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Radioactive iodine therapy (RAI) & hyperthyroidism

* Damages/destroys thyroid tissue * Effects evident after 2-3 months * Treated w/ antithyroid drugs & Inderal before & during 1st 3 months of Tx * High incidence of post-tx hypothyroidism * Need for lifelong thyroid HRT

Most obvious clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism:

* Goiter, bruits * Exophthalmos: 20-40% with Graves

Other SxS of hyperthyroidism

* Heat intolerance * Increased sensitivity to stimulant drugs * Elevated basal temp

Nutrition needs with hyperthyroidism:

* High calorie diet: 4,000-5,000/day for hunger & prevention of tissue breakdown * Protein allowance: 1-2 g/kg ideal body weight * Avoid caffeine, highly seasoned foods, high-fiber foods * Refer to dietician

Symptoms of Thyrotoxic crisis:

* Increased HR & Temp * Restlessness * Agitation * Seizures * Abdominal pain * N/V/D * Coma

GI symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

* Increased appetite, thirst * Weight loss * Diarrhea * Splenomegaly * Hepatomegaly

Beta-adrenergic blockers & hyperthyroidism:

* Relieve symptoms of thyrotoxicosis resulting from B-adrenergic receptor stimulation * Propanolol (Inderal) is given w/ other antithyroid drugs * Tenormin preferred when client has heart disease &/or asthma

CV system symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

* Systolic HTN * Increased cardiac output * Arrhythmias * Cardiac hypertrophy * Atrial fibrillation

Causes of hyperthyroidism:

* Thyroiditis * Nodular goiter * Exogenous iodine excess * Pituitary tumors * Thyroid cancer

What are the signs and symptoms consistent with all causes of hyperthyroidism?

- Heat intolerance - weight loss - tremor - difficulty sleeping - anxiety - irritability - flushed skin - Tachycardia, A. Fib in elderly

TFTs for hyper

- LOW TSH levels (neg feedback) - HIGH free (unbound) T4 levels

3 Tx options for hyperthyroidism:

* Antithyroid meds * RAI therapy * Subtotal thyroidectomy

Both MMI and PTU must be stopped ____ days prior to a thyroid scan, Tx with 131-Iodine, and a radioactive Iodine uptake test.

5 days

Graves' disease

An autoimmune disease w/ no known cause: antibodies developed to work against TSH * Hyperthyroidism/thyroid storm occur together * Diffuse thyroid enlargement, excessive TH secretion * May destroy thyroid tissue --> hypothyroidism


- first choice - start with 15-40mg daily (depending on symptom severity) - maintain until TFTs normal (4-8weeks) - maintenance for 12-18mos --> decrease by 25-30% monthly, until 5-15mg - longer term treatment may be required if relapse

Which antibodies are increased in Graves' disease?

- TRAb, an IgG (binds and stimulate TSH-R) - also TPO in 80% of patients

Hyperthyroidism (Grave's Disease)

- autoimmune - antibodies to TSH receptor stimulate gland - increased production of thyroid hormones - 2% women, 0.2% men

Drug-induced agranulocytosis

- both can cause bone marrow suppression - decreased WBC-> infection - 0.3-0.5%= abrupt onset & not dose related - CSM warning BNF

Drug therapy for hyper

- carbimazole (active metabolite, methimazole) & propylthiouracil - interferes with thyroid hormone synthesis - preferred for children, pregnancy, breast feeding, uncomplicated disease in young adults

Patient Counselling for hyper

- carbimazole as single daily dose - duration of treatment - tapering to maintenance dose - report signs of agranulocytosis: sore throat, mouth ulcers, bruising - report signs of hepatic dysfunction: pruritis, jaundice, dark urine - need for reg review, tests - management of relapse

ACUTE stage of hyperthyroidism

- do NOT do radioactive iodine, or surgery due to thyrotoxic crisis (thyroid storm) - high amounts of thyroxine in blood - therefore DON'T do this too early

Treatment & therapy for Thyrotoxicosis is aimed at what acheiving what ends:

* Decreased thyroid hormone levels & symptoms * Fever reduction * Adequate hydration (fluid replacement) * Managing stressors

Precipitating factors leading to Graves disease

* Depleted iodine supply * Infection * Stressful life events + genetic predisposition

Musculoskeletal symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

* Fatigue * Muscle weakness * Proximal muscle wasting * Dependent edema * Osteoporosis

Neuro symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

* Fine tremors * Insomnia * Labile mood, delirium * Hyperreflexia of tendons * Inability to concentrate

Iodine & hyperthyroidism:

* Given concurrently w/ other antithyroid drugs to prepare for thyroidectomy or crisis Tx * Large doses rapidly inhibit T3, T4 synthesis & block their circulation * Decreases vascularity of thyroid gland * Maximal effect seen w/i 1-2 weeks * Long-term use is not effective

What are basic physiological effects of hyperthyroidism?

* Increased metabolism * Elevated hormones increase tissue sensitivity to stimulation by SNS by increasing the # of Beta-adrenergic receptors

Diagnosing hyperthyroidism:

* Measure lab values: TSH & free thyroxine (T4) * RAI uptake indicated to differentiate Graves disease from other forms of thyroiditis

Reproductive symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

* Menstrual irregularities * Amenorrhea * Decreased libido * Impotence * Gynecomastia * Decreased fertility

Integumentary symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

* Warm, smooth, moist skin * Thin, brittle nails * Hair loss * Clubbing of fingers * Diaphoresis * Vitiligo

Which of MMI or PTU is the preferred agent in children and during pregnancy?

*PPP*: PTU is the Preferred agent in Pregnancy. Less chance of hepatotoxicty.

What is the usual course of PPT?

- 1st - 6th month = hyperthyroid (T4/T3 suppress TSH) - 2nd - 8th month = hypothyroid (T4/T3 fall) - Recovery


- 200-400mg daily initially, in divided doses - 50mg tid maintenance - pregnancy & breast feeding (? slightly safer) - intolerant of carbimazole (rash, agranulocytosis)

SE of both MMI and PTU include:

- Agranulocytosis / Neutropenia - Allergy - Rash - Rarely hepatotoxicity - Rarely nephrotoxicity

Features of Hyperthyroidism

- Anxious - Palpitations - Tremor - Weight loss - Tachy - Goitre--> specific: not universal - Prefers cold weather - Warm, moist skin **many nonspecific symptoms (thus differential= cancer)

MMI and PTU both decrease production of thyroid hormone. PTU can also _____________.

- Block the conversion of T4 to T3.

Block and Replace Therapy

- Carbimazole 40-60mg & 50-100mcg thyroxine - Carbimazole for approx. 4-8 weeks before start thyroxine - makes pt TEMPORARILY hypo - 6-12mos usually; up to 18mos - thyroid gland returns to normal function when stop treatment - relapse may occure - not in pregnancy (carbimazole crosses placenta--> baby can be impaired)

What signs and symptoms are specific to Graves' disease

- Exopthalmos (proptosis) - Graves dermopathy ("orange peel skin")

Iodine for drug-induced thyroid disease

- OD (ex radiographic contrast media) --> acute (inhibits release of T3/T4 from thyroid) --> prolonged (high doses) suppress T3/T4 production - rarely causes thyrotoxicosis if underlying defect in autoregulation - iodine deficiency (very rare) can cause hypo due to inability to produce T3/T4


- for drug-induced hypothyroidism HYPO: - inhibits iodine uptake and prevents T3 & T4 release - can be transient and subclinical - monitor TSH - start replacement T4 therapy if clinical HYPER: - rare, paradoxical effect


- for drug-induced thyroid disease HYPO: can occur anytime in trtmt --> inhibits synthesis and release of T3/T4 --> usually continue amiodarone and start replacement T4 therapy if necessary MILD HYPER: --> blocks conversion T4->T3; thus increases TSH and T4 --> transient when start trtmt; normalises in 3-4mos SEVERE HYPER: --> increased production of T4 b/c of iodine content --> direct thyroiditis: excessive treatment of iodine content --> withdraw therapy, if possible or may use carbimazole


- for hyper - young age - intolerance to drug treatment - oesophageal obstruction

Radioactive Iodine (I-131)

- if fails to respond to drug treatment (or reduce goitre without surg) - relapse after surg - toxic nodular goitre - for hyper

CSM warning from BNF for carbimazole

- must recog bone marrow suppression induced by carbimazole, need to stop treatment promptly - patient should be asked to report symptoms and signs suggestive of infection (esp sore throat) - WCC performed if any clinical evidence of infection - carbimazole should be stopped if any clinical/lab evidence of neutropenia

What risks are increased after PPT?

- recurrent PPT in subsequent pregnancies - development of primary hypothyroid within 5-10 years

What are the 4 possible causes of hyperthyroidism? Which one is most common?

1) Graves Disease (most common) 2) Toxic multinodular goiter (autonomous thyroid nodules) 3) Toxic adenoma (solitary, benign thyroid tumor) 4) TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma

Treatment options for hyper (3)

1. Drug therapy- therapy&adjuvant treatment 2. Radioactive iodine 3. Surgery **none are ideal (involve patient in choice if possible)

Treatment options for drug-induced thyroid disease (3)

1. Iodine 2. Amiodarone 3. Lithium

The risks of untreated hyperthyroidism include(4):

1. Myopathy 2. Cardiac arrhythmias 3. Cardiomyopathy 4. Osteoporosis

Thyroid storm has many causes including (5):

1. Radioactive iodine 2. Infection 3. Trauma 4. Surgery 5. Withdrawal from antithyroid drugs.

Hyperthyroidism occurs with highest frequency in what age group?



An impaired drainage from the orbit with increased fat & edema in the retro-orbital tissues * Causes eyeballs to protrude * Corneal surfaces become dry & irritated

Adjuvant therapy for hyperthyroidism

BETA-BLOCKER - rapid relief of symptoms w/in 4 days: palpitations, anxiety, tremor - C/I asthma - propranolol, nadolol - may need 3-4/day as metabolism increased in hyper - usually needed for initial stages of treatment (first 8 wks) when pt still symptomatic; usually stopped

What is thyrotoxic crisis (thyroid storm) characterized by?

Fever Tachycardia Confusion N&V

What are toxic nodular goiters?

Nodules of the thyroid that secrete TH, independent of TSH Begin as follicular adenomas * Small autonomous nodules do not secrete enough to cause thyrotoxicosis, but large nodules may: > 3 cm


Occurs as a result of hypermetabolism of excess T3 & T4 "Thyroid storm"

List 2 antithyroid drugs & their effects/usages

Propylthiouracil (PTU) & methimazole (Tapazole) * Inhibit synthesis of TH * Spontaneous remission occurs * Improvement begins in 1-2 weeks * Taken from 6 months to 2 years * Not curative * Shrinks thyroid before surgery to make surgery safer

In subclinical hyperthyroidism, TSH is suppressed while thyroid hormone levels are normal. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is common and can be a risk factor for ___________.

Risk factor for atrial fibrillation

What lab findings are consistant with clinical hyperthyroidism?

TSH low fT4 usually elevated fT3 elevated

Graves' disease is the ________ form of hyperthyroidism, accounting for ______ of cases.

The most common. 75% of cases

Hyperthyroidism: what is it?

This disorder involves a sustained increase in the production/release of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland

Thyroid storm

Thyrotoxicosis * Acute rare condition: heightened symptoms of hyperthyroidism * Death rare w/ Tx, but can be deadly w/o * Caused by stressors

Overall, which gender experiences thyroid disorder more?


What might be the mechanistic cause of proptosis?

cytokine production by infiltrating T cells

What is the cause of post-partum thyroiditis (PPT)?

autoimmune disorder

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