Human Resources 450 Test 2

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+: Competitor paid for training up to time of hire, competitor will be weakened by the loss, recruit becomes source of information to compete against former employer -: May have to re-orient person, competitors can do it too

Recruiting internally pros and cons

+:Efficiency, rewarding and promoting good performance, may motivate others -: inbreeding of ideas, may not meet eeo/aa goals

Interviewer Error

1. First impression error 2. Contrast error 3. Similar to me error 4. Misinterpretation of non-verbal errors 5. Halo effect

Other Interviewing Methods

1. Board or panel interview 2. Stress interview 3. Group interview 4. Staged Behavioral interview

How to locate qualified people when recruiting from within?

1. Computerized data banks (Skills Bank) 2. Job Posting 3. Recall from Layoffs

Polygraph and Honesty (Integrity) Test

1. Polygraph tests Strong opposition to its use reliability is questionable and the skill of the operator do not measure lying measure physiological changes in response to stress states restrict polygraph use in employment

Unstructured Interview

Questions differ applicant to applicant Applicant will play some role in direction of the interview

What is performance appraiser used for?

Admin purposes: promotions and transfers, layoffs and dismissals, salary and bonuses, compliance w legislation, hr research. Developmental Purposes: feedback and communication, training needs

Forced Distribution

Rate employees in a fixed distribution of categories rater errors of leniency, severity, and central tendency are reduced assumes that employees conform to a distributed

Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS)

Also uses job experts in development Raters rate each job behavior Response categories are in terms of the frequency the rater has observed the employee engage in the behavior Scales are job behaviors Very difficult for raters to remember whole rating period

Realistic Job Preview

An attempt to accurately portray the job and organization without exaggeration Research has shown that there is lower turnover of new employees when RJP's are used Resumes

Employment Test

An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior that is used to measure a persons abilities, aptitudes, interests, or personality in relation to other individuals.

Emotional Stability (Neuroticism)

Anxiety, Anger, etc.

Honesty (Integrity) Test

Banking, food service clear purpose veiled Predictive of counterproductive behaviors strong relationship to job performance for both


Rate higher


Classifieds in newspapers, professional magazines Reach a large group of people. Selective target

Paired Comparison

Compare every possible pair of workers in a work group Rank order of workers is obtained Comparisons can become unmanageable N(N-1)/2

Construct Validity

Construct is a trait. A selection measure is construct valid when it measures a trait that is needed in a job.

Alternate form Reliablility

Correlation across different questions

Essay Evaluation

Detail feedback unstructured only provide qualitative data

Predictive Validity

Done with applicants, checked after 1 year


Easy to determine top and bottom alternate ranking, start 1,15,2,14,etc

Selection Criteria Used in the Process

Education Experience/Past Performance Physical Characteristics Personal Characteristics and personality types


Empathy, trustworthiness

Management by Objectives (MBO)

Employee and manager get together and mutually set goals, action plans, and target dates. Mutual process, manager does not dictate what employees goals should be. Goals should be clear, measurable, and challenging/attainable. Manager provides continuous feedback as to the employees progress towards goals. At end of period the manager and subordinate meet and discuss progress toward or completion of the goals New objectives, plans, and dates are discussed for upcoming period to work, MBO must be cooperative and ongoing


Rating score determined from checked items items may be weighted difficult to give feedback' leniency may be a problem easy to administer

Educational Institutions

Entry level jobs

Public Employment Agency

Every state has one Subject to regulations & controls of the US Employment Service Employees can seek employees through these offices Offices keep records of open Fed and State positions Someone else is doing the screening for employers Free

Criterion-Related Validity

Extent to which a selection instrument is predictive of or significantly correlated with one or more important elements of work behavior. How well a selection instruments relates to later job performance

Barrick and Mount 1991

First major research applying the big 5 to HRM Meta Analysis: They didnt gather there own data, used old studies Conscientiousness was a valid predictor of job performance for all occupational groups studied Extroversion valid for performance of managers and sales people Oppenness and extroversion were valid predictors of training proficiency


Gregarious, outgoing


Hard worker, follow through

Structured Interview

Highly standardized Same from applicant to applicant Interviewer determines direction of int Not as subject to bias as less structured methods more reliable and valid


How repeatable a measurement is over a variety of testing conditions

Inter-rater Reliability

Insuring consistent ratings across raters. Correlate assessments

Situational Interviews (Future oriented)

Job Analysis Situational questions are developed to tap the dimensions that come out of the JA Behaviorally anchored scales are developed for each question. Panel of interviews Interviewers rate applicants on each question immediately following each question Probing questions, none of that ratings are combined

Job Sample performance test

Legal secretary, driving test high validity and reliability

The Employment Interview

Main difference among interviews is the degree of structure

Employment Polygraph Act of 1988

Makes the use of the polygraph as a selection devise illegal for most private businesses.

Behavioral Interview (Past will predict future)

Most valid interivew

Graphic rating scale

Most widely used Measure performance dimensions on a scaled continuum

Employee Referrals

Normally, very good applicants, employee doing referral doesnt want to look bad. Quick & inexpensive - nepotism, like minded, cliques, diversity

Loose Labor Market

Period of high unemployment

Tight Labor Market

Period of low unemployment

Problems with Criterion Related V.

Present employees may be leery and provide dishonest answers workers are job experienced, selection instrument will be measuring experience as well Restriction of range


Process of attempting to encourage potential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job openings


Process of choosing from a list of applicants, the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria for the position available

Application Forms (Biographical Information)

Quick and consistent way of obtaining a wide variety of information Weighted application blanks biographical information Blank aka biodata most valid of predicting future job success time consuming and expensive to develop a reliable and valid bio data application form

Temp Help Agencies

Provide pre-screened help in a hurry increasingly popular can be laid off quickly with no concern of paying unemployment benefits no fringe benefits

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

Reduce ambiguity of scale anchors Anchors are actual job behaviors for the job in question Behaviors reflect varying levels of effectiveness for a performance dimension Development is complex. Time; many job experts Mixed results as to how well BARS reduces rater error. Viewed favorably by the courts Users like it Format allows for good feedback

Relationship between Reliability and Validity

Reliability is necessary, but not sufficient condition for validity 1. Must have reliability for validity 2. Reliability does not insure validity

Personality Inventory

Self-report inventories Projective test (ink-blot) Historically, personality instruments have shown little success in predicting job success This is changing: show logical relationship between performance and personality trait appropriateness of test (MMPI) The big five

Private Employment Agencies

Someone else doing the job of screening Charge a fee More services than public agency Tailor services to needs of client Some agencies specialize in particular area

Why are reliability and validity important?

The law we want to select the people who are best for the jobs we are filling

Improving Performance Appraisal

Train raters upper mgmt has to support it raters should be evaluated on how well they perform performance appraisal there should be continuous monitoring and feedback Keeping a diary is helpful

Other misc sources of employees

Unsolicited applicants and resumes professional orgs labor unions military internships internet job fairs

Drug testing

Urine blood hair saliva Check for substance in your system

Executive Search Firm

Usually work for companies Fee is typically paid by company seeking employee (expensive)

Politics of the Rater

Where rating are manipulated for outcome

Criterion reference measures

attempt to evaluate the work performance of an individual employee w/out reference to other indiviudals but with reference to some standard or standard of performance

Norm-referenced measures

concerned w comparing the performance of an individual w that of another employee or a group of other employees

Three main factors of graphic rating scale

degree to which the meaning of the response categories is defined the degree to which the performance dimension is defined for the rater the degree to which the rater is able to convey his or her intended rating response easy to develop easy and not time consuming to administer permit quantitative results and are standardized

Forced choice methods

designed to extinguish leniency disguised the rating scale continuum rater is presented w a number of sets of examples of job performance depending on a format the rater will choose: 1. example is most descriptive 2. 2 examples that are most & least descriptive 3. Rated from most to least descriptive scales are constructed very carefully be job experts


extent to which performance on a measure is associated with performance on the job. Predictive of job performance.

confirmatory tests

gas chromatography w mass spectrometer when done correctly virtually no false positives expensive

Rater erorrs

halo effect leniency harshness central tendency recency of events error contrast effects personal bias error

Psycho-motor ability simulation

help measure abilities related to job performance O'Connor finger and tweezers dexterity test

Assessment Centers

multiple selection method for managers uses a wide array of methods including: interviews, work samples, simulations, paper and pencil tests, in basket.

Split Half Reliability

odd/even questions

immediate reaction testing

pupillary test hand-eye coordination

Forced Choice problems

raters do not like it difficult to give constructive feedback doesn't reduce leniency

Background investigations and references

references may be checked by phone or mail some employers are afraid to give accurate references for fear of lawsuit, instead will give name and dates of employment Some states, 24, have passed laws making it more difficult for former employees to win lawsuits over negative job references

Halo Effect

when one positive or negative characteristic of an individual is generated over all the applicants characteristics

Concurrent Validity

test current sales people/apply to prospective

1. Content validity

the degree to which a test or other selection instrument measures the skill, knowledge, or ability to perform the job. Demonstrate the items on the selection instruments are a representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job

Performance Appraisal:

the hrm activity that is used to determine the extent to which an employee is performing the job effectively.

Screening tests

unacceptable rate of false positives cheap

Cognitive Ability Test

used to measure general intelligence test 'g' have the highest validity and lowest cost of all selection instruments that can be used across jobs (entry level)

Openness to experience

willing to change

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