Info & Research Competen quiz #3
Which one below is not one of the three major database companies referred to in the reading, Using Library Databases ? A. Oxford University Press B. EBSCO C. Proquest D. Gale
A. Oxford University Press
Which one below is not one of the three major types or formats of resources that are found through databases referred to in the reading, Using Library Databases? A. PDF B. JPG C. HTML D. ePUB
From our reading, Using Library Databases. Download Using Library Databases , which features are generally true about scholarly articles? Scholarly journal articles are usually long A. Scholarly journals are written with academic language that can sometimes be very technical B. Scholarly journal articles usually have a list of references or works cited, and are often authored by more than one person C. Scholarly journal articles focus on research topics and questions D. All of the above
D. All of the above
From our reading, Using Library Databases Download Using Library Databases , what does it mean when a resource is "Full Text?"
The complete resource is available online for viewing
True or False: Most library databases provide access to resources that you would normally subscribe to or pay for, such as a newspaper.