Human Psychology Chapters 13-17

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separation anxiety

Other than pining for the lost person, which of the following is another dimension of grief over death?

working memory

Perceptual speed shows considerable decline in late adulthood and is strongly linked to declines in

He placed a high value on emotional satisfaction.

Jeremy is 84 years old. Since the age of 78, Jeremy deliberately reduced contact with his distant relatives and former work colleagues. He now maintains contact only with close family members and friends. In the context of Laura Carstensen's socioemotional selectivity theory, which of the following was most likely the reason for Jeremy's decision to withdraw from social contact?


John Horn maintains that in middle adulthood, _____ intelligence continues to increase.


Josue has incurable cancer. However, he promises to lead a reformed life dedicated to God if God spares his life. In this scenario, Josue is in which of the following Kübler-Ross' stages of dying?

activity theory.

Olivia believes that the more dynamic and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives. Thus, she believes in

brain death

A flat EEG (electroencephalogram) recording for a specified period of time is a criterion of

biological generativity.

Abdiel has three children. According to Erikson, he has achieved

denial and isolation

According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, which of the following is the first stage of dying?


According to Erik Erikson's developmental stages, which of the following is the resolution an individual is most likely to experience if he or she is in the last stage of human development?


Angelique is in the final stage of breast cancer. Her latest reports indicate that the cancer cells have spread to her lungs and other organs. She knows that she does not have a chance to fight this battle and hence accepts the fact that she will die in a couple of weeks. She requests her doctor to end her life painlessly through medication as she is not able to bear the pain. Which of the following acts is Angelique requesting her doctor to perform?


As he looks back at life, Chris realizes that his work was not as important to him as he believed and that he lost too much valuable time with his children. If he could do it over again, he would work less and spend more time with his children. According to Erikson, Chris is experiencing some degree of

the Netherlands and Belgium.

Assisted suicide is legal in several countries, including

120 to 125

Based on the ways cells divide, Hayflick places the upper limit of the human life-span potential at about _____ years of age.


Basilio, a cocaine addict, sustained severe and irreversible brain damage because of an accidental overdose of drugs. After spending weeks in the hospital, he did not show any signs of improvement. His wife and children then decided to request the hospital authorities to remove his life-support system in order to allow Basilio to die. In this scenario, the withholding of the life-support system is an example of _____ euthanasia.


Becky is careless, impulsive, and disorganized. According to the Big Five personality factors, Becky is most likely to score low on


Carla is described by her coworkers as highly organized and meticulous. She has a strong sense of self-discipline. According to the Big Five factors of personality, Carla is most likely to score high on


Clayton is a psychologist who runs a counseling center for older adults. In his center, the clients meet every week and form groups in which each individual narrates his or her past activities and events. Clayton encourages the members of the groups to share old photographs related to their life events and tell anecdotes about their experiences. This scenario illustrates the use of _____ therapy.


Compared with earlier and later periods, middle age is influenced most by _____ and biological factors.


Cynthia is 91 years old. Doctors have found that Cynthia's optic nerves have been damaged because of accumulation of fluid in the eye. Cynthia is worried that she will lose her vision, but the doctor has told her that her condition can be treated with eye drops. The disease that has marred Cynthia's vision is

attend a support group meeting

Darren has a stressful work life. His workload has increased threefold, and he is having a hard time dealing with stress. In such a situation, Darren is most likely to

post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Delilah lost her husband Hendricks in a highway accident. Being just 3 years into marriage, she was devastated. 4 months later, she was hassled by problems such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbance, and problems in concentrating. Delilah is probably experiencing

hot flashes

Diana is 50 years old and has recently started experiencing a few symptoms of menopause. Which of the following symptoms is Diana most likely to experience?


During middle age, the sensitivity to _____ sounds declines first.

-late adulthood

During which stage in life are married individuals likely to find themselves having to care for a sick partner with a limiting health condition?

painless death.

Euthanasia is otherwise known as

reason abstractly

Fluid intelligence is the ability to


Guillermo has taught his apprentices all the specialized techniques he has developed over the years as a carpenter. According to Erikson, he has achieved _____ generativity.

a tend-and-befriend pattern.

Hannah is grieving the death of her mother, so she is experiencing extreme stress. She is likely to engage in

An increasing number of people choose to die in the humane atmosphere of a hospice.

Identify a true statement about the trends in the contexts in which people choose to die in the United States.

racism and ageism

Identify the possible double jeopardy for elderly ethnic minority individuals.


Jake has been diagnosed with a condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve due to a buildup of fluid in the eye. Jake is suffering from

joint stiffness

James is in his mid-40s and has little time to exercise as he runs a business. However, he knows that he should focus more on his health, eat healthy meals at regular intervals, and exercise as often as he can. One of the age-related conditions that James is most likely to face at his age is


Jamie lost his wife many years ago. He is still experiencing enduring despair a year after her death. According to Prigerson and Maciejewski, this type of grief reaction would be labeled as _____ grief.

socioemotional selectivity theory

Joaquin believes that older adults deliberately withdraw from social contact with individuals who are peripheral to their lives while maintaining or increasing contact with close friends and family members with whom they have had enjoyable relationships. He is a proponent of

When those who had worked in occupations with fewer cognitive challenges prior to retirement engaged in physical and cognitive leisure activities during retirement, they showed less cognitive decline.

Meghan is conducting a seminar in her office on the importance of investing time in leisure activities. She explains that a lot of research has been conducted on the importance of leisure activities and that the research findings indicate that middle-aged adults need to make some changes to their current lifestyle. Which of the following research findings would Meghan most likely mention in her seminar?


Middle-aged adults feel they have less control over their


Prolonged grief disorder is also known as _____ grief.

frontal and parietal lobes

Recent research indicates that the greater distractibility of older adults is associated with less effective functioning in neural networks running through the _____ of the brain, which are involved in cognitive control.

Parkinson disease

Severe reductions in the production of dopamine have been linked with

cumulative personality

The _____ model of personality development states that with time and age people become more adept at interacting with their environment in ways that promote increased stability in personality.

working memory

The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in _____, where individuals manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language.


The type of care that is designed to reduce pain and suffering and help individuals die with dignity is known as _____ care.

is independent of an individual's personal identity with the past.

Travis, who is 25 years old, knows that Beijing is the capital of China, but he cannot remember when or where he learned this. This is an example of how semantic memory

Trevor and Michelle will have increased marital satisfaction.

Trevor and Michelle's last child has just left home to attend college. According to a study conducted by Gorchoff, John, and Helson in 2008, this will most likely be a time when


Turning off a respirator or a heart-lung machine is an example of _____ euthanasia.

Women lose bone mass twice as fast as men do.

Which of the following statements is true of the physical changes in bones?

Working memory

_____, which is closely linked to short-term memory, allows children and adults to manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language.

the back and legs

Age-related loss of muscle strength is especially marked in


A recent study of older adults found that the greater the variability in their _____ attention, the more likely they were to experience falls.


According to a study by Cicirelli in 2009, the majority of sibling relationships in adulthood are

high level of neuroticism

According to new studies, which of the Big Five factors of personality was linked to an increased risk of older adults' developing Alzheimer disease across a 6-year time frame?

Volunteering reduced widowed older adults' loneliness.

According to research studies, which of the following statements about widows is true?

minimizes emotional risks

According to socioemotional selectivity theory, selective narrowing of social interaction _____ as individuals get older.

in late adulthood

According to socioemotional selectivity theory, when does the emotional trajectory increase?


According to socioemotional selectivity theory, when time is perceived as _____, as it is when individuals are younger, people are more strongly motivated to pursue information, even at the cost of emotional satisfaction.

premature ejaculation

According to studies, which of the following is one of the most common sexual problems of older men?

It is high during infancy.

According to the socioemotional selectivity theory, which of the following is true of the emotion trajectory?


Ada knows that she has liver cancer and that she will not live much longer. Based on her mother's advice, she joins a prayer group and begins attending church regularly. In her prayers, she asks God to let her live one more year and promises God that she will set everything right with her family and loved ones. In the context of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying, Ada is most likely in the _____ stage.

take prescription medication.

Amanda got divorced after 15 years of marriage. Ever since, she has been experiencing high levels of stress. To cope with stress, Amanda is most likely to


An example of _____ attention is the ability to focus on one voice among many in a crowded room or a noisy restaurant.


George Vaillant concludes that _____ is a time for detecting parental flaws and discovering the truth about childhood.


In Erikson's theory, adults strive for generativity to achieve a sense of

patient's feelings of control and self-determination.

In a classic study, Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer found that an important factor related to health, and even survival, in a nursing home is the


In a longitudinal study of Smith College women, the desire for _____ increased as the participants aged from their thirties to their fifties.

falling out of love

In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), which of the following is a reason cited by middle-aged and older women for their divorce?


In order to maintain his status as an admired pianist, the late Arthur Rubinstein during his old age used special strategies, such as slowing down before fast segments, thus creating a perception of faster playing. Which factor of Baltes's theory does this reflect?

nurturance or hostility

In the Berkeley Longitudinal Studies, which of the following characteristics generally changed the most in the life span of an adult?


In the Berkeley Longitudinal Studies, which of the following characteristics was generally stable in the life span of an adult?


In the context of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying, after accepting the certainty of death, a period of _____ or preparatory grief may appear.

Married men are more involved with their wives' kin than with their own.

In the context of intergenerational relationships, which of the following is a finding of a study by Rossi?

A fight-or-flight manner involves becoming aggressive and withdrawing from social contact, whereas a tend-and-befriend pattern involves seeking social alliances with others, especially friends.

In the context of stress, which of the following is a difference between a fight-or-flight manner and a tend-and-befriend pattern?


In the respiratory system, lung capacity drops _____ percent between the ages of 20 and 80, even when disease is not present.

brain death

Meghan is interning as a neurosurgeon in a children's hospital. During one of her hospital visits, a child is brought into the emergency trauma center. A senior doctor asks Meghan to examine the child and note down the child's vital statistics. Meghan notices that the EEG (electroencephalogram) reading has been showing a flat line for a long time. In this scenario, the flat EEG reading is most likely a criterion of _____.


Mildred is in her 20s. Her doctor tells her that she is gradually losing muscle mass and strength especially in her back and legs. Her doctor has advised her to exercise regularly and focus on her diet as a strategy to slow down the decline of muscle mass and strength. Which of the following terms best describes Mildred's condition?

spend most of her time with familiar friends.

Now that Benita is in late adulthood, socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that she will


Older adults not being hired for new jobs, being eased out of old ones because they are perceived as too rigid or feeble-minded, and being eased out because they are not considered cost effective are examples of


Researchers have found that relationships between aging parents and their children are characterized by

retrospective glances on life's worth.

Robert Butler states that life review is set in motion by


Ruth is currently in menopause. This indicates that the production of _____ by her ovaries will decline drastically.

high-pitched; men

Sensitivity to _____ sounds usually declines first among _____.

loses; gains

The average adult in middle adulthood _____ height and _____ weight.

depth perception

The vision of older adults can be affected by age-related changes. One of these changes, which can make steps or street curbs difficult to manage, is a decline in

reading a newspaper

Vanessa was never prescribed glasses as a child as she did not have any vision problem. Now, at the age of 45 years, which of the following tasks is most likely to cause her difficulty?

romantic and affectionate

What are the two major forms of love?

There is a trend toward accepting passive euthanasia in cases of terminally ill patients.

What do studies say of the American attitude toward euthanasia after the Terri Schiavo incident?


When he was interviewed at 80 years of age, Arthur Rubinstein said that he spent more time at practice than earlier in his life. This helped maintain his status as an admired concert pianist. Which aspect of Baltes's theory does this reflect?

They are a family of proteins that have been proposed as having important influences on longevity, mitochondria functioning in energy, calorie restriction benefits, stress resistance, and cardiovascular functioning.

Which of the following best describes sirtuins?

estrogen production and the additional X chromosome

Which of the following biological reasons explains women's increased resistance to infections and degenerative diseases?

Older adults have more selective social networks and a greater acceptance of solitude.

Which of the following could be the probable reason why older adults tend to report being less lonely than younger adults?

Only a small percentage of centenarians have had significant changes in their thinking skills.

Which of the following is a characteristic of centenarians in the New England Centenarian Study (NECS)?

If things do not go well for you, be willing to let others help you.

Which of the following is a compensation strategy suggested by Baltes and his colleagues?

changing gender roles in child rearing

Which of the following is a factor that could undermine the influence of increases in longevity on the nature of grandparenting?

Unlike Levinson, Valliant maintains that only a minority of adults experience a midlife crisis.

Which of the following is a major difference between Levinson's and Valliant's views on midlife?


Which of the following is a major disease that can impair the vision of older adults?

increased distractibility

Which of the following is a probable reason for the decline in working memory in older adults?

They do not adequately address individual variations in adult development.

Which of the following is a shortcoming of stage theories of adult development?

avoiding smoking

Which of the following is a way of preventing osteoporosis in middle-aged women?

The person can close their lives in a way that is consistent with their own ideas about proper dying.

Which of the following is an advantage of a dying individual knowing that he or she is dying?

cardiovascular disease

Which of the following is an example of a fatal chronic disorder?

injecting a lethal dose of a drug to a terminally ill patient

Which of the following is an example of active euthanasia?

increased self-esteem

Which of the following is likely to be an outcome of reminiscence therapy?


Which of the following is one of the Big Five factors of personality identified by Costa and McCrae?

offering incentives to young professionals to outperform middle-aged employees

Which of the following is one of the outcomes of the restructuring, downsizing, and outsourcing resulting from globalization?

life review

Which of the following is prominent in Erikson's final stage of integrity versus despair?

It involves managing one's thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and to exercise self-control.

Which of the following is true of executive function?

Men are more likely to develop depression by age 50.

Which of the following is true of middle-aged and older adults who had poor sibling relationships in childhood?

It states that older adults can continue to lead satisfying lives, although in a more restricted manner

Which of the following is true of selective optimization with compensation theory?

The age at which menopause occurs has increased dramatically in recent years.

Which of the following statements about menopause is true?

He argued that examining the finiteness of our existence and the certainty of death adds meaning to life

Which of the following statements is true of Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl?

-In some states of the United States where assisted suicide is illegal, the crime is typically considered manslaughter or a felony.

Which of the following statements is true of assisted suicide?

Hospice care emphasizes palliative care.

Which of the following statements is true of hospice care?

-A similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in religion and politics

Which of the following statements is true of intergenerational relationships?

A similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in religion and politics.

Which of the following statements is true of intergenerational relationships?

Women have consistently shown a stronger interest in religion and spirituality than men have.

Which of the following statements is true of spirituality?

POLST involves a health-care professional and a patient or surrogate conferring to determine and state the wishes of the patient.

Which of the following statements is true of the document known as Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)?

Cremation is more popular in the Pacific region of the United States than in the South.

Which of the following statements is true of the popularity of cremation?

Decline in working memory is more likely to occur when individuals do not use effective memory strategies, such as organization and imagery.

Which of the following statements is true of working memory?

socioemotional selectivity theory

Which of the following theories challenges the stereotype that older adults are in despair because of social isolation?


Zack is having a conversation with his friend Ben in a crowded room. Despite the presence of many voices around him, Zack focuses on what Ben is saying. This is an example of _____ attention.


_____ adulthood is the developmental period that begins at approximately 40 to 45 years of age and extends to about 60 to 65 years of age.


_____ are DNA sequences that cap chromosomes.

Wrinkles and age spots

_____ are the most noticeable changes in physical appearance in late adulthood.


_____ attention is focused and extended engagement with an object, task, event, or some other aspect of the environment.


_____ can be used to avoid the destructive impact of shock by delaying the necessity of dealing with one's death.


_____ memory is memory without conscious recollection.

Socioemotional selectivity

_____ theory focuses on the types of goals that individuals are motivated to achieve as they approach the end of life.

positive relationships.


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