Infant Development

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Emotional Self Regualtion

- Ability to adjust our emotional state to accomplish goals - Voluntary management of emotions - Parent try to shift attention away from unpleasant event to help infants control emotions - Provide examples of socially approved ways expressing feelings - Emotional self regulation very much culture related (dif cultures support dif expression) - Children are unable to label and talk about emotions until closer 2-3 years

Palmar grasp

- At birth and persist 4 months - Object placed in infant hand and stroke palm fingers will grasp


- Birth: respond to loud noises with moro reflex - 3-4 months: locate sound by turing head - Young infant prefer native tounge & enjoy and recognize songs - 9 months infants sensitive to individual words

Sleep Patterns

- By 3-4 month sleep through night (9-11 hours) - Total sleep= 15 hours (2 naps, short morning nap & long afternoon) - Duration of naps decrease closer to 1 yr (morning nap is gone) - Breast feeding babys wake sooner - Sleep patterns often learned

well check

- Children should follow AAP recomindation for well checks - Coincide with immunization schedule, every couple months first year - Developmental and growth screening during checks (monitoring parents)


- Complex mental activities have their orgins in social interactions - Through joing activities with more mature members of society, think in ways have meaning in cultures - Scafoling used by adult to teach o Child can't handle task alone o Adult guide and support as child joins in and pick up mental image o Child takes on more and more of the task


- Durig infancy but abnormal after 12-18 months - After locomotion indicates abnormalities in motor control pathway leading cerebral cortex used to diagnose central nervous system disorders - Elicited firm stimulus on sole of foot - Normally such stimulus casue all toes to bend downward


- Emotional deprevation occurs in first three years (can be reversed if no further deprivation occur after 2 years) - Stems from maladaptive or absnent parents o Risk: those victims physical/sextual abuse, neglect, exposed to parent with substance abuse problems o Form extreme insecure attatment (children become emotionallt withdrawn or indiscriminate toward anyone)

infant mortality information

- Give us information about maternal and infant tent - Leading cause of infant death US o Birth defects o Premature birth LBW o Maternal pregnancy complications o SIDS o Injury - Highest infant mortality: OK, AR, MS, AL, GA, TN, NC, IN, OH, SD - Ethnicity: non hispanic black American/native American Indian have highest rates, Asians have lowest rates - World wide afganistan and sommalia #1 infant mortalty (US 169)


- How child practices, learns, achieves milestones - Narcissitic revolves around own body and self (model play)


- In slightly older infants - 6-7 months and fully mature at 1 year - Extend arms forward as if to break fall, even though long before baby walk - Does not disappear for the most part

Information Proccesing

- Information held 3 parts mental system o Sensory regiater: sight and sound stored briefly o Short trem/ working memory: retain information briefly so can be worked on o Long term memory: permanent knowledge base, store for retrieval - Basic capacity , speed and fuction of executive function improve throughout childhood - Sustained attention increases as activities become more complex - Memory and retention improve with age


- Most dramatic advances in pediatics has been decline in infectious diseas - Schedule immunization start off right after birth - Scheduale determine by AAP - Preterm infant start immunization as soon medically stable, follow squedual for cronilogical age


- NOT DIAGNOSIS - AAP recommend screening at least 9 months - AAP regular visit template (1,2,4,6,9,12 months)(developmental checklist, medial checklist, education, social questions) - CDC provides milestone checklist - Bayley developmental scale - Denver developmental screening test (social persona, fine motor/ adaptive, gross motor, language)


- Need to set limits - Negative voice and stern eye contact - Reducing opportunites for potenical issues is helpful (infant have limited cognitive an behavioral ability) - Important for parents to have reasonable expectations (based normal growth and development for this age group) - Inapropraite developmental expectations lead to child abuse - Young infant not spoiled over attention - Parent should be constant in enforcing limits

child abuse risk factors

- Parent or caregiving factors - Child factors - Family factors - Community and environmental factors - Risk factors for recurrence of child abuse and neglect - Co-occuring risk factors


- Prefered breast milk (formula fine) - Provides essencial nutrients, immune protection, does not cost money (bonding enhanced) - When breast feeding mother need to consume a healthy diet, be careful with substances that cross into breastmilk - Fetal iron store are deplected by 4 months (need iron supplement at 4 months, formulas= iron fortified should be chosen) - Breast milk fortified with vitamin D especially mother diet inadiquet


- Present at birth and dispear 4 months - Reflex act of breast feeding - Turn head when shroke cheek - Infant move directly toward object without searching

Gross motor milestones

- Refers to action help move in enviroement (crawling, sitting, etc) - Each motor requires: o Central nervous system development o Capacity of physical body to do it o Cognitive goal for child has o Enviromental support for the skills - Each milestone achieved build on prior - Physical enviroment allow baby master movement sooner (2nd children walk faster to keep up with siblings)


- Stable indiviaudal differences in reactivity and self regualtion - Parents perception of child "fit" parent expectation? - Temperament develops with age - Affected by child rearing environment (supportive parenting can mitigate fearful or irritable tempernment)

Stepping Refelx

- Walk or step present at birth, young infants can't support weight - When soles of feet touch flat surface attempt to walk by placing one foot infront of other - Disappear around 4 months

Cultural Influences on sleep

- Western child encourage night time separate from parent - Bedsharing/co sleeping not recommended by AAP - Co sleeping practiced in many cultures (parent bonding &SIDS rare in other countries, Asian countries) - Infants who co sleep w parent breast fees--> 3 times longer

Problem solving by analogy (8 months)

- apply solution strategy from on person to another relevant problem

Influences on growth and development

- genetics - nutrition - overall health and wellbeing - parent resource - love, bonding, nuturing

Play 6-12 months

- play involves sensorimotive skills o Peek a boo o Imitation o Play w more selective toys o Won't play with stangers


- sucking chief pleasure of young infant - method of pain relief (may used in hospital setting relive pain) - sucking may not be fully satified by breast/ bottle feeding - pacifier use parental choice- especially if breat fed - AAP recommends first 6 months but wean to remove (decrease in SIDS and increase ear infection) - pacifier safety - thumb sucking after 4 years associated with malocclusion

Symbolic understanding (12 months)

- words can be used cue mental image as symbol, labeling something like "cup"

Birth weight

-doubled - 5 months about 15 lb (1 year about 22 lbs)

Cultural Variation Motor Development

-environment and stimulation provided can affect when motor milestone are achieved (ex: baby held a lot may walk later)

Promoting good sleep habits

-feeding, napping, routines, parent expectations, intervention used for sleep o Children learn to fall asleep on time have longer sustained sleeping (comfort kids IN bed) o After 3-4 month most infants don't need to eat in middle of night (feeding may result in learned behavior to wake) o Infants become drowsy= put in crib fall asleep on own o Let infant cry for longer periods before comfort/ make sure medical needs ruled out o Establish bedtime routine

language 2 months


Stage 4

coordination od secondary circualar reaction (2-12 months) o Have intentional goal schemes to solve simple problem o Imitate behavior they have seen o Object permanence develops

Infants prefer pattern but...

are unable to resolve complex patterns - May prefer larger patterns - Closer to 12 month able to manage more and more complex


as attachment develops child assumes an increasingly significant role in family

language scale

assesses understand and expression of language (recognition of objects, people, and naming objects/pictures

cognitive scale

attention to familiar and unfamiliar objects, looking for fallen object and pretend play

Infant reflexes

automatic response to simulation, some reflexes related to survival, some helping bond, others basic motor skills and will further develop (4-6 month cut off)


baby pick up and eat anything, closer to 1 start imitating, 800-222-1222


bed should be free pillows, blanket, stuffed animal, watch plastic bags

speech and deaf babies

deaf babies start babbling but to develop speech baby will need hearing o Babies who deaf will have significant dealy in speech o Deaf baby exposed sigh language produce babbling hand patterns

Infant Mortality

death of infant before age 1


eruption of the primary teeth - Lower incisors erupt first (6-8 months) - Age of the child (months) - 6 = number of teeth - Discomfort occur when teeth bit through (drooling,biting, chewing on fingers) (may irritable, trouble sleeping, low grade tempature, decreased appetite, mild ear comfort) - Frozen teeth room (avoid products numb teeth as swallowing lead to choking)

bayley scale

evalutation emphasis perceptual and motor responses, largely used screening, 1 month to 3.5 years 4th edition

motor scale

fine and gross motor skills

preventive care

immunization and well checks (regular appointments when baby is not ill)

anger and saddness

infant sadness in less common, angry expression (4-6 months)

Post Partum depression

mood disorder associated with childbirth (15% mothers, 1-26% dad) Symptoms= extreme sadness, low energy, irritability (abt 1 wk to 1 month after birth) Cause= emotional, physical, genetic, and social factors (hormonal changes and sleep deprevation) o Provide psychosocial support (can effect infant bonding) o Post partum psychosis is serve and more rare

play 3-6 months

more interested in stimuli o Rattle or person o Laugh abt 4 months to show preference in toy

play 0-3 months

not a lot going on, entertained may sequel smile at pleasure

attatcment requires

o Ability to discriminate mom/dad o Achieve object pertinance o Vailibility consistent caregiver and quality caregiving

Overall health and wellbeing

o Ant illness or health problem o Difficulty at delivery

first 6 month nutrition

o Breast milk or formula is all needed (NO WATER, cow milk not sufficient) o No floride suplimnent till after 6 months o No honey in first year o Damand feed= newborn(1-2oz every 2-3 hrs) 6-8 month (8oz abt 4 times day) o Mom pump if go back work- maintain milk supply, breast milk frozen warm in water (NOT MICROWAVE)

SAFTY sleeping

o Co sleeping not recommended o Baby sleep parent room first 6-12 months o Firm surface= no extra blankets, pillow, bumper pad, stuffed animals o No sleep on couch of chair o Baby sleep on back (supervised tummy time) o Don't expose baby to smoke o Baby in car seat= take them out place in crib


o Ethnic variance in size occur o Look at parent height


o Falls: once baby mobile be aware stairs, walker not recommended, watch table top and corner o Drowning: never leave in tub unattended, watch pools

love, bonding, nurturing

o Family relationship o Cultural influences

Parent resource

o Food, health care, childcare

car seat

o Infant and toddler in rear facing car seat, until reach highest weight and height allowed by seat manufacturer o Forward facing car seat for as long as possible o Belt possitioning seat until vehichle and shoulder seat belt fits properly, reach 4 feet 9 inches in height btw 8-12 years old o Always use seat belt o All children younger than 13 years should sit I backseat

6-12 months nutrition

o Motor wise not solid until 6 months o Start baby cereal mixed w formula/ breastmilk o One new food at time (cereal vegetable fruit meat) o May start floride if water dosnt contain it o Can give water if hot out and needed o Cup after 6 months (small amount juice) o May start picking u and eating food that melt in mouth (monitor choking) o Wean from bottle by 1 year

Sleep problems

o Physiological sleep problem do exists and should be handled medically - Infants w sleep disturbances are correlated w higher maternal depression and can be disruptive to family unit

stages of attactment

o Preattachment- first few weeks infant respond indiscrimatly to anyone o Attachment in making: 8-12 weeks crt, smile, vocalize more to mother o Clear cut attathment= 6 months distinct prefernec for mom o Formation reciprocal relationships= after attachment to mother, infant begin attachment to other family members

Example of sensory deprivation

o STIMULATED BRAINS WITH VARIED EXPERIENCES DEVELOP LARGER AND HAVE MORE SYNAPSES o Example: Romanian orphanages § Romanian infants institutionalized > 6 months showed serious intellectual deficits and serious mental health problems § Generalized decrease in size of cerebral cortex especially the prefrontal cortex § These experiences affected the children's ability to handle stress o Had either persistently high or low cortisol levels

Growth of infant

o Skeletal age can determine by xray and see how much soft cartilage has hardend, BEST way estimate physical maturity o "baby fat" peak out at 9 months o Muscle tissue increase as baby starts to move o Girls slighty smaller than boys

Example of overwhelming childrens brain capacity

o To much educational training too early can over well and cause withdraw o Educational DVDs programs try to yield smarter babys


outward manifestation of emotion or feeling

6 month (fine)

pass things from hand to hand

Extreme sensory deprivation results in....

permanent brain damage and loss of function

12 months (fine)

poke with index finger

Stage 2

primary circular reaction (1-4 month) simple motor habits centered around needs o Repeating them chance behavior motivated by basic needs o Sucking thumb, anticipate feeding o Discover parts of body, plays w hand and feet


psychosocial development - Trust vs Mistrust - Goals is to develop trust of self, others, and world - Crucial element for achievement: quality od the relationship btw child- parent and care child receives - Need not met= mistrust (infant becomes overly frustrated if needs aren't met) - Infants must learn to delay gradification (should not alwa meet the needs before the child signals) - Trust acquired in infancy provides foundation for all subsequent stages

Stage 1

reflexive scheme(0-1 month) newborn reflexes

language at 12 months

say 3-5 words (baby participate actively in turn taking pattern of conversation, can follow simple direction)

Stage 3

secondary circular reaction (4-8 months) imitation of familiar behaviors o Motor skill attainment help strengthen repeating behaviors o Can sit up and reach for objects, searches for objects o More intentional in nature

Fine motor Milestones

smaller movement such as reaching or grasping


smile (6 weeks ) laughter (3-4 months)


starts after 6 months and continues to develop in complexity


stranger fear (most frequent, 6-8 months) separation anxiety (4-6 months), child should demonstrate stanger fear and separation anxiety

language 6 months

strings sound together babbling combines syllables

Stage 5

toddler: teritary circular reaction 12-18 months o Continue to repeat behavior with more and more variation

language 9-10 months

understand meaning of "no" and simple commands, points at things

Object pertinence

after 8 months, realize when object leave visual field

Young infant prefer faces and simple drawing of facts

- 3 months can recognize differences in face - 5-6 months can recognize emotional expression


- 28-32 weeks of gestation and disappears btw 3-6 months of age - Response to sudden loss of support (spread arms (abduction), pulling arms in (adduction), crying (usually))

<2 months

(fine) hand fisted primarily

4 months

(fine) hold toy and shake it

9 months

(fine) peak a boo, pincer

9 months

(gross) crawls and pulls to stand up

6 weeks

(gross) hold head upright

6 months

(gross) roll both ways

2 months

(gross) roll from side to side

7 months

(gross) sit alone

12 months

(gross) stand alone and walk/cruise

Tonic neck

- "fencing reflex" bc of position resembles trained fencer - Face tuener to one side, arm and leg on side to witch face is turned extended and the arm and leg on opposite side flex - Resolve around 4 months

Sensorimotor Stage

- 0-2 years, think with eyes, ears, hands, used organized expirience to make sense, scheme start out as action patterns (drop toy and watch, eventually learn to drop toy) - Infants eventually adapt to new schemes or modify schemes - Once new scheme learned they organize by rearranging them or linking them with other schemes


- 1 inch a month - 1.5 times birth length at 1 year


- 2 months can focus on objects - Color vision by 4 months (adult like) - Visual acuity 20/80 at 6 months - Binocularity= established at 4 months - Depth perception 6 month sensitive to pictorial depth , about time infants crawl - Paracute reflex= 7 months to help as safty feature

joint attention

3-4 months, infant gaze in the same direction as adult (child attends same object or even as caregiver)

Infants can match face with voice at...

6 months

poison control number



check temp. water for bath, watch pulling hot liquid off table, check formula and breast milk before feeding, lower temp on hot water heater

child abuse

child abuse includes actions as well as neglect


choking food hazard, small toy put up and put in mouth


cognition develops in and integrated family

language 4 months

consonants are added, babbling, imitates face expression

Overwhelming children brain capacity can...

intefear w brain potential

language 3 months

interaction btw caregiver and babies include give and take (mother take lead)


large enough not in mouth, choking hazard, safety concern (mirrors, blocks balls, rattle)

Stage 6

mental representation 18-24 months o Able make internal depictions of information the mind can manipulate o Image: mental illness o Concepts: categories for grouping objects/ events together

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