HUM 1020 Final Test Review

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Which country sent a large fleet across the Indian Ocean at the beginning of the fifteenth century? Portugal China Spain England


The primary subject of a chanson de geste was heroic deeds. the pleasures of rural life. the social happenings of an aristocratic court. illicit romance.

heroic deeds

Saint Francis differed from the monastics that preceded him because he rejected apostolic poverty. was a mystic. rejected a cloistered life. All these answers are correct.

rejected a cloistered life

According to Castiglione, the Renaissance lady must have a knowledge of letters, music, and painting. be modest and discreet. exercise grace. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

It is true to say of Albrecht Dürer that he was a master of engraving techniques. among the first to explore the genre of landscape. deeply influenced by Italian Renaissance art. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

Albert Einstein and other twentieth-century physicists argued that Newtonian laws of physics did not function at the microscopic level. Newtonian laws of physics did not function at the cosmic level. the properties of an object changed as it approached the speed of light. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

Christianity and Islam have in common a belief in life after death. a doctrine of final judgment and resurrection. faith in a monotheistic god. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

Which of the following was NOT a major factor in the onset of European expansion? Improved navigational devices Advances in mapmaking Faster, more practical ships Imitation of China's maritime achievements

imitation of China's maritime achievements

The predominant theme of Rococo paintings was the pursuit of pleasure. nobility of patriotic self-sacrifice. dignity of the common peasant. ubiquity of death and suffering.

pursuit of pleasure

The intellectual elite of Tang and Song China were deeply influenced by the Carolingian renaissance. Japanese traditional culture. Confucian traditions. military imperialism.

Confucian traditions

The belief in a mechanistic universe fashioned by a Creator God who does not directly intervene in its affairs is called atheism. agnosticism. animism. deism.


Ficino's contribution to Classical humanism lay in the translation and interpretation of the works of Plato. Aristotle. Cicero. Augustine.


The Magna Carta was significant in the rise of constitutional monarchy in England. the beginnings of the Great Schism. ending the Hundred Years' War. All these answers are correct.

the rise of constitutional monarchy in England

According to Marcel Duchamp and other Dada figures, the artists should be the conscience of the nation. eyes of the people. advocates for peace. destroyers of tradition.

destroyers of tradition

Darwin contributed to the study of biology chiefly by developing the theory of natural selection. introducing the concept of biological evolution. applying evolutionary theory to human society. insisting that religion and science could not be reconciled.

developing the theory of natural selection

Ingres' Grande Odalisque deviated from the principles of Classical art by depicting female nudity. painting with rough brushstrokes. using murky colors that obscured objects in the composition. disproportionately elongating the body of his female subject.

disproportionately elongating the body of his female subject

According to Freud, civilization was the product of the ego's sublimation of the id. conscious efforts of the superego. undirected power of the id. unchecked libido, or sex drive.

ego's sublimation of the id

One of the main characteristics of Whitman's landmark poetry is that it is written in free verse. is modeled after Shakespeare. takes its themes from Milton. is both modest and self-effacing.

is written in free verse

Italian baroque churches are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT wide naves. vast domes. minimal ornamentation. magnificent altarpieces

minimal ornamentation

The popular medieval drama Everyman is an example of a morality play. mystery play. mysticism miracle play. tragic play.

morality play

"Animism" is best described as the belief that there are many gods. music and dance are closely united. spirits inhabit all things in nature. kings represent tribal ancestors.

spirits inhabit all things in nature

Leonardo's Mona Lisa is unusual in that the sitter is shown in profile. it is painted in the oil medium. it is much larger than earlier portraits. the sitter appears in a landscape setting.

the sitter appears in a landscape setting

he protagonist of the medieval drama Everyman discovers that his only hope for salvation rests with good works and You Answered the assistance of the priesthood. the support of his friends. the grace of God. his accumulation of worldly possessions.

the grace of god

Freud theorized that the libido was an important drive of sublimation. the superego. the ego. the id.

the id

Henry Fielding and Samuel Richardson were both noted eighteenth-century writers of which new literary form? The essay The novel The epic poem The short story

the novel

Which of the following items was NOT an innovation of the nineteenth century? Photography Telegraphy The novel Skyscrapers

the novel

The entrance portal of the Romanesque cathedral symbolized humanity's fall from grace. the inevitability of death. reason's superiority over faith. the pathway to salvation.

the pathway to salvation

The Pantheon was dedicated to Augustus. the planetary deities. Julius Caesar. Marcus Aurelius.

the planetary deities

For their subject matter, the Impressionist painters drew largely on the urban scene. religious themes. historical events. aristocratic commissions.

the urban scene

The Holocaust resulted from Hitler's rapid industrialization. enforced collectivism of farmland. theory of Aryan racial superiority. All these answers are correct.

theory of aryan racial superiority

Of the Black Death, it is correct to say that it took the lives of at least one third of Europe's population. was transmitted entirely by fleas. strengthened the bonds of feudalism. All these answers are correct.

took the lives of at least one third of Europe's population

The word "pueblo" means savage. town. ruler. ritual.


Roman artists used the technique later known as trompe l'oeil in order to trick the eye into perceiving depth on a flat surface. enhance the brightness of a painting's colors. add realistic detail to marble statuary. All these answers are correct.

trick the eye into perceiving depth on a flat surface

The word "caravel" refers to a type of sailing ship. navigational instrument. style of African sculpture. form of Native American totem.

type of sailing ship

Roman portraits were typically more idealized than the sculpture of Greece. typically more realistic than the sculpture of Greece. always cast in bronze. found only at gravesites

typically more realistic than the sculpture of Greece

Giotto's frescoes are considered innovative landmarks for their flat imagery. portrayal of day-to-day subjects. user of light and shade to model form. application of oil paints to wall surfaces.

use of light and shade to model form

An integral aspect of Hebrew monotheism is the theme of reward in heaven, punishment in hell. a universe of spontaneous creation. a covenant between human beings and God. the inherent sinfulness of human beings.

A covenant between humans and God

Descartes' proposition, "I think, therefore I am," demonstrated his debt to the empirical method. his respect for the theories of Francis Bacon. a premise he could not doubt. his rejection of critical inquiry.

A premise he could not doubt

The Christian Crusades begin as an effort to rescue Jerusalem from the Muslims. were commonly fought by the younger sons of the feudal nobility. were an economic boon to Italian merchants. All these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct

A landmark of the Hellenistic Age is the Parthenon. theater at Epidaurus. Apollo Belvedere. Calf-Bearer.

Apollo Belvedere

The writings of which classical philosopher had the greatest influence on the rise of medieval scholasticism? Aristotle Plato Socrates Cicero


Japanese samurai abided by a warrior code known as bushido. Heian. Genji. Daoism.


Christianity was legalized by the Edict of Milan. in the time of Octavian. after the fall of the Roman Empire. All these answers are correct.

By the edict of Milan

"Christendom" refers to the sacramental system. Christian community of the Middle Ages. role of mystics in the twelfth century. humanism of Saint Francis.

Christian community in the middle ages

Which of the following writers provided a defense of women in the Book of the City of Ladies? Chaucer Christine de Pisan Petrarch Ficino

Christine de Pisan

Romans innovated the use of which building material, which made large-scale architectural constructions much cheaper to build? Steel Concrete Marble Granite


During the High Renaissance, the center of artistic productivity shifted from Florence to Rome. Rome to Florence. Venice to Florence. Florence to Paris.

Florence to Rome

Which figure famously recanted his scientific theories in 1633 after having been put on trial for heresy? Galileo Newton Copernicus Descartes


The artist who became infatuated with unspoiled nature, especially as it existed in Tahiti (where he relocated after abandoning his job and family), was Van Gogh. Gauguin. Seurat. Toulouse-Lautrec.


The city in which Calvin established a theocratic state was Geneva Paris Wittenberg Rotterdam


The earliest West African kingdom was that of Ghana. Songhai. Timbuktu. Mali.


The word "Hellenic" means classical. Athenian. balanced. Greek.


The greatest architectural landmark of Byzantine Constantinople was Hagia Sophia. the Dome of the Rock. San Vitale. the Arch of Titus.

Hagia Sophia

The composer associated with the birth of the English oratorio is Handel. Gabrieli. Vivaldi. Lully.


Know the Ways of the Lord, also known as the Scivias, is a treatise written by Rumi. Saint Francis. Hildegard of Bingen. Aquinas.

Hildegard of Bingen

The name Herodotus is associated with the birth of historical record-keeping. the lost-wax process. Athenian democracy. naturalistic philosophy.

Historical record-keeping

Alexander carried Hellenic culture as far east as China. India. Japan. Vietnam.


Medieval feudalism in Europe was modeled on that of Japan. involved the exchange of land for military service. lasted only through the reign of Charlemagne. All these answers are correct.

Involved the exchange of land for military service

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are located in present-day Israel. Iran. Iraq. Syria.


Before the fifteenth-century, the West African elite was most heavily influenced by Christianity. Islam. Judaism. Hinduism.


Which of the following statements about the French Revolution is FALSE? It degenerated into a Reign of Terror followed by a military dictatorship. It resulted largely from social inequality and economic turmoil. It served as a model for the American Revolution that shortly followed. It witnessed the mobilization of women in pursuit of greater sexual equality.

It served as a model for the American Revolution that shortly followed

Which of the following statements about the Epic of Gilgamesh is most accurate? It originated in Egypt. It was written down by Neolithic communities. It was passed down orally for centuries. It was inspired by the Hebrew Bible.

It was passed down orally for centuries

The English withdrew from France, ending the Hundred Years' War, after facing a revitalized French army under the leadership of Jean Froissart. Wat Tyler. Hugh Capet. Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc

Which of the following features did NOT differentiate Gothic cathedrals from Romanesque? The flying buttress Rib vaults Latin-cross floor plans Pointed arches

Latin-cross floor plans

The university at Bologna, one of the first of the medieval universities, was dedicated primarily to the study of theology. literature. engineering. law.


The first permanent orchestra in Europe was established by Monteverdi. Handel. Charles I. Louis XIV.

Louis XIV

The founding figure of the Society of Jesus was Milton Saint Teresa Bernini Loyola


Bach's cantatas were largely based on Monteverdi arias Gregorian chant Lutheran chorales Renaissance madrigals

Lutheran chorales

The thirteenth-century merchant whose sojourn at the court of Mongol China was recorded in Il Milione was Marco Polo. Hernan Cortes. Vasco da Gama. Bartholomeu Diaz.

Marco Polo

In early Christian artistic tradition, which apostle was depicted as a lion? Matthew John Mark Luke


Research into the origins of writing suggest that written signs derived from a. hand signals. b. markings on clay tokens c. images on cave walls. d. Hammurabi's Code.

Markings on clay tokens

The only indigenous people of the Americas known to have produced a written language were the Maya. Incas. Aztecs. Hopi.


The movement known as Impressionism took its title from a painting by Manet. Monet. Renoir. Degas.


Akhenaten is associated with what religion or religious view? Pantheism Daoism Hinduism Monotheism


The "father" of the literary form known as the essay was Erasmus Montaigne More Cervantes


Academic art, as envisioned by Louis XIV and his followers, depended primarily on Neoclassical principles vivid illusionism medieval models Mannerist techniques

Neoclassical principles

London's Houses of Parliament are a landmark example of Neomedievalism. Neoclassicism. Indian Gothic. Eclecticism.


The term Paleolithic is used interchangeably with the term a. Old Stone Age. b. New Stone Age. c. Neolithic. d. Mesolithic.

Old Stone Age

The earliest of the Meso-American societies was the Maya. Inka. Olmec. Navaho.


Whose "music of mystic serenity" captured the conservative quality of the Catholic Reformation? Palestrina Bach Monteverdi Vivaldi


In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, ________ emerged as the center of Western artistic productivity. London New York Paris Moscow


Shakespeare modeled his own sonnets after those written by Petrarch Pico Chaucer Sappho


The word "kiva" refers to a Native American gold-working process. Mali mask. Pueblo ceremonial site. Navaho mythic hero.

Pueblo ceremonial site

The first totalitarian state of the twentieth century was established in Russia. China. Germany. Japan.


Catullus dedicated some of his poems to a woman he called Lesbia, a nod to the influence of which poet on his work? Virgil Sappho Homer Horace


Jules Verne and H. G. Wells were pioneering figures in which literary genre? Symbolist poetry Verse drama Science fiction Stream-of-consciousness narratives

Science fiction

The landmark significance of the Protestant Reformation was the fact that it ushered in the Italian Renaissance led to the internal reform of the Church of Rome shattered the religious unity of Western Christendom all of the above

Shattered the religious unity of Western Christendom

Which of the following schools of thought was NOT developed in the Hellenistic Age? Sophism Epicureanism Stoicism Cynicism


Both El Greco and Velasquez served in the courts of France England the Papacy Spain


Minoan and Mycenean civilizations arose in Mesopotamia. Asia Minor. the Aegean Sea. the Western Mediterranean.

The Aegean Sea

The Bayeux Tapestry recorded which historical event? The coronation of Charlemagne The Fourth Crusade The ambush at the "Gate of Spain" The Norman conquest of England

The Norman Conquest of England

Medieval Europeans were the first to develop all EXCEPT which of the following musical innovations? Musical notation The Psalms Polyphony The motet

The Psalms

Which cultural landmark was attributed to King David? The Decalogue The Ark of the Covenant The Psalms The Temple of Jerusalem

The Psalms

Most Gothic churches were dedicated to Jesus. Saint Denis. the Virgin Mary. Saint Francis.

The Virgin Mary

Which of the following themes or images would have been LEAST likely to appear in Christian art before the fifth century? The crucifixion of Jesus Evangelists represented as animals Jesus as the Good Shepherd Fish imagery

The crucifixion of Jesus

The writings of Erasmus and More, like the Protestant Reformation itself, reflect a deep concern with severing Northern Europe's ties with the Catholic Church. the exercise of Christian conscience. strengthening Papal authority. political efforts to reduce class barriers

The exercise of the Christian Conscience

Zhou rebels justified their rebellion against the Shang dynasty on the basis of Daoist principles. the Mandate of Heaven. the aristocracy of merit. their interpretation of the Vedas.

The mandate of heaven

Which city was the greatest of the early West African trading centers and the seat of a Muslim university? Tangier Ghana Niger Timbuktu


The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are known as the Decalogue. Exodus. Torah. Dead Sea Scrolls.


The north/south arms of the early Christian church are called the nave. narthex. clerestory. transept.


The hero of Virgil's Aeneid is a native of Rome. Athens. Egypt. Troy.


The sacraments by which medieval Christians hoped to receive the grace of God were but one of several paths to salvation available to orthodox Christians. were codified by an early thirteenth-century church council. were first introduced by the Waldensians. could be administered by any Christian.

Were codified by an early thirteenth-century church council.

Luther posted his landmark Ninety-Five Theses on the cathedral door in Rome Wittenberg Heidelberg Rotterdam


A major factor in bringing non-Western cultures to the attention of Europeans was advancing colonialism. the World's Fairs. documentary photography. All these answers are correct.

advancing colonialism

The printing press was effective in accelerating the spread of Protestantism producing cheaper reading materials enhancing popular education all of the above

all of the above

The medieval serf was an unfree rural laborer. the vassal of a wealthy lord. a member of the fighting class. All these answers are correct.

an unfree rural laborer

The Carolingian renaissance depended greatly on civil servants. the Crusades. Benedictine monasteries. troubadours.

benedictine monasteries

"The Black Death" describes the pandemic caused by malaria. influenza. bubonic plague. smallpox.

bubonic plague

In contrast with Rome, imperial China under the Qin and Han left no landmark large-scale defenses. epic poems. love poems. historical chronicles

epic poems

The term that most accurately describes Parmigianino's Madonna of the Long Neck is Mannerist. Baroque. Neoclassical. Academic.


J. M. W. Turner, John Constable, and Thomas Cole were all noted painters of native peoples. natural landscapes. heroic actions. historical events.

natural landscapes

In The Prince, Machiavelli called for rulers to be honest and virtuous above all else. the unification of Italy under a strong ruler. loosening the bonds of the state to allow subjects greater freedom. All these answers are correct.

the unification of Italy under a strong ruler

Neoclassical art and classical music share an emphasis on clarity and formal structure. freedom of form. spontaneity and emotion. religious themes.

clarity and formal structure

The landmark literature of the Germanic tribes took the form of comedic plays. troubadour poetry. epics All these answers are correct.


The most popular of secular song forms at the court of Elizabeth was the chorale motet madrigal estampie


"The Great Schism" refers to the rebellion of the peasants after the Black Death. rivalry between church and state. rivalry between two contesting popes. All the answers are correct.

rivalry between two contesting popes

When the Europeans arrived in Africa, slavery did not exist as a trade. slaves were already being traded between African and Muslim dealers. slavery was considered offensive to the gods. slaves were brought into Africa from other parts of the world.

slaves were already being traded between African and Muslim dealers

In Hinduism, the Absolute Spirit is known as nirvana. karma. Atman. Brahman.


The dominant element in African music is rhythm. harmony. melody. dissonance.


In African tradition, kinship extended to all of the following EXCEPT the living. the dead. the unborn. all African peoples.

All African peoples

The Baroque era represents a turning point in music because it witnessed the adoption of equal temperament tuning. development of oratorio. birth of opera. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

The bronze head of the oba of Benin is a landmark that illustrates the African mastery of casting metal. is probably a portrait. may demonstrate the effects of tribal scarification rituals. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

The music of the Age of the Renaissance was usually polyphonic. featured numerous secular songs. was popularized by being recorded in printed handbooks. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

The new realism in the arts of the fourteenth century is found in the paintings of Giotto. writings of Chaucer. woodcuts of the Dance of Death. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

The plays of Molière often included dance were often presented at the court of Louis XIV described the comic foibles of human society All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

For much of his music, Aaron Copland found inspiration in Cubist paintings. American folk songs. the twelve-tone system. Russian folk music.

American folk songs

In the Summa Theologica, Aquinas concludes that women represent the physical incarnation of human perfection. are imperfect in form but created to fulfill a purpose in God's plan. should never have been created in the first place. are intellectually superior to men.

Are imperfect in form but created to fulfill a purpose in God's plan

Japanese and Elizabethan theater both appealed to an urban audience. used the same type of stage. used featured female players. All these answers are correct.

Both appealed to an urban audience

Four major pilgrimage routes linked cities in France with the favorite shrine of Christian pilgrims, the cathedral of Notre Dame. church of San Francesco. abbey at Westminster. cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

Which author offered realistic (and sentimental) depictions of nineteenth-century society in works such as David Copperfield? Gustave Flaubert Fyodor Dostoevsky Charles Dickens Mark Twain

Charles Dickens

Milton's Paradise Lost is a landmark epic that recounts the story of King Arthur describes the fall of Adam and Eve features a hero who visits hell and heaven details the birth of the English Commonwealth

Describes the fall of Adam and Eve

The hymn that came to serve the Roman Catholic requiem (Mass for the Dead) during the Medieval era was "Dies irae." Scivias. memento mori. estampie.

Dies irae

Which of the following persons was a male counterpart to the abolitionist Sojourner Truth? Emerson Thoreau Catlin Douglas


The master printmaker of the sixteenth century was Erasmus Bosch Cranach Durer


Thomas Weelkes and Thomas Morely are names associated with Calvinist reform Elizabethan music British painting the literature of folly`

Elizabethan music

The Hundred Years' War was instigated by English claims to French lands and the French crown. disagreements between the English and the papacy. the French invasion of England. the Great Schism.

English claims to the french lands and the French Crown

Which of the following statements about George Catlin is FALSE? His paintings of Native Americans show a deep respect for them as people. He helped to develop the image of Native Americans as ecologically-minded. He used his paintings to garner support for the government's policy of relocating Native Americans to reservations. His paintings and written descriptions of Native Americans were based on first-hand experience gained by living with numerous Native American peoples.

He used his paintings to garner support for the government's policy of relocating Native Americans to reservations

Which of the following men was NOT a significant figure in the movement known as the Scientific Revolution? Copernicus Hogarth Galileo Newton


"Oceania" refers to the islands off the coast of Greece. islands of the South and Central Pacific Ocean. Canary Islands. islands of the Caribbean

Islands off the South and Central Pacific Ocean

Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of African music? Use of percussion instruments Polyrhythmic structure Call-and-response motifs Melodic lyrics

Melodic lyrics

The first of the Classical humanists in the Age of the Renaissance, and the so-called "father of humanism," was Leonardo. Pico. Petrarch. Ficino.


Mozart drew many of the melodies for his symphonies and compositions from Lutheran chorales. religious chants. popular dance tunes. Renaissance madrigals.

Popular dance tunes

A leading figure in the evolution of academic art was Rembrandt Vermeer Bernini Poussin


The Dutch painter Maria van Oosterwyck and other female artists excelled in which genre? The group portrait Landscape painting Still life painting All these answers are correct.

Still life paintingdes

The literary landmark and notable epic of ancient Mali is entitled Popol Vuh. the oba. Sundiata. the Night Chant.


Diderot's Encyclopedia was was written entirely by Diderot himself. the largest compendium of knowledge produced in the West. an attempt to limit access to technical knowledge and philosophical truth. All these answers are correct.

The largest compendium of knowledge produced in the West

In the Commedia, who guided Dante through Hell? Satan Virgil Beatrice Brutus


The philosophic optimism of Enlightenment figures was satirized in Candide and other writings by Diderot. Voltaire. Descartes. Jefferson.


The composer Josquin des Prez, was one of the most effective practitioners of which expressive musical technique, in which music conveys the literal meaning of a text? Monody Ars nova Word painting Syncopation`

Word painting

Picasso's landmark painting, Guernica, immortalized the fall of Moscow during the Russian Revolution. aerial bombing of a civilian target. revolt of underpaid Spanish workers. destruction of Hiroshima.

aerial bombing of a civilian target

A major component of the music known as "jazz" is improvisation. syncopation. the blues motif. All these answers are correct.

all these answers are correct

Of Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, it is correct to say that it was based on the visions of the saint. executed in marble, stucco, and gilded wood. located inside a church chapel. All these answers are correct.

all these answers are correct

The nineteenth century was an important time in African history because African music and literature came to be recorded. Africans produced some of their most notable textile and beadwork artifacts. medical advances against malaria permitted increased contact with Western explorers. All these answers are correct.

all these answers are correct

Dante's Commedia is divided into three books, each containing thirty-three characters. chapters. cantos. lines.


The most important new medium in mid-nineteenth-century architecture was glass. cement. cast iron. brick.

cast iron

Giovanni Gabrieli came to be celebrated for his illusionistic paintings. design of Saint Mark's Cathedral in Venice. radical new approach to religious sculpture. clear and simple religious music.

clear and simple religious music

One reason that both Protestants and Catholics opposed the heliocentric theory was that it had no empirical basis. contradicted Scripture. was introduced to Europe by Muslim astronomers. All these answers are correct.

contradicted scripture

Ars nova is the name given to the revival of Latin and Greek letters in Italy. new use of light and shade in painting. architectural developments of the early fifteenth century. expressive new musical style of the fourteenth century.

expressive new musical style of the fourteenth century

Jung argued that the collective unconscious manifested itself in archetypes. dreams. fairytales. All these answers are correct.


Late nineteenth-century colonialism had as its primary motivating force the need for materials and markets. for lands to settle. for peoples to incorporate. to halt the expansion of non-Western empires.

for materials and markets

Giotto used the technique of chiaroscuro to give three dimensionalities to the figures in his paintings. flatten and stylize the figures in his paintings. enhance the realistic details of his sculptures. mass-produce manuscript illuminations.

give three-dimensionalities to the figures in his paintings

The comparison of Holbein's Ambassadors and the Ming Dynasty's Elegant Literary Gathering suggests that Holbein was influenced by Asian art humanism was not confined to the West the Chinese were receptive to Western culture all of the above

humanism was not confined to the West

The name "Sudan" means African family. desert highlands. ruler. land of the blacks.

land of the blacks

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of Dante's Commedia? Latin prose Numerology Historical figures Allegory

latin prose

John Locke maintained that legitimate government required the consent of the governed. security lay in conferring power upon a single ruler. revolution is never justified. religion is the bedrock of the social contract.

legitimate government required the consent of the governed

The word "Mona" in Mona Lisa is the sitter's first name. is the sitter's family name. designates the sitter's place of birth. means "my lady".

means my lady

In Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, the artist featured those whom he considered the heroes of revolutionary France, including aristocracy sympathetic to the cause. members of the French military. members of the middle and working classes. the Catholic clergy.

members of the middle and working class

The title of Francis Bacon's landmark work, Novum Organum, means "inductive logic." "new method." "not organic." "social contract."

new method

The French salon, center of intellectual debate, was often organized by noblewomen. artisans. priests. government officials.


Genre painting depicts scenes of classical history. military conquests. ordinary life. religious' events.

ordinary life

Brunelleschi defined the laws of ______ as a tool for creating the appearance of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface. color perspective chiaroscuro the ars nova


The names Matthew Brady and Eadweard Muybridge are associated with lithography. literary Realism. photography. Impressionism.


Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece was commissioned for the benefit of clergymen. the family of a wealth merchant. a royal court. plague victims.

plague victims

In African cultural history, the griot was a poet-historian. tribal-priest. king. All these answers are correct.


In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels prophesized that a revolution would make the ________ the new ruling class. proletariat bourgeoisie capitalists entrepreneurs


Botticelli's landmark painting, The Birth of Venus was the earliest application of the laws of linear perspective. represents the beginning of oil painting in Italy. reflects the revival of Classical themes in European art. is filled with overt Christian symbolism.

reflects the revival of classical themes in European art

Romanticism might be said to have rebelled against all of the following EXCEPT religious authority. reason. industrialization. individualism.

religious authority

The Spanish troops led by Cortes were most critical of Aztec economic traditions. engineering techniques. religious practices. kinship systems.

religious practices

In the works of Erasmus, More and Cervantes, _____________ is employed to great effect. the epic hero allegory satire lyric poetry


In his landmark symphonies, Beethoven made use of strong contrasts of loud and soft sound. the scherzo. dramatic motifs. All these answers are correct.

strong contrasts of loud and soft sound

Both Donne and Wren were associated with the Jesuit order the church of Saint Paul's in London the construction of the façade of Saint Peter's in Rome All these answers are correct.

the Church of Saint Paul's in London

After 1453, the safety of overland caravans to the East was threatened by Venetian militiamen. the warlords of Persia. the Ottoman Turks. Chinese mercenaries.

the Ottoman Turks

In his Novum Organum, Bacon objected to the corruption of science by superstition and theology. an over-reliance on inductive reasoning the use of science to question Christian dogma knowledge based on observation rather than on reason.

the corruption of science by superstition and theology

The American writer Henry Thoreau praised the U. S. government for its commitment to human liberty. valued nature as a source of information. viewed industrialization as key to perfecting human society. All these answers are correct.

valued nature as a source of information

In the seventeenth century, Cremona, Italy was the world center for the manufacture of violins harpsichords tapestries organs


The landmark known as the Book of the Dead is a Hindu text on the afterlife. the first Sumerian written document. a set of Egyptian funerary prayers. China's oldest written religious text.

A set of egyptian funerary prayers

The immediate consequence of the assassination of Julius Caesar was a struggle for power between his first lieutenant and his adopted son. the collapse of the Roman Empire. the restoration of the Roman Republic. an end to Rome's civil strife and establishment of the Pax Romana.

A struggle for power between his first lieutenant and his adopted son

According to Hildegard, the visions she recorded in Scivias came to her from communication with the pope. a voice from heaven. her rational analysis of Holy Scripture. conversations with the nuns in her convent.

A voice from heaven

An important center of learning in Charlemagne's time was the palace-school at Lindisfarne. Aachen. Novgorod. Hastings.


The Hebrew claim to Canaan begins with the biblical story of Abraham. Moses. Solomon. David.


The gods of ancient Greece were thought to intervene in the lives of humans. anthropomorphic figures. believed to be eternal. All of these answers are correct.

All of these are correct

It may be said of early medieval Western books that they were transcribed and decorated by hand. prepared for and by monks and clerics rather than laypeople. made from vellum or parchment and often other costly materials. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

Naturalistic philosophy was advanced by the theories of Thales. Democritus. Pythagoras. All these answers are correct.

All these answers are correct

A basic element in the arts of Islam is the representation of Muhammad. Arabic calligraphy. realistic depictions of humans and animals. All these answers are correct.

Arabic calligraphy

The Latin Church father who wrote the City of God is Jerome. Paul. Augustine. Benedict.


Roman baths typically centered on a rectangular colonnaded hall known as a dome. a basilica. a megalith. an arcade.


The landmark event known as the Battle of Hastings is famously recorded in Beowulf. The Song of Roland. the Bayeux Tapestry. the Song of the Nibelungs.


Which of the following four religions is NOT generally regarded as one based on divine revelation? Judaism Christianity Buddhism Islam


Which of the following statements about medieval towns is FALSE? Some towns grew into self-governing city-states. The rise of towns coincided with and contributed to the rise of the middle class. Medieval towns usually developed out of marketplaces. By twelfth century, the majority of Europeans lived in towns

By twelfth century, the majority of Europeans lived in towns

The goal of the Buddhist is escape from rebirth. eternal life in heaven. material wealth. All these answers are correct.

escape from rebirth

Which of the following was NOT essential to the medieval synthesis? Germanic culture Christian culture Roman culture Chinese culture

Chinese culture

The Great Temple at Karnak was dedicated to the sun-god Amon-Ra. a landmark of Egypt's Old Kingdom. built by Indo-Aryan invaders in India. built in honor of the prophet Zoroaster.

Dedicated to the sun-god Amon-Ra

In the Muslim faith, the word "Allah" means God. prayer. unity. praise.


The obligatory Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the jihad. imam. hijra. haji.


Among the most numerous and impressive landmarks of the Carolingian renaissance were illuminated manuscripts in more legible script. stone sculptures. enduring political systems. improvements on Roman engineering.

Illuminated manuscripts in more legible script

Hammurabi's Code is significant chiefly because it originated the idea that all subjects were equal under the law. is the only example of cuneiform in ancient Mesopotamia. is unusually comprehensive and extensive. granted women the same rights as men.

Is unusually comprehensive and extensive

The holy city of ______ is the birthplace of Mohammad, the destination of the Muslim pilgrimage, and the site of the sacred stone known as the Kaaba. Medina Mecca Jerusalem Baghdad


Which of the following statements about the pre-Christian cult of Mithra is FALSE? The cult was popular among Roman soldiers. Devotees of Mithra celebrated his birthday on December 25. Membership in the cult of Mithra was dominated by women. Mithraism required baptism and a communal meal of bread and wine.

Membership of the cult was dominated by women

The first literary epic developed in India. Egypt. Mesopotamia. China.


The first novel in world history was written by Charlemagne. the countess of Dia. Murasaki Shikibu. Chrétien de Troyes.

Murasaki Shikibu

The word "marathon" derives from the finale of the Greek games. a leading Greek commercial city. news of a Greek military victory over the Persians. a type of Greek statuary.

News of a greek victory over the persians

The Battle of Adrianople was a landmark event that opened the door to the Germanic invasion of the West. replaced the Roman emperor with a Germanic one. kept the Germanic tribes out of the West. created a lasting alliance between Roman and Germanic peoples.

Opened the door to the Germanic invasion of the West

The powerful landowners of ancient Rome were known as plebeians. patricians. princeps. consuls.


Athens' Golden Age flowered shortly after the Persian Wars. Peloponnesian Wars. conquest of Troy. rule of Alexander the Great.

Persian Wars

After their Exodus from Egypt, the Hebrews retook Canaan by defeating the Babylonians. Philistines. Samaritans. Chaldeans.


In the Republic, Plato argues that ______ should govern. philosopher-kings elected representatives well-educated males religious leaders

Philosopher Kings

Which Iron Age sea-faring people created a non-pictographic alphabet? Phoenicians Persians Chaldeans Assyrians


Paul helped transform Christianity into a major religion by becoming Jesus' first disciple. preaching to the Gentiles. writing the first of the Gospels. All these answers are correct.

Preaching to the gentiles

According to medieval Catholic teachings, what was the intermediate realm where Christians were punished for repented sins that had not been expiated before their deaths? Paradise Inferno Purgatory Shiva


The thinker who advanced the idea that reality lay in numerical proportion was Thales. Pythagoras. Democritus. Aristotle.


The earliest discovered inscribed clay tablets come from Sumer. Africa. Egypt. Babylon.


The so-called "Heroic Age" refers to the era that produced Athenian democracy. the Greek epics. the Parthenon. the Persian Wars.

The Greek Epics

Which of the following was NOT among the landmarks of Tang and Song China? The perfection of porcelain Excellence in landscape painting The creation of a simplified Chinese writing system The use of gunpowder

The creation of a simplified writing system

Aristotle's landmark contributions include all of the following EXCEPT a treatise on ethics. the framing of the syllogism. the classification of plants and animals. the invention of the dialectical method.

The invention of the dialectical method

Which of the following statements about twelfth-century troubadours is FALSE? They accompanied their singing with the playing of a lute. They were usually of lowly birth. Their art was influenced by Arabic traditions. Their songs often focused on passionate affection and physical pleasure.

They were usually of lowly birth

Taking its name from the term for "sacred knowledge," which Hindu literature teaches worship through prayer and sacrifice? Ramayana Vedas Upanishads Mahabharata


Which of the following statements best captures Seneca's Stoic philosophy? "Succumb to one's passion." "Never give in to fate." "Work to achieve peace of mind." "Follow one's heart, not one's mind"

Work to acheive piece of mind

The Christina calendar, which dates time from the birth of Jesus, was formulated by a sixteenth-century abbot. Constantine. Augustine. Justinian.

a sixteenth-century abbot

Han China and the Roman Empire traded by way of Asian intermediaries. were comparable in geographic size, power, and prestige. produced lengthy historical chronicles. All these answer are correct.

all these answers are correct

The earliest of the Gospels was written by John the Evangelist. at least forty years after the death of Jesus. by Paul. before the death of Jesus.

at least forty years after the death of Jesus

One of the earliest landmarks of Paleolithic culture is cave-painting. metallurgy. stone circles. farming.


Medieval music-drama originated with the expansion of troubadour poetry. embellishment of the Mass. study of Greek tragedy. use of musical instruments.

embellishment of the mass

The civil and military authority of Rome was known as the imperium. res publica. equites. jus civilis.


Games of combat imitating medieval warfare were called investitures. latifundia. jousts. trysts.


The Tang and Song eras were a Golden Age of maritime expansion. the reformation and simplification of Chinese characters. landscape painting. All these answers are correct.

landscape painting

There is little surviving evidence with which to judge Rome's accomplishments in the field of architecture. literature. sculpture. music.


The interlace designs of the Book of Kells are most similar to the patterns on stone artifacts from Greco-Roman graves. in paintings in Germanic temples. on metalwork artifacts from Germanic graves. in Buddhist religious texts.

on metalwork artifacts from germanic graves

The tradition of courtly love shaped modern concepts of gender. reveals that medieval females were considered the equals of males. originated at the court of Charlemagne. All these answers are correct.

shaped modern concepts of gender

One landmark of early Buddhist culture is the stupa at Sanchi. Great Wall of China. Kaaba. Dome of the Rock.

stupa at Sanchi

The interdict and excommunication were methods by which priests administered the sacraments. the Church maintained its authority. medieval kings were appointed. medieval monks took their vows.

the Church maintained its authority

The most important of the seven sacraments and central ritual of the Mass is the Eucharist. penance. ordination. extreme unction.

the Eucharist

The two great epics of the Greeks, the Iliad and the Odyssey, feature an analysis of Greek cosmology. the heroes of the Trojan War. the Persian attack on the Greeks. the story of the birth of the polis.

the Heroes of the trojan war

Which of the following peoples had the LEAST direct influence on the development of Roman culture? The Greeks The Latins The Hittites The Etruscans

the Hittites

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