Human Growth and Development Chapters 7 and 8

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List 4 reasons why someone would choose singlehood, according to the author of your text and DePaulo & Morris (2006)

*They view marriage negatively *They view marriage as too restrictive and they value their personal change/growth *Some people do not meet anyone they wish to get married to *They value their independence and autonomy

How will exercise (during middle adulthood) benefit the nervous system, according to DiGiovanna (1994)?

*slower decline in processing impulses by the central nervous system *slower increase in variations in speed of motor neuron impulses

List 3 sources of marital satisfaction cited by middle-aged couples,according to the author of your text and Schmitt, Kliegel, & Shapiro (2007); Landis et al (2013).

*spouse is best friend *they view marriage as a long-term commitment *feel that their spouse has grown more interesting

List some benefits (for those in middle adulthood) associated with children leaving home, according to the author of your text and Gorchoff, John, & Helson (2008). Note: 3 answers

*spouses have more time for one another *they can attend to their own work *house stays neater/phone rings less often

List the 3 stages in which marital aggression by a husband occurs, according to Walker (1999)

*tension-building *acute battering incident *loving contrition

List 8 reasons why someone in middle adulthood changes careers.

*their job offers little challenge *they have achieved mastery *their job changed *they lost their job *they may be asked to accomplish more with fewer resources *technology drastically changed their daily activities *they don't enjoy what they do *unhappy with their status

Between what age window will menopause begin, according to the author of your text?


Describe the companionate grandparent.

Act as supporters and buddies to them

What is David Levinson's (1986, 1992) seasons of life theory?

Adult men pass through a series of stages beginning with early adulthood, around age 20, and continuing into midlife.

What did longitudinal studies reveal about the stability of intelligence over time, according to Bayley & Oden (1955)?

Adults tended to show stable and even increasing intelligence test scores until their mid-30s and in some cases up to their 50s. Then the scores began to decline

More middle-aged men will die from diseases relating to the _______ and_______ than any other cause of death.

heart circulatory systems

Bill is 60 years old and is morbidly obese. He smokes at least a pack of cigarettes a day. He eats pizza, red meat, and ice cream several times a week. Also Bill is sedentary and makes no effort to be physically active. What medical problem is associated with Bill's lifestyle choices?

heart disease

Mrs. Olivia Smith is 55 years old. Her last child, Susan, is enrolled in a university near their home. During registration for courses Susan's mother urged her daughter to take courses related to science. Susan attempted to sign up for Anatomy and Physiology but the course was full. The mother called the registrar's office and complained that because of Susan's interest in human anatomy she needed to take this course so she can enroll in advance courses next semester. During the semester Susan's grades were not up to par with her mother's expectations. So Mrs. Smith called her professors complaining that her daughter did not understand the course material and the professor was not interested in her education. Mrs. Smith would be considered a _____________ parent


List 2 major medical problems are associated with untreated hypertension.

increased risk of stroke and heart disease

What medical condition associated with brittle, fragile, and thin bones that are affected by lifestyle choices?


Steve is 25 years old. He has been on the job for a year and a half. Over the past several months his supervisor picks on him and purposely gives him tasks that he cannot manage. As a result Steve has had difficulty sleeping, his blood pressure has gone up, and he is irritable all the time. Steve has decided to ask to be transferred to another position, and if his request is denied he will seek employment elsewhere. What type of coping strategy is Steve employing?

problem-focused coping

List 2 types of focused coping strategies adults use in an effort to manage stress

problem-focused coping emotion-focused coping

What is the most common problem associated with enlargement of the prostate gland during male climacteric?

problems with urination

What is the 3rd filter in the Filtering Potential Marriage Partners, according to Janda & Kleneke-Hamel (1980)?

proximate field of marital partners

List 3 factors associated with friendship formation (particularly in early adulthood).

proximity similarity personal qualities

What is generativity (within the context of Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of development)?

refers to "making your mark" on the world through creating or nurturing things that will outlast an individual

What is fluid intelligence?

reflects the ability to solve and reason about novel problems

What can people do to feel stronger and more able to compensate for any physical losses during the middle adulthood years?

regularly exercise

What is at the core of young adult's happiness?


June is 60 years old. She has 2 grandchildren; a grandson 4 years old and a granddaughter who is 6 years old. Although she lives about 4 miles away from them she rarely sees them and infrequently attends their school or extracurricular activities. When in contact with her grandchildren she often complains that they make "too much noise" and "they should be disciplined better." What type of grand parenting style best describes June?


How does cancer rank as a leading cause of death in the United States, according to Centers for Disease Control (2015)?

second leading cause of death

Sophie is 29 years old. When asked how she felt about her ability to make friends and to secure long-term relationships she stated, "I find it relatively easy to get close to others and I'm comfortable depending on them and having them to me. I don't worry about being abandoned or feel anxious about someone getting too close to me." Sophie is fortunate to have a ________________ attachment style

secure attachment style

List 2 factors associated with gradual changes in bodies of persons in middle adulthood

senescence (naturally occuring declines) lifestyle choices

What type of intelligence is necessary for career success, according to Sternberg et al. (1997)?

practical intelligence

Are there differences or similarities in the adjustment of children raised by heterosexual couples compared to homosexual couples?


Paul is 56 years old. As he reflects on his life he gets depressed, frustrated and cynical. He has worked at the same job for the past 35 years. He is bored, plus he feels he has not contributed much to the world. Paul thought about starting a new career that he thinks may be more fulfilling. However he knows that there is not enough time in life to develop a new occupation. According to Erik Erikson, Paul is experiencing __________.


Jeff is a 20-year-old African-American first-year college student. He is enrolled in core curriculum courses that include algebra, composition one, general psychology, humanities, and anatomy and physiology. Jeff is worried that he may not perform well because all of his life his grandmother told him "black people never make it through college; we are not as smart as white folk." Although this is inculcated view of himself (and African-Americans in general) he will try hard to do the best he can. Jeff is experiencing__________________.

stereotype threat

Jennifer is a 19-year-old first-year college student and is the first member of her family to attend college. Since she was a little girl Jennifer wanted to be an architect. Her parents, however, have encouraged her to become a teacher, a nurse or a social worker. Plus they always told her that girls "don't do well in math subjects" and to "major in a more ladylike field." As Jennifer starts to take courses related to her major she begins to worry that she will not do well and maybe even fail. Jennifer is experiencing_______________.

stereotype threat

What is psychoneuroimmunology?

study of the relationship between the brain, immune system, and psychological factors

How long typically will the empty nest syndrome last for stay-at-home mothers and mothers who work outside the home, according to the author of your text and Kadam (2014); Crowley, Hayslip, & Hobdy (2003)?


Bill has been married to Mary for four years. When he becomes upset with Mary he becomes verbally abusive, calling her ugly, fat, and a *****. Mary makes vain attempts to calm Bill or avoid him altogether. The situation then escalates and Bill starts to slap, punch, and kick her. When the episode of violence ends Bill apologizes to her and expresses remorse. List in order the 3 stages of marital aggression as exemplified in this vignette, according to Walker (1999).

tension-building acute battering incident loving contrition

What male sex hormones decline in production during the middle adulthood years, according to Hyde & Delameter (2003)?


What is visual acuity?

the ability to discern fine spatial detail in both close and distant objects

What is expertise?

the acquisition of skill or knowledge in a particular area

What are normative-crisis models?

the approach to personality development that is based on fairly universal stages tied to a sequence of age-related crises

During what life event will marital satisfaction reach its lowest point, according to the phases of marital satisfaction U-shaped configuration?

the birth of the couple's children

What is menopause?

the cessation of menstruation

What is creativity?

the combination of responses or ideas in novel ways

What is emotion-focused coping (in an effort to manage stress)?

the conscious regulation of emotion

What is the empty nest syndrome?

the experience that relates to parents' feelings of unhappiness, worry, loneliness, and depression resulting from their children's departure from home

What is senescence?

the natural physical decline brought about by aging

What is the female climacteric?

the period that marks the transition from being able to bear children to being unable to do so

What characteristic that females are genetically preprogrammed to seek out in males who are prospective mates (i.e. marriage partner)?

the potential to provide scarce resources

What is selective optimization with compensation?

the process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas

What is homogamy?

the tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race, education, religion, and other basic demographic characteristics

What is the labeling theory of passionate love?

the theory that individuals experience romantic love when two events occur together: intense physiological arousal and situational cues suggesting that the arousal is due to love

What is the cycle of violence hypothesis?

the theory that the abuse and neglect that children suffer predispose them as adults to abuse and neglect their own children

List 2 medical interventions that are designed to increase sexual pleasure in women during the middle adulthood years, according to Laumann, Paik, & Rosen (1999); Freedman & Ellison (2004); Nappi & Polatti (2009).

topical creams testosterone patches

Why is there a gender gap in number of men and women who enter college, according to the author of your text and Dortch (1997); Buchmann & DiPrete (2006); England & Li (2006)? Note: 2 answers

Men have more job opportunities when they graduate from high school Women often have better high school academic records than men

Describe how critics of evolutionary theory related to prospect of mate choice make the case that evolution may have nothing to do with it and these preferences have everything to do with culture, according to Eagly & Wood (2003); Wood & Eagly (2010).

Men hold more power, status, and other resources so it is a rational choice for women to prefer a high-earning-potential spouse

During what historical period was the concept of romantic love "invented?"

Middle Ages

Describe how homosexual parents divide labor in their households, according to Patterson (1994); Parks (1998); Kurdec (1993, 2003).

More evenly than hetersexual households

What is job satisfaction associated with, according to the author of your text and Peterson & Wilson (2004); Thompson & Prottas; Carton & Aiello (2009)? Note: 3 answers

Nature of job Amount of input one has into one's duties/Influence employees have over others Amount of money made.

Although the big five personality traits tend to remain stable past the age of thirty, some actually vary with time. What personality traits tend to decline and what personality traits and increase?

Neuroticism, extraversion, and openness decline agreeableness and conscientiousness increases

Mark is 48 years old. He is experiencing a great deal of marital discord and he hates his job. Mark believes that if he won the lottery he would be happy and he could buy his way out of his misery. Is Mark's thinking accurate in that his subjective well-being would be enhanced, according to Diener (2000); Stone et al. (2010)?


Will cohabitation increase the chances of a happy marriage, according to Hohmann-Marriot (2006); Rhoaes, Stanley & Markman (2006, 2009)?


Will personality substantially change during the middle adulthood years as suggested by Erikson and Levinson?


What is the most common difficulty frequently reported by college students visiting a campus counseling center?

Stress anxieity

Why are people in middle adulthood less likely to contract infections, allergies, respiratory diseases, and digestive problems?

They have already experienced them and built up immunities

How can divorce (during middle adulthood) be particularly difficult for women? Note: 2 answers

They have played the role of mother and never performed substantial work outside the home

Describe the involved grandparent.

They hold clear expectations about the ways their grandchildren should behave

Why may first-generation college students be especially prone to having difficulties during their first year of college, according to the author of your text and Barry et al. (2009): Crede & Niehorster (2012)? Note: 3 answers

They may arrive at college without a clear understanding on how the demands of college may differ from high school The social support they have from their families may be inadequate They may be less well-prepared for college work

What is benevolent sexism, as it is related to gender and college performance?

Women are placed in stereotyped and restrictive roles that appear, on the surface, to be positive

Why may physical appearance play a significant role in how women see themselves in middle adulthood?

Women face strong societal pressures to retain a youthful look

What is the main reason why women tend to be more dissatisfied than men with their marriage after the arrival of children, according to Levy-Shiff (1994); LaFlamme, Pomerleau, & Malcuit (2003); Li (2006)?

Women often bear the brunt of child-rearing, even if both parents seek to share these responsibilities

Will a history of breast cancer in the family raise the risk for women to develop the same disease? (yes or no)


What is the first-year adjustment reaction?

a cluster of psychological symptoms, including loneliness, anxiety, withdrawal, and depression, relating to the college experience suffered by first-year college students

What is glaucoma?

a condition in which pressure in the fluid of the eye increases, either because the fluid cannot drain properly or because too much fluid is produced

What is osteoporosis?

a condition in which the bones become brittle, fragile, and thin, often brought about by a lack of calcium in the diet

What is presbyopia?

a nearly universal change in eyesight during middle adulthood that results in some loss of near vision

What is a person's immediate biological reaction to stress?

a rise in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, and sweating

What is burnout?

a situation that occurs when workers experience dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration, and weariness from their jobs

What is a midlife crisis?

a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite

Why do people turn to the Web in an effort to cope with stress, according to Green, Decourville, & Sadava (2012); Seckin (2013); Vallejo-Sanchez & Perez-Garcia (2015)?

to connect with people who have similar experiences

What is dualistic thinking?

things are conceptualized as good or bad, right or wrong. Very black or white.

What is postformal thought?

thinking that acknowledges that adult predicaments must sometimes be solved in relativistic terms

Although initially drugs and alcohol may give a person (who is experiencing stress) a pleasurable sense of escape, why is this an unhealthy coping mechanism? Note: 2 answers

They do not help address the situation causing the stress They can increase a person's difficulties

At what age will illness and disease overtake accidents as a leading cause of death in early adulthood?


How can a person benefit from the "emergency reaction" to some kinds of stress, according to Kiecolt-Glaser (2009); Janusek, Cooper, & Mathews (2012); Irwin (2015)?

They are able to defend themselves from a sudden, threatening situation

What is the ultimate and most important health benefit of regular exercise during early adulthood and beyond, according to Rethorst, Wipfli, & (2009); Jung & Brawley (2010); Treat-Jacobson, Bronas & Salisbury (2014)?

increased longevity

List 2 behavioral choices associated with hastened secondary aging during early adulthood

use/abuse of alcohol,tobacco, or drugs unprotected sex

Jim and Athena just celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary. They have 2 children; a girl 7 years old and a boy 5 years old. Each enjoys the other's company and both work together as a team so the household runs smoothly. Although privacy is limited they continue to enjoy a warm, intimate sex life. What type of love is Jim and Athena experiencing, according to Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory Of Love?

Consummate love

List 3 types of grand parenting styles.

*involved *companionate *remote

About what percent of men surveyed felt unhappy after their children leaving home (i.e. empty nest syndrome), according to Lewis, Freneau, & Roberts (1979)


What percent of marriages in United States involve domestic violence?


What percent of students taking college credit courses are between the age of 25 and 35?


What percent of households today are multi-generation, according to the Navarro (2006)?


About what age will visual acuity begin to decline?


What percent of college students who visited a college counseling center reported being depressed?


What percent of white college students finish four years later?


About how much money will a middle-class family spend on two children by the time they reach 18 years old, according to the United States government?


Although unfounded by today's researchers what mental disorders and symptoms were once directly linked to menopause? Note: 5 answers

*Depression *Crying spells *Lack of concentration *Irritability *Anxiety

What are the psychological benefits of exercise during the middle adulthood years, according to DiGiovanna (1994) ?

*Enhanced mood *Feelings of well-being *Reduces stress

List 5 reasons why marriage remains the preferred alternative for most people during early adulthood, according to the author of your text and Furstenberg (1996)?

*It is the appropriate culmination of a loving relationship *It is the "right" thing to do after reaching a particular age *Spouses fill roles *Marriage is the only fully accepted way to have children *Marriage offers legal benefits/protections

List the 6 personality types important in a career choice, according to Holland (1997)

*Realistic *Intellectual *Social *Conventional *Enterprising *Artistic

List 3 drawbacks associated with singlehood, according to the author of your text and Byrne (2000); Schacher, Shaver, & Gillath (2008).

*Society stigmatizes single individuals *There can be a lack of companionship/sexual outlets *Singles may feel that their futures are less secure financially

Why do so many couples today cohabitate during early adulthood, according to the author of your text and Martin, Martin, & Martin (2001); Miller, Sassler, & Kus-Appough (2011); Pope & Caswell (2013)? Note: three answers

*Some feel they are not ready to make a lifelong commitment *Some feel that cohabitation provides "practice" for marriage *Some reject marriage altogether, maintain that marriage is outmoded and that it is unrealistic to expect a couple to spend a lifetime together

Although reaction time increases during the middle adulthood years why do middle-aged drivers have fewer accidents than younger ones, according to the author of your text and Makishite & Matsunage (2008); Cantin et al. (2009); Endrass Schreiber & Kathmann (2012)? Note: 3 answers

*They tend to be more careful *They take fewer risks *Their greater experience benefits them

Describe the eight-stage pattern that facilitates the development of interpersonal relationships, according to Bergess & Huston (1979); Berscheid (1985)

*Two people interact more often and for longer periods, and the range of settings increases *They increasingly seek each other's company *They open up more and more, disclosing more intimate information. They begin to share physical intimacies *They are more willing to share both positive and negative feelings, and they may offer criticism in addition to praise *They begin to agree on their goals for the relationship *Their reactions to situations become more similar *They begin to feel that their own psychological well-being is tied to the success of the relationship, viewing it as unique, irreplaceable, and cherished *Finally, their definition of themselves and their behavior changes: They begin to see themselves and act as a couple, rather than as two separate individuals

How can middle adulthood facilitate sexual enjoyment and freedom that was missing earlier in their lives, according to the author of text and Lamont (1997); DaLamater et al. (2012)? Note: 2 answers

*With children grown/away from home married couples have more time for uninterrupted sex *Women who have gone through menopause no longer fear pregnancy or need to use birth control

List 3 factors that permit couples to successfully weather the stress that follows the birth of a child, according to Shapiro, Gottman, & Carrere(2000).

*Working to build fondness and affection toward each other *Remaining aware of events in each other's life and responding to those events *Considering problems as controllable and solvable

How do people who are in the middle adulthood years compensate for hearing loss? Note: 3 answers

*asking people to speak up *turning up the volume of a television set *paying closer attention to what others are saying

List 6 reasons why there has been a decline in fertility rate in United States?

*availability of birth control *increasing numbers of women in the workforce *women who are developing their careers choose to have children later *financial considerations *some couples doubt they will be good parents *some don't want the work/responsibility involved in childrearing

List 4 reasons why remarrying is more appealing than staying single, according to the author of your text and Lucas (2005) and Ross, Microwsky, & Goldsteen (1991; Stewart et al. (1997).

*avoids the social consequences of divorce *miss the companionship that marriage provides *economic benefits *divorced people report less satisfaction with life

Why do for divorcees in middle adulthood remarry people who were also divorced, according to the author of your text and the Pew Research Center (2014a)? Note: 2 answers

*because divorced people tend to be the ones in the available pool *because those who have gone through divorce share similar experiences

List 3 lifestyle choices that increase the risk of heart disease during middle adulthood

*cigarette smoking *diet high in fats/cholesterol *lack of physical exercise

What coronary health problems are associated with a Type A Behavior Pattern, according to Strube (1990); Weilgosz & Nolan (2000)? Note: 3 answers

*coronary heart disease *greater number of fatal heart attacks *five times as many heart problems

List 5 psychological reasons for choosing to have children

*derive pleasure from watching children grow *fulfillment from their children's accomplishments *satisfaction from seeing them become successful *enjoyment from forging a close bond with them *?

List 2 reasons why an adult would return home to live with their middle-aged parents (i.e. boomerang children)

*difficult economy *breakup of marriage

List the 3 main consequences associated with stress during middle adulthood.

*direct physiological effects *harmful behaviors *indirect health-related behaviors

Give examples of conditions that could alter a person's "set point" for happiness. Note: 4 answers

*divorce *death of a spouse *unemployment *disability

Under what circumstances can unemployment during middle adulthood be psychologically and physically devastating, according to Sharf (1992)? Note 3 answers

*fired *downsized *forced out of jobs by technological advances

List 3 self-serving reasons for choosing to have children.

*focusing on the hope that their children will provide for them in their old age *maintain a family business/farm *offer companionship

Why do African-American grandparents are more involved with their grandchildren in contrast to white grandparents? Note: 2 answers,

*greater prevalence of multigenerational households *black families are more likely to be headed by single parents (they rely on the help of grandparents in every day child care

List 3 factors that lend itself to couples finding satisfaction with their parenting roles, according to the author of your text and Schoppe-Sullivan et al. (2006); McHale & Rotman (2007).

*harbor realistic expectations regarding the effort involved in child-rearing *work together as a co parenting team *thoughtfully adopting common child-rearing goals and strategies

Other than the "hot flashes," what symptoms will some but not all women experience during menopause? Note: 4 answers

*headaches *feelings of dizziness *heart palpitations *aching joints

List 4 coping mechanisms that have proven to allow couples to remain happily married, according to Orbuch (2009); Bernstein (2010).

*holding realistic expectations *focusing on the positive *compromising *avoiding suffering in silence

List 4 reasons why second marriages end in divorce, according to the author of your text and Cherlin (1993); Warshak (2000); Coleman, Ganong, & Weaver (2001).

*includes stress such as blended families *may be less committed *more ready to walk away *might have personality and emotional characteristics that don't make them easy to live with

List 4 medical problems people between 45 and 65 are less likely to experience.

*infections *allergies *respiratory diseases *digestive problems

What other negative emotions (besides hostility and anger) found in Type A Behavior are associated with heart disease and heart attacks, according to Pederson et al. (2009); Mols & Denollet (2010); Kuppe et al. (2013)? Note: 3 answers

*insecurity *anxiety *negative outlook

How does psychologist Timothy Salthouse (1990, 1994a, 2010) explain why people in midlife hold some of the most important and powerful positions in society despite gradual declines in certain cognitive abilities? Note: 4 answers

*it is possible that typical measures of cognitive skills tap a different type of cognition than what is required to be successful in certain occupations *It is possible that most successful middle-aged adults are not representative of midlife adults in general *the degree of cognitive ability required for professional success may simply not be that high *it may be that older people are successful because they have developed specific kinds of expertise and particular competencies

List 7 personal qualities associated with choosing friendships (especially in early adulthood), according to the author of your text and Hartup & Stevens (1999); You & Bellmore (2012).

*keep confidences *loyal *warm *affectionate *supportive *frank *good sense of humor

What factors increase the likelihood that domestic violence will occur in a household, according to the author of your text and Strauss, & Yodanis (1996); Ehrensaft, Cohen, & Brown (2003); Lackey (2003)? Note: 8 answers

*large families *financial strain *verbal aggression *spouses who grew up in families where violence was more present *stressful environments *lower socioeconomic levels *single-parent families *intense marital conflict

List the 3 regrets (or lost opportunities) middle-aged fathers had after their children left home

*lost opportunities *regretting things they had not done with children *hadn't been sufficiently nurturing/caring

List 3 demands, both physical and psychological, that wives and husbands experience after having their first child, according to Meijer & van Wittenboer (2007)

*near constant fatigue *new financial responsibilities *increase in household chores

List 2 challenges associated with male sexuality during middle adulthood

*needs more time to achieve an erection *takes longer after an orgasm to have another erection

How do second marriages in middle adulthood differ from the first marriage, according to the author of your text and Mirecki et al. (2013)? Note: 5 answers

*older couples tend to be more mature *more realistic *less romantic *more cautious *more flexible about roles

How does Connor (1992) demonstrate that there are misguided assumptions about the quality of work of those in middle adulthood resulting in them less likely to be hired?

*older workers miss fewer work days *hold their jobs longer *are more reliable *are more willing to learn new skills

Describe from a survey of 799 employers that makes the case the helicopter parent phenomena is real. Note: 4 answers

*one third employers said parents had submitted resumes for their child *one quarter said that parents contacted them, urging them to hire their child *4% said the parent accompanied the child on a job interview *Some parents even help their children complete work assignments once they get a job

List 4 characteristics associated with successful marriages, according to the author of your text and Gottman, Fainsilber-Katz, & Hooven (1996); Carrere et al. (2000); Huston et al. (2001); Stutzer & Frey (2006)?

*partners visibly show affection *communicate relatively little negativity *perceive themselves as an interdependent couple *experience social homogamy and agree on role distribution

List 3 factors that make a job satisfying during middle age (in contrast to early adult), according to the author of your text and Peterson & Wilson (2004); Cohrs, Abele, & dette (2006); Rantanen et al. (2012); Hamlet and Herrick (2014)

*pay *working conditions *specific policies

How can a person in middle age combat burnout, according to the author of your text and deJonge et al. (2012); Sonnetag (2012); Bahrer-Kohler (2013)?

*pay attention to small victories *mentally disengage from work during leisure time *

List 2 converging trends that lends itself to the new phenomena called the sandwich generation.

*people are marrying later and having children at an older age *people are living longer

List 9 reasons why marriages end in divorce in middle adulthood, according to the author of your text and Wallerstein, Lewis & Blakeslee(2000); Amato &Previti (2003); Fincham (2003); Brown & Lin (2012); Canham et al. (2014); and Macionis (2001); Tsapelas, Aron, & Orbuch (2009).

*people spend less time together *people may feel that divorce will increase their happiness *divorce is more socially acceptable *fewer legal impediments *wives may feel less dependent on their husbands *romantic/passionate feelings may fade *lack of excitement or boredom *stress in households *energy is directed toward work instead of marriage

Although people's basic personality traits endure throughout adulthood some major changes in a person's life may alter how the person views themselves and the world around them. List 4 examples of some of those changes, according to Krueger & Heckhausen (1993); Roberts, Walton, & Viechtbauer (2006).

*physical changes of aging *illness *death of a loved one *increased awareness of life's finite span

List 6 environmental and behavioral factors associated with the development of cancer.

*poor nutrition *smoking *alcohol use *exposure to sunlight *exposure to radiation *occupational hazards

What factors affects the development of expertise? Note: 5 answers,

*professional responsibilities *amount of leisure time *educational level *income *marital status

List 2 ways middle-aged adults provide care for their parents.

*provide financial support *help manage the household

List five symptoms (i.e. signals) that indicate a college student needs professional help, according to Engler & Goleman (1992)

*psychological distress that lingers and interferes with a person's sense of well-being and ability to function *feelings that one is unable to cope effectively with the stress *hopeless or depressed feelings, with no apparent reason *the inability to build close relationships *physical symptoms- such as headaches, stomach cramps, or skin rashes- that have no apparent underlying cause

List 3 forms of treatment for cancer (as listed in your textbook).

*radiation therapy *chemotherapy *surgery

How will exercise (during middle adulthood) benefit the skeletal system, according to DiGiovanna (1994)?

*slower decline in bone minerals *decreased risk of fractures and osteoporosis

By what percent will the suicide rate rise when the unemployment rate goes up 1%, according to Connor (1992); Inoue et al. (2006); Paul & Moser (2009)?


How many women lose their first marriage to divorce after the age of 40, according to Enright (2004); Brown & Lin (2012); Thomas (2012)?

1 in eight women

What percent of people over 40 are afflicted with glaucoma, according to Wilson (1989)?

1% to 2%

Compared to adults who have a college education how likely will a high school dropout live below the poverty level?

10 times more likely

About how long may perimenopause last before menopause actually occurred?

10 years

In terms of percent, about how much maximum strength is lost during the middle adulthood years (by age 60)?


What percent of Americans rate themselves as "not too happy?"


About what percent of people between the age of 45 and 65 suffer from presbycusis?


What percent of men and women said they have had sex outside their marriage in a given year, according to Atkins & Furrow (2008); Steiner et al. (2015)?

12% of men 7% of women

For every 100 men who receive bachelor's degrees __________ women received the same degree


What percent of students taking courses at the local community college are over 30 years old, according to U.S. Department of Education (2005); Amercian Association of community colleges (2015)?


What percent of the college population between 18 and 24 years old is black, according to the U.S. Department of Education (2015); U.S. National Center of Labor Statistics (2015)?


On average about how many hours a week will a middle-aged adult watch television?


How long will a female climacteric last?

15 to 20 years

About how many people under the age of 65 will die from heart and circulatory system diseases each year in United States, according to the American Heart Association (2010)?


For every 100 African-American men who receive bachelor's degrees ________ African-American women receive the same degree, according to Adebayo (2008); Conger & Long (2010); Flashman (2013)?


What percent of the college population between 18 and 24 years old is Hispanic, according to the U.S. Department of Education (2015); U.S. National Center of Labor Statistics (2015)?


About what percent of boomerang children who returned to live with their middle-aged parents report that this arrangement adversely affects their relationship with their parents, according to Parker (2012)?


Between what ages will career consolidation occur, according to George Vaillant.

20 to 40

In terms of percent to what extent does reaction time to sound increase between the age of 20 and 60 years old?


What percent of adults will spend their entire lives in singlehood, according to DePaulo & Morris (2006)?; U.S. Bureau of the Census (2012);


What percent of gay men and lesbian women are parents?


hat percent of adults, gay and straight, fall into the adult ambivalent attachment style, according to Simpson (1990): Li & Chan (2012)?


Today what percent of U.S. households will women earn more than their husbands, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010, 2013)?


What is the median age of first marriage in United States for men and women, according to U.S. Bureau of the Census (2010b)?

28.7 for men 26.5 for women

What was the fertility rate for American women in 1957; and what is the fertility rate for American women today?

3.7 2.1

What percent of Americans rate themselves as "very happy?"


About what percent of young adults between the ages of 25 to 34 live with their middle-aged parents?


About what percent of adults who perpetrate domestic violence were abused or neglected as children?

33% or one third

What percent of college students are above the age of 24?

33% or one-third

To what extent has the female population in U.S. labor force increased from 1950 to 2010?

35% to 60%

About how old will a male be when he enters into climacteric?


Especially those who are overweight, between what ages will diabetes most likely occur?

50 to 60

About what percent of men and women age 45 to 55 report having sexual intercourse once a week or more?


In a recent 10-year period what percent of women were murdered by a partner?


What percent of Caucasians who drop out of college eventually return and get their degree?


What percent of marriages in United States end in divorce?


What percent of newly-married couples experience a significant degree of conflict, according to some statistics?


What percent of those in middle adulthood are afraid of having cancer?


What percent of women during menopause will have no significant symptoms, according to Grady (2006); Ishizuka, Kudo, & Tango (2008); Strauss (2013)?


What percent of women under the age of 30 will have children outside of marriage?


What percent of women, since the mid-1980s, who are between the ages of 55 and 64, are now in the workforce?


What percent of young adults display the secure attachment style, according to Hazan & Shaver (1987); Luke, Sedikides, & Carnelley (2012); Molero et al. (2016)?


Until what age will those in middle adulthood begin to lose their maximum height?


What percent of the college population between 18 and 24 years old is white, according to the U.S. Department of Education (2015); U.S. National Center of Labor Statistics (2015)?


What percent of African-American college students drop out of school, according to Casselman (2014)?


About what percent of adults who perpetrate domestic violence were never abused or neglected as children?

66% or two-thirds

How many people are cohabiting today in United States?

7.5 million

How many hours a week will most middle-age adults have for leisure time, according to Kacaoyr (1997)?


What percent of Americans in the 1930s and what percent of Americans in the 1990s believed that the ideal number of children in the family was about 3 or more?

70% 40%

About what percent of men and women aged 50 to 59 report masturbating?


What percent of married women of school-age children are employed outside the home, according to Darnton(1990); Carnegie Task Force (1994); Barnett & Hyde (2001)?


Of the many people who divorce what percent end up remarrying within 2 to 5 years?

75% to 80%

In 1950, what percent of households were occupied by a married couple, according to Doyle (2004b); Roberts (2006); Jay (2012)?


In what percent of heterosexual couples involves the wife perpetrating domestic violence toward her husband, according to Harway (2000); Cameron (2003); Dixon & Browne (2003)?


What percent of 50-year-olds are expected to die before age 60?


About what percent of married couples have at least one child?


About what percent of people will eventually marry?


What percent of divorced women under 25 years old remarry; and what percent of divorced women over 40 remarry, according to Bumpass, Sweet, & Martin (1990); Besharov & West (2002)?

90% 33%

Give an example of an involved grandparent, according to Mueller, Wilhelm, & Elder (2002); Fergusson, Maughan, & Golding (2008); Mansson (2013).

A retired grandparent who takes care of a grandchild while his/her parents work

What is passionate (or romantic) love?

A state of powerful absorption in someone

Other than car accidents list four leading causes of death for people between 25 and 34 years old

AIDS cancer heart disease suicide

Alex is 45 years old. He is an easy-going person. Alex is liked by his friends, relatives, and coworkers. Alex is a volunteer at a local animal shelter and donates substantial amounts of money to worthy causes. Which of the big five personality traits is evident is described in Alex?

Agreeableness Conscientiousness

Describe the qualities (i.e. characteristics) that women in all cultures highly value (and prefer) when choosing a marriage partner. Note: 2 answers

Ambitious Industrious

What chronic disease typically begins after the age of 40?


Nick is 26 years old. Ever since he was a child he had an intrinsic interest in the arts. Today Nick is a graphic artist and a freelance artist; often presenting his work at prestigious venues. What personality type is evident in Nick, according to Holland's Personality Type Theory?


What country has the 4th highest murder rate for men compared to other developed countries?


Give an example of how homogamy has declined in United States, according to the author of your text.

Black men and women of other races has increased by 75%

What ethnic group in the United States are particular susceptible to developing glaucoma, according to Wilson (1989)?

Black people

How must roles be renegotiated in multigenerational families?

Both adult children and their parents must make adjustments and find common ground in making decisions

Describe the process by which cancer spreads

Certain cells in the body begin to multiply rapidly and uncontrollably

Contrast what Chinese men prefer in a prospective long-term partner to men from a Zulu background in South Africa, according to Buss et al. (1990); Buss (2003)

Chinese men prefer good health Zulu men prefer emotional stability/maturity

What personality type is best suited for clerks, secretaries, and bank tellers, according to Holland's Personality Type Theory?


What is the 6th most common difficulty frequently reported by college students visiting a campus counseling center?


What other aspects of vision begin to change during the middle adulthood years, according to the author of your text? Note: 3 answers,

Depth perception Distance perception The ability to see in three dimensions

Mary is 26 years old and Luigi is 28 years old. They have been married for 5 years and have two children; Jimmy is 2 years old and Lily is 3 years old. For the past 2 1/2 years Mary and Luigi have not been getting along. They argue intensely almost every time they come into close contact with each other. Both sleep in separate rooms and there is no sexual contact. Although each recognizes that their marriage is "all but finished" they continue to stay together for fear that if they divorce the children would be irreparably, psychologically harmed. What type of love is Mary and Luigi experiencing, according to Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love.

Empty love

Why is Erik Erikson's approach to intimacy has limited applicability today, according to the author of your text and yip, Sellers, & Seaton (2005)? Note: 3 answers

Erikson focused more on men than women Erikson did not consider racial identity Erikson did not consider ethnic identity

How can marriage gradient make finding a spouse particularly difficult for well-educated African-American women who prefer to marry African-American men? Note: 2 answers

Fewer black men attend college than black women The pool of men is limited because of a higher rate of incarceration of black males

Give 3 examples (i.e. famous people) making the case that people do not peak in creativity until much later in life

Frank Lloyd Wright Picasso Charles Darwin

List 3 risk factors associated with heart disease occurs during middle adulthood.

Genetics Environment Lifestyle choices

What is one of the most frequent eye problems that occur during the middle adulthood years?


In what 2 cultures has the principle of homogamy still has considerable influence, according to Fu & Heaton (2008); Mu & Xie (2014); Horwitz et al. (2016)? Note: 2 answers

Hispanic Asian

What is the most common health problem (or chronic medical disorder) experienced by those in middle adulthood?


List five features of emerging adulthood.

Identity exploration Instability Self-Focus Feeling in-between Optimism

Under what circumstances would Americans today have 3 or more children (although most families seek to have no more than two), according to Kate (1998); Gallup Poll (2004); Saad (2011)?

If money is no object

There is no scientific evidence backing Levinson's position that people in middle adulthood experience a midlife crisis. In fact it is well-established that the majority of people in their 40s are quite satisfied with their lives. Under what circumstances will people in this age group experience some semblance of a crisis, according Wething, cooper, & Holmes (1997); Stewart & Vandewater (199); Willis, Martin, & rocke (2010)?

If they regret the course of their life they may be motivated to change directions

According to the author of your text, why should people label an emotional experience "love"?

In western cultures, romantic love is seen as possible, acceptable, and desirable

How did the Harvard University students Perry had interviewed changed their attitudes toward authorities as their dualistic thinking had declined?

Instead of assuming that experts had all the answers, they began to realize that their own thinking had validity if their position was well thought out and rational

Describe consummate love, according to Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love. Note: 3 components (answers)

Intimacy is present Passion is present Decision/commitment is present

How can an overstimulated (stress-related) immune system adversely affect person's body, according to Cohen et al. (2002); Caserta et al. (2008); Liu et al. (2012)?

It can attack the body itself damaging healthy tissue

How can long-term continuous stress detrimentally affect a person's body?

It can result in a reduction of the body's ability to deal with stress and the blood vessels and other body tissues can deteriorate. They become more susceptible to diseases

How is expertise more focused than broad intelligence?

It develops as people devote attention and practice to a subject or skill and, in doing so, gain experience

How can the marriage gradient adversely affect partner choice for men and women?

It limits the number of potential mates for women, especially as they age, while allowing men a wider choice of partners throughout life It also limits mates for low-status men who cannot find women of low enough status or cannot find women of the same or higher status who are willing to accept them as mates

What is the contextual component of Sternberg's theory of intelligence?

It takes account of the demands of everyday, real world environments

What is the disadvantage associated with the habitual use of defensive coping in a person's effort to manage stress, according to Ormont (2001)?

Its reliance on avoidance can stand in the way of dealing with the reality of the situation

Carl and Danny have been good friends for 35 years. They often fish and play golf together; and meet each other for dinner at least every other week. Carl, his wife Susan and their kids spend major holidays together with Danny's wife and children. What type of love is Carl and Danny experiencing, according to Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory Of Love.


How are love and liking different, according to the author of your text and Hendrick & Hendrick (2003); Ramsay (2010); Barsade & O'Neil (2014)?

Love involves relatively intense physiological arousal, all-encompassing interest, recurrent fantasies, and rapid swings of emotions Love also includes closeness, passion, and exclusivity

List 5 qualities (i.e. characteristics) that men and women in all cultures highly value (and prefer) when choosing a life partner, according to the author of your text

Love/mutual attraction Dependability Emotional stability Pleasing disposition Intelligence

Within the context of "familiarity breeds rigidity" view (Sarnoff Mednick, 1963), why does creativity peak in early adulthood?

Many problems encountered professionally are novel

List the "big five" personality traits

OCEAN Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

In terms of physical appearance how are women and men (in middle adulthood) viewed, according to Andreoni & Petrie (2008); Pruis & Janowsky (2010)?

Older women are viewed in unflattering terms Older men are seek as attractively "mature"

What is one of the main reasons why newly-married couples experience a significant degree of conflict, according to the author of your text?

Partners may initially idealize one another, but as reality sets in they become more aware of flaws

Why does similarity play an important role in friendships, according to Preciado et al.(2012); Mikulincer et al. (2015); Ilmarienen, Lonnqvist & Pauonen (2016).

People are more attracted to others who hold attitudes and values similar to their own

Why is proximity important in the establishment of friendships?

People form friendships with others who live nearby and with whom they have frequent contact

Why is it so important to maintain friendships during early adulthood (and throughout life), according to Manstead (1997); Rice (1999)?

People have a basic need for belongingness

What is the filter explanation as it is related to people seeking a mate?

People seeking a mate screen potential candiates through successively finer-grained filters

What are the 2 major drawbacks associated with longitudinal studies on intelligence?

People taking an intelligence test repeatedly may perform better because they become familiar and comfortable with the testing situation It is difficult for researchers to keep their samples intact

What is hostile sexism, as is related to gender and college performance?

People treat women in a way that is overtly harmful

What is the 10th most common difficulty frequently reported by college students visiting a campus counseling center?

Physical problems

How would Erikson explain why some in early adulthood have difficulties as they move through the intimacy-versus-isolation stage of psychosocial development?

Previous failure to develop a strong identity

List the 2 stages (steps) that people move through that determine whether they will experience stress, according t Lazarus (1991); Folkman (2010).

Primary appraisal Secondary appraisal

Describe how young adults (Harvard University students in the Perry study) had reached a stage in which knowledge and values were regarded as relativistic (i.e. consistent with postformal thinking).

Rather than seeing the world as having absolute standards and values, they argued that different societies, cultures, and individuals could have different standards and values, and all of them could be equally valid

What psychomotor abilities peak during early adulthood years, according to Slowinski et al. (1994); Mella, Fagot, & Ribanpeirre (2016)? Note: 3 answer)

Reaction time Muscle strength eye-hand coordination

Why are jobs that involve helping people and those who work in these occupations are most idealistic and driven develop burnout, according to Taris, vanHorn, & Schaufeli (2004); Bakker & Heuven (2006); Dunford et al. (2012)?

Realizing that they can only make minor dents in huge social problems such as poverty and medical care can be disappointing and demoralizing

What is maturation reform?

Reduction of risk-taking behavior and focusing on acquiring the ability to support family

Describe the employment positions that people with disabilities typically have, according to Albrecht (2005); Power & Green (2010); Foote (2013).

Routine and low-paying

Ashton is 26 years old. She has very good verbal skills and is able to relate comfortably to other people. Because Ashton possesses a social personality type what careers would be best suited for her, according to Holland's Personality Type Theory? Note: 3 answers,

Salesperson Teacher Counselor

How is sexual satisfaction related to general marital satisfaction, according to Spence (1997); Litzinger & Gordon (2005); Butzer & Campbell (2008)?

Satisfaction is related to agreeing about their sex lives

Describe how adults who have a secure attachment style care for the romantic partner; and describe how adults who have anxious attachment (i.e. avoidant or ambivalent) style care for their romantic partner, according to Feeney & Collins (2003); Gleason, Iida, & Bolger (2203); Mikulincer & Shaver (2009).

Secure adults tend to provide more sensitive and supportive care Anxious adults are more likely to provide compulsive, intrusive assistance

Describe the 3 aspects of intimacy as viewed by Erik Erikson

Selflessness Sexuality Deep devotion

What athletes function at their best in their late teens and younger, according to Schultz & Curnow (1988)? (Note: 2 answers)

Swimmers and gymnasts

What is crystallized intelligence?

The accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem-solving situations

What is a life events model?

The approach to personality development that is based on the timing of particular events in an adult's life rather than on age per se

What is primary appraisal?

The assessment of an event to determine whether its implications are positive, negative, or neutral

What is secondary appraisal?

The assessment of whether one's coping abilities and resources are adequate to overcome the harm, threat, or challenge posed by the potential stressor

How do researchers describe emerging adulthood in terms of a person's neurological development?

The brains is still growing and modifying its neural pathways

What is coping?

The effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress

What is status?

The evaluation of a role or person by other relevant members of a group or society

Describe how status affects job satisfaction, according to Green (1995); Shieman, McBrier, & van Gundy (2003).

The higher the status of the job, the more satisfied people tend to be

Why should people during middle adulthood not worry about an increase in reaction time?

The increase is mild and hardly noticeable

What is the difference between marriage and "Civil Solidarity Pact," according to Lyall (2004)?

The lack of legal lifetime commitment

What biological events (occurring in middle adulthood) impair people's ability to adapt to darkness, according to Spear (1993)? Note: 2 answers

The loss of rods Decrease in lens transparency

What is the componential aspect of Sternberg's theory of intelligence?

The mental components used to solve problems

Why do some critics of the normative-crisis approach take the position that this model is outdated?

The model arose at a time when society had fairly rigid and uniform roles for people

What is "familiarity breeds rigidity," according to Sarnoff Mednick (1963)?

The more people know about a subject, the less likely they are to be creative

What is the Puritan work ethic as subscribed to by many people in Western societies?

The notion that work is important in and of itself

What does the author mean when he reports that the fertility rate for women in United States is less than the replacement level?

The number of children that one generation must produce to be able to replenish their numbers

What is perimenapause?

The period before menopause when hormone production begins to change

What is early adulthood?

The period from approximately age 20-40

What is emerging adulthood?

The period from the late teenage years extending to the mid-20s in which people are still sorting out their options for the future

What is the reintegrated stage?

The period of late adulthood during which teh focus is on tasks that have personal meaning

What is the male climacteric?

The period of physical and psychological change relating to the male reproductive system that occurs during late middle age

What is stress?

The physical and emotional response to events that threaten or challenge us

What is selflessness (within the context of Erikson's view of intimacy during early adulthood)?

The sacrifice of one's own needs to those of another

What is companionate love?

The strong affection for those with whom our lives are deeply involved

What is psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)?

The study of the relationship among the brain, the immune system, and psychological factors

Why is first-year adjustment particularly prevalent among students who are successful (either academically or socially) in high school?

The sudden change in status may cause distress

Describe the societal standard known as marriage gradient, as it is related to seeking out a marriage partner, according to Bernard (1982); Pyke & Adams (2010)

The tendency for men to marry women who are slightly younger, smaller, and lower in status

Why has the incidence of unwanted pregnancies declined in recent decades, according to the Centers for Disease Control (2005); Villarosa (2003)?

The use and effectiveness of contraceptives

What biological events occur in women during middle adulthood that can make intercourse painful but not necessarily reduce sexual pleasure? Note: 2 answers

The vaginal walls thin and grow less elastic Vagina begins to shrink and its entrance becomes compressed

Why are women more prone to height loss during the middle adulthood years?

They are at greater risk of osteoporosis

Describe the remote grandparent

They are detached and distant, showing little interest in their grandchildren

How can many people who divorce during middle adulthood end up happy, according to your text and Enright (2004)? Note: 2 answers,

They develop a new, independent self-identity They form new relationships

How can cross-sectional studies underestimate intelligence in older adults?

They do not control for cohort effects

What was the goal of the philosophers that lived during the Middle Ages to make love a requirement for marriage, according to Xaiohe & Whyte (1990); Haslette (2004); Moore & Wei (2012)?

To provide an alternative to the raw sexual desire that had served as the primary basis for marriage before

Characterize the mother who may find it especially difficult when their children leaves home (i.e. empty nest syndrome)

Traditional homemaker, who focused significant time and energy on children

Juan is 55 years old. He is a highly competitive and ambitious sports apparel salesman. Juan is constantly on the phone, sending text messages, and checking his emails. He is easily frustrated especially if his customers do not receive their orders on time. It is not unusual for Juan to call the warehouse (from which the ordered-merchandise is shipped) and yell at the workers. Juan's personality characteristics reflect a _________ behavior pattern.

Type A

Melissa is 48 years old. She is a registered nurse practicing her profession at a local medical doctor's office. She loves where she is working and has no desire to be the head nurse at this practice. Melissa is very kind to the patients and rarely gets angry. Other nurses and support staff at the office jokingly called her "Miss Laid-Back." Melissa demonstrates what is known as a ________________.

Type B

List 3 drugs that men can take if the experience erectile dysfunction, according to Abco et al. (2008); Shamloul & Ghanem (2013); glina, Cohen, & Viera (2014). Note: use brand name

Viagra Levitra Cialis

What is a "hot flash" experienced by women during menopause?

When a woman experiences a surge of heat above the waist

What indicates the completion of menopause?

When a woman passes a year without a menstrual period

Under what circumstances will physical changes be particularly difficult for someone in middle adulthood?

When self-image is tied closely to one's physical attributes

What lifestyle choice counteracts effects of aging during middle adulthood, resulting in improved health, muscle strength, and endurance?

an active exercise program

What is the intimacy-versus-isolation stage?

according to Erikson, the period of post adolescence into the early 30s that focuses on developing close, intimate relationships with others

What is generativity-versus-stagnation?

according to Erikson, the stage during middle adulthood in which people consider their contributions to family and society

What is the passion component (according to Sternberg's triangular theory of love)?

according to Sternberg, the component of love that comprises the motivational drives relating to sex, physical closeness, and romance

What is the intimacy component (according to Sternberg's triangular theory of love)?

according to Sternberg, the component of love that encompasses feelings of closeness, affection, and connectedness

What is the decision/commitment component (according to Sternberg's triangular theory of love)?

according to Sternberg, the third aspect of love that embodies both the initial cognition that one loves another person and the longer-term determination to maintain that love

What is career consolidation?

according to Vaillant, a stage that is entered between the ages of 20 and 40, when young adults become centered on their careers

Describe the family (in terms of socioeconomic level) where incest is more likely to occur, according to the APA (1996); Cox & Everson (2003)?


Today how do researchers view menopause and explain psychological difficulties that are often associated with the same, according to the author of your text and Freeman, Sammuel, & Liu (2004); Somerset et al. (2006); Wroolie & Holcomb (2010)?

as a normal part of aging

Lisa is 28 years old. When asked how she felt about her ability to make friends and to secure long-term relationships she stated, "I am somewhat uncomfortable getting close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely and to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too close." Lisa displays a (an) ____________ adult attachment style

avoidant attachment style

In what areas of the body will strength gradually decrease during the middle adulthood years? Note: 2 answers

back and leg muscles

What separates the experts from the novice?

beginners use formal procedures and rules experts rely on experience and intuition experts often bend the rules

Professor John Anderson teaches physical science courses (that includes labs) at a major university in Virginia. He is especially friendly with an attractive coed named Anna. While taking his course Anna was assigned the least challenging laboratory experiment. Anna was not pleased with the easy assignment and felt she was not taken seriously by the professor. Although Anna has very high self-esteem in this instance she felt her competence had been undermined. Anna is experiencing________________.

benevolent sexism

What is the most common cause of cancer death in women?

breast cancer

Steve is 49 years old. For 20 years he has been working for a food distribution company delivering candy to various department stores, drugstores, and fast-food stores. He complains to his wife that the company has given him too much work and has cut back his pay. Also his boss tells him that the company is for family first, religion second, and job third. He does not believe this for a minute. And finally Steve is sick of the monotony of his responsibilities. Every morning before he goes to work his stomach aches, has headaches, and has an overall feeling of dread. Steve is experiencing what is known as _______________.


Where is the best place to start if a college student needs professional help? Note: 4 answers

campus medical center personal physician neighborhood clinic local board of health

Courtney is 28 years old. She graduated from college two years early and finished her Ph.D. when she was 24 years old. Courtney's forte is her in-depth understanding of theoretical and abstract concepts. Because Courtney possesses an intellectual personality type what careers would be best suited for her, according to Holland's Personality Type Theory? Note: 2 answers

career in math and science

According to Holland's Personality Type Theory, what is the formula for happiness in a career?

certain personality types match particularly well with certain careers

Husbands' contribution to the household centers around things that are easily scheduled in advance; whereas wives contribution to the household centers around things that need immediate attention resulting in higher levels of ______ and________, according to Coltrane & Shih (2010); Bureau of Labor Statistics (2012); Ogolsky, Dennison, & Monk (2014).

childcare meal preparation

What type of profession usually has lower pay and lower status, according to Eagley & Steffen (1986); Hattery (2000); Trapnell & Paulhus (2012)?


If undetected what can glaucoma cause?

complete blindness

What is cohabitation?

couples living together without being married

What is the sandwich generation?

couples who in middle adulthood must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents

What type of studies clearly shows that older subjects were less likely to score well than younger subjects on traditional intelligence tests?

cross-sectional studies

Although early marital conflict is not unusual, how do most married couples view their early years together, according to Bird & Melville (1994); Orbuch et al. (1996); McNulty & Karney (2004)?

deeply satisfying

What 2 female sex hormones decrease in production during menopause, according to Schwenkhagen (2007)?

estrogen progesterone

Alex is 28 years old. He was notified that his supervisor at work will not be on the job for the next 6 months. As a result Alex will not only do his work but his supervisor's as well. He will be working more than 70 hours a week until his boss returns. Alex states about his employment disposition, "no problem doing my job and his job will be a piece of cake." What coping strategy is Alex employing an effort to cope with his stress?

defensive coping

List 3 common sources of early marital conflict, according to Caughlin (2002); Crawford, Houts, & Huston (2002); Murray, Bellavia, & Rose 2003).

difficulty making the transition from adolescence to adulthood trouble developing a separate identity challenge of allocating time across spouse, friends, and family members

How can men and women in middle adulthood reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, according to Wang,L. et al. (2013); Rizzoli & Brandi (2014); Peng et al. (2016)? Note: 2 answers

eating a calcium rich diet exercising regularly

Why are so many older, non-traditional students taking college courses? Note: 2 answers

economic-a college degree is becoming increasingly important for obtaining a job They begin to feel the need to settle down with a family

One way to exemplify gender differences in college would be to look back at the different courses (subjects) in which men and women enroll. List some of those courses taken by men and women (in college).

education and social sciences (taken more by women) engineering, physical sciences, and mathematics (taken more by men)

What physical change occurs frequently during the male climacteric?

enlargement of the prostate gland

Mike is a 49-year-old psychotherapist. He has been practicing his trade for over 20 years. During that time he has seen literally hundreds of patients. He has become so good as a therapist that in some cases he can predict what his patients will say before they say it. Mike demonstrates______________ in his field.


What becomes more important for those in middle adulthood who have not achieved career success they had hoped for, according to Howard (1992); Simoton (1997)?

family and off-the-job interests

List the 3 stages in choosing a career, according to Eli Ginzberg (1972)

fantasy tentative reaistic

What 2 groups (i.e. race and sex) are susceptible to academic dis-identification, according to Claude Steele?

females black people

Morgan is 18 years old. She is a first-year student at the University of Miami. During her first semester in college Morgan became quite anxious and depressed, plus she did not know anybody and was very lonely. Morgan is experiencing what is known as ____________.

first-year adjustment reaction

What has a powerful influence on differences in gender distribution and attrition rates across subjects taken in college?

gender stereotypes

Fred is 59 years old. He teaches at a local state college and enjoys giving advice to his students. He is well-liked (by his students and members of the college's staff)) and it is not uncommon for them to say that Fred has made a positive, lasting impression on them. According to Erik Erikson, Fred is demonstrating ________ as he looks toward the continuation of his own life through others


What grandparent (i.e. grandmother or grandfather) is generally more interested and experience greater satisfaction as he/she interacts with his/her grandchildren, according to Smith (1995); Smith & Drew (2002)?


As a divorcee who tends to feel lonely and experience more physical and mental health problems, men or women?


Is the divorce rate for second marriages higher or lower than first marriages that end in the divorce?


What is the most frequent cause of death for black males and second-most-frequent cause of death for Hispanic males between the ages of 20 and 34?


What are the 2 major components of Type A behaviors that are the central link to the development of coronary heart disease, according to Demaree & Everhart (2004); Eaker et al. (2004); Kahn (2004); Myrtek (2007)?

hostility anger

What is the most common symptom women experience when hormonal levels drop during menopause?

hot flashes

How can evolutionary theory explain why men and women across all cultures prefer specific characteristics when choosing a mate (i.e. marriage partner), according to David Buss and colleagues (Buss, 2004)?

human beings, as a species, seek out certain characteristics in their mates that are likely to maximize the availability of beneficial genes

What body system can be damaged by stress resulting in the person's reduced ability to defend against disease?

immune system

What is erectile dysfunction?

inability to achieve or maintain erection

What are the 3 components of love, according to Robert Sternberg?

intimacy passion decision/commitment

Esther is 58 years old. She has 3 grandchildren; a granddaughter 6 years old, and 2 grandsons, one is four and the other is 5 years old. Because both her son and daughter-in-law work full time she takes care of her grandchildren when they are not in school. She is authorized to discipline her grandchildren as needed, feeds them, and drives them to their extracurricular activities. What type of grand parenting style best describes Esther?


Describe the type of jobs and type of person in which burnout is most likely to occur.

jobs that involve helping others people that were once the most idealistic and driven

Joe is 55 years old. He finds his job as a small business owner quite meaningful and is determined to make sure his style of life continues. Although he knows his employees are not perfect he accepts their strengths and weaknesses. Overall Joe is content with his life. According to George Vaillant (1997), Joe is not a rigid individual instead he is "________________."

keeping the meaning

What is academic disidentification?

lack of personal identification with an academic domain

When were laws that permitted wife beating removed from the books in United States, according to Davidson (1997)?

late nineteenth century

What plays a major role in the increased incidence of obesity in middle adulthood?

lifestyle choices

What is singlehood?

living alone without an intimate partner

Describe those in early adulthood who experience difficulties in Erik Erikson's stage of intimacy-versus-isolation

lonely, isolated, and fearful of relationships

What is presbycusis?

loss of the ability to hear sounds of high frequency

What environmental factor can contribute to hearing loss during middle adulthood?

loud noises

What is a major factor in choosing a partner in countries such as United States, Japan, and Brazil?


What sex is more likely to die in an automobile accident during early adulthood?


What is problem-focused coping (in an effort to manage stress)?

managing a threatening situation by directly changing it to make it less stressful

In this day and age what are women attracted to when looking for a prospective mate, according to Li et al. (2002)?

mates who offer the highest potential of providing economic well-being

About how many marriages end in divorce every year in United States?

more than a million

What is intrinsic motivation?

motivation that causes people to work for their own enjoyment, for personal rewards

What is extrinsic motivation?

motivation that drives people to obtain tangible rewards, such as money and prestige

What is polyphasic activities (often seen in those who display Type A behavior patterns

multiple activities carried out simultaneously

Do men and women differ in their level of happiness?


Jennifer is 29 years old. She is a civil engineer for the county in which she lives. Jennifer is highly regarded by her coworkers as dependable, knowledgeable, and "hard-working." By today's standards will Jennifer be making the same amount of money as men in the same position, according to Frome et al. (2006); US Bureau of the Census (2014)?


In what socioeconomic level, race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, and ethnic group is domestic violence most prevalent?


What is a stereotyped threat?

obstacles to performance that come from awareness of the stereotypes held by society about academic abilities

What are agentic professions?

occupations that are associated with getting things accomplished, such as carpentry

What are communal professions?

occupations that are associated with relationships, such as nursing

About how many women worldwide will experience violence victimization during their lives, according to Walker (1999); Garcia-Moreno et al. (2005)?

one in three

Under what circumstances will helicopter parenting become first apparent?

parents picro-managed their children's college careers

What is a helicopter parent?

parents who intrusively intervene in their children's lives

Ellen is 28 years old. She has known Bob for 6 months. Ellen thinks about Bob all the time and is very excited to see him. When they are together she is sexually aroused and she feels jealous when other women approach him. Ellen is experiencing _____________ love


List 2 barriers to optimal employment of those who have a disability.

physical and prejudice

What is secondary aging?

physical declines brought about by environmental factors or behavior choices

Describe the quality (i.e. characteristic) in women that men in all cultures highly value (and prefer) when choosing a marriage partner.

physically attractive

What 2 characteristics that males are genetically preprogrammed to seek out in women who are prospective mates (i.e. marriage partner), according to David Buss and colleagues (Buss, 2004)?

physically attractive younger women

Give 2 examples of occupations that are near the top of the status hierarchy; and give 2 examples of occupations that occupied the bottom of the status hierarchy. Note: use example cited in your text.

physicians college teachers

List 2 examples of happy events in a person's life that can produce stress, according to Shimizu & Pelham (2004); Aschbacher et al. (2013).

planning a wedding starting a long-sought job

Is the relationship between age and work positive or negative?


List the characteristics of events that have a high likelihood of producing stress, suggested by Taylor (2014). Note: 2 answers

uncontrollable situations unpredictable situations

What is emotional insulation (a type of defensive coping)?

when people unconsciously try to block emotions and thereby avoid pain

Are there more men or women who attend college?


Which adult child (i.e. sandwich parent) tends to be in charge of an aging parent, according to Soldo (1996); Putnet & Bengtson (2001)?


Who tends to be more dissatisfied with marriage after the arrival of children, a man or woman?


After around 55 years old how much height will a woman and man lose over the rest of the life span, according to Ross man (1997): Bemmami et al. (2009)?

women average a 2-inch decline men average a 1-inch decline

What view of women lends itself to domestic violence in certain cultures?

women viewed as inferior to men and treated as property

How can a woman's expectations affect her experience of menopause?

women who expect to have difficulties are more likely to attribute every physical symptom and emotional swing to menopause, wheras those with more positive attitudes are less apt to do so

What demographic group overwhelmingly chooses to be married before having children, according to DeParlem & Tavernise (2012)?

young adult women with a college education

What are boomerang children?

young adults who return, after leaving home for some period, to live in the homes of their middle-aged parents

Characterize those couples most likely to have an unwanted pregnancy. Note: 3 answers

younger, poorer, less educated

What is defensive coping?

coping that involves unconscious strategies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation

List 3 common household chores that can provide moderate exercise for those in early adulthood, according to the American College of sports medicine (2011)

weeding vacuuming mowing with a power mower

What percent of adults are considered obese (a percent that has tripled since the 1960s)?

33% or one-third

Jack is 28 years old. As part of this fitness program Jack rides his mountain bike for at least 30 minutes 2 to 3 times a week. In order for Jack to yield significant health benefits from bicycling what speed should he keep during this particular workout session?


What is the world average weight for adults, according to Walpole (2012)?


What is the average weight for adults in United States, according to Walpole (2012)?


How far away can the average adult hear the ticking of a watch?

20 feet

According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to yield significant health benefits from exercise in early adulthood one must have a moderate work-out program that lasts at least_______ minutes for at least ___ days a week

30 5

According to the definition of disability how many people in United States are physically or mentally challenged?

50 million

What facilitates a decline in dualistic thinking ( as illustrated in the William Perry Study of Harvard University students)?

New ideas and points of view

What percent of people with disabilities (i.e. major handicaps) have finished high school?

Fewer than 10%

How can emotional intelligence help an individual's interactions with others and facilitate career and personal success as a young adult? Note: 3 answers

It enables peple to get along well with others To understand what they are feeling/experiencing To respond apporpriately to their needs

Describe brain growth and development during early adulthood.

It grows in both size and weight, reaching its maximum during early adulthood. The gray matter continues to be pruned back, and myelination continues to increase

What are the musculoskeletal benefits of regular exercise during early adulthood and beyond?

Muscles become stronger and the range of movement is greater

What is the triarchic theory of intelligence?

Sternberg's theory that intelligence is made up of three major components: componential, experiential, and contexual

What is the experiential component of Sternberg's theory of intelligence?

The realtionship between intelligence, prior experience, and the ability to cope with new situations

What is emotional intelligence?

The set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of emotions

Unlike adolescents who are undergoing tremendous growth resulting in eating high caloric junk food and foods with fat, how should those in early adulthood manage their caloric intake in order to maintain their health, according to Insel & Roth (1991)?

They must reduce caloric intake

What is meant that people with practical intelligence have good "social radar" (within the context of Sternberg's theory of intelligence)?

They understand and handle even new situations effectively, reading people and circumstances insightfully based on their previous experiences

How is the term disability defined?

a condition that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking or vision

What is the acquisitive stage?

according to Schaie, the first stage of cognitive development, encompassing all of childhood and adolescence

What is practical intelligence?

according to Sternberg, intelligence that is learned primarily by observing others and modeling their behavior

Elmer is 24 years old. Last week he graduated from college with a degree in accounting. He has had several job offers but is not sure to which firm he will commit. Once he has decided where he will work he will ask his longtime girlfriend to marry him and in a few years he wants to start a family. Also Elmer has an interest in volunteer work either with Habitat for Humanity or the Humane Society. According to Schaie's theory what stage of cognitive development is Elmer in?


According to Schaie, what is the main cognitive developmental task before adulthood?

acquisition of information

What is social support (in an effort to manage stress)?

assistance and comfort supplied by others

What eating behavior can a person early adulthood avoid if they try to lose weight by eating in moderation and instead of dieting?


Give 2 examples of life events that may influence cognitive growth, according to the author of your text and Kandler et al. (2012); Andersson & Conley (2013)?

birth of a child death of a loved one

How is obesity defined?

body weight that is 20% or more above the average weight for a person of a given height

Adults in their 20s and 30s are more likely to die from being in a(n) ____________ than from AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and suicide.

car accident

In what periods of human development will the acquisitive stage take place, according Schaie's theory of cognitive development? Note: 2 answers

childhood adolescence

What aspect of development advances during early adulthood as a result of maturation of the brain, according to Toga, Thompson, & Sowell (2006); Li (2012); Schwarz & Bilbo (2014)?

cognitive advances

What may some people employ unconsciously in an effort to cope with stress (even if they do not consciously cope with stress)?

defensive coping mechanisms

According to experts how can people in early adulthood realistically lose weight (because most diets fail)?

eat food you want in moderation to avoid binge-eating

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture how can a person in early adulthood (and beyond) achieve good nutrition?

eating foods that are low in fat

Jennifer is 27 years old. She recently separated from her husband and is having difficulty running a household that includes two small children. Although she is "stressed" she looks on the bright side of things stating: "at least I don't have to put up with my X's drunkenness and abusive behavior anymore." What type of coping strategy is Jennifer employing?

emotion-focused coping

How can a person who is experiencing stress benefit from social support, according to the author of your text? Note: 3 answers

emotional support practical,tangible support others can provide information/advice on how to deal with stressful situations

When (i.e. what age) is a professional athlete considered "over the hill?"

end of the 20s

Mya is 45 years old. As she moves through middle adulthood she has become increasingly interested in the larger world. She joined the local Republican party, started going back to church, and works with a nature group that walks the beach every morning looking for sea turtle nests. She recently told her elderly mother that she feels she has a larger purpose in the world as she grows older. What stage of cognitive development is Mya in, according the Shaie's Theory?


What must those in early adulthood commit to in order to be physically fit and to reach their full physical potential? Note: 2 answers

exercise proper diet

What may stunt creativity after early adulthood, according to Sarnoff Mednick (1963)?

familiarity breeds rigidity

What sex, during early adulthood, can detect higher tones more readily,according to McGuinness (1972)?


List 6 stress-related illnesses, according Sinn (2001); Kalynchuk (2010); Andreotti et al. (2014); Wisse & sleebos (2016)

headaches backaches skin rashes indigestion chronic fatigue common cold

Describe the health and physical status of people in their early 20s.

healthy, vigorous, and energetic

In what periods of human development will the responsible stage take place, according to Schaie's theory of cognitive development? Note: 2 answers

late stages of early adulthood middle adulthood

What do people in adulthood (who are in the executive stage) focus their energy on, according to Shaie's theory of cognitive Development)?

nourishing and sustaining societal institutions

Describe the thinking of young adults that transcends logic (i.e. formal operational thought) and required in order to deal with the complexities of society, according to Labouvie-Vief (1990, 2006). Note: 3 answers

practical experience moral judgments values

Rex is 29 years old. As he is driving to work on a back-country road it begins to rain heavily to the point that Rex's visibility is practically zero. Subsequently his heart rate, respirations, and blood pressure rises. He is concerned that he could lose control of his vehicle and is concentrating on how he can make it through the storm safely. In what stage (i.e. step) of stress is Rex experiencing as he attempts to manage this negative stressful event, according to Arnold Lazarus and Susan Folkman?

primary apprasail

Michael is 39 years old. He is happily married with two teenage daughters. He manages the local airport and is studying to be a pilot. Michael participates regularly in family activities and contributes to the maintenance of their household. He helps clean the house, wash the dishes, mows the lawn among other responsibilities. According to Schaie's theory is the ____________ stage of cognitive development


What is the responsible stage?

the stage where the major concerns of middle-aged adults relate to their personal situations, including protecting and nourishing their spouses, families, and careers

Amanda is 26 years old. On her way to work she gets pulled by a state trooper for speeding. She is given a citation that includes $250 fine and a summons to appear in court. This worries Amanda because she was cited for speeding a year ago and she is financially strapped. As she drives away after receiving the speeding ticket Amanda begins to wonder "how am I going to pay for this ticket and what am I going to tell the judge?" In what stress stage (i.e. step) is Amanda experiencing as she attempts to manage this negative stressful event, according to Arnold Lazarus and Susan Folkman?

secondary appraisal

Candace is 28 years old. She is married, has 2 children, and works full time as a registered nurse at a local hospital. Needless to say Candace is quite busy. She wakes up at 4:15 every morning. After a cup of coffee and a 45-minute workout Candace wakes her children. While her youngsters are getting up and ready for school Candace takes a quick shower and dresses for work. At 7:15 a.m. Candace drops off the kids at school and then she heads to the hospital. At 3:30 p.m. Candace clocks out and gets back to her neighborhood in time to meet her children when they get off the school bus. Once they are home Candace throws a load of dirty clothes in the washing machine and prepares dinner.(Without even having finished the day), what is Candace experiencing?


What is emerging adulthood?

the period beginning in the late teenage years and extending into the mid-20s

What is the executive stage?

the period in middle adulthood when people take a broader perspective than earlier, including concerns about the world

What is the achieving stage?

the point reached by young adults in which intelligence is applied to specific situations involving the attainment of long-term goals regarding careers, family, and societal contributions

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