I Know What You Did Last Summer- Book Review

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A moment of sudden realization or insight. ex. Ray realizes he can't run away from the accident while he was in California.

Who did Barry say he was going to meet that night?

A new girl he had been seeing

When Ray went to go check the mail, he found something in the mail that shocked him. What was it?

A newspaper clipping from the year before that said that a 10 year old boy had been killed in a hit-and-run accident.

When Helen returned to her apartment, what did she find taped on her door?

A picture of a little boy riding a bicycle

Why did Barry's parents blame Helen for Barry getting shot?

At the time of the shooting, Helen was the one that called Barry.

Who does Julie go see after she receives the letter?

Barry Cox and Helen Rivers


Barry accuses Ray of being a "Judas" and a "Brutus"

Who called Ray and said that he had lied to them?

Barry had called, and he told Ray that Julie and Helen were in danger.

When Ray called the police after they hit the boy, why didn't he give their names?

Barry said that they had given too much information already.

At the University, Barry had received a call from someone anonymous. What major event in the story happened after this?

Barry was shot.

Julie tells Ray that she's dating someone new. What was his name?


"Women get like that when something happens to a kid. My own mom's that way."


Who picked up Helen from the hospital?


When Helen was talking to Collie, what did he say that made her uncomfortable?

Collie said that Helen knew nothing about him, and implied that she was self-centered.

Who actually called Barry that night?


When Helen moves into her new apartment complex, she meets a guy at the pool. What was his name?

Collingsworth Wilson

Why did Collie care so much about David?

David was his half brother.

I Know What You Did Last Summer - sentence type?


"There are a lot of sharp girls going to the University, real smoothies with brains and background. How do you think you're going to stack up?"


Bud's Lunch

Ham on Rye and a Coke

When Bud got aggravated, what did he tell Julie?

He asked Julie to walk him back to the car so they could talk.

When Collie told Julie that he was David's half brother, what did he try to do?

He choked Julie and tried to kill her.

After Barry had moved his foot, what did he request the nurse to tell his parents?

He didn't want any visitors and to make a phone call.

Why does Barry not make a big deal about the note?

He feels that someone is just playing a prank on them.

Collie was also dating Julie, but he did he tell Julie he was?

He had a nickname, which was Bud.

After they had taken the vote, what did Ray decide to do?

He joined Barry and left the scene.

Why did Collie say he was going to kill his date tonight?

He knew that they were the ones that killed David Gregg.

According to Barry, why was he on the athletic field?

He said he was taking the shortcut so he could meet the girl at the stadium.

When Julie asked why Ray wasn't injured from all this, what did he say?

He said that Collie knew that the worst punishment for him would be to live in a world without her.....Awwwww.

Why did Barry want to be left alone?

He said that he had done "a very bad thing", and he wanted to make a private phone call.

What did Barry tell Ray happened when he was shot?

He said that it was just a robbery, and nobody was after them.

When Ray called Barry's parents, what did Barry's dad say about Barry's health condition?

He said that the bullet hit his spine, and it could cause paralysis.

When Barry refused to go back, what did Ray suggest they do?

He said that they should all take a vote.

How did Collie know that it was Julie and them who committed the murder?

He sent the note to Julie that said "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER"

Why did Ray come to see Barry when he knew there weren't any visitors allowed?

He wanted Barry to dissolve the pact.

What was Barry planning on doing before he got shot?

He wanted to end things with Helen.

When Julie and Ray told Helen about their visit to the Greggs', what did Ray suggest they do?

He wanted to tell the police about everything.

"I can't afford to start peeling. If I look a mess I might lose my job."


At the hospital, who did Barry's parents blame for Barry's injury?


When Ray finished talking to Barry, who was the first person he told about his visit?


"Talk the ears off of a rabbit."


What does the handwritten note that came with Julie's admission letter say?


"You can't just sweep something like this under the rug."


"Your lives are peaches and cream."


"Helen sit down. I want to to tell you about my date with a cute redhead. So, listen up. Sentence type?


Who Knows What I Did Last Summer? - sentence type?


Who are the protagonists in the story?

Julie James & Ray Bronson

Where Julie and Bud meet....


Ray drove a ....

Light blue Volkswagon Beetle

"There's one thing about being the only one at home now, with my folks gone, and my big brother out of the nest. There's nobody else to do the laundry and cooking ...."


"Well, mum blamed herself for that. Davy was spending the night with a friend a couple of miles from here."


When Ray and Julie arrived as the house, who greeted them?

Megan, the sister

The "Draft"

Men over 18 chosen for military service through a lottery

"A boy needs some breathing room if he's ever going to grow into a man."

Mr. Cox

"I've never seen such a change in anybody as in you this past year. The way you've buckled down and studied— you've been a completely different person."

Mrs. James


New Mexico, 1973



Who saved Julie from Collie?


Who snuck up the back stairs to come visit Barry?


"He knew the worst for me would be to stay alive in a world without you."

Ray Bronson

After Julie returns home, whose car does she see on the driveway?

Raymond Bronson, her ex- boyfriend.

Why was Megan's mom in the hospital?

She blamed herself for David's death.

When Collie tried to break into Helen's bathroom, what did Helen do?

She jumped out the window.

What did Helen think Collie was trying to do to her?

She thought he wanted to embarrass her.

When Julie was talking with her mom, what did she want to do?

She wanted to tell her mom everything that has happened to her.

Why was Barry afraid to give their names?

Since he was the only one over the age of 18, he could be tried as an adult in court.

What did Julie suggest Bud and her do instead of going out for a movie?

Since she didn't feel good, she wanted to stay at home and watch TV.


Stalker: Man vs. Man, Conscience/Chioce: Man vs. Self

Why did Barry really go down to the field after the anonymous caller called?

The caller had said that he/she had picture evidence of the accident from the summer before.

What did the pact state?

The four of them would never tell anyone bout what had happened last summer.

Why was Ray shocked by the newspaper clipping?

The hit and run accident had been caused by Julie, Barry, Helen, and himself.

What did Barry also release them from?

The pact they had made

dramatic irony

The reader knows Mrs. James's premonitions are reliable, but she doubts them.

Why did the four of them leave the scene the night of the murder?

They didn't want to get caught in the middle of a crime scene.

Who did the group think called Barry the night of the shooting?

They think that Helen's older sister, Elsa, shot Barry.

When he heard the Helen had come to visit him with Collie, what did his mom think Collie was?

They thought Collie was Helen's new boyfriend.

Where did Ray and Julie decide to go after they finished talking about the incidents?

They wanted to go talk to the parents of David Gregg

Collie fought in....


Why did Ray feel threatened by Bud?

When they went out for coffee, Bud was overconfident that he was going to make Julie stay behind and not go to Smith.


Yellow roses, cheerleading necklace, Helen's Junior Year photograph, yellow paint

"the knob rattled angrily."


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