain legal charges. (T/F)


Even though the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963, today, it remains evident that equality of pay rates is not universal and many men continue to earn more than women for comparable work. (T/F)


Every human resource department must be staffed by a number of specialists, one or more for each area of activity(employment, compensation and benefits, employee relations, etc.). (T/F)


In a people-centered management environment, it is primarily the willingness of employees to work that maintains output. (T/F)


In a significant number of organizations human resources is regarded as bureaucratic and inflexible. (T/F)


In most instances of hiring there is little need to ever interview more than about five applicants. (T/F)


It has been repeatedly proven that most health care workers are primarily motivated by the promise of material awards. (T/F)


Managers in some health care departments must necessarily address the needs of employees of greatly varying education and capabilities. (T/F)


Many of the personnel departments' image problems were owing to the performance and behavior of personnel practitioners who were not fully prepared for the times. (T/F)


Most negotiations with labor unions are accomplished by line managers. (T/F)


One portion of every job description usually specifies the experience and minimum level of education required of the person who will do the job. (T/F)


Only information that can be verified in a personnel record is completely safe to give out when answering a reference check. (T/F)


Performance of a thorough analysis is ordinarily the most effective preparation for developing a comprehensive job description. (T/F)


Personnel's image problems were solved by changing the name of personnel to human resources. (T/F)


Responses to reference checks must be factual and objective, reflecting only information that is contained in written personnel records. (T/F)


Some organizations assist the spouses of new hires in locating suitable employment as part of the recruitment process for scarce professionals. (T/F)


The Health Maintenance Organization(HMO) Act (1973) took precedence over all state regulations that presented any barriers to the formations of health maintenance organizations. (T/F)


The National Labor Relations Act (1935) established a number of rules for the conduct of both unions and employers in labor organizing and situations. (T/F)


The most effective managers invest considerable effort in developing a one-to-one relationship with each employee. (T/F)


The most significant regulation of the employer-employee relationship by the government occurred with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (T/F)


The people-centered manager must primarily focus on getting the necessary wot done through the efforts of people. (T/F)


Through the overall course of an interview, the interviewer should on average do less talking than the applicant. (T/F)


Union organizing was first legalized by the passage of the Norris-LaGuardia Act. (T/F)


When hiring entry level employees, a department manager should be able to select one suitable employee from among 5 or 6 candidates. (T/F)


Whereas most private employment agencies rely on candidates who are actively looking for positions, executive search firms, often called "headhunters," will approach highly qualified professionals who are currently employed and had not been looking for another position. Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?


During the early minutes of an interview, the interviewing managers should:

Try some friendly social conversation to put the individual at ease.

Of legislation in place prior to 1964, the regulations primarily affecting managers:

Were essentially limited to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the National Labor Relations Act

Please match the following questions with the most appropriate response. Employees are forced to either wait for answers or take chances by acting independently.

What are often the principal consequences of the department manager's lack of visibility and availability?

Please match the following questions with the most appropriate response. This weakens the manager's position with his or her direct reporting employees.

What is most likely the principle weakness in a first-line manager's tendency to "face upward" in the organization, focusing primarily on

Please match the following questions with the most appropriate response. The willingness of the people to work; their individual enthusiasm and motivation.

What is the most important factor in ensuring a smooth-running, efficient operation in a people-centered working environment?

Please match the following questions with the most appropriate response. This creates expectations of behavior that cannot be consistently met,.

What, if anything, might be wrong with the practice of describing one's management style to the employees?

The practice of "salary bumping:"

When successful, raises the cost of doing business without increasing the local supply of talent.

Because of legal concerns, the role of checking references and responding to reference requests is held by:

human resources

Free agents are becoming more common:

in occupations that remain in chronic short supply

The process of obtaining information about jobs by determining the job's duties, tasks and activities defines which term:

job analysis

The overall written summary of the task requirements for a particular job is called:

job description

This provides a description of the skills needed to perform the job, the physical demands placed on the employee, and any personal qualifications an individual must possess to perform a job.

job specification

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, employers must:

make "reasonable accommodations"

When providing reference information, any information shared:

must be documented and verifiable in a personnel file

With sign on bonuses, it is general industry practice to:

pay 50% of the bonus at hire and pay 50% after successful employment of a stated time, generally between 3 months and one year

Requiring a physical exam or stress test for only those job applicants over the age of 50 is in violation of:

the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

Free agent employees hold their allegiance to:

their profession

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