Hygiene MCQs Topic 12

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The normal content of vitamin C in the blood, mg%: A - 0.7 - 1.2; B - 0.07 - 0.12; C - 50; D - 70 - 50; E - 7 - 12.

A - 0.7 - 1.2

Daily requirement for iron for men, mg: A - 15; B - 10; C - 18; D - 20; E - 17.

A - 15

One of the principles of rational nutrition: A - food by its chemical composition should correspond to the enzymatic status of the organism; B - dairy products, vegetables and fruits must necessarily be included in the daily diet; C - the weight of the daily ration should b D - vegetable fats should not be less than 30%, animal proteins - not less than 55%, and simple sugars - not more than 40% of their daily amount; E - The energy value of the daily diet should be distributed according to meals as follows: 30% - breakfast, 45-50% - lunch, 20-25% - dinner.

A - food by its chemical composition should correspond to the enzymatic status of the organism

One of the principles of rational nutrition: A - food should fill the energy expenditure; B - food must satisfy the aesthetic and organoleptic requirements of a person; C - the weight of the daily ration should be within 2.5 - 3.0 kg; D - the number of animal proteins should be at least 55%; E - the amount of vegetable fats should be at least 30%.

A - food should fill the energy expenditure

Vitamins are synthesized: A - mainly in plant products; B - mainly in products of animal origin; C - in animal and vegetable products in equal parts; D - mainly in the human body (water-soluble); E - mainly in the human body (fat-soluble).

A - mainly in plant products

For the synthesis of certain vitamins in the human body, it is necessary to: A - microflora of the gastrointestinal tract; B - IR radiation; C - UV radiation (spectrum A); D - UV radiation (spectrum C); E - the visible spectrum of solar radiation

A - microflora of the gastrointestinal tract

When assessing the daily dietary intake of a student at a medical academy (19 years), the caloric value of the diet is 2250 kcal. The quota of animal protein - 55%, vegetable fat - 30%, simple sugars - 40% of the daily amount. the ratio P: F: C = 1: 1,2: 4,6, Ca: P = 1: 1. Hygienic assessment of the diet: A - the calorie content of the ration was increased, the ratio P: F: C; B - the diet meets hygiene requirements in all respects; C - ration is overloaded with animal proteins and simple sugars; D - the caloric content of the ration was increased, the ratio Ca: P; E - all parameters of the diet do not meet hygiene requirements.

A - the calorie content of the ration was increased, the ratio P: F: C

The daily food ration is: A - the norm of food allowance for a day, distributed with three meals a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner; B - the number of dishes and drinks (in grams), making a daily meal; C - the list of products (in grams), necessary for the preparation of one portion of breakfast, lunch, dinner; D - the percentage distribution of caloric intake of food taken for breakfast, lunch and dinner; E - food, which provides quantitative and qualitative requirements for it during the day.

A - the norm of food allowance for a day, distributed with three meals a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner

The least resistant in the process of storage and cooking vitamin: A - vitamin C; B - retinol; C - thiamine; D - riboflavin; E - calciferol.

A - vitamin C

Daily requirement for iron for adults (depending): A - 5-10 mg (from the group of physical activity); B - 15-17 mg (from the floor); C - 10-20 mg (from the age); D - 10 - 15 mg (based on body weight); E - 15 - 20 mg (from the climatic zone)

B - 15-17 mg (from the floor)

The optimum ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the diet: A - 1: 1 - for women and 1: 1,1 - for men; B - 1: 1- for men and 1: 1.1 for women; C - 1: 2 - for women and men; D - 1: 1.5 - for women and men; E - 1: 0.5 for men and 1: 1 for women.

B - 1: 1- for men and 1: 1.1 for women

The normalized quota of vegetable fat in its daily needs,%: A - 15; B - 30; C - 25; D - 20; E - 35.

B - 30

For the synthesis of certain vitamins in the human body, it is necessary to: A - UV radiation (spectrum C); B - UV radiation (spectrum B); C - UV radiation (spectrum A); D - the visible spectrum of solar radiation; E - IR radiation.

B - UV radiation (spectrum B)

To assess the nutrition of a third-year student of the medical academy, the following indicators were used: the nature of work, gender, climatic zone of residence, individual characteristics (the presence of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract). What indicators are not taken into account? A - growth, circumference of the thorax; B - age, body weight; C - the transferred diseases; D - nationality; E - social factors.

B - age, body weight

The second professional group according to "Norms of physiological needs of the population of Ukraine..." N1073, dated 3.09.2017 includes: A - scientists, teachers, students; B - agronomists, drivers of trams, trolleybuses, nurses; C - sellers of food products, machine operators, surgeons; D - chemists, drivers, locksmiths; E - health workers, engineers, dispatchers.

B - agronomists, drivers of trams, trolleybuses, nurses

To confirm the diagnosis of "hypovitaminosis C" it is necessary: A - to conduct a "language test"; B - determine the content of vitamin C in the blood; C - to study the diurnal food ration of a person; D - determine the content of vitamin C in the flowing liquid; E - determine the content of vitamin C in saliva.

B - determine the content of vitamin C in the blood

One of the principles of rational nutrition: A - in the daily ration, vegetable fats should account for at least 30% of their daily amount; B - food should be harmless (by chemical composition) and safe in the epidemic; C - the weight of the food ration should be within 2.5 - 3 kg; D - the first dishes are not allowed to be included in the breakfast menu; two first (or second) dishes are included in the dinner set; E - in the daily ration, the share of animal proteins should account for not less than 55% of their daily amount.

B - food should be harmless (by chemical composition) and safe in the epidemic

The biological value of fat is higher the more polyunsaturated fatty acids in it: A - stearic, oleic; B - linolenic, arachidonic; C - palmitic, linoleic; D - arachidonic, stearic; E - palmitic, arachidonic.

B - linolenic, arachidonic

Which of these activities can solve the problem of nutrition on a global scale? A - the fight against overeating among the population of the developed countries of the world; B - more rational use of products of the seas and oceans; C - propaganda of vegetarianism on a global scale; D - propaganda of the principles of rational nutrition among the population of all countries; E - redistribution of food products between all countries.

B - more rational use of products of the seas and oceans

The main feature of "Norms of physiological needs of the population of Ukraine..." N1073, dated 3.09.2017 with respect to the normalization of the daily requirement for vitamins for adults is the following: A - groups of intensity of work and sex; B - only sex; C - only groups of intensity of labor; D - groups of intensity of work and age; E - groups of intensity of work, sex, age.

B - only sex

The main source of ascorbic acid in winter and spring: A - carrots; B - potatoes; C - garlic; D - onion; E - beet.

B - potatoes

The main sources of ascorbic acid: A - products of animal origin; B - products of plant origin; C - milk and dairy products; D - meat of animals and fish; E - liver of animals and fish.

B - products of plant origin

Vitamins are classified according to: A - solubility in fats and alcohols; B - solubility in fats and water; C - solubility in water and alcohols; D - solubility in alcohols and body fluids; E - the ability or inability to synthesize in the human body.

B - solubility in fats and water

The third professional group according to "Norms of physiological needs of the population of Ukraine..." N1073, dated 3.09.2017 includes: A - health workers (doctors, nurses and nurses); B - surgeons, bus drivers, sellers of foodstuff; C - sellers of foodstuffs, doctors, nurses; D - nurse, construction workers, zootechnicians; E - the bulk of construction and agricultural professions.

B - surgeons, bus drivers, sellers of foodstuff

The normalized quota of proteins in the daily caloric content of the diet,%: A - 10-15; B - 15-18; C - 11-13; D - 13-15; E - 12-14

C - 11-13

Daily need for calcium for adults, mg: A - 600 for women and 800 for men; B - 800 - for women and 1200 - for men; C - 1100 - for women and 1200 - for men; D - 1200 - for women and men; E - 1100 - for women and men.

C - 1100 - for women and 1200 - for men

The daily need for phosphorus for adults, mg: A - 500; B - 1000; C - 1200; D - 600; E - 800

C - 1200

The normalized quota of simple sugars in the daily amount of carbohydrates,%: A - 20 - 25; B - 30 - 40; C - 15 - 20; D - 40 - 50; E - 10-15.

C - 15 - 20

Daily requirement for iron for women, mg: A - 10; B - 15; C - 17; D - 20; E - 18.

C - 17

The normalized quota of carbohydrates in the daily caloric content of the diet,%: A - 50; B - 54; C - 64; D - 74; E - 60.

C - 64

The physiological role of ascorbic acid is determined by: A - its coenzyme properties; B - participation in the maintenance of osmotic equilibrium in cells; C - active participation in oxidation-reduction processes; D - participation in processes associated with the function of reproduction; E - an active role in the normalization and stimulation of hematopoiesis.

C - active participation in oxidation-reduction processes

The fourth professional group according to the "Norms of physiological needs of the population of Ukraine..." N1073, dated 3.09.2017 includes: A - steelworkers, sellers, zootechnicians; B - surgeons, sellers of foodstuffs, turners; C - builders, metallurgists, assistant drillers; D - miners, locksmiths, turners; E - sellers of manufactured goods, machine operators, founders.

C - builders, metallurgists, assistant drillers

Which of these activities can solve the problem of nutrition on a global scale? A - propaganda of vegetarianism on a global scale; B - redistribution of food products between all countries; C - creation of artificial food products; D - propagation of the principles of rational nutrition; E - struggle against overeating among the population of the developed countries of the world.

C - creation of artificial food products

Which of the above measures can solve the nutritional problems of the world population? A - propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, incl. rational nutrition; B - prevention of alimentary obesity; C - expansion of the percentage of sown areas, creation of artificial food products; D - propaganda of vegetarianism and raw food; E - fight against overeating among the population of the "rich" countries of the world.

C - expansion of the percentage of sown areas, creation of artificial food products

The daily diet of the student of the medical academy, 20 years, is represented by the following set of dishes and drinks: breakfast - chicken broth, sandwich with butter, tea; lunch - milk soup, bits of buckwheat porridge, cocoa; dinner - pancakes with jam. Caloric content of the diet 2000 kcal, weight - 2.5 kg, ratio P: F: C = 1: 1: 4; Ca: P = 1: 1.1. Hygienic assessment of the diet: A - reduced calorie content and weight of the diet; B - daily diets for all parameters meet hygiene requirements; C - for breakfast is not recommended broth, for lunch - the first in the form of milk soup, in the diet there are no vegetables and fruits; D - the daily ration has a lower caloric value, in it the ratio B: F: V is violated, the weight of the ration is reduced; E - the caloric content of the diet is reduced, the ratio of Ca and P, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates is violated.

C - for breakfast is not recommended broth, for lunch - the first in the form of milk soup, in the diet there are no vegetables and fruits

One of the main symptoms of scurvy: A - alimentary polyneuritis; B - dermatosis; C - hemorrhagic diathesis; D - hemostalopia; E - cheilosis.

C - hemorrhagic diathesis

A student of the medical academy, 20 years old, is estimated to have a caloric intake of 2000 kcal, an animal protein quota of 50%, a vegetable fat of 25%, a ratio of P: F: C = 1: 1: 4, Ca: R = 1: 1.5. Hygienic assessment of the diet: A - all parameters of the diet correspond to hygienic requirements; B - the diet does not meet hygiene requirements in all respects; C - in the diet reduced the quota of animal protein and vegetable fat, violated the ratio of Ca: R; D - the caloric content of the diet is reduced in comparison with the requirement of dietary norms; E - in the diet, the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is disturbed.

C - in the diet reduced the quota of animal protein and vegetable fat, violated the ratio of Ca: R

Vitamin C is determined in vegetables and fruits by the method: A - by weight; B - colorimetric; C - iodometric; D - express; E - calculated.

C - iodometric

Vitamins are: A - high-molecular substances, not synthesized in the human body, coming into the body from the outside, necessary in small quantities; В - low-molecular organic and inorganic substances, partially synthesized in the body, coming from outside, not possessing energy properties, necessary in small quantities; C - low-molecular organic substances, some of which are partially synthesized in the body, coming from outside, not possessing energy and plastic properties, necessary for the body in small quantities; D - low-molecular organic substances, some of which are partially synthesized in the body, coming from outside, not possessing energy and plastic properties, necessary for the body in large quantities; E - high-molecular organic substances, not synthesized in the body, possessing minor energy and plastic properties, biologically active in small quantities.

C - low-molecular organic substances, some of which are partially synthesized in the body, coming from outside, not possessing energy and plastic properties, necessary for the body in small quantities

The first professional group according to "Norms of physiological needs of the population of Ukraine..." N1073, dated 3.09.2017 includes: A - nurses, machine operators; B - health workers, including surgeons; C - teachers, scientists, programmers; D - agronomists, zootechnicians; E - chemists, drivers.

C - teachers, scientists, programmers

The main source of ascorbic acid in winter and spring: A - beets; B - carrots; C - white cabbage; D - onion; E - the garlic.

C - white cabbage

The optimal ratio of P: F: C in the daily diet of an adult able-bodied population of Ukraine: A - 1:1:6; B - 1:1,2:,6; C - 1:0,8:5,8; D - 1:1:4; E - 1:1,6:4,2.

D - 1:1:4

The standardized quota of energy value of a supper at three meals a day,%: A - 5.0 - 10.0; B - 10 - 15; C - 15 - 20; D - 20 - 25; E - 25 - 30

D - 20 - 25

The normalized quota of fats in the daily caloric content of the diet,%: A - 15; B - 20; C - 25; D - 30; E - 33.

D - 30

The standardized quota of energy value of breakfast with three meals a day,%: A-20; B - 15; C - 35; D - 30; E - 10.

D - 30

The standardized quota of energy value of lunch with three meals a day,%: A - 30 - 35; B - 35 - 40; C - 40 - 45; D - 45 - 50; E - 50 - 55

D - 45 - 50

The normalized quota of animal protein in its daily needs,%: A - 40; B - 45; C - 30; D - 55; E - 35.

D - 55

One of the main manifestations of scurvy: A - cheilosis; B - hemostalopia; C - dermatosis; D - decrease in the reactivity of the organism; E - alimentary polyneuritis.

D - decrease in the reactivity of the organism

The daily food ration of the student of the medical academy is represented by the following set of dishes and drinks: breakfast - semolina porridge on milk, tea and a sandwich with butter; dinner - rassolnik, pilaf with lamb, compote with a city bun; dinner - pancakes with jam, black coffee. Caloric content of the diet is 2450 kcal. Hygienic conclusion: A - the diet is overloaded with carbohydrates, which provides increased calories; black coffee is not recommended for dinner; B - diet for a set of dishes and drinks dinner, as well as caloric content does not meet hygiene standards; C - a diet for a set of dishes and drinks, as well as caloric content meets hygiene requirements; D - diet does not contain raw vegetables, fruits (juices), overloaded with carbohydrates; black coffee is not recommended for dinner; E - the only drawback of the diet - black coffee for dinner.

D - diet does not contain raw vegetables, fruits (juices), overloaded with carbohydrates; black coffee is not recommended for dinner

Which of these activities can solve the problem of nutrition on a global scale? A - catering in accordance with the requirements of quantitative and qualitative principles; B - propaganda of vegetarianism and raw food; C - improving the quality of catering; D - increase of productivity of agricultural crops and productivity of cattle breeding; E - fight against overeating among the population of the "rich" countries of the world.

D - increase of productivity of agricultural crops and productivity of cattle breeding

Without regard for gender, the following are standardized: A - calcium, fluorine, iodine; B - calcium, phosphorus, fluorine; C - phosphorus, calcium, iodine; D - phosphorus, fluorine, iodine; E - phosphorus, iron, iodine.

D - phosphorus, fluorine, iodine

One of the principles of rational nutrition: A - the weight of the food ration should be within 2.5 - 3 kg; B - the food ration must necessarily contain milk, vegetables, fruits in its collection; C - in the breakfast package it is not recommended to include the first dish, dinner, meat fried dishes, coffee; D - ration should be high-grade in quality; food should be balanced; E - in the daily diet, animal proteins should be at least 55% of their total number, simple sugars - not more than 40%.

D - ration should be high-grade in quality; food should be balanced

To assess the nutrition of a third-year student of the medical academy, indicators were taken into account, among which are the main ones: A - individual characteristics of the body (exercise); B - individual features of the organism (presence of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract); C - climatic zone of residence, nationality; D - sex, age, body weight, the nature of work; E - the nature of work (part-time "nurse"), the climatic zone of residence.

D - sex, age, body weight, the nature of work

Recommended average weight of a daily food ration, kg: A - 1.5 - 2.0; B - 1.5 - 2.5; C - 3.0 - 3.5; D - 3.5 - 4.0; E - 2.5 - 3.0

E - 2.5 - 3.0

The daily requirement for ascorbic acid for adults, mg: A - 50 for women and 70 for men; B - 10 - for women and 30 - for men; C - 70 - for women and men; D - 80 - for women and men; E - 70 - for women and 80 - for men.

E - 70 - for women and 80 - for men

Menu-layout is: A - the norm of food allowance for a day, distributed for breakfast, lunch and dinner; B - a set of dishes and drinks for each day of the week, indicating their total weight; C - the weight (in grams) of food that a person consumes during the day; D - is the caloric value of breakfast, lunch and dinner, expressed in% of total caloric intake; E - a list of dishes and drinks, indicating their weight, necessary for the preparation of one portion of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

E - a list of dishes and drinks, indicating their weight, necessary for the preparation of one portion of breakfast, lunch and dinner

The fifth professional group according to the "Norms of physiological needs of the population of Ukraine..." N1073, dated 3.09.2017 includes: A - steelworkers, sellers, zootechnicians; B - surgeons, sellers of foodstuffs, turners; C - machine operators, builders, metallurgists; D - miners, locksmiths, turners; E - concrete workers, bricklayers, diggers, loaders.

E - concrete workers, bricklayers, diggers, loaders

One of the principles of rational nutrition: A - food should cause saturation; B - the weight of the daily ration should be within 2.5 - 3.0 kg; C - the number of animal proteins should be at least 55% of their daily amount; D - the amount of vegetable fats should not be less than 30% of their total daily amount; E - food should be balanced.

E - food should be balanced

When assessing the daily dietary intake of a teacher at a medical academy (female, 38 years old), the calorie content of the diet is 2000 kcal, three meals a day. The quota of animal protein - 55%, vegetable fat - 30%, simple sugars - 50% of the daily amount. Provision of the diet with vitamins: C - 85 mg, A - 2 mg (2000 mcg), B1-2.5 mg, mineral salts: Ca-1100 mg, P-1200 mg, Fe-10 mg. Estimation of the ration on the specified parameters: A - reduced caloric intake, as well as the quota of animal protein; B - reduced the quota of vegetable protein and the number of vit. FROM; C - not enough retinol and the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is disrupted; D - reduced the amount of all vitamins; E - increased the amount of simple sugars and insufficient amount of iron.

E - increased the amount of simple sugars and insufficient amount of iron.

Antibiotics adversely affect vitamin metabolism, because: A - destroy water-soluble vitamins; B - destroy fat-soluble vitamins; C - destroy enzymes, part of which are vitamins; D - reduce the activity of vitamins in the metabolism; E - suppress the intestinal microflora.

E - suppress the intestinal microflora

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