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Social Darwinism

"Survival of the fittest", 19th century of belief that evolutionary ideas theorized by Charles Darwin could be applied to society., The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion., The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Closed door policy

Japanese would not allow foreign trade and Christianity within country, Japan completely closed it doors to all countries except for the Dutch, did not let any influence get in or out, Term means official government policy to keep other cultures out/distant/seperate or apart from home culture

Natural resources

Materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain, Raw materials supplied by nature that come from the earth, the water, or the air and are used to produce goods., Materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.

Cultural Relativism

Principle that people's beliefs and activities should be interpreted in terms of their own culture, Belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards, Goal of anthropology, viewpoint that behavior in one culture should not be judged by the standards of another culture

Meiji Restoration

The political program that followed the destruction of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868, in which a collection of young leaders set Japan on the path of centralization, industrialization, and imperialism., In 1868, a Japanese state-sponsored industrialization and westernization effort that also involved the elimination of the Shogunate and power being handed over to the Japanese Emperor, who had previously existed as mere spiritual/symbolic figure.

Treaty of Nanking

Treaty that concluded the Opium War. It awarded Britain a large indemnity from the Qing Empire, denied the Qing government tariff control over some of its own borders, opened additional ports of residence to Britons, and ceded Hong Kong to Britain., 1842 agreement ending the Opium War between China and England and giving the England control of Hong Kong and regional ports, as well as awarding the British citizens extraterritoriality rights., 1842. Result of the First Opium War. Hong Kong was given to the Brits, 4 more treaty ports were opened to the Brits, and British residents in China and their guests were not subject to Chinese law., (1842) Treaty that concluded the opium war. It awarded Britain a large indemnity from the Qing Empire, denied the Qing government tariff control over some of its own borders, opened additional ports of residence to British, and cede Hong Kong to Britain.

Chief Kabongo

did not think that it was fair for the British to come in and take over their land, create new laws, etc., chief of the Congo Free State during the time of imperialism..."The Coming of the Pink Cheeks", Leader of african tribe, had to do with imperialism, wrote coming of the pink cheeks

Extraterritoriality Rights

under these, the British were not subjected to chinese law at Guangzhou and four other chinese ports, British citizens accused of crimes could only be tried in British courts, not Chinese

Berlin Conference

(1884-1885) During European Imperialism, various European leaders met in Berlin, Germany to discuss plans for dividing Africa peacefully. These leaders had little regard for African independence, and had no representation for native Africans. This began the process of imperializing Africa., (1884-1885) During European Imperialism, various European leaders met in Berlin, Germany to discuss plans for dividing Africa peacefully, (1885) Meeting in Berlin, called by Bismarck to regulate European colonization of Africa - led to the scramble for Africa.

Opium War

1839-1842. Chinese attempted to prohibit the opium trade, British declared war and won against Chinese. Treaty of Nanjing, agreed to open 5 ports to British trade and limit tariffs on British goods and gave Hong Kong., 1839-1842, it was fought between the British and Chinese over the opium trade. The British were ultimately victorious, and the war ended in the Treaty of Nanjing., War between Britain and the Qing Empire started by the Qing government's refusal to permit the importation of opium into its territories., (1839-1842) war fought between the British and Qing China over British trade in opium; resulted in the granting to the British the right to trade in 5 different ports and the ceding of Hong Kong to the British. The Chinese became addicted to Opium so British traded Opium for things they needed from China. but China's economy began to falter because they couldn't do anything with Opium so they demanded money from then on but British said no. Had a war and British won so no longer did British trading ships had to go into certain ports, but instead could go into China freely. British enforce open trade with China.

Boxer Rebellion

1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops., 1900 - a secret Chinese society called the Boxers because their symbol was a fist revolted against foreigners in their midst and laid siege to foreign legislations in Beijing., -a 1900 revolt in China, aimed at ending foreign influence in the country; peasants, resenting special privileges for foreigners and Chinese Christians, who were protected by foreign missionaries, formed a secret organization called the Society of Harmonious Fists (AKA the ___s). This was the name for their campaign against the Dowager Empress's rule and foreigner privilege. They surrounded the European section of Beijing and kept it under siege for several months

Sphere of Influence

A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities., A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities, A geographical area where one country, state, empire, etc. is very dominant and controlling. Controlling group often brings their own customs, political ideas, and so on.


A group of people in one place who are ruled by a parent country elsewhere., A nation establishing a settlement in a new territory., A land ruled by another country. a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign.

White Man's Burden

A poem by British poet Rudyard Kipling commenting on American imperialism. It created a phrase used by imperialists to justify the imperialistic actions the U.S. took., A poem by Rudyard Kipling written in 1899. It is also the name given to the idea that the culture of the native populations where European imperialism was occurring were inferior to western nations. Some interpreted Kipling's poem to mean that it was the duty of imperializing nations to bring western culture and sensibility to the savage native populations that were encountered in far off lands., idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized, A European sense of superiority that drove them to "civilize" other nations, the idea that it is the responsibility of people of European descent to take care of people of other races due to their perceived superior culture, technology, government, etc.

Mathew C. Perry

American commodore, threatened Japan forced treaty of friendship, which led to opening of japanese ports, extra territorial rights, 1854: He persuaded the Japanese to sign a treaty which was the beginning of an epochal relationship between Japan and the U.S, marched into Tokyo harbor in 1854 and asked/coerced/forced them to open their nation; his Treaty of Kanagawa formerly opened Japan, broke Japan's isolation and they began to modernize, imperialize and militarize

Belgian Congo

Exploited by Leopold II at Belgium under the Berlin Act, Leopold was supposed to act as a trustee. He violated the agreement and stripped the country of its resources., In 1879 King Leopold II hired H.M. Stanley to make treaties with African chiefs, giving control of the Congo to Leopold. It became his personal playground and was recognized as such in 1884 by the Berlin conference. Was quested for its rubber and ivory. Soldiers of the Belgian army forced the natives to do work and treated them savagely, often cutting off their hands to prove they used ammunition on humans when they were really using the ammunition on wildlife. Twain and author Conan Doyle spoke out. The Belgian Parliament was horrified and took the colony away from the king in 1908 and it became a Belgian colony.

Spanish-American War

In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence, (1898) A war between the United States and Spain over the control of Cuba. The United States won this war and gained independence for Cuba, and control of the Philippines., ..., War fought between the US and Spain in Cuba and the Philippines. It lasted less than 3 months and resulted in Cuba's independence as well as the US annexing Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

King Leopold

King of Belgium (r. 1865-1909). He was active in encouraging the exploration of Central Africa and became the ruler of the Congo Free State (to 1908). (p. 732), 1832-1905. Belgium (and Congo). Masked purely commercial interests by proclaiming intention to bring the benefits of modern European civilization to the so called "Congo Free State."Stark reality of the Congo was characterized by historians as a "virtual holocaust" and raised a huge scandal.

Sepoy Rebellion

The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.

Cash Crop

a readily salable crop that is grown and gathered for the market (as vegetables or cotton or tobacco), A crop that is raised for sale., A crop grown for direct sale, and not for use in a region, such as coffee, tea, and sugar in Africa., A crop that is grown to be sold rather than to be consumed by the farmers and their families.

Direct Rule

system of colonial government in which the imperialist power controlled all levels of government and appointed its own officials to govern the colony., Colonial government in which local elites are removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the mother country

Annexation of Philippines

when the US decided to keep control over the Philippines as opposed to allowing them to become independent, Established people don't want conquerors, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, declares own republic; McKinley convinced that they needed to annex Philippines: natives cannot rule themselves, Congress said that without rule of entire island, a naval base in capital would be pointless; needs "white man's burden", The U.S. had a duty to involve itself actively in world affairs and had to keep its reputation of being a "world power".

Rudyard Kippling

wrote about the white mans burden, Imperialist poet who justified it through his beliefs in "The White Man's Burden"; your duty to enforce western ideas to everyone among all nations., He is a writer who in 1899, captured the essence of the imperialist attitude in his famous poem "The White Man's Burden."


A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically., A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force., A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially. This led to the creation of a number of European empires which extended around the world., "the creation and/or maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination." Imperialism, as described by that work is primarily a Western undertaking that employs "expansionist, mercantilist policies". an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire, based on ideas of superiority and practices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another."[2] It is often considered in a negative light, as merely the exploitation of native people in order to enrich a small handful.[3] Lewis Samuel Feuer identifies two major subtypes of imperialism; the first is the "regressive imperialism" identified with pure conquest, unequivocal exploitation, extermination or reductions of undesired peoples, and settlement of desired peoples into those territories, examples being Nazi Germany, the British Empire and the French Colonial Empire.[4] The second type identified by Feuer is "progressive imperialism" that is founded upon a cosmopolitan view of humanity, that promotes the spread of civilization to allegedly "backward" societies to elevate living standards and culture in conquered territories, and allowance of a conquered people to assimilate into the imperial society

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China., A policy of the United States that stated China should be open to all nations that which to trade with them. This policy did not include the consent of the Chinese, and was another form of imperialism.

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