IC3 Lesson 9: Using MIcrosoft Word

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What are the default Microsoft Word file extensions and what is the difference between them?

.docx has been used in MS Word 2007 and later. This is the default format for Word 2016. .doc was used in MS Word prior to 2007. Many word processing programs can open .doc files.

Who developed the .pdf file extension and what can you do with it?

.pdf (PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT) is a file format developed by Adobe Systems that allows you to view docs with formatting and images on any operating system. (It is like an image and cannot be edited.)

What is the .pub file extension and what is it used for?

.pub (PUBLISHER DOCUMENT FILE) is the default file format in Microsoft Publisher. It includes layout info and can include formatting, graphics, hyperlinks, charts and other objects.

What are the TEXT file extensions you can use in Word and what is the difference between them?

.txt is a text file that can be read on any operating system. It does not include formatting, tables or images. .rtf (RICH TEXT FORMAT) is a text file that preserves font and paragraph formatting and can include embedded images.

What is a "Creative Commons" license?

A CREATIVE COMMONS license is used when an author wants to give other people the right to share, use, and build upon a copyrighted work that the author has created. Creative Commons allows the author to restrict use (e.g., they might choose to allow only non-commercial use), and protects people who use or redistribute an author's work as long as they follow the rules in the author's Creative Commons license. It is your responsibility to make sure you are not violating copyright when you copy text or pictures.

What is a "screen tip"?

A SCREEN TIP will open If you position your mouse over icons or elements on the screen. It shows the name of the icon or feature and sometimes a brief description of its purpose or a keyboard shortcut you can use instead of the icon.

What is a "template"?

A TEMPLATE is a pre-designed format for common types of documents to which you can add your own data. The first template in Word is always a blank document. Other templates in Word could be a format for a resume, a business letter, etc.

What are the remaining options in Spell Check?

ADD - Adds this spelling to your custom dictionary. SUGGESTIONS - Displays a list of alternatives. Click on a word, then click "Change" or "Change All", OR double-click it to change it immediately.

What does "alignment" mean?

ALIGNMENT refers to the way the left and right edges of a paragraph line up on the page. You can set the alignment to "Align Left", "Center", "Align Right", and "Justify". "Justify" means that the text on the left and right meet the margins and each line of text is evenly spaced out between the margins. You can change the alignment on the Home tab under "Paragraph".

How do you use the "Bar" and "Decimal" tab stops?

BAR displays a small vertical line as a separator between columns of information. DECIMAL aligns to the left of the decimal point until you type the decimal point; then text shifts to the right of the decimal point.

What should you do before printing?

Before printing a document, always check your spelling and grammar and for "contextual errors" and remove any repetitive text. [Contextual errors = words that are not used properly considering the sentence or paragraph in which they appear, e.g. there, their, they're.]

What are the "Change" options in Spell Check?

CHANGE - Changes the word to the selected word. CHANGE ALL - Changes all words with this spelling to the selected word.

What is "copyright"?

COPYRIGHT is a U.S. law that protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. The law says that you cannot copy or redistribute all or parts of a copyrighted work.

What are the "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" commands for?

CUT removes the selection from the original spot and pastes it into a new location that you choose. COPY leaves the original where it is and makes a copy for you to paste into a new place. PASTE inserts a copied or cut selection into the spot you select.

How do you select a tab setting?

Click the TAB SELECTOR BOX to see the tab settings.

How do you insert a picture into a document? What are the "handles" of a picture?

Click the mouse pointer at the insertion point, then on the Insert tab, then click "Picture". Go to the picture file and click on it. Or, click on the Insert tab, then "Illustrations", then on "Online Pictures". HANDLES are small circles or squares on the edges of a picture that confirm that the picture has been selected.

Apps or application programs often have the similar icons and there are similar methods for performing the same tasks in different applications. Why is this true?

Every computing device follows specific standards for how applications work and this is often set by the operating system. In addition, software is designed so that users can use similar methods for the same tasks in multiple application programs. This makes it easier for users.

On the New document screen, what do you do with the "File Tab", "Quick Access Toolbar", and the "Minimize/Maximize/Restore Down/Close" buttons?

FILE TAB - Clicking on this tab opens the Backstage view to manage files. QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR - Gives access to frequently used commands. TITLE BAR - Indicates which file and program is currently displayed. MINIMIZE/MAXIMIZE/RESTORE DOWN/CLOSE - Changes the size of the application window on the screen.

How do you use the "Find" feature?

FIND will locate all occurrences of specific words, phrases, symbols, codes or formatting in your document. Press CRTL+F to display the Navigation Pane. Enter the text you want to find and press ENTER. You can make changes in the Navigation pane. To clear the Search field, click the "X" (stop searching) button.

What does "formatting" mean? What types of changes can you make to the text characters?

Formatting means any process that changes the appearance or position of text or other objects in the document. Examples of text formatting are the font (typeface), the font size, color, bold, italics, underlining, and special effects.

What can you do from the Backstage View?

From the Backstage View you can create, open, save, print and manage files from the commands on the tabs. The tabs are: Info, New, Open, Save, Save As, History, Print, Share, Export, Close and Account.

What options do you have when you save a document?

If you are working on a document that you have previously saved, you can click "Save" to replace it with the new version. You can click "Save As" to give a document a unique name and/or to save it as a new document. If you have more than one drive, you will also need to specify which one you want to save it to, where to put it in the file directory, and what file extension you want to apply.

How do you de-select text?

If you want to change any text selection you made, click anywhere in the document window to de-select and start selecting again.

Why is it important to save your documents frequently as you are working on them?

It is important to save documents frequently in case of an unexpected problem, such as a power outage, because then you can later retrieve a version that contains most of your additions and changes. [You can also turn on "Autosave" under Word/Preferences/Save and set your Autosave frequency to small number of minutes.]

Where do the "Left", "Center", and "Right" tabs align text?

LEFT aligns text at the tab setting and characters are added to the right as you type; this is the default. CENTER aligns text along an imaginary line down from the tab setting, with characters shifting left as you type. RIGHT aligns all text along the right edge of the tab setting with characters shifting left as you type.

How do you change line and paragraph spacing?

LINE SPACING refers to the amount of space between the lines of text, measured from the bottom of one line to the bottom of the next line. You can change this on the Home tab, under "Paragraph", click "Line and Paragraph Spacing". PARAGRAPH SPACING refers to the space between paragraphs. To change this, on the Home tab, under "Paragraph", click the "Layout" tab.

How do you change the margins?

Margins determine the amount of space between the edge of the paper and the edge of the text. You can adjust the margins for parts or all of a document. The top and bottom margins can be adjusted by moving the sliders on the left ruler. The left and right margins can be adjusted by moving the sliders on the top ruler. Or you can go to the Layout tab, Page Setup group, and click "Margins".

How do you add a table to a document?

On the Insert tab, click "Tables", then "Table". In the drop-down menu, select the number of columns and rows, choose a fixed or adjustable cell size, if you want to remember the dimensions for future tables, and click "OK".

How do you add page numbers and create columns?

PAGE NUMBERS can be added any time at any position, although they are usually placed in the header or footer. Click the Insert tab, then the Header & Footer group, then Page Number. There are several options for position and formats of page numbers. COLUMNS on a page can be created before or after you enter text. Click on Layout tab, then Page Setup, then Columns, and select the number of columns. If you want to change the column format for only part of a text, select the text first.

How do you change the paper size and the orientation?

PAPER SIZE: The default is set by the Language and Regional settings. To change it: click Layout tab, Page Setup, then Size. ORIENTATION refers to the way the document will print on the page. PORTRAIT is when the paper is in a vertical position and LANDSCAPE is when it is horizontal. To change the orientation, on the Layout tab, select Page Setup Group, and click "Orientation".

How do you adjust the width of columns?

Place the mouse pointer on a vertical line on either side of the column to be adjusted and when you see a double-headed arrow, drag the mouse to the desired column width.

What is "Read-Only Mode" and "Protected View"?

READ-ONLY MODE prevents others from making changes to a document. PROTECTED VIEW automatically applies the read-only attribute to the file until you specify otherwise.

On the New document screen, what do you do with the "Ribbon Tabs", "Tell Me", and the "Insertion Point"?

RIBBON TABS - Clicking on a tab gives access to commands to complete a specific type of task. TELL ME - A help option where you can type in keywords and view information. INSERTION POINT - The flashing bar (or "cursor") on the screen indicates your current position in the document.

On the New document screen, what do you do with the "Status Bar", the "View Buttons", and the "Zoom Slider"?

STATUS BAR - Find information about the document currently displayed. VIEW BUTTONS - To change between the different document views available. ZOOM SLIDER - To magnify or shrink the size of the content of the page for viewing only.

What is a "Tab Setting" or a "Tab Stop"?

TAB SETTINGS or TAB STOPS allow you to align information at specific intervals across the page so that text is lined up in columns.

What is the "Clipboard"?

The CLIPBOARD is used to temporarily store any cut or copied items up to a maximum of 24 items.

What is the "ribbon" and how is it organized?

The RIBBON is a horizontal bar near the top of the screen containing tabs, such as "Home", "Insert", "Draw", etc. Clicking on each tab reveals command buttons relating to a type of activity, such as inserting data, selecting the layout, selecting the document view, etc. Tabs are highlighted or underlined when they are opened. Some tabs and commands only appear in the ribbon when they are applicable to the action you have selected.

What are the "rulers" for and how do you use them?

The RULERS help you identify where to position text vertically or horizontally. To turn the ruler on or off, on the View Tab, click "Show", then "Ruler".

What errors do the "Spelling and Grammar" checks look for?

The SPELL CHECK looks for incorrect spelling, duplicate words and incorrect capitalization. The GRAMMAR CHECK looks for grammatical errors or weak writing style, based on widely accepted English language standards.

How do you customize the Quick Access Toolbar?

The Toolbar includes the SAVE, UNDO, and REDO buttons, but you can include additional commands.

How do you wrap text around a picture?

The default choice for TEXT WRAPPING is in "In Line with Text", which puts the picture at an insertion point in the text. The graphic then moves with the text. To CHANGE the text wrapping: Select the picture, then under Picture Tools, click "Format", then "Arrange", then "Wrap Text". Each wrapping style provides a different effect; use the Preview to make a choice.

What are the formatting options for the document as a whole?

The formatting options for the document as a whole include changing the way pages are laid out for different types of documents. Examples are: setting the margins differently for odd and even pages, changing the paper size, changing the orientation from Portrait to Landscape, changing the size of the margins, adding page numbers, and formatting the document in columns.

How do you control the display of the ribbon?

The ribbon can be hidden or minimized temporarily to make more space on the screen. To minimize: Double click a tab or click on the up arrow on the far right of the ribbon. To redisplay the ribbon: Double click on a ribbon tab, or click on the "Ribbon Display Options" icon (white up arrow on blue background) and select a display.

How do you edit tab stops?

To EDIT tab stops: Select the text first, then move the tab; otherwise the revision applies only to the current line. To ADJUST the position of a tab stop: Click on the tab character on the ruler and drag it to the new position.

How do you move, size, and crop a picture?

To MOVE a picture: Put the mouse pointer over the picture and drag it. To RESIZE a picture: Drag the handles. To CROP (cut off) parts of a picture: Position the mouse at the edge of the picture and drag the crop handle when it appears.

How do you use the "Replace" feature?

To activate REPLACE: Click on the Home tab, Editing Group, then "Replace", or press CTRL+H. Enter the original text and the text to replace it. There are options to "REPLACE" once, "REPLACE ALL", "FIND NEXT" and "CANCEL".

How do you adjust the height of rows?

To change row height, place the mouse pointer on the horizontal line to be moved and when you see a double-headed arrow, drag the mouse to the desired row height.

How do you insert and delete rows or columns ?

To insert a single row or column, position the mouse pointer where you want the new row or column. On the Layout tab, under "Table Tools", in "Rows & Columns", click the correct icon. To delete cells, rows, columns or an entire table: Position the mouse pointer in the cell, row or column to be deleted. On the Layout tab, under "Table Tools", in "Rows & Columns", click "Delete" and select the correct icon.

How do you create tab stops?

To insert a tab stop: Select an tab type, then click on the horizontal ruler at the place for this tab stop. Once all tab stops are set, you can begin typing text. Press "TAB" every time you want to move to the next tab stop.

How do you adjust the dimensions of all columns or rows?

To make all the rows or columns the same height or width, on the Layout tab, click "Table Tools", then "Cell Size", then "Distribute rows", or "Distribute columns".

How do you merge and split cells?

To merge cells: Select the cells to be merged, then on the Layout tab, under "Table tools", click "Merge", then "Merge cells". To split cells: Select the cell(s) to be split, then on the Layout tab, under "Table tools", click "Merge", then "Split cells". Specify the number of columns and rows, then click "OK".

How do you open documents with the Read-Only option?

To open a document as Read-Only, display the "Open" dialog box, select the file, then click the arrow for the "Open" button, and choose "Open Read-Only".

How do you open and close documents?

To open a new blank document: In Backstage View, click "New", and "Blank Document", or CRTL+N. To choose from the pre-designed templates, select one and click "Create". New documents will be given consecutive numbers, e.g. "Document1", until you save them with a name you choose. To close a document: Click "File", then "Close", or CRTL+W, or CTRL+F4.

How do you open and close applications?

To open: Click "Start", then "All Apps", then click on the application. Or if an icon is displayed on the screen or on the taskbar, click on it. To close: Save your work, then click the "X" in the top right corner of the screen. Or point at the icon for the application on the Taskbar, and then click "Close".

How do you print a document? What options are there in the Print Menu?

To print, click File/Print or CTRL+P. You can specify the number of copies to be printed, which printer to use, whether the document should be one- or two-sided, and black-and-white or color. You can also select which pages to print. If you are printing multiple copies, you can choose COLLATED (pages in order) or not (all page 1, all page 2, etc.) You can choose the orientation, the paper size, the margins and the number of document pages to print per sheet of paper.

How do you remove tab stops?

To remove a tab stop: Click the tab character on the ruler and drag it up or down off the ruler. To remove all tab stops: Press CTRL+Q.

How do you use the "Spelling and Grammar" check?

To run a check, click the Review tab, then Proofing Group, then "Spelling and Grammar". You can also hit F7 for a spell check of the entire document. Red wavy lines under text indicate that a word may be misspelled. Blue wavy lines under text indicate possible grammatical or contextual errors.

How do you save documents with the Read-Only option?

To save a document as Read-Only, click "Save As", then click the arrow next to the Tools command, and click "General Options". Click "Read-only recommended", then "OK", then "Save". Anyone who receives a "Read-only" document can only save it by giving it a different name.

How do you select consecutive sections of text?

To select consecutive text: Position the mouse at the start of the text and drag it to the end. Using the keyboard, position the insertion point, hold down "Shift", then use the arrow keys to highlight the text. Release "Shift".

How do you select non-consecutive sections of text?

To select non-consecutive text: Select the first piece of text, press and hold "CTRL" as you select the next piece(s) of text.

How do you turn the "Track Changes" feature on and off and use "Accept" or "Reject"?

To turn on or off: On the Review tab, in "Tracking", click "Track Changes". To use "Accept" or Reject": On the Review tab, in "Changes", you can use the "Accept" or "Reject" commands to move from one change or comment to the next and specify whether to accept or reject the change(s).

What are some of the different views and what do they display?

Two of the views are: READ MODE: The pages are sized to fit your monitor. PRINT LAYOUT: Shows the document as it will look when printed.

What are the "Undo", Repeat", and "Redo" icons for?

UNDO or CRTL+Z will reverse the last action you took. The actions must be reversed in sequential order from latest to earliest. You can use REDO or CRTL+Y if you change your mind after hitting Undo. REPEAT or F4 will repeat your last action anywhere in the document.

What are the remaining views and what do they display?

WEB LAYOUT: Shows how document will look as a Web page. OUTLINE VIEW: Collapses the document to display headings to organize the content. DRAFT VIEW: displays the document in the full width of the screen.

What are the "Ignore" options in Spell Check?

When Word finds an "error", you select an an option to proceed. IGNORE - Ignores this occurrence of a "misspelling", but still looks for other occurrences of this word. IGNORE ALL - Skips all occurrences of this word spelled this way.

What is the "Backstage View"?

When you open one of the Office applications, you will see the BACKSTAGE VIEW which is a start-up screen of available templates.

What are you permitted to do under copyright law? How long does copyright protection last?

You are permitted to select a very small portion, put it in quotation marks, and you must give credit to the author. Generally, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.

What kind of changes can you make to the formatting of a paragraph?

You can change the formatting of a paragraph by changing its alignment, the amount of space between the lines, and the amount of space between paragraphs.

How do you keep track of your changes to a document when you share it with others?

You can keep track of changes to a document when you share it with others by activating the "Track Changes" feature. The feature highlights changes made by other people in different colors and you can also track your own changes.

How do you format text within the table?

You format the text in a table the same way you format regular text.

How do you use "Zoom"? What are the ways you can change it?

ZOOM allows you to change the size of the text display for viewing ONLY. On the Status Bar, you can move the slider to make text bigger or smaller. If you click the Zoom level button, you can choose a specific percentage or number of pages to show.

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