Infectious diseases and vaccines

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Which disease has occurred throughout human history, but has only recently been recognized due to the infections potential to spread to hearts, joints, nervous system?

Lyme's Disease

Some infections are not virulent [the way something spreads, easily with high death rate]. What is meant by this statement?

This disease is not likely to spread

A baby contracts herpes encephalitis during child birth from the mother. Which transmission best describes the viral transfer?

Vertical Transmission

Bacteria use which process to reproduce quickly?

no nucleus ---> binary fusion

Requiring vaccinations to attend school helps create which type of preventative action for immunity?

Herd immunity

Cancer patients rely on the public to have what type of immunity to protect them from diseases?

Herd immunity OR Community Immunity

The bodies process of becoming resistant to a particular disease after acquiring the disease from a vaccination is:

Acquired immunity

What is the mode of transportation for chicken pox, measles, and influenza?

Air borne

What public health measures to prevent infectious disease can decrease the occurrence of rabies?

Animal control program

Acyclovir, used commonly to treat shingles, herpes simplex, and chicken pox, is a grouped into which drug category?

Anti viral medication

A bacterial infection can be treated using what medical intervention?

Anti-biotic medication

Which microorganism has someone who develops Legionnaires diseases has been exposed to ?


Which pathogen is treated with medications that may be highly toxic to human?


The World Health Organization has identified measles and polio as the targeted diseases for global eradication. These diseases could one day:

Be eliminated completely

What are symptoms of the West Nile virus?

Body aches, fever, headache, and fatigue

Which illness currently has an attenuated vaccination available?

Chicken pox

What is the most common symptoms of TB?

Cough and weight loss

Milk pasteurization is an example of:

Food Safety Programs

What is true about rabies?

Direct contact --> animals to humans

A team of researchers is dispatched to South American to study the occurrence of the zika virus within that regions population. What is this an example of?


Which is most likely a reason for a decline in vaccination rates within the United States over the past years?

Fear vaccines and cause autism

Which level of the law mandates sewage treatment?

Federal Law

Maria went swimming in a freshwater lake where snail larvae infected with schistosoma are common. She later experiences a rash accompanied by diarrhea and abdominal pain. What is most likely causing the symptoms?


What is the leading cause of death in undeveloped countries?

Infectious Diseases

Globally, what is the leading cause of death?

Infectious disease

Antibiotic --> Destroyer of --> ???


Natural defense mechanisms within the body includes tears, sweat, and:


Amelia was diagnosed with pneumonia and later developed a vaginal yeast infection. The yeast infection would be considered a / an:

Opportunistic Infection

Marcus has HIV and was recently diagnosed with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (fungal). Which term best describes this new diagnosis?

Opportunistic Infection

Once pathogens have entered the host, adhere to host cells, and invade host tissues, what also occurs within the body prior to a disease being diagnosed?

Pathogen inflicts damage on tissue

Why does the United States not vaccinate against water borne illnesses?

These illnesses mostly exist in developing countries

A farmer reports that a cow on his farm began acting strangely and died a short time later. A brain tissue sample showed holes throughout the tissue. Which infectious agent is most likely responsible?


Susan was bitten by a mosquito and tested positive for malaria, what type of pathogen has caused his infection?


Humans are the only organism affected by the measles virus. What role in the chains of infections do humans play in the cycle?


TB is considered re-emerging because this infections has shown resistance to:

Showing resistance to bacterial medication

The last documented case of this illness was recorded in 1977; therefore children within the US are no longer routinely vaccinated for which condition?

Small Pox

Which is the most common reservoir for the pathogen clostridium tetani?


The inflammatory response is a nonspecific defense mechanism which involves which signs:

Swelling, redness, pain, elevated body temperature

Rifampin is a medication commonly prescribed to treat ...


The NIH, CDC, and FDA are all divisions under which federal agency?


Molly was diagnosed with trichinosis. How did Molly most likely acquire this disease?

Under cooked meat (pork)

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