Hum 326 Final

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The Steadicam is a patented harness device worn by the camera operator that combines the mobility of ____ with the smoothness of _____

handheld camera; tracking shot

A movie is verisimilar if it

has the appearance of being true or real

cinematic language

techniques and concepts filmmakers use to connect viewers to a film, which often conceal the means of storytelling

The effect of perceiving spatial continuity between two shots, including two shots filmed at different times in different places, is called ____________

the Kuleshov effect

Hybrid films illustrate

the flexibility of film form by blurring boundaries of film categorization.

Which definition of editing accurately describes film editing as one of the defining characteristics that distinguish movies from other art forms?

the joining together of shots to control what the viewer sees in a movie and how the viewer sees it

Viewers identify with _______________ as filmmakers use ____________ to make meaning.

the lens; the camera

Formal Analysis is the analytical approach primarily concerned with

the means by which a subject is expressed

Form describes _____________, while content describes _____________.

the means of expression; the subject of a movie

What is figure movement

the movement of something concrete within the frame

What is looping?

the rerecording of sound first recorded on set

parallel editing

A technique of cutting back and forth between action occurring in two different locations, which often creates the illusion that they are happening simultaneously. Also called "cross cutting."

This type of movie may use highly stylized and distinctive camera work, editing, and lighting, drawing attention to the cinematic languages in order to convey sensational stories in embellished or imaginary settings.


The organization, distribution, Balance and general relationship of objects and figures within the space of a shot is called


How are conventions enforced in genre films?

Conventions are not enforced

The directors role is basically that of

Coordinating lead artist

What is the production designer responsible for?

Costumes, set constructions, hairstyles

Non-interactive movie like scenes in video games are known as

Cut scenes

The editing technique of joining together two shots is called ____________.


cultural invisibility

Just as the techniques of filmmaking can go unnoticed during a casual viewing of a movie, so too can the cultural mores and prejudices lurking under the surface of a movie. These are employed by the filmmaker to reinforce the casual viewer's subconscious beliefs or worldviews.

Which of the following constitutes a subgenre?

Police films involving the pairing of two partners with completely opposite personalities

The editing technique in which the screen is broken into multiple frames and images is known as ____________.

Split Screen

Most movies are shot and projected at how many frames per second


Narrative structure is characterized by

3 acts

Which of the following distinguished narrative films from other kinds of movies

Narrative films are fiction

two shot

A medium shot featuring two actors.

What does it mean when actors are typecast?

Actors tend to get cast in certain types of roles based on their looks

color grading

Altering/enhancing color in video

What is an antihero?

An unsympathetic character in pursuit of a less than noble goal

What characterizes a virtual reality experience as being distinct from a movie experience?

An experience requiring a special headset

Which is not an aspect of compostion?

Parallel editing

The predetermined movement of actors that is planned according to the need of the story is called


What similarities does the horror genre share with the scifi genre?

Both deal with the humans encounter with forces beyond their control

How have motion pictures been recently liberated from the imposed impermanence that helped foster cinematic invisibility?

By being available on and through DVD, DVR, and streaming video

The ___ is the level and heigh of the camera in relation to the subject being photographed

Camera angle

The member of the camera crew who controls the camera during the shot is called the _____________.

Camera operator

cinematographer jobs

Chooses a recording medium, modifies the look of the finished image, determines speed and length of the shot, framing shots, choosing properties of a shot

Film Noir

Deep shadows, nighttime exterior scenes, elements composed diagonally

These sounds come from a source within a film's world. They are the sounds heard by both the movie's audience and characters.


In a ____ shot the camera is mounted on a wheeled platform to move smoothly along with the action


negative space

Empty space

To convert a passage of time between scenes a filmmaker might choose which of the following transitions?

Fade in or out

Each image in long strips of celluloid film is known as


What are the 3 basic types of animation

Hand drawn, stop motion , computer animation

Round characters

Have unpredictable behaviors

Diagrams of sets that include actor and camera postions are known as


What is a MacGuffin?

It is something of vital importance to the characters in a film that turns out to be less significant to the overall narrative than first expected.

What is the 3 point system with respect to lighting

Key light, fill light, backlight

Three fundamental principles of film form are

Light, illusion of movement and manipulated space and time

An observational documentary generally does which of the following

Limits the use of voice over narration; eliminates as many signs of mediation as possible

Which genre was not born out of an specific politician or cultural movement ?


What are 3 elements that describe neorealism

Non professional actors, shooting on location, naturalism

These sounds come from a source outside the world of the movie and are heard only by the audience.


What is an example of a non-diegetic element?

On screen text

The treatment of views expectations

Our experience of any given film is affected by how that film manipulated expectations

Documentaries that explore and sometimes critique themselves are


The overal range in time and place


3 types of duration

Screen, plot, story

Diagonal shot

Shot that is titled

establishing shot

Shows settings with no characters

The process of combining different sound tracks into one composite sound track to play in synchronization with the edited picture is called ____________.

Sound Mixing

The story formula for this type of movie usually involve the origin of the protagonist's powers and/or high stakes struggle to defeat a villainous attempt to destroy a city, country, or universe

Superhero movies

This test is an evaluative tool that qualifies films as woman-friendly only if they have at least two women characters who talk to each other about something besides a man.

The Bechdel Test

Which naturalistic style of acting encourages actors to speak, move, and gesture not in a traditional stage manner but just as they would in their own lives?

The Method

What is an antagonist?

The person or force responsible for obstructing the protagonist

Direct is also known as

The coordinating lead artist

Cinematographer is also know as

The director of photography

What is the defining characteristic of found footage experimental movies?

The manipulation of film from other sources in order to create meanings and associations

Why is the axis of action also called the 180-degree system?

There are 180 degrees of space on the chosen side of the axis of action in which the camera may be placed to preserve screen direction.

What is a blimp

a soundproof enclosure that prevents the sound of the camera from reaching the microphone

Omniscient narration offers

Unrestricted access

freeze frame

When the movement of the film image appears to stop so that it appears like a photographic still.

A movie is a coordinated synthesis of performance, composition, sound, and editing that creates meaning to tell a story. When we analyze this synthesis we are analyzing

a film's form

Horror films are often characterized by

a protagonist who saves a community that rejects her.

Generally, which element of film sparks the initial interest of a movie audience?


The founding purpose of the persuasive documentary was to

address social injustice

What is formal analysis?

an analytical approach concerned with the means by which a subject is expressed

The first assistant electrician on the camera crew is called the _____________.

best boy

The process of capturing moving images on film or a digital storage device is called _____________


cutting on action

common editing technique designed to hide the instantaneous and potentially jarring shift from one camera viewpoint to another

What are the four phases of sound production?

design, recording, editing, mixing

This member of the camera crew is the chief electrician for the production.


This member of the camera crew is the all-around handyperson who works with both the camerapersons and the electricians to get the camera and lighting ready for shooting.


The alienation effect or distancing effect seeks to _____________ the artificiality of performance and _____________ the audience's identification with the characters.

draw attention to; limit

What does a take refer to?

each time a planned shot is captured

The joining together of discrete shots is called


when an extreme long shot is used to provide spatial context at the beginning of a scene it is also known as

establishing shot

Early screen acting is characterized by _____________ gestures and ____________.

exaggerated; bombastic mouthing of words

Gangster films are characterized by _____________ and _____________.

exploring the American dream; an antihero

A _____________ film stock is extremely sensitive to light and is therefore useful in low-light situations.


Depth of field refers to the distances in front of the camera in which the subject are

in apparent sharp focus

Experimental films frequently reflect the creative vision of a single artist. These films

invite individual interpretations

To create a balanced compostion, characters whose lateral screen movement is tracked by a moving camera are almost invariably given

lead room

Which type of shot frames the subject from somewhere around the waist and up, making him or her large enough in the frame to reduce the background to the point of insignificance?

medium shot

The essential quality that seperates movies from all other 2D pictorial art forms is


The 3 major types of movies

narrative, documentary, experimental

Compositional Stress

occurs when the filmmaker intentionally breaks the rule of thirds, which then denies the viewer their expectation of balance

What is a setup?

one camera position and everything associated with it

How do film genres generally tend to originate and develop?

organically, as inspired by shifts in history, politics or society

What are the four basic perceptual characteristics of sound?

pitch, loudness, quality, fidelity

An open frame is generally employed in _____________ films, while a closed frame is generally employed in ____________ films.

realistic; formalist

Antirealism uses our perceptions of ______ as a starting point to expand upon or even purposely subvert.



refers to everything you see in every shot

Director (Jobs of)

selects actors and works with them, leads rehearsals, works with director of photography to design an overall look for the movie, reviews footage, decide what is satisfactory, works with edition to cut scenes , speed and length of the shot, framing of the shot,

What are the major elements of cinematic design

setting, decor, properties, lighting, costume, makeup, hairstyle

Cinematic language combines various elements such as lighting, movement, sound, and camera effects into single _______________ that create meaning analogous to a sentence.


What is ambient sound?

sounds that emanate from the setting or environment being filmed

The total world of a film's ____________ is called its ____________.

story; diegesis

In what situation must actors focus on the communicative power of slight facial gestures while ignoring the expressive potential of their bodies?

when being filmed in a close-up

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