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Any ad making an objective claim about a product's qualities, ingredients or performance must have a reasonable basis to make that claim. Those statements are considered material to consumers.

content analysis

Content analysis involves the systematic categorizing or coding and analysis of text, audio and visual material to uncover trends and patterns.

classic targeting

Classic targeting. Classic targeting typically uses at least several demographic and geographic variables to define audiences. A brand might have west coast Gen Z as the primary target and west-coast millennials as the secondary target. It could also use persona targeting.

click-through rate (CTR)

Click through rate (CTR)—Percentage of total subscribers who clicked on any or specific links within the email.


Influencer • Influencers are normally compensated but as a result of their consumer following, traffic they generate doesn't directly involve other forms of paid social IMC. • Influencer marketing is a hybrid

source credibility

Source Credibility • Target audience should trust message sources or spokespersons and deem them credible. • Source credibility's three main components: trust, competence or expertise, and likeability MAJOR CREDIBILITY DIMENSIONS -TRUST - COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE - LIKABILITY

spear phishing

Spear phishing: a high-tech, targeted attack on one organization, seeking to gain entry to confidential business and employee informatio


Spoofing: seeks to trick email users into downloading malware, clicking on malicious files or sending confidential information.

ad-supported video on demand (AVOD)

Streaming services that, either solely or dominantly, obtain most of their revenue from advertising are called ad-supported-video-on-demand channels (AVODs).

traditional publics

traditional publics might include employees, the news media, governmental bodies, investors, communities and consumers. Traditional Publics • Ongoing, long term relationships. • Employees • News media • Government • Investors • Consumers • Multi-cultural Community groups • Businesses

intellectual property

intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, both tangible and intangible. It includes inventions, processes, product designs, literary and artistic expression. Intellectual property also includes the symbols, names, slogans, sounds or sonic IDs and images used in IMC. As such it's important for the IMC creative community to become familiar with the basics of intelle

social media monitoring (SMM)

social media monitoring (SMM) —systematic tracking what consumers are saying, posting, sharing. Also called social media listening (SML)

PR crisis flow

1. Pre Crisis Old Normal 2. Warning signs ? 3. Tripping point 4. Remedial Actions 5. Crisis Decays 6. Post crisis New Normal

macro influencers

100k+ Macro Influencers • Macro influencers have large followings, provide campaign reach and high follower engagement. • Vary in effectiveness depending upon product category or specific brand. • Might not have sufficient clout to impact high involvement, high price or niche product consumer decision making. • Research reports that 78% of the 1,000+ millennial respondents indifferent to or negative toward celebrity brand purchase endorsements.

Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD)

A service that gives users unlimited access to a wide range of programs for a monthly flat rate (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.)

measured & unmeasured media

Ad Media Terminology • Considered measured media when independent party (like Nielsen) audits, measures, verifies audience size and composition Measured media indicates an independent party has audited or verified the audience delivery numbers of an advertising channel or media outlet, such as radio and TV ratings (e.g., Nielsen) or magazine and newspaper circulation numbers (e.g., Alliance for Audited Media). For the most part, audience size and demographics are measured, not th Unmeasured media refers to media whose audience data are provided by the platform or outlet, without external, third party auditing or verification. With unmeasured media you are forced to trust their audience size and composition calculations. Advertisers prefer measured medi

paid, owned, shared and earned media

Ad Media Terminology • Considered measured media when independent party (like Nielsen) audits, measures, verifies audience size and composition. • Paid media involves marketer paying media to access their audience (forms of advertising). • Owned media are channels or content owned by the brand (websites, brand videos, brand social pages). • Earned media is term for news coverage, blog mentions, social posts, normally resulting from

ad threats

Ad threats are digital ads containing various forms of malware, like a virus-infected banner ad on a reputable high-traffic website. Consumer devices can be infected simply by surfing the webpage containing a malicious ad. Embedded code in those ads can lead to theft of credit card or account numbers, personal information or even result in a nasty ransomware experience. If consumers come to see digital advertising as not only irritating but unsafe, they will increase their use of ad blockers and be even more concerned about protecting their perso

advertising fraud

Advertising Fraud • Ad fraud is low-risk, high-reward opportunity. • Research finds 12% of ad traffic is fraudulent. • Bot fraud is generated using bots, scripts or hijacked devices. • Domain spoofing represents low cost/quality ad inventory as attractive, high-yield inventory. • From a marketer's perspective, ad fraud disrupts consumer engagement, depletes ad budgets and damages reputation of digital advertising industr

consumer and trade magazines

Almost since inception, magazines have specialized in niche content. Magazine is generally divided in two platform categories: consumer and trade publications. Trade magazines have a B2B or industry-audience focus. According to PwC, including digital editions, estimated U.S. consumer magazine ad spend in 2022 will hover near $15 billion mark. U.S. trade magazine ad spend for 2022 is forecasted at $4.5 billion. (

truth in advertising

Any advertisement or promotional message must be truthful, not contain misleading statements and be backed by scientific evidence where necessary. This standard applies to all promotional claims regardless of the media platform where the ad appears. The FTC evaluates the performance claims of all products, it pays heightened attention to product claims that affect consumer health such as food, prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco. When the FTC files a complaint against a misleading ad, the agency has the authority to stop the distribution of the ad by filing an order to cease and desist. The FTC can also punish the offending marketer through fines and seek compensation for the victims.

frame, framing, reframing

Appeals and Framing • Framing presents cues as to how we should think, feel, or interpret messages. Akin to positioning. • The finance department frames IMC budgets as costs . Marketing frames the same budgets as investments . • IMC persuasive messaging uses framing to prompt consumers to use desired mental contexts to interpret brand messages. - It's not a car, it's an all-purpose mobility machine. - It's not just a vacuum cleaner, it's a time-saveReframing • Reframing is often needed when you discover audiences have certain mental frames or contexts that need changing. • Research uncovered what was long-suspected. Buick's average buyer was about 60 years old. Younger auto buyers framed the brand as a Grandma-Grandpa car. • To lure younger buyers, new models with more contemporary designs were created. Next, the brand had to be "reframed" or repositione

social currency

As Wharton School professor Jonah Berger suggests, people particularly adept at this social media sharing game generate social currency. They become influencers or key sources of insider information. They influence how their followers think and act.

attention economy

Attention Economy • Attracting and keeping audience or consumer attention has always been a major task for message creators. • Attention is partly dependent on consumers' current interests, needs and wants—relevance. • Example: Every year somebody in the IMC trade writes an article with a headline like— Is Advertising Dead? And every year thousands read it and dozens comment on it. Why does that work?

social influencers

B2B social influencers. B2B influencers tend to be industry peers having high credibility and expertise with the brand's products or services, but are external, not associated with a brand's sales efforts. If scale is required, B2B marketers will often use services from sites like LinkedI

behavioral targeting

Behavioral targeting. Behavioral targeting focuses on consumers' online behaviors—footprints of their digital activities such as search, online purchases, site visits and page views. Here brands might target online shoppers searching for coffee-makers or those visiting foodie websites looking at unique pumpkin pie recipe

Digital IMC Big Four

Big Four Ecosystems Digital IMC's Big 4 • Alphabet • Amazon • Apple • Facebook Common Characteristics • Massive user bases, deep pockets, huge staffs • Speed, agility, analytics • Embrace innovation & risk- taking • Own much of data driving digital IM

digital billboards (DBB)

Billboards - Posters/Classic outdoor billboards - Digital billboards & signage Digital Signage & Future • Digital billboard tech is leading to increased use and experimentation. • Digital board creative can be quickly changed. • Some board ads can be bought through automated or programmatic services.

brand purpose

Brand Purpose • Statement identifying how a company intends to pursue profitability while also benefitting society. • Strong brand purpose differentiates brands supporting positive causes from competing brands that don't. • Generates connection and builds loyalty with customers who derive a sense of altruism through their purchases. • Both brand and purpose must be authentic

contextual targeting

Contextual targeting. In IMC campaigns, context matters. In broadcast network TV, you often see ads placed in prime time programming (content) having little or no relation to the brand or context of using the brand. Magazines and some vertically programmed cable networks, like Food and HGTV, offer programming environments much more contextually favorable to specific brand categories. A paint company advertising in a home improvement or home decorating show has a decidedly more favorable context than seeing the same ad in a TV crime drama.

control appeals

Control appeals —subcategory of rational appeals, provides logical reasons why product gives consumer more control over problem or painpoint. Humans find control rewardin


Copyright • Protects works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. • Does not protect ideas, but the specific expression of ideas. • Does not need to be published to have copyright protection. • Current length of protection is the life of author plus 70 years Works for hire is 95 years. • Violation of copyrights constitutes infringeme

corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) • CSR reflects belief that businesses should be socially responsible & accountable to public. • Progressive attitude and community engagement are essential parts of the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream brand


Details of any relevant triggers (weather, inbound inquiries, search activity, opt-ins) with implications for creative or other content. Differences across various consumer journey stages Once activated, calculate total number of desired actions taken for each trigger. This not only helps to evaluate utility of specific triggers but also the messaging that follows.


Digital Display • Digital display advertising involves using a combination of audio, text and visuals to convey specific IMC messages. • Largely static, like print magazine ads Digital Display Trends FSW Chapter 9 Digital Display, Search, Content & Mobile 9 • Digital display options growing—Amazon and other retailers like Target and Walmart accept ads. • Display ads also appear on search, social and various mobile channels. • Most ads placed via automated or programmatic; functions often brought in-house. • Ad fraud, fake sites, and bad actors in general are ever-present and not going away soon. Creates worldwide waste of billions of budget dollars Digital Display Advantages • Facilitates all targeting levels, broad audience segments to individual consumer. • Flexibility—campaigns can rapidly up or down scale. • Quickly change ads or messaging content. • Helps control waste—using most relevant channels or sites. • Ease of buying and tracking ads and messaging efforts. • Marketer and agency familiar with platforms, metrics and processes. • Additional reach compliments traditional media platforms. • Ads placed near high quality and/journey relevant content Digital Display Challenges • Determining ROI and ad effectiveness. • Increasing ad costs. • Consumer privacy—limitations on tracking. • Matching messaging with journey stages. • Evaluation of ad placement among vast number of options. • Metric accuracy and need for third party auditing. • Brand safety—ensuring ads do not appear in/near unsavory or controversial content. • Click fraud—machine (bot) generated clicks, non-human clicks, bad guys

digital marketing

Digital Marketing Defined 3 FSW Chapter 9 Digital Display, Search, Content & Mobile Digital Big 3 • Display, Search, Social Platforms • Plus 2, Mobile and Content Marketing Digital Marketing Defined 3 FSW Chapter 8 Digital Basics, Direct, Ecommerce & Websites Digital marketing is commonly defined as using internet-based platforms, such as email, search engines, and social media in selling to or directly messaging consumers

content marketing

Digital content marketing uses digital platforms to distribute brand-relevant, non-advertising content to consumers or prospects Digital Content Marketing Better Practices • Concentrate on customer needs, add value, don't sermonize for brand. • Tell stories and cases in compelling manner. • Be conscious of talent or presenter factors in multimedia/webinars. • Tailor content to the channel. • Determine if content reaches right target audience at right journey stage. • Actively manage and update content CONTENT LEVELS SCREENSHOT

direct mail

Direct Mail • Main KPI of direct mail is response rate or pull . • Expressed as percentage of replies based on total receiving the mailing...had a pull of 3.7% . • Lists are primary assets of direct mail marketers. - House list is marketer's existing list of customers, buyers and prime prospects. - Lists of new prospects purchased from list brokers. - New list created by merge/purge process...duplicates or incomplete records are deleted Direct Mail Advantages & Concerns • Advantages - Personalization - Coupon distribution - Catalog distribution - Preferred for financial or legal documents - Lead generation - Long/detailed messages - Responding to lifestage or journey needs • Concerns - Mobile societies - Reaching younger targets - Increased postal & printing costs - Mailbox clutter - Prospect qualification - Mailing list management

direct to consumer (D2C)

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC or D2C) is a generic term for brands bypassing traditional distribution or retail outlets and selling directly to consumers


Direct-to-Consumer (DTC or D2C) is a generic term for brands bypassing traditional distribution or retail outlets and selling directly to consumers Direct Marketing • Direct marketing is the process of using direct-to- consumer platforms and channels, such as email, direct ground mail, or telemarketing without going through distributors or retailers. • When direct marketers use traditional media platforms like television or print and ask consumers to either visit their website or call a toll-free number, it's termed direct response (DR) marketing or consumer direct advertising

drip campaigns

Drip campaigns . Delivering a series of pre- formatted IMC messages over an extended time


Ecommerce is using the internet to buy and sell goods...electronic commerce. Regulating Ecommerce • Three main concerns are counterfeit products, price gouging and fake product reviews. • Ads for counterfeit items mean that people don't get what they are paying for. • The COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread online price gouging. • Cottage industry emerged to create, buy, sell and trade fake reviews to prop up struggling businesses, sabotage competitors, or generate customer lead

email frequency and cadence

Email Frequency & Cadence FSW Chapter 8 Digital Basics, Direct, Ecommerce & Websites 26 • Email frequency is simply the number of emails sent to consumers over time. • Email cadence is a broad term encompassing: frequency, timing between emails, consumer response triggers, email content or subject matter, allowing for target audience or individual recipient characteristics and needs

employee publics

Employee Publics • Executives say employee & internal communication is their top priority. • Challenge of establishing good employee relationships is increasing. • Employees around the world say bad communication affects their workplace. • Employees around the world have varying degrees of job satisfaction:


Endorsements. Endorsements are evaluated by the same criteria as advertising. An endorsement may not make representations that couldn't be made directly in an ad and may not leave viewers with false perception of the advertiser's products or services. Moreover, endorsers must disclose any material connection between themselves and the brands they endorse that "might affect the weight or credibility consumers give to that endorsement."9 In short, are you being paid or accepting freebies in exchange for your recommendation? If so that's a material connecti


Failure to provide a reasonable basis to support objective claims constitutes an unfair and deceptive act. Advertisers must support claims stating, "Tests prove" or "Studies show," when they make claims regarding specific product attributes, or when they compare their product to the competition. Advertisers are not required to provide substantiation for ads making claims that are clearly exaggerations that no reasonable person would believe.8

conversational or voice commerce

If your ecommerce or direct marketing efforts involve voice assistants, smart speakers and the like, welcome to conversational or voice commerce. Conversational and voice commerce refers to the use of chat and voice interfaces to buy things. By early 2019, about half of U.S. households had some form of voice assistant device, some having video screens, like Google's Home Hub and Amazon's Echo Show. Adding the video screen allows consumers to actually see products and search results. Like smartphones, these tabletop screens are also capable of showing ads. While voice commerce isn't exactly experiencing meteoric diffusion across many consumer cohorts, it is growing and marketers are experimenting with voice initiatives.

impressions, gross impressions

Impression is one person's opportunity to be exposed to your ad or IMC message. • Gross impressions total all audience impressions over same time period

fake followers

Instagram's Fake Followers Influencers employability and income depend on follower count. But they can buy fake followers. Instagram has been plagued by an estimated 95+ million fake followers. Analysts blame IG's metrics of likes and follows for creating pressure to drive up the count & creating a market to buy & sell followers.

lead capture page

Keyboarding a website URL is not the only way consumers visit a brand's site. A landing page is the page on a brand website that consumers land on after clicking on a display ad or link embedded in various IMC messaging such as an email, news article, press release or whitepaper. Landing pages are sometimes referred to as destination pages, lead capture pages, or product destination pages

landing or destination page

Landing Pages • A landing page is the page on a brand website that consumers land on after clicking on a display ad or link embedded in various IMC messaging such as an email, news article, press release or whitepaper. • Landing pages are also called destination pages, lead capture pages, or product destination pages . • Typical landing page uses: registration forms read an article find dealer near ▪▪ me download a coupon, report FAQs listen to a ▪▪▪ podcast have someone contact m

location based marketing (LBM)

Location Based Marketing-LBM • Location based marketing (LBM) is using consumer's location to best advantage for IMC messaging. • Key benefits of LBM - Targeting by location. - Right time, right place—you know where they are, near or in your store, venue. - Tracking movement patterns—mapping movement patterns by day, time of day, even movement in store aisles.

media relations

Media Relations • Reciprocal relationship • Media = Access to publics • Practitioners = Access to news stories • Learn & follow media's guidelines and deadlines. • Adapt style to be acceptable to their need

micro targets

Micro-targeting. Strategically, social platforms are major forces in consumer-brand engagement. In many situations, social offers precise lifestyle and psychographic targeting. Reaching affinity targets, for example, those consumers sharing particular interests such as individual outdoor sports, travel, beauty or video gaming, can be particularly cost-effective. While coordinating numerous micro-targets is time consuming, social channels offer increasingly sophisticated IMC campaign management tools


Microtargeting is the process of using one or more consumer data categories to narrow marketing efforts to smaller, more homogenous groups. For instance, luxury product marketers often focus on postal codes containing high-income consumers. The more variables used to define the target, the more micro it becomes and the more you will rely on accurate, detailed data.

over the top (OTT)

OTT—Over-the Top • Over-the-top or OTT means internet-delivered TV channels or services. Also called SVOD s, for subscription-video-on-demand and video streaming channels. Think, Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video to Disney+, Hulu and Netflix. • Now about 7 in 10 US households subscribe to one or more OTT services...projected to be more than 8 of 10 by 2023-24. • Some similarities with broadcast & cable nets, but have broader content (genres) offered on-demand. Some commercial free at higher monthly fee. OTT Advantages & Challenges • Advantages - More precise targeting by content preferences - Reaches people that shun traditional TV/cable - Less clutter - Mobile viewing - Addressability to deliver personalized video ads - Can use programmatic or automated buying to place ads - Can carry edgy creative FSW Chapter 7 Traditional Advertising & Media 26 • Challenges - Viewing is on-demand, hard to build reach & frequency - Many people opt for commercial free - Limited ad avails - Short term, not as effective as TV for reaching older targets - Some OTT channels have own, not common metric

open rate

Open rate—Percentage of total recipients or subscribers who opened your email, sometimes further divided into the number that abandoned, skimmed or read the email. If available, the number routed to spam-type folders. Can also track opens by time and day, mobile or desktop and so o

out of home (OOH)

Out-of-Home Platforms • Out-of-home (OOH) advertising uses platforms and channels available outside the home environment. • OOH revenues are about $50 bil., with projected 4% growth rate. • Digital signage and place-based driving much of growth. • Main types of OOH - Signs and Signage—Outdoor Billboards: Classic and Digital (DBBs) Mobile & Transit Point-of-Purchase - Place-Based Audio and Video OOH Advantages & Challenges • Offers additional reach and frequency • Geographic targeting & high traffic locations • Important as consumers spend more time out-of- home • Standardized ad buying and metric practices • Good for building and maintaining brand awareness FSW Chapter 7 Traditional Advertising & Media 39 • Short messaging limits for signage • Accurate audience size & composition often hard to gauge • Accurately proving ROI or other KPIs • Billboards should be rotated across various locations to cover a marke


Over the last decade, the term engagement has become a generic term referring to audience involvement with an IMC message or brand beyond simple exposure; often isolating pre-purchase related behaviors like visiting a brand's website or conducting online searche

Paid, Earned, shared and Owned Media

Paid • Advertising placed with social media channels. • Messages can be traditional display ads, video clips or simple product listings. • Each channel has variety of options and its own vocabulary. • Allows marketers to target audience, personalize messaging and tap into more detailed metrics. Owned • Brand's listing, profile, content or multimedia material on social sites. • Use social to drive traffic to other owned assets • Can access audience metrics. • Important factor to continually engage social followers. Earned • Consumer traffic generated by content that results in consumers organically visiting. • Earned social is fundamentally free. • The audiences found you. • When links are shared, brands mentioned or non-paid search results. • Earned social considered best and most effective form of social.


Patents. A patent is a grant for a property right given to the individual who invents something new and original. A patent is granted for a term by the USPTO during which the patent holder has the sole right to use of the invention. The patent right excludes "others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling" the invention in the United States or "importing" the invention into the United States. There are three types of patents: 1) Utility patents are granted to those who invent something new and useful. 2) Design patents are granted to those who invents a new, original, and ornamental design. 3) Plant patents may be granted to anyone who invents or discovers a distinct and new variety of plant. Patent ownership provides brands significant marketing advantages. The patent itself is a legal mark of innovation. A patent adds value to products or services due to their ability to offer customers something competitors cannot. Competitors cannot replicate the product or service without inviting legal action. The patent also establishes a brand's reputation as an industry leader. Companies holding patents attract investment. Patents can be licensed or sold to others.16


Phishing: consumers are contacted by an email seeking personal data, such as bank or credit card info and password


Pitch Letter • Sales Letter. • Purpose is to interest editor in potential news values of a story, interview or event. • Do so by providing solid rationale of its importance to medium's constituents. • Direct and to the point. • Provide contact information. • Can substitute with the media adviso

place based or location targeting

Place-based or location targeting. Place-based or location targeting is a derivative of geographic targeting. With traditional media, airline marketers can target consumers in specific areas or cities, such as Beijing, Brussels or Buenos Aires, or hospitality firms can place hotel advertising in various airports. This form of targeting focuses on mobile and where media outlets are located that cover such geographic areas.

platforms, channels, vehicles

Platforms are general categories of service: cable TV networks, search, signage, social. • Channels or outlets are individual media brands: Bing, ESPN, Facebook, WLS-TV Chicago, Vogue. • Vehicles are specific programs or content on channels: Saturday Night Live, Denver Post sports section, This Old House

point of purchase signage (POP)

Point-of-Purchase —in-store displays, usually part of sales promotion efforts


R.I.C.E. is best understood by looking at each cornerstone individually. Savvy marketers and advertisers will find ways to use all four cornerstones in campaigns on multiple platforms. Great marketers find ways to do all four in the same posts. The first cornerstone focuses on relationships, and the importance of collaboration as a social media marketing engagement tool. The second cornerstone highlights the need for instruction, and the function of providing information to consumers through education and in ways that are applicable to consumer's lives Relationships instrustion communication entertainment

Reach and Frequency

Reach is number of different people seeing, reading, or listening over given time period. • Frequency average number of times audience members or households are exposed to yo

reasonable basis

Reasonable basis requirement. Any ad making an objective claim about a product's qualities, ingredients or performance must have a reasonable basis to make that claim. Those statements are considered material to consumers. Important issues here include the type of claim being made, what evidence is needed to substantiate it and what would science consider a reasonable basis to support that claim. When making an objective product or service claim, advertisers should be certain to have whatever studies or tests are appropriate to support that c

resonance or resonate

Resonance • Messages should " resonate " with the audience. • To resonate, messages should tap audience's: - Experiences Beliefs Values Lifestage - Typical emotions Problems Situations • Audience data on relevant elements should be in the consumer profile or persona descriptions. • Will target audience relate to: the talent, the copy or words used, visual elements or setting, audio or music? All are stimuli or cues to trigger resonan

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Return on Ad Spend by Platform • ROAS or return on ad spend is common metric. • ROAS varies by target audience specificity and overall cost of ads. • ROAS not sole factor. While TV has lower ROAS, it reaches larger audiences

peso model


fear of missing out (FOMO)

Scarcity —fear of missing out (FOMO), limited availability, act before sold out


Scarcity —fear of missing out (FOMO), limited availability, act before sold out


Search • Globally, search a $100+ bil. business in 2022. • Leading channels-Baidu, Bing and Google • Two main IMC options: buying keywords/terms and display-type ads. • Collect massive amounts of consumer data: - Provides detail on interests, activities, purchase intentions - A main data source for mapping consumer journeys • Dashboards to launch/monitor campaigns Search Advantages • Comparatively good for tracking ROI. • Strong audience targeting and reach across consumer journey stages. • Timely, almost immediate results and good campaign flexibility. • Extensive analytic, A/B testing and monitoring dashboards. • Very content marketing friendly—supports text, image and video. • Organic search "keeps on giving" even after paid campaigns end. • Comparatively limited exposure to brand security risks. • Marketers can manage in-house. Search Challenges • Many brands must have a paid search presence; questionable tactic to rely on organic search alone. • Paid search ad or keyword costs likely to increase. • Search engine optimization a constant concern. • Requires specialized knowledge for effective use/implementation. • Once launched, usually requires constant monitoring and optimizing. • Links back to brand assets need to work, otherwise metrics will be inaccurate and consumers might abandon the brand. • Search engines tend to assign lower ranks to press relea

sensory appeals

Sensory —appealing to one or more of five senses

sensual appeals

Sensual —success in romantic relationships

social media listening

Social Analytics & Listening • Social media intelligence (SMI )—application of SMA's qualitative and quantitative methods to address specific brand or IMC question. • Social media analytics (SMA) —the application of content analysis methods to gain insights from content posted on social channels. • Social media monitoring (SMM) —systematic tracking what consumers are saying, posting, sharing. Also called social media listening (SML) .

social media analytics

Social media analytics (SMA) —the application of content analysis methods to gain insights from content posted on social channel

media kits

The Media Kit • Provides detailed overview of a brand, product line, images, value propositions, executive profiles and other content pieces. • Email to journalists will include link to brand's online press kit or corporate newsroom. • Comprehensive and well organized, gives journalists everything needed to write story. • Improves chance your story will reach your target audience. The Media Kit • Most ubiquitous print vehicle • Organized to answer all most likely questions that media might ask about organization's announcement/event. • Aids message dissemination by adding thorough amount of info to the media mix When preparing the media kit: • Be sure info is accurate and answers all possible questions journalists may have. • Provide sufficient background info to allow editor to select story angle. • Don't be too commercial • Quotes must come from credible, attributable sources. • Never fabricate • Graphics/visuals mean everything Media Kit Contents • Table of Contents • News release • Backgrounder or fact sheet. • Organizational documents • Brochures, magazines, newsletters, annual report, reprints of relevant articles, biography • Photos/Videos • Increasingly digital hoste

news release

The News Release • Used to share newsworthy content with journalists in hopes they write story about brand's news. Written in a straightforward, objective style. • Through SEO, news releases can drive traffic to the brand's website ... generate links to its website, mentions, citations and referral traffic. • Additional SEO benefits would include backlinks, brand visibility and name recognition What is a News Release? • Information that you want released to media • Should contain three elements: • Publicity Value (sometimes hidden) • Angle, the hook that attracts media attention • Story, what their audience wants to know about • Basic Publicity Release • Covers any info within an ORG that might have some news value to media (local to national). • Product Release • usually targeted to trade publications, dealing with product itself, consumer use, marketing, • Financial Release • Shareholders, financial media, etc.


The number or count of times customers share your content with their friends and followers across their social media profiles.


Total number of times all visitors were exposed to ad or message. Duplicated, meaning same person sees ad twice, that's two impressions.


Trademark • Symbols used to represent a brand, identify product & distinguish from competition. • Can include product names, acronyms, logos, slogans, colors, shapes, sounds, mascots and symbols. • Lanham Act prohibits trademark infringement, trademark dilution, and false advertising.


Transparency • Advertisers criticize the lack of transparency in the process of purchasing advertising created by programmatic ad buying. • Argue that digital media lacks reliable metrics and means of standardized media audience accreditation. • Transparency is needed to guarantee that ad buyers know who they are buying from, where their ads are being placed and if they are getting their money's worth.

micro influencers

Trend Toward Micro Influencers • Mom influencers often outperform celebs. • Micro influencers have specialty or niche impact. • Generally more in-touch with followers needs. • Micro's generally less costly to marketers

What is a public?

What Is a Public? • Public: Any group whose members have a common interest or value in a particular situation.

what is news?

What is news? • Consequence • Interest • Timeliness • Proximity • Prominence • Hard news/Soft news

affective or pathos appeals


holding statement

holding statement. Speed of response and transparency are essential to establishing the organization as the primary source for information in an unfolding crisis situation. A holding statement is a preliminary statement acknowledging something has happened, the situation is being investigated and facts will be shared in regular updates as the situation becomes clearer. Getting out-front of the story helps limit the spread of rumors and media speculati

podcast or vodcast

podcast is a digitally distributed audio program, usually an interview or topical discussion; can be downloaded or consumed online in live, delayed or download modes. • Brands can sponsor other podcasts or develop their own podcasts. Ads often sold like traditional radio, can buy some via programmatic. • Capitalizes on consumer interests; yielding smaller but interest-based, engaged audience Why Podcasts Good for IMC • Podcasting ad revenues to reach $1 bil. mark by 2022 or earlier. • Consumer centric form of content marketing, providing consumer value. • Relevant to all journey stages. • Why podcasts are hot and great for IMC? - Comparatively modest production costs. - If owned, brand controls content. - Good vehicles for building brand image, credibility—not hard- sell, product centric "infomercial" content. - Niche content appeal and mobile friendl

time spent

—Total and average user time spent on brand's site, page or viewing videos.


—brand users extol virtues and brand performance.


—mini short story, traditional beginning, middle, end


—no-frills, direct approach

slice of life

—presents realistic problem or situation with brand providing solution


—visualizing process or how product works

ethos or moral appeals

• Ethos or moral appeals —tap values and ethical dimensions. Doing the right thing. • Creative uses words and images to urge audience to invoke various social or moral codes of thought and behavior. • Commonly used in cause and non-profit IMC. • Often involves some form of guilt reduction

fear appeals

• Fear —presenting a risk, threat, anxiety laden situation

Pretesting, monitoring, post evaluation

• Most creative concepts and elements are pretested by using online testing, biometric testing or focus groups. • Many clients require all ads be pretested. • Three messaging testing/monitoring windows. - Pretesting, before campaign launch - Monitoring and optimizing creative, during campaign - Post campaign evaluation, afte

rational or logical appeals

• Rational appeals focus on engaging consumers' powers of reasoning and logic. • Very basic example: Flonase allergy medicine ads —product controls 6 inflammatory substances most others, only 1...and "six is greater than on

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Chapter 24: Neurocognitive Disorders

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EAQ - Chapter 34: Care of Patients with Disorders of the Urinary System

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Email English Common Mistakes 1b

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2214 Data Structures and Alogrithms- Test 2

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