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What led to discontent in Russia?

World War I, a corrupt tsarist government, and a weak economy.

Einstein's Bigbang Theory held that

all measurable motion is relative to some other object, and that no universal coordinates, and no hypothetical ether, exists.

Who was Ezra Pound?

an American expatriate who became the most influential imagist poet.

Freud formulated that

most psychic disorder resulted from sexual traumas stemming from childhood.

T.S. Eliot held that poetry

must seek out verbal formula or objective correlative that gives precise shape of feeling.

Who was Erich Remarque?

novelist who portrayed a firsthand account of trench warfare and the devastating nature of WWI. He wanted to start something that would stop Hitler from rising power.

Joyce was a linguist who

possessed a keen sense of poetic and musical words. His novel "Ulysses" mirrors that of Homer's Odysseus.

What does the practical implications of new physics include?

radar, computers, and consumer electronics.

Leger Cubist

reflected his appreciation of modern weaponry and machinery.

Like his peers Robert Frost rejected

romantic sentimentality but embraced the older tradition of western lyric poetry, usually short in length, with tones of emotion and personal feelings.

What is quanta?

separate and discontinuous bundles of energy.

For what reason did T.S. Eliot (Thomas Stearns Eliot) advanced the modernist agenda strongly?

to rid modern poetry of romantic sentiments.

Total Wars

20th century was molded in the crucible of total war and totalitarianism.

Who because of his formal education was considered the most erudite and articulate literary figure of his time?

T.S. Eliot (Thomas Stearns Eliot)

Who was declared as one of the most famous American poets?

Robert Frost

Who was Franz Kafka?

German-Jewish novelist who used fantasy to freely express the nation of rational thought.

Ballet mecanique


In what year did Joseph J Thompson identified the electrons.


What year did Max Planck announce his quantum theory?


What year did Henry Ford introduce the Model A automobile?


In what year did Albert Einstein made public his special theory of relativity?


In what year did Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead (British) publish their Principia Mathematica?


In what year did Niels Bohr (Danish) apply quantum theory to atomic structure?


In what year did Einstein announce his general theory of relativity?


In what year did the Russian Revolution mark the beginnings of Soviet communism and ushered in decades of totalitarian rule inspired by the Marxist ideology of Vladimir Lenin.


What year was Atomic bomb first tested?


Who is Albert Einstein?

A German physicist who made public his special theory of relativity in 1905.

Who were the two american physicists who determined that the speed of light is a universal constant.

Albert Michelson and Edward Morley

How many parts is Tripartite Psyche divided into ?

Although often misunderstood and oversimplified, the model consists of 3 parts.Id, Ego and Superego

What is The Great Depression?

America's economy, like the rest of the world, suffered after WWI, and the coutry was swept into it.

Who was James Joyce?

An Irish expatriate who drew inspiration from the interior monologue - a technique used to develop plot and character.He used ideas based on Freudian principles for his prose, which is considered genius.

Who was Sigmund Freud?

Austrian neurologist founder of psychoanalysis and psychology.

What was Albert's theory?

He theorized that as an object's speed approached the speed of light, its mass increased and its length contracted. No object can move faster than light, and light did not require any medium to carry it.

What is the Principle of Uncertainty?

In 1927 Heisenberg stated that the more precisely the position of a particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known; replaced the absolute and rationalist model of the universe with one whose exact mechanism at the subatomic level are indeterminate.

Who was Andre Breton?

In 1924 he launched surrealism which is the openness to spontaneity and chance. these would open doors to find the truer self in the unconscious mind.

At the turn of the 20th century who presented the universe model?

Isaac Newton

What is the Theory of Relativity?

Laws of physics are the same for all non accelerating observations, and that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels.

Picasso assaulted tradition with the landmark painting known as

Les Demoiselles d_Avignon which led the way to Cubism.

Who were the 3 most famous artists influenced by freudian revolution?

Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka, and James Joyce.

Thomas Hart Benton

Mural paintings of revolutionary Mexico, depicted American occupations and pastimes and became a major form of public art.

Who was Edvach Munch?

Norwegian painter who became obsessed with his traumatic puberty and sexual frustration. Also troubled by personal associations with illness and death (feared).

In history

World Wars I and II were more devastating in nature and effect than any preceding wars in world history. Involved numerous nations, killed unprecedented number of civilians, and employed the weapons of modern technology: machine guns, poison gas, tanks, and finally atomic bombs.

What is Haiku?

a Japanese light verse form consisting of seventeen syllables (3 lines of 5, 7 and 5).

Who was Carl Gustav Jung

a Swiss Physician who thought Freud's views of the psyche were too rigged and highly deterministic.

Quantum Physics

a field more comprehensive study of astronomical bodies and microcosmic world of atomic particles.

What is the principle tools of dream analysis?

a free association technique used to evaluate the mind and explore deep regions of the brain with spontaneous verbalization of thoughts.

Who were the imagists?

a group of poets who wanted to focus on abstraction to achieve an intrinsic and essential form of poetry.

Who was Dorothy Lange?

a photographer of the great depression left a documentary record of rural poverty and oppression.

What is the special theory of relativity?

a radically new approach to the new concepts of time, space, motion, and light, known as equation E = mc^2.

What is Principia Mathematica?

a systematic effort to base mathematics in logic.

What is Tripartite Psyche?

a theoretical model Freud developed to become the basis to psychology which is the study of the mind and behavior.

After what year did a more comprehensive model of the universe began to emerge?

after 1880

Metaphysical art

art and artist explore regions beyond physical reality to recreate life beyond the senses. Subjective intensity to the visible world was reconstructed.

What did Proust suffered from?

asthma and recurring insecurities of his sexual orientation, and became a recluse after the death of his mother.

What did Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky introduce in the early 20th century music?

atonality, polytonality, and polythythm as formal alternatives to the time-honoured Western traditions of pleasing harmonies and uniform meter.

Eliot Owen and Yeats poetry had

bitter indictments of WWI and they viewed war as an indication of the decay of Western civilization.

By avoiding dense allusions and using learned references, Robert Frost

conveyed deep affections for natural landscape and sympathy of frailties of human conditions.

Pablo Picasso was a master and pioneer of

cubism, surrealism and realism.

What could Visual Arts elicit?

diverse manners of understanding the mind. Hallucinations, sexual nature, childhood trauma were few examples of an artist mentality.

Who were Modernist poets?

early 20th century poetry that rejected their predecessors. and strayed away from the self indulgent sentiments of the 19th century romantics, and the idealism of the symbolists. Adopted a conceptual and abstract literary style opposed to romanticism.

What did Ezra pound called to?

eliminate all extraneous matter to arrive at an abrupt and discontinuous juxtaposition of images.

What does it mean by Jung's psyche unity

emphasized the role of the collective unconscious in refleting the "psyche unity" of all cultures.

What did George Grosz produce?

mocking depictions of the German military machine.

Leger Cubist produced one of the

first abstract films which pictured modern life as mechanized and impersonal. - making fun of the machines.

What was the Dada Movement?

formed by a select group of individuals, centered or the irrationality of the world. A world of madness and chaos in conjunctiion with WWI.

Who was Pablo Picasso?

founder of surrealism and cubism style and created many distinct pieces influenced by these new styles.

The early 20th century art in italy,

futurists linked artistic expression to the machine technology of speed, electric lighting and the new phenomenon of moving pictures.

Picasso was well known and

had ability to create any style which was prominent during the time.

When Proust withdrew from Parisien society?

he pursued life of introspection and literary endeavor.

Edvach Munch's portrait titled "The Scream"

he unleashes haunting synthesis of distortion and anguish with a savage approach to neurosis and mental collapse. This became the symbol of human condition.

Who was Marcel Proust?

he was a French writer employed "free association" to recapture the past from recesses of his memory which bought about intense moments of pleasure featured in "remembrance of things past"

Who was Max Planck

he was a German physicist who suggested that light waves sometimes behaved as quanta.

Who was Joseph J Thompson?

he was an English physicist who in 1897 identified electrons.

Stalin took control of Russia after Lenin under

his totalitarian regime dissidents were imprisoned, executed, or exiled, and all expressions of "Modernism" were condemned.

What is the benefit of Quantum Physics?

humankind have a better understanding of the universe and how the operation of the universe is more remote from the average person's understanding.

Mass and energy were the beginnings of

humans realizing the physical world from an atomic and universe scale.

What does The Oedipus Complex mean?

in reference to the Greek tragic legend of Oedipus who kills the King of Thebes, his father, and marries his mother)

What was Jung's focus?

individualistic and deeper level of the unconscious with what he called the colletive unconscious. He belongs to mankind at large within the human family. It can be manifest through different forms in the confines of dreams, myths, and faily tales.

What was Freud's theory?

instinctual drives especially libido or sex drive, which govern human behavior. Guilt can translate into repressed instinctual urges that dominate unconscious life, thus evolving into an emotional illness.

Define Superego?

is the moral container commonly referred t as the conscience. It monitors our human behavior according to principles instilled and taught by parents, educators, and other authority figures in ife.

Werner Heisenberg built on Einstein's theories and theorized that

since the very act of measuring subatomic phenomenon altered them, the position and the velocity of a subatomic particle could not be measured simultaneously with absolute accuracy.

John Steinbeck

social realism often a vehicle of social criticism and protest, dominated his novels.

atomic fission

splitting of atomic particles and atomic bombs

Pablo Picasso constantly updated his work which included

the African influenced style to cubism, surrealism and realism.

Define Ego?

the administer of the Id adapting the need of the Id to the real world. The ego mitigates between potential destructive desires and social necessity through dreams and sublimation which is positive modification and redirection of primal urges.

What is Empressionism?

the new psychology, which became the model and vehicle for dramatic and absolute art. Many artists used hidden emotions, repressed dream, and fantasies as the vehicle of the subconscious.

What is abstraction?

the process by which subject matter is pared down or simplified in order to capture intrinsic or essential qualities; also, any work of art that reflects this process.

Define Id?

the seat of human instincts and all physical desires such as nourishment (food, water etc) and sexual satisfactiion. It is the compelling form of the unconscious realm.

What did Kafka apply?

the subconscious life to five conscious experience to the bizarre and the threatening gravity of the reality of dreams.

What did Frank Lloyd Wright invest in the early 20th century architecture?

the techniques of glass and steel technology and the functional principle of the cantilever with the aesthetics of Japanese art to create a modern style of domestic architecture.

What is psychoanalysis?

therapeutic method by which repressed desires are brought to the conscious level to reveal a source of emotional disturbance.

Why did the modern physicists challenge the universe model?

they found that the law of newton's principia did not apply to and they discovered a more comprehensive study of astronomical bodies and microcosmic world of atomic particles.

What is Freudian Revolution?

throughout Europe. new psychology was felt. The most significant events of literature of this time took place in the psychic life reams and memory

What is totalitarianism?

under Adolf Hitler, the Nazi policy of militant racism brought about the brutal deaths of millions throughout Europe.

Who was Max Ernst?

used collage-paintings to create bizarre dehumanized images. - painting things out of place.

What was the Imagists style?

used free verse in favor of the westernized style of fixed metter and rhythm.

What does it mean by Jung's primal patterns

utilized archetypes to reveal familiar motifs and character traits associated with symbols and myths for different religions and folklore. They are considered innate, inherited contents of the human minds.

The novel by Kafka "The Metamorphosis"

with one of the most disguisted short stories of the 20th century of themes of insecurity and vulnerability reflect the mood that prevailed during the early decades of the 20th CE.

Freud shocked the world

with this claim of infant sexuality regarding human development. He used this example as disfunctioning family.


writers responded to total war and totalitarianism with rage, disbelief and compassion.

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