HWST 107 final exam

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Identify: Insular Cases

"Insular" = islands territories under War Department's Bureau of Insular Affairs

Identify: Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea

07/31/1843 Hawaiian Sovereignty Restoration Day

Identify: Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono

1) The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness 2) The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness

Identify: Lā Kūʻokoʻa

11/28/1843 Family of Nations The day the authorities of Great Britain & France recognized Hawai'i as a sovereign nation

Hoe much ʻāina is under military stewardship?

112,173 acres (54%) of military controlled land in Hawai'i are ceded lands

Identify: Wilcox Rebellion

1895: Robert Kalanihiapo Wilcox leads rebellion against Public of Hawai'i; fails & sentenced to death 220 arrested; 183 prosecuted

What is the Newlands-Joint Resolution?

1898: Introduced by Fancis Newlands Based on annexation document drafted by Thurston Signed by President McKinley (not a treaty of annexation)

According to the Hawai'i Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission, how many people in Hawai'i will be displaced due to rising sea levels by the end of the century? What other impacts will sea-level rise have on the Hawaiian islands? What will the estimated cost of sea-level rise be for Hawai'i?

19,800 people will be displaced due to rising sea levels 25,800 acres will be inundates. more than 13 miles of beaches fronting sea walls will be lost & 38 miles of coastal crossroads will be flooded $19 mil?

What is the current sea-level rise around the globe? What is it in the western Pacific?

3 mm/year average in western pacific 12 mm/yr

What statistic indicates that Hawai'i's homeless problem is rather a homeless epidemic?

4k O'ahu homeless 40% local & 37% Kanaka Maoli

To date, how many Pacific islands have succumbed to rising seas?

8 in Micronesia & Melanesia, 5 in the Solomon archipelago

Explain the new ocean phenomenon known as the Blob (what is it? what caused it? why is it significant?)

Blob = phenomenon of warm ocean water extending b/t Alaska, California & Hawai'i off-the-charts heat prolonged periods of weak winds over the ocean

Blount Report vs Morgan Report? What are the findings of the Morgan Report with regard to the overthrow? Why do critics not take the Morgan Report findings seriously?

Blount (Presidential): US forces responsible for overthrow; Minister Stevens abused authority; Provisional gov. lacked support; Overthrow & annexation were unpopular Morgan (Senate): US forces exonerated of culpability; Minister Stevens exonerated; Queen Lili'uokalani identified as solely responsible for overthrow

John L. Stevens (role in the overthrow)

Coached COS Unlawfully landed US troops Officially recognized the Provisional gov. on behalf of US Declared Hawai'i as a US protectorate

Why is Hawai'i considered the most militarized state in the union?

Combined military branches - 161 installations Controls 5.7% of total lands in Hawai'i Controls 22.4% of O'ahu Island Islands surrounded by 210,000 sq mi of military operating ocean area 58,599 sq mi of military special use airspace

Identify: DERP & FUDS

DERP (Defense Environmental Restoration Program): created in 1975 to address contamination from hazardous substances, pollutants and/or contaminants (all active installations) FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites

Identify: Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories According to the UN, what are the responsibilities a colonial power has to the people of a territory under its care? How did the US nuclear testing program in Micronesia violate this UN charter?

Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories: members of the UN have the responsibilities for the administration of territories whose people have not yet attained a full measure of self-government. responsibilities: ensure, due respect for the culture of the peoples concerned, their political, economic, social and education advancement, just treatment & protection against abuses violation: exposed nearby islands to a radioactive fallout & caused children to dev. thyroid tumors

Decolonization vs Deoccupation?

Decolonization=undoing colonialism Deoccupation = removal of occupying force

Hawaiian Organic Act of 1900? What does it establish?

Est. Territory of Hawai'i gov. Republic of Hawai'i citizens = US citizens Republic of Hawai'i laws = territorial laws Senate & House of Representatives chosen by popular vote Hawaiian gov. & Crown lands = territorial lands (ceded lands)

Why has the development throughout Waikiki & Honolulu negatively impacted local residents more than it has helped?

Hawai'i has more service & construction jobs than it can fill, fewer high-paying professional jobs than other regions

How did the Spanish-American War change the way the US viewed Hawai'i's value?

Hawai'i's value for strategic military purposes realized

What is the Hui Kalaiʻāina? Hui Aloha ʻĀina? How do their efforts derail annexation efforts?

Hui Kalaiʻāina: Formed after Bayonet Constitution to give Kānaka political voice (~17,000 signatures to restore Queen) Hui Aloha ʻĀina: Formed after overthrow to support Queen & work against annexation (21,269 signatures against annexation)

What was the outcome of the Queen's trial?

Humiliate the Queen Force abdication of the throne

Why did the Queen surrender the Hawaiian government to the US government? What was the rationale behind this decision? What is the nature of this surrender?

KIII once surrendered the kingdom to the British & had it returned to him. Queen Lili'uokalani had the same idea so she surrendered the kingdom to the US in hopes that it would be returned to her Kingdom was surrendered to US gov., not Provisional gov.

USA (role in the overthrow)

Kingdom was surrendered to the US government, not Provisional Government

What US president came into power in 1897 that supported Hawaiian annexation?

McKinley (06/1897: Signs Treaty of Annexation)

Monroe Doctrine? How does it relate to the Spanish American War of 1898?

Monroe Doctrine (1823): Defined American foreign policy throughout 1800's European powers stay out of Western Hemisphere US wouldn't meddle in European wars, nor in wars between them & their colonies unless these battles occurred in the Americas

What Tank Upgrade Alternative option does the Navy support vs the option the BWS supports?

Navy supports: leak detection, soil vapor & groundwater monitoring & additional monitoring wells BWS supports: tank w/in a tank option; remove tanks if not feasible

What evidence suggests that the Halawa Fuel Storage Facility does pose a significant risk to Honolulu's drinking water supply? What are the results of Water tests conducted by the Board of Water Supply (BWS) and the Navy?

Navy water tests: Navy is unable to detect areas in disrepair more than 50% of the time & still claims water is safe to drink BWS tests: @ least 27% chance of leaks up to 30,000 gallons/year

Operation Crossroads vs. Operation Castle? Identify: Bravo Shot

Operation Crossroads (1946): series of nuclear tests on Bikini, Marshall Islands Operation Castle: series of Hydrogen bomb tests 1000x more powerful than the atomic bomb Bravo Shot: first of operation castle; series of thermonuclear tests

Committee of Safety (role in the overthrow)

Orchestrated overthrow as a part of overall US annexation plans 01/16/1893: COS requests US Minister John L Stevens to land troops (protect American lives)

Cabinet Ministers of the Queen (role in the overthrow)

Outwardly supported new constitution Secretly reported to COS Stalled promulgation of constitution to land US troops & overthrow the Queen

What is PACOM and where is it based? List 2 statistics regarding PACOM in Hawai'i.

PACOM = Pacific Command 1) area of responsibility covers more than 50% of the earth's surface (43 countries, 20 territories & possessions, 10 US territories, 60% world's population) 2) 300,000 military personnel (1/5 of total US active duty military force)

Identify: South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty of 1985 (Treaty of Rarotonga). What are the 3 protocols? What are some of the treaty's flaws outlined in the reading "Niuklia Fri Pasifik"?

South Pac. Nuke Free Zone Treaty: est nuclear weapon free zone 1) open for signature by the French Republic, UK, Northern Ireland, US. Permanent nature & remains indefinitely 2) each party must not use or threaten to use nuclear explosives against parties of the treaty 3) each party must not use or threaten to use nuclear explosive devices against any territory w/in the SPNFZ

What event took place in 1898 that ultimately led to Hawaiian annexation?

Spanish-American War: USS Maine explodes while docked in Havana, Cuba (US blames Spain & declares war)

Reciprocity Treaty of 1875

Tax-free trade between the US and Hawai'i; Good for 7 years

"Stepping-Stones Theory" (what is it? what was the intent behind it?)

US diplomats considered Hawai'i as strategically important "Pacific islands will better serve as 'stepping stones' to Asian markets"

What is the Turpie Resolution and how do the Blount & Morgan Reports influence it?

US to remain in neutral stance in Hawai'i Terminated all efforts to restore Queen Allowed for recognition of Provisional gov. Left Hawaiian Nation in limbo

How did the Reciprocity Treaty influence the Bayonet Constitution?

a negotiation for the renewal of the treaty was discussed; US demanded Pu'uloa for them to use as a naval base; Hawai'i didn't want to give it to them

Why was the Queen arrested and put on trial? What was the purpose of the Queen's military tribunal?

accused of misprision of treason 13 counts including: Procurement of arms, ammunition & men; Establishment of a gov. & military force to replace Republic

How were the Marshallese people affected by the nuclear testing in and around their islands? Why types of health problems have resulted? What kind of monetary compensation do they receive from the US government? Is it enough? Why/why not?

affects: radioactive fallout; thyroid tumors on children health problems: radiation, cretinism, stunted development, thyroid abnormalities compensation: $150 mil to Marshalls for nuclear claims, $125,000 to leukemia or (digestive) cancer victims, $100,000 growth retardation from thyroid damage

Provide an example that illustrates just how serious global ice melt is.

already, 8 islands in Micronesia & Melanesia have disappeared

Honolulu Rifles (Who are they? What is their role in the Bayonet Constitution?)

battalion of three companies; composed of mostly haole men; secretly allied with Missionary Party & were the armed force that made KIII sign the Bayonet Constitution

Where does a bulk of military controlled lands in Hawai'i come from? Why is this controversial for the Native Hawaiian community?

bulk of military land is from Ceded lands

Why are Hawai'i's homeless numbers so high despite having one of the lowest unemployment rates in the US?

civilian work force is shrinking cost of living is increasing low wages 3/4 of all jobs in state pay less than a living wage

What is coral bleaching & what causes it?

coral bleaching: temperature gets too high, coral expel the algae in their tissues, causing them to look "bleached" also caused by changed in light & nutrients

How has the exploitative nature of Hawai'i's tourism influenced Hawai'i's sovereignty movement?

corporate tourism cultural prostitution

Explain the metaphor used by Dr. Trask to describe cultural exploitation by Hawai'i's tourism industry.

culture is "exploited" to sell Hawai'i, make profit for her pimp =culture is a resource w/ no consideration for it's well-being =culture feminized =Hawai'i is an object =sex sells

Why are toxic military dumps in the ocean surrounding Hawai'i a potential problem for the community? What types of things have been dumped into our surrounding ocean?

dumps cause coral bleaching & disrupt ecosystems examples of dumps: explosives, ammunition, chemical weapons (hydrogen cyanide, mustard gas, cyanogen chloride, etc)

How does the vicious cycle of cultural misrepresentation at the hands of the tourism industry work?

fabricated & marketed the image visitors expect the experience to be that image industry makes the image into a reality cultural practice is turned into a spectacle

When was coral bleaching first observed as a global phenomenon? Identify at least one other mass bleaching event in recent history

first observed: 1998 after a "super El Nino" mass bleaching events: 1) 2015: 50% of Hawai'i's reefs suffered bleaching 2) 2017: 90% of the Great Barrier Reef suffered bleaching

Why do critics claim that DERP reports fall short of their intended purpose?

flaws include: a. many "cleaned" sites are still contaminated in various ways & remain under monitoring for years/decades after b. DERP doesn't apply to military installations on foreign soil

Define: Corporate Tourism

foreign corporations have a monopoly on multiple facets of tourism industry corporations only focus on profit so Hawaii = $$$ (a place, people, culture for sale)

What have scientists recently discovered with regard to the El Nino weather phenomenon? How does this contribute to stronger, more intense weather related events?

global warming = warm water = melting ice caps & flooding, hurricanes and cyclones could happen anytime

How many Hawai'i military installations with hazardous sites have been identified by the DERP? According to the DERP, what island has the most military contaminated sites?

hazardous sites in Hawai'i (2019): 115 installations; 1,004 contaminated sites, 386 cleaned = 618 more Island with most military contaminated sites = O'ahu

What is responsible for the significant increase of greenhouse gasses around the world?

human activity (burning fossil fuels, burning down forests); humans transfer 10 bil tons of C into atmosphere yearly current CO2

Queen Lili'uokalani (role in the overthrow)

last Mōʻī of the Hawaiian Kingdom 01/14/1893: proposed new constitution (based on 1864 Const.) 01/17/1893: Conditional surrender of HI kingdom

Why is the Halawa Fuel Storage Facility of particular concern to the local community?

leaks: fuel contaminants found in groundwater

How does the large military presence affect housing in the islands, especially on O'ahu? Why is it difficult for local non-military residents to compete with military personnel for off-base housing?

locals compete w/ military personnel for limited housing soldiers are able to afford higher rent landlords increase rental rates due to BAH; some only rent to military rental inventory = lower to public

Why did the US choose the Marshall Islands for it's nuclear testing program?

location away from major civilizations

Why is corporate tourism not as beneficial for the people of Hawai'i as some would think? What recent numbers provided by the HUD reinforce the notion that Hawai'i's economy is in poor shape?

low-wage industry many people have difficulty coping despite having jobs general population lives in relative poverty HUD: low income for 4 person household went up $12,700 from 2017

What is the main reason for homelessness in Hawai'i?

no housing & low paying jobs high rent/expensive housing

Why do some experts liken Hawia'i's economy to that of a 3rd world country?

only 50% of tourism generated revenue reaches Hawaii's internal economy ($10 bil/yr) the rest "leaks out of state to foreign investors

How does tourism contribute to population growth in Hawai'i?

population has increasingly grown since 1960 tourists outnumber residents 7:1, outnumber native Hawaiians 31:1

From the video Sand Island Story, how did rapid population growth and urban development displace many Native Hawaiians & locals during the 1970's? What was the city planning to do with Sand Islands after evicting the "squatters?"

rapid population growth & urbanization = higher cost of living = moving to Sand Island to build homes after eviction = make a public park

What is the root cause of global warming? Why are current CO2 levels cause of great concern?

root cause: greenhouse gases concentration: ~410 ppm; highest in human history; last time concentration was this high was during Pliocene era

How were Native Micronesians depicted in US propaganda films?


According to experts, if humankind does nothing to abate current CO2 emissions, how much will our oceans rise by the end of the century?

sea levels could rise more than 3 ft by 2100 rate = 15 mm/yr

How much has Hawai'i's population increased since statehood? On average, what is the ratio of tourists:Native Hawaiians on an annual basis?

statehood: residents outnumbered tourists 2:1 tourists:Native Hawaiians = 31:1

How much heat do out oceans absorb on a regular basis?

the amount of heat absorbed by our oceans is equivalent to @ least 3 Hiroshima-sized atomic bomb explosions every second

Identify: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands How did the US come into control of the Marshall Islands? What is the status of the territory today?

trust territory of the pacific islands : trusteed granted by UN after WWII through the trust territory of the pacific islands status: republic of Marshall Islands (compact of free association w/ the US)

Committee of Safety (who were they? what is their role in the Bayonet Constitution?)

who: group of 13 white men what: wrote the Bayonet Constitution and forced King David Kalākaua to sign it

Bayonet Constitution (year? written by? who was forced to sign? motive? what did it do to the citizenry & Mōʻī?)

year: 1887 written by: Committee of Safety forced to sign: King David Kalākaua motive: effect: Mōʻī doesn't have power to declare new constitution; limited voting rights for the; limited Monarchical power

Did the US intentionally expose Micronesians to radioactive fallout in order to use them as test subjects? If so, what evidence is there to prove this?

yes. they knew about the danger of the bombs were on those people also knew about the weather & wind direction & still continued the tests

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