ILRHR4620 Midterm

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class action

A single person or group of persons represents the legal interests of a larger group

uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures UGESP

ADA requires that the org determine the essential functions of each job and job analysis can play a pivotal role in that process. justify staffing processes as being job related requires job analysis.

how to correct a surplus

Downsizing Pay reduction Demotions Work sharing Hiring freeze Natural attrition Early retirement Retraining

job specification

The qualifications that are required to perform the job.

job description

The tasks and duties which are performed on the job.

person job or person org match

a person/job match will have to be assessed any time a person if hired to perform a finite set of tasks. jobs may be poorly defined and fluid, making a person/job match infeasible and requiring a person/organization match instead.

sufficient quality

ability to bring in internal candidates should capitalize on the additional capacity to carefully observe candidates


budgeting process for internal recruitment should closely mirror that for external recruitment cost per hire may differ

criteria for choice of methods

deciding whether to use a particular method of info collection how to blend together a set of methods that will be used in varying ways and degrees in the actual job analysis. combo of methods so that weakness of anyone method is offset by strengths of another


developing a message and then selecting a medium to communicate that message.

quantity quality

staffing the organization requires both attention to the numbers (quantity) and the types (quality) of people brought into, moved within and retained by the organization _____- having enough people to conduct business and _____- having the people with the requisite KSAOs so that jobs are performed effectively.

time sequence concerns

steps involved in the process are clearly defined and sequenced in logical order, will affect the amount of time needed to fill job vacancies

job analysis

The process of getting detailed information about jobs in organizations Before you can know what kinds of people to recruit and select, what to train them on, and on what basis to evaluate and compensate them, you must understand the job they will perform the process of gathering information related to the activities performed on a job.

direct threat

an er MAY REFUSE TO hire an individual who poses a direct threat to himself or herself and the safety of others affirmative action- no AA requirements for ERs in terms of disabilities

how to correct a shortage

Overtime Temporary workers Outsourcing Retrained transfers Turnover reduction New external hires Technology change

prima facie case

Prima facie case Means "on the face of it" Minimum standard for a plaintiff

disparate impact

Prima facie case: Different outcomes from an employment practice Burden of proof Demonstration of differential outcomes Payout Back pay standard defense of disparate treatment: business necessity

age discrimination in employment

Prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of 40. Does not prohibit discrimination against the young Eliminates most mandatory retirement Rationale: Older workers make a tempting target for firing Older workers may have a hard time finding long-term employment


A claim involving civil, monetary outcomes

staffing planning

After the HRP process is complete, it is time to move toward the development of specific plans for staffing. staffing objectives are developed, alternate staffing activities are generated, the objectives are the targets the organization establishes to determine how many employees will be needed and in which job categories. activities are the specific methods, including recruiting and selection strategy, that will be used to meet these objectives.


Employment decisions or working conditions that benefit members of one group compared to members of another

job analysis vs. job design

Job analysis focuses on jobs that already exist Job design (and job redesign) focuses on jobs that are either being created or changed in some manner

within group norming

Scenario: 20 applicants for a warehouse job Top-down hiring: Pick the 10 strongest (here, 7 men and 3 women) Within group norming: Hire the 5 strongest women and the 5 strongest men


The research clearly shows that people differ in what they want, and matching things up can improve satisfaction The research also suggests that organizations will tend to attract people who are a lot like the people already there.

open recruitment

anyone can apply for the position and all who apply are considered regardless of KSAOs useful when you need large numbers- fair and diverse set of applicants qualified applicants may be overlooked, too many applicants, time consuming

mobility paths

consists of possible employment movements from within internal labor market structure

lead time concerns

effective planning requires that top management prioritize job openings so that they can be filled in the order that best meets the needs of business.

hiring rate

hired divided by the number of applicants

time sequence concerns

many organizations start with internal recruitment followed by external recruitment to fill a vacancy. how long internal recruitment will take, whether external recruitment can be done concurrently with external, and who will be selected if an internal and external candidate with equal KSAOs are identified.

targeted recruitment

org identifies segments of the labor market where qualified candidates are likely to be.

diversity planning

requiring a developed strategy to recruit and select a diverse group of employees. assimilation and adaptation of a diverse workforce.

job rewards

successfully matching rewards provided with rewards desired will be critical in attaining the hr Outcomes

survival/retention rate

survival divided by the number of hires you can use the bottom line to help you decide which methods to use.

disparate impact

the effect of employment practices, rather than on the motive or intent underlying them. accordingly, the emphasis here is on the need for direct evidence that, as a result of a protected characteristic, people are being adversely affected by a practice. statistical evidence must be presented to support a claim of adverse impact

4/5 rule for disparate impact

Hiredminority/Applymajority Hiredminority /Applyminority Majority hiring ratio (i.e. HR ): majority Minority hiring ratio (i.e. HR ): minority Selection ratio: HRminority HRmajority problems with the 4/5 rule: recruiting bias and small samples

supply forecasting

How much labor will we have? Also requires us to examine our business environment by asking these questions: What's the unemployment rate? How does that break down by age, gender, and background of the people we would target? What might change those rates? you can do internal gap analysis using a transition matrix

demand forecasting

How much labor will we need? Benchmarking How much labor does a business like ours use? Is there any reason why we may differ? Statistical Methods Example: Sales this year correlate with labor demand next year Educated Guesses Take into account other factors (e.g., new product launches, changes with competitors)

respondent superior/ vicarious liability

Employers are responsible for the actions of their agents even if unaware of agents' actions Faragher v. Boca Raton Employer must exercise "reasonable care" Burlington Industries v. Ellerth The supreme court didn't decide the case, but just noted that the employer did have an affirmative defense because they did have a potentially effective policy in place


Human Resource Planning is the process of forecasting the organization's future employment needs and then developing action plans and programs for fulfilling these needs in ways that align with the staffing strategy. HR planning involves learning about the employment environment, determining how many employees an organization will need in the future, and assessing the availability of employees in both the internal and external markets staffing planning process includes distinguishing hiring between the core and flexible staffing workforce as well as understanding the environment for outsourcing.


May not discriminate against an individual on the basis of disability in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of EEs, EE compensation, job training, other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment also prohibited is discrimination based on an applicant or employee's association with a person with a disability you have to be qualified for the job

standardized sources

Measures apply across settings as much as possible so they tend to concentrate on general characteristics. May not match your specific jobs Very consistent no matter who looks it up Very low cost


PORTRAys the org and the job as they really are, rather than describing what the org thinks the job applicants want to hear. realistic job previous- being told verbally in writing or on video what the actual job is like, both positive and negative, then applicants decide whether they want to work for the organization, self select into or out of the organization. higher job satisfaction and lower turnover, higher quality applicants have more options and may be scared away. give them verbally and later in the recruiting process.

local questionnaires and interviews

People may try to talk up their positions. Too much information if people feel like "venting." Very inconsistent in application Costly to have people who can go through all this information and make sense of it. High variable costs.

Immigration Reform and coNTROL aCT 1986

Prohibit employment an unauthorized aliens and to provide civil and criminal penalties for a violation of this. law covers all employers regardless of size. law prohibits the initial or continuing employment of unauthorized aliens the law also prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of national origin or citizenship status

emerging protected class issues

Sexual orientation Extreme controversy Cracker Barrel's termination policy Transsexuals are generally not covered for cross-dressing Executive branch employment (Clinton executive order) Major legal issues Places discrimination is barred Employment non-discrimination act (ENDA) Domestic partner benefits Weight discrimination Discriminatory attitudes found in empirical research Believed to be lacking self-discipline or lazy Studies show they are less preferred in job interviews Weight is trumped by qualifications Weight is more linked to discrimination for sales jobs Facilities may be difficult to access for the obese Is this a disability? Physical impairments must substantially limit major life activities to qualify for the ADA The courts have generally had a threshold of 100% or more overweight to count as a disability Height discrimination The evidence: Taller candidates are more likely to win elections Height increases leadership ratings (r=.25) Height is related to ratings of job performance (r=.18) How does this line up for protected class issues? It's obviously something you can't do anything about It does create differences across protected class areas

succession planning

Sometimes performed with software as a developmental aide Specific individuals for specific jobs Usually for upper management For promotion from within Why would it be done? Need to consider KSAO in depth to ensure no skills gaps in critical positions Develop estimates for future career growth to help employees understand career tracks Recognize where future training will be needed


Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization's effectiveness.

accounting for recruiting

The cost of finding a new employee Cost of advertising a position Cost of selecting good performers Cost of training the newcomer Other costs? (Hard to measure) The outcomes of a new employee Retention/duration of employment Job performance

assessing and choosing alternatives

goal of assessment is to identify one or more preferred activities. preferred activities offers the highest likelihood of attaining the staffing objective within the time limit established, at the best of most tolerable and with the fewest negative side effects. a common set of assessment criteria should be identified and agreed on. second, each alternative should be assessed according to each of these criteria.

defining strategic internal recruitment goals

goals from an internal recruiting system will flow from the organization's overall strategic goals.

employment brand message

good company tac that places the image of being a great place to work or employer of choice in the minds of job candidates. tied to product market image. highlight unique advantages from competitors. may help attract desired applicants to the organization. can breed organizational commitment.


have supervised employees performing the job to be analyzed and have played a major role in defining it and adding or deleting job tasks. good way to ensure acceptance of job descriptions and specifications.

Labor Supply: KSAOs available

high school gras lack important skills and work habits necessary for entry into entry level jobs. even college grads said to have bad writing skills. skil shortages are being reported despite consistent growth in standardized testing scores and educational attainment in the LF in the 1960s. problem is that demand for advanced skills is increasing, not that supply of workers is decreasing.

goals for speed

how fast the organization needs to attract applicants quickly- methods to attract highly qualified and experienced individuals who are probably doing similar work already, methods that find a large pool of interested individuals who want to start right away should be implemented long term strategy should be establishing personal relationships with a broad pool of talented individuals, regardless of immediate availability, through on going networking.

legality of AAPs and diversity programs

legal in the eyes of the supreme court 1. plan should have as its purpose the remedying of specific and indentifiable effects of past discrimination 2. should address the current underutilization of the current women and minorities in the organization 3. should not result in discharge or replacement of male or majority workers for women/minority workers. should not create a bar to their promotion. 4. should be temporary and should be eliminated once goals are achieved 5. all candidates should be qualified for relevant positions. 6. should include organizational enforcement mechanisms as well as grievance procedures. may be used only when there is specific evidence of identified discrimination when the rewards have been tailored to the discrimination and when those who suffer from discrimination benefit from the remedy, when other individuals will not suffer undue burden

in-house temporary pools

legally treated as employees, (full legal liability falls exclusively on ER) require less orientation, cost savings because you don't have to pay fee to external agency ensure quality and person/org fit can serve as "audition" for permanent employment employees must be adaptable to different situations, must ensure they have sufficient work

staffing firms

legal ERs of the workers being supplied. the staffing firm conducts recruitment, selection, training, compensation, performance appraisals, and retention activities for the flexible workers. firm is also responsible for on site supervision and management as well as all payrollinf and payment of legally required insurance premiums. firm charges the organization a general fee for its labor costs, and has a markup percentage of labor costs to make a profit. temp to perm workers may be hired by the organization to become regular employees in the core workforce.

aFFIrmative action plans

seek to rectify the effects of past employment discrimination by increasing the representation of certain gaps in the organization's workforce precede diversity progress, which organizations typically undertake for strategic business reasons rather than legal ones include availability analysis of women and minorities, placement goals derived from company availability w/ incumbent and action oriented programs for meeting the placement goals. all put very small federal contractors must develop an implement AAPs according to the OFCCP's affirmative action regulations

person/job match

seeks to align characteristics of individuals with jobs in ways that will result in desired HR outcomes. Jobs are characterized by their requirements and embedded rewards. second, individuals are characterized by their level of qualification and motivation. third, the likely fit or match between the characteristics of the job and the person. fourth, there are implied consequences for every match

job requirement analysis

seeks to identify and describe the specific tasks, KSAOs and job context for a particular job. aims to be objective

recruitment brochure

sent out or given directly to job applicants or included as part of organization's website. information about job, organization and location. can be costly and possibly not credible. 1. should have unique theme, 2. visual distinctiveness in terms of design and photographs include general description of the organization, hiring process, description, characterization of pay and benefits

support activities

serve as the foundation and necessary ingredients for the conduct of core staffing activities. legal compliance represents knowledge of myriad laws and regulations, especially equal employment opportunity and affirmative actions and incorporation of their requirements into all phases of the core staffing activities. planning serves as a tool for first becoming aware of key external influences on staffing, particularly economic conditions, labor markets, and labor unions, such awareness shapes the formulation of staffing levels-both requirements and availabilities- the results of which drive planning for the core staffing activities. Job analysis represents the key mechanism by which the organization identifies and establishes the key KSAO requirements for jobs, as well as the rewards the jobs will provide.


short and to point, do not provide rich info, have low credibility because there is a level of persuasion can reach a broad market segment classified ads- banner ads display ads radio and tv ads- target specific audiences, passive candidates can be costly and need to be monitored closely for yield

generating alternative staffing activities

short term options for shortages will include utilizing current employees better/more overtime, productivity increases, and buybacks of vacations and holidays, acquiring employees on a temporary basis. long term options include staffing additional employees, enhances skills and pushing work to other organizations.

staffing organizations

staffing organizations model depicts that the organization's mission, along with its goals and objectives drives both organization strategy and HR and staffing strategy which interact with each other when they are being formulated. staffing policies and programs result from such interaction and serve as an overlay to both support activities and core staffing activities. employee retention and staffing system management concerns cut across the support and core staffing activities.

scenario planning

used to predict future outcomes in an uncertain environment. this method provide a range of estimates based on various possible changes in the external and internal environments. three estimates developed for worse-case, expected and best case demand levels. Allows HRP to incorporate uncertainty and prepare for the unexpected. simulation software- allow managers to change various factors of a situation to see how an outcome will change. can promote more holistic views of a problem that incorporate a wide range of factors.

employment advertising

discrimination in employment advertising is prohibited (can indicate BFOQs if present)

protection of employees

employment standards, individual workplace rights and consistency of treatment employment standards represent the minimum acceptable terms and conditions of employment. individual rights- examples include organizing and collective bargaining, privacy protections and constraints on unilateral termination laws and regulations in effect guarantee consistency of treatment among employees.

staffing as a process or system

staffing is a process that establishes and governs the flow of people into the organization, within the organization and out of the organization. multiple interconnected systems to manage the people flows. occurrences or actions in one system inevitable affect other systems.


Pregnancy Discrimination Act-ER cannot refuse to hire a pregnant women because of her pregnancy, her condition or because of prejudices concerning clients or customers


a neutral 3rd party mediates the dispute between the ER and the EEOC and obtains an agreement between them that resolves the dispute voluntary- each party may opt out for any reason. any agreement reached between the parties is legally enforced.

active or passive diversity

active diversity- it is legally and morally appropriate and allows the organization to be more attuned to the diverse needs of the customers it serves. passive diversity- diversification of the workforce takes time because it requires substantial planning and assimilation activity.

short or long term focus

addressing ST labor shortages by identifying and developing talent for the LT. When forced to choose, organization focus on their short term needs. even when the economy is sluggish, the pool of qualified applicants may be thin. organizations with a long term view of their staffing needs have put in place talent management programs. in some cases, this means thinking about the strategic talent or future skill needs for the entire organization. but, LT needs and availability are often unclear. it seems as if calls for up and coming labor shortage due to baby boomer retirements never end. labor demand estimates are not very reliable. growth will occur in some skill areas while others will decrease in demand. ERs who make no efforts to project future supply and demand risk having their strategies derailed by lack of available labor as a result of a lack of planning, some companies are facing unanticipated skilled labor shortages.

seniority systems

allowed as long as it is not evading the purposes of the act


client employer and staffing firm share the traditional role of employer EEOC provides guidance on coverage and responsibility requirements for staffing firms and their client organizations. when both the firm and the client exercise control over the temp employee and both have the requisite number of employees, they are considered employers and jointly liable under the LRA ADEA and Equal Pay Act. the firm must make referrals and job assignments in a nondiscriminatory manner and the client may not set discriminatory job referral and job assignment criteria. client must treat the temp employees in a nondiscriminatory manner, if the firm knows this is not happening, it must take any corrective actions within its control. lines blurred when an employer use a set of temporary employees from a staffing firm on a long term basis, resulting in so called "perma temps" court suggests that these employees are in fact employees of the client employer rather than the staffing firm, because of the strong degree of control the client employer typically exercises over those people. if they don't want legal control- client must give up or never exercise direct control over these people and treat them as if they are truly separate from regular employees

core or flexible workforce

core workforce is made up of individuals who are viewed and view themselves as regular or FT or PT employees of the organization. they are central to the core goods and services delivered to the organization. flexible workforce is composed of more peripheral workers who are used on an as-needed, just in time basis. they are not viewed nor do they view themselves as regular employees as legally, most of them are not even EEs of the organization. rather, they are employees of an alternate organization such as a staffing firm (temporary help agency) or independent contractor that provides these workers to the organization. organization must decide whether to use both core and flexible workforces, what mixture of core vs. flexible workers will be and in what jobs and units of the organization these mixtures will be deployed.

constitutional law

derived from the US constitution and its amendments and it supersedes any other source of law or regulation. its major application is in the area of the rights of public employees, particularly their due process rights.

statutory law

derived from written statutes passed by legislation bodies. these bodies are federal state and local. legislative bodies may create, amend and eliminate laws and regulations, they may also create agencies to administer and enforce the law.

applicant flow statistics

differences in selection rates (proportions of applicants among different groups for a particular job) if the differences are large enough, this suggests the effect of a selection system is discriminatory.

temporary employees

do not have special legal statute, considered employees of the temp help agency that obtain them through its own staffing process. they are given job assignments with other employers, clients, by the staffing firm. during these assignments, the temporary EE remains on the pay roll of the staffing firm and the client client simply reimburses the staffing firm for its wage and other costs. the client ER has a severely limited right to control temp employees that it utilizes because they are not its employees but employees of the staffing firm.

rehabilitation act 1973

federal employees, contractors, subcontractors illegal to discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability (ADA definition), reasonable accommodation for a qualified individual must also be made affirmative action- required to develop and implement written AAPs for employing and promoting qualified individuals w/ disabilities

core staffing activities

focus on recruitment, selection and employment of the workforce. emphasis shifts to staffing quality to ensure that successful person/job and person/org matches will be made. requires multiple plans, decisions and activities, ranging from recruitment methods, communication w/ potential applicants w/ a special recruitment message, recruitment media, types of selection tools, deciding which will receive job offer packages staffing experts and hiring managers involved in these activities.

person/organization match model

foundation of all staffing activities, shoes how person job matching could extend to how well the person will also fit with the organization

the employment relationship

from a legal perspective, the term "staffing" refers to the formation of the employment relationship

employment at will

in the absence of any contract language to the contrary, the employment relationship is strictly an at will one, meaning that either the employer or the employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason with or without notification restrictions on the employment at will right are usually established as part of the employment contract (such as termination for "just cause" only), other restrictions come from federal, state and local laws.

disparate treatment

intentional discrimination with staffing practices is prohibited and the employer may not use a claim of business necessity to justify intentional use of a discriminatory practice.

staffing quality

matching a person's qualifications with the requirements of the job or the organization

bonafide occupational qualification

may attempt to justify a protected characteristic as a BFOQ, only allowed for sex, religion, and national origin, not race or color. "BFOQ reasonably necessary for the operations of that particular business or enterprise. must be able to show business necessity.

Enforcement OFCCP

most covered employers are required to develop and implement written affirmative action plans for women and minorities. to enforce these requirements, the OFCCP conducts offsite desk audits and reviews of employers records and AAPs and on site visits and compliance reviews of employers AAPs. investigates complaints charging non compliance, urged to charge practice through a conciliation process.

staffing strategy

organization, HR, staffing strategy interact to guide the conduct of staffing support activities (legal compliance, planning and job analysis) and core staffing activities (recruitment, selection and employment)

overstaff or understaff

overstaffing may occur when there are dips in demand for the organization's product or services that the organization chooses to ride out. in order to stockpile talent understaffing may occur when the organizational is confronted with chronic labor shortages prediction of an economic downturn may lead the organization to understaff to avoid future layoffs. organization may decide to understaff and adjust staffing level demand spikes by increasing employment over time or using flexible staffing arrangements such as temporary employees.

stock statistics

percentage employed is compared with availability in the relevant population. relevant is defined in terms of such things as "qualified" "interested" or "geographic"

seniority or merit systems

permits use of seniority and merit systems as a basis for applying different terms and conditions to employees. must be bonafide- may not be the result of an intention to discriminate

executive order 11246

prohibited discrimination- federal contractor is prohibited from discriminatory practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Required AAPs

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

prohibits discrimination against those aged 40 and older unlawful: 1. fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual on the basis of age 2. to limit, segregate, classify EEs in any way which would adversely affect him because of age Age can be a BFOQ


seek to manage the inevitable flow of employees out of the organization, sometimes these outflows are involuntary on the part of the employees such as through layoffs, other outflows are the voluntary ones in that they are initiated by the employee. should try to minimize voluntary avoidable turnover. Can be very costly to the organization, as can turnover due to employee discharges and downsizing.

essential job functions

the major, nontrivial tasks required of an employee. ER has great discretion


the process of acquiring, deploying and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization's effectiveness.

Civil Rights Acts (1964, 1991)

unlawful employment practices 1. fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex or national origin 2. to limit, segregate or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or adversely affect his status as an employee because of such individual's race, color, religion, national origin


veteran with a service related disability is covered by the ADA, if the person meets the ADA definition of disability and is qualified for the job

executive orders and affirmative action

Mandated that employers taking federal funds must take "affirmative action" to ensure that hiring and employment practices were free of racial bias 1961 President Kennedy 1965 Lyndon Johnson (and 1967) Executive order to ensure that all groups treated without bias through affirmative actions (government contractors) Intended as temporary remedy to "level the playing field" Executive Orders 11246 and 11375 Require that contractors take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunity

The Rule of 1/8th

"One must bear in mind that 1/2 of organizations won't believe the connection between how they manage their people and the profits they earn. 1/2 of those who do see the connection will do what many organizations have done--try to make a single change to solve their problems, not realizing that the effective management of people requires a more comprehensive and systematic approach. Of the firms that make comprehensive changes, probably only about 1/2 will persist with their practices long enough to actually derive economic benefits. " (p. 47).

initial decisions

these decisions will shape the nature of the resultant HRP process and they will influence the output of the process, namely, the gap estimates


1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 2. Age Discrimination in the employment act 3. americans with disabilities act 4. genetic information nondiscrimination act 5. rehabilitation act 6. executive order 11746 the laws are very broad in their coverage of employees. second, they specifically prohibit discrimination on the basis of several individual characteristics (race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, disability and handicap) Title VII and ADA may protect applicants who are caregivers or who experience domestic or dating violence, sexual assault or stalking separate agencies have been created for administration and enforcement of those laws, these agencies have issued numerous rules, regulations and guidelines to assist in interpreting, implementing, and enforcing the law. for some laws, the number of employees in the organization determines whether the organization is covered. to count employees, the EEOC has issued guidance indicating that the organization should include only employees with whom the organization had an employment relationship n each of 20 or more calendar weeks during the current or preceding year. PT and FT employees and possibly temporary employees should be included in the employee count. individuals who oppose unlawful practices participate in proceedings or request accommodations are protected from retaliation. the term retaliation is broadly interpreted by the counts and the EEOC to include refusal to hire, denial of promotion, termination, other actions affecting employment, and actions that deter reasonable people from pursuing their rights. state but not local government employees are immune from lawsuits by employees who allege violation of the ADA or ADEA. State EEs must thus pursue age/disability discrimination claims under applicable state laws. Second, organization officials and individual managers cannot be held personally responsible for discrimination under the CRA, ADA or ADEA. The ADA, CRA and ADEA extend to U.S. citizens employed overseas by American employees. EEOC- responsible for enforcing the CRA, ADEA and ADA.

competency based analysis

1. connote job requirements in ways that extend beyond the job itself 2. design and implement staffing programs focused around competencies as a way of increasing staffing flexibility in job assignments. 3. make it easier to adapt jobs to a changing organizational context. link to organizational strategy and use of terminating consistent with strategic plans begins by considering the organization's goals and strategies and determines how each job corresponds to these strategic goals. consider organizational context. top down approach of competency makes it much easier to address how jobs fit together and complement one another to produce goods and services. competencies addressed in the process should be sufficiently general to address both present and future organizational needs.

collecting competency information

1. it is crucial that the organization establish its mission and goals prior to determining competency requirements. 2. general competencies should be important for all job tasks/ levels so that their usage as job requirements will focus on and align all jobs with the organization's mission and goal. 3. all general competencies should have special behavioral definitions, not just labels. for job spanning competencies- definitions will be more task specific, crucial to know the major tasks for which competencies are to be established. SMEs familiar with all the jobs or roles which the competencies apply should be part of the process. careful definition of competencies is necessary

employment eligibility verification system

ER used the I-9 form to gather documents from the new EE to establish proof of both identity and eligibility (authorization for work) Documents should not be obtained until the person is actually hired, must be acquired within 3 business days. E-Verify- federal contractors.

timing lead time concerns

internal recruitment fills and creates vacancies. a new vacancy is created in the spot vacated by the internal candidate. do HR planning align w/ internal recruitment, involve succession planning

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII

Bedrock of all civil rights law (even outside US) Three major backer groups African-Americans Religious/cultural groups Southern business owners Four protected classes: Race or color Religion National origin Gender It is unlawful for an employer to hire or discharge an individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of protected class status It is also unlawful to limit, segregate, or classify employees or applicants for employment in any way which would tend to deprive an individual of employment opportunities because of protected class status Important point: use of protected class rather than protected group status Because there are generally no protected groups (with one important exception which we'll review later!), there is no such thing as reverse discrimination Case examples: Ford settled out of course for $10.5 million for discriminating against white male employees Men file about 14.7% of all harassment claims Race and national origin Still the number one source of claims Actions range across many categories "Glass ceiling" effects Overt policies in hiring and promotions English only rules Religious discrimination claims escalated in the early 1990's

Reasonable Factors other than Age (RFOA)

Disparate Impact- ER can seek to justify adverse impact occurrence as being based on an RFOA. an employment practice is based on an RFOA- it is reasonably designed and administered to achieve legitimate business purposes in light of circumstances reasonableness depends on the extent which 1. a measured factor is related to the ER's business purpose 2. factor has been accurately and falsely identified and applied 3. managers and supervisors were trained on how to use the factor and avoid discrimination 4. limited were placed on supervisor's discretion to assess EE's subjectively 5. adverse impact against older workers was assessed 6. steps were taken to reduce the harm

disparate treatment

Disparate treatment Prima facie case: Others not in the protected class were treated more favorably Burden of proof Must show intention Payout Back pay and punitive standard defenses for disparate treatment: stray remarks BFOQ

temporary visas

ER may apply for temporary visas for up to six years for foreign workers H-1B visa- nonimmigrant must have a bachelor's degree or higher in a specific speciality, ER must pay the person the prevailing wage for employees working in a similar position for the employer and attest that the employee will not displace any other US employee. there is a cap of 65000 20000 cap for workers with a master's degree or higher from US university. they may change jobs as soon as their ER files an approval petition, not restrained to their current geographic area. H-2B visa- nonagricultural temporary workers, ERs with peak load, seasonal or intermittent needs to augment their regular workforce. cap of 65000, enforcement- US citizenship and immigration services with US department of homeland security.

affirmative action

Intentional inclusion of women and minorities in the workplace based on a finding of their previous exclusion Continually keeping statistics on representation of various groups across several levels of the organization to see if there are problems Affirmative action plans are established noting the goals for inclusion of individuals and timelines Executive order 11246 mandated that all federal contractors must take affirmative action to ensure all individuals have equal opportunity for employment have a formal written plan for affirmative action What does it take to be a federal contractor? If you receive over $50,000 and over 50 employees

KSAO importance

KSAOs of a job may different in their weight or contribution to task performance. what will be the specific attributes on which importance is judged? will the measurement of each attribute be categorical or continuous time oriented measured include things like time spent, frequency and duration scales. importance includes things like criticality, difficulty and overall performance. both time spent and importance should be measured as they are distinct


Protects people with a disability from being discriminated against along 3 lines: Intentional discrimination for reasons of social bias Neutral standards with disparate impact on the disabled Results of barriers to job performance that could be overcome with an accommodation Precedent In 1973 Congress passed the Vocational Rehabilitation Act that protected disabled workers in federal government jobs Important minimal standard It must be sufficient to be chronic It must "substantially limit major life activities" The role of medical professions A disability is still a disability even if medications make it less apparent Often, specific medical diagnoses are invoked Employers required to make "reasonable accommodation" Modifying facilities to make them accessible Changing work schedules Adjusting training materials What makes an accommodation reasonable? It's not economically prohibitive It doesn't interfere with core job tasks It doesn't put the public at risk No blind pilots or bus drivers; no sociopaths in security jobs Remember: drinking on the job is still something you can fire someone for!

job context

Tasks and KSAOs occur within a broader job context. a job requirements job analysis should include consideration of the job context and factors that are important in defining it may be used in recruitment and selection of job applicants. consideration of job context factors may be helpful in assessing likely person/organization fit during selection. interpersonal, physical, and structural characteristics. important for determining if a job can be modified for the disabled.

who do we measure in job analysis

Tasks, duties and responsibilities The actual things that people do on the job Objectively observable KSAOs Knowledge: declarative information (what's a spreadsheet) Skills: procedural information (how do I run a spreadsheet) Abilities: capacity to develop new knowledge and skills Other traits: personality characteristics

job element inventory

The JEI uses three questions to rate the importance of specific tasks: How likely is it that a barely acceptable worker could perform this task well? How likely is it that a superior worker could perform this task well? How likely is it that trouble will result from poor performance? (1=Very Unlikely to 5=Very Likely)


The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is an online resource that describes the tasks involved in many jobs, along with their KSAO's It replaces an earlier resource called the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)

bonafide seniority systems

Title VII permits bonafide seniority systems as long as they are not the result of an intention to discriminate any established system that uses a length of employment as a basis for making decisions is interpreted as a seniority system. in the absence of discriminatory intent, virtually any seniority system is likely to be bonafide even if it causes adverse impact.

essential job functions

Under ADA, org must not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability who can perform the essential job functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation. 1. the fundamental job duties of the ET position the individual with a disability holds or desires. the term does not involve marginal functions. 2. a job function may be essential for any of the following reasons- reason the position exists is to perform the function limited number of employees available may whom the performance of that job function can be distributed the function may be highly specialized so that the incumbent in the position is hired for his expertise or ability to perform the function evidence of essential functions 1. ER's judgments as to what functions are essential. 2. written job description 3. amount of time spent on performing the function 4. consequences of not requiring the incumbent to perform the function 5. terms of CB agreement 6. work experience of past incumbent in the job 7. current work experience of incumbents in similar jobs

affirmative action policies and limitations

What can be done? Recruiting California Advertisement in publications targeted to women or minorities No set aside programs Recruiting at historically black universities Similar decision— 2002 Boston firefighters Encouraging women and minorities to apply CRA 1991 No within-group Staffing norms No quotas Preferring certain groups if qualifications are equivalent UMich undergraduate Cannot give points Providing additional training Can take diversity into account as a goal UMich Law school

recruitment guide

formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a job. time and staff required to fill jobs as well as steps taken to do so.

other characteristics

a catch all category for factors that do not fir neatly into knowledge, skills and abilities categories. very important for bringing the right personality to perform job tasks well, values and interests that are consistent with social and organizational priorities and the specific training and experience requirements to take on a job care should be taken to ensure that these factors are truly job requirements, as opposed to whimsical and ill defined preferences of the organization.

nature of competencies

a competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual that contributes to job or role performance and to organizational success competencies specific to a particular job are the kSAO requirements established through job requirements job analysis. competency requirements may extend to those of multiple jobs, general job categories or the entire organization. much more general. competency model is a combination of the several competencies deemed necessary for particular jobs. competencies may be job spanning, or span requirements of jobs within the same category. competencies can contribute not only to job performance but also organizational success. applicable and required for all jobs. align requirements of all jobs with the mission and goals of the organization.

regarded as disabled

a person is regarded as showing a disability if the employment takes a prohibited action under the ADA based on an impairment the employer thinks the person has, unless the impairment is temporary or minimum

definition of a disability

a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (an actual disability) a record of physical or mental impairment that substantially limited a major life activity (a record of) when an employer takes an action prohibited by the ADA because of an actual or perceived disability that is not both transitory and minor (regarded as)

applicant initiated

accept applications from applicants who physically walk into the organization to apply for a job, who call the org or who contact the org though the corporate website. application portal should be simple, easy to use, informative and up to date

access of internet apps

access to computers and skills necessary to apply online supplement with other sources of recruitment. OR restrict to hobs with strong computer related KSAOs requirements. could source a non job related critic that causes adverse impact against women, minorities or PWD. set only job related KSAOs and requirements.

direct contact

most expensive telephone and email- more personal applicants specifically approached by organization seen as credible and rich make it clear that the person is one of a small number of people receiving a message.

actual disability

an impairment is a physical or mental disorder, illness or condition. a physical impairment is any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement or anatomical loss affecting one or more body systems a mental or psychological disorder includes intellectual disability, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness and specific learning disabilities. an impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it substantially limits a major life activity when active, use of mitigating resources that eliminate or reduce the symptoms or impact of a disability must be ignored when determining whether there is an impairment that substantially limits major life activity current users of illegal drugs are not covered by the law- recovering drug and alcoholics are covered. major life activities include seeing, breathing eating and a lot more, major bodily functions are included as well. to determine whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity, the person must be substantially limited in performing a major life activity compared to most people in the general population an impairment need not prevent or severely limit a major life activity to be considered substantially limiting. there should be an individualized assessment of the impairment, the determination of a disability should not require extensive analysis


an underlying, enduring trait of the person that is useful for learning about and performing a range of tasks. less likely to change over time and is applicable across a wide set of tasks encountered in many different jobs. underlying personal characteristics that determine how quickly one can acquire and to what degree one can master the knowledge and skills required for a job. cognitive, psychomotor, physical and sensory

transition to selection

applicant may need to be refreshed on selection process since much time may have elapsed since the current and previous selection decisions

time frame

applicant pool definition depends on the length of time applicants will have to apply. pool of qualified applicants is the eligible labor forced. org should not chose a certain applicant before the deadline or consider applicants who apply after the deadline

staffing objectives

are derived from identified gaps between requirements and availabilities, thus these objectives respond to both shortages and surpluses. they may request the establishment of quantitative and qualitative targets. quantitative targets should be expressed in head count or FTE form for each job category/ level and will be very close in magnitude to the identified gaps objectives will be identical to the gap figures. qualitative staffing objectives refer to the qualities of people in KSAO-type terms.

importance of tasks/dimensions

assessments of importance usually only made for task dimensions 1. the specific attribute to be assessed, in terms of importance 2. whether the attribute will be measured in categorical terms or continuous terms

mobility paths and policies

at a more formal level, organizations must create a structural set of jobs for their employees and paths of mobility for them to follow as they advance in their career.

hire or retain

at one extreme, the organization can accept whatever level of turnover occurs and simply hire replacements to fill the vacancies. Alternatively, the organization can seek to minimize turnover so that the need for replacement staffing is held to a minimum. since strategies have costs and benefits associated w them, the organization could conduct an analysis to determine these and then strive for an optimal mix of hiring and retention. in this way, the organization can control its inflow needs (replacement staffing) by controlling its outflow (retention)

competency based job analysis

attempts to identify and describe job requirements in the form of general KSAOs required across a range of jobs, task and work context requirements are of little concern. focuses on how jobs relate to organizational strategy. rewards based approach is used to assess what types of positive outcomes EEs receive from performing a job. knowing rewards of a job can be useful in attracting individuals to apply for and accept jobs in the organization. job requirements analysis is mostly rooted in documenting what employees currently do, competency analysis focuses on how executives see work roles contributing to strategy and rewards analysis focuses on what EEs get from their jobs.

head count (current workforce)

basic unit of analysis for workforce planning is not the number of employees needed. Rather, to account for the amount of scheduled time worked by each employee, staffing needed are stated in terms of full-time equivalents (FTEs) to determine (FTEs), define was constitutes full time work in terms of hours per week and value each employee in terms of scheduled hours worked relative to a full work week

hybrid recruitment

both open and closed steps followed at selection. job vacancies are posted and HR conducts a search outside the posting system. qualified candidates are identified in advance, the search is conducted, people have equal opp to apply, hidden talent is discovered, time consuming and costly. hybrid system is ideal but most organizations must choose one type of system due to limited resources

succession planning

build on replacement plans and directly tie into leadership and development. the intent is to ensure that candidates for promotion will have the specific KSAOs necessary and general competencies required for succession in the new job. the key to succession planning is assessing each promotable employee for KSAOs or competency gaps and where there are gaps, creating employee training and development plans that will close the gaps. focus on competencies and the development plan to instill them in candidates for promotion who lack them, that differentiates replacement and succession planning. indicates which competencies are required for promotion, in addition to minimum eligibility requirements. replacement and succession planning require managers time to conduct, there must be effective performance appraisal and training and development systems in place to support replacement and succession planners. in addition to identifying the skills needed immediately, succession planning should also identify skills needed in the future. promotability and development assessment require managers to make tough and honest decisions.

sufficient quantity

most internal recruiting methods will have far lower quantity yields. techniques that permit jobs postings and intranets will produce more applicants

challenges to traditional view

but, jobs are constantly evolving, often due to technological or workload changes. can also change due to employee initiated changes through a process of job crafting. flexibility- flexible jobs have frequently changing task and KSAO requirements, team based work enhances the need for flexibility and further complicates job analysis. a work team is an interdependent collection of employees who have responsibility for achieving a specific goal. every team is composed of two or more employees and has an identifiable collection of tasks to perform. many team members perform multiple jobs. emphasize recruitment and selection for job specific KSAOs and job spanning KSAOs. job analysis for team based work has to account for this highly varied and constantly evolving set of task demands. a need to identify factors that make people go beyond what is simply written in a job description. employee engagement- the degree to which an employee identifies with and has enthusiasm for his or her work. analysis of jobs needs to take motivational factors into account. you can consider engagement a general competency in competency based job analysis couple w/ job rewards analysis.


can be less expensive because internal communications systems can be used. but complicated systems can be expensive. career development centers re very costly/ only do if cost effective. impact on HR outcomes- can reduce turnover intentions, may reduce the time it takes to reach full performance since they will already be familiar with the organization and may know more about the job in question.


can serve as a substitute for labor by either eliminating or dramatically reducing the need for certain types of workers at the same time, technology can serve to create new jobs as new business opportunities emerge. increasing productivity as a result of technological change can also spur increased firm performance, which in turn will create more jobs. jobs will likely require a completely different set of KSAOs than previous jobs, increased staffing resources will have to be devoted to either retraining or replacing the current workforce computerization has led to an increase in the demand for highly educated specialists leading to an overall increased market demand for skills in science and mathematics, which has led to dramatic increased in wages for individuals with these skills


clear and open communication with all concerned will facilitate the job analysis process. questions and concerns need to be anticipated and addressed.

sources of laws and regulations

common law is court made law, consists of the case by case decisions of the court, which determine of time permissible and impermissible practices as well as their remedies. having reliance on common law in the precedence established in previous court decisions. a tort is a civil hearing that occurs when the employer violates something to employees or customers that leads to harm or damages suffered by them.

organizational website

communicate info about jobs and reaching applicants who would otherwise not bother when applicants can apply online it is a recruitment source website must be vivid and attractive to applicants, while engagement is important at the same time, the website must be functional, must convey the info applicants want to see.

talent management system

comprehensive system for monitoring and tracking the utilization of employee skills and abilities. aligned with replacement and succession planning. track the kSAOs of workforce and then replacement and succession planning translates this information into action plans for specific job roles. first stage is identifying the KSAOs required for all jobs in the organization, then compiled into master list. when positions come open, managers make a query to the talent management system to determine which EEs are eligible. sometimes talent management systems involve a lot of technology that can be hard for managers to understand.

executive search firms

contact and screen potential applicants and delegate resources to ERs typically deal with higher level positions, more likely to operate on the basis of retaining them on contingency. paid regardless of whether successful placement. avoid using the same search firm to hire new executives and to appraise existing management team

employment agencies

contact, screen and place applicants to ERs for a fee, contingent on successful placement and is a percentage of starting pay.

Labor demand: KSAOs sought

continued increased in demand for individuals with college degrees or higher. increasing demand for education most likely reflects advances in technology that have made many jobs more complex and technically demanding. occupational outlook handbook- provides detailed information about the nature of work and the training and KSAOs required for the entire spectrum of occupations in the US critical thinking skills, creativity, diversity, ethics, lifelong learning are seen as especially relevant skills for today's employees

external/ internal hiring

cultivate a stable/committed workforce- internal hiring. will employees to use the internal labor market as a spring board for launching LT careers within the organization. external hiring may be restricted to entry level jobs, or newly created laws, where there are no acceptable internal applicants, or when there is rapid organizational growth, such that the number of new jobs created outstrips internal supply.

employment website

fully functioning recruiting and screening device, should not be used without having some recruiting practices that involve more interpersonal contact. some sites become defunct general employment websites vs. niche employment websites (focus on specific occupations, industries, locations, more highly qualified and interested in specific jobs, cater to specific demographic groups ERs can search employment website databases sometimes for a cost.

social service agencies

funded by ER paid payroll taxes and provided by the state to help secure employment for those seeking it, particularly those unemployed


internal and external recruitment efforts need to be coordinated and synchronized as per the organization's staffing philosophy. do not pass over qualified internal employees by using only external and recognize that some external candidates may be more qualified than just those internal. specify number and types of candidates sought internally and externally.

Organizational Culture

culture is the set of intangibles that influences attitudes and behaviors in organizations factors that can influence an organization's culture include expressed interest (vision of executives, the degree of hierarchy and bureaucracy, history of interactions between departments, style of communications throughout the organization.) the relationship between the organization and labor unions or other ee ORGANIZations is also extremely important part of culture. HR managers should spend time talking with senior executives, administer and evaluate employee serving data and conduct focus groups. deciding the types of attitudes and values that employees should have in order to achieve a person/organization fit is entirely dependent on culture. decisions related to how succession planning should be managed are also influenced by the degree to which the organization's members value opportunities for growth and development relative to stability and predictability. review of staffing philosophy- should focus on internal vs. external staffing and diversity philosophy any new hire, either internal or external will require them to learn the new job and reach a full productivity level. external hires may be able to reach full productivity level faster (usually because they are selected because they have experience in a job similar to the one they will be taking) whereas the internal hires are promoted into jobs they have no previously held. internal hires have an advantage because of a person/ organization fit- already familiar with the culture, policies, procedures, and relationships among organizational members. they have also received special training and development to prepare them for the new jobs. the organization must be sure to develop or consider a sense of importance attached to being a diversity-conscious employer and the commitment it is willing to make in incorporating diversity elements into all phases of the staffing systems. an organization's overall philosophy toward diversity will be shaped by the cultural value the organization attaches to diversity as well as the business related consequences of diversity related practices

core workforce

defined as regular ft OR PT employees of the organization, forms the bulk of most organization's workforces. stability, continuity, predictability. regularity of the employment relationship fosters a sense of commitment and shared purpose toward the organization's mission. the organization maintains the legal right to control employees working on its behalf, in terms of both work process and expected results, rather than having to decide or sacrifice the right with organizations providing a flexible workforce. finally, organizationals can directly control how it acquires its workforce and qualifications of those it employs through management of its own staffing systems. disadvantages- implied permanence of the employment relationship locks in the organizations workforce with a potential loss of staffing flexibility to rapidly increase, reduce, or redeploy its workforce in response to changing market conditions and project life cycles. labor costs of core workforce may be greater than that of a flexible workforce due to the higher wages salaries and benefits and the fixed nature of these labor costs. taxation and employment law compliance may deprive the organization of new technical and administrative knowledge.

organizational display

depicts the staffing program within an establishment, provides a profile of the workforce at the establishment and it assists in identifying units in which women and minorities are underrepresented. showing of organizational structure, structure of lines of progression, total number of job incumbents, total number of male and female incumbents, and the total number of incumbents in each of protected class

availability determination

determined separately for each job group. 1. percentage of minorities or women with requisite skills in the reasonable recruitment area. 2. percentage of minorities of women among those promotable, transferable, and trainable within the organization. when there are multiple job titles in a job group, with different availability rates, a composite availability figure for the group must be calculated. this requires summing weighted availability estimates for the job titles.

selection systems

emphasis on assessment and evaluation use of various selection techniques such as interviews, applicant banks, etc, to assess applicant KSAOs and motivation. data from these assessments are then evaluated against job requirements to determine the likely degree of person/job match. applicant is assessing and evaluating the job on the basis of info gathered from organizational reps, written information, informal sources and visual inspection. this info, along with self assessment of KSAOs and motivation is evaluated against the applicant's understanding of job requirements and rewards to determine whether a good person/job match is likely. employment decision making and final match activities by the organization and the applicant, organization must decide which applicant to continue with in the process and which to reject. this may involve multiple decisions over successive selection steps or hurdles. some applicants ultimately become finalists for the job. organization must decide to whom it will make the job offer, what the content of the offer will be and how it will be drawn up and presented to the applicant. upon the applicant's acceptance of the offer, the final match is complete and the employment relationship is formally established. for the applicant- the employment stage involves self-selection, deciding whether to continue in a staffing process or to drop out. may occur anywhere along the selection process up to and including the moment of the job offer. if the applicant continues as part of the process through the final match, the applicant has decided to be a finalist. attention now turns to the possible job offer, possible input and negotiations unit content, and making a final decision about the offer. the applicant's final decision is based on overall judgment about the likely suitability of the person/job match. apply to external and internal staffing. internal staffing- job opportunities/vacancies exist within the organization and are filled through the activities of the internal labor market. (recruitment, selection, employment). ER/EE are joint participants.

applicant reactions

employee who feels that hit or her company's internal recruiting policy is unfair will remain an employee and the negative perceptions may pull over to reduce motivation, engagement, and performance and might even lead to turnover. distributive justice- how fair the employee perceives the actual decision to be procedural justice- how fair the employee perceives the process of selection to be. organization should ensure that policies and procedures are clearly stated based on objective criteria, widely communicated, consistently followed

open internal recruitment system

employees are made aware of job vacancies job posting and bidding system- gives employees a change to measure their qualifications against those required for advancement, minimize possibility that favorites will be selected and uncovers hidden talent. can create unwanted competition for limited opportunities, length and time consuming process, morale of those not selected may decrease

closed internal recruitment system

employees are not made aware of job vacancies, only those who oversee placement in HR, line manages with vacancies and contacted employees know of opportunities. very efficient, time and cost are minimal. but it is only as good as candidates files.

balance of power

entering into and maintaining the employment relationship involve negotiating issues of power. the employer has something desirable to offer the employee (a job w/ certain requirements and rewards) and the employee has something to offer the employer (KSAOs and motivation) ER usually has the apprehend in this power relationship since it controls the creation of jobs, definition of jobs in terms of requirements and rewards, access to those jobs via staffing systems, movement of employees among jobs overtime and retention or termination of employees. employment laws and regulations exist, in part, to reduce or limit such employer power

organizational ethics

ethic climate may well affect which staffing decisions are made. principal pressure to breach ethics comes from the need to follow a boss' direction, meet aggressive business objectives, help the organization survive, meet scheduling pressures, be a team player, save jobs, advance the boss' career. people choose not to report misconduct because they have a belief no action will be taken, fear of retaliation, from one boss or senior management, not trusting promises of confidentiality, and a fear of not being seen as a team player. failure to report the misconduct increases the chance that it will happen again. not reporting misconduct may also conflict with one's personal values and create remorse for not having done the right thing. failure to report could bring penalties to oneself if that failure subsequently becomes known to one's boss or senior management. looking the other way- is not an ethical choice another way to handle unethical staffing is to seek advice from one's boss, senior management, legal counsil, ethics person, ombudsperson, or an outside friend or family member. you can step in directly to prevent or rectify the misconduct. appropriate w employees whom one supervises or w/ coworkers. consider whether you have authority or resources to do so and support of other EEs.

organizational practices

examine the actual rewards that other organizations provide their employees. assumption is that these organizations have become attuned to their employees preferences and try to provide rewards consistent with them.


exist at federal, state and local levels. their basic charge is to interpret, administer and enforce the law. example- DOL and EEOC Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs OFCCP department of homeland security handles issues regarding foreign workers and immigration in its agency, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Agencies rely heavily on written documents in performing their functions. rules, regulations and guidelines are published in the federal register as well as incorporated into the code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and they have the weight of law. policy statements do not have the face of the law but they represent the agency's official position on a point or question.


external staffing systems that govern the initial intake of applicants into the organization. these involve planning for the numbers and the types of people needed, establishing job requirements in the form of qualifications or KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, other characteristics) needed to perform the job effectively, establishing the types of rewards the job will provide, conducting external recruitment campaigns, using selection tools to evaluate the KSAOs that applicants possess, deciding which applicants are the most qualified and will receive job offers and putting together job offers that applicants will hopefully accept

types of rewards

extrinsic rewards are tangible factors external to the job itself that are explicitly designed and granted to employees by reps of the organization intrinsic rewards are the intangibles that are more internal to the job itself and experiences by the employee as an outgrowth of actively doing the job and being a member of the organization.

fraud and misrepresentation

false statements of existing facts or false promises of future events. doesn't matter if made intentionally (fraud) or negligibly (misrepresentation) plaintiff must demonstrate- 1. misrepresentation occurred 2. ER knew about it 3. plaintiff relied on info to make a decision or take action 4. p was injured because of reliance placed on the statements made by the ER. provide applicants with the job desription and specific truthful info about the job rewards. be truthful about the nature of the business and profitability. avoid specific promises about conditions of employment or business plans and profitability. make sure that all recruiters follow these regulations when they recruit job applicants.

job incumbents

familiarity with tasks, KSAOs and job context. more accepting of process through their participation in it. may lack some knowledge or insights, may have difficulty describing the tasks involved in their job or being able to infer necessary KSAOs not responding to surveys, motivtion could be low to be a willing and acceptable source. feelings of distrust and suspicion may greatly hamper EE willingness to function capably as sources.

civil service laws and regulations

federal, state and local government ERs are governed by special statutory laws and regulation, collectively referred to as civil service. guided by so called merit principles that serve as the guide to staffing principles.

replacement planning

focuses on identifying individual employees who will be considered for promotion and thoroughly assessing their current capabilities and deficiencies. training and development plans to improve the fit between capabilities and requirements are also developed. the focus is both on the quantity and the quality of the availability. process of replacement planning is accelerated by HRIS- make it possible to keep data on KSAOs for each employee based on job history, training and outside education managers will be able to compare a wide variety of individuals for new job assignments quickly and consistently. can seek out passive internal job candidates who are not actively looking for job change but might be willing to take new positions if offered. software most useful for large organizations that are able to capitalize on the costs of a large system.

prior information

for any job, there is usually some prior info available that could be used and consulted and used as a starting point for job analysis. older information should be considered carefully and evaluated relative to the current set of requirements. O*net is another starting point- flexibility and ease of use, high quality, BUT it describes occupations, not jobs. info about a wide range of organizational contexts instead of a specific company. existing information may be out of date and info from O*Net does not take the organization's unique context into account.

comparisons of incumbency with availability

for each job group, the percentage of women and minority incumbents must be compared with their availability. when the percentage employed is less than would reasonable be expected by the availability percentage, a placement goal must be established. an incumbency percentage less than an availability percentage does not automatically trigger a placement goal. you can either always set a placement goal whenever incumbency is less than availability on the theory that any differences between availability and incumbency represent underutilization second possibility is based on the theory that there are differences due to chance, so some amount of tolerance of differences is permissible (80% suggested, 20% tolerance)

person/organization match

how well the person matches not only the job but also the organization. applicants often assess how well they think they will fit into the organization, in addition to how well they match the specific job's requirements and rewards. organizational values- norms of desirable attitudes and behaviors for the organization's EEs. likely match of the applicant to these is done during staffing. new job duties- tasks that may be added to the target job overtime. organizations desire new hires who will be able to successfully perform these new duties as they are added. "and other duties as assigned"- usually vague at the time of hire and they may never materialize, organization will be provided flexibility with these people to complete new tasks without having to hire additional employees. select employees who can readily adapt. hiring people who can perform multiple jobs- organizations experiencing rapid growth may require new employees who can handle several job assignments, splitting their time among them on an as needed basis. future jobs- represent forward thinking by the organization and the person as to which job assignments the person might assume beyond the initial jobs long term matches over the course of transfers and promotions as the employee becomes increasingly seasoned for the long run. opportunistic hiring- individual is hired into a newly created job or a job that is an amalgamation of previously distributed jobs. ideally, the organization's staffing systems focus first on person/job match. this will allow the nature of the employment relationship to be specified and agreed to in specific/ concrete terms.

core staffing components model

identifies recruitment, selection and employment as the three key staffing strategies

job requirements job analysis

identifies the tasks, KSAOs and context for a job job requirements can be arranged in a hierarchy from observable tasks up to job families. job requirements analysis starts with tasks which are identifiable work activities that are logical and necessary steps in the performance of jobs. task dimensions are groups of similar types of tasks, a job can be grouped into job categories with similar jobs. a job family is a grouping of jobs according to function. a position is a grouping of task dimensions that constitutes the total work assignment of a single employee. there are as many positions as there are employees. job analysis begins by identifying specific tasks and job context for a particular job. after these have been identified, KSAOs necessary for performing the tasks within the work context info is recorded in a job description, whereas KSAO requirements are placed into job specification. these are often contained within a single document.

placement goals

if a placement goal is set it should at least equal the availability percentage for women and minorities in a job group. placement goals should not be rigid or inflexible quotas. do not require hiring a person who lacks qualifications to perform the jobs successfully or hiring someone less qualified than other applicants. action oriented programs- must develop an execute these to correct any problem areas and attain placement goals. internal audit and reporting- must be developed and periodically measured the effectiveness of the total AAP

people with disabilities

if only an online system is used, they have to be accessible to all. provide reasonable accommodation to the applicant

selection of employees

if the selection procedures cause disparate impact against people with disabilities, the ER must show that the procedures are job related and consistent with business necessity 2. employer must ensure that employment tests are accurate indicators of the KSAOs they attempt to measure

labor markets

in and through labor markets, organizatons express specific labor preferences (labor demand) and persons express their own job preferences and requirements (labor supply) person/job maths occur from the interaction of demand and supply forces. both labor supply and labor demand contain quantity and quality components

forecasting hr requirements

in forecasting future needs, it is essential to consider not just the status of the workforce but also the expected changes in needs due to strategic considerations. forward thinking HR experts note that data can inform HRP when it comes to prior needs and trends but effective planning also entails considering how changes in the internal and external environments will alter forecasts.

job specification and description

in job requirements matrix, sections pertaining to tasks and job context are similar to a job description. section dealing with KSAOs is similar to job specification. no standard format for job specification or description. job description should include job family, job title, job summary, task statements and dimensions, importance indicators, job context indicators and the date job analysis was conducted. job specifications should include job family, job title, job summary, KSAOs, importance indicators and date conducted.

goals for attraction

in terms of person/ job fit, the organization will need to determine what types of applicants are most likely to have the required KSAOs identified through job analysis. goals should proceed from general statements to specifics. which of the recruiting sources are most likely to attract interested individuals with he right competencies. in terms of person/org fit, the techniques for recruiting should closely match the organization's culture and values.


inferred or derived from knowledge of the tasks and dimensions themselves. for each task or dimension, the analyst must in essence ask "exactly which KSAOs do I think will be necessary for (will cause) performance on this task or dimension" and "why do i think this?" O*Net contains extensive research based taxonomies in many categories (US department of labor), contains ratings of the specific factors within each category for many occupations and ratings for additional occupations are continually being added. will probably have to be supplemented with more job specific statements crafted by the job analyst.

word of mouth

informal info regarding reputation, employment practices and policies that can exert powerful impact on job seekers' impressions credible very rich online testimonials from current employees.

process flow and record keeping

information system must be created for recruitment efforts, know candidate's status at any time. online apps often permit candidates screening by checking qualifications and administering online tests. communications with the applicant must be tracked so that the applicant knows ether his or her credentials will receive further review and whether he or she needs to take additional steps. applicants rejected filed need to be stored as well.

overcoming barriers

internal recruitment planning needs to match the design and operation of internal labor markets that facilitate the identification and flows of people to jobs throughout the organization increase scanning abilities0 need to be more open and accessible for ranging sets of candidates. foster a more inclusive environment for women. women and minorities must be visible and supportive at top levels. women and minorities must be provided the job opportunities and assignments that will allow them to develop depth and breadth and KSAOs organization must provide continual support to ensure positive person/job matches internal recruitment should track and recruit women and minority candidates for advancement must develop and use valid methods of assessing the qualifications of women and minority candidates.

recruitment guide

internal recruitment requires a formal document that details the process to be followed to attract applicants to a vacant job.


interviewing incumbents or their managers. respect's the interviewee's vast source of information allows the interview explain the purpose of the job. analysis and how the results will be used. can be standardized. it is time consuming and costly. if org skimps on it, it won't provide valid or reliable information. interview, not providing anonymity, may lead to suspicion and distrust on the part of interviewees. interviews should be carefully selected and trained. dependent on skills and abilities of the interviewee.

disparate treatment

involve allegations of intentional discrimination in which the ER knowingly and deliberately discriminated against people on the basis of specific characteristics such as race or sex. the evidence must be direct- the situation may not involve such blatant action but may consist of what is referred to as mixed motives- prohibited characteristic and a legitimate reason are mixed together to contribute to a negative decision about a person. the discrimination may be such that evidence of a failure to hire or promote because of a protected characteristic must be inferred from situational factors 1. person belongs to protected class 2. person applied for job, the ER was trying to fill and was qualified 3. person was rejected despite being qualified 4. position remains open and ER continued to seek applicants as qualified as person rejected.


is a body of information that can be applied directly to the performance of tasks. focused or specific in terms of job, organization or occupation. focused or specific in terms of job, organization or occupation. declarative knowledge is factual in nature, procedural knowledge concerns processes.


is a critical organizational function concerned with the acquisition, deployment, and retention of the organization's workforce.

human resource planning

is a process and set of activities undertaken to forecast an organization's labor demand (requirements) and internal labor supply (availabilities), to compare these projections to determine employment gaps and to develop action plans for addressing these gaps. action plans include planning to arrive at desired staffing levels and staffing quality. process: HRP involves four sequential steps: 1. determine future hR requirements 2. determine future hr availabilities 3. reconcile requirements with availabilities, determine gaps (shortages and surpluses) between the two. 4. develop action plans to close the project gaps

job advertisements

job advertisements that indicate preferences or limitations for applicants based on legally protected characteristics is generally prohibited other than if BFOQ but not race or color cannot limit or deter potential older applicants.

subject matter experts

job anaylysis, incumbents, supervisors, they bring a particular expertise to the job analysis process not available through standard sources. need recent firsthand knowledge of the job being performed.

analysis, synthesis, documentation

job info must be analyzed and synthesized through the use of various procedural and statistical means. provisions need to be made for preparation of written documents.

job offer rate

job offers divided by the number of applicants

communication media

job posting- should clearly define the job duties and requirements of the job and eligibility requirements potential supervisors and peers can be used to desire to the internal applicant how the position he or she is considering fits into the larger organizational picture. word of mouth- can be selective and inaccurate- talented people amy be overlooked. relies on second or third hand information, important details are omitted as they are passed from person to person. org should try to limit word of mouth.

specific or general KSAOs

job specific competencies often of the job's knowledge and technical skill variety OR- KSAOs that will be applicable across a variety of jobs both current and future. organization expecting rapid changes in job content and new job creation might position itself closer to the general competencies side of the continuum.

job group analysis

jobs with similar content, wage rates and opportunities must be combined into job groups and each group must include a list of job titles. small establishments may use the categories on the eeo-1 form. percentage of women and minorities in each group must be indicated.

labor demand: employment patterns

labor demand is a derived demand, it is a result of consumer demand for the organization's product and services. the labor market for the occupations the organization needs to staff will be greatly affected by the product market. projections to year 2018 indicate that most job growth will occur in the services sector, led by the education and health services industry.

barriers to mobility

lack of outreach recruitment practices, lack of mentoring, lack of access to critical assignments, biased performance evaluations, child rearing and domestic responsibilities


law explicitly permits the use of tests in staffing not designed, intended or used to discriminate because of the race, color, religion, sex or national origin

task questionnaire

lengthy list of task statements that cut across many different job titles and is administered to incumbents in these job titles. for each task statement, the respondent is asked to indicate 1. whether the task applies to the respondent's job and 2. task importance. PAQ- 300 items in 6 divsiions they are standard and can obtain information from large amounts of people. creates opportunity for subsequent statistical analysis. they are anonymous and enhance respondent participation and acceptance. synthetic validation- helps determine the most appropriate types of selection tools for a job- has become increasingly possible to know which selection predictors are most appropriate for a given job w/o having to result to local validation study. care must be taken to ensure that the question contains task statements of sufficient content relevances, representativeness and specificity limitation could be potential respondent reactions, negatively if they feel the questionnaire does not capture important aspects of their jobs, they may feel like its tedious and boring. hard for those with reading difficulties. assume the incumbent is reasonably intelligent, experienced in the job and sufficiently educated to evaluate the items.

roles and responsibilities

line managers are responsible for completion and quality of HRP but HR staff assist with the process. in an ideal situation, there will be a constant flow of information among those involved in HRP, with line managers indicating how needs are expected to change and HR staff describing the KSAO resources within and outside the organization that can be used to meet these needs in the future. process begins with line staff evaluating their current capabilities and future needs based on strategic plans for the organization. HR staff then takes the lead in proposing which types of HRP will be undertaken and when and in making suggestions in regard to competitiveness, planning time frame and job categories and levels. final decisions made by line management. once an approach has been decided on, task forces of both line managers and HR staff are assembled to design an appropriate forecasting and action planning process and to do any other preliminary work. once those processes are in place, the HR staff typically assumes responsibility for collecting, manipulating and presenting the necessary data to line management and for laying out alternative action plans. action planning usually becomes a joint venture between line managers and HR staff, particularly as they gain experience with, and trust for, one another.

eligibility criteria

listing the criteria by which the organization will decide who is eligible to be considered for vacancy in a mobility path

forecasting HR availabilities

manager judgment- individual managers may use their judgment to make availability forecasts for their work units. this is especially appropriate in smaller organizations or in ones that lack centralized workforce internal mobility data and statistical forecasting abilities. determining the inflow and outflow numbers requires judgmental estimates as to the numbers of promotions, transfers, demotions, and exits, promotions involve an upward change of job level, within or between job categories, transfers are lateral moves at the same job level across categories, and demotions are downward moves of job level within or between job categories. to provide reliable estimates, the manager must be very knowledgeable about both organizational business plans and individual EE plans or preferences for staying in their current job vs. moving to another job. knowledge of business plans will be helpful in judging the likely internal mobility opps for Es. knowledge of EE plans or preferences will be helpful in pinpointing which EEs are likely to change jobs or leave the work unit or organization. manager's judgment uses current knowledge of business and employees plans to forecast employee moves from person to person. manager may lack the necessary business plan and EE intention info to provide solid estimates as opposed to casual guesstimates.

career development centers

many organizations have an internal office of career development that helps employees explore career possibilities available within the organization. employees learn about themselves and what they really want to achieve in their careers. employers have a change to explain the career options within the organization and develop methods to structure internal career paths that match interests for employees interest inventories- MC questionnaires that ask employees to indicate preferred work activities, compare work preferences with profiles of activities in a variety of jobs. if employees lack required KSAOs career development counselors can suggest developmental work experiences or training opportunities. may not be cost effective to have a career development center. job satisfaction can be increased/ increased retention.

national or global

many organizations outsource more than staffing activities- technical support, database management, customer service, manufacturing outsourcing- moving a process process to another vendor, offshoring is the organization setting up its own operations in another country (not contracting w an outside vendor) most nations have covered trading and immigration barriers, which as facilitated offshoring and overseas outsourcing. second, can manufacture goods or provide services more cheaply than they can in their own country. third, some organizations cannot find sufficient talent in their home countries so they have to look elsewhere.

strategic recruitment planning

matching employee KSAOs directed toward challenging and enhancing existing capabilities rather than bringing in new capabilities from the external market

job analysis

may be defined as the process of studying jobs in order to gather, analyze, synthesize and report information about job requirements and rewards.

employment advertising

may not contain terms that limit or deer the employment of older members

internal staff or consultant

may use its own staff to conduct the job analysis or it may procure external consultants decision of cost

maintenance of a system

mechanisms must be developed and put in place to maintain the job analysis and information system over time. system will be exposed to numerous influences requiring response and adaptation

committee or task force

members of this group include job experts and an HR representative. they may 1. review existing info and gather sample job descriptions. 2. interviewing job incumbents and managers 3. overseeing the administration of job analysis surveys and analyzing the results 4. writing task statements, grouping them into task dimensions and rating importance 5. identify KSAOs and rating their importance bring job expertise into process, facilities reliability of judgment, enhances acceptability of results.

alternate mobility paths

movement in any direction- up, down, side to side emphasized to ensure that each EE is continuously learning and that he can make the greatest contribution to the organizaiton. need for flexibility given global and technological changes, slower organization growth has made it necessary to find alternative ways to utilize talent w an alternate track system, there may be no upward mobility at all. lattice mobility path- upward, downward, lateral movement team based strcutures- do away with formal job titles and ranks altogether with workers being reassigned to different tracks in various project teams as needed. need of assessment of EE KSAOs and collaboration w/ team leaders to configure groups quickly and effectively. difficult to administer- don't always know where to look. talented inside candidates who may not have been identified with a hierarchical system may be identified. keeping work meaningful when there are limited opportunities 1. alternative rewards system 2. team building 3. counseling 4. alternative employment

collecting job rewards information

must be specific to each job category- overall preferences and rewards in the organization as a whole will tend to be too vague and not useful for assessing person/job fit. within: interviews with employees- structured and guided, questions tested in advance, tested on a small sample, and then place in formal interview protocol to be used by the interviewer, confidential interviews surveys of EEs- written set of questions with responses rather than a verbally administered set of questions. ask about importance of various rewards and the extent to which each job provides these rewards, confidential, representative sample. interviews- costly, data analysis is difficult, has a personal nature with unique answers to q's surveys- easy to administer, permit statistical summaries, lack richness of data combined approach would be best. outside: other employees: data on reward preferences of employees outside the organization are available from surveys of employees in other organizations. to the extent that these employees are similar to the organization's own applicants and employees, the data will vary

professional associations and meetings

networkings with others who do similar work, employees can develop contacts with potential new recruits placement services for members and some may charge a fee to recruit specialized skills and credentials, potential underrepresented groups.


nominations for internal candidates to apply for open positions can come from potential suppliers and peers. familiar w/ what is required to be successful in position, self nomination can also be useful, ensure qualified candidates are not inadvertently overlooked.

independent contractors

not legally considered an employee, the rights and responsibilities the ER has toward the independent contractor are different from those for its employees. classifying and using a person as an independent contractor frees the employer of the tax withholding, tax payment and benefit obligations it has for its employees. may also reduce employer exposure under laws and regulations governing the employment relationship. ER substantially loses the right to control the contractor. while the ER can still control the expected results, the ER cannot dictate where, when or how work is done. the ER loses control over the means by which the work is performed. more likely to be an independent contractor when- working in a distinct location or business, working without supervision or oversight from the employer, paying one's own business or travel expenses, setting one's own work hours, possessing a high degree of skill. using one's own work hours, tools, materials and office, working on a project with a definite competition date, working on relatively short projects, being paid by the project or commission rather then by time spent. misclassifying people as independent contractors can result in substantial tax liabilities and fines for the ER.

mixed motives

not permitted, plaintiff may pursue a mixed motive claim with either circumstantial or direct evidence of discrimination

preferential treatment and quotas

not required to have a balanced workforce, meaning one whose demographic composition matches or mirrors the demographic makeup of the surrounding population from which the ER draws its employees. Law does not prohibit preferential treatment, AA and quotas.

test score adjustments

not to be altered or changed to make them more fair. they should speak for themselves. bans race norming- people's scores are compared only with those of members of their own racial group and separate cut off or passing scores are set for each gap.

task statements

objectively written descriptions of the major tasks an employee performs in a job. 1. what the employee does, using a specific action verb at the start of the task statement. 2. to whom or what the employee does what he does, stating object of the verb. 3. what is produced, indicating the expecting output of the verb 4. what equipment, materials tools or procedures are used. use specific action verbs that only have one meaning. focus on recording tasks, as opposed to specific elements that compose a task. most jobs can be described with 15-25 task statements. do not include minor or trivial activities, only major tasks, activities ensure the list is reliable (have 2+ people check task statements and work out any disagreements.)


observing job incumbents performing the job. thoroughness most direct form because it does not rely on intermediary information sources. most appropriate for jobs with physical components and short life cycles. method may involve substantial time and cost. the ability of the observer to do a thorough and accurate analysis is up to question. may be necessary to train observers prior to job analysis. may require coordination with and approval from many people. the incumbents observed may distort their behavior during observation in self serving ways.


office requires promotion placement goes where there are discrepancies between percentages of minorities and women employed and available internal job groups. action oriented programs.

establishment of disparate impact

practices that may seem unfair, outrageous or of dubious value to the ER but do not cause adverse impact are not illegal. they are a matter of legal concern only if their usage caused disparate impact. staffing practices that the plaintiff initially alleges to have caused adverse impact are unlawful unless the ER can successfully rebut the charges. to do this, the employer must show the practices are job related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity. third, plaintiff must show adverse impact for each particular staffing component

employment arrangements

one form is whether the person will be FT or PT second arrangement includes flexible scheduling and shift work, covered usually be formal flextime employees. work hours are often put into shifts and about 15% of FT employees work every night or taking shifts. also- 1. various alternative arrangements to the traditional ER-EE relationship organization fills staffing needs through the use of independent contractors, on-call workers and day laborers, temp help agency EE send EEs provided by a contract firm that provides a specific service. 2. use of contingent EEs- do not have an implicit or explicit contract. for LT employment, they expect their employment to be temporary rather than LT independent contractor is the most prevalent alternative form (followed by an on-call EEs and day laborers), temp help agencies and EE provided by a contract firm. alt employment arrangements have increased over time. cost of health care is an issue, aging workforce international competition for talent and economic growth of emerging markets


one group coordinates the recruitment activities, usually HR professionals in corporate offices. efforts not duplicated, policy interpreted consistently across business units, ensures compliance with relevant laws and regulations decentralized- individual/ business units of managers coordinate recruitment activities. placement can occur more quickly, may be more responsive to the unit's specific needs

transition into selection

org needs to prepare to person for the selection process, applicant needs to be made aware of the next steps in the hiring process and what will be required of them.

passive diversity planning

org reviews all policies and procedures to make sure there is no discrimination on the basis of any protected class, in active diversity planning, the org does a step further by encouraging underrepresented groups to apply for positions, actively recruiting from a variety of sources that are likely to be seen by underrepresented and providing addition training and mentoring to encourage advancement of underrepresented groups. see it as an opp for gain, rather than protecting against legal threats.

ways of matching fit with organization, job and group

organization- culture and values, reward systems, authority/decision making group- work preferences, personality, demography job- task requirements, rewards for this job, authority for this job

organization and coordination

organizational members should be appointed as project manager for the total process. should be assigned overall responsibility for the total project, including its organization and control. the roles and relationships for the various people involved in the project must be clearly established.

video conferencing

organizational reps meet with applicants face to face on a monitor in separate locations screen applicants without actually travelings. high richness because the recruiter can answer questions

human capital

organizations are combos of physical and human capital ______ _____refers to the skills, knowledge and ability of people and their motivation to use them successfully on the job.

hire yourself or outsource

organizations are outsourcing their hiring activities, meaning they use outside organizations to recruit and select employees. in same cases, an organization wholly cedes decision making authority to the vendor. organization may believe a vendor can do a better job of identifying candidates then the organization itself can do (true for small and mid sized companies) in labor shortages, an organization may not be able to recruit enough EEs on it own, so it may supplement its recruiting or selection efforts with those of a vendor who specializes in staffing. outsourcing may have advantages for legal compliance, vendors maintain their own procedures for tracking compliance with equal opportunity laws.

staffing strategy

organizations formulate strategy to express an overall purpose or mission and to establish bad goals and objectives that will help the organization fulfill its mission underlying these objectives are certain assumptions about the size and types of work forces that will need to be acquired, trained, managed, rewarded and retained HR Strategy represents the key decisions about how these workforce assumptions will be handled. such HR strategy may not only flow from the organizational strategy but also may actually contribute to the formulation of the organization's strategy staffing strategy deals directly with key decisions regarding the acquisition, deployment and retention of the organization's workforce. such decisions guide the development of recruitment, selection and employment programs.

state and local laws EEO/AA Laws

patterned after federal law but vary substantially from state to state. it is the responsibility of the organization to be explicitly knowledgeable of the laws and regulations that apply to it state and local EEO/AA laws and regulations often provide protection beyond those contained in federal laws and regulations. state law may deviate from federal law with regard to enforcement mechanisms and penalties for noncompliance other state laws: employment at will and workplace torts government at the state lw level

aging workforce

people are living longer and many jobs are not as physically demanding as they were in previous generations allowing individuals to work well past the traditional retirement age, leading to higher unemployment since demand has not increased. perceptions that older workers are poor performers, unmotivated, unhealthy, resistant to change and skill acquisition but they have a lot of experience and difficult to articulate knowledge from previous professions.

concentration statistics

percentages of protected classes compared to see if they are concentrated in certain workforce categories. if reasonable cause is found, EEOC attempts conciliation of the charge. conciliation is a voluntary settlement process that seeks agreement by the employer to stop the practices in question and abide by proposed remedies. When the EEOC decides not to pursue a claim further, it will issue a "right to sue" letter to the complaining party, allowing a private suit to be started against the employer.

record of a disability

person who does not have a substantially limiting impairment but had one in the past has a record of a disability. a person who was misclassified as having a substantially limiting impairment has a record of a disability

employee polygraph protection act

prevent most private employers from using the polygraph or lie detector on job applicants or employees. doesn't apply to paper and pen honesty tasks. prohibits most private employers from 1. requiring applicants or employees to take a polygraph test 2. using the results of a polygraph test for employment decisions 3. discharge or disciplining individuals for refusing to take a polygraph can be used for manufacturers that distribute or disperse controlled substances. OR private security firms that provide services to businesses affecting public safety or security. an employer that experiences economic loss due to theft, embezzlement, or sabotage may use the polygraph in an investigation of the loss. enforced by the DOL

medical exams for job applicants and employees

prior to making a job offer, the ER may not conduct medical exams of job applicants, inquire whether or how severely a person is disabled or inquire whether the applicant has received treatment for a mental or emotional condition. specific inquiries about a person's ability to perform essential job functions is permitted. after an offer has been made, the ER may require the applicant to take a medical exam, including psychiatric, job offer may be contingent on passing the exam, medical records should be confidential for employees, medical exams must be job related and consistent with business necessity. results are confidential.

internal recruitment

process of identifying and attracting current employees for open jobs already know the organization's culture, have developed relationships with coworkers, and they may require less training then external hires. first step is recruiting, planning, second step is developing a strategy for where, how and when to look. then communication message and medium for notification of job vacancy. developing a job posting system and providing applicants w/ an understanding of the selection process and how to best prepare for it, consideration of legal issues

Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment act

prohibit discrimination against members of the uniformed services and to extend reinstatement, benefit and job security rights to returning service members. private and public employees regardless of size are covered. only a person who was employed is an applicant or who is currently employed can invoke USERRA rights. requirements: ER may not take negative job actions against members in the uniformed services. ER must reinstate employees who have taken up to 5 years of leave from their position in order to serve. entitled to be returned to the position they would have held if they had been continuously employed (escalator positions) ER must make a reasonable effort to help the ee be qualified for escalator position. entitled to promotions, raises and other seniority based benefits they would have received. an employee may not be fined except for cause up to one year after returning to service. enforced by the veterans employment and training service within the DOL. also regulations for employer compliance

genetic information nondiscrimination act

prohibits the use of genetic info in employment as well as its acquisition, confidentiality of genetic information is required. genetic information includes an individual's genetic tests, genetic tests of family members, and the manifestation of a disease or disorder in family members unlawful for ER to fail or refuse to hire, discharge, or discriminate regarding terms and conditions of employment, limit, segregate, or classify EEs because of genetic information, no exception to this. also unlawful to acquire genetic information about the employee or the employee's family members. confidentiality info- genetic information is to be maintained in a separate file (same file can be used for ADA purposes)

workflow and time frame

project manager should develop and adhere to a workflow chart that shows the steps to be follows in the conduct of job analysis, should be accompanied by a time frame showing critical completion dates for project phases and a final deadline

protection of employers

provide guidances to employers as to what are permissible practices and what are impermissible practices questions about the making of law are clarified through many avenues-court decisions, policy statements from government agencies, informed guidance from enforcement officials, networking with other employers, increasing convergence on what is required to comply with the laws. this allows the employer to implement the needed changes, which then become standard operating procedure in staffing systems.

independent contractors

provides specific task and project assistance to the organization, it can be a single individual or an Employer with its own EEs is not intended to be employees of the organization, utilizing the IC's services organization should seek to determine how the IC staffs, trains and compensates its employees.

acquire or develop talent

pure acquisition strategy would have an organization concentrate on acquiring new employees who can be at peak performance when they arrive. these employees would brig their talents with them to the job with little or no need for training and development. a pure development strategy would be to acquire anyone who is willing and able to learn the KSAOs required by the job. staffing strategy must position the organization appropriately along this buy or make your own talent continuum.

job analysis process

purpose- should be clearly identifiable and agreed on, what info is desired and why and in what format. once this has been determined, the organization can then plan a process that will yield the desired results. scope- which jobs to include, decisions should be based on 1. importance of the job to the functioning of the organization 2. number of job applicants and incumbents 3. whether the job is entry level and thus subject to constant staffing activity. 4. frequency with which the job requirements change 5. amount of time that has lapsed since previous analysis

exceptional or acceptable workforce quality

pursuit of exceptional strategy would allow the organization t stock up on the best and brightest with the hope that this exceptional talent pool would deliver truly superior performance. acceptable strategy means, pursuit of a less high powered workforce and probably a less expensive one as well.

qualified individuals

qualified if he or she can meet the job's general requirements and perform the job's essential functions (duties) with or without reasonable accommodation. among qualified individuals, the ER can hire the most qualified person for the job.

labor supply: the lf and its trends

quantity of labor supplied is measured and reported by the BLS labor force growth is slowing incredibly fewer entries in the LF. this trend, couple with several KSAO deficiencies that many of the new entrants will have, creates major adaptation problems for organizations. demographically, the labor force has become more diverse and this trend will continue. nearly equal LFP of men and women, slight decrease in proportion of whites in the workforce and proportional growth in representation of Hispanics and Asians. fewer younger workers and more workers over the age of 55. slightly upward movement overall in the number of hours people work and a strong rise in proportion of employees who work very long hours in certain occupations. increase in holding multiple jobs. new federal and state policies are increasingly pushing welfare recipients into the LF.

communication message

realistic message portrays the job how it really is, including positive and negative aspects. targeted message points out how the job matches the need of the applicant. branded message emphasizes the value, or the unique identity of the unit to attract applicants who fit the brand label. RJP- applicants may already have a picture of the job since they already are a member of the organization but it may not be accurate. or, informative interviewed with future coworkers, site visits or hands on experience could worker. branded- emphasized how a specific work unit is unique. targeted messaged can be specifically targeted around each person's needs and desires.

in house external recruiting agency

recently firms also often have databases of available applicants they have collected over time, which can mean very rapid access to many interested individuals. \know more about the organization's culture and can convey that more credibly, may seem more interested in applicants.

strategic recruitment planning

recruiting is a process that attracts potential future employees who have KSAOs that will help the organization achieve its strategic goals. 1. organization needs to define its strategic goals for the recruiting process. 2. org needed to decide how broadly it will recruit. 3. organizational and administrative issues need to be considered, including who will do recruiting and budgeting.


refers to an observable competence for working w or knowledge to perform a particular task or closely related set of tasks. is not an enduring characteristic of a person- depends on experience or practice. directly inferred from observation or knowledge of tasks performed

workforce quality

refers to an organization's human capital organization's workforce is thus a stock of human capital that it acquires, develops and retains in pursuit of organizational outcomes such as profitability, market share, customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability. An average organization's employee cost (wages or salaries and benefits is over 22% of its total revenue, and the percent is much greater for organizations in labor intensive industries. shift is gradually occurring from viewing employees as just a cost of doing business to valuing EEs as human capital. That creates competitive advantage for the organization. an effective selection system enhances EE's well-being and retention.

fair credit reporting act

regulates the organization's acquisition and use of consumer reports on Job applicants. A consumer report is virtually any information on an applicant that is compiled from a database by a consumer reporting agency and provided to the organization. second, type of consumer report is investigative, prepared from personal interviews with other individuals, rather than a search through a database consumer financial protection bureau

social recruiting sources

rely on relationships that employees have with either those who currently work for the org or those who might endorse the organization. EE referrals- cash bonus can be given to EEs who refer job candidates that prove to be successful on the job. low cost per hire, high quality hires, decreased hiring time, strength blends with current employees. EEs may not know about vacancies or requirements needed to fill them. Former EEs- know about the org and jobs, good source of referrals or possible re-employment.

individual internal forecasts

replacement and succession planning focus on identifying individual EEs who will be considered for promotion, along with a thorough assessment of their current capabilities and deficiencies, coupled with training and development plans to erase any different. organization constructs internal talent pipelines that ensure steady and known flows and qualified employees to higher levels of responsibility and impact. replacement planning precedes succession planning and the organization may chose to stop at just replacement planning rather than proceeding into the more complex succession planning process. most widely used at management level- can also be used throughout the entire management team, including the identification and preparation of individuals for promotion into the entry level management. also for linchpin positions, that are critical to the org effectiveness, but not necessarily based within management structure.

reconciliation and gaps

represent the results of bringing together requirements and availabilities forecasts with the results of external and internal environmental scanning. gap figures, must be decided on and extend into the column and the likely reasons for the gaps need to be identified. HRP process is to imprecise to warrant concern for very small gap figures. the reconciliation and gap phase of HRP involves coming to grips w projected gaps and the likely reasons for them

Judgmental Techniques

represents the human decision making models that are used for forecasting HR requirements. Judgmental techniques use a decision maker who collects and weighs the information subjectively and then turns it into forecasts of HR requirements. the decision makers forecasts may or may not agree very closely with those derived from statistical techniques. implementation of judgmental forecasting can proceed from either a top down or bottom up approach. in the former, top managers, organizational units, or functions rely on their knowledge of business and organizational plans to predict what future head count may be. dictates- are common in organizations undergoing significant change, such as restructuring, mergers and cost cutting actions. bottom up approach- lower level managers make initial estimates for their unit on the basis of what they have been told or presume are true business and organizational plans. these estimates are then consolidated and aggregated upward toward successively higher levels of management. top management establishes HR requirements in terms of numbers.

litigation and remedies

should conciliation fail, suit is filed in federal court. the charge of the plaintiff will follow either a disparate treatment or a disparate impact route plaintiff has the initial burden of proof, required to establish a prime facie cause that demonstrates reasonable cause to assume discrimination has occurred. defendant must rebut the charge and accompany evidence. disparate treatment cases- defendant must provide nondiscriminatory reasons during rebuttal (for the practice in question). for disparate impact- the employer must demonstrate that the practices in question are job related and consistent with business necessity. following the rebuttal- plaintiff may respond to the defense. in disparate treatment cases, that response hinges on a demonstration that the defendant's reasons for a practice are pretext. Disparate impact- plaintiff's response will focus on showing that the defense has not shown its practices to be job related and for that the employer refuses to adopt practices that are less adverse impact. age discrimination disparate impact- after the disparate impact claim in made, the defendant rebuttal will involve an attempt to prove that the challenged practice is supported by a reasonable factor other than age and the plaintiff response will attempt to prove that the factor is unmeasurable and not the reason for the practice. final burden of proof- disparate treatment cases- the plaintiff must ultimately prove that the defendant's practices are discriminatory. disparate impact cases- burden is on the defendant- that is, the defendant who must prove that its practices are not discriminatory. consent decree- a voluntary court approved agreement between the two parties, the consent decree may contain an agreement to not only halt a certain practices but maybe implement remedies. OR- the court will fashion its own remedies from those permitted under the law, of which several are available. may enjoin certain practices- requiring the defendant to halt the practices. second, court may order the hiring or reinstatement of individuals. third, court may fashion various forms of monetary relief (backpay, front pay, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages)


should undertake targeted recruitment programs using recruitment staff trained with RR resources

job requirements matrix

shows the key components of job requirements job analysis, each of which must be explicitly considered for inclusion in any job requirements analysis. completion of the entries in the matrix represents the information that must be gathered, analyzed, synthesized and expressed in usable written form. serves as the basis information source or document for any job in terms of its requirements.

job postings

similar to organizational websites in external recruitment, spells out the duties and requirements of available jobs and provides a portal though which internal applicants can submit their materials. job title, category, compensation and work schedule. employees may believe that someone was selected before the job was posted, may become overwhelmed with resumes of unqualified applicants, and criticism that HR is not doing an effective job of screening candidates. need to know if they did not receive the job and why! makes for career development, it invokes candidates to bid on future postings

unpaid interns and trainees

six requirements must be met in order to be considered an unpaid intern or a trainees, otherwise the person is classified as an employee 1. training must be similar to that given in school. 2. the training experience is to the benefit of the intern. 3. the trainee does not displace another person and workers under close supervision of the employer's staff. 4. ER does not gain an immediate advantage from the trainees activities and on occasion, operations may be hampered 5. trainee is not entitled to a job at the end of training 6. ER and the trainee must understand that the trainee is not entitled to any pay for the time spent

job analyst

someone who by virtue of job title and training is available and suited to conduct job analysis and to guide the process, combo of expertise and neutrality. may be perceived as an outsider (questioning their trustworthiness), may lack detailed knowledge of the jobs, bring inaccurate job stereotypes into the process, can be expensive.

colleges and placement offices

source of people with specialized skills for professional positions. more informative and credible than websites or e-bulletin boards. consider past experiences with students at the school, rankings of school quality, cost of recruiting at a particular school.

job fairs

sponsors of a job fair will meet in a central location with a large facility in order to provide info, collect resources and search applicants

staffing system components

staffing encompasses managing the flows of people into and within the organization, as well as retaining them. staffing begins with a joint interaction between the applicant and the organization. the applicant seeks the organization and the job opportunities within in and the organization seeks applicants for job vacancies it has or anticipates having. both the applicant and organization are thus players in the staffing process from the very beginning and they remain joint participants throughout the process. at times, the organization may be dominant, at others the applicant may be the aggressor, most of the time, the staffing process involves a more balanced and natural interplay between applicant and organization. initial stage is recruitment, which involves identification and attraction activities by both organization and applicant. the organization seeks to identify and attract individuals so that they become applicants advertising, job firs, use of recruiters, preparation and distribution of information brochures, and "putting out the word" about vacancies. applicant identifies organizations w/ job opportunities by reading advertisements, contacting an employment agency, mass mailing resumes to employers, these activities are accompanies by attempts to make one's qualifications attractive to organizations.

attract or relocate

staffing is usually based on the premise that the organization can induce sufficient numbers of qualified people to come to it for employment. it is better and cheaper to bring the labor to the organization than the bring the organization to the labor.

organizational strategy

staffing managers must be intimately familiar with all aspects of the organization's future plans and goals so they can respond by hiring the right number of people with the right KSAOs in a timely manner. historical staffing levels- good place to start because previous practice is an important guideline to setting a baseline for future needs. all planning must be conducted with an eye to the future as well. SHRM proposes that strategic planning involves a thorough knowledge of the organization's current situation as well as a sense of the strategic vision of the organization. Breaking down the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, (SWOT) is a common method for understanding strategy. the internal assessment phase of the SWOT analysis focuses on physical and financial resources as well as structure and culture. the external assessment phase looks to learn about economic, demographic and technological trends that will influence the organization in the future. it is important to see how the organization sees itself changing in the future so staffing strategies meet those needs and can be developed. HR managers who are aware of internal HR capital resources will be much more effective in an advisory capability when discussing future plans with other executives

organization effectiveness

staffing systems should be used to contribute to the attainment of the organizational goals, such as survival, profitability and growth. macro views often lost because many of the day to day activities involved in staffing are procedural. sometimes leadership talent is brought and bought from the outside to hopefully execute a reversal of fortune for the organization or a business unit within it. organization's also acquire leaders to start new businesses units or ventures that will feed organizational growth. leadership retention- the exiting leader carries a wealth of knowledge and skill out of the organization and leaves a hole that may be hard to fill, especially with someone of equal or higher leadership statute. leader may also take other key employees along. talent hunts and loading up on talent- expand organizational value and provide protection from competitors. particularly effective if the talent is unique and rare in the marketplace, valuable in the anticipated contributions made (such as product creations or design innovations) and difficult for competitors to imitate. talent of this sort can serve as a competitive advantage for the organization, hopefully for an extended time period. shortages in the quantity or quality of labor can mean lost business opportunities, scaled back extension plans, inability to provide critical consumer goods and services and even threats to the organization's survival EE shortages often require disruptive adjustments, such as job reassignments or overtime for current EEs. Under qualified EEs present special challenges- need to be trained and closed supervised. failure of the under qualified to achieve an acceptable performance may require termination.

glass ceiling

strong but invisible barriers to promotion within the organization particularly at the highest levels for women and minorities. low levels- thin glass, high levels- thick glass


student workers with an employer for an alternative quarter basis, one quarter- student works full time, other quarter, student goes to school internship- student has a continuous period of employment with an employer for a specific period of time new ideas the student has been exposed to in school and the student gets the experience of being able to apply concepts while facing organizational constraints.

replacement and succession plans

succession planning needs to be future oriented. software exists to help with succession planning. having strong succession planning techniques that will enable the more recently hired workforce to acquire knowledge from its experienced coworkers before moving into managerial positions is one way to minimize the impact of moves CEO- begin with a thorough job analysis and a listing of behaviors and characteristics of successful CEOs. don't allow CEO to appoint successor

targeted message

target the recruitment message to a particular audience, focus on the particular applicant and he r her individual preferences. and the org can match these preferences

flexible workforce

temporary employees provided by a staffing firm and independent contractors. staffing flexibility- may be used for adjusting staff levels quickly in response to changing technological or consumer demand conditions and to ebbs and flows of orders for products and services. flexibility advantages are the ability to quickly staff new projects and ability to fill in core workers absent due to illness vacations or holidays. low pay and benefits, more variable labor costs and reduced training costs. fees from temp agency relieved of many tac and employment law obligations can be an important source of new knowledge about organizational best practices and new skills not present in the core workforce, especially "hot skills" in high market demand. relieves the organization of the need to design and manage its own staffing systems. can make these workers temp to perm legal loss of control over flexible workers because they are not employees of the organization. frictions between core and flexible workers may also occur. may lack familiarity with equipment, policies, procedures and important customs. organization may end up with flexible but poorly qualified workers. planning for the flexible workforce is usually a matter of becoming knowledgeable about potential sources and lining them up in advance of when they will be needed.

hard copy applicants

that of a person who has indicated an interest in being considered for hiring, promotion or other employment opportunities, this interest may be expressed by completing an application form or may be expressed orally. required written app from all who seek to be considered. require the applicant indicate the precise position applied for and establish minimum qualifications. establish a period of time the position will remain open. return unsolicited apps through the mail. keep track of applicants who drop out of the process due to lack of interest or acceptance of another job

strategic planning

the development of a strategy for HR should also be the first element of HRP. first, a vision based on the overall organizational strategy should be developed. usually means deciding what values and core competencies all members of the organization should possess, and considering principles that will support these. second, potential strategies for achieving planning process goals should be assessed. too much focus on implementation details early in the strategic planning process can lead to a patchwork approach that involves elements that do not fit together well. third, contingency plans should be developed and considered. fourth, methods of obtaining feedback relative to goals and objectives should be in place. involves specifying the types of data that will be used to determine whether the planning process is successful or whether changes need to be made. HRP can be performed on a plan-basis, project basis or population basis. when HRP takes place as an integral part of an organization's planning process, it is referred to as plan based. this helps integrate the organization's strategic planning process with HR implications. not all important business decisions are captured in formal business plans, particularly if they occur rapidly or unexpectedly. organizational responses to these changes that occur in the form of special projects rather then in changes to the total business plan are referred to as project- based HRP. planning focused on a specific employee group is referred to as population based HRP.

staffing and retention system management

the various support and core staffing activities are quite complex and they must be guided, coordinated, controlled and evaluated, such is the role of staffing system management. voluntary EE departure from the organization is usually costly and disruptive and it can involve loss of critical talent that is difficult to replace. discharges can also be disruptive. unless the organization is downsizing, replacements must be found in order to maintain desired staffing levels. the burden for such replacement staffing can be substantial, particularly if the turnover is unanticipated and unplanned. greater employee retention means less staffing and thus effective retention programs complement staffing programs

the person/job match model

the job has certain requirements and rewards associated with it. the person has certain qualifications (KSAOs) and motivations. need for a match between the person and the job. to the extent that the match is good, it will likely have a positive impact on HR outcomes, particularly with attraction of job applicants, job performance, retention, attendance and satisfaction. dual match- job requirements to KSAOs and job rewards to individual motivation. the view is that positive interaction of individual and job characteristics creates the most successful match. a person with a given package of KSAOs is not equally suited to all jobs because jobs vary in the kSAOs required. an individual with a given set of needs or motivations will not be satisfied with all jobs, because jobs differ in the rewards they offer. in staffing, each individual must be assessed relative to the requirements and the rewards of the job being filled. the model emphasizes a dual match of KSAOs to requirements and motivation to rewards. both matches require attention to staffing. if you ignore or downplay the motivational rewards portion of the match, the organization may have difficulty getting people to accept job offers or attraction having new hires remain with the organization for any length of time (the retention outcome). it does little good to identify the likely high performers if they cannot be induced to accept job offers or remain with the organization. job requirements should be expressed in terms of both the tasks involved and the KSAOs needed to perform those tasks. Difficult to establish meaningful KSAOs for a job without having first identified the job's tasks. KSAOs must be derived or inferred from knowledge of the tasks. exception of this involves very basis KSAOs that are reasonably deemed necessary for most jobs. job requirements often extend beyond task and KSAO requirements, matching an individual to these requirements must also be considered when staffing the organization. outcomes are influenced by factors outside the realm of job/person match

staffing ethics

the moral principles and guidelines for acceptable practice


the most prevalent relationship result of the organization's usual staffing activities- a culmination of the person/job matching process. ER and EE agree on and negotiate the terms and conditions that will define and govern their relationship. the formal agreement represents an employment contract, the terms and conditions of which represent the promise and expectations of the parties (job requirements and rewards and KSAOs and motivation). over time, the initial contract may be modified due to changes in requirements or rewards of the current job, or employee transfer or promotion. either party may terminate the contract, thus ending the employment relationship. contracts may be written or oral, both types are legally enforceable and their specificity varies from extensive to shallow. in some instances where the contract is written, terms and conditions are described in great detail. or the contract may be little more than oral promises about the job, agreed to with a handshake. from a legal perspective, an employer is an entity that employs others (employees or independent contractors) to do its work or work in its behalf. when these others are employees, the ER has the right to specify both the work output expected and the methods followed. in exchange for his right to control employees, the employer is required to withhold EE payroll taxes (income, SS) 2. required to pay taxes on employment compensation 3. covered undertake myriad laws and regulations governing the employment relationship. 4. liable for the acts of its employees during employment for the employer, the degree of staffing, flexibility, possible to quickly terminate employees without constraints is important. for the employee, the issue is the degree of continued employment if the relationship is terminated and job security by that will be expected.


the placement of new hires in the actual jobs they will hold, something that may not be entirely clear at the time of hire, such as the specific work unit or geographic location also encompasses guiding the movement of current employees throughout the organization through internal staffing systems that handle promotions, transfers and new project assignments internal and external staffing both encompass planning for promotion and transfer vacancies, establishing job requirements and job rewards, recruiting employees for promotion or transfer opportunities, evaluating EE's qualifications and making job offers to employees for new positions

job analysis

the process of studying and describing the specific requirements for a job is called job analysis traditional job description lists the major tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job jobs are explicitly designed and aligned in ways that enhance the production of the organization's goods and services. job analysis is a support activity to the various functional staff activities.

understaffed overstaffed

the quantity or headcount portion of the staffing definition means that organizations must be concerned about staffing levels and their adequacy. the org as a whole as well as each of its units forecasts workforce quantity requirements (the needed headcount) and then compares these with forecasted workforce availabilities (the likely EE headcount) to determine its likely staffing level position. if headcount requirements match availabilities, the organization will be fully staffed. if requirements exceed availabilities, the organization will be _____ and if availabilities exceed requirements, the organization will be ______. being understaffed means the organization will have to gear up its staffing efforts, starting with accelerated recruiting and carrying on through the rest of the staffing system. development of retention programs that will slow the outflow of people, thus avoiding costly turnstile or revolving door staffing. overstaffing projections- signal the need to slow down or half recruitment , early retirement plans or layoffs.

statistical techniques

the use of integrated workforce planning software, which can be combined with data from other organizational data bases, has made it easier to use these statistical techniques than it was in the past. trend analysis is the simplest approach, because it uses data only in previous staffing levels over time to predict future needs. it is useful when organization's have data mostly on historical staffing levels with less detailed information on specific predictors. this approach implicitly assumes that the pattern of staffing needs in the past will be predictive of the future, but does not take any external factors into account . ratio analysis- is a more sophisticated approach that uses data from prior sales figures or other operational data to predict expected head count. useful for incorporating data from other functional areas to predict the future. however, this model cannot directly account for any changes in technology or skill sets that might change these ratios. the regression analysis technique can be used with historical predictors and can make more statistically precise estimates of future expectations by taking several factors into account simultaneously. this procedure is more thorough than the ratio analysis approach, which incorporates only a single predictor of workforce size. however, collecting enough data to make good estimates can be time-consuming and requires judgment calls.

merit principles and staffing practices

to recruit, select and promote employees on the basis of their KSAOs 2. to provide for fair treatment of applicants and is W/O regard to political affiliation, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicap. 3. to protect the privacy and constitutional rights of applicants and employees as citizens 4. to protect EEs against coercion for partisan political purposes. comparisons w/ private sector: 1. open announcement for all vaccines, along with the context of the selection process that will be followed. 2. very large numbers of applicants due to applicants being open to all persons 3. legal mandate to test applicants only for KSAOs that are directly job related 4. limits on discretion in the final hiring process, such as number of finalists, ordering of finalists, AA considerations 5. rights of applicants to appeal the hiring decision, testing process, or actual test content and method.

planning for diversity

top management must state that diversity goals are important and will be measured. remind EEs of the importance of nondiscrimination for the organization's mission advertise positions in media sources that target a variety of demographic groups, recruit at colleges/universities. organizational promotion efforts should target qualified members of underrepresented groups, possibly supplemented w mentoring programs to overcome gaps in skills. eliminate adverse impact policies unless they have business necessity. objective standards for judging candidates can eliminate discrimination. targeted recruitment, inclusion of women and AA's on the top management team, work/family accommodations, creation of AAPs and diversity councils- increase the racial and gender diversity of the organization's entire managerial workforce.

employee value proposition

totality of rewards, both Ex and In, associated with the job constitutes the EVP. real or bargain struck, first as a promise to the prospective employee and later as a reality to the actual new employee. employee providing certain behaviors in exchange for EVP. create EVP's for different employee groups that are both attractive and affordable. wrong magnitude- too small too big wrong mix not distinctive

the changing nature of jobs

traditional way of designing a job is to identify and define its elements and tasks precisely and then incorporate them into a job description. core tasks involves virtually all tasks associated with the job and from it a fairly inclusive list of KSAOs will follow. each job has its own set of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. job design has well defined paths of mobility. they are status with little or no change occurring in tasks or KSAOs


transfer of business functions to an external organization, difference between this and IC is that the org expects to receive a completely finished product from outsourcing the external source. org doesn't direct or control the way in which work is performed, and only receives the end result of the work. availability of less expensive labor in the global market outsource tasks that require specific expertise that cannot be economically generated in house. offshoring- products or services are provided by an external source outside the country where the organizations core competencies are. usually done for activities that take low added value to the organization. don't outsource work that is fundamental to core operations. backlash against low wages and poor working conditions overseas. make sure organization is not losing too much control over its major work processes.

internal and external influences

two most important internal influences on the planning process are the organization's strategy and the organizational culture major sources of external influence on HR and staffing are precept market conditions, labor markets and technology.

planning time frame

typically, plans are divided into long term (3+ years), intermediate (1-3 years) or short term (1 or less years) for plan based HRP, the time frame will be the same as that of the business plan planning horizons for business based HRP vary depending on the nature of the projects involved. population based HRP will have varying time frames, depending on the time necessary for labor supply (internal and external) to become available

job categories and levels

unit of HRP and analysis of composed of job categories and hierarchical levels among jobs. these job category/ level combinations and the types and paths of employee movement among them, form the structure of the internal labor market. management must choose which job categories and hierarchical levels to use for HRP. job categories are created and used on the basis of the unit of analysis for which projected shortages and surpluses are being investigated. hierarchical levels should be chosen so that they are consistent with or identical to formal organizational hierarchy, these formal levels define employee promotions (up levels), transfer (Across levels), demotions (down levels), having gap information by level facilitates planning of internal movement programs within the internal labor market.

reasonable accommodation and undue hardship

unless it would pose undue hardship on the employer, the ER must make reasonable accommodation for the know physical or mental impairments of an otherwise qualified, disabled job applicant or employee. must have actual disability or record of. in general, only accommodations that would be made difficult to make or that would require significant expense are considered to create an undue hardship. 1. conduct a job analysis to determine the job's essential functions 2. identify performance barriers that would hinder the person from doing the job 3. work with the person to identify potential accommodations 4. assess each accommodation and choose the most reasonable one that would not be an undue hardship

hierarchical mobility paths

upward mobility in organization, promotion ladders, each job is a step towards the top of the organization) EEs compete against each other for job vacancies lateral moves can sometimes occur. make it easy to identify and look for applicants within the organization. may inhibit matching best person to the job as it is not flexible

organization usage

used mostly in large organizations. 1. create awareness and understanding of the need for change in business. 2. enhance the skills within the workforce 3. improve team work and coordination workforce requirements are specified in competency terms and compared with the current workforce competency levels to identify competency gaps. external hiring- competency based interviews/ appreciated are conducted to gauge general competencies as a key factor in the selection process. for promotion decisions, competency interviews used in conjunction with supervisory assessment.

task dimensions

useful to group sets of tasks statements into task dimensions and then attach a name to each dimension. create a task dimension matric- each column in the matrix represents a potential task dimension and a label is tentatively attached to it. each row in the matrix represents a task statement. cell entries in the matrix represent the assignment of task statements to task dimensions, have each statement assigned to only one dimension. task dimensions are optional- only create when useful. judgmental process is usually sufficient- should be 4-8 dimensions, important that the grouping procedure yield a reliable set of task dimensions acceptable to managers, job incumbents and their organizational members.

Markov Analysis

uses historical mobility data and probabilities to forecast future availabilities substitutes historical data about internal mobility and exit rates for the manager's judgment for making availability forecasts. between any two time periods, the following possibilities exist for each employee in the internal labor market: job stability, promotion, transfer, demotion, exit these possibilities may be thought of in terms of flow rates and flow of flow or movement rates. past flows and rates may be measured and then used to forecast the future availability of current employees based on assumptions about the extent to which past rates will continue unchanged in the future. must know all job stability, promotion, transfer, demotion and exit rates for an internal labor market between we can forecast future availabilities. result is stability and movement rate expressed as proportion, also know as transition probabilities. the rates for any row must add up to 1.0. by referring to these figures, and the remainder of the transition probabilities in the matrix, an organization can begin to understand the workings of the units internal labor market. with these historical transitional probabilities, it becomes possible to forecast the future availability of the current workforce, assuming that historical rates will be repeated over the time and staffing policies and procedures will not change. sample size- it is desirable to have 20 or more EEs in each job category/level. since this number serves as the denominator in the calculation of transition probabilities, with small sample sizes, there can be substantial differences in the values of transition probalities, even though the numeratots used in their calculations are not that different. transition probabilities based on small samples yield unstable estimates of the probabilities. second limitation- does not detect multiple moves by EEs between T and T1, only classifies EEs and counts their movement according to their beginning and ending job category/level, ignoring any intermittent moves. extremely broad categories or categories without any levels distinguished should be avoided. transition probabilities reflecting gross, average, ee MOVEMENT AND NOT THE UNDERLYING causes of the movement- probabilities of movement may vary among specific employees.


well defined mobility paths attempt is needed for both hierarchical and alternative path employees are likely to see a well articulated and well executed mobility path is fair poorly developed will lead to EE claims of favoritism and discrimination

performance orientation

what is driving you is the outcome

legal compliance

when an organization selects people to do work for it, a legal employment relationship is established selected people may be employees, independent contractors, or temporary employees laws are needed to define how the ER may use each type of worker, as well as the rights of each type. in addition, laws have been developed to create fairness and non discrimination in staffing. while voluntary compliance is preferred by enforcement agencies, if it fails, litigation may follow. litigation is based on the key concepts of disparate treatment and disparate impact.

labor shortages and surpluses

when labor demand exceeds labor supply at a given pay rate, the labor market is said to be tight and the organization experiences labor shortages. low unemployment rates, surges in labor demand in certain occupations and skill deficiencies field labor quantity and labor quality shortages for many organizations shortages cause many responses: increased pay and benefits packages, hiring bonuses and stock options, attentive work arrangements to attract and retain older workers, use of temporary employees, recruitment of immigrants, lower hiring standards, partnerships with high schools, technical schools and colleges, increased mandatory overtime work, increased hours of operation.

learning orientation

when you are focused on what you are going to learn

social networking sites

where friends or acquaintances are used to connect those looking for applicants to those looking for jobs. provide access to groups of employees with special skills locate passive candidates but many are not interested. legal issues from personal info publicly published

applicant reaction

will help to determine which type of communication message content and media should be developed and employed, as well as facilitate effective strategies. level of warmth the recruiter shows toward the job applicant, communicating knowledge about the hob. show interest in the applicant. ethical standards should be developed and followed. applicants want a system that is fair w/ job related screening processes. delays in the process have a negative effect on reactions. make sure online applications are followed up. applicants react more positively to ads that reflect their own demographic group, endorse diversity through policy statements and in recruiting materials. need to adjust recruitment methods to attract older workers.

staffing ethics

without boundaries, potentially negative outcomes and harmful effects may occur. could hire someone without proper assessment and subsequently having him or her perform poorly, ignoring the many applicants who would have been successful, failing to advance diversity initiatives and possible legal obligations, making an exceedingly generous job offer that provides the highest salary in the work unit, causing dissatisfaction and possible turnover among other work unit members. ethics involves determining moral principles and guidelines for acceptable practice. "knowing organizational codes and guidelines and behaving within these boundaries when faced with dilemmas in business or professional work. organizational ethics seeks to: 1. raise ethical expectations 2. legitimize dialogue about ethical issues 3. encourage ethical decision making 4. prevent misconduct and provide a basis for enforcement code of conduct can have pertinence to staffing through provisions on such issues as legal compliance, confidentiality, and disclosure of info and use of organizational property and assets. individuals involved in staffing should know and follow their organization's code of ethics. individuals involved in staffing should known and follow their organization's code of ethics. 1. the person is serving as an agent of the organization and is duly bound to represent the organization first and foremost. stress person/job and person/organization matches. 2. the agent must avoid placing his or her own interests or that of a third party above that of the organization. 3. remember that applicant is a participant in the staffing process. how the HR professional treats applicants may well lead to reactions by them that are favorable to the organization and further interests, let alone these of the applicants. 4. know the organization's staffing policies and procedures and adhere to them. 5. a need to be knowledgeable of the myriad laws and regulations governing staffing to follow them and to seek assistance in their interpretation and application. 6. professional codes of conduct pertaining to HR and staffing 7. there is considerable research based knowledge about the design and effectiveness of staffing systems and techniques that should guide staffing practices. 8. when confronted with ethical issues, it is appropriate to seek ethical advice from others. 9. be aware of an organization's climate and culture for ethical behavior. organization may have expectations for how staffing decisions are made.

communication media

word of mouth is most common effective communication media is high in richness and credibility, rich media channels allow for timely personal feedback and a variety of methods for conveying messages. credible media channels transmit information that is accurate and through, orgs usually support a variety of media that support one another.

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