Indonesian 5 phrases
Bak mandi
bath tub
air mandi
bath water
Kamar mandi
kopi tubruk
brewed coffee
dekat hotél itu
close to that hotel
close, near
far, distant
good, great (objects)
rumahnya dekat
his house is close
if, when, as for
in, at, on (time)
kopi susu
milk coffee
Tidak sekali
not far
Ambil yang bagus
take the good one
than, rather than, instead of
to bathe; to swim
to drink
dekat sekali
very close
jauh sekali
very far
Mobil yang mana?
which car?
Kalau tujuh puluh lima, bagaimana?
What about 75? (As for 75, how would it be?)
Mana yang lebih baik?
Which one is better?
Mana yang dekat?
Which one is closest?
Mana yang bagus?
Which one is good?
Yang mana?
Which one?
Mau makan yang mana?
You want to eat which one?
Kalau saya, tidak suka
As for me, I do not like it
Ayo kita makan
Come on we eat!
Maaf Pak, saya mau minum
Excuse me sir, I want to drink
Pernah minum es kelapa?
Have you ever drank an iced coconut?
Dia bangga pada anaknya
He is proud of his child
Saya percaya pada kamu
I believe in you
Saya cinta pada kamu
I love in you
Saya mau minum kopi
I would like to drink coffee
Kalau minum kopi, saya tidak tidur
If I drink coffee, I do not sleep
Kalau hujan, jangan keluar
If it rain, do not go out
Kalau ke Bandung, naik apa?
If you go to Bandung, how will you go (you go up with what)?
Rumahnya jauh, tidak?
Is his house far or not?
Masih jauh
It is still far
Ulang tahun saya pada tanggal satu Juli
My birthday is on the first of July
Pada hari Senin
On Monday
Pada tanggal 4 November
On November 4th
Daripada itu, pakai ini
Rather than that, use this
Daripada itu...
Rather than that...
Bis lebih cepat daripada keréta api
The bus is faster than the train
Mobil ini tidak bagus
This car is not good
Mobil ini kurang bagus
This car is not good enough
Pakai yang bagus
Use the good one