HUM Final Exam Review Quizzes

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Between 1870 and 1920, how many immigrants arrived from overseas?

25 million

Upon Lincoln's assassination, ____________ became president.

Andrew Johnson

The 1865 agency responsible for the attempt to establish a working free labor system was called the

Freedmen's Bureau

Which was not true of Liberal Republicans in the post-Civil War era?

They believed the growth of federal power needed to be expanded.

The struggles over land and labor united the postemancipation experience in many countries, yet this one aspect made the United States unique.

Within two years after the end of slavery, black males were given the right to vote.

Which of the following was not a major cause of the decline of Reconstruction?

a deepening of mutual respect between black and white southerners, making Reconstruction seem no longer necessary

In the era from 1870 to 1890, the label "the Gilded Age" originally derived from

a derogatory name from literature meaning covered with gold but what lies beneath is of little value.

The "subtreasury plan" was

a plan to establish federal warehouses where farmers could store crops until they were sold.

The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871

defined crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses, and under these laws President Grant sent federal marshals to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen.

The Reconstruction Act of March 1867

divided the South into five military districts and called for creation of new state governments, with black men given the right to vote.

One of the main purposes of the Freedmen's Bureau was to

ensure a fair and viable system of labor relations between former slaves and former slaveholders.

All of the victims of the Ku Klux Klan were black.


Although ethnic diversity is generally associated with eastern cities, in the late nineteenth century the most multicultural state in the Union was Arizona.


In the late 1800s, Protestants attempted reforms to "stamp out sin," yet were tolerant of businesses opening on Sundays.


The victorious Republicans, the "Redeemers," claimed to have redeemed the white South from corruption, misgovernment, and northern and black control.


Under Radical Reconstruction, blacks held most of the South's top elected positions.


While Reconstruction brought profound changes, the postwar South was peopled with the same social classes.


In the five years following the end of the Civil War, former slaves were guaranteed the following in three amendments to the United States Constitution:

freedom from slavery; recognition as citizens; and the vote for adult black men.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony opposed the Fifteenth Amendment because

it did not enfranchise women

In the late 1800s, this geographic area experienced the most dramatic growth in capitalism.

land west of the Mississippi River

The Black Codes were

laws that sought to regulate the lives of former slaves.

In President Andrew Johnson's view, African-Americans ought to play what part in Reconstruction?


In consequence of the "Bargain of 1877," President Rutherford B. Hayes

ordered federal troops to stop guarding the state houses in Louisiana and South Carolina.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

Before the Civil War, American citizenship had been closely linked to


In a society that had made political participation a core element of freedom, this activity became central to the former slaves' desire for empowerment and equality

right to vote

Following the Civil War, white and black farmers in the South

saw the price of cotton fall steadily

The House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson for violation of what law?

the Tenure of Office Act

Elk v. Wilkins (1884) stated that

the rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply to American Indians.

By 1890, the vast majority of the remaining Indian population had been removed to reservations scattered across the western states.


Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens argued that disloyal planters' land should be confiscated and redistributed among former slaves.


Compared to the United States and the American Indians, Australia's handling of the Aboriginal people was harsher.


During Radical Reconstruction, following ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, the vast majority of eligible African-Americans registered to vote.


Opposition to Reconstruction resulted from the distaste many southerners had for tax increases that were needed to fund public schools and other improvements, and also because many white southerners could not accept black Americans voting, holding office, and enjoying equality before the law.


The country was plunged into an economic depression in 1873, and support among Republicans for further reforms in the South weakened.


There were cases of freed slaves returning to the land they had previously worked demanding that they were "joint heirs" of the estate.


Who among the following was not a leader of the Radical Republicans?

Andrew Johnson

American presidents during the Gilded Age exerted strong, effective, executive leadership.


Some 900 blacks sat in state legislatures during Reconstruction, yet few held local offices.


By 1913, the United States produced how much of the world's industrial output?


Founded in 1867, this group claimed more than 700,000 members in the mid-1870s, who called on state governments to establish fair freight rates and warehouse charges.

the grange

In 1890, the distribution of wealth in the United States was

the top 1 percent of Americans owned more property than the remaining 99 percent.

"Scalawags" was a derogatory term used to describe southern white Republicans.


In the aftermath of the Civil War, the black church was a powerful influence in the South. What two denominations commanded the largest African-American following?

Baptist and Methodist

All of the following were "captains of industry" except

Samuel Gompers

In which industry did Andrew Carnegie make his fortune?


A "carpetbagger" is

a northerner who settled in the South after the war.


allowed a black family to rent part of a plantation, with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year.

At the Battle of Little Big Horn, General George Armstrong Custer's troops were victorious.


Compared to other religions expanding to the West, the Mormon experience was relatively peaceful and the community accepting.


During the two decades following the Civil War, which were known as the golden age of the cattle kingdom, cowboys were highly paid.


Ida Tarbell authored the famous novel House of Mirth, which depicted the downfall of a young woman trying to "marry up" in society.


In 1879, for the first time since the Civil War, the United States departed from the gold standard.


Presidential Reconstruction (1865-1867) was a success.


Radical Republicans in the Reconstruction era shared the view that

the Union victory created a golden opportunity to institutionalize the principle of equal rights for all, regardless of race.

In the summer of 1865, President Andrew Johnson ordered nearly all land in federal hands

to be returned to its former owners

By the early 1890s, a pension system for Union soldiers, their widows, and children consumed more than 40 percent of the federal budget.


During Reconstruction, some 2,000 African-Americans held public office, among them fourteen in the United States House of Representatives and two U.S. senators.


During the 1872 elections, the Liberal Republicans argued that Reconstruction was a failure.


Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction

were often convicted of vagrancy and fined; sometimes they were then auctioned off to work for the person who paid the fine.

According to Social Darwinism, government should seek to help the poor, and build an activist state to regulate the nation's corporations.


In consequence of the Reconstruction governments across the South, the region became a vibrant and successful hub of dynamic and expansive economic growth, allowing many African-Americans to escape from poverty.


In the late 1800s, farm families in the trans-Mississippi West became less dependent on loans as they were able to purchase land, machinery, and industrial products despite the prices for agricultural goods in the world market.


Robert Smalls was a black senator who served one unsuccessful term before being replaced by a white senator in 1900.


The Black Codes were laws passed by southern Republicans to promote black rights.


The Fifteenth Amendment granted the vote to white women but not black women.


The Ku Klux Klan sought to uphold the American ideal of equality and justice for all.


Many women saw the opportunity to insert their issues into the reforming nation. Their immediate main concerns were all of the following except

outlawing the sale and manufacture of liquor.

The Burlingame Treaty reaffirmed China's national sovereignty, and

provided reciprocal protection for religious freedom and against discrimination for citizens of each country emigrating or visiting the other.

In a society that had made political participation a core element of freedom, this activity became central to the former slaves' desire for empowerment and equality.

right to vote

Which was not a principal task of the Freedmen's Bureau (1865-1870)?

support black churches and businesses

Which were central elements in the lives of postemancipation blacks in the twenty years following the end of the Civil War?

the family, the church, the school

"Vertical integration" is defined as one company controlling every phase of the business from raw materials to transportation, manufacturing, and distribution.


A significant amount of Mexican-era landholdings were made available for sale because United States courts only recognized land titles to individual plots of land.


After emancipation, many freed women elected to withdraw from work in the fields and focus their energies at home.


Among the important accomplishments of Reconstruction state governments was the establishment of the South's first state-supported public schools.


Between 1880 and 1940 there were more white sharecroppers than black sharecroppers.


Black Codes denied black Americans the right to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state militias, or vote.


Black Codes sometimes assigned black children to work for their former masters without parental consent.


By 1880, persons of Chinese descent made up over half of California's farm workers.


By the 1880s, the labor situation was such that Texas cowboys even went on strike for higher pay.


During Reconstruction, a number of state governments initiated civil rights legislation that made it illegal for railroads, hotels, and other institutions to discriminate on the basis of race.


During the second industrial revolution, wage labor became America's leading source of livelihood.


Following the Civil War, generals like Philip H. Sheridan set out to destroy the foundations of the American Indian economy.


In 1866, the civil rights bill became the first major law in American history to be passed over a presidential veto.


In 1869, President Ulysses S. Grant announced a new "peace policy" in the West.


In relishing their newfound freedom, blacks acquired dogs, guns, and liquor, activities previously barred to them under slavery.


In setting out to destroy the Indian economy and way of life, Civil War veterans almost decimated the buffalo population.


In the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873), the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment had not altered traditional federalism.


Inspired in part by President Garfield's assassination by a disappointed office seeker, the Civil Service Act of 1883 created a merit system for federal employees.


The KKK was founded in 1866 as a Tennessee secret society and served, in effect, as a military arm of the Democratic Party.


The civil rights era of the 1950s and 1960s is sometimes called the "Second Reconstruction."


The once prosperous Confederate General Braxton Bragg returned from the Civil War to find he had lost everything and lived for some time with his wife in a slave cabin.


Legal devices whereby the affairs of several rival companies were managed by a single director are called


In the late nineteenth century, the Republican Party found particularly strong support among all of the following except

Irish Americans

Eugene V. Debs

Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over.

In Wabash v. Illinois, this prior ruling was essentially reversed.

Munn v. Illinois

The phrase "forty acres and a mule" is derived from

Sherman's Field Order 15

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Tenure of Office Act; impeachment of Johnson; election of Grant

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