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Rapid immunomigration

(RIM) also referred to as immunochromatography AKA lateral flow immunoassay Uses colloidal gold, enzymes, and color reagents or agglutinated latex particles. Antibodies present in the membrane of the test cassette where sample is applied Positive results show two areas of color, test, and control

Which grade is assigned for the positive control for the intradermal test?


Blood type: Cattle

- Eleven blood groups: A, B, C, F, J, L, M, R, S, T, and Z - B is polymorphic, with more than 60 different antigens - Anti-J antibodies are the only common natural antibodies in cattle -J negative donors may be used to minimize transfusion reactions

Lateral Flow Immunoassay

- described as rapid immunomigration (RIM) or immunochromatography A sample that contains antigen flows through a porous strip, and positive reactions are shown by the appearance of a colored band


- first antibody produced in response to an antigen - 5% of circulating Immunoglobulins - large and unable to enter tissue space - high-titer, low-avidity -abundant in early stages and then lower amounts in later stages -Functions to activate the complement


- most abundant - neutralizes microbes and toxins -opsonization of microbes for phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils - Activation of complement - fetal and neonatal immunity by passive transfer across the placenta and in the colostrum

Cell-mediated immune system

-"Cell-mediated" refers to the fact that the response is carried out by cytotoxic cells -acquired through T cells from someone who is immune to the target disease or infection.


-20% of circulating antibody - Mucosal immunity - Protection of respiratory, intestinal, and urogenital tracts

Blood types: Cats

-AB system: A, B, and AB; few cats have AB -Majority in U.S. are type A - Type B is found in certain purebred breeds ( Devon Rex, British shorthair) and certain geographic areas (Australia) -Cats have naturally occurring antibodies to the RBC antigen they lack -Type B cats have strong anti-A antibodies, whereas type A cats have a weak anti-B antibodies -Transfusing type B cats with type A blood may result in serious transfusion reaction and death

Type 1 hypersensitivity

-Immediate hypersensitivity that occurs when chemical mediators from mast cells are released - allergies (atopy) and anaphylactic shock

Active Immunity

-Immunity to a pathogen that occurs following exposure to said pathogen. -can occur in one of two ways: naturally or via an immunization

Competitive ELISA (CELISA)

-Immunoassay - Patient antigen, if present, competes with enzyme-labeled antigens for the antibodies that are coating the test wells

Blood type: Horses

-More than 30 blood groups -8 major: A, C, D, K, P, Q, T, and U -Crossmatching must be done because reactions are commonly fatal - Mare-foal incompatability test is a crossmatching procedure that detects the presence of antibodies in mare serum (or colostrum) to foal RBC to confirm or prevent neonatal isoerythrolysis

Blood types: Dogs

-More than a dozen. Blood groups with clinical significance: DEA 1 and DEA 7 - DEA 1, DEA 3, DEA 4, DEA 5, and DEA 7 -DEA 1 elicits the greatest antigen response and causes the most serious transfusion reactions; Approximately 50% of dogs are DEA 1 +

Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (DEA) system

-a naming convention for canine blood types -RBCs are designated as positive or negative for the specific antigen

B Cell

-formation and maturation in the bone marrow (hence the name "B cell"), -move into the lymphatic system to circulate throughout the body -B cell encounters an antigen that fits or matches its membrane-bound antibody, it quickly divides in order to become either a memory B cell or an effector B cell (plasma cell)

T cell

-formed in the bone marrow then migrate to the thymus (hence the name "T cell") to mature and become T cells -receptors can only recognize antigens that are bound to certain receptor molecules

Humoral Immunity

-immunity from serum antibodies produced by plasma cells -"Humoral" refers to the bodily fluids where these free-floating serum antibodies bind to antigens and assist with elimination.


-present in small amounts -Immediate hypersensitivity reactions, such as allergy and anaphylactic shock - Coating of helminth parasites for destruction by eosinophils

Passive Immunity

-protection from a disease provided by antibodies created outside of the body. Passive immunity: Does not require previous exposure to a disease agent Takes effect immediately Does not last long (up to a few months)

Adaptive Immune System

-refers to antigen-specific immune response. -The adaptive immune response is more complex than the innate. The antigen first must be processed and recognized. Once an antigen has been recognized, the adaptive immune system creates an army of immune cells specifically designed to attack that antigen. -Adaptive immunity also includes a "memory" that makes future responses against a specific antigen more efficient.

Innate Immune System

-refers to nonspecific defense mechanisms that come into play immediately or within hours of an antigen's appearance in the body. -mechanisms include physical barriers such as skin, chemicals in the blood, and immune system cells that attack foreign cells in the body. -activated by chemical properties of the antigen.


-when present is low in abundance - B lymphocyte surface antigen receptor in some species

What distance should be present between adjacent test sites for intradermal testing?

2 centimeters

What grade is assigned to an agglutination reaction with evidence of many small agglutinates and some free cells?


Which blood type of most common in the vast majority of cats in the United States?


Which cell differentiates into a macrophage when in tissue spaces?


What is involved in a major crossmatch?

Recipient serum and donor cells


Refers to the ability of the test to correctly identify all animals that are truly positive for a given reaction procedure

Which term refers to a test that has the ability to yield positive results on a sample that is in fact positive?


Blood type: Sheep and goats

Sheep - 7 blood groups: A, B, C, D, M, R, and X; B system polymorphic and naturally occurring R antibodies may be present Goats - 5 major blood groups: A,B, C, M, and J; naturally occurring J antibodies may be present

What term describes a test that yields a negative result on a sample that is in fact negative?


Type IV hypersensitivity

T cell-mediated diseases caused by the reaction of T lymphocytes against self-antigens in tissues -Type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic infections such as TB

With regard to antibody titers, which statement is most accurate?

The higher the dilution, the more antibody in the sample

Natural Killer (NK) cells

These cells kill cancer cells and cells infected with viruses. They bind to their targets and deliver a lethal burst of chemicals to produce holes in the target cell's membrane leading to its destruction.

What type of sample is required for completion of the card agglutination assay for blood typing?

Whole blood in EDTA

Polymerase chain reaction

a method that is used to replicate and amplify DNA molecules in a sample

Fluorescent antibody

a specific antibody that has been labeled with a fluorochrome and that is used in immunoassays

Immunologic tolerance

ability of the immune system to discriminate between self and non-self


allergic reaction of the skin characterized by the eruption of pale red, elevated patches called wheals or hives


edema of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues

Complement system

group of plasma proteins that function to enhance the activities of the immune system - both innate and adaptive systems - Once activated, a series of chemical reactions known as the complement cascade occurs. Components are numbered C1 through C9, with some having subunits and designated by letters

Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (NI)

hemolytic anemia of the newborn

The production of a specific antibody is referred to as _______immunity


antibody titer

level of a specific antibody that is present in serum. This is calculated as the reciprocal of the highest dilution at which a sample no longer exhibits a positive reaction for the presence of the antibody. It is often used to help differentiate active infection from prior exposure to an antigen


measure of the numbers of false positives produced with the given reaction procedure


process by which light is emitted as a product of a chemical reaction


process in which extensions of cytoplasm surround and engulf large particles and take them into the cell

Inflammatory response

response to infection or tissue injury -Alerted by chemicals released from the infected site, blood vessels dilate and allow neutrophils to pass into the tissues, they phagocytize bacteria and kill the pathogens with chemicals stored in their cytoplasm


strength of the binding of antigen and antibody. Partly the result of the affinity of the IgM for the specific antigen


substances capable of generating a response from the immune system


substances that activate the immune system


technique used to determine the concentration of an antigen, antibody, or other protein in the serum. A radioactively labeled substance that is known to react in a certain way with the suspended protein is injected, and any reaction is monitored

Which method is the primary one used for blood typing in reference laboratories?

tube method


used as a positive control in intradermal testing


A naturally occurring antibody that is produced by an individual and that reacts with antigens of another individual of the same species

Which type of immunologic test is commonly used to detect and diagnose brucellosis?


What test is used to detect auto-antibodies?


The most serious transfusion reactions in canine patients occur when mismatched transfusions are administered to dogs that are positive for which blood group?


Which blood type in dogs can be detected with the canine agglutination blood typing test?


What is involved in a minor crossmatch?

Donor serum and recipient cells

Which method represents the most common type of immunologic test performed in practice?


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Enzyme immunoassay that makes use of an enzyme-labled immunoreactant (antigen or antibody) and an immunosorbent (antigen or antibody bound to a solid support) -most common immunoassay

What test principle is employed by the Coombs test?

Fluorescent antibody

Which antigen-antibody reaction results in the formation of insoluble particles?


Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is involved in immune complex disorders?

Type 3

Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by T cells?

Type 4


binding of complement to the antigen

Which blood type in queens is associated with neonatal isoerythrolysis in kittens?


Which blood type is associated with the most serious transfusion reactions in feline patients given mismatched transfusions?



An injection that produces a mild form of a disease in order to help build up an immunity to it.

Which term refers to swelling of the dermis?


What component is in the solid phase of an ELISA test designed for the detection of a specific antigen?


Type II hypersensitivity

Antibody-mediated diseases in which the antibodies are directed against the animal's own cells or components of the extracellular matrix -IMHA and ITP

What term describes substances that are capable of generating a response from the immune system?



Antiviral proteins secreted by T cells

Immunoglobulin (Ig)

Any of the class of proteins that function as antibodies. Immunoglobulins are divided into five major classes that differ in their distribution in the body and antigen disposal activities.

What is the primary immunoglobulin involved in mucosal immunity?


What is the primary class of immunoglobulin that responds to parasitic infection?


Which immunoglobulin is involved in mediating allergic reactions?


Type III hypersensitivity

Immune complex-mediated diseases that occur when antibodies and antiens form complexes that are deposited in various blood vessles -Glomerulonephritis and system lupus erythematosus

Which condition is diagnosed using the Coombs tests?

Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia

What type of test involves the addition of a sample to a plate coated with agar gel?



Itchy, elevated areas with an irregular shape

Which of the following is a synonym for rapid immunomigration?

Lateral flow assay

Latex Agglutination

Latex beads, to which specific antibodies have been attached, produce visible clumps of aggregates in the presence of the specific antigen

What does the acronym "PCR" stand for?

Polymerase chain reaction

What is the first type of leukocyte to arrive at the site of inflammation?


Which leukocytes are involved in both the adaptive and nonadaptive immune systems?


Anaphylactic shock is a/an _______ hypersensitivity.

Type 1

Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is involved in atopy?

Type 1

Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by IgE?

Type 1

Which type of hypersensitivity reaction is involved when IMHA is present?

Type 2

Which term can be used to describe hives?



an immune test in which antibodies and antigens diffuse from separate wells in agar to form a line of precipitate

Coombs test

an immunologic test designed to detect antibodies on the surface of RBC (direct) or antibodies against RBC in plasma (indirect)

blood group antigens

antigens that are present on the surface of RBCs and antibodies that may be present in serum -genetically determined

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