Imperialism 10th grade

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British East India Company

(1600-1858) Originally a private company granted a trade monopoly with the East Indies by Queen Elizabeth I. Its success in extracting concessions from native rulers eventually led to its de facto control over much of modern India between 1757 and 1858.

Dutch East India Company-

- A company founded by the Dutch in the early 17th century to establish and direct trade throughout Asia.

Do you think the opium trade was finally more harmful or beneficial to China? Explain.

-Harmful because chinese civilizations became addicted to the drug and killed thousands of people in china -There were unfair treaties to the chinese people -Treaty of nanking and treaty of tientsin led to legalization of opium and opening of trading ports in china -only helped foreigners not the chinese -loss of power and wealth in china. -Foreign powers controlled china in their sphere of influence and had extraterritorial rights

Sphere of influence-

A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities.

Taiping Rebellion

A mid-19th century rebellion against the Qing Dynasty in China, led by Hong Xiuquan.

French Indo-China

Area that France owned, included Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia

Indirect rule-

Local rulers carrying out foreign orders


The British-controlled portions of India in the years.

Social Darwinism-

The application of Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies-particularly as justification for imperialist expansion.


The belief that one race is superior to others.

Pacific Rim

The lands surrounding the Pacific Ocean- especially those in Asia.

The Battle of Adwa

When Ethiopia remained independent and won a war against the Italians. Victory due to King Menelik the Second.

Coercive labor

forced labor


-The Qianlong Emperor was the sixth emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and the fourth Qing emperor to rule over China proper, turned down trade with Europeans, hired Zexu to stop the flow of opium into china several years later

Treaty of Kanagawa

1854 agreement between the United States and Japan which opened two Japanese ports to U.S. ships and allowed the United States to set up an embassy in Japan.

Sepoy Rebellion-

1857 rebellion of Hindu and Muslim soldiers against the British in India.

The Berlin Conference

1884-1885, A meeting at which representatives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization (partitioning) of Africa. Africa was not there for the meeting.

Boxer Rebellion

A 1900 rebellion in China, aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.

Opium War-

A conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China. China thought they were self sufficient and did not need britains goods, this led to an imbalance of trade which Britain solved by taking opium from India and smuggling it into China.

Direct rule

A government in which citizens rule directly rather than through representatives, paternalism, assimilation, no self rule, foreign rule rather than local rule.


A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially.


A policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights.

Open Door Policy

A policy, proposed by the United States in 1899, under which all nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.

Favorable balance of trade

An economic situation in which a country exports more than it imports - that is, sells more goods abroad than it buys from abroad.

Extraterritorial rights-

An exemption of foreign residents from the laws of a country.

Why was China traditionally not interested in trading with the West?

Because they believed they had all the wealth and power that they needed (were superior) and didn't need any help/goods from foreigners. Due to china's self-sufficiency and lack of dependence on trade they felt no need to negotiate with the west. They also had the mentality that they were superior to everyone else (Ethnocentrism)

How did the Berlin Conference lead to a scramble for Africa?

Began in the 1800s. The sudden discovery of diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886 in South Africa increased European interest in colonizing the land. The competition for land was so fierce that the Europeans feared war against themselves. To prevent conflict the Berlin Conference laid down the rule for how Africa would be divided. It was decided that any European countries could claim land in Africa by notifying other nations of their claims and showing they could control the area. This lead to division and claiming of many African countries by European countries.

Compare and contrast how Japan and China confronted Western imperialism.

Both: -Have well-established traditional values -Initially resisted change -Oppose Western imperialism Japan: -Considers modernization to be necessary -Borrows and adapts Western ways (Selective Borrowing) -Strengthen economic and military power -Becomes and empire builder China: -Remains committed to traditional values -Believes they didn't need change (thought they were superior) -Loses numerous territorial conflicts -Grants other nations spheres of influence within China -Finally accepts necessities for reform

What were the causes of the Opium War and what were its consequences on China?

Causes - Because of China's self sufficiency, the Chinese didn't want to trade with the west. China earned much more for its exports than it spent on imports. British imported millions of pounds of tea from China every year and exported goods worth much less. Britain made up for the difference in silver leading to an imbalance in trade. Europeans were determined to find a product that the Chinese would buy in large amounts, to upset China's favorable balance of trade. Britain merchants smuggled opium into china for non medical use and eventually began to be used for non medical purposes. Britain refused to stop selling opium to china and this eventually led to the opium war. China dumped the Opium into the sea which the British took as an act of war

How did King Leopold II govern the Congo?

Coercive labor (rubber) Cut off people's arms Evil person Said he wanted slavery abolished and actually forced labor on the people Harsh working conditions Hurt people and provided them with little to no rights or wages Congo was taken over by the belgian government took over the colony in 1908

What were the 4 types of Imperialism?

Colony, economic, sphere of influence, and protectorate

The Belgian Congo

Congo ruled by King Leopold II, his own private property, exploited its resources and population for wealth

Describe the causes of 19th century European imperialism (motives).

Economic, political, and social forces accelerated the drive to take over land in all parts of the globe. As European nations industrialized, they searched for new markets and raw materials to improve their economies. And colonies have strong economic competition. As the competition for colonies intensified, each country was determined to plant its flag on as much of the world as possible. Later on because of their advanced technology, many Europeans basically believed that they were better than other people, brings up the problem about racism, nationalism and Social Darwinism.

"Scramble for Africa"

European nations wanted to gain control of Africa after the Berlin conference. Mostly britain

How did Africans resist European colonial rule?

Europeans didn't have the technology yet to travel to the interior of the countries and Africans conducted their own trade networks so Europeans could not control sources of trade items. Later resisted by undermining European efforts to make profit off of them (ie: African villagers secretly sold/destroyed crops that they were forced to cultivate thru coercive labor).

The Maji Maji Rebellion-

Failed Rebellion in East Africa against German occupation. "maji maji" refers to magic water, which resisters believed could turn bullets into water. it was an example of spiritual defense that Africans relied on.

Commodore Matthew Perry

Forced japan with us fleets to open trading ports in japan.

Treaty of Nanjing-

Gave Hong Kong to the British, forced china to open 5 trading ports, extraterritorial rights in China for foreigners.

How did imperialism impact Southeast Asia?

Good: -Roads, harbors, and rail systems linked areas and improved communication and transportation -Better education, health and sanitation -Unification of areas at the cost of weaker local leaders and governments Bad: -Displacement and migration of ethnic groups causes cultural and racial tension

King Leopold II-

Harsh ruler of the congo before belgian government took over.

What were the causes of the Sepoy Rebellion and what were its consequences on India?

Immediate cause was the rumor that enfield cartridges were greased with pig and cow fat, which offended both Hindus and Muslim sepoys alike. When sepoys who began to disobey commanding officers were jailed, the rebellion started. Long term causes were the the years of racist and unjust treatments that were subjected to Indians, the increasing presence of Christian missionaries and also the seizure of Oudh which had already upstaged many. The consequences on India in this Rebellion were that it fueled the racist attitudes of the British and increased the distrust between them and the Indians.

Mughal Empire

Islamic empire of northern India during the early modern era from the early sixteenth to mid-nineteenth centuries.

What events caused Japan to end its isolation and begin to westernize?

Matthew Perry threatened japan to open trading ports in Japan to the U.S. and set up a U.S embassy. By 1860 Japan, had granted foreigners permission to trade at treaty ports. It also extended extraterritorial rights to many foreign nations Meiji era. Mutsuhito wanted to learn from chinese mistakes So he began to modernize japan Sent out people to learn the ways of the west

Differentiate the "new imperialism"- mid 19th century, focused on africa and asia, driven by industrial revolution and the "old imperialism"

New Imperialism -Occurred between 1870 to 1914 -driven by mercantilism, industrialized nations wanted raw materials -Focused on Africa and Asia -Europeans tended to favor direct conquest -Created territories unfair to native inhabitants - Dutch east india company, british east india company -Accumulation of gold and silver Old Imperialism -Age of European exploration -Occurred between 1500-1800 -European powers did not acquire territory (except for Spain and portugal) -European countries respected and frequently cooperated with local leaders -Large scale death of native peoples

Emilio Aguinaldo

Revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo was born on March 22, 1869, in Kawit, Cavite, Philippines. In 1898, he achieved independence of the Philippines from Spain and was elected the first president of the new republic under the Malolos Congress. He also led the Philippine-American War against U.S. resistance to Philippine independence.

How did economic imperialism lead to India becoming a British colony?

Sepoy Rebellion, the British East India Company couldn't calm it down by themselves so they asked the British for help. The british were able to calm the rebellions but they took direct control over India and made it a colony.

How did the influx of opium into China effect China socially and economically?

Social -Population had grown to 430 million by 1850 (30% increase over 60 years) -Food production had barely increased leading to famine and the deaths of many Chinese -Destroyed favorable balance of trade china once had before Economic -Chinese gov't was riddled with corruption and couldn't ease people's suffering -Chinese actively began to rebel against the Qing Dynasty -Talented people were unwilling to bribe state examiners were denied gov't jobs

"Jewel in the Crown"

The British colony of India - so called because of its importance in the British Empire, both as a supplier of raw materials and as a market for British trade goods .


The adoption of a conqueror's culture by a conquered people. A policy in which a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions and customs.

Meiji Era-

The period of Japanese history from 1867-1912, during which the country was ruled by Emperor Mutsuhito.

How were the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions linked to the Opium Wars?

These were uprisings that were in response to the defeat in china. Taiping rebellion was organized by a young man that claimed he was a younger brother of jesus christ and wanted to bring stability to china and the earth. His name was Hong. Made a lot of promises to the lower class people. Give back land to the peasants Promised that there would be no alcohol consumption No private ownership of property Rebellion lasted for 14 years Changes were made during that 14 year period Government -ching dynasty combined with forces from european countries that had access to china and combined forces to bring down the rebellion. These happened after the opium wars. People feel china is losing its sovereignty Increase of nationalism in china "Death to the foreign devils"-slogan of the boxer rebellion -Taiping was mostly against the government -Boxer was mostly against the foreigners and chinese christians

Unequal treaties

Treaty of nanking Treaty of tientsin.

Treaty of Tientsin

Treaty that was concluded between China and Great Britain at the end of the second opium war, made opium legal, China was destroyed.

How did Siam (Thailand) remain independent when other countries in the area were colonized?

Use defense modernization Thai king modernized country Built railroads Promoting education Strategic thinker Used same strategy as menelik II Was in between French and British territory and they did not want to have conflict by fighting over Siam

David Livingstone

Went to Africa to try and find the source of the nile and was missing for years.

Henry M. Stanley

Went to find livingstone in africa and eventually made treaties with different chiefs that gave land to the belgian king leopold. "Doctor Livingstone, I presume?" famous quote.

How did the Europeans use Social Darwinism to justify empire-building?

White man's burden- social order because there is natural selection for those best suited to exist in certain living conditions Because they were industrialized europeans thought they were were more evolved.

Treaty ports

a port bound by treaty to be open to foreign trade, especially in 19th- and early-20th-century China and Japan


belief that one nation is above everyone else.

Cash crops-

crops grown solely for financial benefit

"White Man's Burden

feeling of responsibility by white men who thought they had to imperialize =(racism and ethnocentrism) ruyard kipling

Defensive modernization

when a country is able to build their own economic and educational structure to respond to foreign threats

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