INFX 210

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"PLACE ANYWHERE" The default drop behavior is "Place Anywhere", which allows instances of the master to be located at different coordinates on their host pages. A page footer master would often use the "Place Anywhere" drop behavior because it will be placed at the bottom of pages of varying lengths. "LOCK TO MASTER LOCATION" The "Lock to Master Location" behavior restricts all instances of the master to the same coordinates (as defined in the master itself). A navigation header master would tend to use the "Lock to Master Location" setting, because you'd probably want your header in the same spot on each page. "BREAK AWAY" When placed on the canvas, instances of "Break Away" masters immediately become regular widgets with no relationship to the source master. A formatted image with caption text is an example of a good use for a "Break Away" master. Once the relationship to the master is broken, you'll be able to customize each individual instance with a different image and text as required

Formative Evaluation

(Basic Protocol) *The goal of formative evaluation is to find issues to fix them in the next design iteration *Does not need a full working implementation - Can be done with a variety of prototypes


(Phase 1) Preparing for the Study: *Pilot test your study materials. *Ask your colleagues to act as users in full-dress rehearsal. *This procedure helps eliminate bugs out of your test materials and procedures. It will give you the chance to eliminate wasted time, streamline test, fix confusions. *Know why you want to get out of the user test.


(Phase 2) Introducing the Study *Brief them first, introduce the purpose of the user test *"Keep in mind that we're testing the computer system. We're not testing you." (comfort) *"The system is likely to have problems in it that make it hard to use. We need your help to find those problems." (comfort) *"Your test results will be completely confidential." (privacy) *"You can stop the test and leave at any time." (control) *Inform the user if the test will be videotaped or watched by hidden observers. *Observers in the room should introduce themselves. *At the end of the briefing, you should ask the user: "Do you have any questions that I can answer before we begin?" *If there are any questions that you cannot answer before the experiment, mention that to the user and then answer at the end.


(Phase 3) Conducting a User Test *Test materials should be arranged to make the user feel comfortable. *Keep the environment calm and distraction-free. *If the test is long, give the user bathroom, water or coffee breaks, or just a chance to stand up and stretch. *Don't act disappointed if the user runs into difficulty, because the user will feel that you are disappointed in their performance, not in the user interface. *Don't overwhelm the user with work. Give only one task at a time. *The first task should be an easy warm-up task, to give the user an early success experience. *Answer user's questions as long as they don't bias the test. *Keep the user in control. If they get tired of a task, let them give up on it and go on to another. If they want to quit the test, pay them and let them go.


(Phase 4) Getting User Input *Ask users to give feedback on their experience. *Surveys can also be given at this point. *Don't overwhelm the participant with too many questions. *Keep questions focused and to the point.


(Phase 5) Ending the Study *Thank the user for their time and tell them how they've helped *Answer any pending queries *If you disseminate data from the user test, don't publish it in a way that allows users to be individually identified *Do not share video or audio recordings outside your group

How to perform Heuristic Evaluation ?

*3-5 Evaluators with different but related expertise in building digital products *Expert users to assist the evaluators *10 usability Heuristics to evaluate

What's so dangerous about an interface

*Most user testing has minimal physical or psychological risk to the user. But user testing does put psychological pressure on the user. *The user sits in the spotlight, is asked to perform unfamiliar tasks on an unfamiliar (and possibly bad!) interface, in front of an audience of strangers (at least one experimenter, possibly a roomful of observers, and possibly a video camera). *It is natural for the user to feel performance anxiety or experience psychological impact.

Rules for a User Test

*Respect user's time. *Do everything that you can to make the user feel comfortable. *Give the user as much information about the test as they need or want to know. *Preserve the user's privacy to the maximum degree. *Give user full control of the user study, i.e. when they can quit.

Publishing options on Axure

*Share to AUXURE *HTML Files

Guerrilla Testing

*Sometimes designers conduct user studies in public space such as cafes, libraries etc. using informal apparatus such as phone and personal laptops. *Very informal way that focuses on getting quick feedback.


*Stay quiet *Take a lot of notes *Look for moments that strongly affect usability either in task performance or user satisfaction *Critical incidents are usually negatives, e.g. pressing the wrong button or pleasant surprises

Guerulla Testing Setup:

*Use the think-aloud protocol to test overall product comprehension rather than basic task completion. *Talk-aloud protocol involves having participants talk aloud as they perform tasks. *The key is to watch users fiddle with interfaces and silently evaluate their comprehensibility, usability, ease of use etc.

Interactive Properties of Repeater Widgets

. ISOLATING RADIO & SELECTION GROUPS In the Properties tab, under the repeater dataset, are checkboxes labeled "Isolate Radio Groups" and "Isolate Selection Groups". Both are enabled by default. When these options are enabled, each radio and selection group is evaluated separately for each repeater item. For example: If one repeater item has three radio buttons in the same radio group, with "Isolate Radio Groups" enabled, selecting one of the radio buttons in that repeater item will unselect the other radio buttons in that repeater item. The radio groups in other items in the repeater will be unaffected, so you'll be able to make a different selection in each item. Sometimes the radio or selection group should apply to the whole repeater. In that case, make sure "Isolate Radio Groups" or "Isolate Selection Groups" options are disabled. When disabled, clicking a radio button in one repeater item will unselect all other radio buttons in the radio group regardless of which item in the repeater they appear in FITTING CONTENT INTO HTML The "Fit to Content in HTML" option can be found in the Properties tab of the Inspector, below the dataset, and is enabled by default. With this option enabled, each repeater item will automatically resize when widgets in that item are shown, hidden, or moved. If you disable this option, each repeater item will remain a fixed size. Widgets moved or shown dynamically might overlap with other repeater items if they extend outside the fixed boundaries of their own repeater item.

Rule 4 of the Eight Golden Rules

.Design dialogs to yield closure. Sequences of actions should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end.


1. Main Menu & Main Toolbar: Perform common actions like opening and saving files, arranging widgets, and publishing. Change the cursor tool between selection modes, connector mode, and the pen tool. 2. Canvas: Lay out widgets on this drag-and-drop environment. You can optionally add a grid and guides. 3. Pages: Add, remove, rename, and organize the pages in your file. 4. Libraries: Resource for widgets such as buttons, images, text and shapes. Drag the widgets from the Libraries pane and drop them onto the canvas. Via the Libraries pane you can switch between libraries of widgets, load additional libraries, and create your own custom libraries. 5. Masters: Add, remove, rename and organize masters—centrally managed sets of widgets that you can reuse throughout your file. 6. Inspector: Comprises three tabs. Whatever is selected on the canvas—whether it's a single widget or several—will be configurable via the Inspector. If nothing is selected on the canvas, the Inspector will show page-level controls. - Properties Tab: Add and edit interactions and other interactive properties. - Notes Tab: Add and edit widget and page notes. - Style Tab: Edit widget and page styling. 7. Outline: View a searchable, sortable, and filterable list of all widgets, masters, and dynamic panels on the current diagram

Phases of a User Test

1. Pre-test 2. Briefing 3. Testing 4. Feedback 5. Exit

Eight Golden Rules

1. Strive for consistency. 2. Seek universal usability. 3. Offer informative feedback. 4. Design dialogs to yield closure. 5. Prevent errors. 6. Permit easy reversal of actions. 7. Keep users in control. 8. Reduce short-term memory load.

What are the Heuristic Principles ?

1. Visibility of system status: The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time. 2. Match between system and the real world: The system should speak the user's language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order. 3. User control and freedom: Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo. 4. Consistency and standards: Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform conventions. 5. Error prevention: Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents a problem from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action. 6. Recognition rather than recall: Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. The user should not have to remember information from one part of the dialogue to another. Instructions for use of the system should be visible or easily retrievable whenever appropriate. 7. Flexibility and efficiency of use: Accelerators—unseen by the novice user—may often speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the system can cater to both inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users to tailor frequent actions. 8. Aesthetic and minimalist design: Dialogues should not contain information which is irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of information in a dialogue competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility. 9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors: Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution. 10. Help and documentation: Even though it is better if the system can be used without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. Any such information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carri

Dynamic Panel Widgets

A dynamic panel is a container that holds other widgets in layers, or "states". A dynamic panel can have one state or many, with only one state visible at a time. The currently-visible state can be set dynamically, using the "Set Panel State" action. Each state has a visible area but can also include widgets that are outside the boundaries of the visible area


ADDING AND DELETING FOLDERS You can organize the Pages pane with folders. Add a folder using the "New Folder" icon in the Pages pane's local toolbar. You can also right-click a page and use the "Add" menu to choose "Add Folder". Another way to add a folder after the currently-selected page is with the keyboard shortcut [CTRL] / [CMD] + [SHIFT] + [ENTER]. To delete a folder, right-click it and choose "Delete" or select it and use the [DEL] key. RENAMING FOLDERS To rename a folder, either do a slow double-click on the folder name in the Pages pane or right-click the folder and choose "Rename." ORGANIZING PAGES INTO FOLDERS Move pages into and out of folders either by dragging or by holding [CTRL] / [CMD] while using your arrow keys. Folders can also be moved within the Pages pane just like pages can.


ADDING AND DELETING PAGES To add a page, click the "New Page" icon in the Pages pane's local toolbar. You can also right-click a page and use the "Add" submenu to choose "Page Before," "Page After," or "Child Page." Another way to add a page after the currently-selected page is with the keyboard shortcut [CTRL] / [CMD] + [ENTER]. To delete a page, right-click it and choose "Delete" or select it and use the [DEL] key. RENAMING PAGES To rename a page, either do a slow double-click on the page name in the Pages pane or right-click the page and choose "Rename." You can safely rename pages without breaking links to the pages. Existing links will dynamically update. REORDERING PAGES To reorder pages in the Pages pane, drag the page name up, down, in, or out; or use your keyboard's arrow keys while holding [CTRL] / [CMD]. CHOOSING A DIAGRAM TYPE The icon to the left of the page name indicates the type of diagram the page contains ("Page" or "Flow"). To change the icon, right-click a page and use the "Diagram Type" submenu.

Rights of Human Subjects

After the Tuskegee incident, the US government changed its policies to ensure that all federally-funded institutions follow ethical practices in their use of human subjects.


Also known as "easings", the following effects determine the pacing of the animation within the designated timing. These can be applied to actions that change the spatial orientation of a widget or the page itself. These are the Scroll to Widget, Move, Rotate, Set Size, and Set Opacity actions.


At the center of the Axure RP interface is the canvas, where diagrams are created by arranging components called widgets. The canvas is surrounded by toolbars and instrument panes: at the top are the global menu and the Main Toolbar, used for common tasks like changing cursor tools and arranging widgets, and to the left and right are panes that control project assets like pages, widgets, and masters, and manage widget styling and interactions


Create flowcharts, wireframes, mockups, user journeys, personas, idea boards and more. Quickly drag and drop elements from built-in or custom libraries to create your diagrams. Then, style it with fills, gradients, line styles, and text formatting Annotate your diagrams and prototypes to specify functionality, keep track of tasks, or store project information. Organize your notes into separate fields for different audiences. Choose which notes to present in the HTML or in an auto-generated Word document that includes screenshots


Axure RP allows multiple people to work on the same file at the same time, making it easier for your team to work together. Create a "Team Project" on Axure Share or SVN and use a check-in and check-out system to manage changes. Team projects also keep a history of changes with notes for each check-in.


Axure RP is a desktop application used to create static wireframes, interactive prototypes, flow diagrams, and documentation for proposed business applications, websites, and mobile apps. It focuses on flexibility—offering features for building across the full spectrum of low-to-high visual and interactive fidelity—and on empowering non-coders, giving access to its full range of features via a friendly, drag-and-drop interface. Axure RP exports interactive and annotated wireframes and prototypes to an HTML output format, for review by stakeholders in a web browser.


Axure RP was first released in January 2003 and has been used to prototype hundreds of thousands of projects for many of the best companies in the world

Basic Protocol for Guerrilla Testing

Basic Protocol: *Introduce your prototype as a work in progress. *Invite participants to treat your rough prototype as if it were real. *Invite honesty, stay neutral, and be curious.


By default, widgets with notes or interactions are indicated by blue, numbered footnote icons displayed at their top-right corners when shown on the canvas. To toggle visibility of footnote icons, use the "View > Show Footnotes" menu command. Footnotes can be renumbered in several ways. To change the number of an individual footnote, click on the number next to the widget name in the Inspector and type in the desired number. You can also use the commands in the "Arrange > Footnotes" submenu to increment or decrement the footnote. To renumber all of a page's footnotes at once, use the "Arrange > Footnotes > Renumber All Footnotes" menu command.


Click a button, and Axure RP will publish your diagrams and prototypes to Axure Share on the cloud or on-premises. Just send a link (and password) and others can view your project in a browser. On mobile devices, use a browser or the Axure Share App for iOS and Android


Configure grid and guide lines on the canvas and widget snapping behaviors to keep your diagrams tidy while editing. You can create page guides for individual pages and global guides for the entire file.


Create a series of guides all at once using the Create Guides dialog, available via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Create Guides..." menu command. Use the Presets dropdown to choose from four options: "960 Grid: 12 Column"; "960 Grid: 16 Column"; "1200 Grid: 12 Column"; or "1200 Grid: 15 Column". (You can learn more about the 960 Grid System at and the 1200 Grid System at You can also specify your own layout using the "Column" and "Row" fields. Click the checkbox "Create as Global Guides" if you'd like the guides to appear on all pages.


Create a widget library for your own use or to share with a team or the Axure community. You can collaborate with team members to create a Team Library. To create a new library, click the menu icon in the Libraries pane's local toolbar and choose "Create Library...". Name your new library in the file browser. Your new .rplib file will open.

Uses of Repeater Widgets

DYNAMIC DATA TABLES If you need to prototype dynamic table behaviors like adding rows, removing rows, sorting, and filtering, use a repeater to build your table. (If you don't need dynamic table behaviors and just want something that looks like a table, use a table widget.) PRODUCT LISTINGS For a basic product listing prototype with product information and images, you could use shape and image widgets. Use a repeater when dynamic sorting and filtering are needed.

Usability Testing

Designers can also conduct user studies in more controlled environments such as a usability lab or office. *The user is invited for a usability test as opposed to recruited at the moment.

Dynamic Panel State Manager

Double-click a dynamic panel on the canvas or in the Outline to open the Dynamic Panel State Manager. Click the green "plus" icon to add a new state. You can also use the "duplicate" button to create a new state that is identical to another state in the dynamic panel. Use the blue arrow keys to reorder states by moving them up and down. The "Edit State" button opens a state for editing, as does double-clicking on a state's name. You can use the "Edit All States" button to open each state of the panel. The red "x" icon deletes the currently selected state.


Double-click a page to open it on the canvas for editing

Uses of Dynamic Panel Widgets

ELEMENTS WITH MULTIPLE STATES / LAYERS Dynamic panels are useful when a portion of your diagram has several different possible contents, such as an image slideshow or auto-rotating carousel. DRAGGABLE WIDGETS Dynamic panels are the only type of widget that can be dragged with a mouse movement. Place a draggable widget in a dynamic panel to prototype this effect. ALWAYS-VISIBLE NAVIGATION Dynamic panels fixed in place using the "Pin to Browser" feature will not scroll with the rest of the page in the HTML output, making them good for always-visible content like sticky headers, sidebars, and corner banners.


Fade: Gradually changes the widget or state's opacity until it is completely in or out of view Slide left/right/up/down: Slides the widget or state into or out of view Flip left/right/up/down: Flips the widget or state into or out of view along a center axis (X for up/down and Y for left/right


EVENTS An "event" in Axure RP is a trigger. An event sets in motion the prepared response of one or more cases and their constituent actions. An OnClick event, for example, fires when a widget is clicked; an OnMouseEnter event fires when the mouse cursor crosses into the area of a widget; an OnMove event fires when a widget is moved by another action on the page; and so on. The most common events for a widget type are listed in the Interactions section of the Properties tab. To get to additional events, click the "More Events" dropdown. CASES A case is an ordered collection of one or more outcomes assigned to a specific event of a specific widget or page. To add a case to an event, double-click the event name in the Properties tab. You can also single-click to select the event name and then click "Add Case" at the top of the Interactions section. An event can have one or more cases. When there are multiple cases, conditional logic is often used to determine which case should fire. If conditional logic is not used, a selection menu of all cases appears in the browser when the triggering event occurs. ACTIONS The Case Editor dialog contains the full list of available actions. Actions are the possible outcomes that can occur when the event fires. One or many actions can occur as part of the total interaction. Actions include outcomes like opening a link to a new page, changing the text on a widget, and showing or hiding a widget. When many actions appear in the same case, they usually fire in sequence. Exceptions to this rule are animation actions like move, rotate, hide, and resize, which occur simultaneously so as to allow for complex animations (like a simultaneous move-resize, for example


Each page open on the canvas will have its own tab. Reorder a tab by dragging it; click the "x" on any tab to close it. You can also right-click a tab to choose from "Close Tab," "Close All Tabs", and "Close Other Tabs" (which leaves open only the tab you right-clicked). Click the disclosure arrow at the far right end of the tab bar for a full list of all items open on the canvas. [CTRL] + [TAB] will move you forward and [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [TAB] will move you backward through your tab viewing history

Repeaters have 2 parts:

Every repeater comprises two components: the "dataset" and the "item". Double-click a repeater on the canvas to open it in a new tab. In this new tab you can edit the repeater item. The repeater dataset can be edited in this tab as well; it can also be edited in the repeater's Inspector when the repeater is selected on the page. 1. ITEM The collection of widgets being repeated is called the item. When you open a repeater for editing, the item is displayed on the canvas. The widgets in the repeater item will be repeated as many times as you have rows of data. (The default repeater in the Default library starts with three rows of data in its dataset and a single rectangle widget in its item, which is why you see that rectangle widget repeated three times on the canvas when you first drag the default widget into a diagram.) It's a good idea to name the widgets in the repeater item. In order to put the information from the repeater dataset onto the widgets in the repeater item, you will need to build an interaction 2. DATASET The appearance and behavior of a repeater is driven by the data in its dataset. The dataset can be seen in the Inspector's Properties tab. You can add new columns and rows or delete existing ones. Cells of the dataset can contain text, images, and references to pages in the project. To add an image, right-click a cell and choose "Import Image". To add a reference page, right-click a cell, click "Reference page", and then choose a page from the resulting dialog.

Number of Study Participants

For formative user studies, 4-5 users are enough. (They can help uncover 80% of the issues with the interfaces.)


Guides are lines added to the canvas that help mark where widgets should be placed. They're only visible in Axure RP; you won't see them when viewing the HTML output in the browser.

Advantage of Axure

Help interacted with teams, faster, flexibility, and offer many different styles.

Preview in Axure

Helps examine or evaluate or establish a prototype

What is Heuristic Evaluation?

Heuristic Evaluation is a technique derived by the Nielson Norman group to assess the usability of a digital product. This is usually performed by a set of usability experts who reviews a product against the set of thumb rules derived the Norman group. These thumb rules at sometimes are revised by the usability engineers to accommodate more findings


Interactions determine the dynamic behaviors of a widget or page and have three parts: events, cases, and actions. Interactions are configured in the Inspector's Properties tab


It can be helpful to bring the very people you're designing for into the design process and empower them to create alongside you.

Rule 7 of the Eight Golden Rules

Keep users in control. Experienced users strongly desire the sense that they are in charge of the interface and that the interface responds to their actions


LINKS Open Link / Current Window: Opens a page or external URL in the current window Open Link / New Window/Tab: Opens a page or external URL in a new window or tab Open Link / Popup Window: Opens a page or external URL in a popup window of configured size and properties Open Link / Parent Window: Used from a popup window to change the page loaded in the parent window that opened it Close Window: Closes the current window Open Link in Frame / Inline Frame: Used to change the page loaded in an inline frame Open Link in Frame / Parent Frame: Used from a page loaded in an inline frame to change the page loaded in the parent frame Scroll to Widget (Anchor Link): Scrolls a page to the location of a widget Set Adaptive View: Manually changes the adaptive view loaded in the browser, regardless of the browser size WIDGETS Show/Hide / Show: Shows (makes visible) a widget which was set to hidden Show/Hide / Hide: Hides a widget Show/Hide / Toggle Visibility: Alternatingly shows a widget if it is hidden or hides a widget if it is visible Set Panel State: Controls the current state of a dynamic panel Set Text: Changes the text on a widget Set Image: Changes an image on an image widget Set Selected/Checked / Selected: Sets the style of a widget to its selected style, or selects a checkbox or radio button Set Selected/Checked / Not Selected: Sets the style of a widget to its unselected (Default) style, or deselects a checkbox or radio button Set Selected/Checked / Toggle: Alternatingly sets a selected widget to not selected and the reverse Set Selected List Option: Sets a chosen list option of a droplist or listbox to selected Enable/Disable / Enable: Set widget to active/selectable and its Default style Enable/Disable / Disable: Set widget to inactive/unselectable and its Disabled style Move: Moves a widget Rotate: Rotates a widget around a chosen anchor point Set Size: Sets the size of a widget Bring to Front/Back / Bring to Front: Brings a widget to the front layer in depth (z-index) of the page Bring to Front/Back / Send to Back: Sends a widget to the back layer in depth (z-index) of the page Set Opacity: Sets the opacity of a widget Focus: Sets the focus of the cursor on a form widget or clickable widget Expand/Collapse Tree Node / Expand Tree Node: Expands the selected nodes of a tree widget Expand/Collapse Tree Node /Collapse Tree Node: Collapses the selected nodes of a tree widget VARIABLES Set Variable Value: Sets the value of a global variable REPEATERS Add Sort: Sort a repeater dataset using the specified sort criteria Remove Sort: Removes a sort added to a repeater Add Filter: Filters a repeater dataset using the specified filter criteria Remove Filter: Removes a filter added to a repeater Set Current Page: Shows a specific page of a repeater dataset (for repeaters with pagination added in the layout) Set Items per Page: Sets number of repeater items displayed per page (for repeaters with pagination added in the layout) Datasets / Add Rows: Add data to the repeater dataset Datasets / Mark Rows: Marks rows in a repeater that meet specified criteria Datasets / Unmark Rows: Unmarks rows in a repeater that meet specified criteria Datasets / Update Rows: Updates data in the dataset Datasets / Delete Rows: Deletes rows from a repeater dataset MISCELLANEOUS Wait: Adds a pause of the designated amount of time before any subsequent actions fire Other: Shows a specified text description (as a placeholder for an action that has not been prototyped) Fire Event: Fires a designated event on another widget Raise Event: "Raises" an event on a widget in a master so that each individual instance of the master can have different cases for that event (learn more in our Raised Events training article)


LOADING LIBRARIES FROM AXURE SHARE To load a widget library hosted on Axure Share, click the menu icon in the Libraries pane's local toolbar and then click "Load from Axure Share...". You can click the "..." button to browse to a library hosted on your Axure Share account. You can also just enter the library's 6-digit Axure Share ID if you know it. Then click "Load". Every time you open Axure RP, the tool will attempt to load any Axure Share libraries you've previously loaded. While working in Axure RP, you can switch to a library in the dropdown and then choose "Refresh Library" in the menu icon in the Libraries pane's local toolbar to get the latest version of your current library. UNLOADING To unload a library, choose the library in the Libraries pane dropdown. Then, click the menu icon to the right of the Libraries pane's title and select "Unload Library". REFRESHING Refresh a library to make sure you have the latest changes. This is useful for libraries loaded from Axure Share and for libraries in your file system you think may have been updated recently, especially those accessible to other Axure RP authors. To refresh a library, choose the library in the Libraries pane dropdown. Then, click the menu icon to the right of the Libraries pane's title and select "Refresh Library".

Repeater Widget's Interactivity

LOADING THE DATASET INTO THE ITEM Use the repeater's OnItemLoad interaction to set the contents of a column in the repeater dataset onto a widget in the repeater item. TEXT In the OnItemLoad event, use the "Set Text" action to put text from the dataset into a widget in the repeater item. In the case editor, choose the "Set Text" action and then choose the widget in which you want to place the text. In the "Set text to" section at the bottom-right of the case editor, choose "value" and then click the "fx" button. In the "Edit Text" dialog that opens, click "Insert Variable or Function...". In the "Repeater" section, choose "Item.Column0" if your desired column is called "Column0" (the name of the column in the default repeater widget), or instead choose "Item.ColumnName" for whatever column name is applicable. Click OK to close the Edit Text dialog and then the Case Editor. When your repeater loads, it will set the text on the repeater item's widget to the data in the designated repeater column. You'll see the set text reflected on the page that contains the repeater and in the browser. IMAGES Insert images into your repeater items by importing images into your dataset. Then dynamically place images from the dataset onto widgets in the repeater item using the "set image" action. In the OnItemLoad event's Case Editor, choose the "Set Image" action. Then choose the widget in which you want to place the image. In the bottom-right of the Case Editor, use the "Default" area. (You can use the MouseOver, MouseDown, Selected, and Disabled sections if you wish to add interaction styles to the images in the repeater.) Choose "value" in the dropdown. Then click the "fx" button. In the "Edit Value" dialog that opens, click "Insert Variable or Function...". In the "Repeater" section, choose "Item.Column0" if your desired column is called "Column0", or instead choose "Item.ColumnName" for whatever column name is applicable. Click OK to close the "Edit Value" dialog and then the Case Editor. When your repeater loads, it will set the image on the repeater item's image widget to the image in the designated repeater column. If everything went correctly, you'll see your set images both on the page that contains the repeater and in the browser. INTERACTIONS ON CONTAINED WIDGETS Add interactions to the widgets contained in the repeater by opening the repeater for editing. You can add event cases to these widgets just like you would for widgets on a regular page, but keep in mind that any "normal" interaction you configure here—like setting a button to show another widget when clicked, for example—will have an amplified effect, appearing once in each instance of the repeater's item.

Editing the Dynamic Panel Widget

LOCATION AND SIZE To move a widget, drag and drop it into place or use the arrow keys to nudge. You can also choose the exact location of a widget using the "x" and "y" fields in the top toolbar or in the Inspector's Style tab. When a widget is selected, a green border is drawn around it. Handles on the border can be dragged to resize the widget. To maintain the aspect ratio of a widget when resizing via the handles, hold the [SHIFT] key while dragging. Widgets can also be resized to a specific pixel value. Use the "w" and "h" fields in the top toolbar or in the Inspector's Style tab to set the widget size in pixels. To constrain the widget's proportions, click the "Maintain aspect ratio" icon between the "w" and "h" fields. When you manually set the size of a dynamic panel on the canvas, it applies to all panel states and disables the "Fit to Content" setting (see below). Using "Fit to Content", the size of the panel can vary to fit the contents of the current state. BACKGROUND STYLING Each dynamic panel state can have a background color or background image. In the Style tab of a state, use the "Back Color" color picker to add a background color or add an image by clicking the "Import" button in the "Back Image" section. You can also choose the position of the background image within the panel state and whether the image should stretch or repeat. The background color or image will show anywhere inside the dynamic panel state that is not covered a by a widget. You can also edit the background styling of the first state of a dynamic panel from the diagram in which it is located. Select the panel and switch to the Style tab of the Inspector. "FIT TO CONTENT" Dynamic panels can be set to "Fit to Content", which means that each state will be sized to fit the contents of that state. To toggle this setting, check the "Fit to Content" checkbox in the Inspector's Properties tab. You can also double-click any of the handles on a dynamic panel to turn on "Fit to Content". To disable it, double-click the handles again or resize the panel by either dragging or using the widget width and height fields. HIDING ON THE CANVAS You can hide dynamic panels from view on the canvas to get them out of the way when working on other parts of your diagram. Dynamic panels hidden in this way will still be published and seen as part of the HTML output. To hide a dynamic panel from view, click the box to the right of the panel's name in the Outline pane. To restore it to view, click the icon of an eye with a slash. SHOWING SCROLLBARS Dynamic panels can have contents outside the visible area. You have the option to add scrollbars to the dynamic panel so that it's possible to scroll to see all the contents of the state. In the Properties pane, use the "Scrollbars" dropdown to choose between "Both as Needed," "Horizontal as Needed," and "Vertical as Needed." In all cases, the scrollbars will not be shown if there is no content outside the panel state's visible area.

Editing the Repeater Widget

LOCATION AND SIZE Drag a repeater widget on the canvas to change its location, or use the "x" and "y" fields in the top toolbar or Style tab of the Inspector to move it to an exact location. The size of a repeater is determined by the widgets it contains. BORDER AND FILL Editable properties of a repeater widget's formatting include: border color, thickness, and style; background fill color; and item background fill color. These properties can be controlled from the Style tab of the Inspector, and many are also available in the Style Toolbar at the top of the interface. Borders can be added and customized. You can set the thickness, color, and pattern of the repeater's border. You can change the corner radius of the border. You can also add padding to the repeater to separate the contents of the repeater from the border. In the space between the repeater contents and the border you can see the repeater background color, if one has been specified. In the "Item Background" section you can add an item background color. This color will show in any blank space between widgets in the same repeater item. If you don't specify an item background color, you'll see the repeater background color, and if you haven't set a repeater background color either then you'll see the host page's background color. You can optionally check the checkbox for "Alternating" if you want every other row to show a different item background color (this styling is common for some types of data tables). REPEATER LAYOUT The repeater layout settings are also found in the Style tab of the Inspector. They designate how the repeater items are arranged in relation to each other. In the "Layout" section, you can choose whether the repeater items should be stacked vertically or horizontally. You can check the "Wrap (Grid)" checkbox to have the repeater wrap (so a vertical layout repeater would have several columns, and a horizontal layout repeater would have several rows). In the "Pagination" section, specify whether all the repeater items will appear on one page or if they will be wrapped in multiple pages. If you do set up pagination, you can choose the number of items per page and the starting page. (If you use pagination, you'll probably want to use the action "Set Current Page" on a button or set of buttons used to navigate the repeater.) In the "Spacing" section, specify if there should be padding between rows or columns of repeater items. The "repeater" widget is an advanced widget type, used to display repeating patterns of text and images. Repeaters are containers, like dynamic panels, but instead of containing widgets in several states which are then switched between, repeaters contain one set of widgets—called the "item"—which is then iterated several times. Each iteration of the item is different, and the differences are controlled by data loaded into the repeater's "dataset". The big idea with repeaters is that, because they are data-driven, they can show "true" dynamic sorting and filtering. Reach for a repeater when you really need to demonstrate a dynamically sortable or filterable design (think of an Amazon search results page). But repeaters are more work to set up, so skip the repeater and use regular widgets if you don't need the sorting and filtering. STYLING OF CONTAINED WIDGETS To edit the location, size, or styling of widgets in a repeater, double-click the repeater to open it. You can then configure each widget separately in its own Inspector's Style tab.

Facilitator or Experimenter

Leader of the user study *Does briefing *Gives tasks to the user *Prompts the user to think aloud *Answer questions from the user *Representative of the development team

Integrate Feedback and Iterate ITERATING ON-THE-FLY

Make changes in real-time when you're in the field, and then test them right away.


Masters are collections of widgets you can maintain in a single source location and then reuse throughout your file. Common elements that are created as masters include headers, footers, and navigation. Any edits you make to a master will be automatically applied everywhere that master is used. You can add masters to pages and to other masters.

Usability Lab consists of two rooms.

Observation Room & Participant Room

Rule 3 of the Eight Golden Rules

Offer informative feedback. For every user action, there should be an interface feedback


OnClick: When a widget is clicked OnMouseEnter: When the cursor is moved over a widget OnMouseOut: When the cursor is moved away from a widget OnDoubleClick: When a widget is double-clicked OnContextMenu: When a widget is right-clicked OnMouseDown: When a widget is clicked, while the cursor is pressed down OnMouseUp: Upon release of a click OnMouseMove: Fires continuously as the cursor is moved while over a widget OnMouseHover: After the cursor hovers over a widget for one second OnLongClick: When a widget is clicked and held OnKeyDown: When a keyboard key is pressed while typing in a widget OnKeyUp: When a keyboard key is released while typing in a widget OnMove: Fires at the beginning of the movement of a widget being moved by a "move" action OnRotate: Fires at the beginning of the rotation of a widget being rotated by a "rotate" action OnResize: When a widget's size is changed by a "set size" action (if using animation, OnResize fires at the end of the animation) OnShow: When a widget is shown by a "show" action (if using animation, OnShow fires at the end of the animation) OnHide: When a widget is hidden by a "hide" action (if using animation, OnHide fires at the end of the animation) OnFocus: When a widget gets focus by being clicked or tabbed to OnLostFocus: When a widget loses focus OnLoad: When the widget initially loads (triggered by the containing page loading) OnSelectedChange: When a widget's selected state changes due to a "set selected" action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets) OnSelected: When a widget is set to selected with a "set selected" action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets) OnUnselected: When a widget is set to unselected with a "set selected" action (or with a click, for checkbox and radio button widgets)


OnItemLoad: When the repeater item loads initially and when the contents of any repeater item change OnItemResize: When any item's size changes through any interaction (such as a change in a contained widget's visibility or size)


OnPageLoad: When a page initially loads OnWindowResize: When the browser window is resized OnWindowScroll: When the browser window is scrolled OnWindowScrollUp: When the browser window is scrolled up OnWindowScrollDown: When the browser window is scrolled down OnPageClick: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is clicked OnPageDoubleClick: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is double-clicked OnPageContextMenu: When any part of the page that does not include a widget is right-clicked OnPageMouseMove: When the mouse moves anywhere on the page OnPageKeyDown: When a keyboard key is pressed OnPageKeyUp: When a keyboard key is released OnAdaptiveViewChange: When the current adaptive view changes due to the window resizing or the view being set through the "set adaptive view" action or prototype sidebar


OnPanelStateChange: When a dynamic panel state is set using the "set panel state" action OnDragStart: When a drag begins OnDrag: Fires continuously while a panel is being dragged OnDragDrop: When a drag ends OnSwipeLeft: When a panel is swiped from right to left OnSwipeRight: When a panel is swiped from left to right OnSwipeUp: When a panel is swiped from bottom to top OnSwipeDown: When a panel is swiped from top to bottom OnScroll: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled OnScrollUp: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled up OnScrollDown: When a panel with scrollbars is scrolled down


OnSelectionChange: When a list option is selected that differs from the previous selection


OnTextChange: When text is added or removed


PAGE GUIDES Page guides appear on just one page. To add a guide to a page open on the canvas, drag from either the horizontal or vertical ruler next to the canvas and then drop at the desired pixel value. Page guides are teal by default. Toggle page guide visibility via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Show Page Guides" checkbox. For more guide settings, like to change guide color, open the Guide Settings dialog via "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Guide Settings...". GLOBAL GUIDES Global guides are guide lines that always appear on the canvas in your RP file—on every page, master, and dynamic panel state. To add a global guide, hold [CTRL] / [CMD] while dragging from a ruler onto the canvas. Global guides are magenta by default. Toggle page guide visibility via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Show Global Guides" checkbox. ADAPTIVE GUIDES Adaptive guides indicate the boundaries of the current adaptive view. (Learn about the adaptive views feature in our Adaptive Views training article.) Adaptive guides are purple by default. Toggle adaptive guide visibility via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Show Adaptive Guides" checkbox. PRINT GUIDES Print guides indicate the page boundaries of the current print generator. (Learn about print generators in our Print Settings and Configurations reference guide.) Print guides are grey by default. Toggle print guide visibility via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Show Print Guides" checkbox.


POWERFUL PROTOTYPES, WITHOUT CODING Create simple click-through diagrams or highly functional, rich prototypes with conditional logic, dynamic content, animations, math functions, and data-driven interactions without writing a single line of code

Rule 6 of the Eight Golden Rules

Permit easy reversal of actions. As much as possible, actions should be reversible.

Rule 5 of the Eight Golden Rules

Prevent errors. As much as possible, design the interface so that users cannot make serious errors

Analyze Feedback

Prioritize key insights from the feedback you received and integrate them into your prototype to make it better. Then, test it again.

Rule 8 of the Eight Golden Rules

Reduce short-term memory load. Humans' limited capacity for information processing in short-term memory requires that designers avoid interfaces in which users must remember information from one display and then use that information on another display.


SNAP TO GUIDES With "snap to guides" enabled, a widget will snap to a guide when dragged into close proximity while moving or resizing. Toggle this setting in the top menu via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Snap to Guides" checkbox, or from the Guide Settings dialog at "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Guide Settings...". LOCK GUIDES Lock guides so they cannot be moved or deleted. This setting is available in the Guide Settings dialog, or via the top menu at "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Lock Guides". RENDER GUIDES IN BACK Guides appear in front of widgets on the canvas by default, but you can have them render in the back instead. Toggle this setting in the top menu using the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Render Guides in Back" command.

Rule 2 of the Eight Golden Rules

Seek universal usability. Recognize the needs of diverse users and design for plasticity, facilitating transformation of content.


Show or hide the grid via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Show Grid" checkbox. By default, the grid is 10px by 10px and is drawn as dots. Set a custom grid interval or switch to grid lines instead of grid dots via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Grid Settings..." menu command. Use the "Spacing" dropdown to change the spacing of the grid. In the "Style" section, you can change the style of the grid to lines that cross the full page width and height, instead of dots at the intersection, and you can change the color of the grid using the color picker. You can also toggle snapping to the grid, either via the "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Snap to Grid" menu command or via the Grid Settings dialog. With this setting enabled, a widget will snap to a grid line when it is dragged into close proximity while moving or resizing


Specify the drop behavior of a master when creating the master or by right-clicking its line item in the Masters pane and mousing to the "Drop Behavior" submenu

Rule 1 of the Eight Golden Rules

Strive for consistency. Consistent sequences of actions should be required in similar situations

Dynamic Panel Widget: INTERACTIVITY

TRIGGERING MOUSE INTERACTION STYLES Many widget types can have interaction styles. Sometimes, you may want all of the widgets in a panel state to show their interaction states together. In this case, use the checkbox control in the Properties tab labeled "Trigger mouse interaction styles". When the user interacts with any part of a dynamic panel (including the empty space between widgets, if there is any), the interaction styles for all widgets will be triggered. THE "SET PANEL STATE" ACTION Create a dynamic panel with multiple states and use the "Set Panel State" action to set the panel to a specific state (e.g. via a case on a button's OnClick event). In the Case Editor, select the action and choose from the list of panels on the page. Once you choose a panel, you can select the state you want to set it to. This is useful for tab controls and slideshow / carousel "back" and "forward" buttons. 100%-WIDE BACKGROUNDS A "100% wide" dynamic panel is used to make a color or image span the entire width of the browser. Set the background color or background image of a dynamic panel state. Then, select "100% Wide (browser only)" in the Properties tab. When you view the HTML output in the browser, the background color or image will extend the full width of the browser. If the browser window is resized, the width of the dynamic panel will be automatically adjusted. A dynamic panel is a container that holds other widgets in layers, or "states". A dynamic panel can have one state or many, with only one state visible at a time. The currently-visible state can be set dynamically, using the "Set Panel State" action. Each state has a visible area but can also include widgets that are outside the boundaries of the visible area. THE DYNAMIC PANEL STATE MANAGER Double-click a dynamic panel on the canvas or in the Outline to open the Dynamic Panel State Manager. Click the green "plus" icon to add a new state. You can also use the "duplicate" button to create a new state that is identical to another state in the dynamic panel. Use the blue arrow keys to reorder states by moving them up and down. The "Edit State" button opens a state for editing, as does double-clicking on a state's name. You can use the "Edit All States" button to open each state of the panel. The red "x" icon deletes the currently selected state. LINKS The quickest way to add a link to a dynamic panel is to select the widget and click "Create Link" in the Interactions tab. A list of pages in the project will appear. Click on the name of the target page to create the link and close the dialog. Learn more about creating interactions here. An interaction added to a dynamic panel will apply across all states of the panel. You can alternatively add interactions to widgets inside a panel state. PINNING TO THE BROWSER WINDOW The "Pin to Browser" option fixes a dynamic panel in place relative to the browser window, which means it won't move when the page is scrolled. In the Properties tab, click "Pin to Browser" to open the settings dialog. Click the checkbox "Pin to browser window" to enable the feature. Below, configure the horizontal and vertical positioning of the panel. The "Keep in front (browser only)" option will keep the panel in front of all other widgets on the page. INTERACTIONS ON DYNAMIC PANELS VS CONTAINED WIDGETS Dynamic panels have some of the same events as their contained widgets might have (e.g. OnClick), which can potentially lead to conflicts. If a dynamic panel and its contained widget have different cases set up on the same event, the widget's case will be evaluated instead of the panel's case. SPECIAL EVENTS AND ACTIONS Dynamic panels have some special capabilities that no other widgets have: they can be dragged, swiped, and scrolled; and a panel's active state (the one showing) can be changed dynamically. Events (e.g. OnSwipeRight, OnSwipeDown) and actions (e.g. "move with drag") unique to dynamic panels allow you to harness these behaviors..


TWO WAYS: CONVERTING WIDGETS INTO A MASTER If you're adding widgets to a diagram and you realize that this part of your wireframe would be better if it were reusable and centrally managed, you can select all the component widgets, right-click, and choose "Convert to Master". The widgets you selected will still be there in your diagram, but they'll now be the first instance of your newly-created master. CREATING IN THE MASTERS PANE If you know ahead of time that you'll need a master, locate the Masters pane at the lower left-hand side of Axure RP and click on the "Add Master" icon to add a new, blank master to your project (just like how you'd create a new page)

Creating Dynamic Panel Widgets

TWO WAYS: FROM THE LIBRARIES PANE There's an empty dynamic panel widget in the Default widget library. A dynamic panel dragged onto the canvas from the Libraries pane will start with just a single, empty state. BY CONVERTING WIDGETS Add one or more widgets to a page, select them, right-click, and choose "Convert to Dynamic Panel" to make a new, one-state dynamic panel that contains the selected widgets. The widgets contained inside the dynamic panel will have been moved, not copied—they will no longer be on the base page

Repeater Widgets

The "repeater" widget is an advanced widget type, used to display repeating patterns of text and images. Repeaters are containers, like dynamic panels, but instead of containing widgets in several states which are then switched between, repeaters contain one set of widgets—called the "item"—which is then iterated several times. Each iteration of the item is different, and the differences are controlled by data loaded into the repeater's "dataset". The big idea with repeaters is that, because they are data-driven, they can show "true" dynamic sorting and filtering. Reach for a repeater when you really need to demonstrate a dynamically sortable or filterable design (think of an Amazon search results page). But repeaters are more work to set up, so skip the repeater and use regular widgets if you don't need the sorting and filtering.


The Pages pane is used to add, delete, and organize pages in your project. There is no limit to the number of pages that can be added to an Axure RP projecT

Field Study

The aim is to address the limitations of formative evaluations. Too much control and simulated task does not give any insight about the use of the system in real world context Deploying a working implementation to real users, then going out to the users' real environment and observing how they use it

Why Heuristic Evaluation ?

The finest way to grade a product's user experience or usability is by user testing it, which although consumes more resource produce the best results. User feedbacks are pricey and interpreting them is also time-consuming and not all user centered products have such freedom to these resources. At such cases Heuristic Evaluation of your product helps in minimizing the usability problems with a much lower consumption of your limited resources.

Controlled Experiments

The goal is to test a quantifiable hypothesis about one or more interfaces. Happens under carefully controlled conditions using carefully designed tasks *Hypotheses can only be tested by quantitative measurements of usability, like time elapsed, total errors, or subjective ratings


The standard Axure RP widget libraries—Default, Icons, and Flow—come pre-installed with the tool. But you can also install more libraries and even author your own in RP just as you would create regular .rp files. Axure widget library files exist in your computer's file system as standalone files with the .rplib extension. You can download libraries created by Axure and by members of the Axure user community from our Widget Libraries page. Types of libraries available include social media widgets, Windows and Mac OS X elements, commonly-used design patterns, Android and iPhone device bodies and UI elements, icon sets, and more. You can also create your own libraries, by yourself or collaboratively, and then share them with colleagues or with the wider Axure community.

Roles in a User Study

Three roles: 1. User 2. Facilitator 3. Some observers


To add a master to a page or master, drag that master from the Masters pane and drop it onto the canvas. You can also bulk-add and -remove masters. Right-click a master in the Masters pane and click "Add To Pages". In this dialog, you will be able to add Masters to multiple pages at onc


To edit a master, double-click its name in the Masters pane. You can also double-click any instance of the master that has been placed on the canvas to open the source master for editing


When a widget is being dragged to move or resize and gets close to a second widget already on the canvas, the first widget will snap into certain positions relative to the second one: when touching the second widget's border, a certain margin away from the second widget's border (10 pixels by default), to align corresponding widget edges (e.g. the top edges of two widgets arranged side-by-side), or at common midpoints (to align the two widgets' mid-widths or mid-heights). As this snapping behavior is happening during the drag, snap guides will appear on the canvas to help indicate which features of the second widget the first widget is snapping to. Toggle this behavior via the top menu at "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Snap to Widgets", or via the Widget Snap Setting dialog, available at "Arrange > Grid and Guides > Widget Snap Settings...". The Widget Snap Settings dialog also gives you the option to change the widget snap margin (10px by default) and the snap guide color (blue by default


When working in a widget library, you'll notice that the Pages pane is now titled the "Widget Library Pages" pane. Each page in the Widget Library Pages pane corresponds to one custom widget. Create your widgets just the way you would create your diagrams in a regular project file, using any of the widgets in your Libraries pane. ORGANIZING WIDGETS INTO FOLDERS Widgets can be organized into folders. Folders in the Widget Library Pages pane will turn into section headings when your new library is loaded into the Libraries pane. Widget library sections in the Libraries pane can be expanded and collapsed. STYLES Library widgets can be assigned widget styles. To learn about widget styles, check out our Widget Styles training article. When widgets from your new library are added to diagrams in a regular .rp file, the styles will be imported into the .rp file automatically. INTERACTIONS You can build interactivity into the widgets in your library, allowing you to maintain reused interactive assets like buttons, switches, and flyouts in a widget library ICONS IN THE LIBRARIES PANE Every widget needs an icon to represent it in the Libraries pane. By default, each of your custom widgets uses a small thumbnail image of itself as its icon. If you prefer, you can upload an image to serve as a custom icon. To add a custom icon, open a widget for editing on the canvas and then switch to the Inspector's Properties tab. Click the radio control labeled "Custom icon". Click "Import" to add a new 28-by-28-pixel image. You can optionally add a second, 56-by-56-pixel icon for use with high-density computer displays. TOOLTIPS Widgets in the Libraries pane can have tooltips. Widgets with tooltips will gain a grey "?" icon when moused over in the Libraries pane. Clicking the "?" icon shows the tooltip. To add or edit tooltip text, use the "Tooltip" field in the Inspector's Properties tab. This section of text can also be a good place to put tips for users like details of interactions added to the widgets, or credit for images or fonts used in the widget. ADAPTIVE VIEWS Widgets in libraries can use adaptive views. If you haven't worked with adaptive views, learn how to use them in our Adaptive Views training article. You can create adaptive views in your widget library and customize widgets for each adaptive view. For best results, make sure the set of adaptive views you've configured in your widget library matches the set of AVs in the regular RP files you plan to work on with your new widget library


You can apply animations to certain actions in order to give them a visual effect as they occur in the web browser, such as hiding a widget with a fading animation or moving a widget with a bouncing animation. There are two parts to every animation: its effect and its timing. The animation's effect, which you select in the "Animate" dropdown, determines the visual effect of the animation. The animation's timing, which you enter in the "t" field, determines the time in milliseconds that it will take for the animation to be completed.


You can use interactions in masters. Interactions that you want working the same way on all pages can be built in the master. For example, a menu that expands hidden menu items on MouseOver and then opens another page on click can be built with the interactions in the master. Master interactions that you want working differently on different pages—a "next" button with each instance linking to a different page, for example—can be achived using Axure RP's "raised events" feature

Every experiment involving _________________ must be reviewed and approved by an ethics committee, usually called an institutional review board (IRB).

human subjects

Analyzing Feedback(Qualitative)

prioritize key insights from the feedback you received and integrate them into your prototype to make it better. Then, test it again. i. Worked Well ii. Improved iii. New Questions iv. New Ideas

During Formative Evaluation, ssers are given a list of (realistic but fake) tasks to perform....The results are _______________and________________.

qualitative observations, list of usability issues

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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