HTH 458 Midterm

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Health educator or health education specialist

-''An individual who has met, at a minimum, baccalaureate-level required health education academic preparation qualifications, who serves in a variety of settings, and is able to use appropriate educational strategies and methods to facilitate the development of policies, procedures, interventions, and systems conducive to the health of individuals, groups, and communities''

Health Promotion

-''Any planned combination of educational, political, environmental, regulatory, or organizational mechanisms that support actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals, groups, and communities'' -''Any planned combination of educational, political, regulatory, or organizational supports for actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals, groups, and communities''

Health Education

-''Using evidence-based practices and/or sound theories that provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors'' -''Any planned combination of learning experiences designed to predispose, enable, and reinforce voluntary behavior conducive to health in individuals, groups, and communities''

Private foundations

-Are supported by an individual, a group of individuals, a family, or a company. -Exist for the sole purpose of making grants for charitable, educational, or religious purposes or, in some cases, of carrying out such activities themselves

Assumptions of Health Promotion

-Health status can be changed -Health & disease are dynamic -Disease theories & principles can be understood -Appropriate prevention strategies can be developed -Behavior can be changed & those changes can impact health -Many things contribute to health & influence behavior change -Initiating & maintaining a behavior change is difficult -Individual responsibility should not be viewed as victim blaming -For behavior change to be permanent, the person must be motivated & ready to change

Selection Criteria

-Quality of the project design -Quality of project evaluation -Need for the project -Significance -Quality of management plan -Quality of project services -Quality of project personnel -Adequacy of resources

Steps in Creating a Program Rationale

1. Identifying appropriate background information 2. Titling the rationale 3. Writing the content of the rationale 4. Listing the references used to create the rationale

Guidelines for creating a program committee

1. Individuals represent a variety of subgroups within priority population. 2. Important that someone with that health risk (e.g., smoker) or problem (e.g., diabetes) be included on the planning committee. 3. Composed of individuals willing to serve 4. Include someone who has a key role in the organization sponsoring the program. 5. Include representatives of other stakeholders 6. Regularly evaluate membership to ensure fulfillment of goals and objectives. 7. New individuals should be added periodically to generate new ideas and enthusiasm. 8. Be aware of ''politics''. 9. Make sure the committee is large enough to accomplish work, but small enough to be able to make decisions and reach consensus 10. There might be a need for multiple layers of planning committees.

Six Primary Constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM)

1. Perceived Susceptibility 2. Perceived Severity 3. Perceived Benefits 4. Perceived Barriers 5. Cues to Action 6. Self-efficacy

Seven questions committee members should have answers to prior to planning process

1. What is the decision makers' philosophical perspective on health promotion programs? 2. What type of commitment to the program are decision makers willing to make? Are they interested in the program becoming institutionalized? 3. What type of financial support are decision makers willing to provide? 4. Are decision makers willing to consider changing the organizational culture? 5. Will all individuals in the priority population have an opportunity to take advantage of the program, or will it be available to only certain subgroups? 6. What type of committee will the planning committee be? Will it be a permanent or a temporary (ad hoc) committee? 7. What is the authority of the planning committee?

Biolerplate Materials

A mass produced proposal or one that is copied from another grant -A big DON'T in grant world - should only be used as a guide - rarely funded


A project requirement of most demonstration grants -Federal and state grantors want to know if the project can be replicated in other places

Leading by Example (LBE) Instrument

A valid instrument to assess leadership support for health promotion programs in work settings


Adopted way of thinking that is reflected on an individual's behavior

Grantor or Grant Maker

Agency, organization ec. who is providing the grant -this term is used in applications and instructions

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Benefit received from the dollars invested in the program

planning parameters

Committee members must identify the ________ _________ within which they will work.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Common way of reporting CBA is:

Discretionary Grants

Competitive Grants -These grants are applied for directly to the Federal Government

Transtheoretical Model (TTM)

Describes health behavior as a process, messages and interventions should ideally be tailored to the target audience's related/readiness stage

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

Developed from reasoned action stating behaviors result from intentions

Health Belief Model (HBM)

Developed to understand people's hesitance/reluctance to access/evaluate disease prevention services (e.g.vaccinations)


Electronic grant application system -Most federal grants can now be applied for online

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

Emphasizes the concept of reciprocal determinism

Value-expectancy theories

Explain that behavior results from an individual's value of the outcome of the behavior and the expectation that particular action(s) will lead to the outcome

Subjective Norm

Factor of normative belief

Steps to Preplanning institutional suppport, broaden your vision, mentoring, feed forward

Find out about the _________ ________ that is available to you (such as a startup package). ________ ______ _______ beyond that which you have now as a student. Seek __________. Instead of feedback, try "_____ ________." which involves asking three senior colleagues to act as your "grant committee" and discussing your ideas for the application with them before starting the writing process.

1. Ask for volunteers 2. Hold an election 3. Invite/recruite people to serve 4. Have members formally appointed by a governing group or individual 5. Have an application process then selecting those with the most desirable characteristics.

Five common techniques for choosing members:

Block Grants

Formula funds that are not allocated to a specific category and are more flexibly distributed -The grant seeker applies directly to state for these funds, and state sets up procedures for their disbursement


Given all conditions and factors, individual believes that he'she has the abilities to complete tasks and goals

Schools, community health agencies, worksites, health care settings

Health Education Specialists are found in what 4 settings?


Health promotion era of public health began in:

personal, environment

Health promotion takes into account that human behavior is not only governed by ____________ factors, but also the structure of the ____________

problem statement

Identify the health problem that is the focus of the rationale

Reciprocal determinism

Identifying that individuals are a product of their environments and vice versa


Immediately following the ______ should be a listing of who contributed to the authorship of the rationale

Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH)

In 1983, the CDC introduced ___________, as its planning model of preference to be used in partnership with state and local health departments and local communities.

Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health (APEX-PH)

In 1987, a new model, __________, emerged as a cooperative project among several prominent public health organizations including the CDC, APHA, and NACCHO

Perceived Barriers

Individual's belief about the negative impact of making behavior change

Perceived Severity

Individual's belief about the seriousness of negative health outcomes, physically and socially

Perceived Benefits

Individual's belief that behavior change will have a positive outcome

Perceived Susceptibility

Individual's belief that he'she will experience negative health outcomes

Perceived Control

Inferes that performing a behavior is under a person's will and power

Primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention

Levels of Prevention


Make change happen through information and ideas. They're builders, engineers, process folks, and system folks.

Mavens, Connectors, Salespeople

Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point identified three archetypes who may be useful in planning your programs and projects:

Return on Investment (ROI)

Measures the costs of a program versus the financial return realized by that program


Person, school, district, etc. who receives the grant -This term is used in applications and instructions

multistep process

Planning a health promotion program is a ____________ __________

stucture, organization

Planning models serve as frames from which to build; and provide _____________ and ___________ for the planning process

Tertiary Prevention

Preventive measures aimed at rehabilitation following significant pathogenesis

Primary Prevention

Preventive measures that forestall the onset of illness or injury during the prepathogenesis period

Secondary Prevention

Preventive measures that lead to early diagnosis and prompt treatment of a disease, illness, or injury to limit disability, impairment, ordependency and prevent more severe pathogenesis


Request for proposal -A call for grant proposals - more complex, narrative format

Personal health goals

Short or long-term objectives estabilished by individuals to improve health

Knowledge of health risk and benefits, Perceived self-efficacy, Outcome expectations, Personal health goals, Perceived facilitators, Perceived impediments

Six Contructs of Social Cognitive Theory

Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Termination

Six Stages of Change in Transtheoretical Model


Stage where an action plan has been created for behavior change in the next thirty days or so


Stage where individual is making observable changes in the last six months


Stage where the changed behavior has become permanent and habitual


Stage where the individual is getting into a routine and become more persistent behavior


Stage where there's intent to change behavior in the next six months


Stage where there's no intent to change behavior

Assessing needs, setting goals and objectives, developing an intervention, implementing the intervention, evaluating the results

Steps to the Generalized Model of Planning

-Identify the health problem from a global perspective. -Identify the health problem that is the focus of the rationale. -Propose a solution to the problem. -State why the program will be successful

Steps to writing the content of a rationale:

Planning forces planners to think through details in advance, helps to make a program transparent, planning is empowering, creates alignment

Systematic planning is important for the following four reasons:


The Federal Register (1994 to present) -Public notice of all grants appears on site once they are approved by Congress


The final step in creating a rationale is to include a list of the __________ used in preparing the rationale

-to maintain or enhance the overall quality of life, dignity and well-being of every individual needing healthcare service -to create a more equitable, accessible, effective and efficient healthcare system.

The fundamental objectives of the healthcare management profession:

setting, size

The number of individuals on a planning committee can differ depending on the __________ for the program and the ______ of the priority population


The proposed plan, the plan for which grant funds are being requested -May include instructional materials and must adhere to the criteria specified by the grant

State Educational Agency

The term State educational agency' means the agency primarily responsible for the State supervision of public elementary schools and secondary schools.

Community-Based Organization

The term community-based organization' means a public or private nonprofit organization of demonstrated effectiveness that: -is representative of a community or significant segments of a community; and -provides educational or related services to individuals in the community

Local educational agency (LEA), school district

The term local educational agency' means a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public elementary schools or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State, or of or for a combination of school districts or counties that is recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public elementary schools or secondary schools.: Commonly referred to as "_______ __________"


Theories that are subdivided into elements

-health information to be understood by the average person -health professionals to provide the public with the information and skills to make quality health decisions.

There is a need for:

Perceived facilitators

These are factors that improve success as a tool or support

Perceived impediments

These are factors that inhibit success such as limited time or lack of transportation


These help translate theories into a program planning framework

Perceived self-efficacy

This is the personal judgement of one's capability to perform necessary actions

Knowledge of health risks and benefits

This is the starting point for motivation behavior change among individuals

Cues to Action

Triggers that motivate individuals toward a change in behavior

social math

Use _______ _______ to help highlight economic impact


Variables that we can measure

Tobacco use, lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, and excess alcohol consumption

What four modifiable health-damaging health behaviors were identified?

Outcome expectations

Where consequences are associated with particular behaviors (physical, material, social)

Foundations, government entities (local, regional, state, federal)

Who funds grants?


________ is the recipient's financial plan for carrying out the project or program. -Direct costs -Indirect costs

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

________ the third leading preventable cause of death in the U.S.

tobacco use

__________ _____ has been labeled the single most important preventable cause of death and disease in the U.S.,

Behavior, most prominent, influence over health

__________ patterns continue to ''represent the single ________ __________ domain of ________ ______ _______ prospects in the United States


____________ make change happen through people


____________ make change happen through persuasion. They are your storytellers and masters of persuasion.


____________ means a party requesting a grant or subgrant under a program of the Department of Education, such as OSDFS.

Corporate foundations, flow through

_______________ are usually private non-operating foundations with close ties to the corporations that provide their funding -"______ ________" foundations that use funds received last year to make grants this year

Community foundations

_________________ are public charities, supported by the pooled contributions of a large number of donors


a basic explanation or reason for something

Summative evaluations

effectiveness of program

Formative evaluation

quality of program

Decision Makers

those who provide and allocate the necessary resource and support

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