Indiana Driver's Manual- CH.7- Safe Vehicle Operation

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When driving on steep hills or crests:

-Before approaching the crest of a steep hill, slow down, move to the right side of the road, and watch for oncoming vehicles. Never attempt to pass another vehicle when approaching a steep hill or crest.

Tips for sharing the road with tractor trailers

-Do not cut off a tractor-trailer to reach an exit or turn -Do not linger alongside a tractor-trailer when passing -Do not follow too closely or tailgate -Never underestimate the size and speed of an approaching truck

When driving on dirt:

-During dry periods, dirt roads may be very dusty. The dust can reduce your visibility. Use your low beam headlights to make yourself more visible to other drivers.

When driving on gravel:

-Stopping and turning is more difficult on loose gravel because your traction is reduced. When traction is reduced, skidding can occur. You must slow down earlier to reduce your risk of skidding through a turn or stop.

Once every month, or before you embark upon a long road trip, check your tires for wear and damage. One easy way to check for wear is by using the penny test.

1. Take a penny and hold Abraham Lincoln's body between your thumb and forefinger 2. Select a point on your tire where the tread appears the lowest and place Lincoln's head into one of the grooves If any part of Lincoln's head is covered by the tread, you're driving with the legal and safe amount of tread. If your tread gets below that (approximately 1/16 of an inch), your car's ability to grip the road in adverse conditions is greatly reduced

Rollover crashes account for nearly (1/2, 1/3, or 1/4) of all passenger vehicle fatalities


What is the speed limit for highway work zone?

10 mph below the MAX speed limit

A good rule for drivers to follow is to stay at least --- to ----- seconds behind the vehicle ahead


When changing lanes to prepare for a turn, you must signal your intention to do so at least --- feet prior to changing lanes or turning.


When headlights are on, lower headlight beams must be used when approaching within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle or when following within ___ feet of the rear of another vehicle.


When not driving on an interstate or state highway, the maximum speed limit for a school bus is -- miles per hour unless the posted speed limit is lower.


Your signal distance must be at least 300 feet before the turn if you are operating a vehicle in a speed zone of at least -- miles per hour.


Drivers must use headlights between sunset and sunrise as well as at any other time in which visibility is less than ___ feet


On a rural state divided highway, vehicles may not exceed __ miles per hour or the posted speed limit.


The maximum speed limit for a school bus on an interstate or highway is -- miles per hour or the posted speed limit.


What is a U-Turn?

A U-turn is a maneuver in which a driver changes direction by making a 180-degree turn.

What is a roundabout?

A roundabout is a circular intersection in which traffic enters or exits only through right turns and proceeds in a counter-clockwise direction

Signs, pavement markings, or both are provided to guide drivers to the proper lane in _______ of the circulatory roadway.


A dangerous driving accident is any collision stemming from a driver taking one or more of the following actions:

Aggressive driving, disregarding a signal, or speeding.

The first rule for a safe and legal turn is to move into the proper lane well ______ the turn. To turn left, be in the far left lane for your direction of travel. To turn right, be in the far right lane for your direction of travel.


You may cross a ______ yellow line to pass another vehicle when it is safe, but you should not cross a _____ yellow line except to turn.

Broken, solid

For multi-lane roundabouts where the circular roadway has more than one lane, drivers should know which lane they need to be in prior to entering the roundabout. Drivers should not change lanes in the circulatory roadway.


__________ at a railroad crossing mark the location of the tracks.


When driving near reduced sightlines (like corn):

Cultivated crops such as corn may reduce your ability to see vehicles approaching intersections and oncoming vehicles on curvy roads

The effectiveness of vehicular construction features, as well as of restraint devices like airbags and safety belts, (declines/inclines) as speed increases.


What does flashing arrows mean?

Detour or "crossover"

What does exceeding the posted reduces?

Driver's ability to steer safely around curves and/or objects, extends the distance required to stop in emergency situation, and crashing increases with the speed of the vehicle at impact.

Drivers already on the interstate should make allowances for those (entering/existing.)


Tractor trailers have no blind spots since they can see outward easier.


What is the left hand lane for?

Faster moving vehicles

What causes more deaths than any other roadway weather event each year?

Flash flooding

If your vehicle begins to lose traction or the rear wheels begin sliding sideways, ease off the ___ pedal


What is the best way to not drive drowsy?

Get proper sleep

What is needed to drive on highways?

Good judgement and timing

Sudden turns, lane changes, or ____ braking can cause a vehicle to skid. The procedure for correcting a skid is the same for both front-wheel-drive vehicles and rear-wheel-drive vehicles.


When you are driving on wet roads, your vehicle is actually traveling on a thin layer of oil, dirt, and water which can lead to what.


The rollover risk of a 15-passenger van increases dramatically as the number of occupants _________.


Busy roads on which there are many places a vehicle may make a left turn often have a center lane designated solely for the ____-turning vehicles.


What is the rule for a 4 way stop?

Like the rules of a 2 way stop. 1) Stop and look for oncoming traffic, then proceed when it is safe. 2) The first one to arrive at the stop sign is the first one to go.

Ice on the roadway is a potentially dangerous condition that can cause a vehicle to (lose/gain) traction.


Do not use high headlight beams. Why?

Low headlight beams better illuminate the road and objects ahead

The ___ width of any vehicle that may be operated without a special permit is 8 feet and 6 inches


What vehicles can make a u turn on a highway?

Maintenance crew and emergency vehicles

What does yellow line markings mean?

Marks traffic going in the opposite direction.

What does white lane markings mean?

Marks traffic going in the same direction

One place where U-turns are permitted and necessary is at an intersection in which the left-turn movement is prohibited in the intersection itself, and the left-turn is made after the driver proceeds through the intersection and makes a U-turn at an upcoming median opening. These are known as ______ U-turn intersections and signs are provided to guide drivers.


Fuel consumption increases steadily above 45 miles per hour, with passenger cars and light trucks using approximately 50 percent ____ fuel traveling at 75 miles per hour than at 55 miles per hour.


If one or more of your signals are not working properly, it is ok to NOT signal at all.

NO; then use the hand signals

When there is a flagger, it is ok to ignore them.

NO; they are giving instructions how to preceed

Hydroplaning increases with speed and what else?

No contact with the ground

In a school zone, should you be driving 30 mph when the speed limit for the school zone 15 mph?

No, b/c it is dangerous

If your phone is ringing, you should answer because your mom is wondering where you are.

No, if it is an emergency, pull over as soon as possible and then answer. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO HOLD A PHONE IN YOUR HAND WHEN DRIVING

When you are being passed, is it ok to increase your speed so that they can't passed?

No, you must allow the vehicle pass you and DO NOT INCREASE YOUR SPEED!!!

If your vehicle has an anti-lock brake system (ABS), keep your foot on the brake pedal, maintaining firm and continuous pressure, while steering ________. Do not pump the brakes. A mechanical sound or noise and vibration or increased resistance in the brake pedal indicates your ABS is working.


How many lanes can you change at a time?

ONE lane at a time

Why should you drive slower at night on unfamiliar roads?

Objects (including people) are harder to see at night

What are some other risks?

Other risks include inexperienced drivers, improperly sized and/or inflated tires, and incorrectly loaded cargo and/or passengers that could affect the vehicle's center of gravity.

Always be aware that vehicles traveling in the opposite direction may be entering the center lane to turn left in front of your vehicle. Never use this type of center lane for _______ other vehicles.


If your vehicle has conventional brakes, turn the steering wheel in a controlled manner in the direction the ____ of the car is sliding. When you regain traction, straighten the vehicle and proceed slowly


What is Indiana's Move over law?

Requires motorists to yield the right of way; move over to the right and come to a complete stop; or change lanes when approaching an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing.

However, you may occasionally arrive at a four-way stop sign at the same time as another driver. In such cases the driver to the right has the right of way.


If there is a glare, look at the _____ side of the road.


Designated center lanes for left turns can usually be identified by a ____ with alternate directional arrows that state "CENTER LANE ONLY" or with pavement arrows, although some center lanes do not have signs or pavement arrows.


What winter condition do you want to watch for it any part of winter?


You may cross a broken white line but not a _____ white line?


When driving on narrow bridges and roads:

Some bridges and roads may be narrow. You should use caution when approaching or passing other vehicles on narrow roads or bridges. Always watch for narrow bridge signs and be prepared to stop for other vehicles.

Do NOT make a fast turn away from the direction of the skid and do not steer too far, which could cause a ____.


If fog closes in completely, and visibility is reduced to near zero, carefully pull off the road as far as possible and ____. Headlights and flashing emergency signals should be used while driving in fog


When following a driver who has signaled an intention to make a turn, or who has slowed down and may be planning to make a turn, you should slow down and be prepared to ____.


The approaches to the circulatory roadway of a traffic circle may also be controlled by ____ signs instead of _____ signs.

Stop, yield

Motorcycles have to use the full lane.


T/F A tractor trailer takes longer to brake.


You should watch a tractor trailer before passing it. T/F


If two large vehicles are approaching or driving through a roundabout at the same time, what happens?

The driver in the right lane must yield the right of way to the driver in the left lane.

Although anyone can make the fatal mistake of driving without adequate rest, young adults age 16-29 are at the highest risk, accounting for 64 percent of fatigue-related accidents. Why?

They are the newer drivers

A _______ ______ differs from a roundabout in that it may have clockwise and counter-clockwise traffic

Traffic circle

You want to let your engine warm up before driving, have a full tank of gas, and brush off headlights and taillights frequently. Is this true?


Traveling aids for a person who is visually impaired are often a (white/black) cane or a trained guide dog.


However, drivers entering an interstate must (stop/yield) the right of way to vehicles on the interstate.


However, if there is any doubt which driver has the right of way or if there is the chance of a crash, it is better to _____ the right of way to the other driver.


When approaching or driving through a multi lane roundabout, drivers must _____ the right of way to large vehicles driving through the roundabout at the same time. This includes slowing down or stopping to allow safe passage of the large vehicle through the roundabout.


When displayed alone, you should treat a crossbuck as a _____ sign and the decision to stop or cross the tracks is yours. You must stop if there is a train approaching.


In fog, drive cautiously and at reduced speeds. Why?

You can't see that good in zero fog

What if there is a stop sign with a crossbuck?

You must stop

Some roundabouts have more than one lane, which can present a traffic ______ when smaller vehicles are driving through the roundabout alongside larger vehicles, such as tractor-trailers and buses.


The maximum ______ of any vehicle that may be operated without a special permit is 13 feet, 6 inches


Consider carrying a winter survival kit that includes:

sand or strips of carpet for traction, booster cables, blankets, shovel, flashlight, extra clothing, candles, matches, nonperishable snack food, and bottled water.

When approaching a roundabout, incoming traffic always (yields/stops) to the circulating traffic.


It is dangerous and illegal to try to pass other vehicles in the following situations:

•A solid yellow line is marked on the driver's side of the centerline of the road •A yellow, pennant-shaped "No Passing Zone" is posted on the left-hand side of the road, or a white rectangular "Do Not Pass" sign is posted on the right-hand side of the road •When you are driving on or approaching a curve in the road •When you are approaching the crest of a hill or grade in the road •Within 100 feet of an intersection, railroad crossing, bridge, viaduct, or tunnel.

Vehicles that must stop at railroad crossings include:

•All vehicles carrying passengers for hire •All school buses •All vehicles carrying explosives or flammable liquids

It is potentially dangerous and should only be undertaken when not prohibited by law. Follow these rules when making a U-turn:

•Always yield right of way to oncoming vehicles and pedestrians •Never make a U-turn on a curve in the road or when approaching the crest of a hill or grade •Never make a U-turn on an interstate highway. Instead, proceed to the next exit and re-enter the highway in the opposite direction.

You can reduce your risk of a rollover while driving:

•Avoid panicked steering •Know proper maneuvering •Maintain your tires •Load vehicles properly •Use caution on rural road

Excessive speed, even when conditions are ideal, is dangerous and increases the likelihood of an accident. Driving at the posted speed limit or in excess of it during the following roadway conditions is even more dangerous:

•Bad weather and poor visibility •Slick or icy roads •Driving with worn tires •Unsafe vehicle conditions •Impaired physical condition •Hazardous conditions on road surface

. If you are caught in a storm or come upon a hazardous situation, follow these rules:

•Do not drive around traffic barricades or past road closed signs •Watch for bridges, culverts, and roadbeds that may be washed away or undermined by floodwaters •Do not drive where water is over the road, because the depth of the water is not always obvious and the water may hide washouts •If your car stalls in a flooded area, abandon it as soon as possible, because flood waters can rise rapidly and sweep a car and its occupants away

You can maximize your fuel economy:

•Drive more efficiently by driving sensibly, observing the speed limit, avoiding hauling cargo on your roof and removing excess weight from your vehicle. •Keep your vehicle in shape by properly maintaining your engine, keeping your tires properly inflated and using the recommended grade of motor oil. •Plan and combine trips. Your fuel economy is worse when your engine is cold than when it is warmed up. Several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as a longer, multipurpose trip covering the same distance.

Be prepared to stop driving if you are unable to stay alert or experience any of the following signs of drowsiness:

•Falling asleep at stop lights •Yawning, rubbing eyes, watery eyes, or heavy eyelids •Difficulty remembering the last few miles or minutes driven •Missing road signs or exits •Changing lanes unexpectedly • Head nodding or dropping •Driving off the road or hitting the rumble strips •Failing to maintain a constant speed

According to Indiana law, a person engages in aggressive driving if, during one episode of continuous driving of a vehicle, the person does or commits at least three of the following:

•Following a vehicle too closely •Unsafe operation of a vehicle •Overtaking another vehicle on the right by driving off the roadway •Unsafe stopping or slowing a vehicle •Unnecessary sounding of the horn •Failure to yield •Failure to obey a traffic control device •Driving at an unsafe speed •Repeatedly flashing the vehicle's headlights

Name some illegal parking areas:

•Highways (unless indicated otherwise) •Within intersections or on pedestrian crosswalks •On sidewalks or in front of any driveway •Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in fire lanes •Bridges or other elevated structures, such as on a highway or a tunnel •Adjacent to yellow curbs •Beside another parked vehicle •Parking spots reserved for those with disabilities unless in possession of a valid parking placard •Diagonally striped area next to accessible parking spaces

Follow these rules when you are changing lanes:

•Make sure that there is no traffic ahead of you in the lane you would like to enter •Check your mirrors for any vehicles that are preparing to pass you •Briefly turn your head toward the lane that you are entering to make sure that there is no vehicle in your blind spot and that there is sufficient room to move into the adjacent lane •Use your turn signal to alert other drivers of your intention to change lanes •Smoothly move into the new driving lane

Follow these rules when you are passing other vehicles:

•Make sure the passing lane is clear of traffic, as you must return to the right side of the road no less than 100 feet before any oncoming vehicle •Check behind and to the left of your vehicle to make sure that another vehicle is not attempting to pass you •Use your turn signals to alert other drivers of your intention to change lanes •Move into the passing lane, accelerate, and continue to move forward until you can see the vehicle you are passing in your rearview mirror •Before returning to the lane in which you were originally driving, use the appropriate turn signal

Urban areas have a population of at least 50,000 people. The following speed limit rules apply in these areas:

•On an urban interstate highway, vehicles may not exceed 55 miles per hour or the posted speed limit •On a non-divided state highway, vehicles may not exceed 55 miles per hour or the posted speed limit •On county roads, vehicles may not exceed 55 miles per hour or the posted speed limit •In most urban residential areas, vehicles may not exceed 30 miles per hour or the posted speed limit •In alleys, vehicles may not exceed 15 miles per hour or the posted speed limit

Rural interstate highways are located outside urban areas with a population of at least 50,000 people. The following speed limit rules apply in these areas:

•Passenger vehicles may not exceed 70 miles per hour or the posted speed limit •Trucks that have a declared gross vehicle weight greater than 26,000 pounds may not exceed 65 miles per hour or the posted speed limit

Tires have been known to lose up to 1 pound per square inch (psi) every month, so check all tires, including your spare, once a month or before a long trip. Here's how:

•Purchase a trusted pressure gauge •Open your car door and on the inside jamb there should be a sticker with your vehicle's recommended psi. •Check your tires "cold"-before you've driven or at least three hours after you've driven. •Insert pressure gauge into the valve stem on your tire •The gauge will "pop" out and show a measured number •Compare the measured psi to the psi found on the sticker inside the driver's door of your vehicle or in owner's manual-DO NOT compare to the psi on your tire's sidewall •If your psi is above the number, let air out until it matches; if below, add air (or have a retailer help you) until it reaches the proper number

Work zones pose dangers both for drivers and for the workers. Be respectful of these dangers and exercise caution whenever traveling in a work zone:

•Stay alert. Look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. •Pay attention. Work zone signs will state exactly what to expect ahead. •Merge early. If merging at first sight of signs, traffic will flow more smoothly •Slow down. If you are speeding when you approach a work zone you will encounter slowed or stopped traffic within seconds. •Don't tailgate. Maintain a safe distance on all sides of your vehicle. •Minimize distractions. •Plan ahead and expect delays.

When approaching a bus stop:

•Watch for children playing or congregating near bus stops •Be aware that children arriving late for the bus may dart into the street without looking •Be prepared to stop when yellow flashing lights appear on the bus, which warn drivers the bus will be coming to a stop

Many factors affect a vehicle's ability to stop:

•Weight of vehicle •Type and condition of brakes •Type and condition of tires •Physical condition of pavement •Slickness of pavement •Grade of road

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