IB1 History Quest

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What was Bismarck's primary goal between 1862 and 1871?

Promote Prussian Power

PRUSSIA IS THIS HUGE POWER. Frederick William I increased the size of the Prussian army. He also introduced the system of merit within the government.

"Army with a State"

This was the name of the group that assassinated Austria-Hungary's Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

"Black Hand"

This was something Moltke was a huge fan of this, it basically means planning things down to the second. This could possibly be a negative thing though if things don't go exactly as planned.

"War by Timetable"

Alsace-Lorraine → France North Schleswig→ Denmark Eupen and Malmedy → Belgium Danzig → FREE!! Saarland→ Had been given off to France. West Prussia ("Polish Corridor")--> poland Silesia → Poland! Memel → Lithuania

1919 Territorial losses

How large was the reparations bill for France after the Franco-Prussian war in France?

5 billion francs

This was part of the reparations France had to pay to Germany after the Franco-Prussian War. Germany took over this area filled with French speaking and French people greatly upsetting France and the people in Alsace-Lorraine.


What territory went from France to Germany in 1871?


An Anschluss (basically a treaty/agreement) between Austria and Germany was prohibited by the Treaty of Versailles- due to weak enforcement though it really didn't even seem to matter as it was ignored.


He was assassinated by the Black Hand sparking the beginning of WWI.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

This was the War Guilt Clause which established Germany as the main reason for WWI (the country to blame). the Germans of course were very upset about this as they were blamed for basically the entire war and forced to take full responsibility for this.

Article 231

The ultimatum was presented by the Austrian government to Belgrade on Thursday 23 July 1914 at 6 p.m. A response was demanded within two days, by Saturday 25 July at 6 p.m. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, commented that he had "never before seen one State address to another independent State a document of so formidable a character."

Austrian Ultimatum

THE BALKANS - DECLINE OF OTTOMAN POWER: Problems in the Balkans = 1. Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire 2. Rivalry between Russia and Austria - control over the Balkans 3. The Congress of Berlin 1878 - Bismarck tries to settle Balkans problems 4. New states in the Balkans - Serbia, Montenegro. Romania, Bulgaria become independent in 1878. Serbia had gained independence from Turkey. 5. Bosnia-Herzegovina placed under Austrian protection


He became the German Chancellor from 1871-1890 ("Iron Chancellor"). He was appointed by Wilhelm I and forced to resign by Wilhelm II. In 1864 he attacked Denmark to gain German speaking territories of Schleswig-Holstein. In 1866 he provoked Emperor Franz Josef into starting the Austro Prussian War, which ended in Austrian empire defeat.


What was 1862 important in Prussian History?

Bismarck became chancellor

If you are an orthodox what do you believe was Bismarck's role in unification?

Bismarck was MAIN person

Germany gave Austria-Hungary free reign to "punish" Serbia after the assassination of their Archduke. Basically said they would back them up no matter what.

Blank Cheque

There was tension and rivalry in the Balkans especially with alliances. According to the Treaty of Berlin (1878), Austria-Hungary had the right to occupy and administer Bosnia. In 1908 Austria-Hungary fully annexed Bosnia, this upset Serbia who demanded a part of Serbia. They proposed a conference and were supported by Russia. Austria-hungary, Turkey/Ottoman Empire and Germany said a conference was unnecessary, causing an international crisis. Germany threatened war and russia and Serbia were humiliated and Serbia was forced to publicly agree with the annexation. Russia then ended up backing up Serbia and Germany backed up Austria Hungary.

Bosnian Crisis of 1908

Breech-loading rifles were much faster than loading each individual bullet.

Breech-loading rifles and cannon

Bismarck was born the same year as what major European event?

Congress of Vienna

This was a conference composed of ambassadors from European States sent by Klemens von Metterminch held in Vienna from September 1814 to June 1815. New borders were decided at this conference and created peace after Napoleonic and French Revolutionary Wars

Congress of Vienna

In March 1814 the military coalition of Napoleon's four major opponents — Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia — had agreed to remain united not only to defeat France, but to ensure peace after the war. After Napoleon's defeat this alliance restored the Bourbon monarchy to France and agreed to meet in Vienna, Austria in September 1814 to arrange a settlement. This meeting would become to be known as the Congress of Vienna. The goal of the conservatives at this meeting, led by Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria, was said to be to reestablish peace and stability in Europe.

Conservatism ("Old Order")

This was in 1864, Austria and Prussia invaded the duchies and defeated Denmark, Austria was involved as they did not want to be left out since Prussia was fighting Austria not to be outdone fought too. Austria ended up getting Holstein and Prussia: Schleswig. But Prussia is this huge badass that wants BOTH Holstein and Schleswig so they move into war against Austria. We defeat them and take both Holstein and Schleswig. Russia had helped Prussia as well because Prussia helped defeat Polish rebels in Russia during this time period.

Denmark War

This was the ship that Britain built in 1906, that was superior to all their other ones. Germany decided to build their own Dreadnought and the Naval Race was on as each country worked to have more Dreadnoughts (however Britain was really always ahead as they had a superior naval to Germany even before the Dreadnought).


This was a telegram changed by Bismarck to sound more insulting, it was then sent to France provoking war. The telegram was over the dispute of the Hohenzollern Candidacy.

Ems Telegram

This was very weak! for example when the A.C.C. (allied control commission) would go to try and check up on Germany, they never really got to see what the Germans were up to as Germany would always refuse to comply with the check ups. They eventually gave up.

Enforcement of ToV

In 1904 this was a friendly agreement between Britain, and France to prevent attacks on each other, in 1907, Russia joined. Britain being a part of the Entente helped to balance the powers.

Entente Cordiale

WWI led to the fall of the German, Austrian-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian Empire.

Fall of Empires

In this war, Bismarck adopted the policy of "Blood and iron", and aggressive strategy to unify Germany-'realpolitik'. Post-unification, realpolitik became a way to deal with other countries by negotiating and even threatening war in the name of "practical" necessities (usually used to keep the peace though). The war was in 1870-1871 and was seen as the final war to unite Germany. Bismarck stirred political tensions between France and Prussia, editing a telegram from Wilhelm I to make both countries feel insulted by the other. Bismarck got France to 'throw the first punch', the Prussian army ended up crushing and humiliating the French army. This led to reparations demanded of France described below.

Franco-Prussian War

This view was the German revisionist view of the 1960's. He said "German efforts to avoid war were half-hearted and belated" in the 1914 Crisis, the September Programme was used to point out German plans to dominate Europe. Basically going against his own nationalist beliefs and said that Germany had a huge part in the war that we just have not confessed to yet.

Fritz Fischer

He was an Austrian Serb nationalist who assassinated Ferdinand in 1914, he was part of the "Black Hand" a Serbian nationalist and terrorist organization.

Gavrilo Princip

France's representative

Georges Clemenceau

He was a German general and commander of military during WWI. He implemented the Schlieffen Plan. the Schlieffen plan was used to try and quickly defeat France in the west by means of a rapid, overwhelmingly powerful attack through Belgium and Holland. There was also an army in the east to keep Russia at bay. Moltke is credited for recognizing and using technology like railways and telegraphs to mobilize troops. He also used the rapid developments in weapons to help win battles. Moltke is often credited with revolutionizing battlefield tactics and utilizing the great size of troops to his advantage.

Helmuth von Moltke

This was when Germany out a Prussian prince on Spain's throne, France did not want Prussians on both sides and Benedetti (France's ambassador) was sent to convince Germany to withdraw the candidacy and promise to never put the Prussian prince on the throne. Wilhelm I was willing to do so but Bismarck got a hold of the telegram and made some edits, more details are below.

Hohenzollern Candidacy

Which North German state was administered to Austria after the Denmark War, how does it lead to conflict?

Holstein (Prussia got better end of the deal)

What ethnic group did Austria have to share power with after the 7 weeks war?


What new south European nation was enticed into alliance with Prussia because they were offered territory? (Before 7 weeks war)


The July crisis of 1914 was a chain reaction of events that led to declarations of war by the Great Powers of Europe. The murder of an Austro-Hungarian royal sparked an immediate response from Vienna.

July Crisis (Domino Effect)

He was the Prussian king in 1861 and became the German Emperor in 1871. He favored an alliance with Austria against France (Napoleon III) but insisted that Prussia have supreme command on the Rhenish front (parts of Western Germany).

Kaiser Wilhelm I

The _______ was supposed to serve as a way to moderate global issues and resolve them peacefully.

League of Nations

In 1905, the prime minister, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, appointed Lloyd George as president of the Board of Trade. Lloyd George remained chancellor of the exchequer through the early years of World War One. In 1915 he was appointed minister of munitions in Asquith's wartime coalition government.

Lloyd George

What territory went to Napoleon III by Bismarck?


He was Austria's chancellor, his goal was to keep Austria powerful and Germany disunited. He wanted a strong balance of power that would discourage aggression between nations. He also came up with the concert of Europe (which met regularly). He hated liberalists, wanted to keep the Hapburg Empire the same. Conservatist just like Bismarck.


The size of Germany's military force was reduced dramatically. they were allowed to keep paramilitary groups (veterans) in hopes that they would stomp down communism. Germany's large weapons like tank were melted down, however they kept their smaller weapons like guns and ended up rebuilding better weapons later on. Germany's High Seas Fleet was also completely destroyed. Only the coastguard remained, the Germans were told to give their navy to Britain, when they tried to sink their ship Britain managed to repair and use them against Germany in WWII. Submarines were also taken away, but Germany ended up building bigger and better ones later on. Germany's entire air force was destroyed as well. Despite this Germany with the help of Russia still managed to rebuild its air force. finally there was also the demilitarizing of the Rhineland which was discussed above.

Military Provisions of ToV

working to ready troops and supplies for war.


Explain why Prussia was able to defeat Austria in the 7 weeks war

More industrialized, better leadership, better weapons

There were two of these the first one was the main one we talked about though. The first one was in 1905- Wilhelm sailed into Tangier, he basically wants to take over Morocco (as Germany had missed out on claiming territories in Africa, this was Wilhelm II's solution). An international conference in Algeciras was called for by a very unhappy France. This led to very embarrassing results for Germany with everyone siding with France's right to ,Morocco.This brought Britain and France closer together as they formed the Entente.

Moroccan Crises

He was captured in the Franco-Prussian War in Germany's victory at Sedan, he was declared deposed, led to the emergence of the third Republic.

Napoleon III

Feelings of extreme patriotism towards one's own country. Aggressive ________ lead to violence and greatly increased tensions.


This was between Britain and Germany as they raced to build up their naval (as the name implies). Each country worked to build more Dreadnoughts than the other. However, Germany could not get onto Britain's level.

Naval Race

This was already discussed in the first section, again it created a lot of tension leading up to WWI.

New Imperialism

This was what made Russia protective of small Balkan nations, like Serbia. they felt the need to protect their people as they felt linked and obligated to protect the Slavs.


Everyone had war plans, this was France's- France wanted to liberate their old territories that were rich in minerals. They had a plan to send armies over to Alsace and Lorraine so that they could engage the German's in combat.


The Treaty of Versailles ceded the German territory of Poznania and Western Prussia to the newly independent Poland. This allowed the Poles to have access to the Baltic Sea. Danzig became a free city administered by the League of Nations. To the south and east of the Corridor, plebiscites were held in Upper Silesia and parts of East Prussia to determine whether the territories should become Polish or German. The Corridor completely cut off East Prussia from the rest of Germany and later became an area of dispute between Poland and Germany.

Polish Corridor

This is basically the idea that "the ends justify the means", that anything goes in war, do anything for the greater cause. New generation of conservative leaders. Used armies and power politics to achieve foreign policy goals. They think of the welfare of the state above everything else.


This was created to restore German relations with Russia. It was created because Russia refused to renew its membership in the alliance of the three emperors. Bismarck negotiated it and both powers promised to remain neutral if either was attacked. It was ended in 1890 when Emperor William dismissed Bismarck because of Bismarck's friendly policy towards Russia.

Reinsurance Treaty

France lost the Alsace-Lorraine region, and has to pay reparations of 5 billion Francs and was occupied by Germany until reparations were paid.


Germany was charged $33 billion over 60 years ($100 billion with interest)


After the Franco-Prussian War, France wanted revenge, not only were reparations harsh, but Germany did everything they could to humiliate France. For example they crowned their Kaiser in the Hall of Mirrors and made themselves a victory column out of France's gold melted down.


As previously pointed out, France's involvement in WWI may have been spurred on by their hatred towards France.


What caused Meternick to leave Austria, and of into exile in 1848?

Revolution in Austria

Basically influenced by the economic instability during this time period France: Napoleon ended up becoming the president of the public. Revolutions had been a success. Italy: HUGE FAILURE IN THEIR REVOLUTIONS. The conservatists had won their battle. Hungary: HUGE FAILURE IN THEIR REVOLUTIONS. Austria and Russia had defeated them... German States: The Liberalists wanted a union of German states. Led to the Frankfurt Parliament; Had WAR WITH DENMARK so that they could annex Schleswig + Holstein. Prussia declared war on Denmark King Frederk William IV hated this! Did not like this liberalist movement

Revolutions of 1848

France demanded that an area West of the Rhine river be demilitarized in fear of another invasion by Germany (like what happened with the Schlieffen Plan).

Rhineland (Demilitarization)

This was in 1923 and connected to Germany's economic collapse. This is when the allies planned on taking everything from Germany and when Germany refused and shut down the factories the Allies would have taken from, both sides suffered in the long run. the Allies didn't get the money and Germany wasn't producing anything.

Ruhr Crisis

This was a war between Japan and Russia in 1904-1905. They fought over colonies in Manchuria and Korea, Japan defeated Russia surprising the other world powers, Japan took Manchuria

Russo-Japanese War

In reference to Saarland which was put under France's control, but when it was given a plebiscite 15 years later the people voted to go back to Germany.


This plan was implemented in August 1914, Germany claimed that they felt threatened by Russia. Germany was surrounded by enemies and decided to try and go after the country they felt to be the least threatening (as they had defeated them many times before. This country was France.

Schlieffen Plan

"Three Emperors" - Russia, Austria and Germany had a secret alliance however it only lasted a year. Dual Alliance: Germany and Austria against Russia.

Secret Alliances

This is where people in a certain area would basically get to vote about which country they would like to be a part of. However this was used selectively to weaken Germany by taking some territories from Germany and making others independent. some areas were not even given the option of self-determination in fear they would vote to stay a part of Germany. As a result many German speaking people were separated from Germany and their people and merged with other countries.


These were Germany's plans for European domination, it was for taking over certain areas like Russia rich with oil.

September Programme

Gained independence from the Turks in 1878, and established a monarchy in 1882. It lead the way in Eastern European nationalist movements in the early twentieth century, angering Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and looking to Russia for alliance. Austria-Hungarian aggression against Serbia and its neighbors lead to the first and second Balkan Wars. Implication of Serbian nationalists in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the backlash from Austria-Hungary is credited with beginning of WWI.

Serbia (Greater Serbia)

This was in 1866 between Prussia and its opposition Austria and some German states. BATTLE OF SADOWA. This was all part of promoting Prussian power. Contributing to Prussia's win was their superior railroads, technology, and leadership. Austria had offered lenient terms and only gave Venetia to Italy.

Seven weeks' war

In the Franco-Prussian War, Bismarck wanted to shell Paris due to the countries stalemate. However shelling Paris would mean innocent civilians would also be harmed.

Shelling of Paris

Give an example of disagreements between Bismarck and Wilhelm I

Shelling of Paris (and Whether or not to go to war)

This was the idea linking with survival of the fittests, that the most powerful country will survive, and if other countries were defeated they deserved to be as they were too weak. Each nation believed they were superior to the other and couldn't possibly lose.

Social Darwinism

This was called a scrap of paper by Germany. It was supposed to guarantee Belgian independence and neutrality after the Belgian Revolution (1830-1839). It was signed by Russia, France, Britain, Austria, the German Confederation (not yet a country at this point). This is what Britain claimed led to their involvement in WWI after Germany invaded Belgium breaking the treaty.

Treaty of London (1839)

Italy was added into the Austro-Hungarian and German Alliance. However, they had shortly left afterwards.

Triple Alliance

Eventually composed of Britain, France, and Russia.

Triple Entente

He rose to power in 1888 after the death of Wilhelm I. He was the grandson of Queen Victoria and cousin of Tsar Nicholas II. He kept ties with Nicholas II over the telegram all the way until WWI even though Russia and Germany ended their short alliance (1887) in 1900. Wilhelm II implemented 'weltpolitik' which was a very aggressive foreign policy that included increasing the size of the German navy and aggressively going after colonies in Africa.

Wilhelm II

He had his 14 points all about how and what each country should focus on after the war, like ending hunger, etc. He felt that his 14 points were the only thing that could justify the carnage of WWI. He pretty much killed himself working to gain support for these 14 points. however the treaty didn't coincide very well with it according to many.

Woodrow Wilson

Blew things way out of proportion and stirred up panic, anger, fear, etc. It degraded the enemy stirring up tension between nations.

Yellow Press

German customs unit that formed to remove tarrifs from inside the German confederation. Austria had been excluded from this. This was done to stimulate trade and increase the revenues of member states ** IMPORTANT STEP OF GERMAN UNIFICATION**


What took down tax to encourage trade between the union (Austria excluded)?

Zollverein (Know how to spell)

Name 2 Bismarck Personality Traits and how they contributed to his reign

dominant (yelled and forced), uncompromising (shelled Paris even though lots were against it), manipulative

Define realpolitik with an example

ends justify the means (ex. shelling of Paris ex. ems telegram)

There was a huge inflation in Germany where currency massively lost it's value, so much so that people were using it for fire kindling! It was nearly worthless.


Name 2 non-Bismarck factors in German Unification?

industrialization, zollverein, nationalism

Which side (left or right) of Bismarck's mustache was over long in the video?

right side

What physical ailment did Napoleon suffer from?

weak bladder

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