Identification term

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Niche channel

Channel with a special thematic for a special group (example : channel only for kids)

commodification (=marchandisation) (popular journalism and cultural change : the discourse of gobalization in world music review)

/! => Machandisation is not the same as merchandising! Commodification is the transformation of goods and services, as well as ideas or other entities that normally may not be considered goods into a commodity -> Marx's definition (commodity : a product / something commercial and interchangeable with others commodities of the same type). -> In the capitalism system, world music is seen as a commodity, a "product", a marketing tool. − Music is easy to commodified, since globalization transform culture into a commodity, a good of consumption. "How journalism reviews bring out society thoughts and doubts" World music is part of a global imagination : Goal : Capturing the historical moments, and the cultural identities characterizing societies around the world. 3 phases of the cultural globalization in world music : 1) World music = non-western music produced for western consumers. The term involve a cleavage between west and non-west. . Authenticity in the music is a proof of quality of the music. Audience qualified as white, from west countries, non-migrant, educated, from an elite. the term of « world music » was first used in 1978 as a label used for marketing and promotion 2) Rise of "hybrid" musics : More and more difficult to identify clear roots in a world music band. The first believes about world music are being questioned. 3) End of the dichotomie (=cleavage) : acknowledgment of the artists for their musical competence and not for their roots anymore. Economic success doesn't include a degradation of the music anymore. World music is produced all over the world, including in West countries. New audience younger and broader due to digital technologies. Role of journalists and reviews : Music reviews encourage audiences to take position. + : Hybridization: Mix, fusion of different influences, different music origins. Bleeding of cultures. What we call authentic and traditional music is also the result of hybridization, and the popular, "global" music is not so uniform.

Sustainable community-led model

'the community-led model' is a model of sustainable development. It is a response to globalization and its consequences on the citizen democratic participation. This model: - Is located in civil society ; - Is based upon citizen participation and deliberation ; - Its goal: sustainable development ; - Is inspired by the civic republican tradition of democracy (= the "Agora" from Grece). ==> Confronting global hegemonic (domination of a country on another) forces with initiatives of local organisations. These organisations fight against social exclusion, and develop new spaces for democratic participation. They want to rethink the democracy : new consciousness, new development « Think globally, act locally »==> countries are all related to each other, so we should think globally, but local activity is also important to promote our culture, etc...

Consumerism (Globalization and cultural transformation : the case of Bangladesh)

- Consumerism : Economic order AND ideology : encourages the acquisition of goods and services in huge amounts. + In the domain of politics, the term "consumerism" has also been used to refer to something quite different called the consumerists' movement, consumer protection or consumer activism, which seeks to protect and inform consumers. In the domain of economics, it is the consideration that the free choice of consumers should strongly orient the choice by manufacturers of what is produced and how, and therefore orient the economic organization of a society. In this sense, consumerism expresses the idea not of "one man, one voice", but of "one dollar, one voice", which may or may not reflect the contribution of people to society. ( /!!! ===> Link with the identification term Asymmetry economy / democracy) In the article / presentation : Consumerism is one of the main targets of capitalism and becomes a form of self-esteem and a new value as well ! ==> McDonaldization : McDonaldization is a term used by sociologist George Ritzer. => when a culture adopts the characteristics of a fast-food restaurant. "the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world." » (identical products and mode of thoughts, obsession with speed and productivity at the expense of quality..) Because of globalization, citizens move from traditional to rational / global modes of thought. The case of Bangladesh : fashions and tastes living pattern are on rapid change -> Burger, kebab, sandwich, pizza, soft drinks, soup are spreading among the young generation in urban areas. ... The fast foods ... are getting popularity instead of conventional local items (tea, local cake, shingara, poori, and so on). Same situation with the media, seen as a business instead of a way to emancipate and educate people. They are lead by profit and consumption.

Americanization - defending Nordic Children against Disney

-> From the article : defending Nordic children against Disney - Children's channels in the age of globalization ==> In countries outside of the United States, Americanization is the influence American culture has on the culture of other countries, such as their popular culture, media, cuisine, technology, business practices, or political techniques - Americanization has become more prevalent since the collapse of communism in 1989-91. - Nordic countries want to offer programs who reflect national identity and culture + Multiculturality - Nordic Public Service Broadcasting are in competition with global channels like Disney Channel and Nickelodeon - NRK : norvegian channel with goals like "offer educational programs", fight against americanization (they are afraid to loose their own culture) - The competition with japanese and american cartoon was too strong: The had to broadcast anti-pedagogic programs (like imported cartoons) to keep their public -They launched the NRK Super in 2007, a niche channel for children. -> Their national children channel. Now, they also have to compete with new medias, such as the internet, so they now offer their service on various media : radio, internet,...) ==> More broadcasting views (more passivity?) ==> To keep their audience interested // to promote and develop their local identity : What is important AND difficult since Nordic countries are more vulnerable to international influence because they represent a minority from the language point of view + PBS

Disneyization (The Most Powerful Mouse in the World : The Globalization of the Disney Brand )

-> The process by which the principle of the Disney theme parks is coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world. Branding strategies of what we call "disneyization" -> Theming : infusing a place or object with a particular idea → the identifying feature of a Disney theme park -> différenciation of consumption : In a theme park there is many aspects of consumption, this is not only the rides but also the food, the shops, the drinks, the entertainment. -> Merchandizing : Promotional images as the souvenirs, the shops, logos... -> Emotional labor : In a disney theme park, everything seem perfect, the employees are always smiling and seem happy. When Disney entered the international market, it didn't change (still American). Disney Company also participates in globalization through the global division of labor by taking advantage of international labor to increase its profit. This is economic imperialism. The Disney Company, originally a cartoon studio, now makes lots of its revenue thanks to its merchandising. After becoming a giant in the US, Disney started his international expansion during the 80's with Tokyo Disneyland and Euro Disneyland. Disney parks and resorts became one of the world's leading providers for family vacations. => Concept of branding The girl who presents this article said that it was not objective enough : It is the American point of view about Disney - So a "pro-Disney" opinion.

Child labor (Effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries)

2 dimensions in child labor : - Child labor SUPPLY : Family need to send their kids to work because they are poor and they need money. - Child labor demand : Child labor has a positive impact on economy - BUT poverty increase child labor. Effects of globalization on child labour : - Social and cultural norms can lead to child labor : In some countries with a "traditional culture", people have a tendency to "accept" child labor. BUT because of globalization, social acceptability of child labor decreases. - The substitution effect : An effect caused by a rise in price : The consumer wants to buy more for a LOW price (he does not want goods if he has to pay a high price). ==> developing countries are considered as a heaven for foreign investors, these countries can gain competitive advantage over others by employing children. - The income effect : the income effect is the change in an individual's or economy's income and how that change will impact the quantity demanded of a good or service. The relationship between income and the quantity demanded is a positive one, as income increases, so does the quantity of goods and services demanded. ==> while the demand for skilled labor increases along with high level of income, the demand for unskilled labor decreases. It leads family to send their children to work. => the cost of living has also increased - The family wants to keep the same level of incomes. -> Depend of the PIB : before 7500euros PIB/ per inhabitants: The income of inhabitants increase and this allow people to send their children to school. More than 7500euros PIB/ per habitant : More child labor because the cost of life has increased and families want to "keep" the "same income". - Relocation is also a big issue : relocation in some countries because of the low wage they """ask""".

Land use - Land Grabbing

==> Accaparement des terres Land grabbing is the contentious issue of large-scale land acquisitions: the buying or leasing of large pieces of land in developing countries, by domestic and transnational companies, governments, and individuals. ==> Agricultural lands ! - Large-scale investments following the increase in food prices worldwide - + Water ressources ==> Meaning that food production can go from domestic or even local or family production to production for export. - These investments had negative impacts on local communities -Those purchase are against the declaration of Human Rights, they do not take into account the social and environmental impacts, are not based on consent of the people concerned. The procedures are unclear (no transparency) + against democracy. As also been seen as "a mainstream development" Land grab is very often corporate driven, which means that there is no more space for small use of the land. Farmers are dispossessed of the land they previously owned and can no longer provide for or offer sustainability to their own family or community. ⇒ Food sovereignty is no longer achievable for these people. They become the victims of land grab. Financialy rich but resourced poor countries are counting on financial poor but resourced rich countries to offer sustainability to their people in the future. ==> Change of land use is not always bad but it has disastrous consequences when the production is destined for export. Concept of dispossession : Less incomes for the people, sometimes even expulsion of the people of their land. Accumulation - concentration → land grabbing is part of an accumulation and concentration process where a few corporations and people own the power and wealth.

Corporate sustainability (Improving global environmental management with standard corporate reporting)

==> Corporate sustainability : Corporate sustainability is a business approach that creates long-term consumer and employee value by creating a "green" strategy aimed toward the natural environment and taking into consideration every dimension of how a business operates in the social, cultural, and economic environment. ==> TRANSPARENCY and proper employee development To product differently is the goal of some corporations : Why ? - The hazard of natural resources: since raw materials are disappearing, the quantity and the respect on the environment matter. Producers are forced to rethink their way of production if they want to carry on their business. -> - Big manufactures need investors. Today investors are worry to invest in a non-reliable industry that could close because of the lack of ressources. --> Many industries have to readapt their way of production. For that, they should know how much they consume and what they should change. The impact of big industries own but the richest countries have global effects : For example, H&M is Swedish but they are mainly produced and furnished by countries in south Asia of Far East. To help those big industries to change their behavior : sustainability reports are made by organisations to help industries to adapt. ==> FOR EXAMPLE : the organisation TruCost. ==> make reports for the companies to know how much they produce. But also for the investors, government, researchers and academics. Unfortunately, the reports are not 100% reliable (does not take every single step of the supply chain into account, lack of objectivity) => can lead to GREENWASHING. Another kind of report -> ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE: science which takes into accounts the local impacts of the production. This is the study of inter-relationships among the living organisms, physical features, bio-chemical processes, natural phenomena, and human activities in ecological communities. ==> The adjustment of the report at a local scale is important because the impacts are different according to the place. => BUT it takes a lot of time ! ==> THIS IS CALL A SCIENCE-DRIVEN STANDARDIZATION and it is important because : increase consciousness of - corporations about what and how they produce - Investors about where they invest their money -consumers about what they buy

ANTROPOFAGIA ( - cannibalism and globalization in Brazil (Ceara))

==> Cultural cannibalism - Tropicalia is a Brazilian art & music movement born in the 60's. The movement is base on the concept of ANTROPAFAGIA. dominant principle of Tropicália was antropofagia, a type of cultural cannibalism that encouraged the mix of disparate influences, out of which could be created something unique. The idea was originally put forth by poet Oswald de Andrade in his Manifesto Antropófago, published in 1928, and was developed further by the tropicalistas in the 1960s. - Brazil has a history of "cannibalizing" other cultures, digesting them and producing something entirely new — and that this is his country's greatest strength - "cultural cannibalism" as a way for Brazil to assert itself against European post-colonial cultural domination. : Cannibal Manifesto. Mixing the foreign and local influences. Aim : - help the Brazilans to redefine their national identity - not rejecting foreign influences - Taking advantage of them - mixing : local influences + foreign influences = something original and Brazilian Because Brazilians adapt their music with their own way, here globalization is viewed as a heterogenization phenomenon and so globalization would go in 2 ways. -> the local has been globalized; just as the global has been localized → Globalization has led to promote national identity


==> part of the large Indian film industry ==> Bollywood is one of the largest film producers in India and one of the largest center of film production in the world ==> more formally referred to as Hindi cinema. ==> Bollywood is classified as the biggest movie industry in the world in terms of amount of people employed and number of films produced. ==> in comparison, Bollywood makes approximately 1041 films yearly, as opposed to less than 500 films made by Hollywood yearly. ==> Bollywood is considered as a subculture by detractors but, however, has become more dominant and influential than its Hollywood rival. - Globalization does not automatically leads to cultural westernization - Increasingly, Bollywood and Hollywood works together. They even adapt music in order to be adapted for both publics. - Slumdog Millionaire : It was the most successful Bollywood film that hit the American market. But this movie in India didn't work for some reasons. The film used a lot of elements as poverty, survival, and love but not enough to satisfy both Western and Indian audiences. => Bad remarks from Indian audience who see in this movie an "imagined India by white people. ». But however : the success of Slumdog Millionaire in the US has amplified India's visibility and eased the mix of American and South Asian cultures. After Slumdog Millionaire, marketers in the USA are working for promotions targeted at Indian Americans. Very important in the Bollywood production : The musical dimension. Innovative interaction between Western music and classic Indian music is turning out to be effective. Objective: introduce each other's culture and show people new things. Goals : - introduce each other's culture and show people new things. ( ==> To fight against clichés, prejudices, to educate people...) We can notice a DIASPORA PHENOMENON --> dispersion of an ethnic community --> "dispersed" indian still feel like they belong to a community. -> Partly thanks to Bollywood. We can speak of an "imagined community". ==> HYBRIDISATION : American culture + Indian culture Globalization does not always lead to cultural homogenization. Bollywood has a big impact on identity construction.


=> used to promote the perception that an organization's products, aims or policies are environmentally friendly. "TruCost" is this kind of organization that make reports for the companies to know how much they produce. But also for the investors, government, researchers and academics. The reports are not 100% reliable: 1. It usually does not take every single step of the supply chain into account. + Lack of objectivity + maybe they'll just work for the interest of the company's image and not to inform on their footprint ? -> Greenwashing Companies are often accused of misrepresenting their environmental performance, or greenwashing ! Management quality and reputation now account for 80% of the market value of an average US company, compared with only 17% in 1975.


> Superman represents the hope and idealism of post-Depression America (Great Depression : 1929) he's the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society →"defender of truth, justice and the American way" Superheroes are a popular form of fantasy entertainment -> they "teach" teenagers sense of crime, justice and order. The character « had to obey » to the comic codes authority (Good thriumphs evil). BUT : He never has anything to do with war. How does globalization has affected the character of Superman ? - Superman became a « real world citizen » → USA isn't anymore a super power of the world ! - He has outer space origins which is an allegory of globalization. - Superman follows already more global pursuit; sparing the world is more important than justice in America. He predicts a world where "democratic rights will become detached from territorial units". There is two vision of superman : 1. The modern superhero comic strip is an American invention. Superman will always be defined as American by the rest of the world even if the character borrows literally from other cultures 2. American exceptionalism isn't realistic in an integrated world. Superman no longer belongs just to Americas. His responsabilities extend beyond our cultural borders.

Contemporary art

Contemporary art, definition : Contemporary art is art produced at the present period in time. Contemporary art includes, and develops from, Postmodern art, which is itself a successor to Modern art. The classification of "contemporary art" as a special type of art, rather than a general adjectival phrase, goes back to the beginnings of Modernism in the English-speaking world. -> Contemporary art is an art that has been shaped by globalization. Impact of globalization on contemporary art : - Because of globalization, there is a new dialectic between local and global, ethnical and universal. All these concepts are compatible today. - We also notice the opening of major museums in new countries. These countries do not have always have easy access to culture; so it is sometimes a good opportunity. New majors museums are emerging with the support of major institutions such as Guggenheim Foundation. - Contemporary art has two sides today: A true regional diversity, with local art work and emergent regional artists, and the growth of an international area, with cosmopolitan and different artists. - Before: Contemporary accessible only to Westerners. - - Today: Open to everyone (but with the rules of the Westerners) - Art fights for revolutionary social change (artists's values have changed at that the same time than society's values). - Contemporary Art represents individual AND collective thoughts. - We have today a network culture thanks to new technologies which brings us to a new consciousness about today's issues. This new consciouness about the impact of climate change is leading many people, including artists, to seek a different mode of thought. Thanks to this new « network culture », Artists have a better knowledge of differences. More possibilities to interact with other cultures : it has an impact on the way of thinking of the artists and on the values of the world of art. - The actors of the art scene have changed : It is now a real economic business. ==> As long as globalization will shape and change economy, world politics, it will also keep changing the art scene, since art and social change are complementary.

Cosmopolitan learning (from globalist to cosmopolitan learning : on the reflexive modernization of teacher education)

Cosmopolitan learning : Way to see teaching as a way to learn and understand the different cultures of the world and to learn citizenship, personal responsibility. Traditionally, education is based on the culture of the Nation (values, language, history, religion,...). => The goal is to BUILD A NATION. -> Homogenization. This is a nationalist view of learning. With the globalization, the education system as change (not everywhere, but in a few places) : The starting point is not anymore the "sovereign nation". There has been educational reforms in a lot of countries because of globalization. Now education is more based on the principle : national competitiveness on global market. This is a globalist view of learning. -> In this view of learning, teachers are seen as vital because they "prepare the future workforce". => They are expected to be more flexible, effective, and to base their teaching on factual knowledge. ==> The author of the article critics this last view : He introduces as an alternative an new vision of learning, the "COSMOPOLITAN LEARNING" ==> this view is less focused on competition and the supremacy of the economy. It encourages a dialogue between cultures and introduces notions such as « moral responsibility ». -> the job of teachers has changed. They are more likely to be confronted to students with different backgrounds, language, and so on.

Creolization (Globalization and food consumption in tourism)

Creolization : Creolization is the process in which Creole cultures emerge in the New World. => As a result of colonization there was a mixture between people of indigenous, African, and European descent -> The "consequence" is what we call "creolization" : The mixing of people brought a cultural mixing which ultimately led to the formation of new identities. It is important to emphasize that Creolization also is the mixing of the "old" and "traditional," with the "new" and "modern." - Creolization is a condition in which "the formation of new identities and inherited culture evolve to become different from those they possessed in the original cultures -> Throughout the years the globalization process had a significant impact on the movement of people and goods which directly concern the area of tourism. All these changes and how quickly they occurred affected local gastronomic identities across the world. It can often lead to a feeling of deprivation of sense of place both for the tourists and the locals. -> the food consumption became more and more homogeneous. The force of homogenization is often seen as a threat to the authenticity. (McDonald, Starbucks) BUT : On the other side, globalization can lead to a phenomenon of "heterogenization". In some cases, it can even stimulate the reinvention of the local gastronomy. When we speak about creolization and food : We can speak about a fusion of different ways to cook. For example : Turkey : "Multinational fast-food companies mix the west cuisine and local tastes. These 'glocal' food is positively perceived by the Turkish consumers. In Israel : McDonald where they serve falafel. - . Today, falafels are served by gastronomic restaurants as well as in Fast Foods chains Creolization : in relation with glocalisation => The interactions between local and global are growing and will result in the creation of a hybrid version of the culture. In some cases it leads to a "creolization" of the gastronomic culture, a fusion of cuisines.


Cultural homogenization is an aspect of cultural globalization : refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols — not only physical objects but customs, ideas and values. ==> he process by which local cultures are transformed or absorbed by a dominant outside culture.

Homogenization (The Three H scenario)

Cultural homogenization is an aspect of cultural globalization and refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols — not only physical objects but customs, ideas and values ==> the process by which local cultures are transformed or absorbed by a dominant outside culture. the breakdown of cultural barriers and the global assimilation of a single culture. The term is usually used in the context of Western culture dominating and destroying other cultures. Critics of cultural homogenization theory point out that as different cultures mix, homogenization is less about the spread of a single culture as about the mixture of different cultures, as people become aware of other cultures and adopt their elements. Local culture can be shape by other powerful cultures or even a global culture. ==> the homogenization scenario contends that those barriers preserving cultural diversity are weaker and global flows are stronger. homogenization is the idea that local cultures are totally subordinated and shaped by more powerful ones, which is reflected for instance in concept such as Americanization or McDonalization. ==> culture openness / forces of openness

Hybridization (The Three H scenario)

Cultural hybridization is the mixing of elements from different cultures. Examples : In canada, they speak english as well as french. In one country, two languages are the main language; that is an example of cultural hybridization. Some African countries speak french and mix it in with their native language, creating something new. Language is just one example of cultural hybridization. Music is another part of culture that can be mixed with other cultures. Sometimes, people will take U.S. pop music and create something new from it in Korea. Artists like Shakira and J.LO will incorporate spanish into their American songs to bring a little bit of diversity to America. or : Known as the world's biggest "melting pot", America has a variety of different cultures living within a couple of feet of each other. Languages, traditions, religions, race are constantly different whenever you turn a street corner. Cultural hybridization is everywhere. - barriers that are supposed to protect cultures from external influences are robust enough to prevent cultural groups from being totally shaped by those external flows, but they are not closed enough to completely stop those flows and that there is an interaction between external and internal flows that creates a cultural hybrid that contains components of the two. ==> However, it has been shown that only the superficial elements of a culture are being mixed together, not the core of a culture which remains untouched : the deep cultural identity remains almost intact.


Deterritorialization is a concept created by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. -> Its most common use has been in relation to the process of cultural globalization. It has many meanings => - Forcing people to leave its territory - and culture. -> The rupture of social, political, or cultural practices from their native places and populations. - the concept of Deterritorialization involves detaching a sign from its context of signification. - the removal of cultural subjects and objects from a certain location in space and time. - It implies that certain cultural aspects tend to transcend specific territorial boundaries - the local community becomes a part of the global culture - For example, when a new area of the world gains access to the internet, the community also gains access to every other community that has access to the internet - culture is simultaneously deterritorialized and reterritorialized in different parts of the world as it moves. -Deterritorialization and reterritorialization exist simultaneously. - Deterritorialization speaks of the loss of the "natural" relation between culture and the social and geographic territories, and describes a deep transformation of the link between our everyday cultural experiences and our configuration as preferably local beings. -> POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE MEANING. The notion of territory : - "territory" responds to the problem of Identity, whether this be of a person, or a place, or something else. - Territory is not given, but constituted, and this constitution is likewise the organization of the individuals in it. DETTERIORALIZATION IN POLITICS : - Globalization has led to more global governance. Now we have different layers of governance - The states' power is reduced (not only national governance but also global governance) and de-territorialized (democratic governance isn't linked to a territory). For example : Catalunya won't probablement get its independence, because the power is in the hands of the European Union, not SpaIn. Other example : Tax Heavens (paradis fiscaux) : the Nation States have no control!). Political concern is no longer linked to territory. It affects the democratic participation, people tend to feel powerless in the global governance and not taken into account. Deterritorialization has affinities with the idea of the "disembedding" (=la non-intégration) of social relations. It is a weakening of ties between culture and place. This means the removal of cultural subjects and objects from a certain location in space and time.

Fair food program

Fair food Program : Comprehensive, Verifiable and Sustainable Change for farmworkers -> To fight against the abusing treatments of people working in the agriculture. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) Fair Food Program is a unique partnership among farmers, farmworkers, and retail food companies that ensures humane wages and working conditions for the workers who pick fruits and vegetables on participating farms. It harnesses the power of consumer demand to give farmworkers a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, and to eliminate the longstanding abuses that have plagued agriculture for generations. The Program has been called "the best workplace-monitoring program" in the US in the New York Times, and "one of the great human rights success stories of our day" in the Washington Post, and has won widespread recognition for its unique effectiveness from a broad spectrum of human rights observers, from the United Nations to the White House. They developed theirs ideas around popular education, leadership development and collective actions. The fair food program is based on 3 principles: - It must be COMPREHENSIVE : they open lines of communication between workers and growers, they created audits in order to be sure that everyone is paid and they made growers accountable for their actions. - VERIFIABLE : The organization is supervised. -SUSTAINABLE : responsibility should be shared between all four of these groups: retailers, growers, workers, and consumers ==> For example : The Fair Food Code of Conduct is backed by binding agreements between CIW and many of the largest buyers of tomatoes in the world, from Subway to Walmart. Participating Buyers are required to suspend purchases from growers who have failed to comply with the Code of Conduct. Why this is important : - farmworkers remain among the most economically disadvantaged working groups in the United States - The labor industry of agriculture uses desperate and vulnerable workers to work in the fields. With the new law of immigration, the minimal wage for farmworker is incredibly low. - They have no rights to negotiate theirs wages of working conditions. (New Deal Labor protection does not concern them). It is a LONG TERM PROJECT

Local / Global education

Global view on Education: - schools = factories (children have to be shaped > education has to benefit both society and individuals) (+ Economic aspects of education (private or subsidized by the state, ...) Local view on Education: - schools = anchor (=ancrer) children to their traditional culture Higher VS. Basic Education : - main goal of basic education is socialization (to train the young ones to accept the culture of society and to adapt to the society in which they live) The problem is that the role of the teacher becomes archaic because of all the new technologies - The main goal of higher education is legitimization (to transmit Curricular information) New method : « the Chamsa model » : evaluation model based on 5 skill-types called « languages » 1. Our Language ( + culture & history ) 2. Their Language (studying an other culture, point of view) 3. The Language of science (Mathematics) 4. The body and soul language (sports and arts) 5. The language of technology (computer sciences) education : everything is about learning to have a critical mind... Is it true today ?

Feminization of poverty (The case of Pakistan)

Feminization of poverty is the concept that describes the idea that women represent disproportionate percentages of the world's poor. This concept is not only a consequence of lack of income, but is also the result of the deprivation of capabilities and gender biases present in both societies and governments. This includes the poverty of choices and opportunities, such as the ability to lead a long, healthy, and creative life, and enjoy basic rights like freedom, respect, and dignity. The term feminization of poverty itself is controversial and has been defined in many different ways. Women face economic vulnerabilities (Gender division of labour, wage differentials, insecurity sex-segregated work environment, limited skill set and work opportunities due to restricted mobility, lower investment of social capital resulting in illiteracy, ill health, lesser participation in decision making', stigmatization in case of single women...) - many employers decide to lower their costs through the reduction of the number of workers. All those facts have led, in Pakistan, to more people working in the informal sector of economy, especially women. -> Because of an economic crisis. There are social protection programs for these women : But they are not efficient enough. ( Weak institutional structures, inefficient targeting, low coverage,... + Gender perspective is completely ignored while designing the programs to "fight" against poverty) SO we can say that globalization has negatively affected the poor women working in the informal sector of economy : High ratio of school drop-out among girls, intensive manual labor, low credits, low access to social protection,... explain the vulnerable position of informal women in the global system.

Globalization from below (>< Globalization from above) (Rastafari in Germany: Jamaical Roots and Global-Local Influences)

Globalization from below is a POSITIVE ASPECT of globalization. It is a truly democratic aspect of globalization. In a « Down-top model » : the process would reflect the values of the world's majority (elite), rather than its minority. It is the opposite here. ==> The "alter-globalization" movement wants a truly democratic approach of globalization. This movement is composed by which is composed of many of the world's poors, working poors, and activists The « Rastafari movement » : (Rastafari in Germany VS. the one in Jamaïque) : Values of the movement : egalitarian principles, global consciousness and cultural resistance to Eurocentric assumptions of superiority. Rastafari want the liberation and ultimate redemption of the Black peoples of the world. EQUALITY. Reggae music (which emerged during the 1960's in Jamaica), associated with the figure of Bob Marley, made an immense contribution to the global spread of their message. This artist was the leading voice of the reggae phenomenon and transformed it from a local presence into a global culture. This phenomenon is called a "counter culture" Examples of those movements : the emergence of women's rights in developing nations and grassroots (=base) organizations like Africa Watch Magazine, Amnesty International, and People Against Torture.

Ethnic conflict (Does globalization breed ethnic discontent)

Globalization might affect ethnic conflicts quite differently from other types of group conflict. General idea people have : globalization should dissuade civil wars... But that is not how it happens. -> it is the economic side that inflames ethnic conflicts. => WHY : Economic globalization increases trade, capital flows and migration. Some geographical areas (and ethnic groups) benefit more from it than others. Consequently, it would "produce ethnic inequality, which encourages social conflict based on ethnic identities. Also, because of globalization, people are more likely to be inform about the situation in other places : it spreads information across borders, it raises awareness of resource inequalities that generates ethnic discontent. Industrialization destroyed local and regional boundaries and national boundaries became the real matter. + Globalization raises the capacity of excluded groups to mobilize by providing an ideological platform and an international audience. -> People can express themselves and can be heard! Ethnic groups are encouraged to mobilize against regimes that deny their rights. We can see how the number of human rights organizations has expanded over the past 50 years as a proof of it. - great crisis of human identity ! (people don't know where they belong to anymore )


Glocalization (a portmanteau of globalization and localization) is the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture in which they are sold. The worldwide spread of McDonald's restaurants is a commonly cited example of glocalization, especially since the restaurant's menu is often customized to suit local tastes. Regardless of industry, glocalization broadly involves the altering of an overarching brand or product so as to better appeal to customers within a specified country or region. This phenomenon is the relative inverse of Americanization and the suppressing of local preferences in favor of providing goods and media whose content has been dictated by foreign entities. ==> A local adaptation of a global process. It shows that the original globalization has been hybridized. ex. : « sushis » : reproduction of a food model that used to be local : Example : Sushis with foie gras ==> Local cultures are not necessarily taken over by 'global culture', but can coexist with it, creating new cultural hybrids. In some cases it leads to a "creolisation" of the gastronomic culture, a fusion of cuisines. Ex. : « falafel in Isreal » (the opening of the first McDonald restaurant induced a revival of the « falafel » dish. Today, falafels are served by gastronomic restaurants as well as in Fast Foods chains where the vision of the product obviously differs)

Human Trafficking can globalization improve women's right ?

Human trafficking is the trade of humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Both men and women may be victims of trafficking, but the primary victims worldwide are women and girls, the majority of whom are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Traffickers primarily target women because they are disproportionately affected by poverty and discrimination, factors that impede their access to employment, educational opportunities and other resources. (==> LINK WITH FEMINIZATION OF POVERTY) Consequences of Globalization on Women's rights : Social globalization (connects people and enables them to exchange ideas and information) has got a strong impact on women's economic rights. HOWEVER, when it comes to human trafficking, women's rights and economic globalization have NO impact on the issue. -> it is a form of violence that mainly affects "illegal" women. While social globalization is beneficial to domestic women's rights and status, it does not increase respect for foreign women without a legal standing in a country. ==>The positive impact of globalization is limited to domestic citizens

Yin Yang Theory

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. It asserts that all universe phenomenons present 2 opposite cosmic energies (duality) The concept of duality : Do the opposite elements complement, balance, affirm or negate each other? ==> it denies the existence of true contradiction, there's always a coexistence in everything (unity in diversity) → All cultures share essentially the same potentials → Holistic approach to problem solving We are also in a 'both/and' phenomenon instead of 'either/or'. (?) ==> The author of the article proposes a Yin Yang perspective to understand culture. -> cultural differences are not seen as a problem but as an opportunity for learning and knowledge transfer. This perspective allows us to see that all cultures, no matter how different they may appear to be, share essentially the same potentials This theory in practice : IKEA (Sweden VS. China) - In many ways this style of furniture is contradictory to Chinese culture and traditional Chinese furniture industry practice, but now those concepts are completely accepted. - IKEA actually realized that they had to do something to make China accept them → one of their solutions : propose something more relevant for China like Chinese & Sweden food in restaurants. ⇒ Cultural adaptation

Asymmetry economy / democracy (Globalization and democracy)

In a market economy, people vote with their money in the market place. The underlying principle is one-dollar-one-vote. But a political democracy works on the basis of one-person-one-vote. -> The distribution of votes, unlike the distribution of incomes or assets, is equal. One adult has one vote in politics, even though a rich person has more votes than a poor person, in terms of purchasing power, in the market. ==> asymmetry between economy and politics The people who are excluded by the economics of markets are included by the politics of democracy. The rich dominate a market economy in terms of purchasing power. But the poor have a strong voice in a political democracy in terms of votes. When we speak about economy : We can say that it is a global concept, while politics are a national concept -> But it is changing while time's flying ==> the tension between the economics of markets and the politics of democracy. An « endogeneity problem » : a problem which comes from the inside-core of a country (local problems which are not linked to globalization)

Youth volunteering

In a traditional thinking, work is a paid activity, in isolated workplaces and during specified periods of time. Today : We mix paid and unpaid works, formal and informal sectors and market and non market. Voluntary work is an example of the interconnections between voluntary and socio-economic modes at the personal individual level and the national societal level. Today, volunteering is a new form of tourism : It's about helping, being useful but also about discovering. People want to discover and know themselves thanks to volunteering. Positives impact of this new kind of volunteering : - Development of social capital, open-mindedness and international understanding (Global consciousness) -Volunteers gain some sense of a global identity but not only, they gain their own capacity to participate and intervene in society beyond their home country. -Thanks to volunteering, everyone is able to improve society (the state isn't anymore the only one in charge) Negative aspects of volunteering : - firms take advantage of this practice and create undersirable or harmful activities to satisfy the demand - this practice reinforces neo-imperialism and neoliberal thinking seeing and playing on the stereotype of the south in need - it perpetuates the idea that the south commnities are unable to help themselves and benefit from the the superior knowledge and skills of volunteers from the more advanced countries of the global North. It is built with the roots of the colonial period.

Outsourcing (sous-traitance)

In business, outsourcing involves the contracting out of a business process to another party. => TO RELOCATE OR TRANSFER (Jobs/factories) TO ANOTHER LABOR MARKET The new technology sector is divided into two between the Brand-name firms or the multinationals and the contractors (i.e. Apple and Foxconn) : THE BRAND-NAME FIRMS : (ex. : Apple, located in the USA) > product development, design, ...) AND the Contract Manufacturers (ex. : Foxconn, located in China > value-added services to attract more customers (as for example : MMS, special ring toons, ...) In global outsourcing (sous-traitance), electronics suppliers are compelled (forcer) to compete against each other to meet rigorous specifications of price, product quality and time-to-market, generating wage pressure as well as health and safety hazards at the factory level while shaving profit margins. ⇒ unequal relationship (huge different in profit !) > Apple profit is better than Foxconn profit (Apple puts pressure on Foxconn) (ex. : Iphone 5 : Apple asked Foxconn to produce more than what had been agreed earlier) > « Globalized outsourcing » : // relocation + dependency theory (unequal relation of power) Alternatives : Example : Fair Phone (pas tout tout compris non plus et pas plus d'infos sur le web :'( )

Local currency

In economics, a local currency, is a currency that can be spent a particular area at participating organisations. The purpose is to encourage spending within the local community, especially with locally owned businesses. This may also help reduce environmental footprints. Because of globalization a financial gap appeared. And this gap is growing bigger and bigger. Most of the time, the negative impacts of the global economic forces have consequences at the local level and in disadvantaged areas. Globalisation does not lead automatically to the disintegration of local life. People can unite themselves from their region by working at a global level rather than the contrary. Advantages of local currency: -Better competitiveness of local activities regarding to national or international activities -Less local unemployment (because of more local businesses) -Less local unemployment (because of more local businesses) -More control over investment decisions at the local level -It reaches awareness among people and businesses in a community to support each other -Reduction of the dependency of transfer payment > Local currency wouldn't replace euro, but it's something which would be added to it => Globalization has increased the dependency and local currency would reduce it !


Islamisation is the process of a society's shift towards Islam. globalization and islamization are seen as opposites processes. Because globalization is considered as a synonyme for westernization. => BUT this is a false idea, in fact, islamization and globalization are complementary (kinda). -> As Islam is a missionizing religion, it's inevitably a part of the globalization process. Islam give a common link to people from all around the world and totally differents cultures. Muslims have always been a part of globalization, by participating in trade, buildings civilizations, creating relationships, spreading their beliefs. Muslims's role in the globalization is not dependant of the movement of western practices, and it's not new at all. Their religion itself put them in the process of globalization : the message is for all human being, not only chosen one. The entire world could be convers, and must be, if they want to be saved and access paradise. Islam, as Christianity, is a globalizing religion. This feeling of an opposition between islamization and globalization comes from an effort from muslims to resist it, by emphasizing local identity. We have to consider, not only what ties muslims together, but also what distinguish them : we have a tendency to have a representation of the Islam culture as a whole, but Islam don't constitute a culture for the muslims, it's just a component of it. + if Muslims want to develop and technicalize, they have to make concessions and adopt some characteristics of the Western model (language, education, ...) = can Muslims still hold fast to the teachings of the Prophets while adopting the technology of the West, or are the values of the West inseparable from Western Technology? - In de mediasphere : Among all the new ranges of films that are now producing some country to face the american movie industry, a meta-genre has appeared : the islamic film. It can be romances, historical adventures, or any sort of films, it only has to approach a religious thematic with the values and beliefs of the islamic religion. In the area of the televisions programs, new programs are also created, for children for example, to help them understand some practical part of the religion (e.g. a DVD that shows children from china, india and other countries experiencing their first ramadan).


Localization: refers to the empowerment of local forces and the (re)emergence of local cultures and endogenous (=qui est produit par la structure elle-même en dehors de tout apport extérieur) identity (in other words, we are experiencing a global socio-cultural network and a stressing of socio-cultural specificity in a limited space). VS Globalization : tries to capture the increased significance of global pressures and developments -- economic, political and cultural -- and of the increased importance of a global frame of reference. => Glocalization : a combination of globalization and localization. The theory basically describes the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture in which they are sold. In other words, applied in the cultural field of indigenous cultures, glocalization means that there is a "co-presence, of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies. Local cultures are not necessarily taken over by 'global culture', but can coexist with it, creating new cultural hybrids. Cases studied : Hong Kong & Taiwan because they have a rich background (colonianism) and they are going through a restructuration (framework of democratization). Their musical education includes foreign music as well as traditional. Multiculturalism of music education is a goal yet to be achieved : there is as tension between cultural homogenization and cultural heterogenisation in the meanings and practices of cultural forms. Despite the efforts for the promotion of local music cultures, the young generation doesn't seems to agree to discover traditional music styles, calling it 'vulgar and boring'.

Mediated space

Mediated sphere // public sphere : citizens get together to talk about society problems - Because of globalization and technology, the public sphere has evolved into the mediated sphere. The characteristics of this mediated space are : - Despatialized : there is a rupture of time/space. People can see more things, as they do not need to share the same physical location, (BUT : vision always has an angle, which people do not have control over) -Non dialogical (unidirectional. In the mediated sphere viewers can NOT interact with everyone since they are visible to a wide audience. However, internet allows a bigger interactivity). - Wider and more diverse audiences (the same message can reach people with different education, different social class, different values and beliefs, and so on.)

Multi-governance model (& food security)

Multi-level governance gives expression to the idea that there are many interacting authority structures at work in the emergent global political economy. It "illuminates the intimate entanglement between the domestic and international levels of authority". Concept : the creation of functional control systems around the specific issues, based on the ability of different actors to mobilize its competencies and resources to deal effectively with these issues. » > « Multi-level Governance Model » = 1. Political mobilization (citizens) 2. Policy making process (growing involvment of private actors, civil society organizations, framers organizations, and researchers) 3. States' structures (emancipation of local and regional representation on a global level) As it is said, the purpose of multi-level goverance system is to be more effective in a particular field. New actors involve in the decision-making process means more ressources. An example of multi governance model use : To stop food insecurity : Multi governance to fight food insecurity: New collaborative modalities include knowledge exchange networks, research consortia, technology joint ventures, public-private-non-governmental extension services, hybrid organizations, and other partnership-based approaches." This model is a more effective way to take decision to fight food insecurity. (Food insecurity : The threats posed by globalization processes. Globalization have brought threats which changes the way of production and distribution of food worldwide but also the structure of global food markets. 2. Climate change. There is no doubt that climate change mostly affects agriculture food production....)


Multiculturality : something that incorporates ideas, beliefs or people from many different countries and cultural backgrounds. Canada is the first country to include multiculturalism in the administrative apparatus to manage a colonial history. This view is in opposition to the 'Melting Pot' theory of the USA that is aimed to erase ethnic and cultural differences. Canadians have been encouraged to preserve their cultural identities, and so to be exposed daily to people from other nations: we call it 'cultural mosaic'. Such multiculturalism is seen as micro-globalization ( >< colonianism is viewed as a form of macro globalization) MELTING POT >< MOSAIC Negative aspect of globalization: Canadian population torn between two groups (Natives and immigrated people) -> Three type of exile : - Exile with no qualifiers : cultural displacement of persons to another country - Internal exile : a group which is removed from the surroundings of a country but NOT from the all country (they are sent to an other part of the country) - Inner exile : does NOT imply physical separation (« that's not the country I grew up in ») Multiculturality is : cultural communities, organized into competitive entities with respect to each other. (But is there always respect?)

ICTs (digital gap) Information and communication technology (Globalization's impact on Gender equality)

The Digital Divide, or the digital split, is a social issue referring to the differing amount of information between those who have access to the Internet (specially broadband access) and those who do not have access. Broadly speaking, the difference is not necessarily determined by the access to the Internet, but by access to ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) and to Media that the different segments of society can use. -->Today the most discussed issue is the availability of the access at an affordable cost and quality. There are a variety of arguments regarding why closing the digital divide is important. The major arguments are the following: -Economic equality: Some think that the access to the Internet is a basic component of civil life that some developed countries aim to guarantee for their citizens. Telephone is often considered important for security reasons. Health, criminal, and other types of emergencies might indeed be handled better if the person in trouble has an access to the telephone. Another important fact seems to be that much vital information for people's career, civic life, safety, etc. are increasingly provided via the Internet. Even social welfare services are sometimes administered and offered electronically. -Social mobility: Some believe that computer and computer networks play an increasingly important role in their learning and career, so that education should include that of computing and use of the Internet. Without such offerings, the existing digital divide works unfairly to the children in the lower socioeconomic status. -Democracy: Some think that the use of the Internet would lead to a healthier democracy in one way or another. Among the most ambitious visions are that of increased public participation in elections and decision making processes. -Economic growth : Some think that the development of information infrastructure and active use of it would be a shortcut to economic growth for less developed nations. Information technologies in general tend to be associated with productivity improvements. ICT and gender : - Thanks to ICTS time and mobility constraints can be decreased, women often have more restrictions with households responsibilities, they can coordinate. -Thanks to Globalization, it is easier to get educated (ex.: access to a phone means better awareness, connectivity and access to information, less constraints linked to time and mobility... HOWEVER, women are expected to deal with both work and family !) -Gender gaps are still significant in the access to the Internet. There is a low access especially in rural areas (« on average across the developing world, nearby 25 percent fewer women than men have access to the Internet, and the gender gap soars (=monter en flèche) to nearly 45 percent in regions like sub-Saharan Africa »)

An « endogeneity problem »

Problem in a country that is not linked with globalization.


Public Broadcasting Service A network of independent, non commercial television stations that operate with public and government funding instead of with revenues from advertising

Food retailing (Globalization of local retailing : Threat of opportunity - the case in Guilin, China)

Retail food is all food, other than restaurant food, that is purchased by consumers and consumed off-premise. Retail food is one of man's most important expenditures because people need to eat to live healthy lives. Most people purchase retail food items every week, including meat, vegetables, fruit, milk, bread, eggs, snacks and many other items. Retail foods can be packaged in boxes, cans, cellophane wrapping or cylindrical cardboard containers. Retail food can come from grocery stores, mass merchandisers and even drug stores. 2 categories of store that sell retail food: -state-owned -and private stores A few concepts : - The cultural capital can be local or national, but it is limited to a certain area with a specific culture. In this case, it is the capacity to provide products that correspond to the local demand. - Political capital is the power to obtain a beneficial treatment from both local and national governmental institutions. - Social capital is needed to negotiate cultural and political capital from 1993 to 2010 in Guilin, all of the local retailers had cultural capital in the form of knowledge of providing demand-based services to local consumers. Cultural capital is the most important capital for a retailer - But to develop and keep this cultural capital, they need financial capital - which is unfortunately not always the case (as in Guilin). + Supermarket and Chinese retail chains are increasing competition. -> the arrival of supermarkets and chain is considered as modernization and progress BUT many small retailers lost their job and the traditional life of the citizens was moved away from the city center. Financial and technological capital became so important to the local authorities that they focused on letting these big corporations develop → local retailers have not so much financial capital so many of them disappeared. need financial, technological and political capital to survive in this new environment (foreign investments became more important !) => So local companies can not win the competition... But maybe they can take a different road ? The different road is to exploit the unique cultural capital of local retailers. These retailers can preserve the dietary habits more effectively and big companies may destroy these local habits.

Heterogenization (The Three H scenario)

That thanks to barriers between different cultural environments, flows that would lead the culture to look alike are prevented and cultures remain distinct from one another. So basically, barriers are stronger than global flows. => The heterogenization scenario. Local production fight against globalization. The cultural diversity is still preserve : For example, in England, they use the technologies to create music in their own way (?) ==> forces of closure

Neoliberal globalization (NLG)

The Neoliberal Globalization is seen as an economic model which remove barriers to allow flow of capital between and within nations. Neoliberalism is characterized by the absence of rules in economic, national, cultural and social sector. The only leader IS THE MARKET RULE. Over the the next two decades, globalization become synonymous with global capitalism, ideologically grounded with "free market" ==> trade, foreign investment in developing world economies,... The benefits of neoliberal globalization : -Trade openness increase growth and prosperity -Create new jobs... BUT native points : bad safety conditions and low wages because of company relocation (Ex: tragedy in Bangladesh --> The shift from informal sector to markets has increased wages for women. And this increase of wages has led to the opportunities for families to send their children to school. The greater access to information and communication with other countries make women more aware of their rights. For the author, this is not as simple: the NLG worsens the situation of women. There is still discrimination in hiring, salary and promotions. -->Lindsey sees the China's state policy as a solution against neoliberal vision which could be imported in other countries. (It increases wages, decreases infant mortality, reduces school gap... but it has also negative consequences : bigger precariourness, higher unemployment, one child policy, girls drop out of school...) ==> ?????????????? Bcp de trucs qui se contredisent

Airline Connectivity - The case of Africa

The autor choose airplanes as a measure of globalization of Africa cities Airplanes and airport have an effect on globalization in African cities. Let's notice that : - Airports are visible infrastructures - This market is good to develop and improve supply and demand - Cities that want to improve airline connectivity have the aspiration to get a "world city" statut - a city of the world - Planes can transport people (from different social classes) and also goods The majority of passengers using African airline networks are NOT African people - It develops tourism for the westerners but not africa itself -Globalization is NOT equal (« a one-way relationship ») 7 majors airports : Johannesburg, Cairo, Cape Town, Durban, Casablanca, Nairobi, Tunis. -> Yes, Africa can have a small room in the global world - not a big one. African Airports are almost only connected to non-Africa, airports. - Linked almost only to European countries, Australia,...

Fundamentalism (The resurgence of religion in the age of globalization)

The term Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation indicating unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. => A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. The impact of globalization on religious fundamentalism : > Religion isn't declining with Globalization but there is a resurgence > Religion isn't related to one country anymore, BUT has become worldwide > « Deterritorialisation » = our identity and religion transcend borders > The richest countries have the « richest religions » (they can invest more in it and it can expand and grow better) > Religion does now interfere in international affairs. The religionization of politics has subverted the traditional image of religion for being silent, negative and depoliticized. (=> At least in some countries ???) Where there is strong religious fundamentalism : this fundamentalism reform the society in accordance with the traditional religion. (for example : Jihad) Globalization has "increased" the importance of religious fundamentalism: - spread of secularism (Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. )/liberalism : Religion has less and less importance, it disappear progressively - So there is a fight against this "disappearance". - Spread of theories of conspiracies & evil forces that destroy the "image" of the religion (?) -> They also have to fight back. - Loss of control over life => fundamentalism provides answers Nowadays there is an explosion of new religious movements (operate mainly in the internet, ... It gives people a sens of community, an inner-peace in this materialist world, ...) Important factors, related to modernization and globalization, contributed to the revival of religion: With mass migration to cities, people lost sense of belonging and found comfort in religion, which also helped them to adjust to modernity. Modernization has increased economic inequalities and religion is trying to reduce them (sometimes). Extreme materialism drives people to stress, anxiety, restless mind and the feeling of emptiness of life. Religion can provide them inner peace and a sense of personal fulfillment.


The term is primarily used by anthropologists to describe what happens when locals take something from the outside and make it their own. Link with colonialism : European conquest of Africa was the destruction of the indigenous education systems, and their replacement with an irrelevant, limited and purposefully imposed program of European languages and related structures of learning. The destruction extended beyond the damage to the traditional system, since the colonial system was set up for using education, not as an instrument of human progress, but as a tool that establishes and sustains the project of colonialism. Indigenous peoples have the tendency to associate globalization with capitalist expansion and the colonization of their territories, seen it as a second colonization. Indeed, they believe globalization will only continue to oppress and marginalize them, by undermining their culture, their needs, and their need to self-determine. --> Do we have to blame globalization for this "indigeneity" problem ? => the protection and respect of the right of indigenous groups are actually a matter of domestic affairs. And so globalization is not responsible (for the author of the article) Globalization had some positive impact on indigenous cultures : for example the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous people. The declaration main's goal is to maintain and strengthen indigenous cultural identities as well as emphasize their rights to pursue their development. Politically speaking, this basically means that indigenous peoples are given a voice, a chance to get involved politically, and to fight against the state's total authority. NOW there are limits, such as the fact that its laws are not binding, and the declaration doesn't include all indigenous groups. Globalization will reduce indigenous dependence on the state politically, and this of course, will have economic impacts, allowing indigenous groups to develop their economic activities with no interference of the state. => allowing self-determination. Self-determination does not mean independence but rather collaboration between indigenous groups and the state in order to eliminate domination among peoples. --> Can be seen as "the threat" of capitalism while those people don't want it because it might not be compatible with their way of life.


To adapt a product to the place where it is sold : For example : McDonald has been relocated in many countries, it adapts its many to the citizen's taste) - spicier in Mexico for example (big cliché!)

Neoliberal cinema

We are in a concrete context of a global economic and political system that exists since the 90's. This trend is translated into characters and plotlines of our actual cinema. In this context that influences narratives and scenarists, a new form of cinema is developed since 70's. We call this "network narrative" films. Definition: Networked narratives can be seen as being defined by their rejection of narrative unity. As a consequence, such narratives escape the constraints of centralized authorship, distribution, and storytelling. One of the most visible forms of networked narrative has been the alternate reality game, an interactive scenario that is experienced through multiple channels and adapts to player behavior. Additionally, networked narratives have been represented in films such as Crash, Babel and Syriana through highly decentralized plots. There are two different kinds of networked films: contingency narratives (with usually accidental events), and world-system films (more linkable and depend on a global economic and political system). The origins could be draw around early soap opera's. Other important aspect: the theme of network social relations between the characters. The neoliberal approach of multiprotagonist films: with many examples in Traffic or Syriana films. The cosmopolitan cast represents a hypocrite global system where remains the dominant White Star, with coloured actors that are only peripheral. The distances are destroyed, but not the stereotypes. Network Narrative Films involved a new kind of "networked industrial production", a new way to make movies. Today you shoot a same film in many different places on earth with many different and local crews. This segmentation increased the number of coproductions. The star system is cheaper and more accessible with the possibility of demanding for a star to appear in a segment of the film for cheap. The huge scale of places and stories maximize the profit and even decentralized the audience abroad for Hollywood. The thrust of globalization motivated new generations of filmmakers to enter the cinema system by other (more neoliberal) ways. These ones are more transnationalists and aren't afraid by Hollywood anymore. New Wave of Mexican directors. Filmmakers consider themselves as citizen of the world.

World music

World music can be qualified as non-western music. It appears in 1978 et was created for a marketing strategy, for westerners consumers. It is a syndrome of globalization, and evolve in the same time as globalization evolve. Music to understand the globalization phenomenon: •Music is mobile → main characteristic of globalisation. •Music is easy to commodified → globalization transform culture into a commodity, a good of consumption. HOWEVER, economic success isn't seen as a degradation of the cultural variety anymore. •Music is social = group of activity, correspond to a culture and history, can give a lot of informations about a population. 3 phases of the cultural globalization in world music : 1) World music = non-western music produced for western consumers. The term involve a cleavage between west and non-west. . Authenticity in the music is a proof of quality of the music. Audience qualified as white, from west countries, non-migrant, educated, from an elite. the term of « world music » was first used in 1978 as a label used for marketing and promotion 2) Rise of "hybrid" musics : More and more difficult to identify clear roots in a world music band. The first believes about world music are being questioned. 3) End of the dichotomie (=cleavage) : acknowledgment of the artists for their musical competence and not for their roots anymore. Economic success doesn't include a degradation of the music anymore. World music is produced all over the world, including in West countries. New audience younger and broader due to digital technologies. Hybridization = blending of different varieties of music / culture (nowadays it is accepted) « Shrinking world » = time-space compression (due to migration flows and technology progress, world music is evolving not in a one way flow from west to Rest but into multidirectional flows around the world)

Music in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean music includes folk and pop styles. An annual Zimbabwe Music Festival is held each year in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. People from all over the world attend this festival and share the experience of Zimbabwean music and culture. - In Zimbabwe, there is a policy in the music broadcasting sector. The policy says that at least 75% of the broadcasting must be local. -Local quotas promote a sens of national identity, character and cultural diversity (they want to protect their own culture). This proves a desire to reaffirm a local identity. -Nowadays, radio companies often have to broadcast x percentage of national music (for example, in Belgium) Consequences: 1. Youthful musicians were finally taken seriously 2. hypocritical : What they were doing was recognized by critics as only imitating American music and seen as a lack of creativity. Singing in its own language over foreign music is not local. ⇒The country should interact with other countries and learn from them. It is necessary to be careful not to adopt the whole Western system because it decreases the creativity. It leads to think that everything global is better and what is local is bad. + The Zimbabwean Music Festival is an annual celebration of Zimbabwean music and culture. A fun-filled four-day weekend of concerts, workshops, community conversations, a marketplace and more.


amalgame, mélange


cultural heterogenization or multicultural society, which means region culture was widely disseminated and accepted by other societies and cultures and meanwhile enhance the cultural diversity in local society. It could be resulted that richer countries gives incentive to poorer countries to protect their natural environments as well as to adopt more sustainable practices.

supply and demand

l'offre et la demande



a wide array

un large éventail

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